Fault Tolerance-Challenges Techniques and Implemen

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Fault Tolerance-Challenges, Techniques and Implementation in Cloud


Article · January 2012


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2 authors:

Anju Bala Inderveer Chana

Thapar University Thapar University


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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 1, No 1, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 288

Fault Tolerance- Challenges, Techniques and

Implementation in Cloud Computing
Anju Bala1, Inderveer Chana2

Computer Science and Engineering Department, Thapar University
Patiala-147004, Punjab, India

Computer Science and Engineering Department, Thapar University
Patiala-147004, Punjab, India

Abstract these techniques provide mechanisms to the software
Fault tolerance is a major concern to guarantee availability system to prevent system failure occurrence [18]. The
and reliability of critical services as well as application main benefits of implementing fault tolerance in
execution. In order to minimize failure impact on the cloud computing include failure recovery, lower cost,
system and application execution, failures should be improved performance metrics etc. This paper aims
anticipated and proactively handled. Fault tolerance
techniques are used to predict these failures and take an
to provide a better understanding of fault tolerance
appropriate action before failures actually occur. This paper challenges and identifies various tools and techniques
discusses the existing fault tolerance techniques in cloud used for fault tolerance. When multiple instances of
computing based on their policies, tools used and research an application are running on several virtual
challenges. Cloud virtualized system architecture has been machines and one of the server goes down, there is a
proposed. In the proposed system autonomic fault tolerance need to implement an autonomic fault tolerance
has been implemented. The experimental results technique that can handle these types of faults. To
demonstrate that the proposed system can deal with various address this issue, cloud virtualized system
software faults for server applications in a cloud virtualized architecture has been proposed and implemented
using HAProxy.The proposed architecture also has
Keywords: Cloud Computing; Virtual Machine; Fault been validated through experimental results.
Tolerance; Replication
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
1. Introduction 2 discusses fault tolerance techniques based on their
policies. Section 3 presents challenges of
Cloud computing is a style of computing where implementing fault tolerance in cloud computing
service is provided across the Internet using different .Section 4 identifies the comparison between various
models and layers of abstraction [4]. It refers to the tools used for implementing fault tolerance
applications delivered as services [5] to the mass, techniques with their comparison table. Section 5
ranging from the end-users hosting their personal presents proposed cloud virtualized architecture and
documents on the Internet to enterprises outsourcing implementation with experimental results. Section 6
their entire IT infrastructure to external data centers. finally concludes the paper.
A simple example of cloud computing service is 2. Background
Yahoo email or Gmail etc.
There are various faults which can occur in cloud
Although cloud computing has been widely adopted computing .Based on fault tolerance policies various
by the industry, still there are many research issues to fault tolerance techniques can be used that can either
be fully addressed like fault tolerance, workflow be task level or workflow level .
scheduling, workflow management, security etc.Fault
tolerance is one of the key issues amongst all. It is 2.1 Reactive fault tolerance
concerned with all the techniques necessary to enable Reactive fault tolerance policies reduce the effect of
a system to tolerate software faults remaining in the failures on application execution when the failure
system after its development. When a fault occurs, effectively occurs. There are various techniques

Copyright (c) 2012 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 1, No 1, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 289

which are based on these policies like  Proactive Fault Tolerance using Self-
Checkpoint/Restart, Replay and Retry and so on. Healing- When multiple instances of an
application are running on multiple virtual
 Check pointing/ Restart - When a task fails, it is machines, it automatically handles failure of
allowed to be restarted from the recently checked application instances.
pointed state rather than from the beginning. It is
an efficient task level fault tolerance technique  Proactive Fault Tolerance using Preemptive
for long running applications [2]. Migration- Preemptive Migration relies on a
feedback-loop control mechanism where
 Replication-Various task replicas are run on application is constantly monitored and
different resources, for the execution to succeed analyzed. 
till the entire replicated task is not crashed. It can
be implemented using tools like HAProxy, 3. Challenges of Implementing Fault
Hadoop and AmazonEc2 etc. Tolerance in Cloud Computing
 Job Migration-During failure of any task, it can Providing fault tolerance requires careful
be migrated to another machine. This technique consideration and analysis because of their
can be implemented by using HAProxy. complexity, inter-dependability and the
following reasons.
 SGuard- It is less disruptive to normal stream
processing and makes more resources available.  There is a need to implement autonomic fault
SGuard is based on rollback recovery [18] and tolerance technique for multiple instances of an
can be implemented in HADOOP, Amazon EC2. application running on several virtual machines
 Retry-It is the simplest task level technique that  Different technologies from competing vendors of
retries the failed task on the same cloud resource cloud infrastructure need to be integrated for
[20]. establishing a reliable system [15].
 Task Resubmission-It is the most widely used  The new approach needs to be developed that
fault tolerance technique in current scientific integrate these fault tolerance techniques with
workflow systems [25]. Whenever a failed task existing workflow scheduling algorithms [14].
is detected, it is resubmitted either to the same or
to a different resource at runtime.  A benchmark based method can be developed in
cloud environment for evaluating the
 User defined exception handling-In this user performances of fault tolerance component in
specifies the particular treatment of a task failure comparison with similar ones [21].
for workflows.
 To ensure high reliability and availability
 Rescue workflow-This technique [20] allows the multiple clouds computing providers with
workflow to continue even if the task fails until independent software stacks should be used [22]
it becomes impossible to move forward without [23].
catering the failed task.
 Autonomic fault tolerance must react to
2.2 Proactive Fault Tolerance synchronization among various clouds [15].
The principle of proactive fault tolerance policies 4. Tools Used For Implementing Fault
is to avoid recovery from faults, errors and Tolerance
failures by predicting them and proactively
replace the suspected components other working Fault tolerance challenges and techniques have been
components. Some of the techniques which are implemented using various tools. Table 1 compares
based on these policies are Preemptive these tools based on their programming framework,
migration, Software Rejuvenation etc. environment and application type along with
different fault tolerance techniques. HAProxy is used
 Software Rejuvenation-It is a technique that
for server failover in the cloud [13]. SHelp [12] is a
designs the system for periodic reboots. It
lightweight runtime system that can survive software
restarts the system with clean state [5].
failures in the framework of virtual machines. It may

Copyright (c) 2012 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 1, No 1, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 290

also work in cloud environment for implementing techniques in cloud enviorment.Amazon Elastic
check pointing. ASSURE [9] introduces rescue points Compute Cloud (EC2) [8] provides a virtual
for handling programmer anticipated failures. computing environment to run Linux-based
Hadoop [7] is used for data intensive applications but applications for fault tolerance.
can also be used to implement fault tolerance
Table 1: Tools Used To Implement Existing Fault Tolerance Techniques
Fault Tolerance Techniques Policies System Programming Environment Fault Detected Applicati
Framework on Type

Self Healing, Job Migration, Reactive/ HAProxy[13] Java Virtual Process/node Load
Replication Proactive Machine failures balancing
Check pointing Reactive SHelp[12] SQL,JAVA Virtual Application Fault
Machine Failure tolerance
Check pointing, Retry, Self Reactive/ Assure[9] JAVA Virtual Host, Network Fault
Healing Proactive Machine Failure tolerance
Job Reactive/ Hadoop[7] Java,HTML,CSS Cloud Application/no Data
Migration,Replication,Sguard,Resc Proactive Environment de failures intensive
Replication, Sguard,Task Reactive/ AmazonEC2[8] Amazon Machine Cloud Application/no Load
Resubmission Proactive Image, Amazon Environment de failures balancing
Map , fault

5. Proposed Cloud Virtualized System

Architecture And Implementation
cloud virtualized system architecture as shown in
5.1 Cloud Virtualized System Architecture Figure 1. The server virtualized system consists of
VMs (server 1 and server 2) on which an Ubuntu
A few techniques currently exist for autonomic fault 10.04 OS and database application are running.
tolerance in cloud enviorment.Shelp can survive the Server 2 is a backup sever in case of failure.
software faults for server applications running in HAProxy is configured on the third virtual machine
virtual machine environment [12].There is a need to to be used for fault tolerance. The availability of the
implement autonomic fault tolerance in cloud servers is continuously monitored by HAProxy
enviorment.If any one of the servers breaks down, statistics tool on a fault tolerant server. HAProxy is
system should automatically redirect user requests to running on web server to handle requests from web.
the backup server. So, the cloud virtualized system When one of the servers goes down unexpectedly,
architecture has been proposed and implemented connection will automatically be redirected to the
using HAProxy.The application availability and other server.
reliability can be maintained by using the proposed
Fault Tolerant 
Server 1 Server 2

Web Server Web Server
Application  Application 
DB(MySQL) DB(MySQL) Server


Virtual Machine  Server (VMware)

Cloud Virtualized  System

Figure 1: Cloud Virtualized System Architecture

5.2 Implementation and Experimental Results server failures in fault tolerant cloud environment. It
provides a web interface for statistics known as
Fault tolerant system has been implemented using HAProxy statistics. Implementation includes two
HAProxy and MySQL. HAProxy is used to handle virtual machines as web servers, server 1 and server 2

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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 1, No 1, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 291

hosting Apache Tomcat 6.0.32. HAProxy software to one or more MySQL database servers. Application
version is configured on third virtual can be accessed on any of the web server. Data
machine. A simple database application written in consistency is also maintained through MySQL
Java is installed on the web servers. Xampp for Linux replication. The experimental results show that
Windows XP (SP2) is used to install MySQL. Data in HAProxy can assist server applications to recover
MySQL is replicated using replication technique for from server failures in just a few milliseconds with
local backup. Replication enables data from one minimum performance overhead.
MySQL database server (the master) to be replicated

Case 1: Figure 2 shows the stats when both the servers are working and green line indicates that the servers are up.

Figure 2: HAProxy Statistics

Case 2: Figure 3 shows the stats when server 1 goes down and server 2 is still up. Red line in this figure indicates
that the server is down.

Figure3: Server 1 is down

Case 3: Figure 4 shows the stats when server 2 goes down and server 1 is still up.

Figure 4: Server 2 is down

Case 4: Replication enables data from one MySQL database server to be replicated to one or more MySQL database
servers (the slaves). Figure 5 shows the database table of server 1 using SQLyog and the connection established with
server 2 slave.

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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 1, No 1, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
www.IJCSI.org 292

Figure 5: Database entries of sever 1

Case 5: Figure 6 shows the replicated database table of server 2.When server 1 fails data is replicated to server 2.

Figure 6: Replicated Database entries of sever 2

6. Conclusion also proposed based on HAProxy. Autonomic fault

tolerance is implemented dealing with various
Fault tolerance is concerned with all the techniques software faults for server applications in a cloud
necessary to enable a system to tolerate software virtualized environment. When one of the servers
faults remaining in the system after its development. goes down unexpectedly, connection will
This paper discussed the fault tolerance techniques automatically be redirected to the other server. Data
covering its research challenges, tools used for replication technique is implemented on virtual
implementing fault tolerance techniques in cloud machine environment. The experimental results are
computing. Cloud virtualized system architecture is obtained, that validate the system fault tolerance.
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have been completed so far under her supervision and is
ISSN: 0302-9743 Print. doi:10.1007/b137919, ISBN: currently supervising 9 Doctoral candidates in the area of
978-3-540-26918-2,pp 630–639 Grid and Cloud Computing.

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