Spill Management Procedure
Spill Management Procedure
Spill Management Procedure
To ensure the safe management of a cytotoxic spill
Registered and enrolled nurses who have completed the Generic
Cytotoxic SLP
Associated Documents
• CDHB Manual, Volume 12 – Fluid and Medication Management
• Incident Form
• OSH Form
Cytotoxic Spill Kit
1. Isolate the area
• Contain the spill by covering it with an impermeable plastic backed
• Cordon off the area. If possible, close off the area by closing
windows and doors. Turn off any fans which may spread the
• Move patients away from the area of the spill.
4. Dispose of waste
• Remove protective clothing in the following order and place in the
clear bag
Shoe covers
Gown – ask another nurse to untie the gown at the back so as
not to contaminate your hair and neck.
Goggles - If the goggles have been contaminated, discard into
the bag, otherwise, wash wearing non-sterile gloves in warm
soapy water. Dry with paper towels; discard paper towels into
plastic cytotoxic bag. Place goggles back in the spill kit.
Outer gloves
• Unroll the edges of the clear bag and tie off.
• Unroll the edges of the purple bag, remove the second set of gloves
and place into the purple bag, seal the bag with a plastic tag.
• Remove purple bag to waste removal area.
• Wash hands with copious amounts of soapy water.
Policy Owner
Date of Authorisation