Reinsurance The Backbone of Crop Insurance
Reinsurance The Backbone of Crop Insurance
Reinsurance The Backbone of Crop Insurance
From above, it can be seen How Crop Reinsurance of Indian Regulator (IRDAI)
that reinsurance is playing works in India are also to be followed for
the most vital role under As per Operational Guidelines reinsurance Placements. The
PMFBY and without it the of PMFBY, the insurance Insurance Companies keep
insurance Companies would companies are fully about 20-25% net Retention
not have been able to responsible for claims and to and cede about 75% to 80%
underwrite this volume of make appropriate into Quota share
business. reinsurance arrangements. (Proportional) treaties and
The Regulations/Instructions also buy Stop Loss Treaty
28 Reinsurance
(Non-Proportional) for their the Crop reinsurance Border reinsures worldwide.
Net Retention. The Indian premium and the balance is GIC Re is also protecting their
Crop reinsurance is led by placed with Foreign crop Inward business through
GIC Re (National Reinsurer) reinsurers who have set up Stop Loss Retrocession with
who receive around 50% of branches in India and Cross international reinsurers.
Reinsurance 31
Turkey Turkey’s agricultural for transferring risk are
As per the “Agricultural insurance sector was devised. policed and it ensures
Insurance Act” passed in By law, all agricultural risks centralized payment system
2005, an Agricultural insured are to be transferred for loss indemnification.
Insurance System was to the pool (TARSIM) so as to Insurance companies can
established wherein the allow for a standardized optionally take a
Agricultural Insurance Pool agricultural insurance retrocessional share from it.
(TARSIM) with public- product across the country, Broad framework of
private partnerships in which means the conditions TARSIM is depicted as
Other than the traditional Alternative Risk Transfer certain risks the transactions
insurance and Reinsurance, (ART): aim to cover. ART solutions
there are alternative risks Alternative risk transfer, also are tailor-made risk financing
transfer techniques which are known as ART, enables solutions and a key response
being explored. The two companies to transfer risks to to some of the limitations of
solutions used are Alternative another party or to capital the traditional insurance
risk transfer and Catastrophe markets investors and thus market and can help in three
Bonds receive protection against significant ways:
32 Reinsurance
1) to self-finance risks which investors. These bonds are moral hazard issues( both
are not typically covered inherently risky, generally BB from Insured and Insurer
by a traditional insurance and usually have maturities side) in the data
policy, less than three years. If no recorded.
2) to transfer non- catastrophe occurred, the • Anti-Selection and Moral
traditional risks and insurance company would pay Hazards: As the business
finally a coupon to the investors. comes from riskier
3) to access alternative However, if a catastrophe did locations.
forms of capital which occur, then the principal • Data/Statistics: Insurers
introduces competition would be forgiven and the share the provisional
and helps drive insurance company would use business statistics with
competitive pricing this money to pay their claim- the Reinsurers from time
holders. Investors include to time. However, the
The main areas of alternative hedge funds, catastrophe-
risk transfer include risk actual business statistics
oriented funds, and asset reaches the Reinsurers
securitization through managers. They are often
catastrophe bonds, insurance- only after the claims are
structured as floating-rate finalized.
linked securities and bonds whose principal is lost
reinsurance sidecars, trading if specified trigger conditions • Cash Flow: The premium
of risk through industry loss are met. If triggered the subsidy share receipt is
warranties and weather principal is paid to the usually delayed by the
derivative contracts and sponsor. The triggers are governments which
transforming capital market linked to major natural further affect the release
risks into reinsurance catastrophes. Catastrophe of Reinsurance premium
through transformer vehicles. bonds are typically used by to the reinsurers. This
Other techniques sometimes insurers as an alternative to delay has an impact in the
considered part of alternative traditional catastrophe cash-flow of the
risk transfer include Captive reinsurance. Reinsures.
insurance companies, life Need of the Hour: Crop
insurance linked Major Challenges faced
by Crop Reinsurers in Insurance Pool in India
securitization, longevity risk • Individual companies
transfer and other alternative India
• Pricing: The premium have limited ability to
risk financing techniques. retain. Risk -Pooling
Catastrophe Bonds (Cat rates are to be charged on
actuarial calculations/ enables greater local
Bonds) retention. It enhances the
methodology. However
Catastrophe bonds (also fierce competition among underwriting capacity.
known as cat bonds) are risk- insurers result in • A Pool could avoid
linked securities that transfer premium rates that are inefficiencies in bidding
a specified set of risks from a not satisfactory to the Process in each State.
sponsor to investors. Cat Reinsurers in many cases. • Reduced cost of
bonds emerged from a need reinsurance due to risk
by insurance companies to • Claim Management: The
IRDAI Journal March 2019
Reinsurance 33
single entity Welfare (MoAFW), many of greater demand for
• Pooling will make the the challenges faced by the reinsurance capacity. It is
portfolio less volatile and Reinsurers mentioned above going to be win-win situation
more predictable. have been corrected. Now, for all the stakeholders. Crop
• It helps to create a PPP the Insurance companies are Insurance with Reinsurance
(Public Private also focusing more on both as backbone is a vehicle which
Partnership) model in Pricing and Claim is not only mitigating crop
Crop Insurance. Management at a larger scale. risks for farmers, but also
The premium under PMFBY helping in food security,
Conclusion protecting credit, alleviating
is growing as the Government
With the issuance of the poverty, enhancing farmer
intends/ targets to insure
revised Operational income, stabilizing
50% of the farmers in 2019-
Guidelines by the Ministry of Government fiscal volatility
20 as against 30% of present
Agriculture and Farmers’ etc.
level. There is going to be
1. Goodwin, Barry K. 2013. Agricultural Reinsurance Issues. North Carolina State
University October 7, 2013 AAEA Crop Insurance and The Farm Bill Symposium
Louisville, Kentucky.
2. Huang, Yutsai. 2013. Crop Insurance Program in Korea.
IRDAI Journal March 2019
34 Reinsurance