Operating Systems

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Operating Systems BO Study this screen display and answer these questions. How do you enter Unix commands? Which Unix commands doesit show? What isthe output ofeach command? What will happen when the last command s entered? Which ather Unix commands do you know? CEI EIB atch the labels to the four layers ofthis diagram with the help ofthe diagram caption. applications programs hardware operating system 4 CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM OF AN OPERATING SYSTEM abe a ‘ottanre tet lpr ‘Srpuyagomesr kaa ty ‘these programs Soptetons programs Conceptual diagram oan HERE st1cy his txt ite. wnat do you think it means? I Operating Systems: Hidden Software. Now read this text to check your answer and to find the answers to these questions: 1 What difference is there between applications software and ‘operating systems? 2 Why's the supervisor program the most important operating system program? 3 What i the difference between resident and non-resident programs? 4 What are the main functions of an operating system? "When a brand new computer operating system and loads into comes ofthe fctory assemly memory other operating sstom line, ean do hing The programs (aed non-resident) Iardware naede sofware to from dik storage ony 38 make ework Are we alkig needed. our splat: sferare 3th Ay opening system has ‘main functions (I) manage the computer resources sich as the ceral processing wnt, emery dk drives, and Primers, 2) establish a user Incerface and (3) execute apd provide Serias fr appiatons Sofware Keep in mind however, ‘that mich of he work af ‘perating syst is don from ‘the user In particu the irs listed function, managing he computer resources. taken ‘are of without the wr being asare ofthe deals. Furehermore, al input and ‘ipervr program, most of ourput operations, hough which remans in memory and s_ invoked by an appletons ‘this referedto as rendre The progrm.are scully eavied out supervisor controls the entire y the operating system, 38 UNITE operating systems Complete the gaps ths surary ofthe text on operating Systems using these linking words and phrases although in addition because suchas but therefore The users aware ofthe effects of different applications programs ‘operating systems are invisible to most users. They lie between applications programs, .—m.n wordprocessing, and the hardware. The supervisor program isthe most important. It remains In memory, nn-n~It Is referted to as resident. Others ae called non-resident they are loaded into memory only when needed. Operating systems manage the computers resources, rns the central prOCESSINg UM on» they establish a ser interface, and execute and provide services for applications software... input and output operations are invoked by applications programs, they are carried out by the operating system. ENGST UNIT Operating Systems 39 HERE ewrite cach or these sentences tke this ‘An important function ofthe operating system is to manage the computers resources. ‘Managing the computer's resources isan important function of the operating system. 41 One task of the supervisor program isto load into memory non- resident programs as required, 2 The role ofthe operating system is to communicate directly with the hardware. 3 One of the key functions of the operating system is to establish a user interface. 4 An additional role isto provide services for applications software, 5 Part ofthe work of mainframe operating systemsis to support multiple programs and users. 6 The task in most cases i to facilitate interaction between a single user and a PC. 7 One ofthe most important functions of a computer isto process large amounts of data quickly, 8 The main reason for installing more memory isto allow the computer to process data faster. Complete these sentences with the correct form othe vt: infinitive orig form. 1 Dor't switeh off without (close dow) your PC. | want to (upgrade) my computer. He can’t get used to (og on) with a password, You can find information on the Internet by (use) a search engine. 5 He objected to (pay) expensive telephone calls for Internet access. {6 He tied to (hack into) the system without (know) the password, 7 You needn't learn how to (program) in HTML before (design) webpages. 8 Ilook forward to (input) data by voice instead of (use) a keyboard 40. UNITS operating Syste Tyo find the commands fom the ists below which wi have these actions vs Unix hela write directory °° search lpr copy Is rename kai print date show users, rm show time man create/directory grep phone rho delete mv List all the iles ina directory Delete a file Rename a file Copya fe Send a fle toa obtain help Create a directory ‘Show date and time ‘Show users on system Talk to other users on system Seatch fora string ina file Workin pais, Aand B, Each of you has information about ‘some popular operating systems. Fin out fram the information you hhave and by asking each othe, the answers to these questions: ‘Student A Your information is on page 184, ‘Student 8 Your information is on page 190, 41 Which operating system is used on Apple Macintosh microcomputers? 2. What is Palm 05 designed for? UNIT6 operating systems 41 3 Name one system used on |8M mainframes. Which operating system is Linux related to? 5. Which operating systems are specifically designed for multimedia? 6 Which operating systems are produced by the Microsoft Corporation? 7 Which operating system is distributed as freeware? 8 Which network operating system is becoming less popular? 9 Which operating system is most sulted for use in the living room of afamily home? 10 Which operating systems are used by DEC VAX minicomputers? WRITIN EME This description of te Mac 0S X is drawn from the table below, Write a similar description of Linux, ‘Mac OSX isa Unichased operating stem designed for use on Apple ‘Mac compote. It includes memory-protecton, pre-emptive multitasking, and symmetric moliprocesing suppor. Graphic are provide by ‘raps engine known ss Quartz It has advanced: PDF standard support, ‘OpenGL and Quicktime integrate inta the OS. The operating seetm features are accessed through a graphical ser interface called Agua Unix-based Unis-based ‘computer Apple Mac wide variety features ‘memory-protection, || variety of pre-emptive multi- || distribution kits tasking, symmetric |, available multiprocessing support graphics engine || Quartz xFreees standard support || advanced-POF, OpenGL, Quicktime user interface type || GUL ‘command line, GUI ser interface Aqua KOE, Gnome source code not available freely available availability 42. UNITS operating Systems hi &=~— Find the answers to these questions in the follwing ext. 1 What dd Linus Torvalds use to write the Linux kernel? 2 How was the Linux kerel ist made ailable othe general pubic? 3 Whats programme ely fo do with sourcecode? ‘4. Why wll ost software companies nt se you their source code? 5 What typeof uilitis ad applications are provided ina Linux distribution? 6 Wat isx? 7 what graphical user interfaces are mentioned inthe tex? LINUX Lins has roots 8 tent pj. n 1992, an anderadste alle Lin Toads wa tung compat cece Hes Fad ite mast compute sence cone ‘ng component of ns ugh on an about Un Uni ws the wonder operating tem of the 1970s a 9H: oth textbook expe Of he pres of eating system design and suey ous be the tnd OS in steering ae sce computing But nis ‘soa commer produce hese by ATET 10 3 run of sen, ed ost mor than a Stent coal pax Ange ty th oro of Min a empct Uni one wit ‘Prtsor Any Tamenbum) Ui stot we sonnet — the cae ofan ‘operating sem that hands memory ator, thst rare devs, nd mses sore evening Lees runing. He wed he {GAU proramming tok develop by Richard Siam Fre Satrae Fondation “onpisation of inter: deat aling Stan’ seal oF making goo sotvae that anyone could we without paying, Wien He'd ‘ete 2 tase here Re eased the Sore ‘de othe ines eel the nee. Source cove important. thea om ick compe prams ae generate 00 don't hne te source cod to 4 Pog, you ‘ont ay 0 Te Bgs ora new Fest, at snare companies won't al you the Sou ceo ony J 0 fran ee slong ple, they bee ta gy teaching ad ty | ak tava it wi destroy ter everve What happened next wis astounding, from the -—camventonal, commercial softwar indy int of vie ~ an tery prsictable to ame wh bnew about the Fee Software Fount. Programmers fmaty academics | ae ster} bean using Uno. They fund | that dr doting they ated to do — so they Bed it And where they improve 1s they ent the improements 0 Lin, ho alld © them ino the Kee. Ad Linx ego to gow. | Ter tem for this mode of sftware development: its called Open Source ce wpe on! for more infra “e Arane can ave the source code ~ te in ‘ne sense of he pee, not fe bee. Anyone can conta ot you use it heavy 00 ny wat to extend oF devon fx bis it andi 0 eay to give your tes back to the community that mas people dos. | Av operating item heme on sown vt 3 Jot of se ut Linox wes prposeflly designed } ‘sa near-one of Uni and there lt of soferaeobt ther that fee and was designed | se tocompie om Lin By about 1992, the fst |" aston appeared | bsbaton he inser tem fora | compete operating ase i somes | trees ad appeations che | (do useful things ~ commar 1 F E te I © prorat et eit nd aphical wer interaces | Xvindowing tem. X 9 stand in | eatemie aS compatng bat rat hitherto common an Ps: a complex | ditrouted windowing system om which people plement graphical interfaces the KDE ae oer geen ‘Asie and more people got to know about Ui seme of them began to pot the Linas Jemel trun on norstndard computes. Bees ts fe, Linx now the most wey ted opting gem tee Taped rom Smouth Operator by Cates Sos, ‘Gampate Shopper magazine, Naverbe 998] UNIT operating Systems 43 ‘Re-ead the tet to find the answers to these questions. 41 Match the terms in Table withthe statements in Table B. Kernel Free Software Foundation Source code ‘open Source Adistibution x 1 Atype of sofware development where “any powrammer ean develop o Bsus inthe software 1 The final systems program fam which compied programs ae geneated {i complete operating sytem it with he ties ane appations you ned to mnake do ust things vA standard dstibuted windowing system ‘on hich onl implement graphical interoes ‘An rgansaton of volunteers dedicated to mating good sotwae that anyone | ‘could use without paying. 4 Tha coe oFan operating eaten tha antes memory alcatin tals 0 | harcaredevies and makes sure venting keeps nnn 2 Mark the following statements as True or False: Lux was created inthe 19805. ‘Minix was ceated by a university student. Linux is based on Unix. Minicis based on Unix. Linux runs on more types of computer than any other operating system,

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