Raft For 145 146 149 150

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Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Units : ton-meter Structure: PIPE BRIDGE 681-681-J4

Joint Nos. 145 , 146 , 149 & 150

Unit Weights
Concrete : 2.5
Soil : 2.3
fck (N/mm2) 25
fy (N/mm2) 415
Allowable S.B.C.
At bottom of fdn. 45.00
With Wind/Eq. 56.25
F.O.S against sliding 1.50
µ, for sliding 0.50
F.O.S (overturning) 1.50
Min. contact area 70.00 %
Bottom of fdn. below GL. 3.500

Footing Dimensions
Consider the following sketch

1.000 3.450 1.000

= = = =
0.750 0.750 1.000
1.100 C1 C2
= 145 X 146 X

Z Z 6.800
= = = =
0.750 0.750
1.100 C3 C4
= 149 X 150 X


JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Note: The "X" and "Z" are the axes in global direction at each column location and sign convension are as per the
right hand thumb rule only the vertical downward forces are considered as positive.
The cg of the column in Z direction is same as the cg of the foundation.
The cell in red colour are the corresponding node numbers.

Lx = 5.450
Lz = 8.800
D= 1.500
Effective Cover = 0.08
Effective Depth, d = 1.43
The point A, B, C & D are the four corners of the foundation.

Column Dimensions
In X-direction = 0.750
In Z-direction = 1.100

For the following calculations consider the corner "A" as origin. And the axes passing through are X' and Z' as shown. The
sign convension, the horizontal are positive along the axes where as the vertical downward is positive and clockwise moment
are positive.
Wt. Of footing = Wf = 179.85 acting at the centroid of the foundation plan area.
Wt. Of soil = Ws = 0.00 (Assume fraction of soil to be considered is 0.000 )
D. L. = 179.85

Load Data: At Node: 145 Column C1

Load Cases without wind or seismic load

Load Case P Fx Fz Mx Mz
100 23.08 -3.59 -0.28 -1.18 14.59
101 12.79 -1.25 -0.27 -1.17 5.11
102 33.36 -5.93 -0.28 -1.20 24.07
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Load Cases with wind or seismic load

Load Case P Fx Fz Mx Mz
103 21.78 -2.17 -0.59 -2.93 8.84
104 1.00 2.26 0.06 0.93 -9.36
105 45.25 -9.42 -0.60 -3.03 38.44
106 24.47 -4.99 0.04 0.83 20.23
107 22.90 -5.61 3.41 13.60 22.91
108 2.12 -1.18 4.06 17.46 4.71
109 44.14 -5.98 -4.54 -19.31 24.38
110 23.36 -1.55 -3.90 -15.45 6.18
111 27.65 -3.98 -0.59 -2.96 16.24
112 6.87 0.45 0.06 0.91 -1.96
113 39.38 -7.61 -0.60 -3.01 31.04
114 18.60 -3.18 0.05 0.86 12.83
115 28.21 -5.70 1.41 5.31 23.28
116 7.42 -1.27 2.06 9.17 5.07
117 38.83 -5.89 -2.57 -11.15 24.01
118 18.05 -1.46 -1.92 -7.28 5.81
119 13.02 -3.40 2.99 12.31 13.83
120 33.13 -3.78 -3.54 -14.68 15.35
121 5.07 0.67 -0.27 -1.15 -2.62
122 41.09 -7.84 -0.29 -1.22 31.81
123 4.94 -1.56 3.05 12.61 6.33
124 25.05 -1.94 -3.48 -14.38 7.85
125 -3.02 2.51 -0.21 -0.85 -10.12
126 33.01 -6.00 -0.23 -0.92 24.31
127 13.70 -0.33 -0.53 -2.64 1.35
128 -7.08 4.11 0.12 1.23 -16.86
129 37.17 -7.58 -0.55 -2.73 30.94
130 16.38 -3.15 0.10 1.13 12.74
131 14.82 -3.77 3.47 13.90 15.41
132 -5.96 0.66 4.12 17.76 -2.79
133 36.06 -4.14 -4.48 -19.01 16.88
134 15.28 0.30 -3.84 -15.15 -1.32

Load Data: At Node: 146 Column C2

Load Cases without wind or seismic load

Load Case P Fx Fz Mx Mz
100 55.86 -3.23 -0.33 -1.37 13.26
101 65.05 -0.90 -0.34 -1.39 3.79
102 46.67 -5.57 -0.33 -1.36 22.73
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Load Cases with wind or seismic load

Load Case P Fx Fz Mx Mz
103 56.11 -1.63 -0.64 -3.16 6.54
104 77.32 2.41 -0.02 0.60 -9.62
105 34.43 -8.87 -0.62 -3.07 36.12
106 55.65 -4.84 -0.01 0.69 19.96
107 35.15 -5.11 3.74 14.95 20.77
108 56.37 -1.08 4.36 18.70 4.61
109 55.37 -5.39 -4.95 -20.92 21.90
110 76.59 -1.35 -4.33 -17.16 5.74
111 50.69 -3.44 -0.64 -3.14 13.93
112 71.90 0.60 -0.02 0.62 -2.22
113 39.85 -7.06 -0.63 -3.09 28.72
114 61.07 -3.03 -0.01 0.67 12.57
115 40.21 -5.18 1.55 5.92 21.05
116 61.43 -1.15 2.17 9.68 4.89
117 50.32 -5.32 -2.79 -12.02 21.61
118 71.54 -1.28 -2.17 -8.26 5.46
119 46.61 -3.09 3.31 13.66 12.68
120 65.11 -3.37 -3.98 -16.40 13.85
121 71.93 1.02 -0.34 -1.40 -3.93
122 39.79 -7.48 -0.32 -1.35 30.46
123 21.48 -1.38 3.40 14.05 5.68
124 39.97 -1.67 -3.89 -16.01 6.84
125 46.80 2.72 -0.25 -1.01 -10.93
126 14.66 -5.77 -0.24 -0.95 23.45
127 30.97 0.08 -0.56 -2.77 -0.47
128 52.19 4.12 0.06 0.99 -16.62
129 9.30 -7.17 -0.54 -2.68 29.11
130 30.52 -3.13 0.08 1.08 12.96
131 10.02 -3.41 3.83 15.34 13.76
132 31.24 0.63 4.45 19.09 -2.39
133 30.24 -3.68 -4.86 -20.53 14.89
134 51.45 0.36 -4.24 -16.77 -1.26

Load Data: At Node: 7 Column C3

Load Cases without wind or seismic load

Load Case P Fx Fz Mx Mz
100 23.08 -3.59 0.28 1.18 14.59
101 12.79 -1.25 0.27 1.17 5.11
102 33.36 -5.93 0.28 1.20 24.07

JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Load Cases with wind or seismic load

Load Case P Fx Fz Mx Mz
103 21.72 -2.17 0.58 3.15 8.84
104 0.94 2.26 -0.06 -0.71 -9.36
105 45.19 -9.42 0.60 3.25 38.43
106 24.40 -4.99 -0.04 -0.62 20.23
107 44.08 -5.98 4.54 19.52 24.38
108 23.30 -1.55 3.90 15.66 6.17
109 22.84 -5.61 -3.42 -13.38 22.91
110 2.06 -1.18 -4.06 -17.25 4.70
111 27.59 -3.98 0.59 3.17 16.24
112 6.80 0.45 -0.06 -0.69 -1.97
113 39.32 -7.61 0.60 3.22 31.03
114 18.54 -3.18 -0.05 -0.64 12.83
115 38.77 -5.89 2.57 11.36 24.01
116 17.98 -1.45 1.92 7.50 5.80
117 28.14 -5.70 -1.41 -5.09 23.27
118 7.36 -1.27 -2.06 -8.96 5.07
119 33.13 -3.78 3.54 14.68 15.35
120 13.02 -3.40 -2.99 -12.31 13.83
121 5.07 0.67 0.27 1.15 -2.62
122 41.09 -7.84 0.29 1.22 31.81
123 25.05 -1.94 3.48 14.38 7.85
124 4.94 -1.56 -3.05 -12.61 6.33
125 -3.02 2.51 0.21 0.85 -10.12
126 33.01 -6.00 0.23 0.92 24.31
127 13.64 -0.33 0.52 2.85 1.34
128 -7.15 4.11 -0.12 -1.01 -16.86
129 37.10 -7.58 0.54 2.95 30.94
130 16.32 -3.15 -0.10 -0.91 12.73
131 36.00 -4.14 4.48 19.23 16.88
132 15.22 0.30 3.84 15.37 -1.32
133 14.76 -3.77 -3.47 -13.68 15.41
134 -6.03 0.66 -4.12 -17.54 -2.79

Load Data: At Node: 150 Column C4

Load Cases without wind or seismic load

Load Case P Fx Fz Mx Mz
100 55.86 -3.23 0.33 1.37 13.26
101 65.05 -0.90 0.34 1.39 3.79
102 46.67 -5.57 0.33 1.36 22.73

JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Load Cases with wind or seismic load

Load Case P Fx Fz Mx Mz
103 56.04 -1.63 0.65 3.39 6.54
104 77.26 2.41 0.03 -0.37 -9.62
105 34.37 -8.87 0.63 3.30 36.12
106 55.58 -4.84 0.01 -0.46 19.96
107 55.31 -5.39 4.95 21.15 21.90
108 76.52 -1.35 4.33 17.39 5.74
109 35.09 -5.11 -3.74 -14.72 20.77
110 56.31 -1.08 -4.36 -18.48 4.61
111 50.62 -3.44 0.64 3.36 13.93
112 71.84 0.60 0.02 -0.40 -2.22
113 39.79 -7.06 0.63 3.32 28.72
114 61.00 -3.03 0.01 -0.44 12.57
115 50.26 -5.32 2.79 12.24 21.61
116 71.47 -1.28 2.18 8.49 5.46
117 40.15 -5.18 -1.55 -5.69 21.05
118 61.37 -1.15 -2.17 -9.45 4.89
119 65.11 -3.37 3.98 16.40 13.85
120 46.61 -3.09 -3.31 -13.66 12.68
121 71.93 1.02 0.34 1.40 -3.93
122 39.79 -7.48 0.32 1.35 30.46
123 39.97 -1.67 3.89 16.01 6.84
124 21.48 -1.38 -3.40 -14.05 5.68
125 46.80 2.72 0.25 1.01 -10.93
126 14.66 -5.77 0.24 0.95 23.45
127 30.91 0.08 0.56 2.99 -0.47
128 52.13 4.12 -0.06 -0.76 -16.62
129 9.24 -7.17 0.54 2.91 29.11
130 30.45 -3.13 -0.08 -0.85 12.96
131 30.17 -3.68 4.87 20.76 14.89
132 51.39 0.36 4.25 17.00 -1.26
133 9.96 -3.41 -3.82 -15.11 13.76
134 31.18 0.63 -4.44 -18.87 -2.39
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


In the above load data the sign convension are as per STAAD but in case P it is positive in downward direction.

The point of action of the column loads, selfweight of foundation & soil weight are given below.
Here the coordinates are w.r.t. X' and Z' axes.
Item Cordinate
X' Z'
Column C1 1.000 7.800
Column C2 4.450 7.800
Column C3 1.000 1.000
Column C4 4.450 1.000
Foundation ,Wf 2.725 4.400
Soil, Ws 2.725 4.400

Properties of Footing Area

Cross Sectional Area = A = 47.96

Sectional Modulus about X-X axis = Zx = 70.34

Sectional Modulus about Z-Z axis = Zz = 43.56

Consider the following table for calculation of gross resultant forces and eccentricity
Load Cases without wind or seismic load
Load Case Resultant Forces Position Eccenticity Location
P Mx' Mz' X' Z' ex ez Quadrant
100 337.7 1485.97 977.67 2.895 4.400 0.170 0.000 IV
101 335.5 1476.31 1076.78 3.209 4.400 0.484 0.000 IV
102 339.9 1495.63 878.58 2.585 4.400 0.140 0.000 IV

Load Cases with wind or seismic load

Load Case Resultant Forces Position Eccenticity Location
P Mx Mz X' Z' ex ez Quadrant
103 335.5 1476.16 1001.88 2.986 4.400 0.261 0.000 IV
104 336.4 1479.99 1217.87 3.621 4.400 0.896 0.000 IV
105 339.1 1491.94 737.57 2.175 4.400 0.550 0.000 III
106 340.0 1495.77 953.56 2.805 4.400 0.080 0.000 IV
107 337.3 1274.32 869.66 2.578 3.778 0.147 0.622 III
108 338.2 1278.14 1085.64 3.210 3.780 0.485 0.620 IV
109 337.3 1693.78 869.66 2.578 5.022 0.147 0.622 II
110 338.2 1697.6 1085.65 3.210 5.020 0.485 0.620 I
111 336.4 1480.1 935.8 2.782 4.400 0.057 0.000 IV
112 337.3 1483.93 1151.79 3.415 4.400 0.690 0.000 IV
113 338.2 1488 803.65 2.376 4.400 0.349 0.000 III
114 339.1 1491.82 1019.63 3.007 4.400 0.282 0.000 IV
115 337.3 1379.19 869.7 2.579 4.089 0.146 0.311 III
116 338.2 1383 1085.67 3.211 4.090 0.486 0.310 IV

JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Load Case Resultant Forces Position Eccenticity Location

P Mx' Mz' X' Z' ex ez Quadrant
117 337.3 1588.91 869.7 2.579 4.711 0.146 0.311 II
118 338.2 1592.74 1085.68 3.211 4.710 0.486 0.310 I
119 337.7 1297.69 977.67 2.895 3.842 0.170 0.558 IV
120 337.7 1674.25 977.67 2.895 4.958 0.170 0.558 I
121 333.8 1468.89 1153.49 3.455 4.400 0.730 0.000 IV
122 341.6 1503.05 801.86 2.347 4.400 0.378 0.000 IV
123 271.3 1005.42 766.85 2.827 3.706 0.102 0.694 IV
124 271.3 1381.98 766.85 2.827 5.094 0.102 0.694 I
125 267.4 1176.61 942.65 3.525 4.400 0.800 0.000 IV
126 275.2 1210.78 591.04 2.148 4.400 0.577 0.000 IV
127 269.1 1183.9 791.06 2.940 4.400 0.215 0.000 IV
128 269.9 1187.72 1007.04 3.731 4.400 1.006 0.000 IV
129 272.7 1199.67 526.75 1.932 4.400 0.793 0.000 III
130 273.5 1203.48 742.72 2.715 4.400 0.010 0.000 III
131 270.9 982.05 658.83 2.432 3.626 0.293 0.774 III
132 271.7 985.88 874.81 3.219 3.628 0.494 0.772 IV
133 270.9 1401.5 658.83 2.432 5.174 0.293 0.774 II
134 271.7 1405.33 874.81 3.219 5.172 0.494 0.772 I

Consider the following figure and table for calculation of gross pressure.
L of the footing


X X CL of the footing



Gross allowable bearing pressure = 53.05 for normal case

= 64.3 for wind/seismic case

JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Consider the following table for calculation of gross resultant stresses

Load Cases without wind or seismic load
Load Case Resultant Forces Resultant Stresses Comments

100 337.7 0.00 57.39 5.72 8.36 5.72 8.36 OK
101 335.5 0.00 162.47 3.27 10.73 3.27 10.73 OK
102 339.9 0.00 47.70 5.99 8.18 5.99 8.18 OK

Load Cases with wind or seismic load

Load Case Resultant Forces Resultant Stresses Comments

103 335.5 0.02 87.66 4.98 9.01 4.98 9.01 OK
104 336.4 0.02 301.27 0.10 13.93 0.10 13.93 OK
105 339.1 0.02 186.42 11.35 2.79 11.35 2.79 OK
106 340.0 0.02 27.19 6.46 7.71 6.46 7.71 OK
107 337.3 209.74 49.45 11.15 8.88 5.19 2.92 OK
108 338.2 209.75 164.16 6.26 13.80 0.30 7.84 OK
109 337.3 209.71 49.45 5.19 2.92 11.15 8.88 OK
110 338.2 209.71 164.17 0.30 7.84 6.26 13.80 OK
111 336.4 0.02 19.14 6.57 7.45 6.57 7.45 OK
112 337.3 0.02 232.75 1.69 12.38 1.69 12.37 OK
113 338.2 0.02 117.90 9.76 4.35 9.76 4.34 OK
114 339.1 0.02 95.71 4.87 9.27 4.87 9.27 OK
115 337.3 104.88 49.41 9.66 7.39 6.68 4.41 OK
116 338.2 104.89 164.20 4.77 12.31 1.79 9.33 OK
117 337.3 104.85 49.41 6.68 4.41 9.66 7.39 OK
118 338.2 104.85 164.20 1.79 9.33 4.77 12.31 OK
119 337.7 188.28 57.39 8.40 11.04 3.05 5.68 OK
120 337.7 188.28 57.39 3.05 5.68 8.40 11.04 OK
121 333.8 0.00 243.78 1.36 12.56 1.36 12.56 OK
122 341.6 0.00 129.01 4.16 10.08 4.16 10.08 OK
123 271.3 188.28 27.57 7.70 8.97 2.35 3.61 OK
124 271.3 188.28 27.57 2.35 3.61 7.70 8.97 OK
125 267.4 0.00 213.96 0.66 10.49 0.66 10.49 OK
126 275.2 0.00 158.82 2.09 9.38 2.09 9.38 OK
127 269.1 0.02 57.84 4.28 6.94 4.28 6.94 OK
128 269.9 0.02 271.45 -0.60 11.86 -0.60 11.86 Dist. Pr.
129 272.7 0.02 216.24 10.65 0.72 10.65 0.72 OK
130 273.5 0.02 2.63 5.76 5.64 5.76 5.64 OK
131 270.9 209.74 79.27 10.45 6.81 4.49 0.85 OK
132 271.7 209.74 134.35 5.56 11.73 -0.40 5.77 Dist. Pr.
133 270.9 209.71 79.27 4.49 0.85 10.45 6.81 OK
134 271.7 209.71 134.35 -0.40 5.77 5.56 11.73 Dist. Pr.

JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

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Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Maximum developed bearing force in load cases without wind or seismic = 10.73 t/m2
Maximum developed bearing force in load cases with wind or seismic = 13.93 t/m2
Minimum developed bearing force in load cases without wind or seismic = 3.27 t/m2
Minimum developed bearing force in load cases with wind or seismic = -0.60 t/m2

As the negetive pressure developed, there is requirement of redistribution of pressure, shown in next sheet
Here Dist. Pr. Means Distribute the Negetive pressure
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR

Distribution of Negetive Pressure

Footing dimension parallel to X-axis = a = 5.450 m

Footing dimension parallel to Z-axis = b = 8.800 m

Load Case Eccenticity (m) Ratio Co-eff. I Max. Comme

Press. nts
ex ez ex/a ez/b (t/m2)

100 0.170 0.000 0.031 0.000 1.24 8.73 OK

101 0.484 0.000 0.09 0.00 1.6 11.19 OK
102 0.140 0.000 0.03 0.00 1.24 8.79 OK
103 0.261 0.000 0.05 0.00 1.36 9.51 OK
104 0.896 0.000 0.16 0.00 2.06 14.45 OK
105 0.550 0.000 0.10 0.00 1.72 12.16 OK
106 0.080 0.000 0.01 0.00 1.12 7.94 OK
107 0.147 0.622 0.03 0.07 1.6 11.25 OK
108 0.485 0.620 0.09 0.07 1.96 13.82 OK
109 0.147 0.622 0.03 0.07 1.6 11.25 OK
110 0.485 0.620 0.09 0.07 1.96 13.82 OK
111 0.057 0.000 0.01 0.00 1.12 7.86 OK
112 0.690 0.000 0.13 0.00 1.84 12.94 OK
113 0.349 0.000 0.06 0.00 1.48 10.44 OK
114 0.282 0.000 0.05 0.00 1.36 9.61 OK
115 0.146 0.311 0.03 0.04 1.36 9.56 OK
116 0.486 0.310 0.09 0.04 1.72 12.13 OK
117 0.146 0.311 0.03 0.04 1.36 9.56 OK
118 0.486 0.310 0.09 0.04 1.72 12.13 OK
119 0.170 0.558 0.03 0.06 1.6 11.27 OK
120 0.170 0.558 0.03 0.06 1.6 11.27 OK
121 0.730 0.000 0.13 0.00 1.84 12.81 OK
122 0.378 0.000 0.07 0.00 1.48 10.54 OK
123 0.102 0.694 0.02 0.08 1.48 8.37 OK
124 0.102 0.694 0.02 0.08 1.48 8.37 OK
125 0.800 0.000 0.15 0.00 1.96 10.93 OK
126 0.577 0.000 0.11 0.00 1.72 9.87 OK
127 0.215 0.000 0.04 0.00 1.24 6.96 OK
128 1.006 0.000 0.18 0.00 2.21 12.44 OK
129 0.793 0.000 0.15 0.00 1.96 11.14 OK
130 0.010 0.000 0.00 0.00 1.12 6.39 OK
131 0.293 0.774 0.05 0.09 1.84 10.39 OK
132 0.494 0.772 0.09 0.09 2.08 11.78 OK
133 0.293 0.774 0.05 0.09 1.84 10.39 OK
134 0.494 0.772 0.09 0.09 2.08 11.78 OK
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

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Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Load Case Values (m) Remarks Values (m) % of contact Remarks

Cx Cz 4Cx>a 4Cz>b z x

100 2.555 4.400 Y Y 0.585 0.340 99.79 OK

101 2.241 4.400 Y Y 1.902 0.968 98.08 OK
102 2.585 4.400 Y Y 0.478 0.281 99.86 OK
103 2.464 4.400 Y Y 0.933 0.523 99.49 OK
104 1.829 4.400 Y Y 4.309 1.791 91.95 OK
105 2.175 4.400 Y Y 2.224 1.100 97.45 OK
106 2.645 4.400 Y Y 0.266 0.160 99.96 OK
107 2.578 3.778 Y Y 1.673 1.142 98.01 OK
108 2.240 3.780 Y Y 2.879 1.706 94.88 OK
109 2.578 3.778 Y Y 1.673 1.142 98.01 OK
110 2.240 3.780 Y Y 2.879 1.706 94.88 OK
111 2.668 4.400 Y Y 0.188 0.114 99.98 OK
112 2.035 4.400 Y Y 2.985 1.380 95.71 OK
113 2.376 4.400 Y Y 1.291 0.697 99.06 OK
114 2.443 4.400 Y Y 1.017 0.565 99.40 OK
115 2.579 4.089 Y Y 1.087 0.685 99.22 OK
116 2.239 4.090 Y Y 2.394 1.311 96.73 OK
117 2.579 4.089 Y Y 1.086 0.685 99.22 OK
118 2.239 4.090 Y Y 2.394 1.311 96.73 OK
119 2.555 3.842 Y Y 1.626 1.081 98.17 OK
120 2.555 3.842 Y Y 1.626 1.081 98.17 OK
121 1.995 4.400 Y Y 3.221 1.460 95.10 OK
122 2.347 4.400 Y Y 1.416 0.755 98.89 OK
123 2.623 3.706 Y Y 1.675 1.186 97.93 OK
124 2.623 3.706 Y Y 1.675 1.186 97.93 OK
125 1.925 4.400 Y Y 3.658 1.600 93.90 OK
126 2.148 4.400 Y Y 2.365 1.154 97.15 OK
127 2.510 4.400 Y Y 0.754 0.430 99.66 OK
128 1.719 4.400 Y Y 5.147 2.011 89.21 OK
129 1.932 4.400 Y Y 3.613 1.586 94.03 OK
130 2.715 4.400 Y Y 0.031 0.019 100.00 OK
131 2.432 3.626 Y Y 2.421 1.624 95.90 OK
132 2.231 3.628 Y Y 3.152 1.938 93.63 OK
133 2.432 3.626 Y Y 2.421 1.624 118.65 OK
134 2.231 3.628 Y Y 3.152 1.938 114.55 OK
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Check For Stability:

a) Sliding Check

Load Case Sliding Force (t) Stabilizing Force F. O. S Remarks


100 13.64 168.86 12.38 OK

101 4.30 167.76 39 OK
102 22.98 169.96 7.40 OK

103 7.594 167.75 22.09 OK

104 9.345 168.18 18.00 OK

105 36.587 169.54 4.63 OK

106 19.648 169.98 8.65 OK

107 27.664 168.64 6.10 OK

108 17.426 169.08 9.70 OK

109 27.661 168.64 6.10 OK

110 17.423 169.08 9.70 OK

111 14.841 168.20 11.33 OK

112 2.097 168.63 80.42 OK

113 29.339 169.09 5.76 OK

114 12.401 169.53 13.67 OK

115 23.608 168.64 7.14 OK

116 9.790 169.08 17.27 OK

117 23.607 168.64 7.14 OK

118 9.788 169.08 17.27 OK

119 19.418 168.86 8.70 OK

120 19.418 168.86 8.70 OK

121 3.366 166.92 49.59 OK

122 30.644 170.80 5.57 OK

123 15.290 135.65 8.87 OK

124 15.290 135.65 8.87 OK

125 10.468 133.71 12.77 OK

126 23.544 137.59 5.84 OK

127 0.493 134.54 272.89 OK

128 16.445 134.97 8.21 OK

129 29.485 136.33 4.62 OK

130 12.547 136.76 10.90 OK

131 22.404 135.43 6.04 OK

132 16.758 135.87 8.11 OK

133 22.400 135.43 6.05 OK

134 16.756 135.87 8.11 OK

JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


b) Overturning Check

Load Moments About Face AB Moments About Face AC Remark

Case s
Overtuning Stabillising F. O. S Overtuning Stabilising F. O. S
100 5.1 1485.97 291 55.71 1033.38 18.55 OK
101 5.1 1476.31 289 17.80 1094.58 61.48 OK
102 5.1 1495.63 292 93.61 972.19 10.39 OK
103 12.62 1476.60 117 30.76 1032.64 33.57 OK
104 2.62 1480.43 566 37.96 1179.91 31.09 OK
105 12.64 1492.38 118 149.10 886.67 5.95 OK
106 2.60 1496.21 575 80.38 1033.94 12.86 OK
107 69.22 1343.54 19 89.95 959.61 10.67 OK
108 69.21 1347.36 19 21.24 1106.88 52.12 OK
109 68.33 1625.45 24 89.95 959.61 10.67 OK
110 68.33 1629.27 24 21.23 1106.88 52.13 OK
111 12.63 1480.55 117 60.34 996.15 16.51 OK
112 2.61 1484.37 568 8.37 1143.42 136.59 OK
113 12.64 1488.44 118 119.51 923.17 7.72 OK
114 2.61 1492.26 573 50.80 1070.43 21.07 OK
115 34.83 1414.01 41 89.94 959.64 10.67 OK
116 34.83 1417.83 41 21.23 1106.90 52.15 OK
117 33.94 1554.97 46 89.94 959.64 10.67 OK
118 33.94 1558.80 46 21.22 1106.90 52.15 OK
119 57.04 1354.73 24 55.71 1033.38 18.55 OK
120 57.04 1617.21 28 55.71 1033.38 18.55 OK
121 5.10 1468.89 288 13.10 1140.38 87.03 OK
122 5.13 1503.05 293 124.52 926.38 7.44 OK
123 57.04 1062.46 19 26.71 793.55 29.72 OK
124 57.04 1324.94 23 26.71 793.55 29.72 OK
125 3.73 1176.61 315 42.11 900.55 21.39 OK
126 3.75 1210.78 323 95.52 686.55 7.2 OK
127 11.25 1184.34 105 3.62 792.82 218.83 OK
128 3.99 1188.17 298 66.96 940.08 14.04 OK
129 11.26 1200.11 107 120.09 646.84 5.39 OK
130 3.98 1203.93 303 51.38 794.10 15.46 OK
131 69.22 1051.26 15 60.95 719.78 11.81 OK
132 69.21 1055.09 15 7.77 867.05 111.62 OK
133 68.33 1333.17 20 60.95 719.78 11.81 OK
134 68.33 1337.00 20 7.77 867.05 111.62 OK
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Here the unfactored load intensity is taken from the base pressure developed. Later that is converted into factored
gross base pressure. Finally factored net bearing pressure is calculated and that is applied in design. All the following
steps are described as below.

From the above table,

We will design the footing for the maximum stress which will be equal to 15.27 t/m2
and for the minium stress which will be equal to -6.53 t/m2

Design of Footing:
The footing will be designed for the stress of 15.27 t/m2
Consider the unit meter width of footing. To calculate the designed bending moment and shear force that the
footing will be subjected to, consider the following sketch.
Now the footing will be subjected to a upward force 15.27 t/m
And also the footing will be subjected to a downward force 6.53 t/m

Here we consider the support location at each column location and are pinned.
Then apply the load as calculated above. Finaly the bending moment and shear force diagram are shown and will
be used for designed bending moment and shear force.
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR

Footing in the direction parallel to X axis
w= 15.27 w= 6.53

Column C1 Column C2 Column C1 Column C2

1.000 3.450 1.000 1.000 3.450 1.000

(From STAAD) (From STAAD) (From STAAD) (From STAAD)

(For upward force) (For downward force)
SUPPORT REACTION (All dimensions are in m. and forces in t.)

7.64 7.64 3.27 3.27

7.64 7.64 3.27 3.27

15.1 6.46

(For upward force) (For downward force)

BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM (All forces are in t-m.)

Thus maximum designed bending moments per meter width of the raft are as follows
Mu = 7.64 t-m at bottom of footing in longitudinal direction
= 15.10 t-m at top of footing in longitudinal direction

Footing in the direction parallel to Z axis

w= 15.27 w= 6.53

Column C1 Column C2 Column C1 Column C2

1.000 6.800 1.000 1.000 6.800 1.000

(From STAAD) (From STAAD) (From STAAD) (From STAAD)

(For upward force) (For downward force)
SUPPORT REACTION (All dimensions are in m. and forces in t.)

7.64 7.64 3.27 3.27

7.64 7.64 3.27 3.27

80.6 34.47

(For upward force) (For downward force)

BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM (All forces are in t-m.)
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


The footing will behave as cantilever in transverse direction

Thus maximum designed bending moments per meter width of the raft are as follows
Mu = 7.64 t-m at bottom of footing in transverse direction
= 80.60 t-m at top of footing in transverse direction

Calculation of Reinforcement:
Bottom Reinforcement in X-direction Bottom Reinforcement in Z-direction
Designed moment = Mu = 7.64 t-m Designed moment = Mu = 7.64 t-m
Effective depth required = d = 149 mm Effective depth required = d = 149 mm
Effective depth provided = d = 1425 mm Effective depth provided = d = 1425 mm
As we consider the unit width, Mu/bd2 = 0.04 As we consider the unit width, Mu/bd2 = 0.04
Thus the percentage of steel , pt = 0.01 Thus the percentage of steel , pt = 0.01
Thus Ast required = 149 mm2/m width Thus Ast required = 149 mm2/m width
Ast minimum = 1800 mm2/m width Ast minimum = 1800 mm2/m width
Hence Ast to be provided = 1800 mm2/m Hence Ast to be provided = 1800 mm2/m
Bar size = 20 mm Bar size = 20 mm
Spacing required = 174.53 mm Spacing required = 174.53 mm
Provide spacing = 150 mm Provide spacing = 150 mm
Thus Ast provided = 2094.4 mm /m width
Thus Ast provided = 2094.4 mm2/m width
pt = 0.15 pt = 0.15
Top Reinforcement in X-direction Top Reinforcement in Z-direction
Designed moment = Mu = 15.10 t-m Designed moment = Mu = 80.60 t-m
Effective depth required = d = 209 mm Effective depth required = d = 483 mm
Effective depth provided = d = 1425 mm Effective depth provided = d = 1425 mm
As we consider the unit width, Mu/bd = 2
0.07 As we consider the unit width, Mu/bd2 = 0.40
Thus the percentage of steel , pt = 0.02 Thus the percentage of steel , pt = 0.11
Thus Ast required = 295 mm /m width
Thus Ast required = 1596 mm /m width

Ast minimum = 1800 mm /m width

Ast minimum = 1800 mm2/m width
Hence Ast to be provided = 1800 mm2/m Hence Ast to be provided = 1800 mm2/m
Bar size = 20 mm Bar size = 20 mm
Spacing required = 174.53 mm Spacing required = 174.53 mm
Provide spacing = 150 mm Provide spacing = 100 mm
Thus Ast provided = 2094.4 mm2/m width Thus Ast provided = 3141.59 mm2/m width
pt = 0.15 pt = 0.22

Side Reinforcement:
As the depth of the foundation is more than 750 mm. Hence we need to provide side face reinforcement. These
have to provided in the shape of ring.
Hence provide 4 nos. tor 16 at each face, will form a rectange ring.

JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR


Check for Shear:

Oneway Shear parallel to X-direction

Shear force at a distance d from the face of column = Vu = 118.58 t
Now percentage of tensile steel = pt = 0.22
Shear resistance = Vc = 268.13 t SAFE

Oneway Shear parallel to Z-direction

Shear force at a distance d from the face of column = Vu = -10.08 t
Now percentage of tensile steel = pt = 0.15
Shear resistance = Vc = 363.66 t SAFE

Twoway / Punching Shear

Perimeter to be considered in shear check = b0 = 6.55 m.

Maximum downward force on column from the super structure = Vu = 116 t
Shear resistance = Vc = 1166.7 t SAFE
JACOBS ENGINEERING INDIA PVT. LTD. Project No. Document / Item Reference

BDD 86/1 Plant / Area Ref. : RELIENCE 18-3232 25194--SCC-RS681-012

Subject : PIPE BRIDGE NO : 681-681-J4 Sheet of

Issue 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4 Date 5 Date 6 Date

Made/ Revised by DPB 14/06/07
Checked by VVA
Approved MBR




18 - tor 25
tor 10 @ 100
tor 20 @ 100 c/c 2.000 3.500
tor 20 @ 150 c/c

tor 10 300 (Typ.) 1.500

@ 100

tor 20 @ 150 c/c 4 - tor 16

tor 20 @ 150 c/c



1.000 3.450 1.000

A = = = = A
0.750 0.750 1.000
1.100 P1 P1

= = = =
0.750 0.750
1.100 P1 P1


(All dimensions are in m.)

(Ref: IS2950(PART-1)-1973, CL D-1.1.1)


ex/a 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34

0 1 1.12 1.24 1.36 1.48 1.6 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.08 2.22 2.38 2.56 2.78 3.03 3.33 3.7 4.17
0.02 1.12 1.24 1.36 1.48 1.6 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.08 2.21 2.36 2.53 2.72 2.95 3.22 3.54 3.93 4.42
0.04 1.24 1.36 1.48 1.6 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.08 2.21 2.35 2.5 2.68 2.88 3.13 3.41 3.75 4.17 4.69
0.06 1.36 1.48 1.6 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.08 2.21 2.34 2.49 2.66 2.84 3.06 3.32 3.62 3.98 4.43 4.98
0.08 1.48 1.6 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.08 2.21 2.34 2.46 2.64 2.82 3.02 3.26 3.52 3.84 4.23 4.7 5.28
0.1 1.6 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.08 2.21 2.34 2.48 2.63 2.8 2.99 3.2 3.46 3.74 4.08 4.49 4.99 5.62
0.12 1.72 1.84 1.96 2.08 2.21 2.34 2.48 2.63 2.8 2.98 3.18 3.41 3.65 3.98 4.36 4.78 5.31 5.97
0.14 1.84 1.96 2.08 2.21 2.34 2.46 2.63 2.79 2.97 3.17 3.39 3.64 3.92 4.24 4.63 5.09 5.68
0.16 1.96 2.06 2.21 2.34 2.48 2.63 2.8 2.97 3.17 3.38 3.62 3.88 4.18 4.53 4.94 5.43 6.04
0.18 2.08 2.21 2.35 2.49 2.64 2.8 2.98 3.17 3.38 3.61 3.86 4.15 4.47 4.84 5.28 5.81 6.48
0.2 2.22 2.36 2.51 2.66 2.82 2.99 3.18 3.39 3.62 3.86 4.14 4.44 4.79 5.19 5.66 6.23
0.22 2.36 2.53 2.66 2.84 3.02 3.2 3.41 3.64 3.88 4.15 4.44 4.77 5.15 5.57 6.08 6.69
0.24 2.56 2.72 2.88 3.06 3.25 3.46 3.68 3.92 4.18 4.47 4.79 5.15 5.55 6.01 6.56
0.26 2.78 2.95 3.13 3.32 3.52 3.74 3.98 4.24 4.53 4.84 5.19 5.57 6.01 6.51
0.28 3.03 3.22 3.41 3.62 3.84 4.06 4.35 4.63 4.94 5.26 5.66 6.08 6.56
0.3 3.33 3.54 3.75 3.98 4.23 4.49 4.78 5.09 5.43 5.81 6.23 6.69
0.32 3.7 3.93 4.17 4.43 4.7 4.99 5.31 5.66 6.04 6.46
0.34 4.17 4.42 4.6 4.96 5.28 5.62 5.97

4Cx-a a (= Lx)
Maximum edge pressure= (IQ/A)X(1/10) kg/cm2
b-z α Cz
Where, I= coefficient(to be determined from above table) R .
Q= Total vertical load on foundation ,in tonnes
A= axb, in m2 z ex Cx 4Cz
b (= Lz)
a= Length of the foundation( dim ║ to x-x axis), in m,
b= Width of the foundation( dim ║ to z-z axis), in m,
ex = Eccentricity along x-x axis ,in m x a-x

ez = Eccentricity along z-z axis ,in m Z

The support reaction obtained from STAAD at node no. 3
Node L/C Force-X MtonForce-Y Mton
Force-Z Mton
Moment-X MTon-m
Moment-Y MTon-m
Moment-Z MTon-m
145 100 3.59 23.08 0.28 1.18 0 -14.59
101 1.25 12.79 0.27 1.17 0 -5.11
102 5.93 33.36 0.28 1.2 0 -24.07
103 2.17 21.78 0.59 2.93 0.02 -8.84
104 -2.26 1 -0.06 -0.93 0.02 9.36
105 9.42 45.25 0.6 3.03 0.02 -38.44
106 4.99 24.47 -0.04 -0.83 0.02 -20.23
107 5.61 22.9 -3.41 -13.6 0.02 -22.91
108 1.18 2.12 -4.06 -17.46 0.02 -4.71
109 5.98 44.14 4.54 19.31 0.02 -24.38
110 1.55 23.36 3.9 15.45 0.02 -6.18
111 3.98 27.65 0.59 2.96 0.02 -16.24
112 -0.45 6.87 -0.06 -0.91 0.02 1.96
113 7.61 39.38 0.6 3.01 0.02 -31.04
114 3.18 18.6 -0.05 -0.86 0.02 -12.83
115 5.7 28.21 -1.41 -5.31 0.02 -23.28
116 1.27 7.42 -2.06 -9.17 0.02 -5.07
117 5.89 38.83 2.57 11.15 0.02 -24.01
118 1.46 18.05 1.92 7.28 0.02 -5.81
119 3.4 13.02 -2.99 -12.31 0 -13.83
120 3.78 33.13 3.54 14.68 0 -15.35
121 -0.67 5.07 0.27 1.15 0 2.62
122 7.84 41.09 0.29 1.22 0 -31.81
123 1.56 4.94 -3.05 -12.61 0 -6.33
124 1.94 25.05 3.48 14.38 0 -7.85
125 -2.51 -3.02 0.21 0.85 0 10.12
126 6 33.01 0.23 0.92 0 -24.31
127 0.33 13.7 0.53 2.64 0.02 -1.35
128 -4.11 -7.08 -0.12 -1.23 0.02 16.86
129 7.58 37.17 0.55 2.73 0.02 -30.94
130 3.15 16.38 -0.1 -1.13 0.02 -12.74
131 3.77 14.82 -3.47 -13.9 0.02 -15.41
132 -0.66 -5.96 -4.12 -17.76 0.02 2.79
133 4.14 36.06 4.48 19.01 0.02 -16.88
134 -0.3 15.28 3.84 15.15 0.02 1.32
The support reaction obtained from STAAD at node no. 4
Node L/C Force-X MtonForce-Y Mton
Force-Z Mton
Moment-X MTon-m
Moment-Y MTon-m
Moment-Z MTon-m
146 100 3.23 55.86 0.33 1.37 0 -13.26
101 0.9 65.05 0.34 1.39 0 -3.79
102 5.57 46.67 0.33 1.36 0 -22.73
103 1.63 56.11 0.64 3.16 0 -6.54
104 -2.41 77.32 0.02 -0.6 0 9.62
105 8.87 34.43 0.62 3.07 0 -36.12
106 4.84 55.65 0.01 -0.69 0 -19.96
107 5.11 35.15 -3.74 -14.95 0 -20.77
108 1.08 56.37 -4.36 -18.7 0 -4.61
109 5.39 55.37 4.95 20.92 0 -21.9
110 1.35 76.59 4.33 17.16 0 -5.74
111 3.44 50.69 0.64 3.14 0 -13.93
112 -0.6 71.9 0.02 -0.62 0 2.22
113 7.06 39.85 0.63 3.09 0 -28.72
114 3.03 61.07 0.01 -0.67 0 -12.57
115 5.18 40.21 -1.55 -5.92 0 -21.05
116 1.15 61.43 -2.17 -9.68 0 -4.89
117 5.32 50.32 2.79 12.02 0 -21.61
118 1.28 71.54 2.17 8.26 0 -5.46
119 3.09 46.61 -3.31 -13.66 0 -12.68
120 3.37 65.11 3.98 16.4 0 -13.85
121 -1.02 71.93 0.34 1.4 0 3.93
122 7.48 39.79 0.32 1.35 0 -30.46
123 1.38 21.48 -3.4 -14.05 0 -5.68
124 1.67 39.97 3.89 16.01 0 -6.84
125 -2.72 46.8 0.25 1.01 0 10.93
126 5.77 14.66 0.24 0.95 0 -23.45
127 -0.08 30.97 0.56 2.77 0 0.47
128 -4.12 52.19 -0.06 -0.99 0 16.62
129 7.17 9.3 0.54 2.68 0 -29.11
130 3.13 30.52 -0.08 -1.08 0 -12.96
131 3.41 10.02 -3.83 -15.34 0 -13.76
132 -0.63 31.24 -4.45 -19.09 0 2.39
133 3.68 30.24 4.86 20.53 0 -14.89
134 -0.36 51.45 4.24 16.77 0 1.26
The support reaction obtained from STAAD at node no. 7
Node L/C Force-X MtonForce-Y Mton
Force-Z Mton
Moment-X MTon-m
Moment-Y MTon-m
Moment-Z MTon-m
149 100 3.59 23.08 -0.28 -1.18 0 -14.59
101 1.25 12.79 -0.27 -1.17 0 -5.11
102 5.93 33.36 -0.28 -1.2 0 -24.07
103 2.17 21.72 -0.58 -3.15 0 -8.84
104 -2.26 0.94 0.06 0.71 0 9.36
105 9.42 45.19 -0.6 -3.25 0 -38.43
106 4.99 24.4 0.04 0.62 0 -20.23
107 5.98 44.08 -4.54 -19.52 0 -24.38
108 1.55 23.3 -3.9 -15.66 0 -6.17
109 5.61 22.84 3.42 13.38 0 -22.91
110 1.18 2.06 4.06 17.25 0 -4.7
111 3.98 27.59 -0.59 -3.17 0 -16.24
112 -0.45 6.8 0.06 0.69 0 1.97
113 7.61 39.32 -0.6 -3.22 0 -31.03
114 3.18 18.54 0.05 0.64 0 -12.83
115 5.89 38.77 -2.57 -11.36 0 -24.01
116 1.45 17.98 -1.92 -7.5 0 -5.8
117 5.7 28.14 1.41 5.09 0 -23.27
118 1.27 7.36 2.06 8.96 0 -5.07
119 3.78 33.13 -3.54 -14.68 0 -15.35
120 3.4 13.02 2.99 12.31 0 -13.83
121 -0.67 5.07 -0.27 -1.15 0 2.62
122 7.84 41.09 -0.29 -1.22 0 -31.81
123 1.94 25.05 -3.48 -14.38 0 -7.85
124 1.56 4.94 3.05 12.61 0 -6.33
125 -2.51 -3.02 -0.21 -0.85 0 10.12
126 6 33.01 -0.23 -0.92 0 -24.31
127 0.33 13.64 -0.52 -2.85 0 -1.34
128 -4.11 -7.15 0.12 1.01 0 16.86
129 7.58 37.1 -0.54 -2.95 0 -30.94
130 3.15 16.32 0.1 0.91 0 -12.73
131 4.14 36 -4.48 -19.23 0 -16.88
132 -0.3 15.22 -3.84 -15.37 0 1.32
133 3.77 14.76 3.47 13.68 0 -15.41
134 -0.66 -6.03 4.12 17.54 0 2.79
The support reaction obtained from STAAD at node no. 150
Node L/C Force-X MtonForce-Y Mton
Force-Z Mton
Moment-X MTon-m
Moment-Y MTon-m
Moment-Z MTon-m
150 100 3.23 55.86 -0.33 -1.37 0 -13.26
101 0.9 65.05 -0.34 -1.39 0 -3.79
102 5.57 46.67 -0.33 -1.36 0 -22.73
103 1.63 56.04 -0.65 -3.39 -0.01 -6.54
104 -2.41 77.26 -0.03 0.37 -0.01 9.62
105 8.87 34.37 -0.63 -3.3 -0.01 -36.12
106 4.84 55.58 -0.01 0.46 -0.01 -19.96
107 5.39 55.31 -4.95 -21.15 -0.01 -21.9
108 1.35 76.52 -4.33 -17.39 -0.01 -5.74
109 5.11 35.09 3.74 14.72 -0.01 -20.77
110 1.08 56.31 4.36 18.48 -0.01 -4.61
111 3.44 50.62 -0.64 -3.36 -0.01 -13.93
112 -0.6 71.84 -0.02 0.4 -0.01 2.22
113 7.06 39.79 -0.63 -3.32 -0.01 -28.72
114 3.03 61 -0.01 0.44 -0.01 -12.57
115 5.32 50.26 -2.79 -12.24 -0.01 -21.61
116 1.28 71.47 -2.18 -8.49 -0.01 -5.46
117 5.18 40.15 1.55 5.69 -0.01 -21.05
118 1.15 61.37 2.17 9.45 -0.01 -4.89
119 3.37 65.11 -3.98 -16.4 0 -13.85
120 3.09 46.61 3.31 13.66 0 -12.68
121 -1.02 71.93 -0.34 -1.4 0 3.93
122 7.48 39.79 -0.32 -1.35 0 -30.46
123 1.67 39.97 -3.89 -16.01 0 -6.84
124 1.38 21.48 3.4 14.05 0 -5.68
125 -2.72 46.8 -0.25 -1.01 0 10.93
126 5.77 14.66 -0.24 -0.95 0 -23.45
127 -0.08 30.91 -0.56 -2.99 -0.01 0.47
128 -4.12 52.13 0.06 0.76 -0.01 16.62
129 7.17 9.24 -0.54 -2.91 -0.01 -29.11
130 3.13 30.45 0.08 0.85 -0.01 -12.96
131 3.68 30.17 -4.87 -20.76 -0.01 -14.89
132 -0.36 51.39 -4.25 -17 -0.01 1.26
133 3.41 9.96 3.82 15.11 -0.01 -13.76
134 -0.63 31.18 4.44 18.87 -0.01 2.39

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