Listening: Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Units 1-3A
Listening: Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Units 1-3A
Listening: Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Units 1-3A
12 Underline the correct alternatives.
10 Match 1–8 with a)–h). 1
Dear / Hello Mr Bates,
1 So, what do you do? e I read an article about your company in the
2 How do you know Bruno? newspaper 2but / so I’m writing to ask you for a job.
3 It was very nice to meet you. I think I’d be an excellent employee 3because / and
4 This is my teacher, Mr James. I’m very keen on working with computers. I don’t
5 I met Jeff’s girlfriend last weekend. have any experience 4but / because I absolutely love
6 Would you like a cup of tea? computer games 5so / then I don’t mind making the
7 Why are you going to leave your job? coffee for you at first.
8 Lovely weather, isn’t it? Yours sincerely / Cheers,
Jonathan Brown
a) Nice to meet you.
b) No, thanks. I’m not very keen on it.
c) Because I can’t stand sitting in front of a
computer all day. 13 Write about the work/life balance of a person
d) We work in the same office. you know (or invent one). Use the ideas below
e) I work for a computer software company. to help you. Write 75–100 words.
f) Yes, it’s beautiful.
g) Really? What was she like? Personal information/family
h) Yes, it was. Let’s keep in touch. Job/working hours
Interests/social life/food/exercise
7 Weekends/holidays
11 Complete the conversation with the words and
phrases in the box.
speaking ask her catch you back
leave sure speak to number
at the
A: Good morning. IT Solutions. Brenda
speaking .
B: Good morning. Can I 2 Ms Johnson,
A: I’m afraid she’s not here 3 moment.
B: When’s she coming back?
A: In about thirty minutes, I think.
B: OK, can I 4 a message then?
A: Of course.
B: Can you 5 to call Richard when she
gets back?
A: Richard – right. Does Ms Johnson have your
B: I’m not 7 . It’s 0779 136 583.
A: Sorry, I didn’t 8 that. 07791 …
B: 36583
A: Thank you, Richard. I’ll ask her to call
B: OK. Bye.
Total: 100