Pro 002
Pro 002
Pro 002
AMB.0 Procurement
A100 0 A100021 A1001 A101 0 A1020 A1030 A1040 A1045 A1046 A110 5 A1109 A1111 A111 2 A1110 A1120 A1130 A1140 A1160 A1170 A1180
Requ isition First Step ( Purchase request Requisition third Step (M anager review ) Elaboration of t he speci fications Approval of the specific ations by the Publ ishing (Withdrawal/deposit ) Open in g and evaluation of techni cal bid Opening of the financial bids and request for review First Attribution Notification for the Spare PartsListing Initial Vendor Data Review Vendor Data Final Vendor Data M anufacturing In-p lant inspection FAT Shipping / Algerian Port "incoterm s" T ransit / customs cleara nce and Comm issioning and Interim Reception Final Reception
subm ission) com mission with client's approval attribution of the ten der Supplier tran sportation to the site
Requisition Second Step (Request Elaboration of a project of contract Approval of the project of contract by the Signature of the project of contract by Signature of the contract by the cl ient Publication of final contract attribution Start ing date and remittance of the Docum ents transmission via bank-related
screening ) Tender Comm ission the supplier Performance Bond channels
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