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Motivating ESL Learners To Overcome Speech Anxiety

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Maricris D. Reyes Mr.

Dexter Villamin

ETEEAP-EBEED Research Seminar


1.Summary: Speaking skills in English is becoming more crucial in the globalization era. This paper would
be discussing about the use of public speaking. Students would be able to overcome their fear in
speaking English and improve their motivation level to speak.

Khoo Mun Yee, Dr. Mohamad Jafre Zainol Abidin (November 2014). The Use of Public Speaking in
Motivating ESL Learners to Overcome Speech Anxiety

2.Summary: Inclusion of technology in the process of second language acquisition has always been a
priority for both teachers and theoreticians. This paper reviews the current trends in using video-based
language instruction in K-12 educational settings.

McNulty, Anastassia & Lazarevic, Bojan, (12/2012),BEST PRACTICES IN USING VIDEO TECHNOLOGY TO

3.Summary: Research has shown that students in ESL versus EFL classrooms have different levels of
motivation. In an EFL classroom, students are likely to have a higher intrinsic motivation because English
is relevant to their daily lives. By being in the target language community, they have more opportunity
to use English.

Krieger, Daniel (2012) Teaching ESL Versus EFL: Principles and Practices, 43,2

4.Summary: Study looked at relationship between self-efficacy-building strategies and motivation in an

adult intensive English programme in the U.S. Results show significant correlations between student use
of self-efficiency strategies and improvement in self- efficiency and motivation.

Paul N Cave et.al, ( 30 May 2017),Motivational partnerships: increasing ESL student self-

5.Summary: This study aims to investigate the teachers perceptions on the use of visual aids as a
motivational tool in enhancing students interest in reading literary texts. 52 English teachers from seven
national secondary schools in Kapit, Sarawak, Malaysia were selected. The study suggests that it will be
more interesting and precise if it includes student’s perceptions.
Yunus et.al (28 May 2013), Using Visual Aids as a Motivational Tool in Enhancing Students Interest in
Reading Literary Texts, 114-117

6.Summary: “Talk about the things that interest teens is a great way to establish rapport. You'll see a
room full of eager, smiling faces when you connect with them.”

Pesce, Claudia How To Motivate ESL Students,The 10 Best Ways to Increase Teenage Student
Motivation, https://busyteacher.org/3644-how-to-motivate-esl-students.html

7.Summary: Teachers and students should set goals and activities that are achievable, believable and
measurable, Perez says. Students should vote for the learning goal they think is the most important, and
there's no wrong answer, she says. Leave time for students to revisit the goal they set at the end of the
day, she adds.

Schwartz, Katrina (Mar 3, 2016), 20 Strategies for Motivating Reluctant Learners ,


8.Summary: According to the interview responses, one representative view from a 19-year-old
Chinese immigrant student stated, “I believe the older I am, the more I see effort
important as a determining factor in my studies because the more I study, the more I
can control my results. When I was young, I didn’t know how to achieve high scores
because my study methods were not correct. I believe I have stronger confidence in
myself now.” (YC, 71).

Dr. Wong, Ruth ( 2008), 3(2), Motivation to learn English and age differences:The case of Chinese


9.Summary: According to Brown (2000) and Gardner ( 1985), there are two basic types of motivation:
integrative and instrumental. Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation to engage in an activity
because that activity is enjoyable to do. Extrinsiative motivation can turn out to be instrumental
motivation if the L2 learner wants to integrate with L2 culture.

Alizadeh, Mitra (November 18, 2016), The Impact of Motivation on English Language Learning, Vol.1,1


10.Summary: The study clearly showed that freshman students are intrinsically motivated to learn
specific language skills such speaking and reading in their second language, English. This can be
explained by the students' interest in speaking using the L2 with their peers and their peers. The study
puts forward the reality that indeed, English is a prestigious language and that students will always be
interested to learn this language.

Lucas. R. I. (2010). A Study on Intrinsic Motivation Factors in Second Language Learning among Selected
Freshman Students. The Philippine ESL Journal, 4, 6-23. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?

11. Summary: This research aimed to investigate second language learners' motivation and learning of
English in natural classroom settings. The teachers were found to employ a variety of motivational
strategies, including autonomy-support and controlling styles.

Vibulphol, Jutarat, (2016), Students' Motivation and Learning and Teachers' Motivational Strategies in
English Classrooms in Thailand, v9 n4 p64-75 https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1092756

12. Summary: The method of the study was quasi experimental method. It was concluded that Ho was
rejected and Ha was accepted. It is clear that teaching English vocabulary by using guessing game was
effective to the fifth grade students.

Yuliani, Sri (Nov. 2, 2017), teaching English vocabulary by using guessing game to fifth grade students,
vol 1, htps://jurnal.um-palembang.ac.id/englishcommunity/article/view/769

13. Summary: The study involved teaching the modalities of listening, reading, writing, and speaking
with CL techniques to students not familiar with the CL approach. Pre and post testing (one group
pretest-posttest design) were administered to assess increases in skills.

Dendup & Onthanee (Jan 2020), International Journal of Instruction, Effectiveness of Cooperative
Learning on English Communicative Ability of 4th Grade Students in Bhutan, v13 n1 p255-266,

14.Summary: The goal of the measure was to assess the quality of reading instruction provided to first-
grade English learners. We report the internal consistency reliability, interrater reliability, and the
development of empirically derived subscales. We conclude with a presentation of the major themes
and issues that emerged in the qualitative field notes.

Baker et al. Instructional Research Group in Long Beach, Volume: 26 issue: 4, page(s): 197-206

15. Summary: Little is understood about the language proficiency of these teachers in their own context,
says the study. It suggests benchmarks that address the kinds or levels of English language proficiency
needed for its effective use would be useful.

Choo Goh & Pauline Swee (Nov 4, 2019), Preschool Teachers’ Perspectives on Using English Language to
Teach, Vol 19


16.Summary: Motivation is a complex psychological construct regarded as one of the determinant

factors in successful foreign language learning. One of the main objectives of many foreign language
teachers is to increase student motivation.

Lasagabaster, David , Published online: (03 Nov 2010), English achievement and student motivation in
CLIL and EFL settings, Pages 3-18


17. Summary: Study examined motivation constructs of students from 78 schools in Singapore. It found
grade and gender differences in these constructs were significant.

SeeshingYeung et al. (11 March 2001), Primary and secondary students’ motivation in learning English:
Grade and gender differences, Volume 36


18.Summary: Schools are crucial to students' language learning, so all English teachers should feel
responsible for promoting its effective teaching. Too many of them rely on uninteresting textbooks that
focus on grammatical structures.

C-K Cheung,(January 2001), ELT Journal: Issue 1The use of popular culture as a stimulus to motivate
secondary students' English learning, Volume 55, Pages 55–61


19. Summary: Students' attitudes were mostly positive toward learning English. Singing songs and
playing games were their favorite activities and they had an intrinsic motivation to learn English.

Asmali, Mehmet, Novitas-ROYAL (2017): Young Learners' Attitudes and Motivation to Learn English, v11
20.Summary: Study examined motivation to learn English of Indonesian junior high school pupils, 13–14
years of age. Motivation was found to be similar in strength and character in the two urban settings but
significantly different in the rural setting.

Lamb, Martin , (03 August 2012), A Self System Perspective on Young Adolescents’ Motivation to Learn
English in Urban and Rural Settings, Volume62, Issue4, Pages 997-1023


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