Área Transversal de Inglés: Members

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 María Fernanda Arévalo Arias

 Edwin Alexander García Pame
 Stephanie Iohanna Molina Muñoz
 Daniel Rodríguez Domínguez

Vídeo theme:

In the video we make a brief biography of Elvis Presley


 Introduction:
Hello, everyone.
Let’s tell them about Elvis Presley

 Development:

Elvis Presley was born in 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. He moved with his parents to Memphis
Tennessee when he was 13. His family didn’t have a lot of money and lived in public housing. As a
teenager he was shy, but took up the guitar. His teachers told him he had no talent for singing, and music
class was the only class he ever failed.

Presley was influenced by “black music” genres like gospel and blues and worked as a truck driver
after graduating high school. In 1953 he recorded his first single as a gift to his mother. He tried to join
bands around Memphis, who rejected him–advising him to stick to truck driving because he was never
going to be successful as a singer.

When he was 19 he was given the opportunity to do a studio recording. The producer was hoping
to find a white musician who could bring black music to a wider audience. In the Southern US, whites and
blacks were segregated and many whites refused to listen to black music. In fact Presley had to go to see
blues concerts on special nights reserved only for a white audience. He recorded the single “That’s All
Right, which was played on the radio and well-received by the public. He bought a new guitar for $145 and
began touring with a backup band, and quickly became a minor star in the South, famous for his energetic
performances in which he would convert his nervous trembling into a kind of dance that infuriated men
and drove women crazy with lust.

 Conclutión:

Elvis Presley fue un gran guitarrista y un gran ídolo.

Tiempo Dialogo ingles Dialogo Español Imagen/Video
Elvis Presley nació
Elvis Presley was en 1935 en
born in 1935 in Tupelo,
Tupelo, Mississippi. Se
Mississippi. He mudó con sus
moved with his padres a Memphis
parents to Tennessee
Memphis cuando tenía 13
Tennessee when años. Su familia
he was 13. His no tenía mucho
family didn’t have dinero y vivía en
00-00:00 al a lot of money viviendas
00:00:38 and lived in public públicas. De
housing. As a adolescente era
teenager he was tímido, pero
shy, but took up aprendió a tocar
the guitar. His la guitarra. Sus
teachers told him maestros le
he had no talent dijeron que no
for singing, and tenía talento para
music class was cantar y que la
the only class he clase de música
ever failed. era la única en la
que reprobaba.
00:00:39 al Presley was Presley fue
00:01:10 influenced by influenciado por
“black music” géneros de
genres like gospel “música negra”
and blues and como gospel y
worked as a truck blues, y trabajó
driver after como camionero
graduating high después de
school. In 1953 he graduarse de la
recorded his first escuela
single as a gift to secundaria. En
his mother. He 1953 grabó su
tried to join primer sencillo
bands around como regalo a su
Memphis, who madre. Trató de

unirse a bandas
alrededor de
rejected him–
Memphis, quienes
advising him to
lo rechazaron,
stick to truck
driving because
que se apegara a
he was never
la conducción de
going to be
camiones porque
successful as a
nunca iba a tener
éxito como
Cuando tenía 19
años se le dio la
oportunidad de
When he was 19 hacer una
he was given the grabación de
opportunity to do estudio. El
a studio productor
recording. The esperaba
producer was encontrar un
hoping to find a músico blanco
white musician que pudiera llevar
who could bring la música negra a
black music to a una audiencia
wider audience. más amplia. En el
00:01:11 al In the Southern sur de los Estados
00:01:47 US, whites and Unidos, los
blacks were blancos y los
segregated and negros fueron
many whites segregados y
refused to listen muchos blancos
to black music. In se negaron a
fact Presley had escuchar música
to go to see blues negra. De hecho,
concerts on Presley tuvo que
special nights ir a ver conciertos
reserved only for de blues en
a white audience noches especiales
reservadas solo
para un público
Grabó el sencillo
“Eso está bien”,
que fue
He recorded the
reproducido en la
single “That’s All
radio y muy bien
Right, which was
recibido por el
played on the
público. Se
radio and well-
compró una
received by the
guitarra nueva
public. He bought
por $ 145 y
a new guitar for
comenzó a hacer
$145 and began
giras con una
touring with a
banda de
backup band, and
respaldo, y
00:01:48 al quickly became a
rápidamente se
00:02:28 minor star in the
convirtió en una
South, famous for
estrella menor en
his energetic
el sur, famoso por
performances in
sus enérgicas
which he would
actuaciones en las
convert his
que convertía su
temblor nervioso
trembling into a
en una especie de
kind of dance that
baile que
infuriated men
enfurecía a los
and drove women
hombres y volvía
crazy with lust.
locas a las
mujeres. Con

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