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40TH Common

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Year 2015
Registered: 24123
Appeared: 14771
Passed English Papers: 0427
Qualified for Interview: 0359
Year 2016
Registered: 16732
Appeared: 9966
Passed English Papers: 274
Qualified for Interview: 0202
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 Reasons of Failure
 Recommended Sources/Books
 Essay and its Components
 Kinds of Essays
 Fields to Cover
 Writing Process

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Key Issues (Reasons of Failures)
 Some basic spellings mistakes
 Poor sentence construction/Fused sentences
 Inappropriate content (Irrelevant and repeated)
 Punctuation (Use of capital letters, comma,
semicolon and inverted commas )
 Present Simple Tense (Where to use s or es with verb
of singular noun or pronoun)
 Difference between Present Perfect and Simple Past
tense and Continuous and Perfect Continuous tense

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Use of a and an with countable and uncountable
nouns and excessive use of the
 Faulty structure
 Poor presentation
 Candidates’ inability to understand the crux of any
 Often word limit is not followed
 Outlines are not well developed or relevant
They make lengthy outlines with very little relevant
material. Rarely, outlines are quite relevant and extensive,
but they are not well organized and have not been
followed in essay.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Any argument, no matter how strong, needs sufficient
support/justification (Quotation, saying, reference,
examples, facts, figures, arguments and compare and

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

1.He delivers a lecture on essay writing.
2.They play this game in order to make them active.
1. He has delivered a lecture today.
2. He has delivered a lecture .
3. He has delivered a lecture yesterday.
4. He delivered a lecture yesterday.
5. He had delivered a lecture yesterday.
1. Pakistan is facing many problems since its inception.
2. Pakistan is facing many problems .
3. Pakistan has been facing many problems since its
inception. Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 A combination of symbols to reflect some specific
sound of a language
 They are divided into two types;

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 A single distinct meaningful element of speech or
writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to
form a sentence and typically shown with a space on
either side when written or printed
 It has 8 different types and its division is called Parts
of Speech
 Noun
 Pronoun
 Adjective
 Verb
 Adverb
 Preposition
 Conjunction
 Interjection
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 Common
 Proper
 Collective
 Abstract
 Material

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 That word that replaces noun is called pronoun

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Subjective Possessive Objective







 Action (Present farm, Past farm, Past participles farm
and Present participle farm)
 Auxiliary/Helping (Be, Do, Has and Will)
 Modal (Can, May, Use to, Has to, Must, Should and
Ought to)

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Definite (A and An)
 Indefinite (The)

Note: Articles are only allowed with nouns.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Use of Articles
1. Common Noun A. Singular B. Plural
a. Countable b. Uncountable
He is studying in a university.
I am an hour late.
Use of the with Common Noun
1.When you repeat some common noun/ to talk about
previously mentioned things
This is a book. The book is very interesting.
2.When talk about some specific common noun
Where is the pen?

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

2. Proper Noun
We also use the with proper noun as well in the
following conditions;
1.With all geographical characteristics (Name of
occasions, seas, rivers, mountains, plains, plateaus
and deserts)
They are moving towards the Indian Occasion.
2. When there is only one of something
The earth goes round the sun.
3.With abbreviations

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

3. Collective Noun
The people of Pakistan are hard working.
People of Pakistan are hard working.
4. Abstract Noun
The honesty is the best policy.
Honesty is the best policy.
5. Material Noun

Note: The is always used with superlative degree of an

Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan.
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
A group of words that does not have both a subject
and a verb;
1. They are playing on the road.
2. The teacher, Mr. Awais, is an intelligent person.
3. Sami likes reading books.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

• A group of words with both a subject & verb that
cannot conveys full meaning.
• It has two types
1. Dependent
2. Independent
Who has achieved first position in CSS.
He/She is my student who has achieved first
position in CSS.
Amar is sad ;/because Farhan is happy.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 A set of words that is typically containing a subject and
predicate ( verb and/or object ), conveying single idea
 In the form statement/action, question, command
(order , request, advice and suggestion), exclamation
(sadness , joy, praise , wonder/surprise) and
 It consists on a main clause and sometimes one or
more subordinate clauses. It has following types:
1. Assertive/Declarative
2. Interrogative
3. Imperative
4. Exclamatory
5. Optative Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Assertive (Statement or action)
 He is my student.
 They have learnt many things.
 They play with words.
Interrogative (Question )
 Are you going?
 Why are you going?
 Why you are going.
Imperative (Order, request, advice & suggestion)
 Get out from this room.
 Please leave this room.
 Leave this room.
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Exclamatory (Happiness, sadness, praise, wonder
and surprise)
 Alas! We have lost this match.
 Hurrah! We have won this match.
 Bravo! You have played well today.
 This is a huge dog!
 What a horse you have bought!

Optative (Wish and prayer)

May you live long.
Would the Quaid were alive to see our fate today.
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 It is combination of 6-8 sentences on some single
topic or idea and indicated by a new line,
indentation, or numbering.
 However; it is divided into two parts
1.Usual paragraph
2.Unusual paragraph

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

• It is an opinion of the writer on some given topics
in 20-25 paragraphs or 250-300 sentences in
comprehensive way.
• The word essay originally means a first attempt or
• An essay has five components;
1) Structure 20
2) Content 20
3) Grammar 20
4) Expression 20
5) Argument 2o

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Recommended Sources
 High School English Grammar by Wren and
 Practical English Usage by Swan (OUP)
 The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty:
Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu and Robinson
 Pakistan Beyond the Crisis State by Maleeha
 GRE Vocabulary
 Dawn Newspaper (Opinion Writing, Editorial
and News of Policies)
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Recommended Sources
 Research Magazines (IPRI, Strategic Studies, GWT
and Defense Journal)
 Government Documents (Economic Survey 16-17,
Brief of Budget 16-17, National Action Plan 16,Vision
2025, CPEC Review and Education Policy 2009 Review)

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Poverty in Pakistan
 Corruption in Pakistan
 Bad Governance in Pakistan

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

• It is an opinion of the writer on some given topics
in 20-25 paragraphs or 250-300 sentences in
comprehensive way.
• The word essay originally means a first attempt or
• An essay has five components;
1) Structure 20
2) Content 20
3) Grammar 20
4) Expression 20
5) Argument 2o

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

It is an over all arrangement of sentences and
paragraphs in the essay. In simple words this is a
way/plan in which different parts of an essay are
combined together. It has three parts:
 Outline 5%
 Unusual paragraph 20%
 Usual paragraph 75%

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 A set of words that is typically containing a subject and
predicate, conveying single idea
 In the form statement, question, exclamation, or
 It has a main clause and sometimes one or more
subordinate clauses. It has following types:
 Assertive
 Interrogative
 Imperative
 Optative
 Exclamatory

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 It is combination of 6-8 sentences on some single topic
or idea and indicated by a new line and indentation.
 However; it is divided into two parts
1.Usual paragraph
2.Unusual paragraph

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Unusual Paragraph (20%)
 The paragraph that can not follow the said definition
which is combination of 6-8 sentences on some single
topic or idea
 This serves as a map of the essay, outlining to your
reader the main argument and points in the form of a
summary, abstract and preface
 However, some time it works to connect different parts
of body paragraphs

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 It has following three kinds
3.Transitional /Connecting

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Terrorism in Pakistan and its Causes
 Terrorism in Pakistan, its Causes and
 Coeducation its Merits and Demerits
 Meanings of Education
 Is Gender Equality a Myth?
 Gender Equality is a Myth

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 An introduction is to serve as a map of the essay,
outlining to your reader the main argument and points
 It is consisted on 17-20 sentences
 In one continuous paragraph
 Complete summary
 Its components

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Components of an Introduction for
Factual/ Social and Descriptive
1. Opening Statement a. General Statement 3
6 sentences b. Specific Statement 3

a. Primary Statements
2. Supporting Statements
12 sentences b. Secondary Statements

3. Thesis statement Concluding Statement 1

01 Sentence

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Components of an Introduction for
Argumentative Essay
1. Opening Statement a. General Statement 3
6 sentences b. Specific Statement 3

a. Your stance 8
2. Supporting Statements b. Others Opinion 4
12 sentences

3. Thesis statement Concluding Statement 1

01 Sentence

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593


Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

There are Some Hurdles in the Way
of a Truly Independent State
 General statement 3
 Specific statement 3
 Key characteristics of a truly independent state 4
 Hurdles in the way of a truly independent state 6
 Way forward to get the status of a truly independent
state 4
 Thesis statement 1

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

War on Terror has Contributed to
Growing Human Right Abuse

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 General statement 3
 Specific statement 3
 Basic human right 3
 Human rights abused by WoT 6
 Way forward to Protect Hr 3
 Thesis statement 1

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Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Education System of Pakistan has Failed to Produce
Efficient Human Resource
 General statement 3
 Specific statement 3
 Education system of Pakistan 4
 Causes of its failure to produce efficient
human resource 4
 Method to improve education system of
Pakistan to produce efficient human resource 4
 Thesis statement 1

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

There are Some Hurdles in the Way
of a Truly Independent State
 General statement 3
 Specific statement 3
 Key characteristics of a truly independent state 4
 Hurdles in the way of a truly independent state 6
 Way forward to get the status of a truly independent
state 4
 Thesis statement 1

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Usual Paragraph
It is combination of 6-8 sentences on some single topic
or idea and indicated by a new line and indentation. It
must has following characteristics;
1. Topic sentence
2. Development
3. Coherence
4. Unity
5. Organization
6. Concluding sentence

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Topic Sentence
It is very first sentence or a catch line of a paragraph
which determines the direction of the paragraph. It
has following three requirements;
1. Discourse marker of structure of introduction
2. New idea
3. Topic of the Essay

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Poverty in Pakistan
Causes of Poverty in Pakistan
1. Mass illiteracy
2. Mega Corruption
3. Gender discrimination
Consequences of Poverty in Pakistan
1. Poor economic growth
2. Increase in crime rate
3. Extreme unemployment
Solution to Reduce Poverty in Pakistan
1. Quality education
2. Mass level of development
3. Dispensation of justice
Conclusion Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Topic Sentence
 To start with ,it is mass illiteracy that promotes poverty
in Pakistan……………………………………………………….
 In addition, poverty also emerges due to corruption in
a society……………………………………………………………..
 Lastly, gender discrimination is another cause of
poverty in Pakistan…………………………………………

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Topic Sentence
 Firstly, it is quality education that can reduce poverty
from a society………………………………………………………...
 Secondly, poverty also be curtailed by dispensation of
social justice at different level………………………………..
 Finally, mass level of development provides lot of
opportunities for work and this is a best way to
minimize poverty……………………………………………………

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Topic: National Integration

 Firstly, it is quality education which can fasten

national integration in a society and country
 Secondly, national integration can be ensured by
provision by social justice at mass level.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Topic: Nothing great was ever
achieved without Enthusiasm
 Firstly, history has proved many times that nothing
great was ever achieved without utmost enthusiasm.
 In addition, Bill Gates was a boy of middle Class family
of Washington and at his adult age he was interested
in computer programming and he changed the course
of human being on the basis of his passion and zest.
 On the other hand, there were many human who have
tried to attain something special but could not
because they had not a fine passion and zest.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

It is the art of converting your topic sentence into a
comprehensive paragraph and it can be achieved by
applying following tools;
1. Topic sentence 1
2. Supporting sentences (Illustration of new ideas ) 3
3. Justification (Quotation , Saying , Reference ,
Examples ,Facts , Figures, Arguments and compare
and contrast ) 1
4. Supporting sentences (Illustration of new ideas ) 3
5. Conclusion Sentence 1

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Concluding Sentence
 It is the last sentence of a paragraph to conclude the
discussion which has started with topic sentence. It
has following requirements
1. Concluding discourse markers
2. Idea of the topic sentence
3. Repeat topic of the essay

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Concluding Sentences
 Hence ,it can be stated that mass illiteracy promotes
poverty in
 In short, it is proved that poverty also emerges due to
corruption in a
 So it is gender discrimination which is another cause
of poverty in Pakistan…………………………………………

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

It is an attachment and connectivity among ideas and
sentences of a paragraph and essay to create flow,
rhythm and beauty. Furthermore there must not seem
a gap among ideas, sentences and paragraphs. It has
two types;
 Logical coherence (among ideas)
 Verbal coherence (sentences and paragraphs)

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Tools of Coherence
1. Discourse marker/Connectors/Transitional devices
2. Use of Pronoun
3. Synonyms and variation in words
4. Transitional paragraph (join different parts of body
paragraphs of an essay)
5. Thesis statement

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Causes of Poverty
Causes of Poverty
Consequences of Poverty

Solution to Address to Poverty

1. Quality education
I. Technical
II. Vocational

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593


and first, second, for example

third… because
also such as
finally so
as well as for instance
next therefore
moreover in the case of
meanwhile thus
too as revealed by…
after consequently
furthermore illustrated by
then hence

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593


similarly but whereas above all

likewise however instead of in particular
as with although alternatively especially
like unless otherwise significantly
equally except unlike indeed
in the same way.. apart from on the other hand.. notably
as long as conversely

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

This is singleness of ideas and one idea must be
presented in one sentence and one paragraph. In
addition there must not be any kind of deviation from
your topic of the essay and topic sentence of the

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Order among sentences, ideas and paragraphs is called
organization. The most important leads to less
important and you proceed from international to
national and national to local

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Make a Body Paragraph
Lastly, gender discrimination is another
cause of poverty in Pakistan.

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 This is the last paragraph of your essay which outlining
to your reader the main argument and points
 One continuous paragraph that is consisted on 17-20
 Reflect an abstract, summary or preface.
 In simple words it is reproduction of your
introduction in some different diction
 It has following key parts

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Components of a Conclusion
1. Opening Statement a. General Statement 3
6 sentences b. Specific Statement 3

a. primary statements
2. Supporting Statements
12 sentences b. secondary statements

3. Thesis statement Concluding Statement 1

01 Sentence

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 An outline is a way to organize your
thoughts and research if you’re
preparing an essay.
 It is a line or set of lines enclosing or
indicating the shape of an object in a
sketch, image or diagram to reflect
the real object in the form of phrases

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Comprehensive Image
 Divide the topic in headings (Universal, primary
and secondary )
 Every heading must be self explanatory
 Capitalize every key word of headings expect
preposition, articles, helping verb, pronoun and
 Illustrate the headings with points in the form of
 Sentences are not allowed except interrogative
 Flawless
 Beautiful presentation
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Coeducation its Merits and Demerits
 Introduction
 Merits of coeducation
 Demerits of coeducation
 Conclusion

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Process for Making Outlines
 Gathering of information
 Heading

 Free writing

 Looping

 Organization of information
 Selection
 Categorization
 Placement/ranking
 Outline

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Essay Outline Format for Factual/
Social and Descriptive
 Introduction
1. General Statement
2. Specific Statement
3. Specific Statement
 Part 1 (Primary Heading)
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 Part 2 (Primary Heading 2)
 Part 3 (Secondary Heading)


Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Topic: Terrorism in Pakistan its
Causes and Consequences
 Introduction
1. Evolution of societies
2. Occurrence of conflicts a natural phenomenon
3. What does terrorism mean?
 Causes of Terrorism in Pakistan
1. Poor law and order
2. Mass illiteracy
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 Consequences of Terrorism in Pakistan
1. Poor economic growth
2. Human loss

 Way forwards to Reduce Terrorism in Pakistan

1. Quality education
2. Provision of social and economic justice

 Conclusion

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Pakistan is Rich in Resources but
Poor in Management

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Topic: Pakistan is Rich in Resources but Poor in
1. Evolution of human civilization
2. Role of resources for prosperity and development
3. Emergence of Pakistan as an independent state
Resources of Pakistan
1. Abundant human resource
2. Fertile agricultural lands
3. Geographical location
4. Varity of natural resources

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Causes of Poor in Management
How Pakistan is Poor in Management
1. Mass illiteracy
2. Corruption at every level
3. Bad governance
Way forwards to Get Advantages from Resources
of Pakistan
1. Quality education
2. Rule of law
3. Political stability
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
International Organizations have Failed to
Protect Humanity
 Introduction
1.Evolution of concept of sovereign states
2. what does mean by international organizations?

 Objectives of International Organizations

1.Maintaining peace
2.Reduction of poverty
3.Protection of human rights
 Evidences of their Failure
1.War every where
2.Deaths due to hunger and poverty
3.Violation of basic human rights even in developed countries

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Causes of Their Failure
1.Lack of any implementation force
2.Financial dependency
3.Faulty structure

 Consequences of Their Failure

1.Proxy and cold wars
2.Natural calamities
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Solutions to Make These Organizations Effective
1.Structural reforms
2.Financial dependency
3.Availability of implementation force
 Conclusion

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

There are Some Hurdles in the
Way of a Truly Independent

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

There are some Hurdles in the Way
of a Truly Independent State
1.Emergence of sovereign state
2.What does mean by an independent state?
Characteristics of a Truly Independent State
1.Political stability
2.Visionary foreign policy
3.Stable economy

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Hurdles in the Way of a Truly Independent State
1.Mass illiteracy
2.Poor economic growth
Solution to get the Status of an Independent State
1.Quality education
2.Practical foreign policy
3,Sustainable economic growth
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
War on Terror has Contributed to
Growing Human Right Abuse

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

War on Terror has Contributed
to Growing Human Right Abuse
 Introduction
1. Occurrence of a conflict a natural phenomenon
2. What does mean by war on terror
3. Short history of war on terror
 Basic Human Rights

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Human Rights Abuse due to War on Terror
1. Huge displacement
2. Unauthorized search
3. Mass level of killing
4. Right of education denied
5. Restriction on movement
6. Harassment of women and children

 Solutions to Protect Human Rights during War on Terror

 Conclusion
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 Causes of War on Terror
 Human Rights Abuse due to War on Terror
1. Huge displacement: internal and external/
a. Internal
b. External
1. Unauthorized search
2. Mass level of killing
3. Right of education denied
4. Restriction on movement
5. Harassment of women and children

 Solutions to Protect Human Rights during War on Terror

 Conclusion
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Crisis of Governance in Pakistan
Needs Institutional Reforms

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Corruption is the Mother of
all Evils in our Society

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Topic: Crisis of Governance in Pakistan Needs
Institutional Reforms
 Introduction
1.Evolution of concept of governance
2.Role of governance for development
3.What is crisis of governance?
 Characteristics of Good Governance
 Nature of Crisis of Governance

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Needs of Institutional Reforms to Improve

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Argumentative Essay
Nature of topic Statement/quotation in the form of

Requirement Prove with Yes/No

Knowledge Diversified

Failure Maximum

Length Short

Marks Highest

Criteria Knowledge with Extra-ordinary


Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Comprehensive Image
 Divide it into headings/Illustrate or justify
your stance with points in the form of
 Sentences can be used in Argumentative Essay
 Flawless
 Beautiful presentation

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Essay Outline Format for
1. Introduction
2. Your Stance
3. Your Stance
4. Your Stance
5. Your Stance
6. Your Stance
7. Your Stance
8. Your Stance
9. Your Stance
10. Your Stance
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
12. Opponents views
13. Opponents views
14. Opponents views
15. Opponents views

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Is Gender Equality a Myth?
 Introduction
 Evolution of civic life
 What does mean by gender equality?
 Gender Inequality is a Fact
 Male dominance in societies manifests the reality of
gender equality
 Cultural attachment
 Orthodox religious practices
 Conservative social norms
 Economic dependence of women
 Limited political participation by women
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 Limited job opportunities all over the world
 Plato called women, property of state
 Frailty thy name is woman
 Women are although theoretically equal in the West, yet
practically they are not
How Gender Inequality is a Myth
 Article 25 (2) Constitution of Pakistan 1973 ensure
equality which is practically denied
 Biological equality seems ideal only in rhetoric

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Is Gender Equality a Myth?
 Introduction
 Male dominance in societies manifests the reality of
gender equality
 Cultural attachment
 Orthodox religious practices
 Conservative social norms
 Economic dependence of women
 Limited political participation by women

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Limited job opportunities all over the world
 Plato called women, property of state
 Frailty thy name is woman
 Women are although theoretically equal in the West, yet
practically they are not
 Article 25 (2) Constitution of Pakistan 1973 ensure
equality which is practically denied
 Biological equality seems ideal only in rhetoric
 Conclusion

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Is Gender Equality a Myth?
 Introduction
 Evolution of civic life
 What does mean by gender equality?
 Gender Inequality is a Fact
 Male dominance in societies manifests the reality of
gender equality
 Cultural attachment
 Orthodox religious practices
 Conservative social norms
 Economic dependence of women
 Limited political participation by women
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Man is Born Free but Everywhere
He is in Chains
 Introduction
 Rousseau concept of freedom
 By nature man is born free, but civil society restricts
his freedom
 In the state of freedom, man develops his physical,
mental, and moral personality to the maximum extent
 Being free of worries like the state, marriage, and
family, man can lead a pure and moral life.

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 Civic life, a set of do’s and don’ts, is based on artificial manners
and sophistication.
 Competition among the members of modern societies is the
cause of all evils like greed, hypocrisy, lust of power, murders,
and injustices.
 J.S.Mill also supports the idea that civic life do not let a man‘s
personality groom properly.
 The Hippie movement in Europe is also based on Rousseau’s
slogan: “Back to the nature.”
 All this is but Utopian.
 Islamic concept of social life, true Muslim is one from whose
hands and tongue other Muslims feel themselves secure, is ideal
one for whole humanity
 Conclusion:
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Higher Education, an Agent of

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Higher Education, an Agent of
1. Evolution of human societies
2. Role of education for prosperity and development
3. What is higher education?
Key Features/Objectives of a Change

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 How it Brings Change
1. Brings technology advancement
2. Infuses culture of innovation and research
3. Reduces extremism and violence from societies
4. Provides equal opportunities to all stakeholders
5. Challenges orthodox dogmas in the societies
6. Insures positive political participation
7. Enhances economic growth
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Content is a compilation of information, ideas, stuff
and messages that are translated into some kind of
written material or an essay. Furthermore; Valuable
content is the focus of all successful writings.
Followings are qualities of a good content;
1. Unquestionable
2. Must mention your source
3. Universal reputation
4. Definite knowledge

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Types of Topics
 Universal topics
 Emerging topics
 Literary topics

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Key Topics
1. Global Warming/ Climate Change and our Preparation to Counter it
2. Education/ Education System of Pakistan has Failed to Produce
Efficient Human Resource
3. Democracy/ Role of local Government Election for Good
Governance/Features Of Democracy/ Future of Democracy in
Pakistan/Election Reforms/Why is Democracy Failed to Deliver in
4. Media/ Emerging Powers of Social Media/Limitation of Free Speech
5. Socio-economic Problems of Pakistan
6. Image of Islam in West
7. Energy Crisis/ Water Crisis
8. Critical Analysis of United Nation
9. Census 2017
10. Accountability Reduces Corruption and This Leads to Peace, Stability
and Prosperity
11. Gender Equality/ Female Education/ Rights of Women in Islam/ Gender
Equality is a Myth/Feminism
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Key Sources
 Standard Books (Why Do Nations Fail, Pakistan
Beyond the Crisis State ,and International Affairs)
 Quality Periodical (IPRI, Strategic Studies and Defense
 Standard Newspapers
 Government Documents (Economic Survey 16-17 Brief
of Budget 17-18, National Action Plan 16,Vision 2025,
CPEC Review and Education Policy 2009 Review)
 Helping Books

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Serial# Topic Page
1 Education 1-15

2 Democracy 16-30

3 United Nation and Foreign Policy of Pakistan 31-45

4 Socio-economic Problems 46-60

5 Feminism/ Women Rights 61-75

6 Global Warming/ Climate Change 76-90

7 Media/Social Media 91-105

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GDP Electricity Potential Population Growth
GNP Installed Capacity
GDP on education Total Production Literacy Rate
GDP on health -Hyde -among males
GDP on debt service -thermal -among females
GDP on defense -nuclear -provinces wise
FDI -solar -higher education
Remittances -others
Total Taxes Total Demands
Total Expenditures Short Fall
Budget Deficit
Natural Gas
Total Exports Potential
Total Imports Production
Trade Deficit Demand
Inflation Rate
Poverty Line
Per Capital Income

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The style of writing, selection of words, combinations
of phrases and clauses, construction of sentences and
composition of paragraphs in an essay is called
expression. It must have following qualities;

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 Simple but flawless 40-42
 Complex but flawless 50-70
 Complex with mistakes 20-30
 Simple with mistakes 10-20

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1. Clear stance
2. Punctuation marks
3. Definite knowledge
4. Flawless expression
5. Expressive not impressive
6. Proper structure
7. Use of discourse markers, adjectives and synonyms
8. Valid arguments
9. Reasonable handwriting

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How to Improve
 Read quality books and literary piece of writings
(Unpopular Essays by Bertrand Russell, Pakistan: A
Hard Country by Paul Liven)
 Work on your vocabulary
 Do maximum writing practice

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 Grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to
express ourselves in the form of words
 The more we are aware of how it works, the more we
can monitor the meaning and effectiveness of the way
we and others use language
 It can help foster precision, reduce ambiguity and
exploit the richness of expression available in English
 This includes: Tenses, Narration, Active and Passive,
Use of Article, Punctuation, Translation, Use of
Preposition and Sentence Correction
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Key Issues
 The Fragment: A number of different ideas should not be put
together in one single unit
a) He is my friend.
b) He is my friend and his father is a rich person.
c) He is my friend and Pakistan is a rich country.
 Incomplete Sentences
 Punctuation (Use of Capital Letters, Inverted Commas and etc)
 Use of Articles: A and an with countable are mostly missing with
excessive use of the
 Use of Tenses:
a. Present simple tense (where to use s or es with verb of
singular noun or pronoun)
b. Difference between present perfect and simple past tense and
continuous and perfect continuous tense
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Key Issues
 The Fused Sentence: Sentences that run into each
other with no marks of punctuation are said to be
‘fused.’ Writing such sentences is not only a sign of
extreme carelessness or sheer ignorance of the basic
facts about sentence structure
Our club raised some money for the Red Crescent
Society an organization like this wonderful.
Our club raised some money for the Red Crescent
Society. An organization like this is a wonderful thing.
 Presentation
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
 An argument is an attempt to persuade someone of
something, by giving reasons for accepting a particular
conclusion as evident.
 Natural language, proper structure, beautiful and
flawless expression, accurate content and correct
grammar are the key for good arguments

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Types of Essays
 Descriptive
 Terrorism its Causes and Consequences
 There are some Hurdles in the way of a Truly Independent Country
 War on Terror has Contributed to Growing Human Right Abuse
 Coeducation its Merits and Demerits
 Gender Equality is a myth
 Argumentative
 Can Meaning be fixed?
 Is Gender Equality a Myth?
 Gender Equality is a Myth
 There are some Hurdles in the way of a Truly Independent Country
 Narrative
 My First Day in College
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Kinds of Essays
 Open Ended
 There are some Hurdles in the way of a Truly Independent
 War on Terror has Contributed to Growing Human Right
 Gender Equality is a myth
 Close Ended
 Terrorism its Causes and Consequences (Descriptive)
 Coeducation its Merits and Demerits (Descriptive)
 Can Meaning be fixed? (Argumentative)
 Is Gender Equality a Myth? (Argumentative)

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Argumentative Descriptive

Nature of topic Statement/quotation in Statement/Fact/Issue

the mostly in the form of
Requirement Stance is required. Describe/Explain in heading
Prove with Yes/No

Knowledge Diversified Average

Failure Maximum Average

Length Short Average

Marks Highest Average

Criteria Knowledge with Extra- Minimum Knowledge with

ordinary Language good Language

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Process of Writing (3 hours)
Every productive work requires some kind of planning.
Essay writing is a creative process; hence it requires
planning as well. A good essay writer plans it into
following stages;
 Selection of topic 05m
 Pre writing stage 30m
 Drafting stage 02h
 Post drafting stage 25m

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Selection of the Topic
 Read all the topics
 Understanding of the topic
 Prepared structure
 Definite knowledge
 Interest
 Academic qualification

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Pre Writing Stage
 Gathering of information
 heading

 free writing

 looping

 Organization of information
 selection
 categorization
 Placement/ranking
 outline

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

 Comprehensive Image
 Divide the topic in headings (Universal, primary and
secondary )
 Every heading must be self explanatory
 Capitalize every key word of headings expect
preposition, articles, helping verb, pronoun and
 Illustrate the headings with points in the form of
 Sentences are not allowed except interrogative
 Flawless
 Beautiful presentation
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Writing Stage
1. Do not write incomplete sentences especially when you
combine two clauses
2. Clear stance
3. Try to meet number of words 1600-2200
4. Definite knowledge
5. Do not write incomplete paragraphs especially conclusion
6. Flawless expression
7. Expressive not impressive
8. Proper structure
9. Use of discourse markers, punctuation marks, adjectives
and synonyms
10. Valid arguments
11. Reasonable handwriting
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Post Drafting Stage
It consists on
1. Revision
2. Edition

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

This is recognazation of your mistakes of spellings,
punctuation, grammar, sentence structure and topic
and concluding sentence by revising following parts;
1. Outline
2. Introduction
3. First two paragraphs of body
4. Conclusion

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It is the process to correct the mistakes. Furthermore
mistakes can be corrected in following ways;
1. Add
2. Reword
3. Cut/delete
4. Resentence

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Fields to Cover
Candidates will be required to write one essay in
English. A wide choice of subjects will be given
The fields generally are:
1) Literature Related
2) Philosophy
3) International Politics
4) Economics related
5) Social issues
6) Religious issues

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

Key Topics
1. Global Warming/ Climate Change and our Preparation to Counter it
2. Education/ Education System of Pakistan has Failed to Produce
Efficient Human Resource
3. Democracy/ Role of local Government Election for Good
Governance/Features Of Democracy/ Future of Democracy in
Pakistan/Election Reforms/Why is Democracy Failed to Deliver in
4. Media/ Emerging Powers of Social Media/Limitation of Free Speech
5. Socio-economic Problems of Pakistan
6. Image of Islam in West
7. Energy Crisis
8. Water Crisis
9. Disaster Management and our Preparation to Counter it
10. Critical Analysis of United Nation on its 702h Anniversary
11. Accountability Reduces Corruption and This Leads to Peace, Stability
and Prosperity
12. Gender Equality/ Female Education/ Rights of Women in Islam/ Gender
Equality is a Myth
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Recommended Sources
 High School English Grammar by Wren and
 Practical English Usage by Swan (OUP)
 The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and
Poverty: Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu and
 Pakistan Beyond the Crisis State by Maleeha
 GRE Vocabulary
 Dawn Newspaper (Opinion Writing, Editorial
and News of Policies)
Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593
Recommended Sources
 Research Magazines (IPRI, Strategic Studies, Global
Image and Defense Journal)
 Government Documents (Economic Survey 16-17,
Brief of Budget 16-17, National Action Plan 16,Vision
2025, CPEC Review and Education Policy 2009 Review)

Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

For Articles, Outlines, Books and etc)

Mureed Hussain Jasra (Facebook page)

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Mureed Hussain Jasra 03335601593

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