David DeAngelo News Letters - Vol 4
David DeAngelo News Letters - Vol 4
David DeAngelo News Letters - Vol 4
I want to talk about the concept of "flirting", and why it's SO important that you
understand exactly what it is and how to do it with women.
To begin with, women know what flirting is and they respond VERY differently to flirting
communication than they do to typical social communication.
If you understand flirting and sexual tension, you can begin conversations with women
and have them INSTANTLY feeling ATTRACTION for you.
If you DON'T understand how flirting and sexual tension work, then you're either going
to have to become famous or make a LOT of money to be successful with women.
I'm going to suggest that you learn how to flirt well, then do it RIGHT FROM THE
BEGINNING in your interactions with women to SET THE RIGHT TONE.
Remember when you were a kid and you used to "play fight" with your friends?
And how do you know the difference when it's happening... when your friend runs up
and pushes you down, then jumps on you and tries to pin you?
The answer is YOU JUST KNOW. It's obvious to humans (and other animals, by the way)
when someone is "playing" and when they're serious.
Flirting is similar.
If you start talking to a woman and say, "Hi, you're very pretty. You probably have a
boyfriend, right?" in a normal tone of voice, you're NOT flirting.
On the other hand, if you say, "Hi, I realize that you're probably shy because you get no
attention from men... so I thought I'd come over here and pay attention to you..." it's
OBVIOUS that you're not being serious. This is flirting.
Cocky & Funny is simply a powerful, concentrated way of flirting and creating sexual
tension with a specific kind of humor.
It's so funny to me how some guys write in because they "can't see themselves being
Cocky & Funny around women" because they don't want to come across as jerks.
This really cracks me up... because it's obvious to me that these guys JUST DON'T GET
If you know how to communicate the right way, women will respond to you RIGHT
FROM THE BEGINNING with a HIGH LEVEL of sexual interest and ATTRACTION.
When you know how to incorporate flirting in a Cocky & Funny way, which is really a
form of "adult verbal play", you tune in to a certain frequency in a woman's mind and
cause her to go into a very special kind of emotional state.
One of the keys to effective flirting is to "get it". In other words, you have to actually
get out there and practice so you get a "feel" for how it works.
I think a lot of guys give up when they try a cute line or technique and a
woman responds by saying "You're a loser." Instead of just realizing that they
need more practice or that the woman might have just been in a bad mood or even one
of those horrible "I don't have a sense of humor" cases, they take it personally and
decide to just have it mean that they're a failure.
But take my word for it... once you learn how to flirt effectively and communicate in the
language of "adult play" you WILL SIMPLY NOT BELIEVE how women will respond to
If you want to see some video clips of me TEACHING Cocky & Funny then go here and
check out the examples:
Here's an example of some of one of my favorite topics to "riff on" when flirting... the
topic of getting married and us being in a relationship...
and I'll give it to you in the form of a sample dialogue. Keep in mind, I might have a
conversation like this one with a woman that I just met five minutes earlier...
Me: "Nice. I like that in a woman. Want to get married? We could leave for Vegas right
now and be married in about 4 or 5 hours. I need a woman with money."
Me: "But wait a minute... do you think you can support the both of us on your income? I
really want to be a stay at home husband... you know, keep an eye on the TV and
Me: "Well, then I'm breaking up with you. It's over between us. I was going to marry
you, then divorce you a week later and take half your money."
Her: [Laughter] "You can't break up with me! I'm not even your girlfriend."
I'm taking a normal conversation topic (her job and income) and redirecting the
conversation in a flirtatious, Cocky & Funny way to create a fun mood and sexual
tension (by suggesting marriage, divorce, and breaking up over her not supporting
me, etc.).
If the above example doesn't make any sense to you, then take that as a sign that you
need to get out and practice more. Try it on a waitress or two.
When you ask for something and she says, "I'm sorry, we don't have that", just say,
"OK, this relationship isn't working out... I'm going to have to break up with you."
In fact, you can say this in just about ANY situation with ANY woman where she's saying
something that you don't like, and it's funny.
When you communicate like this, you're FLIRTING, you're TEASING, and you're initiating
a DIFFERENT KIND OF COMMUNICATION than what most men initiate.
And as soon as the woman you're talking to "engages" you in this kind of dialogue, THE
There are a LOT of ways you can flirt, and a lot of ways you can be Cocky & Funny that
If a woman looks at you and raises one eyebrow, look back at her and do the same...
only exaggerate it.
If a woman puts her hand on your arm, look down at it, then look up at her in a
surprised way, then raise your eyebrows as if you just had a major "ah ha!" realization...
then start smiling and nodding your head as if you just realized that she wants you. This
is a powerful combination because it's funny, and it exaggerates the meaning in her
touching you.
There are a MILLION ways to flirt like this, but the point that I'm trying to make is that
It will set off all of your conversations with women on the right foot, and start a
dialogue that creates sexual tension and ATTRACTION.
If you DON'T learn how to communicate with women like this you'll have BORING,
"NORMAL" conversations that NEVER lead to sexual tension and ATTRACTION.
Remember, women can tell INSTANTLY whether you're flirting with them or not. If you
are, and you're doing it in a subtle, charming way, you'll get amazing responses.
One of the keys to flirting and creating ATTRACTION effectively, is projecting confidence
and indifference both in your voice tone and body language as you do it...
And in order to project these things, you need to have the right understanding and
BELIEFS about how male/female ATTRACTION works... and then be able to project
them throughout your conversation with women.
If you don't naturally "get" the concept of flirting with women, and you'd like to learn
how to use it to spark ATTRACTION, build Sexual Tension and eventually take things to
a PHYSICAL LEVEL, then I highly recommend that you get your hands on a copy of my
"Sexual Communication" program.
Over the time I spent learning directly from guys who were REALLY good with women, I
noticed something that they were all doing... that most men literally CAN'T SEE.
I discovered what I think of as a "secret language" that men and women use to
communicate on a "sexual level"...
Well, after discovering that this was going on right in front of me all my life... and then
learning how to use it to attract women... I realized that I HAD to teach this to other
After going through this program, I guarantee that you'll look at all your interactions
with women very differently... and you'll create a LOT more ATTRACTION with women...
using only your voice tone, inflection, and body language.
You can check out all the specifics... and you can watch some video clips of the program
The NEXT program you need to get if you want to learn how to FLIRT with women is my
famous "Cocky Comedy" DVD/CD program.
One of the SPECIFIC things that I saw guys who were "naturals" with women doing...
and one of the things that I later learned to do... is what I call "being Cocky & Funny".
You've probably read about the technique in these newsletters I send you.
This is essentially my FAVORITE "technique", and the reason why is because it's FUN...
and it WORKS.
It's fun for you, it's fun for her, and it works like MAD to spark and build ATTRACTION.
If you've tried being Cocky & Funny with a woman and seen that SPARK in her eye...
and the smile on her face... then you KNOW how powerful this is.
Well, this program will take your basic skills and SUPERCHARGE them. I'll teach you
everything from the foundations of humor and laughter... all the way to specific word-
by-word lines for the most common situations you find yourself in with women.
P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story, Question, or Comment, follow these
2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask your question. I appreciate all of the
"Your stuff is great" and "I don't need to tell you how well your stuff works" comments,
but the fact is that I DO need to hear all of the specifics... because this helps other guys
to see what's working in different situations.
3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success Story" in the subject line of the email. I
read these first.
4) At the end of the email, give me your initials and tell me where you're from.
5) Send it to me at:
Dear David,
I am a subscriber to your newsletter, and will soon download your e-book and/or your
I like what you write and I already learned a lot, I believe. But lately you were dealing
with a subject intriguing me more than others: why do women leave men. Which
triggered my question.
Here it comes:
Last year I was dating a woman for several months, in fact it was beyond dating
already, we were close to a committed relationship. And we had pleasure and fun
together, great sex and everything. Then all of a sudden she decided that it was not
"that", she left and went back to her former guy, a jerk who doesn't treat her even
remotely as well as I did. Now from your newsletter I conclude that this was precisely
the problem. At the beginning I had acted well (even without having your newsletters
then), she was chasing me, not the other way round, and I instinctively did it right,
played the "hard to get" and let her run hot. No wonder she was wild on me when we
finally hit off. But then I must have changed my behavior and started acting like a
WUSSY. (By the way, what does WUSSY really mean, i.e. the word itself, I am not a
native English speaker, I just understand that it is undesirable with women). And
consequently she lost interest and attraction for me. But strangely enough ever
since then she keeps in contact with me, emailing, phoning, writing that she is missing
me, says she wants to keep me as a friend and so on.
1. How do you interpret her behavior? Is she still interested somehow or what?
2. Is there - according your experience – any realistic chance to get her back, i.e. to
trigger again her interest and attraction?
I should add that I am not sure that I really want her back, in fact rather not, but it
would certainly be nice to get her to that stage again, so I could then decide in control
of the situation as in the beginning.
This word is a combination of the words "Wimp" and another word that starts with P,
has a next letter of U, then two of the letter S and finally a letter Y.
In other words, a Wussy (or Wuss), is a guy who tends to behave in a wimpish,
submissive, needy, way.
The opposite of a Wussy is Maximus during his first arena fight scene in the movie
The problem with being a Wussy is that women are NOT ATTRACTED TO
WEAKNESS... and thus, they are NEVER attracted to WUSSIES.
A woman might MARRY a Wussy because he's either the best she can get, has a lot of
money, has courted her for so many years that she finally gives in, or whatever...
Women don't CHOOSE who they feel ATTRACTION for, and they don't choose the
emotions that they feel either.
One problem that a lot of guys have to face is TURNING INTO a Wussy over time...
When you start off on the right foot, then gradually turn into a Wuss over time with a
woman, that emotion called ATTRACTION starts to go away inside of her.
A woman will tell her friends "I don't know what it is...but for some reason lately he's
just annoying to be around." etc.
It BOTHERS and ANGERS women when a man that's interested in them acts like a
WUSSY. In many women it actually triggers these emotions just like dominant behavior
triggers ATTRACTION.
Of course, the worse things get, and the more annoyed a woman becomes, the more
like a total WUSSBAG most guys act.
It's one of those "vicious cycles" that usually ends with the woman leaving and the
guy sitting there wondering what he did wrong... and him thinking that maybe, if he had
just been able to tell her just how much he loved her, that she would not have left him
for that other abusive jerk.
By the way, if you want to learn how to DE- WUSSIFY yourself for good, and become
a man that is universally attractive to women, then you must go and read this before
you read any further:
1. "How do you interpret her behavior? Is she still interested somehow or what?"
If you do it again in the future, the same thing will probably happen.
You have, with your actions and communication, KILLED the ATTRACTION that she
felt for you.
This is something you're going to have to deal with and take responsibility for.
You turned into a Wuss, and now you're paying the price.
You have to come to terms with your Inner Wuss before improvement can begin.
2. "Is there - according your experience – any realistic chance to get her back, i.e. to
trigger again her interest and attraction?"
But here's the problem. Probably 90% of the time when I tell a guy exactly what to do
in order to get a girl back, he screws it up... doesn't do it exactly the way I say, etc.
Focusing on getting her back will not only lessen the chances, but it will keep you
from moving on in your life.
Ironically, the way to give yourself the best chances of getting her back is to NOT
instead, go date other women, and be scarce in her life.
In other words, you're never going to make her feel any ATTRACTION for you again
by staying in touch, being her friend, and being "nice"... and by trying to "win her over"
It would be nice if things worked that way, but they don't.
Now, why do guys chase women, and keep doing the WRONG things... even after a
woman has left?
In our dealings with women, we guys tend to think things like "That's not fair" and "I
did all the right things" and to feel self-righteous because we're the good guy... but miss
the point and not get the RESULTS we want.
Remember though...
Attraction isn't FAIR, it isn't "right", it doesn't care how "nice" you are. Attraction can
be cruel and painful sometimes.
You know, the irony of your situation is that this girl was probably just as bummed-
out as you were about this whole thing happening.
I know, I know... she did things that made you turn into more and more of a Wuss.
It's her fault too... right?
They're not actually TRYING to turn you into a Wuss. But if you DO turn into a Wuss,
she realizes that she can't trust you to be a man and she has to go.
Now, she's not doing this to hurt you, she's only doing it because she wasn't getting
the feelings that she wanted with you... and now she's getting them with Jerk-Boy.
As I mentioned, your best bet in this situation is to MOVE ON. Get on with it.
And, stop calling your ex. Stop responding to her quickly. Stop being her WUSS-
It's obvious that the LAST thing you want is to wind up "just being friends" with her...
Next time she calls, tell her you have a date over at the house, or you're leaving to
meet a woman. Of course, make sure IT'S TRUE, like I said.
If you find yourself thinking about her and wanting to hear her voice, BITCH-SLAP
yourself. If you're feeling weak, have a friend do it.
"Hey, calling for more therapy? No-can-do... I have to run to the gym to get in shape
for my hot date on Friday..."
And remember...
In this world, "I was a nice guy and did nice things for her" doesn't cut it. Attraction
has a totally different set of rules... and exceptions. And if you want to get and keep an
attractive woman, then you'd better learn them.
It's a skill, and you're not going to get it by being "nice" and doing everything your
mom taught you...
If a woman feels ATTRACTION for a man, she'll do almost anything to stay with him.
If she DOESN'T feel it, then the chances are slim that she'll stay around.
These rules are even MORE TRUE when you're dealing with an ATTRACTIVE woman
who gets a lot of attention from guys.
The irony of this situation is that I think it's a lot easier to make a woman feel
ATTRACTION than it is to be a Wuss who chases after her, buys her things, and annoys
the hell out of her.
But, over the last several years I've not only learned how to cure myself and evict my
Inner Wuss... I've also learned how to make women feel ATTRACTION with my body
language and communication alone.
I only wish someone would have shown me this stuff fifteen years ago...
If you're reading this right now and it's time that you evicted your inner Wussy, and
learned how to make women feel ATTRACTION for you without chasing them, buying
them things, and giving all of your power away, then listen up...
And you know by now that more of the same is only going to get you more of the
If you need a WORLD-CLASS de-Wuss-ification, then you need my industrial strength
My 12-hour Advanced Dating Techniques program is the ultimate training on how to
be successful with women and dating.
It comes on either digital CD audio or DVD video, and it will absolutely blow your
It has taken me literally YEARS of my time, energy, research, and effort to figure all of
this stuff out...
For every one secret, concept, or technique that I teach in this program, I've probably
tried ten or twenty others that didn't work...
It's me, personally teaching all of the very best secrets, concepts, and specific step-
by-step techniques for meeting and dating women that I personally use in real world
The best part? You can order it at ZERO RISK. This program (and the two others
below) are available for a FREE TRIAL.
Try them out at no cost. Use the concepts. If you don't see results IMMEDIATELY,
then just send it back... it's that easy.
You are a saint. A giant among insects... Ok, maybe not, but it gets through the
obligatory ass-kissing since you have helped me so much. Let me begin...
I've had my eyes on this particular girl for quite some time, and I could tell she was
already into me quite a bit, but we had never made anything of it. Last week, she
decided to "be bold" and ask ME out, instead of the other way around (you can see
I'm already doing something right). She asked if I wanted to go see a movie some time;
instead of freaking out and jumping at the chance, I said I'm rather tired of this whole
`movie date' thing. If she wanted to get me, she was going to have to be a little more
creative. She was rather shocked and felt somewhat rejected. Later in the conversation,
we were got to talking about this stalker (wussy who needs a life) that seems to be in
love with her, and she hates him. He had asked her if she wanted to accompany him to
a football game the next night that they both were already going to. She said she really
wished that I would come with her so this guy would leave her alone. I thought, "Ok.
This will be my good deed for the year." And said I would go. She ends up driving me to
the game. Upon arrival, she just HAD to braid her hair, and asked me to wait around
while she did so. I stood there for a second, and then walked off. She started yelling at
me to wait; I simply replied, "I'll see you inside the gate." waved and walked off. Once
inside, I didn't see her come in, but soon felt someone grab my butt (it was her).
We went on into the stadium, she soon saw someone she knew and went to talk to
them, dragging me along. I stood around for a second, then wandered off, since I had
seen someone I knew as well. She comes to find me soon, and we go off to our seats.
Her stalker had seen us as we were going to our seats and decided to stay with us for
part of the night. She began talking to him, and I did my own thing. I wandered off
numerous times throughout the night and generally acted very secure and
like I didn't need a thing in the world (especially her!). Following the game, as
we walked back to her car I could tell that she wanted me badly due to some things she
had been saying. She drove me back to where my car was waiting and we talked for
twenty minutes or so in her car. There was some hand holding and such going on
during the conversation. She said, "You know we're just going to end up making out-
you're just delaying the inevitable." Bingo. I shrugged it off, and we continued talking.
About ten minutes later, she said, "It's getting late; I really should be getting home."
Obviously a ploy to get things started, as it was only 10:15 PM. I shrugged it off, again.
A few minutes pass, and she says, "It's late, I really need to go." I say, "Alright." I open
the door and get out of the car. She says, "Where are you going?" I reply nonchalantly,
"I just don't think you want it badly enough yet." Score #2. I walk off to my car;
she immediately jumps out of the car and begins walking to my car as well. I get to the
car and put the key in the door and she sticks her leg in front of the door with this
defiant attitude. I say, "You know, I've never been raped in an empty parking lot
Thanks Dave.
Now, on to the questions: First, now that I've used my best line ever ("I just don't think
you want it badly enough yet."), do you have any suggestions on what to do and say
next time to create that same anticipation/desire in her?
Also, you always say that I need to be the first to end the conversation, but many of the
girls that I am interested in are somewhat sporadic and tend to call, IM, etc. when they
don't have a lot of time. Quite often, they are the ones to end the conversation before I
have a chance to. How do I take this? Should I just reply, "Alright. I'll catch you later."
Acting like I could care less?
D. Knoxville, TN
Great story.
I'm sure that anyone reading this would say "Yeah, but she already liked you"... I wish
you would have told the story from the beginning, because I'll bet you MADE her like
you with more of the same type communication that you described here.
The one thing that you clearly understand here is how SEXUAL TENSION works.
You understand how to take a small spark of desire from her and AMPLIFY it until it's
literally EXPLOSIVE.
If you keep amplifying and letting the tension build with a particular woman, this is
the kind of result you'll get... and she will LOVE you for it.
Things like making her come up with a more "interesting" date idea, walking away
from her when other guys would have clung to her, shrugging off her comments about
the two of you getting together, etc. are the magic ingredients.
Most guys DESTROY all the sexual tension at every possible opportunity... they take
every chance they can to SCREW THINGS UP because they don't know better...
The fact is that most men just don't UNDERSTAND how women get turned on.
And most men don't understand that if you really want a woman to WANT you, then
you NEED to get her turned on. It's not going to happen by itself.
Hey, if you want to learn more about how to create this thing I'm calling "Sexual
Tension", and more about how to get women turned on, then go here now:
The bigger the challenge you are, and the more intense the sexual tension, the more
aroused a woman will become... so that when you finally do connect physically it's pure
Again, most men can't HANDLE sexual tension. They feel uncomfortable when the
situation isn't "clear cut", and they screw things up.
One of the things you mentioned doing was "shrugging off" her obvious "come ons"
to you.
When a woman throws out a sexual comment, etc. most guys screw it up. That's
because they don't know the SECRET about these types of comments.
When you're a major challenge, it naturally means that she's not IN CONTROL of the
Attractive women are USED to being in control, so when they're NOT in control, they
get agitated. It really bothers them.
So they TEST. They use all kinds of interesting tricks and tactics to see if you're just
FAKING like you're actually in control of yourself and the situation.
She might mention that she loves sex, or that she thinks you guys have a chance of
"hooking up", or some other "tease".
But make no mistake about it, these comments are not at all the innocent
remarks that they appear to be.
It's a woman's last resort when she feels like she isn't controlling the situation to see if
you'll crumble to SOMETHING. -- If you say something like, "Really? You think we're
going to hook up? That would be cool." Then she KNOWS SHE'S IN CONTROL.
If you say, "Yeah, you think so? I don't know, I'm not that easy..." then it just dials up
the tension, mystery, and challenge.
What should you do NEXT time you see her to keep the tension building...?
This time wait a little longer. Make her think about it a little bit more.
Women LOVE anticipation. They love to feel the rush that something is going to
happen... but not know WHEN.
If you REALLY want to take things to the next level, take a page from popular movies
and romance novels.
Stop for awhile. Make her think about it. Then start again when she isn't expecting it.
These are the types of things that make women think about you all the time when
you're gone... and call you in the middle of the night because they want to see you.
Most men are so damn BORING when it comes to this stuff! They do NOTHING to
make a woman FEEL the powerful feelings that she's always wanted to feel.
You be the one to do it, and you'll be the one she always wants around.
Your second question was about ending calls and conversations first.
The REASON why you should end all conversations and other interactions with women
first is that it conveys a clear message:
Most guys cling, and try to keep a woman on the phone for a long time. They desire a
attention and approval, and they make it clear that this is what they're after.
If you run into a woman who's always on the run, don't let it get to you. To put it
differently, don't become obsessed with her just because she's never available!
An amazing and simple way to handle this kind of thing is to just say "OK, bye"
without any other comments.
She says "I have to go, my friends are waiting for me outside". Just say "OK, bye" and
80% of the time, she'll say "No, wait! I'm just really busy, call me in a few days" etc.
She's TESTING you by playing hard to get. It's a game. Have fun with it.
As soon as she says "I have to go, my laundry is in the dryer", you SHOOT back "OK,
bye" in a VERY abrupt tone and SHUT UP.
Most of the time, she'll say something in a tone of voice that says "That was weird",
and then she'll give some kind of explanation or ask you why you were so short with
Of course, this is a great opportunity to bust her balls and create some fun banter.
Again, you'll often have her say something like "I'm really busy right now. I'm sorry.
Call me tomorrow and let's do something". At this point, you can say "Yeah, if you're
lucky. Bye!"
Then, when you call her next, it was HER that asked for the call.
You get to call up and say "Well, last time we talked you were begging me to
call you... and I felt so bad for you that I finally broke down."
What we're talking about here is DESIRE... and more importantly, INCREASING IT.
In most interactions with women there is an opportunity to SPARK the chemistry... the
sexual tension... the desire... and then there are many opportunities to AMPLIFY that
If you do not understand all of the little steps from the first meeting to the bedroom,
and know exactly how to smoothly progress from one step to the next, then you're
going to keep failing with women.
If you DO understand all of the steps, and you know EXACTLY what to do in order to
smoothly transition from one to the next, then you are MUCH more likely to succeed.
One of the most IMPORTANT steps is controlling your own emotions. If you're
nervous and freaked out, then you'll make her nervous.
We humans can SMELL fear and nervousness... and women are the best at it.
If you'd like to get an ADVANCED education in how to control your own emotions,
how to spark ATTRACTION, and how to go from one step to the next smoothly, then I
recommend you check out my Advanced Dating Techniques program.
It's over 12 full hours of me teaching all of my very best theories, concepts, and
strategies for becoming more successful with women and dating.
Two things:
2) It "feels right". In other words, you'll learn how to use the natural dynamics in any
situation to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you... without having to MANIPULATE
her "secretly".
As you learn the concepts and techniques and begin to use them in situations with
women, you will see women LIGHT UP in front of you.
You'll IMMEDIATELY notice the different way that they respond to your comments.
You'll begin to see all of the reasons why you failed in the past, and you'll understand
the "one right thing" to do in each situation... so that you move FORWARD and stay in
control of the situation.
Most of all, it will give you the CONFIDENCE to attract the kinds of women that most
men only dream about dating.
I'm telling you, I used to have no clue about attracting women... but now that I do, I
can date any type of women I want. And it's a damn good feeling.
All the details of my program are here, along with some great free samples:
"How A Random Guy From Las Vegas Used Myspace To STEAL My Buddy's Long-time
Hey Max,
How many smokin' hot women do you know who have profiles up on Myspace or
For women, having a Myspace or Facebook profile these days is practically a social
requirement, akin to having a Louis Vutton bag circa 2004...
The beauty of these social networking sites is that they eliminate the "social stigma"
many of the MOST attractive women have with online dating sites. You can join
Myspace or Facebook to "network", or "stay in touch with your friends." No admitting
you are single and dateless necessary.
I was talking with an old friend of mine recently who told me a story that I found a
little depressing... but also *very* interesting...
He was in a long-term relationship with a woman he was really into. He had just
joined Myspace and was having fun messing around on the site, so he told her to join,
figuring she'd enjoy it, too.
LOTS of men.
He could see from the comments on her profile that she was flirting with some of
these men... and he started to get a little nervous...
Long story short... she eventually admitted that she had developed feelings for one of
these men, and my friend was forced to end the relationship.
He was devastated, but at the same time, it opened his eyes...
He started checking out the pages of the dudes his ex was flirting with, and took note
of the things that were different from his own.
Eventually he discovered that the guys who got the MOST attention from women on
myspace shared 11 different "traits" - each displayed in their profiles - that the "regular"
guys did not.
He began tweaking his own profile using what he was learning - changing text, new
pictures, music, "About me" sections, etc.
And before he knew it, *he* started receiving emails from WOMEN.
LOTS of women.
These days my friend is meeting 5 - 7 new, attractive single women each and every
month on Myspace... and best of all, he's now turned his methods into a "system" that
any guy with half a brain can use to do the same.
Ever since my friend shared this stuff with me I've been twisting his arm to get him to
do an interview with me and share his secrets... and I'm pleased to say I finally got 'em!
We finished it up a few short hours ago, and my head is still spinning from what he
- The 11 traits you MUST display in your profile if you want women to see you as a
"catch" (Use just 2 or 3 of these tricks and women will be more likely to respond to your
emails... but use all 11 and women will start emailing YOU out of the blue)
- The 10 deadly mistakes guys make when trying to meet women on social networking
sites that make the ladies see them as DESPERATE LOSERS that can't meet women in
the "real world"
- Why you should NEVER use Cocky Comedy online (I don't know if I agree with this
one, but my friend swears this *other* technique works much, much better...)
- A quick way to determine what pictures you should use on your profile to get the best
- The one thing you MUST talk about in your first email to a woman
- A big mistake guys make when trying to meet women online that SEEMS like it would
get results but in reality REPELS even women who might have liked you had they met
you offline
- How to use online conversations to get the "get to know you" stuff out of the way and
go straight to "getting physical" when you meet in person
- A quick way to tell if a woman just wants a "pen pal" and is wasting your time
- The place online most men THINK they can meet hot women which is actually the
WORST place to find them
- The simple, "works every time" email secret that TRIPLES the amount of women who
respond to your emails!
His email inbox is literally filled with women writing him to say "here's my number...
call me."
Oh, and by the way... I forgot to mention that my friend lives in VEGAS. He isn't
having these results in some po-dunk town where a "5" is a "10" and there is no
competition. He's in on of the busiest cities in the country... and he's tearing
it up...
But no matter what kind of town YOU are in, I can tell you from firsthand experience
that MOST of the hot women in EVERY town are online these days... and this interview
will teach you how to meet and attract them.
This brand-new interview is going "to the press" on Wednesday morning, the 16th.
If you're already subscribed to my "Interviews With Dating Gurus" series, you'll be
receiving it soon.
If you're NOT already subscribed... then you need to sign up NOW (before Tuesday
the 15th at Midnight)... because this is one interview you DON'T want to miss.
So if you're not already subscribed... well then, what are you waiting for?
What if listening to this one interview actually *did* show you how to meet a LOT of
hot women... without ever leaving your house?
What would that be worth? I think it's easy to see the value here... but I want to
prove it to you.
I'd like to invite you to subscribe to my "Interviews With Dating Gurus" series at no
risk right now...
When you subscribe, I'm also going to send you an awesome starter kit with TWO of
my ALL-TIME BEST "double length" interviews... ON ME.
And what if you don't like this interview? What if you think they all SUCK and don't
want to pay for them?
You can unsubscribe at any time with no questions and no hassles, and there's
absolutely no obligation. I'm serious about this.
Go here to subscribe... and I'll send them right out to you:
I have been using your techniques for the past month and my "popularity" is soaring. I
would like to thank you for finally saying what I have thought for years. Here is my
question. About 5 years ago I used to go to this bar and there was a server that I was
just ga ga for. Back then I was very shy and reserved. We talked here and there nothing
ever happened more than that and that was only when she brought me my drinks. Well,
this weekend was my first weekend out since I moved back home and she was working
at this new bar, I went to go approach her and all of sudden my mind was blank so I
just backed off b4 she even knew I was going to approach her. How should I handle
this especially since she has been bartending for at least 5 years she has seen it all and
been hit on by EVERYONE! What would you do?
West Virginia
One of the keys to approaching women like this one who are hit on ALL THE TIME by
By the way, bartenders are EXCELLENT candidates for asking "Hey, do you have
email?"... because it's very low-key and non-threatening.
Try this... roll into the bar, and when you see her, say "Hey, long time no see... so
you're still tending bar after all these years, huh?"
See if she remembers you. If she doesn't, then make some small talk about how you
used to come in the other bar where she worked. But keep it short, because she'll
probably be busy.
Then say "So what, are you married with ten kids now?"
This is a cute way to ask a woman that you haven't talked to in awhile if she's single...
Then say "Well, I'm going to get back to my friends... good seeing you"... and just as
you turn, shoot back over your shoulder "Hey! Do you have email?"
If she says "Yes", then say "Great, write it down for me."
Remember, the key is to be laid back and cool about it. Just act like you're connecting
with an old female friend from high school.
Now personally I like to describe myself as an idealist, you would probably dub me king
of the wusses. Yet every once in awhile I’ll pull my head out of the clouds and look at
the world around me with some realism. Case in point is a young woman I met almost a
year ago (also the reason i started subscribing to the newsletter) Now at first things
actually seemed to go well but they degenerated and after careful look around I think I
know why. After one of those lovely "lets just be friends" talks I started talking to one of
her female friends, and oddly enough she got jealous. (approx 2 hrs. later) Now I have
had other female friends tell me she’s flirting with me.... but the best results I have ever
gotten with her is when she told me to sue her. Now being a pre-law student I wrote
out a very complementary and sarcastic legal complaint it broke down barriers almost
immediately, and for about three weeks we were trying to figure out when we were
both free to go out (we both had 30+credit hours of classes) Sadly it feel through
because of an old boyfriend pissing her off at guys in general.
Now what I believe works so well with cocky and funny, is that it goes around so many
of those internal self-defense mechanisms by giving them the opportunity to be the
aggressor. More importantly, it gives them a challenge where you can't be made into an
enemy. (Unlike the traditional advice of my friends to go out with another girl to get her
jealous) Finally the well documented phenomenon that while girls may initially like a guy
being super nice it quickly grows boring (much like many college professors.) but cocky
and funny offers a way of being nice but in a different less boring way. In closing, I just
want to say what a deviously simple and effective device you have cooked up in cocky
and funny.
Gainesville FL
Well, I'd like to extend to you an offer of gratitude and appreciation for the
aforementioned compliments... and I'd also like to recommend that you stop talking so
much like an attorney... lol.
And by the way, your plans with her probably didn't fall through because an old
boyfriend "pissed her off at guys in general"... it probably happened because you didn't
If she says "Well, I have a lot of homework to do", just say, "Well, procrastinate
tonight... I'm more fun".
Women generally seem to love it when you say "Cancel your plans... I'm more
interesting anyway". It says all the right things in a Cocky and Funny way.
Hey!! I need your help with some examples of cocky & funny!! Firstly let me tell you
how your book has helped me after just a few days!! I saw an attractive girl in a club
that I go to often. This was the first time that I left with a phone number & email
address. I decided that enough is enough and I was just going to approach someone. I
walked over to her and asked if she would do me a favour by requesting a song for me,
she asked why I wouldn't do it and I said that the DJ might play it if she asks cos some
guys might consider her to be pretty which she asked if I was one of them, but I didnt
answer but just again told her to do me this favour. She asked me to go with her ... I
went with her, thanked her afterwards and went back to my friends. Basically not paying
much attention to her for the next 45 mins. When I (accidentally) bumped into her
again, I asked her name, if she had email. She automatically offered me her address, so
I waited till she was writing it down when I told her to include her phone number,
although her actual no etc... after that I told her I would talk to her soon....... and that
I was going back to my friends, she sat down to have a conversation with me, but I left.
Now this is where I need your help about the cocky & funny. As I am only beginning, I
could use a couple of examples of what I could say to her, and do I do it on the phone
or wait till the actual date?? I was thinking along the lines of saying I had to ask for her
number seeing that she went out of her way to impress me.... etc... so any other
suggestions please would be very much appreciated.
Nice job. I love the way you asked her to get the DJ to play a song... and telling her
that "some guys might consider her pretty"... and then not answering her as
to whether or not you are one of those guys.
1) Email her and say something charming, like "Hey, it was good meeting you. Let's
get together for a cup of tea and make friends... just in case I need you in the
future to get some more DJs to play music for me..."
2) GET A COPY OF MY EBOOK! If you're doing this well with just the information you're
getting from my newsletters, then you really need to get the FOUNDATION. You must
learn how the whole process works, and how to put all the steps together. You can
literally download it right now, and be reading it in a few minutes:
Do you have any advice for night clubs or night club tactics?
When you go to a nightclub, you'll see many women that are acting out a paradox:
They're all dressed up in sexy clothes (obviously to get attention from men), but they're
acting like they don't want men to talk to them most of the time.
Of course, this isn't always true all the time, but if you go to nightclubs and bars, then
I'm SURE you know exactly what I'm talking about.
1) Remember that beautiful women are usually hit on a lot at clubs and bars. Most of
the guys are drunk and stupid... or using lame pick up lines... or acting like wussies... or
offering to buy drinks... etc.
Don't kiss up to women in nightclubs, and don't GIVE THEM YOUR POWER. In other
words, hold yourself and communicate like you are in complete control of yourself and
your surroundings... and like nothing she does can upset you.
2) Remember that for the first few minutes you're probably going to get some resistance
from most women.
One of the big tests when meeting women in a nightclub is whether or not you can
keep talking to a woman who isn't being overly friendly.
If you encounter a rude or cold woman, just move on... you need to be selective
and not put aside your own standards just because a woman is attractive.
On the other hand, if a woman seems a little bit resistant, just keep the
conversation going. You'll find in many cases that after 5 or 10 minutes she'll begin to
warm up.
If you're having a conversation (as opposed to just getting her email/number and
leaving), then you need to turn up the Cocky and Funny comments, and just play it cool
like a friend.
Bars are a great place for palmistry, astrology, handwriting analysis, and other "cold
reading" techniques. Learn a few if you want to have great conversations in bars.
3) If you're not VERY SKILLED, then just get a woman's email and/or number and go.
There are so many distractions in bars and clubs that it really makes it difficult to have
an understandable conversation. There are other guys, usually her girlfriends, etc., and
if you don't REALLY know what you're doing, then you're likely to drop the ball
4) Try going with a friend and approaching women for each other. Go up to a woman
and say "Hi, wow... you know what? I think my friend would really love you. He's such a
nice guy..." and then talk up your friend. When he shows up, introduce him. This is a
great way to start conversations with women if you're just getting started.
5) Don't worry about what happens. Just go over and talk to every woman you see. The
women expect it, and it's GREAT practice!
Also, it's a great idea to find guys who are good at meeting women in bars and to
WATCH THEM to learn how to act. You'll learn a lot from doing this.
Firstly a good effort all round on the book and newsletters full of useful stuff and always
good for a laugh when I realize that I have done the same things as thousands of other
blokes and crashed and burned in the same way. I've been getting the newsletters for a
few months and also got the book, after not having any success for over 3 years I'm
getting confidence by practicing the techniques in different situations like with checkout
ladies in the grocery store and other shops, its natural to talk to them, you make their
day as they've been sat there all day and nobody's spoken to them and you get feed
back on c+f lines, a captive audience, use it guys. I've also bought a book on Palm
reading as advised by you, I'll let you know who I go on this one.
Ok my question. In your newsletters and book you mostly deal with getting the e-mail
address and meeting up a few days later, which is great if you're always in the same
town. I move around a lot with my job from hotel to hotel. I'm also leaving my job in a
few months to travel the world. With this in mind I won't have the time to take a few
days to mail and meet for coffee etc as I'm/will be constantly moving on every few
days-weeks. Do you have any advice for closing the deal in a first meeting and then
walking away from it?
i.e. the one night stand, as if I walk away after 3 minutes with only an e-mail address
that’s the opportunity gone. I'm sure there are plenty of readers that would benefit from
some advice in this area. Keep up the good work D.
Well, if you meet a woman in a checkout line or at the desk of a hotel, try your new
palmistry techniques with her, and once she's interested just say, "Well, I have to go
check into my room now. But I'll meet you at the coffee shop across the street at 7 and
tell you more."
One thing you really have going for you is the fact that you're NEW to each area, and
Just say, "Hey, I don't really know my way around here, are you busy today?
Take me to some of the sights."
Charm them with your fun personality, read their palms, and then have them show
you around.
After a little area tour, invite them up to your hotel for a drink and some lip reading...
Dear David, using the C & F techniques, and analysing them, I have discovered that
there several classes or categories of c & f :
1) When you are cockyandfunniing about you. You are saying that you are the best, or
you are very sexy, clever, etc in a funny way. i.e. Me:"You know, I'm really tired of you
women treating me like some kind of piece of meat. I have feelings too, and I don't just
like being thought of as a sex object."
2) When you are cockyandfunniing about her. You are saying that she is wussy, nerd,
ridiculous, etc in a funny way. i.e. "Hey, I can borrow you a wig, but please, don't kill it's
roots !! 3) When you cockyandfunniing about other person, an object, a place, etc. i.e.
Me: "You know, if that chick lost about 200 pounds, I think I'd be into her"
3) When you are inverting (in a funny way) the stereotypes and assume than girl must
date boy, girl must approach boy, etc i.e: SHE: "Are you from around here?" ME: "What,
are you trying to pick me up? I'm not that easy.
There are other cocky & funny categories, and some categories mix each others, but
these are the more important (I think). I think that the #2 & #3 are the more powerful
and efective categories. I'm going to tell you, in which case I use them (If the Maestro
agrees with me)
1. C & F about me. It's useful, but you can't use it too much, it's more useful If you are
a not a cute boy, if you are awful,(bald, overheight, etc). You have to use it with care, if
not you are becoming too cocky.
2. C & F about her. It's very useful,(especially on hotties and average women), and it's
very powerful, but I discover that if she has low self esteem she may get upset (but she
will get attracted too).
3. C & F about other things. This is the more secure c & f mode, but it is generates less
attraction than others.
4. C & F inverting stereotypes It's very funny and it's very powerful, and easy to see.
This is a great little set of categories, and it's a great place to start if you're trying to
come up with funny and charming things to say for different situations.
I've included it here, so others can use it as a guide when working on their own
Dave, Hey, I just downloaded your e-book (finally) and I must say that the information
in it is absolutely invaluable. I have already gotten a few email addresses and my
confidence is really improving. However, there is a few problems that I have
encountered that I really don't have any answer for. For instance, just the other night a
few girls were hanging out in my roommates and I dorm room at the college we attend.
I was pulling the whole cocky and funny thing on the cutest of the bunch and she really
seemed to be eating it all up. I mean, she was laughing, hitting me (in a playful
manner) asking me questions and just being totally receptive to me. This lasted for
probably over an hour.
However, for reasons I cannot explain, she started showing interest in one of my friends
for some reason. I mean, she was asking him questions, focusing her attention on him,
sitting by him etc. I really don't know what I did wrong or what I should have done in
this situation. Please give me some insight as to what the heck is going on in a situation
such as this one.
Also, I attend a small university so there are many beautiful women to practice my
game on. However, at the same time many of the girls know each other so I don't want
to ask for email addresses like it's going out of style and get labeled as someone who is
desperate. What should I do? I mean, it sucks seeing a girl you got shut down by
everyday, now imagine if you see like five or ten girls you got shut down by everyday.
Please, some words of wisdom would be tremendously appreciated.
As far as your first situation goes... there are several possibilities.
My guess is that you waited too long to go to the next level. Instead of
talking to her for AN HOUR, maybe you should have busted on her for 15
minutes and then said "Hey, come with me to the store..." and left with her.
Then you could have progressed, maybe held her hand, kissed her, etc.
If you wait too long with an attractive woman, she'll lose interest.
And by the way, you never know... she might just have liked your friend or whatever.
The point is, it really doesn't matter. Just say "next" in your head and move
And about your concern that women label you as "desperate", who cares? It's more
important that you TAKE ACTION and NOT CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK than it is that
you have all the hot woman on your campus "not think of you as desperate".
Just do it.
Hi David,
I don't think I've ever seen you address the "friends first" issue... I think there's a
difference between a woman saying "i only like you as a friend" and "lets be friends first
and build a relationship from that". Especially if you meet the woman from a personal ad
which says she wants friends first.. (so its not like shes saying she's saying you have to
be her friend first when you first meet her) The only thing that bothers me is if she
thinks of you as a friend then she's still single so she might date other guys and you get
to hear about it. This isn't really a question to a specific problem, but because I'm still
new to dating (I'm 21) and don't have much experience (which is changing thanks to
your great newsletters!) I have run into a few of the "friends first" encounters and I
don't know quite what to make of it.. should I be their friend first, and think it might
turn into something more?
SK Florida
OK, the only real difference between a woman saying "I only like you as a friend" and
"Let's be friends first and see what happens" is... WHEN YOU HEAR "LET'S BE FRIENDS
When a woman says "Let's be friends first", what they REALLY mean is "I don't feel a
gut level, sexual ATTRACTION for you right now... but you're an awful nice guy and I
don't want to hurt your feelings..."
If you see a personal ad with "Friends first" it probably means that the last guy she
dated wanted to get married after the first date... and she doesn't want another loser
WUSSY boy in her life.
Of course, there are a lot of possibilities, but generally speaking, you don't want to get
into "friend" mode, because it's not easy to get out.
Telling HER that she seems like she'd make a nice friend is a GREAT idea, because it
makes her wonder if you like her, and it creates tension.
If this doesn't make sense to you, then I'd recommend that you check out my book or
audio series and then think about it again. Until you "GET" this, you're going to have a
hard time attracting a woman.
I got your book and the first thing I did was read the short book about Sex Secrets... lol
Now I figured I was pretty successful with the women and wanted to see how I
compared to your tactics.... man you nailed it big time!!
I have been seeing this one gorgeous woman for about 2 months now and I thought
about what you said in the book.... to keep her attracted and wanting more.... use
anticipation. Well I know she wants me bad and so I thought I would just see how bad
she does, so I talked to her over lunch.... since she only had 30 minutes for lunch I put
it to the test right off. She sat down close to me and looked me in the eyes.... I
commented on her beauty and ran my hand over her leg just slightly to let her know I
was there and what I was thinking.... I could see her light up instantly. I took my hand
away and changed the conversation knowing the anticipation was already building.
I told her how I would like to give her a massage... body massage to ease her stress
and she agreed this would be good.... I then ran my fingers over her hand and then
touched her slightly on the cheek.... lol... she was eating this up. I then noticed she had
a slight stain on her uniform and reached to dust it off... this thru her big time.... she
squealed a little and said it gave her goose bumps....lol.... I just gave her a slight smile
and backed off again. Her next comment was, I wish I brought a change of clothes here
today cause I am gonna need em'...lol... I knew the anticipation was working! Although
these were things I would normally have done without reading about it, the book is a
great source and it works... so guys if you want to get the heads up on moving her to
the next level, order the book.... you won't be sorry!!
R. Canada
Yes, understanding this concept of Anticipation is SUCH a key to making women feel
turned on.
I don't mention it much, but that bonus booklet that comes along with Double Your
Dating is a VERY powerful set of ideas and techniques for getting a woman VERY turned
As you know, there are little things you can do physically that literally make a woman
go crazy with desire. I'm sure you're making this lady VERY happy... and I'm sure that
she can't believe that she's met a guy who actually "gets it".
Hi Dave, I liked your book and I love your news letter which is very informative and
quite creative, both by you and also other contributors; keep it up. Basically I've been a
successful guy with the females by being very masculine and proud of it and I'm glad
that in your book you encourage this attitude. After reading your book I have increased
my success with the females tenfold and I thank you for that.I am 32 but I look about
20 and even when I was younger I've always fancied women that were much older than
me but I always attracted younger girls who I like as well but with your help the girl l'm
going out with is 33 (she thinks l'm 21 because l told her to guess my age) and she's
extremely attractive (10 out of 10) successful and confident and men of all ages try
to pick on her whenever we go out and l leave her alone. We met when I went for an
interview for the company she owns and she ask for me to come to her office and after
I complimented her on her business she said l was flattering her and l said "in your
dreams, that's the worst pick up line l've heard all day", and she was so taken back by
the challenge l presented to her that after I told her the compliment was just to get the
job and that she shouldn't use her position just to use me as a piece of meat. Anyway l
poured out C&F on her even told her that l wouldn't take the job because l knew what
she was up to and she said we needed to talk and she gave me her card with all her
contact # and she also wrote her private home and mobile #. l took the card but l told
her since it was her interested in me she should call me and l gave her my # as well.
She called the same day and we've been seeing each other ever since.
But l do have a question in one of your news letters you said "women perceive good-
looking guys who act cocky as MAJOR PLAYER, and too much cocky too soon can back
fire on you". Further you said that "If you are a pretty good looking , you might turn
down the cocky and turn up funny". Well l'm good looking oh yes; but l know it's not
everything but it helps and true to your above statement sometimes when l'm cocky it
back fires on me even when the girl (or should l say especially) makes the first move. I
know you've got the answer so please give it some of your time and reply please.
Maximum respect to you David.
JS London
There are exceptions to every rule, and you may have found one of them.
If you're a regular guy and you're dealing with an attractive woman, then Cocky and
Funny is generally a great technique.
If you're a VERY attractive guy, then being too Cocky and Funny can intimidate
women and/or make them think that you must be a big player.
NOW, if you're an attractive guy and you're dealing with a VERY attractive woman
who is also POWERFUL (owns a company, for instance) then you'll probably want to
turn the Cocky and Funny back up to provide MAXIMUM CHALLENGE to her.
The SUPER HOTTIES are used to ALL guys rolling over for them, and you can turn up
the heat if you think she needs it in this situation.
Hey Dave, I've written atleast 1 million emails to you! And i haven't heard anything
back! Nah it's cool i know you have another million emails that start off the same way.
So heres the question! How do i get womens phone numbers for the possibilty
of sex, like they know if i ring its for sex kinda thing. I don't want to do the whole date
thing, its boring and conversation is stupid! I just wanna ring them up and say it like
this, "hey i'm really horny and i was wondering, do you wanna come over for some
'action' and then piss off so I can get some peace and quite?" I dont really want them to
hang around, it's kinda awkward. Im not an a**hole but thats what i think is on most
other guys minds as well as mine. Is there anyway to put this to a woman without them
feeling hurt or as if there being used?
Thanks R. Australia.
Look, if I had the answer to this one I'D BE RICHER THAN BILL GATES AND WARREN
And stop emailing to ask how you can get women to come over for sex because
you're horny, then piss off so you can get some peace and quiet without them feeing
hurt or used...
Hi Dave,
I've been following your instructions to the letter and I have to say it works like a
charm! I have one problem though. I never know when a woman is attracted to me or
not. I can't seem to be able to pick up the signs. I mean I know lasses are
attracted to me only when their friends tell me or they do. It can be REALLY annoying
not knowing whether to progress onwards or not.
I mean, at the moment there's this lass who's really religious and I want to get with her
& I've been working overtime on the teasing and the cocky/funny routine. I just can't
tell where I stand with her. I was just wondering if you had any pointers that could help
me? Thanks,
N. Bradley, England
You can see it on the second page of my main web site, or read about it in my book.
And by the way, if a woman will agree to spend time alone with you, and she seems
to be having a good time, then she's probably interested at SOME level.
If you're using the materials and being Cocky and Funny etc. and she's hitting you,
laughing, etc. that's also a VERY good sign.
But use The Kiss Test. It's so simple and easy... and it works SO well.
Well Dave,
It never ceases to amaze me how brilliant you are. I saw that you put my e-mail in
the newsletter, so I guess I owe you the dirt. My experience can be summed up in one
word... INF***INGCREDIBLE, but I won't stop with one word. See if you can keep
count? The first chick I met sat next to me on the plane. CF. She crammed her
tongue down my throat. I got off the plane with a different chick. CF. SHE asked Me to
lunch with her. On the shuttle to the Hotel, yet another female. C&F. I'll come back to
her. Poolside, another young lady. C&F. She asked me to save a dance at the party for
her. He-he-he...
I could keep going but I don't want to jinx my future success. To sum it up, I talked to
over 20 different women, made out with 3, and woke up next to 1 (I'm such a bad
man). I got 4 out of 4 e-mails/#s from girls I asked (the only girls that we're worthy of
myself){example of C&F and my character}, and that girl from the shuttle... I only
talked to her for 3 minutes on that ride, and she had a friend come and give me a note
with her info. The trip ended with a h-job on the plane ride home. Now I don't
encourage everyone out here to use the info in DYD to become a male slut like me. I
am this way because this is the first time I have been single since I was 18 (6 years
ago). This is also the first time that I have really experienced success... Thanks to DYD
and C&F. I used to be a MAJOR WUSS. I never talked to or went out with a girl unless
she talked to me/asked me out. Needless to say I was home a lot. I never learned the
SKILLS to be successful with women until I bought Double-Your-Dating (plug). Since I
read the book three months ago, I have literally hooked up with over a dozen women,
with very minimal effort. If you are reading this it is OBVIOUS that you want to improve
your life, just like I did when I stumbled upon David's website. Do yourself a favor, BUY
THE DAMN BOOK! Hell, if you don't achieve success with it, I will buy it back from you.
I've got some buddies out there who can use this treasure. Stop being a WUSS (like I
was). Dave I owe it all to you. From everyman getting laid because of your advice...
THANK YOU!!!!!!! G. from L.A. P.S. My first born is going to be named David, even if its
a girl!!!
If you're reading this right now, and you'd like to get an ADVANCED education in this
technique that I call "Cocky & Funny", then you MUST go and check out my "Cocky
Comedy" CD/DVD program.
Inside I'm going to show you the "secret psychology" of humor... of laughter... and of
how to combine humor with TENSION to create a powerful ATTRACTION... using
nothing more than your communication skills.
The technique of Cocky & Funny is one of the very fastest, easiest ways to create
sexual tension with women... and this program is going to teach you how to do it.
You'll learn a ton just by watching the preview video clips on the web site... so go
watch them here:
...and if you're reading this right now and thinking "You know, I really need to get in
this game and start making something happen for myself with women and dating" then
I have to say... YOU'RE RIGHT!
And it CERTAINLY doesn't require you to chase after women, buy them things, and
give them fake compliments.
If you'd like to get an in-depth education in all aspects of success with women... from
overcoming fear and shyness... to improving your self image... to approaching women...
to meeting
women online... to taking things to a "physical level" smoothly and without rejection...
then you MUST go and check out my Advanced Dating Techniques DVD/CD program.
This program is the best overall education you can get in the area called "Women And
If you don't have it, then you need to go read about it and watch some of the preview
video clips I have online... it's all here:
I'm 23, 5'7" and a relatively good looking and successful fashion designer. i don't date to
much, and because of my usually respectful mannerism I don't get laid too often and
usually end up in that "gay friend" category.
but I've kinda got my eye on a cutie who works at a trendy clothing store in my hood. it
initially was one of those things where we shared a glace and did the whole "eye ball
sex" thing the first time i came into the shop. i frequent this store regularly to help
promote and do some p.r. for a club night my friends are doing, (not to mention
check out the... uh... merchandise?) so i have actually spoke to her and got her name
and even convinced her to come out to the club a few times (on my guest list of
the thing is I'm not very comfortable about "macking" girls in clubs and try to avoid it at
all costs, so my question is how do i go from cheezy promoter guy dropping off flyers
and free passes, to say... getting her to come watch "videos" at my place or even just a
phone # for that matter?
I've included your letter for a couple of reasons. First, because I want other guys to
see that just because you're a young, successful guy that works in two fields which
should naturally lead you to be a BABE MAGNET, it always takes more than just a
situation... it takes skills and knowledge as well.
And secondly, I want to answer your question because I believe that there are many
guys out
there who come into contact with lots of women and would like to know how to
capitalize on their good fortune.
The easiest thing in the world to do in your current situation is to say, "Hey, do you
have email?"
Most people do and if she says yes, just pull out a piece of paper and have her write it
down. And, WHILE SHE'S WRITING say, "And write your number down there too." This
is one of my favorite one-two combinations.
Then, the next day, send her an email and tell her that she should get together with
you for a cup of tea and some stimulating conversation. This is both easy and charming,
and it works like, well... a charm.
And for heaven's sake man, start getting the email and digits from the - probably -
MILLIONS OF BABES that you meet in the fashion industry and while promoting clubs.
Heck, if you don't want them, send them to me.
I'm sure you'll find this interesting Dave. There's a girl I liked a while back. Her and I
dated for a few weeks, and then she started backing out. Less communication, avoiding
the "alone time" etc. Well, that confused the hell out of me because I didn't see it
coming, nor did I know what was going on in her head. I did get frustrated, but I dealt
with it, and moved on. But before I moved on, I told her very friendly, "I know you don't
want to continue dating, but you know that we're still friends... " So we had a nice talk
and stuck to friendship. Still wondering why it broke off between us, I came across your
book. After I read it, I became "enlightened" as to what happened. Let's just say I read
about the "needy" guy, and cringed. I came on too strong to her. It's like putting on a
lot of cologne... no matter how good the smell is, too much stinks. Well, after being
"enlightened," I decided to try a few of your concepts on her. I will honestly
tell you that she's all over me now. (all over). Anyways, I'm known for never finishing
books, but yours I've read about 3 times now. Waiting for a new publication..."
Ah, yes. Isn't it wonderful when you realize how the psychology works?
Hi Dave!
I dated a lot and fooled around quite a few, but I have fallen for this girl, and I made a
mistake by telling her, not once but twice, how much I feel for and want her before she
revealed her feeling toward me. Consequently she told me later on that she would like
to do casual dating with me. And recently I found out that she is seeing two or three
Having recognized my error and conceded defeat, I want to cut my loss by telling her
this weekend in a face to face meeting that I don't want to see her any longer. But I
can't forget her and keep wondering if I should make one more effort to win her back. I
guess I am a regular human being, suffering from loss of her love.
Should I change my mind, what techniques can I use to win her back?
Or I should simply walk away from her and forget everything about her?
Too often, we men find a particularly interesting woman and then come to the logical
conclusion that we should probably share how we're feeling about her... with her.
Unfortunately, while we think we're saying, "I really like you and think you're a special
girl", what she's actually hearing is, "I am a wuss, I feel like you're too good for me, I'll
do whatever you want, I'm no longer a challenge, and you can predict how I'm going to
act from now until you decide that you're tired of me..."
I know, sounds harsh. But, this is too often the reality of the situation.
As far as your situation goes, I would get on with my life, don't call her anymore and
if she decides to call you sometime, turn the tables around, start playing hard to get and
It's a hard job I have, poking fun at the pain of others... all for their own good.
This is a success story. Your success, not mine. And I need your help. I really doubt that
anybody else can help me. This is the story. I am a woman.
I am absolutely agreed with every word you say about dating, phone number and email,
cocky/funny attitude, phone calls, and kiss. Everything you say is right. Beside this
talent you have very unique quality: you can see the persons problem from few
sentences. Now I need you to tell me what is my problem. I am immigrant from Russia
living in Canada. I am at my latest 20 and I'm quite attractive and I want to have a
boyfriend. I am not the person who settles for less. . I have no problem to get a date. I
have a problem to get the second one with the guy I like. I know all mind games
including "I'm so Hard To Get and Busy" and "Oh I'm so helpless". To meet a guy is not
a problem, but, very few of my dates are cocky & funny guys. And that is what I like.
Now tell me: what do you cocky-funny guys look for? What makes you call back second,
third and twenty-third time. I am not asking for an answer like: wash your hair, offer to
split the bill and be adventurous, I know all this from Cosmo. There is something
bigger then this, something that North American girls learn at their very yang age and it
is so simple so nobody talks about it. Tell me what is it that attracts cocky-funny guys. I
really need to know.
I'm glad you wrote in because you bring up a point that most men never realize,
namely, that it's not easy for most women to find the kind of man that they feel
Yes, there are a lot of good looking men in this world, but women are looking for a lot
more than just looks.
One of the great benefits of mastering the ideas that I teach is that you can fill a need
that is very real in the world: The need for real, attractive men.
As for your particular situation, my only idea is to stop by my place sometime for a
personal consultation. I specialize in beautiful, young Russian women who are looking
for cocky & funny guys. There is no charge for your initial consultation...
I just want to first thank you or rather compliment you, just like everyone else has done,
on your successful book which has helped me tremendously. It has led me to become
VERY VERY confident in myself and around other girls. Once again, thank you Dave.
Anyway, on to my question that literally drives me crazy!!! This girl that I'm interested in
has email but NEVER checks it because, according to what she says her computer
doesn't work. Go figure. But she did give me her cell phone number and house phone
number. The problem is that every time I call her we talk for about 10-15 min. and she
says that she'll call me back later but NEVER does. i mean NEVER!! is this because she is
playing hard to get or does it mean that i am just wasting my time and she is not
interested and should i just give up on her completely? how can i become the one who's
in control and have HER chasing ME instead of ME chasing HER??? How could i get her
to start calling me? If you can answer this question then it will be one less thing for me
to worry about when dealing with women and I will definitely consider you "THE MAN".
Where in my eBook or newsletters have you EVER heard me say to talk on the phone
for 10-15 minutes? Exactly, nowhere. Why do you think this is?
Because the more time you spend TALKING at the very beginning (when getting her
email and number, while on the phone setting up the next meeting, etc.) the more likely
you are to screw it up.
Getting her email and digits should take 3-5 minutes or so. Setting up a place to get
together should take about the same.
You call up and say, "Hi, it's Irwin from last night calling... how are you? What are you
doing? Oh, doing your hair, really? Cool. So, that was some band last night, huh? Pretty
crowded bar, huh? Oh, sure... you need to go? Well, will you call me back later? OK,
great, talk to you then."
What she hears: "Hi, I'm lame and uncreative and I am interested in you, but I'm
nervous and don't know how to ask you out so, I think I'll just talk about some lame,
boring, mundane things... and hope that maybe you'll have pity on me and offer to meet
me sometime."
You need to call up and say, "Hey, I don't have long to talk, but I wanted to touch
base and say "Hi". I'm going to be busy today and tomorrow night, but let's get
together Saturday for a cup of tea and some stimulating conversation..."
Bang, done.
If you really want to use the advanced tactics, read my book and learn about how to
use the "friendship frame" to disarm her at the end of the conversation.
Now, no more calling up these poor cute women, boring them for 15 minutes until
they say, "Hey, I have to go, but I'll call you back later..."
Hi David,
I've been reading your emails for quite some time and recently just bought your e-
books. I commend you on what you are doing for the many hundreds and possibly
thousands of men like me who are trying to increase our game. I just started a new
job at a hotel on campus. There's this one girl who find very attractive. My question is is
it ok to date or ask out someone you work with? I've only worked with her once, but I
felt an attraction to her and although I'm not sure if she's attracted, there may be the
possibility of it, which means there is something for me to work with. What are your
thoughts? Thanks S.
Don't date your close neighbors, don't date anyone related to a close friend, and
DON'T DIP YOUR PEN IN THE COMPANY INK. All of these are VERY likely to wind up
being bad, long-term investments.
Better idea: Tease and use all of your best cocky & funny ideas on this girl... great
target practice. At some point, one of you will probably no longer work for the same
company and at that point she will like you so much that you will have fish in a barrel
for the shooting.
Hi David,
...I found...NLP related seduction stuff about a year ago and spent some money on
seduction courses related to NLP, however I must say I haven't had astonishing results
with it.
When I ordered your book I was still studying some NLP based seduction course so I did
not read the book until recently and how mistaken I was! After reading the book I
realized I should have read it a long time ago because I noticed drastic improvements in
the way I communicate and attract women now, far more drastic than all the time I've
spent studying NLP related seduction material... Which leads to my questions to you.
I read...that you had done a lot of NLP training yourself. I'm 32 yrs old now and at the
point where I need to focus on one route that leads to my goal of becoming PUA. I
know some people would say take bits of this, and bits of that and find out what works
for you, however I want your personal opinion on this one. Do you use any NLP
at all when attempting to create attraction in a woman, is NLP necessary in seduction?
What about things like eliciting values and anchoring them to you, is this required in
creating attraction a woman? What would you tell a newbie who had to choice of
learning NLP in terms of getting good with seducing women, would you tell them to
bother with it?
I'm now thinking of completely focusing my energy on perfecting the 'Cocky and Funny'
approach and not wasting anymore time on things that are not necessary for me to
become good in this game. I need your advice on this one... Thanks for the good work,
I'm looking forward to you writing update books to this whole game.
For those of you that don't know, "NLP" stands for "Neuro Linguistic Programming".
And, there's a lot of buzz about how this can help you in all areas of life. From
psychological issues – to earning money - to meeting more women.
Yes, I have spent a lot of time learning about NLP, and I've tried a lot of NLP ideas
when it comes to meeting women.
The best use of NLP is to find guys who are very successful with women and then use
it to LEARN WHAT THOSE GUYS DO NATURALLY. The mistake I think that a lot of
people make is taking the parts of NLP that relate to therapy, influence, and persuasion,
and trying to apply those models to women and dating.
Believe me, I've tried this stuff EXTENSIVELY, and I've come to the conclusion that
there is a MUCH better way.
My success took off when I started watching what the really successful guys did when
they were with women, then refining the ideas and looking for the common elements.
For instance, the "cocky & funny" idea comes directly from a good friend of mine who
is very good at attracting women. Once I learned it from him, I began to notice that
almost ALL of the guys I know, who attract a lot of women, use it.
I don't think you have to reinvent the wheel. Just do what works... and if what you're
doing is working, then keep it up.
And, if you want to learn how to use Cocky & Funny like a MASTER, then go here,
read about it, and watch the video clips...
yo David!
this is the greatest stuff i have ever seen. Its soooooo easy and yet, until it dawns on
you, it seems frustrating. all you nice guys know what I'm talking about...no sex? girls
don't call back? LISTEN to DAVID!! its the simplest formula in the world. here it is again
for the millionth time...
You know, you'd make a great walking billboard for my... well...
The problem is that you sound like a late night infomercial and I don't think anyone
would believe you...
It would never cross the minds of most guys to look at a stunning woman and say,
"Are you trying to pick me up?"
If I'm at a bar talking to a woman, and she gives me any kind of compliment, hints
that she likes me, tells me that I'm funny, etc., I'll say, "Look, I know how you women
are. First a little compliment, then you're asking me for my number, then you want me
to come home with you to "check out your new stereo" or something. I just want you
to know that I'm not that kind of guy, and I won't fall for it."
I want to implement the techniques that you speak of, I do, I REALLY do. But it seems
that when I come in contact with women that I think are attractive, I can't, or more
precisely, I don't. I think I'm afraid of rejection.
If I ask a woman for her number within three minutes, I just can't see her giving it to
And if she did, I wouldn't know when to call her (I'm thinking of the 2 day rule from
"Swingers") or if I should call her at all and just keep retreating (a la "Tao of Steve")
Do you subscribe to the theories presented in these films and do you teach a class?
I would NEVER have believed that a woman would give out her number to a complete
stranger in 2 or 3 minutes...
As soon as I saw it happen, it completely changed my idea of what is possible. You
just need to get out there and take action. Next time you're talking to a woman, just
"Hey, nice talking to you, but I have to get back to my friends (or what I was doing,
When she says "Yes", just take out a pen and paper and give it to her, expecting her
to write it down. When she does, say, "Nice meeting you, I'll chat with you again when I
have some more time..." and walk away.
Once you're comfortable doing that, start having them write their number down as
well. It's really not that difficult.
As far as how long to wait to call, etc? Just don't email or call the same day! Email the
next day, and use what you've learned to take things to the next level.
I haven't had success like this with women in my life. You sure know your stuff. I've
read your book about 10 times and I'm still reading it. But I do have one question
though. I have a major downfall when it comes to communication with women. I do
good at approaching them and I usually say "Hey, how's it goin'?", but I CAN'T FIND
ANYTHING TO TALK ABOUT. That's my downfall. If I can keep a conversation going that
could the best. But I'm lacking skills in that part, and like you said, your success all
comes down to your skills. Well Dave, I need a new skill. Can you please help me. Any
feedback will be much appreciated.
Don't "talk" about anything at all. Tease, make fun, act cocky & funny, and get the
The idea that you have to "talk about something" will lead you to a curious dry feeling
between your legs...
Dear David...
I'm a 37-year-old guy, not bad looking, dress pretty well, nothing in the way of great
detractors in my habits that I can tell.
My problem comes from my age. Most of the women from 28 up that I meet all want to
get married pretty soon, and seem to assess me as husband material rather than sexy-
man material. My friends say "Well, why don't you just date younger women?"
I want to approach tons of women (despite the fear I feel at each approach if it doesn't
already feel like a natural opportunity to me). I have a strong sense, though, that a 37-
year-old guy approaching a 23-year-old girl (or anyone under 28, say) would be looked
on with suspicion by the girl, especially since I'm nobody famous or rich or whatever.
It's like it's already a giant stroke against me, adding to the already huge on I feel I
have being this naturally considerate, even- handed, egalitarian sort of guy.
I couldn't find it in your book, but have you honestly seen guys my age do just as well
with the younger girls as guys in their 20s? I'd find that hard to believe; you always hear
younger girls talking about "creepy older guys" (even if those guys aren't noticeably
creepy -- the mere fact that they're approaching the younger girls seems to freak them
out). What do you think about this?
First of all, you're not alone. I know that there are a lot of other men out there who
are thinking, "I'm a nice, stable, intelligent guy... and I should be able to attract
You must realize that women don't really care if you're a nice guy. "Nice" doesn't light
up their emotions and make them feel A GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION.
What DOES make them feel it? You guessed it... teasing, humor, unpredictable
behavior and that magical combination of being Cocky & Funny.
I heard a great theory once: Too many of us guys were raised by our MOTHERS, and
not our fathers. Or, we were raised in a household where our mothers dominated our
fathers. In either case, we learned how to please a MOTHER, not how to attract a
Do yourself a favor, and think for a moment about what it would be like to be an
attractive woman in your mid 20s who is approached all the time by "nice" guys that
want to take you out and bore you with conversation about the news and weather. Now
ask yourself: "What kind of guy would instantly get my attention and cause me to feel
an attraction to him?"
They like it the same way as we guys like firm, young bodies and beautiful faces.
Think about it.
If you want to learn the secrets that have taken me YEARS to figure out, then I would
highly recommend that you go and download a copy of my online eBook, "Double Your
Dating." My book isn't an imaginary work of fiction that I dreamed up for
entertainment purposes.
It's the result of studying what successful guys do to attract women, then personally
testing out and refining what I learned until I felt like I could explain it in a way that
other guys could understand. I also include three booklets with it that describe the
different steps from getting emails, all the way to getting physical, the personality types
of the men that are most attractive to women, and how to turn a woman on in
ways she's never experienced.
And, if you're ready for SUPER success with women and dating, then it's time for you
to step up to the plate and order yourself a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques
CD/DVD program.
I'm talking about over 12 full hours of digitally recorded and edited audio or video of
ME personally teaching you my very best material... the stuff that I teach only in this
program and at my live seminars.
You can order it and try it at zero risk... and I'll even ship it to you in a plain box for
your privacy. Try it... if you don't like it, just send it back and you won't pay anything. If
you love it (and I know you will because you're going to meet more women after you go
through it), just keep it and I'll even bill you in five easy payments.
Your Friend,
Let me start by telling you, you 'da man! I really got to hand it to you, your stuff has
given me confidence I've never had before, and I'm just trying to absorb as much of it
into my head as possible. I really want to thank you for being able to share this stuff
with guys like me and not keeping it to yourself.
There's just one thing wrong with your material: its way TOO CHEAP!!! Seriously Dave, I
think WE'RE ripping YOU off! Thanks to you, I started to apply the Cocky and Funny in
chatting rooms and in the real world and it is a hell of a lot better than the Mr. Nice guy
act. However, I use emails and chat to practice my Cocky and Funny and it is improving.
For example, I have one trick I use and it works on a girl whether she's younger, older,
or the same age as me.
I asked one girl her age, and she turned out to be as old as me, 21. I then replied by
telling her "ahh forget it, you’re too young for me" I assume that this girl wasn't
used to a rejection like this and she was intent on knowing how old I was. I told her
that I was also 21, and she reacted like most girls do at this part, by laughing and
turning into a stuck up and asking me how she could possibly be too young for me. I
then respond saying something like "I guess your right, its not your age, you just
wouldn't be able to handle me," then she reacts like most girls do at this point,
continuing to be even more stuck up and laugh sarcastically, while I tell her that Ill give
her a chance because she wants it so much, and she has 2 minutes to convince me she
can handle me. Now this is a great conversation starter, and while she argues the fact
that she can handle me, I occasionally send her teasing comments like, "honey, your
wasting my time" or "Why are u not entertaining me" or "ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz". I
kind of understood how being Cocky works, and if the girl really meant the insults she
said to me at first, she still wouldn't be talking to me, right? After doing this to one
particular girl, who turned out to be hot as hell from a pic she sent me, she completely
forgot about being stuck up and told me "ok, Im sorry, lets start over" this is when I
realized I had her in my grasp and I continued being Cocky but turned it down a notch,
was this the right thing to do? Around the end I asked her for her email and she replied
by telling me she canceled it yesterday, a terrible excuse. I persisted and said "yeah
sure, just type it down, it'll be ok." she stuck to her story and I gave up and gave her
my email which she "supposedly" wrote down. Now I know I probably shouldn't of
backed down on her email, but I thought the conversation was going so great she would
actually want me to have her email. Is there something I did wrong for her to refuse
giving it to me, and what other ways could I make a girl give me her phone # and/or
email? Also, you stress how you should never answer a girls question directly, to leave
her unsure. This happens to be my weakness and I would appreciate a few tips on this
One thing you have to remember about chat rooms and online IM sessions is that
they're great PRACTICE.
Now, I've met some UNBELIEVABLE women on the internet... so don't get me wrong
But don't worry too much about any particular girl... or any particular situation.
She could have had a boyfriend, or even a husband... and was just online because she
was bored... or any of 100 other scenarios.
The point is that you're using the Internet for a GREAT "practice environment", and
you're training your mind to be Cocky & Funny in the moment... which begins to
translate into the REAL world as you do it.
To answer your question about how to get a girl to give you her email address and/or
number, just do more of what you're already doing...
Write back and say, "Yeah, you're probably not that adventurous".
Then say, "Well, if you were then you would have asked me for my number
and called me already. But you're not. So you didn't...."
Then, as soon as you hit the "send" button, IM her again quickly to say, "I don't
hear my phone ringing! Hurry up!"
You'll love the results you get from this kind of thing.
But be careful. And get LOTS of CURRENT pictures. Take it from someone who
knows... lol... don't just take her word for it.
I'm taking your advice and not being an ass kisser, so I won't say how much your book
rules (even though it does). I'm seeing 2 girls and potentially 3, but I have some
questions. First off, any advice when dealing with a really shy woman? It's tough to do
some of the things like the kiss test when they're timid (but oh so cute). Second, the
potential one I'm kind of interested in, but definitely not long-term, and I think she
knows that, but I'd like to get to know her and have a little fun...any words of wisdom?
Third, this may be covered in the book and I haven't gotten to that chapter yet, but any
style advice when it comes to clothing? I'm clueless there. Thanks in advance dude!
To contestant number 2, just keep on doing what you're doing. Women usually
know what's going on, and she'll start making relationship noises if she really
wants one. Until then, keep doing what's working.
And about the oh-so-cute shy girls: I know, I know... but you must remember that if
you're the one that brings the shy girl out of her shell, she's probably going to want to
marry you... and if she's not very experienced with guys, you might mess with her head
too much. Do the right thing.
Hi David,
I was just wondering if you think it's a good idea to call a woman before a date to
confirm or should I just show up at her doorstep and hope she is there? A while ago I
had a date with a woman and I didn't call before I left to pick her up then when I got to
her house she wasn't there. Do you call before the date to confirm?
Z. >From Florida.
You know, it's been so many years since I've gone out to a woman's house and picked
her up for a first date, I can't even remember.
I recommend that you DO NOT do something expensive and typical like going and
picking a woman up, taking her to dinner, etc. for a first date.
Instead, either:
1) Have her come to your place, and leave for a cup of tea from there.
2) Meet her at a coffee shop that's CLOSE to your place, and if she flakes out, you can
still enjoy yourself and you're not far from home.
Another rule of thumb I have is to not make a date too far in advance.
I've found that often times, you can call a woman up and say, "Let's go get a cup of
coffee RIGHT NOW".
It's rare that I would ever make plans more than a day in advance... this also helps
prevent flaking.
Hi David,
You DVD program has made me get up from the sofa and do something about my love
life. No real success yet but I can now see beyond my fears and actually approach
As you recommended I started using the Internet as A 'women simulator', it's great and
I think I'm doing fine with the cocky and funny stuff. For example, I call my self "too
witty for you" and in my description I write "don't please don't... well OK - are you
cute?" and it works :-) Sadly, I can't give example from the chats since they are
in Hebrew but you know... it's even funnier in Hebrew.
My question is simple: you said to move quickly from the chat to the phone. Well, do
you have a "3 minute phone technique" adopted for the chats? (the problem is that I
can't say something like "I going back to my friends" like I do in a bar).
Maybe you can work with me soon on the "Ultimate Comprehensive Guide To Cocky &
Funny Online Chat In Hebrew".
I answered this question above, but loved your email so I had to include it.
When you're online, you have to REALLY go the extra mile and EXXXXXAGGGGERATE
You can't just say "You seem cool, let's talk sometime".
You have to say "You're a pain. I'll bet you can't keep this up live on a telephone.
You're probably too much of a scaredy-cat to even TRY it..."
Work it. Try things. You'll find that these kinds of challenges work VERY well online.
And if you really want to learn how to write a great online profile, flirt with women
online, and get women to give you their numbers more often... then you need to check
THIS out:
Hi Dave,
I've been reading your newsletter for a long time now, have bought the e-book, the CD
series and DVD series, and the stuff just keeps getting better and better. I've turned
several of the guys here in the office onto your material and they all profess to be
"totally changed" or "a new man" or otherwise similarly positively transformed.
Anyway, after reading some of the stories in your latest newsletter, I thought about one
technique that I've been using lately, to great effect.
It started about 5 months ago when I was at the dentist. Basically, I have this gap
between my front teeth that I had never given much thought to. Well, the hygienist girl,
who is totally cute, asked me if I ever considered "getting it fixed". I said "no. It's part
of my charm. It makes me more attractive. I know you agree." She totally blushed, and
was super nice to me the rest of the time. Well, I left, didn't want her digits, so I didn't
ask. But I thought I'd try something like this out later to see if it would work.
Jump forward a couple of days to a local art fair... by the way, these are good places to
meet attractive, intelligent 30-something women... they are also awesome places to
bring dates (and mostly cap on the artwork). The plan worked like this... I picked out
the most attractive, single-looking woman in the room, went up to her and capped on
the sculpture she was looking at, then quickly turned the conversation around to her,
eventually saying "I love your hair, but I don't usually date smokers". She said "what do
you mean? I don't smoke." I answered, in a cocky and funny way, by saying that I was
sure she did, from the way her teeth looked. Oh yeah, this went against the
"conventional wisdom" that says it's okay to insult a woman's accessories, but not her
natural attributes... anyway, she got embarrassed, and tried to cap on me about my
teeth, something like "who are you to talk, your teeth aren't perfect." Which was the
perfect set up for "Yeah, but that's part of my charm, it makes me more attractive. I
know you agree." She rolled her eyes said "Oh brother" or similar... but, two minutes
later, I was walking away with her e-mail. I've used variations on this theme about a
dozen times over the past few months. I think it's absolutely ridiculous, but it works
great. I told one buddy, who has great teeth but a substantial gut about it, and he used
it successfully... capping on the girl's tummy. I laugh when I think about this technique,
but hey, it seems to work brilliantly.
P in Raleigh
I have a friend who is approaching 50 in age, and who's not exactly "dashingly
handsome". He's not ugly, etc., but it's obvious that he's not a male super-model either.
One of the things he loves to do is tell women that they're probably not used to
getting attention from unusually good-looking guys like himself... and they eat it up.
Imagine this:
An average guy who's almost 50 years old walking up to a beautiful woman in her
20s, and then telling HER that she's probably not used to getting this kind of attention
from attractive guys like himself. It's fantastic.
In marketing, there's a concept called "brag about your weakness". When you openly
talk and joke about something like this, and even talk about it as if it were a huge
strength, people love it.
Remember the old Avis slogan "Avis is only #2, so we try harder"?
I take the train downtown and then walk 10 minutes or so from the station to my work.
I see LOTS of girls along the way, either waiting for the train on the platform, or walking
on the sidewalks. What approaches would be good in this situation?
One drawback seems to be that people are always in groups, and no one is ever talking
to each other. If I approach a girl, everyone is gonna hear what I say. I find that that
undermines my confidence!
As a general rule, if you approach a woman who is with other people and take an "I'm
interested in you, and I could care less what the hell other people think... I'm not here
to please them" kind of attitude, women find this VERY attractive.
Just be very cool and matter of fact, and treat the others well. Don't try to please
them or pander to them, just smile and say hi... then get on with getting the
email/number of the girl you're interested in. I don't know who originally said this, but I
like it: "What other people think of you is none of your business."
Hi Dave,
I bought your Advanced Series DVD program, and after watching it I now really know
what I need to know to be successful with women. It sounds silly, but I didn't know
what I need to learn until I watched your DVD. I'm sure there is a lot of people out
there in the same situation. I don't know what could I tell them to convince them they
need to buy the program. I thought I was crazy when I spent the money on your DVD,
but hell, what you say there WORKS, and I really don't know how someone could learn
all that without your DVDs... its almost impossible!!!.
I still have a lot to learn, but I used some of the things you said in the DVD, like using
my body language to say "You don't impress me much" and so on, and it works, even
without me knowing everything about body language!!!. Girls react to me much better.
Sometimes they come to me without me saying anything, just with the way I looked at
them, even bartenders (that happened last night). Well, what happened last night with
the bartender... Hell, I didn't expect to be successful. I just couldn't believe that really
cute girl came to me, started to talk to me, and even told me when she ended his work
for me to go get her. Finally, I screwed it all up, because I don't have my self confidence
handled the way I should yet. But its improving, and I know exactly what went wrong. I
cant believe how different is the feeling of knowing "this didn't work for this reason, and
I can handle it with some more work". Before your program, I would just have said
"Oops, I screwed it up again, and I will next time". And what is better, all this is the
outcome of just 2 weeks of using your program. I just can't imagine where I will be in 6
months :)
Now, the question: I have bought some of the books you recommended about self-
confidence (from amazon.com, hope they arrive soon). Now I'm looking for some books
about body language, but I cant see any in the workbook of the advanced DVD
A, from Spain
As far as I'm concerned, there aren't any REALLY good books on body language as it
relates to ATTRACTION.
Go figure.
Do this:
You'll learn more from WATCHING those guys live than from reading any book.
You must remember, the five guys that I interview live are all there for a VERY GOOD
reason... they're all great with women.
You may not have thought of this, but you really have an amazing chance to actually
see how they hold themselves, how they talk, how they gesture, etc.
Watch again.
And if you REALLY want to get an in-depth education on using body language to
create ATTRACTION with women, then you need to go and check out my new Body
Language DVD program.
It's here:
i have newn this chick for 3 months and every time i ask her out she says she dosn't
know me well enough. do u have any sure fire ways to get her.
Sounds like you need a little more help than I can give you in a paragraph.
I started getting your email about 5 months ago and bought your book about 3 months
ago. all I have to say is your a genius i now feel more confident with myself toward
woman. although i am still mastering your techniques it takes time but it is starting to
pay off. and by the way the one thing i noticed is that i got a tattoo recently and this
creates mystery to the woman. this is an excellent conversation starter because they
always ask questions about it. just telling you to keep up the good work
Sincerely K.
There are certain things that make it more likely that a woman will strike up a
conversation with you...
1) Tattoos
2) Interesting piercing
3) Outrageous clothing
4) Magic tricks
5) Art or music
6) Your dog
Now, I'd personally stick with numbers 4-6, and I might even take a few minutes and
come up with some more that fit my style, if I had a mind to... (Hint, hint).
of any? Hmmm...
Your ebook is great. I went on a second date the other day and I used the "is she ready
for a kiss where you stroke her hair first" technique and it worked like a charm. She
actually kissed me. I may have skipped over this part of the book on accident but
anyways, is there a way to know if a woman has a boyfriend or not? Thanks.
D.B. Tucson, AZ
Great job!
You know, with all the emails, success stories, and questions I get, I still enjoy the
simple ones the most.
When a guy writes in because he just got his first number from a girl, or his first kiss,
those are the ones that make me the most excited.
If you want to know if a girl has a boyfriend, the first thing to notice is whether or not
she's open to flirting with you.
Girls who are "taken" and "happily taken" at that are usually less flirtatious than
women who are "available".
But if you ask a woman for her number, and she gives it to you, then goes out with
you, then kisses you, then she's probably single.
I like to look a woman directly in the eye when I'm first talking to her and say...
It's great. Most women don't expect it AT ALL in the beginning, and it says all the
right things.
Most guys say things like "You probably have a boyfriend, huh?".
This is WUSSY TALK. It's the same thing that the last 100 guys have said to her, and
it's lame.
When you look a woman directly in the eye and ask "Are you single?" it communicates
Then you can go into the 3 minute email/number technique and get her information.
If you're reading this right now, and you are in a place where you have ZERO success
with women, then we need to talk.
I think that it's sometimes hard for guys who have had little or no success with
women to even BELIEVE that it's possible to change, turn things around, and start
dating interesting, attractive women.
Hell, it's even hard for guys who have been MARRIED for a few years and then
divorced to believe that they can "get back in the game".
Well, the GOOD NEWS is that I personally believe that ANY guy can learn how to be
successful with women and dating.
It's not magic... even though it seems like magic if you've never had success with
women in your life.
It can be done. But you've got to take the very first step. It won't happen all by itself.
The first thing you need to do is read these newsletters three times a week.
Next, you need to go download my online eBook. It's totally risk-free. In fact, you can
download it and try it now. If you don't see results, you don't have to pay for it. Really.
Get it here:
When you're ready to take things to the next level, you need to take advantage of
some of my other programs.
Each one is designed to help you strengthen a very specific area of success with
My program "Approaching Women And Starting Conversations" will teach you how to
fearlessly approach any woman, easily start a conversation, and get a phone number,
email or DATE right on the spot:
My "Meeting Women Online" program will show you exactly how to meet women 24
hours a day, 7 days a week... right from the comfort of your own computer:
Like I said, if you're just starting out, these programs will show you things that you've
never seen or heard before. You'll get a completely new perspective on what it takes to
be successful with women and dating.
If you're already successful, my programs will make you BETTER. There are a lot of
very advanced concepts included... and you'll get to hear me interview guys who are
AMAZING with women in my Advanced Series. In other words, no matter where
you are with women, you'll improve.
I am recently divorced and found myself having a hard time making connections with
women after being in a 9-year relationship. Before I met my ex-wife I considered myself
as a "player" and had little trouble finding girls to go out with. After being out of the
scene for so long, I had lots of trouble trying to get back in to the swing of things. Your
ebook and emails have instantly put me back in the game and I am now getting dates
with very attractive women! Its been amazing!!
Thank You!
Now for the question. All these attractive women have brought something into my dates
that I am not used to, Men (Cock Blockers)! Currently, I am dating this "bomb-shell"
occasionally and when we go out on a date, men will hit on her as soon as they get a
chance. If I turn my back for second, some guy will try to make eye contact or say
something to her. I don't blame the guys because she is very hot, but how do I deal
with this in a way that shows I am 100% confident? Typically, I just laugh and continue
to have a good time by ignoring the lame ass attempts to pick up on my date, but there
has to be a way that I can turn this around to make me look more confident in her
You da man,
B from Colorado
I've noticed that the period after breaking up with a long-term girlfriend or spouse is
often a difficult one.
I think it's easy for men (and women) to become so comfortable and emotionally
dependent in a relationship that they experience a lot of FEAR when ending that
I can remember breaking up with long-term girlfriends in years past, and feeling an
empty, fearful, LONELY combination of emotions in my gut that was HORRIBLE.
Add to that, not knowing where to start, what to do, or how to "get your game back"
if you had it in the past, and you usually get a bad situation.
I've learned that knowing how to go out anytime and meet women has a couple of
MAJOR benefits when it comes to this area:
1) When you know that you can meet women anytime you want, it makes you stop
acting so NEEDY and CLINGY in a relationship. Most needy and clingy Wuss behaviors
are rooted in the FEAR that you'll never be able to find another woman.
2) When it comes to ENDING a relationship, this skill makes things MUCH easier. Too
many guys stay in relationships that are bad for them, and are afraid to END a
relationship because of that deeply-rooted insecurity that comes from not
knowing how to walk out the door anytime, anywhere and meet women. When you
know how to do this, you won't try to hold on like a girly-man, sacrifice your own
respect and dignity, pleading and begging, and ultimately make the situation much
worse than it would have been if you would have just walked away.
In short, what I'm trying to say is that I think understanding this area called "How to
attract women" is KEY to having a good relationship.
When you have that inner confidence and KNOWING, it makes you more attractive...
Now let's talk about what to do when there is competition from other guys...
First I want to talk about what I believe is at the ROOT of the problem:
When you are insecure, you're always wondering if some other guy is going to come
along and steal your girl.
This often shows up as a combination of feelings that make you worry about losing
your girl, and at the same time worrying about not being able to find another one if you
DO lose this one.
This is a BAD, BAD thing because it then CLOUDS YOUR THINKING, and creates an
illusion that the woman you're with is BETTER than she is, and that you're WORSE than
you are.
We're talking about some deep issues here, but this is the stuff that triggers the
ULTIMATE WUSS types of behaviors.
Then, as if things weren't bad enough, you go out with your girl, and other guys start
hitting on her right in front of you.
This triggers MORE insecurity, and then the REAL problem... JEALOUSY.
One scientist wrote an entire book about Jealousy, and basically claimed that it was
the most powerful and important emotion ever! (The book is called "The Dangerous
Passion"... referring to jealousy)
When you're out with your girl, you turn around to order a drink, and when you turn
BACK around there's some guy talking to her with that "I'd love to take you home and
do things that the lord forbids", it can trigger a few emotions...
This is very natural. Animals have this same response in similar situations. I personally
believe that we come pre-wired with BOTH of these things:
- We come pre-wired to want women that other men already have (Don't covet thy
neighbor's wife).
"Jealousy is useless...
...Jealousy leads to anger, anger leads to INSECURE WUSSY BEHAVIOR... and insecure
Wussy behavior leads to the DARK SIDE."
Now, jealousy doesn't always lead to insecure WUSSY behavior, sometimes it leads to
insecure DUMB ASS behavior, like getting into a fight, or shooting someone.
And some women have no problem dating a man who likes to beat other men up (or
beat her up).
I personally think that violence and hurting other people is the IGNORANT way to deal
with things.
But, I also know that there are a lot of guys out there that don't share my views.
The POINT I'm trying to make is that insecurity and jealousy make people do all kinds
of stupid and thoughtless things.
These emotions take over your mind and body, and can trigger some of the most
short-sighted behaviors you'll ever experience.
These are complex emotions that have evolved over millions and millions of years...
and they're not going away anytime soon. In many cases, they literally take control of
your mind and body.
For instance...
Let's say you've just broken up with your girlfriend or wife, and it took you a long time
to finally get a date with an attractive woman. Maybe you were feeling insecure and
didn't know if you could meet another woman, and let's say that the breakup was hard
on you as well.
Let's say you're out at a bar with your new date and you excuse yourself to use the
boy's room... and when you get back, there are TWO big, handsome guys talking to
your date, and she's laughing hysterically at what they're saying.
All kinds of fear, jealousy, insecurity, etc. would INSTANTLY take over, and there
would be thoughts of her wanting to be with these guys, them taking her away, etc.
They walk over, act nervous, and try to take the girl away from the situation. And
they make the mistake of making it OBVIOUS that they're all freaked out, intimidated,
jealous, and insecure.
This, of course, only makes the other guys feel more powerful, and makes the woman
realize that she's with an insecure WUSS.
As a side note: I have met and know of guys who actually ENJOY picking up women
who are out with other guys. It's a game to them.
And they've found that it's EASY, because most men are insecure, and most women
don't want to be with a WUSS...
What's the best thing to do when a guy is making his move on your girl?
And before I give you my take, I want to recommend that you ALSO get your hands
on a copy of my "On Being A Man... Who Naturally Attracts Women" CD/DVD program.
This program will help you develop a DEEP and important part of yourself...
that will help fix some of the issues we're talking about here.
The best thing you can do in one of these situations is what you do BEFORE it ever
happens... and it's a combination of things:
1) Realize that there's nothing to be insecure and jealous about, and that these things
only lead to fear and loss.
2) Get your game in shape with women. Get yourself to the point where you can meet
women in ANY situation. This way you always know DEEP DOWN that if any woman
you're with ever decides to leave, you can turn around and start meeting women. This
eliminates insecurity.
3) Mentally prepare. Take some time to imagine that you're in one of these situations,
and notice the feelings you have. Go over it in your mind until you can think about it
without having any negative emotions triggered.
1) EXPECT IT. If you start dating hot women, other men will hit on them, GUARANTEED.
It's part of life, man. You must expect that it's going to happen and not be surprised
when it does.
2) Learn how to have FUN with it. Most guys have no game at all... and it's kind of
funny to watch and listen to them. I enjoy watching guys try to meet women, because
they FAIL miserably in most cases. I like to wait until a guy is finished trying to pick up
on the girl I'm with, and then get her to share the details so I can laugh.
3) Suggest that she date the guy. One of my favorite things to do is say, "Hey, you guys
would make a cute couple... I think you should go for him." Of course, this is all said in
a light, fun way.
4) If you suspect that the girl you're with is actually TRYING to make you jealous, talk to
other women. If you actually think that a woman is deliberately trying to make you
jealous, you must do some thinking as well. Some women enjoy making men compete
over them and you probably don't want to be with one of these women. They're a pain.
But if you think it's just a typical situation and the girl is trying to figure out if you
"really" like her (because you'll get jealous if you do), then just turn around and start a
conversation with a group of girls... and wait for her to come and find you.
The point I'm making is that you MUST get over that fear/insecurity/jealousy issue,
and realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.
The only power that other guys will have with your date is the power that you GIVE
them... so don't give them any power by acting like a WUSS. Keep your power for
yourself. The main reason that other guys try to hit on your girl is because they
don't have one themselves. Remember that.
...and if you're reading this right now and thinking to yourself, "You know, I need to
learn this stuff about how to meet and attract women so I can get rid of that insecure
and fearful feeling I have" then YOU'RE RIGHT!
I think that every man should invest in himself and learn this skill.
Unfortunately, most guys never take the time and invest in themselves... and they
wind up going their whole lives WISHING that they could attract the kinds of women
that they want.
Well, I used to be one of the guys who didn't know what he was doing with women.
Now I'm one of the guys who can go out anytime, in any situation and attract women.
And if you'd like to learn then I recommend you learn the things that I learned FIRST.
It's taken me a long time to figure all this stuff out, and it's also taken a lot of time,
effort, and energy on my part to put it all down on paper and on audio and video... so
that any guy can learn from the things I've discovered.
I'd like to personally invite you to check out my materials. In a matter of hours you
can learn things that it took me YEARS to figure out... all from the comfort and privacy
of your own home.
My Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program has over 12 full hours of me
teaching live... all recorded and edited in high-quality digital video and audio. It contains
literally HUNDREDS of great ideas for meeting and dating women... and it's probably the
single best investment you can make in your dating life.
My eBook "Double Your Dating" is the FOUNDATION for everything I teach in these
newsletters, and for everything I teach in my Advanced Series. It's a "must read" and
you can download it online and be reading it in about 5 minutes...
Hi Dave! I used your email close twice now and it worked like magic both times: once
with a statuesque black woman, the other with a cute Asian. Yeah!
One was in a bookstore, the other in a cafe: I chatted for five minutes, started leaving,
then asked for email.
But what do I at a party where I'm likely to stay for at least an hour? Pretend to leave,
get email, then stay!? What's the strategy here?
Isn't it amazing how easy it is to get an email address from a woman you've just met?
I didn't believe it myself at first...
Well, it sounds like you have quite the diverse taste in women... glad to hear that my
techniques cross all racial and cultural boundaries.
"Well, it was nice talking to you... I'm going to get back to my friends... {turn away}...
Hey, do you have email?"
Then get her email and go back to your friends. If she starts up a conversation again
with you, you now have all kinds of options.
And, if you or she leaves early, you can still contact her later. Nice.
I bought your book and its been money well spent as far as I'm concerned. The
email/phone approach works like magic; I have never, ever gotten a phone number in a
bar before, and now I can! Also the "are you touching me" line you mention in your
book is a real winner. And all the general advice about body language, attitude, its all
So now I'm wondering if you can provide some advanced know-how. The sort of girls I
like are the blonde, high-maintenance "Los Angeles" looking babes, and they seem to be
the hardest for me to succeed with. Any suggestions on what I should be doing to
attract them? What look I need to have, methods of approach, things to say,
(To explain where I'm coming from, I'm tall (6'2"), thin but cut, average looking, run my
own business and make good money. I try to be both funny and arrogant but am
usually more funny than arrogant. My style is goatee, black turtleneck, khakis, black
Lease a Mercedes 500SL, get a big gold chain, pretend to be a big-time producer, and
make references to your "connections".
The problem with the type of woman that you're describing is that WOMEN DON'T
TO COMPENSATE FOR SOMETHING! And it's usually something like, oh, self esteem,
insecurity, lack of attention from a father figure, a neurotic need for approval... you get
the picture.
Your other option, of course, is to TURN UP THE MAGIC COCKY + FUNNY FORMULA
TO THE MAX. You're going to have to see her fake beauty and raise her an arrogant
attitude unseen since Ali.
Try it. If it isn't working, turn it up. You're probably asking for trouble, but since you
Hi Dave,
Great book! It certainly makes much more sense to bypass those "dating rules" that
women seem always play and make your own rules instead.
I know that Asian American males have always had huge gripes about white women and
even women of their own race who will NOT date them because of the stereotypical
(nerdy, needy, backwards, or arrogant, bad to women, philanderers... list goes on) AA
males that are always portrayed on TV and movies. And also, you just hardly ever see
AA males with white women (especially in the white suburbia where I happen to live).
Do you have any special advice here? Any personality traits we should emphasize? Have
you seen AA males be successful using these techniques and what have you observed?
I have an Asian friend who's probably about 5' 5" tall, and he's ALWAYS surrounded
by young women. And I mean surrounded. Like 5 or 6 at a time. There are biases
everywhere, in all cultures... if you buy into them, then they apply to you. If you don't,
then they don't.
Hi, this maybe a dumb question but what does "cocky" mean and can you provide me
some examples. Thanks,
Cocky alone is not attractive. Arrogance repels people like bad breath. But a FUNNY
arrogance... Ahhh, that's the stuff that miracles are made of.
The cocky man says, "You are acting like a little girl, and it's annoying me."
The cocky+FUNNY man says, "If you keep acting like a brat I'm going to spank you
like a red-headed-step-child." (The usual response is "Ooohhh, be careful, I might like
No, really.
A cocky+funny man is always on the lookout for an opportunity to show off his
arrogant humor.
"I just met you and you're already starting with the compliments. Look, I'm not going
home with you. I'm not that easy."
I've just placed a pearl of wisdom before you. If I were you, I'd pick it up, look at it
from many angles, and improvise variations. This is magic waiting to happen.
"HEY DAVE! I have a teensy weensy little questions for you, but first I'd like to say that
your book kicks serious butt!! I have had more luck with women since I got it... Not that
I really needed it or anything, (cough cough) ahem! Anyways, now to my question.
1)I know how to be cocky, I know how to be funny, I treat women the special attractive
way they should be treated... but I have no clue whatsoever as to what signs a woman
will give off when she is feeling attracted, I keep doing silly, stupid things like um...
backing off afterward 'cause I'm not sure what her reaction meant, which I am
positive is a problem.
The main sign that a woman gives off is VERY simple to spot:
But really, if a woman isn't interested, she won't keep talking to you. She'll start
looking around, acting bored out of her skull, or moving around in an uncomfortable
The first minute or two is often like this anyway as two people begin a conversation...
but if it continues past about 3-5 minutes, you need to move on and try to be a little
less boring with the next girl!
I knew you would find my answer profound... but if you're still waiting for her to tilt
her head, lick her lips, and twirl her hair then you need to stop reading books published
by guys that have nothing better to do than spend 25 years watching people in bars and
writing down what they do.
It's simple:
1) Meet girl
I may have oversimplified a bit here, but I think you get the idea. Don't worry about
what she's thinking... just do what you know is ATTRACTIVE, and then lead. Things will
work themselves out if you keep doing the right things.
Been reading your newsletter, and bought your book. I've read it once and will read it
again for better comprehension.
Success Story:
In the meantime, I've been putting into practice what you teach. I wanted to share this
success story with your readers, as an example of how well this stuff can work.
At a bar with a bunch of friends for a stag party. Took the stag-boy around the bar to
get his t- shirt signed by all the women (this is a great way to meet and talk with every
woman in the bar). Anyway, later I saw a blonde that I had talked to earlier. She was
talking with 3 guys. I went over and tapped her on the shoulder and said "Hey
can I talk with you a minute?" and walked away about 10 feet.
She came over, I used your email/phone # material, and gave her pen and paper to
write it down. You should have seen the looks on the faces of the three guys who were
just talking to her. It was worth it just for that.
I got 4 numbers that night and have been out with 2 of those women.
Like many other guys who write you, I've been trying to develop the cocky-funny
attitude. I've watched most of the comedians and movies you suggested in your book.
I'm working hard on this but it's just moving along slowly. Now that getting
emails/numbers isn't a problem, and even getting dates (although I know I could do
better if I was more cocky-funny) is now more possible, I now have run into a whole
new problem: how to create tension/tease/act cocky-funny on the first date so that SHE
calls ME for the second date (hopefully cooking a meal at her place).
Anything you suggest for us guys at this stage of our learning that isn't already in your
book would be most helpful.
One of the best things you can do is to take out a pen and paper, and write down the
ten most common situations that you find yourself in, then write down some cocky,
funny lines to use.
End Of Date
1) Say to her, "Now don't call me three times a day... I had fun too, but no stalking"
3) Tell her, "I'm busy tomorrow, but if you tempt me with a good enough offer, I might
make time for you the next night..."
Just work out the different situations on paper first, then do them in real life. You're
on the right track.
If you REALLY want to learn how to master the art of taking things from one step to
the next with a woman in a SMOOTH way... you should also check this out:
You've guessed it - the magic formula is working. I went for 10 years with only 3
women, and in the last 3 months, since I read the book, I've slept with 3 more. The C&F
theory is 100%. I picked up one girl at supermarket, got her email, sent her an email,
got a date, left early ("got to go – too busy, sorry...", waited 10 days, got another date,
asked her if she'd like to see me again, told her "I think you should, because I'm almost
perfect" (she laughed), kissed her and you can guess the rest...This stuff is dynamite.
I'm a good looking, successful 36 year old (separated), but I act an idiot in front of
women - or used to. Now I feel *totally* in control, and am enjoying playing with
your ideas. Spot on!
Isn't it amazing what a little attitude adjustment can do? I appreciate your email
because a lot of guys don't realize that JUST BEING GOOD LOOKING doesn't do it. In
fact, I know more average looking guys who are successful with women that "good
looking" guys who are. Funny, isn't it? |
Dear David,
I met this girl on the internet and we have been out twice. On the computer and on the
phone she's all sweet and inviting but in person she is entirely different. On our second
date she told me that she didn't feel "connected" with me. Meanwhile I have been
nothing but a gentleman to this woman. Help, what did I do wrong.
1) Stay tuned and read every email that you get from me.
2) http://www.DatingTechniques.com/eBook
And listen to the little audio clip at the end of the second page. You need to learn that
ATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE. And it isn't logical.
Hi David,
I spend a lot of time in the library these days studying for an exam - Psychology of all
things- but it hasn't helped because oftentimes I see an attractive girl at the next table
or perhaps a cute girl walks past - never to be seen again. My problem is that I'm totally
at a loss as to what to say and how to arrange it so we meet in what seems like a
natural and unsuspicious way. I can't just go up to a study-table and suddenly introduce
myself and I'm certainly not going to follow anyone around. Any suggestions?
Like I say in my book "Double Your Dating"... women KNOW what you're doing when
you approach them. Heck, even if you're just being nice and friendly they'll SUSPECT
that you're picking up on them.
What... do you want to start talking about math or anthropology, then slide in under
her radar with your smooth Mac Daddy techniques... and have her wake up enamored
with you?
Just sit close and start up a conversation. Ask them what they're studying. Say
anything. Then be cocky & funny. Say you have to go, that it's been nice chatting... and
"Hey, do you have email?"
Quit trying to be the "Secret Agent Mac" of the campus. And besides, women think
that men who are self conscious approaching them are WUSSIES.
And, in case you didn't know this, WUSSIES DON'T GET WOMEN ALL HOT AND
First of all, I've got to say that your advice is brilliant! There's a lot of con-men out there
selling silver bullets for guys women problems, but you're writing makes you figure out
what works best for you. Since I've started following the Cocky-Funny approach, I've
noticed better results with women in general.
Recently, I was out with a group of friends for someone's birthday. I met this great
chick who we both have mutual friends with. Well needless to say we both were
attracted to one another and were dancing in the club later with each other. One of
my friends was talking to her and then afterwards she went a bit cold on me. He told
me later that she said she liked me but had just started going out with another guy for 2
Now I'm not one to try and steal another guys girl, but I felt that the two of us really
connected and would like to see this girl. I haven't got her number, but my friend has a
good excuse to ring her and I know I will be seeing her again in a couple of weeks
through friends. Well my question David is this. You're tips helped make her attracted to
me, but what can I do if she's still unsure about what to do with her current
Well, if you haven't read my book, then you need to get it ASAP and learn how to use
the "friendship" approach with women.
I think that most guys are just too damn anxious to get their willies wet sometimes.
Instead of trying to convince her to leave some guy she's been dating for two weeks
based on a few dances, instead say:
"It was nice meeting you, you seem like you might make a nice FRIEND. Maybe we
can have coffee sometime."
Get it?
I've learned the hard way that it's much better to get to know a woman as a friend
FIRST anyway. It puts you in the right frame of mind, and you get to learn a few things
about her before you apply all of your serious advanced smooth-mac tactics (and very
well may just save you from a neurotic experience of the unwanted kind).
When you say "friends" first, it says all the right things. Think about it.
I have a question about fat womens. if a women sit in the house all day worry about
things and trying to destroy my career of making music and looking for some attention
and money should i get rid of the fat pig or stay with her till things blow and hit her like
a punching bag to settle her emotions down? she not my girlfriend she just a sick
women who was cool with me since my youth but she hates everything I'm into. well
I'm ready to treat her like dirt as far the game go she play to talk trash about my talent
and putting her nose in my business.what should I do punch her like a pimp or kick the
fat bic.. to the curb.(we ain,t got anything in command)
I have to warn you beforehand, I'm not a qualified relationship expert or licensed
practitioner, but I may be able to offer you some insight.
It sounds to me like your relationship could possibly have eroded beyond repair.
Again, I'm not a qualified expert, but this is just my personal intuition.
In addition, I realize that on occasion a woman can behave in a way that is unsettling,
but violence is never an acceptable way to settle a dispute of this nature.
In other words I just don't think that if you "punch her like a pimp" that it's going to
solve anything.
Good luck with your "...career of making music and looking for some attention and
*** I know, it just isn't possible that someone could have sent me this letter... but
sometimes life is just this way. I cut and pasted it exactly as it was sent to me... with no
edits. Unreal.***
Dave, I wrote you last week saying that I really like this girl and wanted to "push her
over the edge" and get her to see me more. Well, I took your advice and waited for her
to call me. Well, she did, and everything that you said would happen did. She told me
that she is used to guys calling her all of the time and bugging her and that I am
the first guy she's gone out with that didn't try to call her and ask her out every day.
Needless to say she asked ME if she could see ME more. It worked like a charm and she
spent the night last night (it was worth the wait). Just wanted to say thanks for the help
and that you are cool as hell for helping guys to quit acting like "wusses".
Thanks buddy.
I'm still trying to recover from the comedy above... I really hate my job.
If you found this particular discussion interesting, then you probably need to learn the
DEEPER secrets of how to be more successful with women and dating. And if you're
ready, then it's probably time for you to step up and get yourself an education about
how to attract women and KEEP them attracted. And the best education in the
world is my Advanced Dating Techniques program. It's over 12 full hours of me teaching
all of my very best concepts.
This program will teach you everything from how to overcome your fears of women to
how to take things to a "physical" level without running into rejection. It is literally JAM
PACKED with HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of amazing step-by-step techniques for
overcoming all of your obstacles and getting to the point in your life where you
have the kind of success that you've always wanted with women.
I'll send it to you to try with zero risk, and it comes shipped in a plain box for your
privacy. Can't beat that deal... Go check out the great free samples here:
Have you ever called a woman on the phone to set up a date and she says: "Friday
night? Sure. Call me on Friday and we can talk about it..."?
Or, have you ever had a woman ask you if you're "a player?"
Or, have you ever had a woman challenge you about something ridiculous?
Or, have you ever had a woman call you five minutes before a date and cancel?
Or, have you ever had a woman pout and get upset because she didn't get her way?
Or, have you ever asked a woman for her number and she says, "Why don't you give
me your number and I'll call YOU?"
On some level, the woman you were dealing with was testing to see how much
control she had in the relationship... and how STRONG you were.
The paradox of "testing" is that if you COMPLY with what a woman SEEMS to want,
you will usually FAIL the test.
I was reading a great book recently called "The Way Of The Superior Man", and inside
the author points out that a woman will often ask a man for something DIRECTLY... but
if he DOES what she asks, she will be disappointed and ANGRY with him.
And before I tell you about why women TEST you, I want to mention that there's a
LOT more going on "behind the scenes" when it comes to female psychology and
behavior. I believe that if you can learn how to understand this "mating psychology,"
then you can learn to attract women MUCH faster...
If you want to get some of my very best ideas on this topic, just follow this link, and
download my online eBook "Double Your Dating"... it's here:
Women test men because they need to QUICKLY figure out what they're dealing with,
and they can't expect a man to just be straight up and honest about his strengths and
I mean, let's face it... we guys like to talk a big game, but when it comes to walking
the talk, we often can't BACK IT UP.
Also, beautiful women have a lot of options. They have their pick of men. And
beautiful women prefer STRONG men. Not physically strong (although this can be an
advantage), but strong in CHARACTER and PERSONAL IDENTITY.
So let me ask you... if you were an attractive woman that was being chased around
by 100 guys, how would YOU go about figuring out which one or ones were the "real
deal" and which were merely FAKING strength and confidence?
But you couldn't test by saying, "OK, I'm going to give you a test now, so get ready."
No no NO!
You'd have to use "blind" tests. Tests that would allow you to see a man's true
strengths and weaknesses. And in fact, you'd want to use tests that ideally DIDN'T
ABOUT HIM WITH THOSE TESTS. This way, if he turned out to be a Wuss Bag, you
could slip away quickly and easily.
Of course.
And if you did this OFTEN, you'd eventually become so accustomed to doing it, that
MANY of the tests would become SUBCONSCIOUS and work their way into your
NATURAL, EVERYDAY way of communicating with men.
Many of the tests that they use with men are actually OUTSIDE OF THEIR
AWARENESS. They test us automatically!
And if you fail one of these tests, there's a good chance that you won't get another
In this fast-paced world, we humans don't have the time to spend getting to know
people over a few months or years to figure out whether or not they're the kind of
person that would make a good friend or mate.
It lets them discover VERY RAPIDLY whether you have BALLS, or if you're just another
one of the bazillion Wusses that are trying to get her attention.
So, the next time you're standing in front of a beautiful woman who you've just asked
for her number and she says, "Why don't you just give me yours and I'll call YOU..." try
CHUCKLING out loud, and saying:
"Oh, come on. Don't give me that old line. Write your number down and I'll only call you
25 times a day until you wind up having to change it because I have nothing better to
do with my time than call someone who doesn't want to hear from me."
Then hand her a pen, point to the paper, and look her in the eye expectantly.
Love it.
Now, obviously there's a lot more to this issue of TESTING. There's a lot more going
on than meets the eye.
There are all kinds of subtle cues and body language that women read to decide just
what kind of man you are... and these cues also trigger ATTRACTION (or the opposite).
I've spent a lot of time researching this topic, and figuring out exactly what makes
women feel that powerful emotion called ATTRACTION, and what repels them instantly.
If you'd like to get a POWERFUL education on the topic of women and dating, then I
recommend that you check out my "Advanced Dating Techniques" program.
In it, I spend several HOURS going into great detail and teaching the exact, step-by-
step process of communicating with women in a way that triggers their SEXUAL
ATTRACTION mechanism. I also teach you exactly what to do when you're being
tested by women... to turn her tests into even MORE ATTRACTION for you.
You'll also learn HUNDREDS of specific techniques for approaching women, getting
emails and numbers, kissing, "getting physical," dating, and everything else that has to
do with success with women. You can go listen to samples and check it out here:
If you like this "dating psychology" stuff, then I also recommend that you get yourself
a copy of my "Sexual Communication" program. It's a complete course in speaking this
other "language" that I constantly refer to.
If you want to master the art of creating "chemistry" and "sexual tension," then this is
the training you need.
Thanks for tuning in, and I'll talk to you again in a few days.
Your Friend,