Dave Clarke USCS Wide Play
Dave Clarke USCS Wide Play
Dave Clarke USCS Wide Play
David Clarke’s
ultimate soccer
coaching SESSIONS
Coaching plans you can take straight on to the field
mic wiDE
foreword Core sessions
Welcome to 1. Crossing on
the run
Ultimate Soccer Coaching
2. Cross fire
Sessions: Dynamic Wide Play
3. 2v2 crossing
Ultimate Soccer Coaching Sessions is a new way of bringing 4. Welsh wing
you, the coach, a concise set of coaching plans that will help
you develop specific elements of your team’s play. wizards
Each book contains 10 specially chosen training sessions 5. Get wide and
that will provide you with a great platform for developing and down the side
enhancing specialist soccer skills, such as crossing, tackling,
heading, wing play and more.
The book is made up of two sections – Core sessions, which
gives you plans for developing fundamental skills, and
Advanced sessions, which shows how you can use drills to Advanced sessions
help your players move towards an elite level. Each
session is broken down into easy to follow 6. Crossing
elements, making them simple to fit into
your coaching plan. combinations
In Dynamic Wide Play, I examine the 7. Crossing and
skills required to be a great wing man. finishing
Whether that means getting past the
full back and delivering the perfect 8. Wideboys cross
cross, or cutting inside to change the and attack
angle of play, there’s a session for
every scenario. 9. Wing it
Yours in soccer
10. Wide-inside
David Clarke
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Improving accuracy
Development Learning how pace and movement can shake off a defender
15 mins
Game situation
Play 4v4 in a pitch
call out approximately 30 yards by 30
yards. Have four wide players
• “Work with each operating outside the touch
other” line who play for the team with
the ball and are conditioned
• “Time your run”
to provide crosses for players
• “Attack the ball” performing crossover moves.
Wide players have three Allow players outside the touch lines three touches
touches (control, dribble, to pass or cross for the team with the ball. Can the
attackers cross over and score?
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 2
Core sessions Activity
Static and dynamic stretching, long and short passing,
15 mins gentle running
down the side Development
10 mins
Players recognise when to use the space out wide
combinations Development
25–30 mins
Combination play to cross
• Make accuracy
rather than pace DEVELOPMENT
the focus of each The wide player passes
cross. to the forward and moves
infield to receive a layoff.
• Combination The forward spins wide and
play should be receives a pass into the wide
quick, one-touch area to cross for the opposite
passing. forward.
You can add an extra level
of complexity by introducing Now the wide player comes inside and the forward
yourself as a passive defender, makes the cross.
requiring the wide player and
call out forward to communicate to
decide which route to the
• “Can you play crossing zone will work best.
one-touch?” Do not obstruct the drill itself.
• “Make it easy for
the forward” Game situation
• “Get the weight In a small sided
of the pass right” game, goals scored from good
combination play on the wings
• “Keep the cross count double. Set up your
away from the pitch to be wider than normal
keeper” in order to encourage use of
the space on the wings.
A wide pitch encourages players to exploit space
on the wings.
Practice opposed with the addition of two defenders
crossing opportunities.
direction of run pass
Attack v defence to score a goal
Development The wingers are providing a range of quality crosses for the
15 mins forwards to attack
Encourage your players to “wing it” by showing them Warm-down Gentle jogging and stretching exercises
5 mins
that how they deliver the ball into the box doesn’t
matter – as long as it gets there. direction of run pass
dribble cross/cut back
• “Relax when Can the winger make a good Now both teams have wingers. The wingers can
decision on when and how to receive the ball in the 5 yards channel, but then a
crossing” defender is allowed to tackle.
cross the ball?
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 9
Advanced sessions Activity
Various dribbling and skills
10 mins