Dave Clarke USCS Wide Play

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David Clarke’s
ultimate soccer
coaching SESSIONS
Coaching plans you can take straight on to the field

mic wiDE
foreword Core sessions

Welcome to 1. Crossing on
the run
Ultimate Soccer Coaching
2. Cross fire
Sessions: Dynamic Wide Play
3. 2v2 crossing
Ultimate Soccer Coaching Sessions is a new way of bringing 4. Welsh wing
you, the coach, a concise set of coaching plans that will help
you develop specific elements of your team’s play. wizards
Each book contains 10 specially chosen training sessions 5. Get wide and
that will provide you with a great platform for developing and down the side
enhancing specialist soccer skills, such as crossing, tackling,
heading, wing play and more.
The book is made up of two sections – Core sessions, which
gives you plans for developing fundamental skills, and
Advanced sessions, which shows how you can use drills to Advanced sessions
help your players move towards an elite level. Each
session is broken down into easy to follow 6. Crossing
elements, making them simple to fit into
your coaching plan. combinations
In Dynamic Wide Play, I examine the 7. Crossing and
skills required to be a great wing man. finishing
Whether that means getting past the
full back and delivering the perfect 8. Wideboys cross
cross, or cutting inside to change the and attack
angle of play, there’s a session for
every scenario. 9. Wing it
Yours in soccer
10. Wide-inside
David Clarke

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David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play i

Core sessions Activity
Static and dynamic stretching, gentle passing and running
7–10 mins with the ball

Crossing The Session

10–15 mins
Practising technique

on the run Development

15–20 mins

Improving accuracy

Practising skill in a game situation

10–15 mins
Delivering accurate crosses from wide areas is a key
part of any side’s attacking arsenal, and the better your Warm-down
7–10 mins
Static stretching for longer, running, de-brief Q&A

players become at it, the more effective your team will

be at creating goal-scoring opportunities. player movement pass/cross
direction of shot
dribble header/shot

what you GET YOUR

• Half-a-pitch with Split players into 2 groups. The
one goal and a first group line up between the
goalkeeper. penalty area and the touchline,
while the second group lines
up centrally outside the penalty
area. Both groups start approx
25-30m from goal, although
think about this can vary depending on the
age and ability of the players.
• Observe where
team-mates are. The players from the first group
take it in turns to run with a ball
• Aim between the
until they pass a marker, and Crosses should be aimed at the area highlighted,
edge of the six-
cross it to a player from the away from the goalkeeper.
yard box and the
second group who has made
penalty spot.
a run into the penalty area.
• Keep cross away Players receiving the cross
from keeper but attempt to score with a first-
give team-mates time header or shot.
something to
Make the two groups switch
roles and get players to cross
• Upper body faces from the other side of the pitch.
direction of cross.
• Height/pace of DEVELOPMENT
cross? Bending Introduce a third line of
away from the players who attack the cross
keeper? from the far post area. Now the
players crossing have to make
• Timing of cross
a decision of where to cross Add an attacker at the far post. The crosser must
and attacker’s run. now select their target.
the ball.
Add a defender in penalty
box who actively competes for
the ball.
call out
• “Stay calm” Game situation
• “Head steady, Set up a pitch that’s
eyes on the ball. wider than normal and play
Use arms for a small-sided game with
balance” two goals and goalkeepers,
but make goals scored from
• “Hit the ball crosses count double.
• “Make it easy for
the forward” Create a wide pitch to encourage crossing. Goals
scored from crosses count double.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 1

Core sessions Activity
Static and dynamic stretching, gentle running incorporating
10 mins changes of direction

Cross fire The Session

10 mins
Practice co-ordinating the timing and shape of runs with

Development Learning how pace and movement can shake off a defender
15 mins

Game Recognising when to use this technique in a match

15 mins situation
Good communication between attackers is vital for
a successful partnership because occupying the Warm-down
10 mins
Static stretching for longer, game of throw-head-catch, and
debrief Q&A
same area makes space easier to defend. “Cross fire”
encourages your attackers to build an understanding direction of run pass/cross
of the runs they must make to create space. run with ball shot/header

what you GET YOUR

• Penalty area and a Split players into three groups.
goal. The wide players (“W”) stand
to one side of the penalty area.
Two sets of strikers (“A” and
“B”) are positioned on the edge
of the penalty area, one set
either side of the D.
think about A
The first wide player, “W”, B
• Timing – the dribbles towards the goal line. W
player attacking An attacker from group “A”
the near post heads for the near post. At the
can check away same time, an attacker from Attacker B runs to the far post around the back of
from the wide group “B” runs behind “A” attacker A (near post). Both players time their runs to
before bending his run back meet the wide player’s cross.
player, or hold
their run, before towards the far post. The wide
arriving at the player crosses for either striker
same time as the to score.
ball. The far post The wide player joins line “B”,
attacker bends a attacker “B” joins line “A”, and
run around their attacker “A” joins line “W”.
partner, then Repeat the drill until everyone
sprints once the has had a turn in each position.
ball is crossed. Then repeat the drill from the A
• Players must other side of the penalty area. B
accelerate to lose W
their markers.
• Attack at pace.
Add a goalkeeper. Add a goalkeeper and a defender who can mark man-
• Communication – to-man. Can the players communicate so the cross
Add one defender and play reaches the unmarked attacker?
should players use
offsides. The defender can also
signals or trigger
mark each striker in turn man-
movements, etc?

Game situation
Play 4v4 in a pitch
call out approximately 30 yards by 30
yards. Have four wide players
• “Work with each operating outside the touch
other” line who play for the team with
the ball and are conditioned
• “Time your run”
to provide crosses for players
• “Attack the ball” performing crossover moves.
Wide players have three Allow players outside the touch lines three touches
touches (control, dribble, to pass or cross for the team with the ball. Can the
attackers cross over and score?
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 2
Core sessions Activity
Static and dynamic stretching, long and short passing,
15 mins gentle running

2v2 crossing The Session

10 mins
Attacking team co-ordinating timing of cross and runs

Development Attacking team co-ordinating timing of cross and runs

10 mins under pressure

Game Applying skills in a match situation

15 mins
Delivering accurate crosses from wide areas to
coincide with well-timed attacking runs can be a rich Warm-down
10 mins
Ball work, static stretching for longer, de-brief Q&A

source of goals for your team. Use this drill to practise

the basics on a small scale and you’ll be rewarded on direction of run pass
match day. cross

what you GET YOUR

• Set up a playing Play 5v5 – including
area of 35 yards by goalkeepers – but 2v2 in the
25 yards. Within central area. Each team has
that, mark out one player in opposite attacking
four 5 yards by channels. Those players must
15 yards channels, stay in their channels, and no
one in each corner other player is allowed to enter
of the area. the channels.
Play begins with a goalkeeper
serving the ball to one of his
think about two team mates in the central
Crossers area. To score a goal, a team
The goalkeeper gives the ball to his team mates who
has to work the ball to one try to work the ball to one of their crossers.
• Observe team of their team mates in the
mates and decide channels, who crosses for the
on target area. two central players in his team
• Hit the space to head or shoot. Each time
between the the ball goes out of play, the
defenders and the game restarts with the keeper
goal. of the team entitled to have
• Try to cross early. possession. Wide players
• Try different angles, should keep possession if
heights, speeds, there’s not a good chance to
bending in/away. cross the ball.
Forwards Rotate crossers and central
• Make different runs players, and get crossers to
– stagger runs to switch channels so they have
the near post, mid- to cross with their other foot.
The crosser has to pick out a team mate with an
goal or far post. To progress, limit wide players accurate ball from the channel.
• Attack spaces late to three touches.
and fast – arrive at
the same time as
When a wide player
receives the ball, one defender
call out
may enter his channel to stop
• “Keep the cross the cross.
away from the
Game situation
• “Head up to see
Play 4v4 (plus
where your team
keepers) on a 20 yards by 30
mates are before
yards pitch, but with goals set
up on the longer touchlines.
• “Cross it early if Goals scored from crosses A defender is allowed to enter the channel to
possible” challenge the crosser as the exercise develops.
count double.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 3

Core sessions Activity
Players prepare muscles for activity
10 mins

Welsh wing wizards The Session

10 mins
Players are able to execute simple dribbling with the ball

Development Players are able to use their dribbling ability to beat an

15 mins active defender

Game Players use the skills learned previously in a game situation

15 mins
Devastate opponents by using the width of the pitch
when you attack. Wales and Tottenham Hotspur Warm-down
10 mins
Players cool down through static stretching and
de-brief Q&A
winger Gareth Bale and his international predecessor,
Manchester United legend Ryan Giggs, are experts in player movement
this art. Show your players how to make runs like them. chip/pass dribble

what you GET YOUR

Split players into two groups, lined
• Set up a playing up at opposite ends of the playing Keep your head up
area measuring area as in the top picture.
10 yards by
The first player in one of the
30 yards
lines – a defender – chips a ball
to the first player in the opposite
line – an attacker – before moving
think about forward quickly to close the space
between himself and the attacker. 10yds
The winger should: The attacker has to dribble the
• Push the ball quite ball at pace towards and past the 30yds
defender, who is passive (i.e. does
a distance in front
not try to tackle the attacker), and
of him with his first One player chips the ball to an attacker who runs with
across the defender’s end line.
touch. the ball across the opposite end line.
Repeat with defenders becoming
• Take as few attackers and vice versa.
touches as
DEVELOPMENT Use pace to beat the defender
• Move the ball with Make each defender
his laces. active. This means they not only
run towards the attacker, but can
• Move quickly but
also challenge for the ball.
keep the ball under
control. This 1v1 is finished after either:
the attacker is successful; the ball
• Get his head up. goes out of play; the defender
wins possession and passes the
• Beat his opposition ball across the opposite end line.
defender with a 35yds
sudden burst of
speed or change Game situation One team starts a 2v1 attack and tries to cross the
of direction. This Split your squad into opposite end line to win a point.
could be with a teams of four. Use two teams per
“push and chase” area, starting at opposite ends of
the pitch.
or a body feint.
Two players from one team enter
the pitch with a ball and try to Winger: Get a good first touch
dribble/run with the ball across
call out the opposite end line facing just
one opponent in a 2v1. If they
• “Keep your head do so, their team wins a point. If
up” the opponent steals the ball and
dribbles across the opposite end
• “Use pace to beat line, his team earns a point.
the defender” 25yds
Once a point is scored, the 2v1
• “Get a good first becomes a 2v3 with the other
touch” team having the advantage. 35yds

This advantage is reversed when

the overload becomes 4v3 and All players join in to try and win the last point.
eventually 4v4. The team with
most points wins.
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 4
Core sessions Activity
Players’ bodies are prepared for physical activity
10 mins

Get wide and The Session

15 mins
Players become accustomed to passing wide

down the side Development
10 mins

Players recognise when to use the space out wide

Players learn how to create space in the wide areas that

15–20 mins can be exploited
When it is too difficult to attack through the middle,
good teams create space by using the full width of the Warm-down
5–10 mins
Players’ bodies are prepared for normal activity

pitch. This allows them to cross the ball or pick holes in

a defence that has been stretched. pass player movement
run with ball shot

what you GET YOUR

Play 6v6, including goalkeepers,
• Mark out a playing Play with your head up
but play 3v3 in the central area.
area with a goal at Each team has one player in each
each end and two channel in its attacking half. Those 5yds
five-yard channels players must stay in their channels
on each wing. and no other player is allowed to 15yds
enter those areas.
Play begins with a goalkeeper
think about serving the ball to a team mate
in the central area. A goal must 5yds
Players should: come from a cross.
• Look for When the ball goes out of play, the
opportunities to game restarts with the goalkeeper
of the team which would have Each team has a player in both attacking channels
switch play and from which crosses are made.
been entitled to a throw-in. Limit
find space. wide players to three touches or
• Identify space out five seconds in possession.
Move to create space
wide. To progress, once a wide player
touches the ball, one defender 5yds
• Create space may enter that channel to stop the
before receiving cross or pass.
the ball.
combination play Make the pitch bigger and
such as one-twos. play 5v5 in the central area.

• Offer useful The attacking team can have one

support to team player in either wide channel at 5yds
any time, in either half of the pitch.
mates. 60yds
Limit wide players to three touches
• Execute passing, or possession for five seconds. Any single player can use the wide channel at any
receiving One defender may enter the wide time now but they only have three touches on the ball
and crossing or five seconds.
channel to stop the cross or pass.
techniques well but
pass forward and Game situation
penetrate when Use half of a regular pitch
the opportunity and mark out two five-yard-wide Is there space
out wide?
arises. “gates” on the halfway line. Play
6v5 plus a goalkeeper, who covers
the big goal for the defensive
team. Defenders line up in a 3-2
call out formation, in which the “3” can’t go
beyond the penalty box D.
• “Play with your
Attackers line up in a 4-2 formation.
head up” Starting with the two central
• “Move to create midfield players, the attacking team
space” tries to score a goal. Goals scored
as the direct result of a cross count
Attackers try to get the ball wide to score from a
• “Is there space double. The defending team scores cross while defenders score by shooting through the
out wide?” by clearing the ball out through gate goals.
either of the gates.
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 5
Advanced sessions Activity
Various dribbling skills
7–10 mins

Crossing The Session

10–15 mins
Wall pass to cross

combinations Development
25–30 mins

Combination play to cross

Wide pitch to encourage crossing

15–20 mins
Crossing is a vital skill for any player. This practice
develops crossing ability as well as the build-up play Warm-down
7–10 mins
Gentle jogging and stretching

required to create crossing opportunities.

direction of run pass shot

what you GET YOUR

• Half-pitch. The wide player passes into
the forward and sprints to
• Balls, goals. receive a return pass. The wide
player crosses for the forward
on the opposite side to attack.
After each cross the forward
moves to the inside gate ready
to attack the cross coming
think about from the opposite side. The
starting wide player goes
• Players should into the first gate to become
practice crossing the forward for the next turn. A wall-pass releases the wide player to cross
with for the forward.
both feet so run After attacking a cross, the
the drill on both player collects the
sides of ball and joins the queue of
the pitch. wide players on the other side.

• Make accuracy
rather than pace DEVELOPMENT
the focus of each The wide player passes
cross. to the forward and moves
infield to receive a layoff.
• Combination The forward spins wide and
play should be receives a pass into the wide
quick, one-touch area to cross for the opposite
passing. forward.
You can add an extra level
of complexity by introducing Now the wide player comes inside and the forward
yourself as a passive defender, makes the cross.
requiring the wide player and
call out forward to communicate to
decide which route to the
• “Can you play crossing zone will work best.
one-touch?” Do not obstruct the drill itself.
• “Make it easy for
the forward” Game situation
• “Get the weight In a small sided
of the pass right” game, goals scored from good
combination play on the wings
• “Keep the cross count double. Set up your
away from the pitch to be wider than normal
keeper” in order to encourage use of
the space on the wings.
A wide pitch encourages players to exploit space
on the wings.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 6

Advanced sessions Activity
Various dribbling and skills
10 mins

Crossing The Session

15–20 mins
Full back and wide player combine then fullback overlaps

and finishing Development

15–20 mins

Practice opposed with the addition of two defenders

Goals from wide play score double

10–15 mins
With so many goals scored from crosses it is vital
that your players have the ability to create and finish Warm-down
10 mins
Gentle jogging, stretching, de-brief Q&A with coach

crossing opportunities.
direction of run pass

what you GET YOUR

• 60 x 40 yard area. The coach passes to two
attackers who must combine
• Balls, goals. and then pass out wide to the
full back. The full back dribbles
forward and passes down the
line for the wide player to cross
into the box, the two attackers
think about must try to score.
• By playing the ball In the next stage the attackers
into wide areas pass directly to the wide player
your team stretch who dribbles inside allowing
the opposition’s the full back to overlap. The The full back plays a through ball for the wide
defence. This often wide player makes a reverse player to cross.
leads to space pass for the full back to
in central areas. cross into the box for the two
Therefore it is attackers to try to score.
vitally important
that players DEVELOPMENT
– particularly Now we have added
midfielders – are defenders to the practice.
willing to make The attackers have a choice
runs into the of whether to pass to the full
box and score back or wide player. The full
otherwise playing back and wide player must
the ball wide is react according to the pass
ineffective. made.
The attackers must time
their runs to arrive with the The attackers play directly to the wide player and the
full back must make an overlap to cross.
cross and get in front of the
defenders to get to the ball.

call out Game situation

Play a small-sided
• “Play at match game where goals are worth
tempo” double if they come from a
cross. To encourage more
• “Pace on the
crosses you can use a wider
• “Movements to
lose the defender
and score”

The addition of defenders calls for greater accuracy

on the cross and well timed runs from the attackers.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 7

Advanced sessions Activity
Quick footwork exercises to improve player movement
5 mins

Wideboys cross The Session

15 mins
One wide player crosses the ball, the other one runs into
the box to score at the far post

and attack Development

15 mins

Attack v defence to score a goal

The team uses its width advantage to create and score

20 mins goals
Increase your team’s chances of scoring goals from
crossing situations by developing game understanding Warm-down
5 mins
Gentle jogging and stretching exercises

for wingers – whether they have possession of the ball

or not during attacks. player movement pass/cross
run with ball

what you GET YOUR

Split your players into two teams.
• Use half of a full-
To start, the midfielder passes Get an accurate cross in
size soccer pitch. to the wide player who dribbles WP2
• Set up cones as in and crosses into the box for the
the top picture. centre forward and opposite wide
player to score a goal. The only
opposition each team faces is
a goalkeeper. Each team earns
think about one point for the centre forward
scoring and two points for the
• When one wide wide player – on the opposite wing
player is in – scoring from the cross. WP1

possession of One team attempts the exercise

the ball, the wide then waits while the other team Two teams take turns to launch attacks using
player on the takes its turn to build up an attack. crosses from wide players.
opposite wing
must try to come DEVELOPMENT
inside and become Use two teams in the
an additional same area but one team defends
Attack the far post
forward in the box. the goal with a goalkeeper, four
defenders and one midfielder while
• The wide player the other team attacks the goal
not in possession using two midfielders, two wide
of the ball should players and two centre forwards.
aim to run to the The attacking team begins play
far post and cover with the ball wide and tries to
this zone. build an attack and score a goal.
• Attacking the far The rule of the game is that when
the ball is wide on one side of the
post enables a
pitch, the opposite wide player
player to be in must make a run into the box. In an attack v defence game, one player crosses
a good place to from wide while the opposite wide players runs
If the defenders regain the ball
react to flick-ons, toward the far post.
then they score by making a
rebounds off the clearance over the halfway line.
goalkeeper and
crosses that go
Game situation
over the defenders In a small-sided game, Push up, squeeze the lines
in the box. one team attacks within the main
pitch area, while the other team
attacks in the opposite direction
but has two additional wide players
call out in the outside channels of the pitch.
This team can only score from a
• “Get an accurate cross. If one wide player has the 50yds
cross in” ball, the opposite wide player can
run into the central area and attack
• “Attack the far the far post to score a goal.
post” 40yds
Rotate wide players every two
minutes. Play for 10 minutes then In a small-sided game, one team has two extra
• “Squeeze the
give the other team two wide players who must either cross from wide or come in
lines” to attack a cross.
players instead for the 10 minutes.
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 8
Advanced sessions Activity
Players manipulate the ball by dribbling. From The Ultimate
10 mins Warm-Ups Manual, exercise 31

Wing it The Session

15 mins
The wingers are displaying improved technique in a range
of crossing situations

Development The wingers are providing a range of quality crosses for the
15 mins forwards to attack

Game The wingers are now mixing their game up by providing

Things don’t always go to plan in the attacking third. 15 mins early crosses or dribbling and crossing

Encourage your players to “wing it” by showing them Warm-down Gentle jogging and stretching exercises
5 mins
that how they deliver the ball into the box doesn’t
matter – as long as it gets there. direction of run pass
dribble cross/cut back

what you GET YOUR

• Create a 60 The server passes to the
yards by 40 yards winger, who makes a diagonal
playing area with cross towards the target area.
a goal and penalty The winger then runs to
area. collect ball two, goes past the
mannequin and curls another
cross into the target area.
think about
Next, the winger collects ball
• The winger must three and goes past another
mix-up his game mannequin in order to get to
to make himself the goal line and cross.
The winger must complete four different crosses in
hard to mark. Finally, the winger collects ball order to get the ball inside the target area.
• Different four and dribbles inside to
techniques are make a pull-back.
needed for the
various crossing DEVELOPMENT
positions. Deep Add a second goal
crosses are often and a 5 yards channel down
diagonal “driven” each side of the playing area.
balls; around the Progress to a coached game.
box you would use
a curled cross; The white team has the wide
from the goal line players in each channel and
you could chip to the players are allowed to pass
the far post. So, to them. ? ? ?
decision making on The wingers cannot be
technique must be tackled and have the freedom
coached. to choose which cross they Which position will the winger deliver the cross
would like to make. Attackers from?
• Develop your
wingers’ weaker advance to meet the cross and
foot as this defenders cover as normal.
enables them to After five attacks, swap so the
go both sides of grey team has wingers.
the defender and
Game situation
Now both teams have
call out wingers who are allowed to
receive the ball, free of pressure,
• “Use match inside the wide channel.
speed” However, after their first touch,
• “Pick out the a defender is allowed to close
target area” down and tackle.

• “Relax when Can the winger make a good Now both teams have wingers. The wingers can
decision on when and how to receive the ball in the 5 yards channel, but then a
crossing” defender is allowed to tackle.
cross the ball?
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 9
Advanced sessions Activity
Various dribbling and skills
10 mins

Wide-inside The Session

20–25 mins
Players are shown three options for using the ball when
they dribble inside

Development Defenders are added to test skill and decision making

20–25 mins

Game Normal game with emphasis on scoring from wide players

10–15 mins
This session looks at the options that are available to
a player who dribbles inside from the wing. Moving Warm-down
10 mins
Gentle jogging, static stretching, de-brief Q&A

inside is important in making wing play unpredictable

and unsettling the full back. direction of run pass
dribble shot

what you GET YOUR

• Half a pitch (can Practice 1 – the attacker
be mini soccer for receives the ball and dribbles
u6-10 or full size down the line before cutting
for u11-seniors). inside quickly and dribbling to
a shooting position.
Practice 2 – the attacker
think about receives the ball and cuts
inside immediately, now a
• This session forward must make a run
really comes alive across the defence in order to
when defenders receive a pass and shoot at
are added in the goal.
The wide player dribbles inside and shoots.
development. Practice 3 – an overlapping
• In particular, full back or midfielder uses the
players should space made by the attacker
notice that when coming inside. The overlapping
the wide player player receives a pass and
dribbles inside crosses for the attacker (who
they will often be has continued their run into the
followed by the box) or forward to score a goal.
full back. This
creates space for DEVELOPMENT
a midfielder or Add two defenders
full back on the (one full back and one centre
attacking team to back) to the practice. Allow the
get into the space attackers to make their own
they leave in order decisions on which of the three
to put in a cross. practices they should complete The wide player dribbles inside and plays a
• If the full back does on each turn. through ball.
not follow inside
the wide player has
Game situation
a chance to pass
Play a normal game.
or shoot.
To encourage wide players
coming inside you can do two
call out
1. Play right footers on the left
• “Be direct” and left footers on the right
• “Come inside at of the field (Barcelona).
pace” 2. Award double points for any
• “Can you shoot?” goals that are scored in the
same way as the practices.
• “Can you
combine with
Add defenders to develop the session. In this
team mates?” instance an overlap is used.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dynamic Wide Play 10

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