Chapter 3 Wastewater

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The key takeaways are the objectives and components of wastewater collection systems and engineering.

The three main components of wastewater engineering are the collection system, disposal system, and treatment works.

The main sources and quantities of sewage include domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, infiltration, inflow, and stormwater.


EAT 356/4
SESSION 2020-2021

CO2 :
Able to DEMONSTRATE calculation of
wastewater collection system
Explain, Describe and Calculate water collection system
and sanitary sewer system, includes:

• Wastewater sources and quantities

• Sewer Type/Profile and Problems
• Sewer Connections in typical separate sanitary system
• Design of sewer connection
• Calculation Population Equivalent and Peak Design
• Examples – PE calculation, Flow rate of WW
Components of Wastewater Engineering
i) Collection system – network of sewer
ii) Disposal – Sewage Treatment (Sewage
pumping stations and outfalls)
iii) Treatment works – Wastewater treatment
Who is responsible?
Sources and quantities of sewage
• Domestic sewage:
- From residential & commercial districts, and other sources
include institutional & recreational facilities
- Net quantity = accounted water supplied + unaccounted
private water supplies + infiltration – (water losses + water
not entering the sewerage)
- 70 to 130% of accounted water supplied

• Industrial waste water:

- Without internal reuse: 85-95% of the water used will
probably become wastewater
- With internal water reused- separate estimates must be made
- Average quantity of WW may vary from 3 to 95 L/capita/day.
• Infiltration: Groundwater entering sewers through defective joints, and
broken or cracked or brocket pipes and manholes.
- Infiltration is high during wet periods, esp. sewers constructed in a close to
streambeds, almost non-existent in dry weather.
- Quantity: type of construction & GW level (35 – 115 m3/km)
• Inflow: Water discharged into a sewer system, including service
connections from such sources as roof downspouts, basement, yard, and
drains area, manhole covers, surface RO, street wash water. etc
- Quantity: 35 to 115 m3/km
- During heavy rains, I & I can lead to sanitary sewer overflows in many
• Storm water: Surface waters enters a storm drainage system through
inlets located in street gutters or depressed areas that collect natural
- Quantity: type of precipitation, intensity and duration of rainfall, rainfall
distribution, soil moisture deficiency, catchments characteristics. etc.
1) Climate – effect the precipitation and temperature that significantly
impact water consumption.
2) Population size – effect the average per capita water use and the
peak rate of consumption. Malaysia = 210-225 L/c.d
3) Development intensity – effect water consumption. Bungalow
houses have more water-using appliances such washing machine
than apartment, that produce more WW.
4) 4) Socio-economics status – High economic capabilities/affluence
community produce more WW.
5) Sufficient, good quality supply and good pressure of water
encourage customer to use more water, and produce more WW.
6) Water conservation practices – such rain water harvesting will
significantly lower the WW flow.

7) Public water supply – Authority charges the customer on

the water used, by using individual meter at premise
indirectly limit the use of water and reduce the WW flow.
8) Type of sewer – Combined sewer (sanitary WW +
rainwater) will have high WW than separate sewer system.
9) Loss of water – Sewer leakage will cause the infiltration
of WW to the environment, that reduce the WW flow to the
10) Season – School and festive seasons will result in
increased in total of water consumption and as well as WW
Basic Definitions
• It is mainly liquid waste containing some solids produced by
humans and industry.
- Foul water from waste water.
-The grey water - non faecal, from washing
- black water-contains faecal matter.
• It needs full treatment.
• An artificial conduit (pipe) or system of conduits used to convey
sewage from source to sewage treatment facility.
• The system of sewers that conveys wastewater (sewage) to a
treatment plant or disposal point.
• It includes: chambers, manholes, gravity mains, pumps, rising
mains, air valves, washouts etc
Local Issue
Any case in Malaysia? To prevent flood
Timah Tasoh West Flood
Diversion – 2017 (RM 260 mil.) –
flood mitigation project
Type of sewer systems
i) Combined Sewer: built to collect sanitary and industrial wastewater, as well
as storm water runoff, and transport this combined wastewater to treatment
facilities. Flows conveyed to the treatment plant are then treated and discharged
to a nearby river or stream. It is:
i) a sewage collection system of pipes and tunnels designed to also collect
surface runoff.
ii) can cause serious water pollution problems during combined sewer overflow
(CSO) events when wet weather flows exceed the sewage treatment plant
iii) no longer used in building new communities (because current design
separates sanitary sewers from RO), but many older cities continue to operate
combined sewers. Cause problem:
– Wastewater flows greatly increase during a storm
– If capacity of sewer or treatment systems are exceeded, some of the
combined waste is discharged with minimal to no treatment in order to
prevent hydraulic overload.
Combined sewer Combined sewer

Problem: Storm drain may clog backing up

the storm water therefore causing overflow
between sewage and storm water. The
storm drain (now, storm water & sewage)
flow to the nearest surface water body (river,
lake) and contaminate the water. Common
contaminant is Fecal coliform bacteria.
sewage sewage

storm storm
ii) Separate Sewer System
• Nowadays most municipalities no longer permits the
installation of combined sewer. For newly installed
sewers, sewage and storm water are collected in
separate pipes with sewage being transported to a
wastewater treatment facility and storm water being
carried away to nearby surface waters.
 Very expensive for existing systems (if to upgrade)
 Store combined sewage, then pump to treatment plant
when storm ends and flows are back to normal
 Gravity and pumped flows
 Small collection systems using pressure or
Other problem in sewer system
• The per capita water supply (including to the local &
individual sources) to the population is less than
minimum requirement of water supply for the efficient
performance of the sewerage system, (e.i, 100 L/c/d).
Therefore, this cause the operation & maintenance
problem with frequent clogging due to silting in the
absence of self cleansing velocity.
• Topography of the towns is flat, means deeper
excavation of trenches and more number of sewage
pumping stations.
• Difficult construction of sewerage system – due to either
ground water table is high or substrata of made up of
hard rock.
Pumping stations

Municipal –
Jelutong, Penang
Municipal –
Pengerang, Johor

Commercial -
Sewer connection in a typical
separate sanitary collection system
Sanitary sewers must be laid near all occupied buildings in order to
collect WW. Diameter of pipe chosen based on the availability of size
provide with the economical consideration. Sufficient size to handle
the total discharge.
Q total > Peak Flow total.
Design flow: peak flow hourly flow and peak infiltration allowance
PF: 15.05Q-0.167
Main collection system includes:
i) Building connecting pipes:
- Connects the building plumbing to the public sanitary wastewater collection
- Conveys wastewater from the buildings to lateral or branch sewer, or any
other sewer except another building sewer.
- Normally begins outside the building foundation.
- Size of pipes: 225 to 300 mm
ii) Lateral or Branch sewers
– 1st element of a WW collection system at min size pipe of 150 mm dia. (max 450
- Usually in/special utility easements
- Used to collect WW from one or more building sewers and convey it to main sewer

iii) Interceptors Sewers

- Main sewers are used to convey WW from one more lateral sewers or to incepting

iv) Trunk sewers

– large sewer (450 -900 mm dia.) that are used to convey WW from main sewers to
treatment or disposal facilities or large intercepting sewers

iv) Interceptors Sewers

- large sewer (900 mm dia) that used to intercept a number of main/trunk sewers and
convey the WW to treatment or disposal facilities
Design of sewer systems
• Public sewers perform two primary purposes
i) Safely carry the design peak discharge
ii) Transport suspended materials to prevent deposition in the sewers
- However for this task a unique design problem occur:
i) Hydraulic loading (ML/d)
ii) Organic loading (kg/m3.d)
iii) Concept of equivalent person or population for design

• Relevant legislations
i) Plumbing & drainage Act and Standard Plumbing & Drainage Regulation –
that relate to licensing and assessing of work (SPAN- Malaysia)
- National Water Quality Standard and Environmental Protection Act – relates to
the quantity and quality of treated WW flows into the environment
Sewer Installation
i) Sewer alignment
- Location such as road way preferred alignment for
pedestrian crossing.
- Cover over pipe – for road of light vehicle need minimum
cover of 450 mm.
ii) Depth of sewer – consider self-cleansing velocity,
minimum cover to protect the sewer, and sufficient depth to
avoid other services (fire hydrant, road curb)
iii) House connection – drain dia. is 100 mm with a min.
slope of 1:60 and allowing 0.5 invert depth at the head with
ventilation, and install at the lowest point.
iv) Location of manholes
- Allow easy access for inspection and cleaning for the pipe
-made form durable structure
-situated end of line and intersected of sewer
-Min dia. of manholes constructed from precast concrete (223 -300 mm
with chamber dia. of 1200 mm)
-Drop manhole is installed to reduce the turbulence cause by the
elevation differences
v) Testing of sewers and house drains – water test or air test at certain
head and pressure
Therefore, sewer
materials, Must be
durable and strong to
resist the abrasive
and corrosive
properties of the
Sewer appurtenances
-Use to allow a means of access in a sewer system for inspection, repair and
Street inlets
- An opening into sewer for entrance of storm RO
- Placed at intersections and at intervals of 20 to 100 m
(a) Curb lnlet
Vertical opening to catch gutter flow. Gutter maybe depressed slightly in
front of the inlet, to avoid traffic obstruction.

(b) Gutter Inlet

Opening cover by a grate through which the drainage falls . The
disadvantage is that debris collecting on the grate may result in plugging of
the gutter inlet.
Catch Basin
-inlet with a basin which allow debris
to settle out
-under street inlets are connected by
short pipelines to the main storm
sewer located in the street right-0f-

Sand, Oil and Grease Traps

- Use to avoid clogging esp.
wastewater from restaurant
Design Criteria – Pipe Size
• Diameter of the pipe:
– Chosen based on the availability of the size provided
– Consideration of the economy
– Sufficient size to handle the total discharge, Q. (Q > peak flow total )

• Lateral sewer
– Minimum of 150mm diameter
– Receives the channel sewage from individual buildings to another branch
sewer, or directly to an on-site treatment plant
• Design flows for sewer systems are based on the population per capita
• Sewer slopes should be sufficient to maintain self-cleaning velocities
at 0.8 m/s when flowing in full (to avoid acid attack or crown corrosion)
Question 1
Calculate the PE for a juice processing plant
with flowrate of 1000 m3/day channel to
WWT plant. Take the Organic Load per
person in term of BOD. BOD measures for
this plant is 1,000 mg/L.

Use Equ.
PE = Q x BOD
56 g/
Design of sewer systems
Malaysian Sewerage Industry Guideline (SPAN Vol. 5): 6
Steps Design Procedure
i. Network sewer plannning
ii. Sewerage layout plan
iii. Determination of PE
iv. Determination of peak flow, discharge, type and size of
v. Determination of velocities
vi. Determination of invert level and outlet level
Step 1: Network Sewer Planning

Based on MS 1228: 1991 : section 4.3.2 several factors must be

condiser in the planning:
• Sewerage pipe must be located in the surrounding area
of the road.
• Pipe to be located in private property due to certain
topographies must apply for permission to certain
individual before the construction can begin.
• Before any construction work - the layout and overall
existing building, pipe and electrical must first to be
• During the construction work, the separation of sewer
and main water should be determined.
-minimum horizontal separation of 3 m and a minimum
vertical separation of 46 cm from water mains.
Step 2: Layout plan

• System must be drawn to show the location of the pipe. The process
involved: Preparing the sewerage layout plan to show the flow of
sewerage, position of the network, size of pipe and position of
• Sewer follow natural drainage ways to minimize excavation and
pumping requirements. Large trunk sewers are usually constructed in
low-lying areas closely paralleling streams or channels and should
cross contours at right angles.
• Located pipe:
-place for easy connection for future user
-provide access for maintenance.
-accomplished by placing them in streets or other rights-of-way.
Step 3: Population equivalent (PE)
• To design pipe network, pump stations and sewage treatment plants,
estimates need to be made of the volumetric flow rate which will be
carried, pumped & treated.
• flow rates are measured in m3/s, calculated for both existing land use and
for expected future development.
• Many methods:
-Design parameter – PE of catchment and convert to flow rate. It is estimation
of the usage made of sewage facilities, not a measure of population.

i) Residential area – dwelling (direct measurement of the population in an area)

ii) Commercial area –floor area (considered to be proportional to the number of people
using a premises during the day). It does not reflect the population living in an area.
• PE = population equivalent
x per capita waste
• PE = population equivalent
x 225 L/
• Cumulative PE = PE 1 + PE2
Step 4 (a) Peak flow

• Peak flow: the combination of infiltration and inflow, and

wastewater flow in unit of flow rate per area or unit of flowrate
per pipe length.

Peak flow factor, PFF = 4.7/(PE/1000)0.11
Average flow rate, Q average = Percapita daily sewage flow generation x Cumulative PE

Wastewater flow rate, Qw = PFF x Q average

Peak flow, PF = 1 & I + Qw
Step 4: Discharge

 Flow discharge, Qd depends on the pipe gradient and

diameter of the pipe.
Pipe area, Apipe = π r2
Perimeter, P = 2 π r
Hydraulic radius = A/P
 Design must be Qd > Peak Flow
 Allowable pipe discharge, Qd = 1/n AR2/3S 1/2
Step 4: Type of pipe
Concrete 0.013 ≤ n ≤ 0.015

• Manning Vitrified clay 0.013 ≤ n ≤ 0.015

coefficient, n Cast iron 0.013 ≤ n ≤ 0.015
Depend on the
selected pipe Brick 0.015 ≤ n ≤ 0.017
material Corrugated metal 0.022 ≤ n ≤ 0.025
Asbestos cement 0.013 ≤ n ≤ 0.015

Earthern channel 0.025 ≤ n ≤ 0.030

Step 5: Velocities

• Full flow velocity Vfull can be calculated from the

pipe discharge
-4m/s > V (full flow) > 0.8 m/s
•Manhole level
-find by ground surface elevation

Full flow velocity, V full = Qd/A pipe

Step 6: Invert level and outlet level
Fall in sewer = Upper end elevation – Lower end
Sewer invert lower end = Gound surface elevation – fall in
However, if ground surface gradient is not suitable,
- new pipe gradient can be proposed
Fall in sewer = slope x Lower end elevation
Sewer invert upper end = Gound surface elevation - cover of pipe
- diameter of pipe
Question 2
Population forecast for new development:
Predict the population for the years 1981, 1991, 1994, and
2001 from the following census figure of a town before
development (housing/commercial/institutional) can be
proposed in future.
YEAR 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971
POP. 60 65 63 72 79 89 97 120

Population in thousands
+ = increase
- = decrease

Use different methods: Arithmetical Progression &

Incremental Increase.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1901 60 - - -
1911 65 +5 - (5+60) × 100 = +8.33
1921 63 -2 -3 (2+65) × 100 = -3.07
1931 72 +9 +7 (9+63) × 100 = 14.28
1941 79 +7 -2 (7+72) × 100 = 9.72
1951 89 +10 +3 (10+ 79) ×100 = 12.66
1961 97 +8 -2 (8+ 89) × 100 =8.99
1971 120 +23 +15 (23+97) × 100 = 23.71
Net 1 +60 +18 +74.61
AVA. - 8.57 3.0 10.66
Example 3
A project development consisting of
a) A stadium with capacity 20,000 people,
b) A mosque with capacity of 1,500,
c) A shopping complex with 187,000 m2
total floor area,
d) A bus terminal with 15 bus bays,
e) A taxi terminal with 10 bays.
i. The PE (population Equivalent) for the
above project.
ii. The peak factor
iii. The peak flow.
Assume contribution per person of 225
i) PE calculation
Facility Capacity to propose Chosen PE Total PE
Stadium 20,000 0.2 4,000
Mosque 1,500 0.2 300
Shopping 187,000 3/100 5,610
Bus terminal 15 4 60
Taxi terminal 10 4 40
Average flow calculation = PE x 225 liters/PE/day
= 2,252,250 liters/day
=2,252 m3/day or 93.85 m3/hr
ii) Peak factor = 4.7 (PE/1000)-0.11
iii) Peak flow = average flow x peak factor
= 2,252 m3/day x 3.645
= 8,208 m3/day
Peak flow = the combination of I&I and wastewater
Example 4 – Design flow of sewer
A 40 ha. Drainage basin containing 24 ha. Net
residential area with average 5 dwelling units per ha.
With 4 residents, and 16 ha. Zoned commercial area.
Determine the design flow for a sewer servicing this
Take wastewater contribution for:

Residential = 300 L/capita/day

Commercial = 18000 L/ha./day
Peak I & I allowance = 9000 L/ha./day
Calculate average design flow (ADF)

ADF for residential:

=24 ha. x 5DU/ha x 4 Re/DU x 300 L/ x 1m3/1000 L = 144 m3/day

ADF for commercial:

=16 ha x 18000 L/ x 1 m3/1000 L = 288 m3/day
ADF total (residential & commercial) = 432 m3/day (flow – Q)

Calculate Peaking factor:

PF = 15.05 Q-0.167 = 5.45

Calculate PDF = Peak Design Flow

PDF = 5.45 x 432 + 360 = 2714 m3/day = 1.8 m3/min

Convert I&I= 9000 L/ x 40 ha x 1 m3/1000 L = 360 m3/day

Example 5
A trunk sewer is to be sized for a 2,500 ha. City. It will be 60%
residential, 30% commercial and 10% industrial. The residential area
will have 40% large lots, 55% small-single family lots, and 5% multi-
storey apartments. The average domestic wastewater flowrate is 800
L/day/capita, the average commercial flowrate is 26,000 L/day/day,
and the average industrial flowrate is 40,000 L/day/ha. Inflow &
infiltration is 1000 L/day/ha for the entire area. Estimate the peak
and minimum flows to be handles by the trunk.

The saturation densities for the residential

Design of storm sewer
Learn In Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Main purpose:
• To provide safe passage of vehicles
• To collect, convey and discharge storm water
Design involves
• Layout of the sewer lines
• Estimation of RO from and area
• Design of the sewer
Design Methods
• Rational Methods – only for drainage
areas of < 5 ha. (0.5 km2)
• SCS and Unit Hydrograph Methods – for
drainage areas > 50 ha.
• Suitable Computer Programs – such as
will be used to facilitates tedious
hydrologic calculations.
Rational Method Assumption:
• Peak flow occurs when the entire
watershed is contributing
• Constant and uniform rainfall
• Storm duration is equal to the time of
• If an area that drains to a manhole consists of n land uses,
the combined C value needs to be calculated by:

• Design rainfall intensity –return period, and duration of rainfall

(time od concentration)
• Rainfall of 2-5 years return period is for residential areas
• Rainfall of 5-15 years return period is for business and high
values areas
• Time of concentration (tc) refers to the time at which
the whole area just contributes RO to a point:

• Time of entry (inlet time or overland flow): is time

required for water to reach a defined channel such
as street gutter plus the gutter flow time to the inlet.
• Kirpich’s equ. Can be used to calculate inlet time:
• Channel flow time: is time of flow through the sewers to
the point at which reassessed:
Example 6
A storm sewer is proposed to drain a 12 ha.
Drainage area shown in the figure. With
given data in the table determine the design
discharge needed to convey 5-year peak

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