Myp Unit 3 Planner
Myp Unit 3 Planner
Myp Unit 3 Planner
Unit 3 Planner
Teacher(s) Subject group and discipline Individuals & Societies - History
Unit title Unit 3: Stars & Elements MYP year 4/5 Unit duration 5 weeks
IB guidelines for key concepts: IB guidelines for related concept(s): IB guidelines for global context:
• The MYP identifies 16 key concepts • Related concepts and their definitions are found in each MYP When teachers select a global context for learning, they are answering the following
• Teachers are to identify one key concept that drives the unit’s development subject-group guide, along with examples of how they are used to questions:
• Teachers use key concepts from their own subject group(s)—as well as key develop MYP units. Teachers can develop additional related • Why are we engaged in this inquiry?
concepts from other subject groups concepts to meet the needs of students • Why are these concepts important?
• These key concepts are found in the IB subject guides as well in MYP: From • For each unit, teachers identify one or more related concept(s) that • Why is it important for me to understand?
Principles into Practice, page 56. extend(s) learning, lead(s) to deeper understanding, or offer(s) another • Why do people care about this topic?
Key Concepts for Individuals & Societies - History can be found in the Individuals and perspective from which to understand the identified key concept(s).
These global contexts are found in the IB subject guides as well as in MYP: From
Societies Guide, page 16. MYP: From Principles into Practice, page 57. Principles into Practice, pages 59-62.
Related concepts in individuals and societies list and definition can be found in
pages 54-56 of the Individuals and Societies Guide.
Statement of inquiry
Looking at the same information from different perspectives paves the way for progress.
Unit 3 driving question: How can looking at the same information from different perspectives pave the way for progress
Statements of inquiry set conceptual understanding in a global context, which frames classroom inquiry and directs purposeful learning. Statements of inquiry summarize “what we will be learning and why” in language that is
meaningful to students. Examples of Statements of Inquiry for individuals and societies can be found in the Individuals and Societies Guide, page 21.
IB guidelines for statement of inquiry:
The statement of inquiry:
• represents a contextualized, conceptual understanding
• describes a complex relationship that is worthy of inquiry
• explains clearly what students should understand and why that understanding is meaningful
• can be qualified (using phrases such as “often,” “may,” and “can”) if it is not true in all situations, but is still an important idea
• can be formulated at different levels of specificity.
MYP: From Principles into Practice, page 62.
BHP Guidance for Teachers / IB Guidance for Teachers
Inquiry questions
The BHP Learning outcomes for the unit may be used to establish the line of Inquiry. IB guidelines for inquiry questions:
Teachers are free to have multiple questions for each of the categories.
Examples of factual, conceptual, and debatable questions can be found in the Individuals and Societies Guide, Table 4, page
• How are stars formed? 22.
• What happens in the life of a star and what happens when a star dies? Factual—
Characteristics of factual inquiry questions:
Conceptual— • Knowledge/fact-based
• Content-driven
• Why is the formation of stars and the emergence of elements so important in our world? • Skills-related
• Supported by evidence
Debatable— • Can be used to explore terminology in the statement of inquiry
• Frequently topical
• Unit 3 driving question: How can looking at the same information from different • Encourage recall and comprehension
perspectives pave the way for progress? MYP: From Principles into Practice - Characteristics of factual, conceptual, and debatable inquiry questions, Table 4, page 63.
Characteristics of conceptual inquiry questions
• Enable exploration of big ideas that connect facts and topics
• Highlight opportunities to compare and contrast
• Explore contradictions
• Lead to deeper disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding
• Promote transfer to familiar or less familiar situations, issues, ideas and contexts
• Encourage analysis and application
MYP: From principles into practice - Characteristics of factual, conceptual and debatable inquiry questions Table 4 Page 63.
Characteristics of debatable inquiry questions
• Enable the use of facts and concepts to debate a position
• Promote discussion
• Explore significant ideas and issues from multiple perspectives
• Can be contested
• Have tension
• May be deliberately provocative
• Encourage synthesis and evaluation
MYP: From principles into practice - Characteristics of factual, conceptual and debatable inquiry questions. Table 4, page 63.
Objective A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and
criteria: statement of inquiry:
Objective B: Investigating
Objective D: Thinking critically
The MYP Objective strands for assessment need to be decided according Unit 3 - Investigation 3 This unit’s Investigation uses our changing view of the
to planning/ context chemical elements as a case study for how new understanding
How can looking at the same information from different perspectives
helps lead to innovation.
pave the way for progress?
BHP Guidance for Teachers / IB Guidance for Teachers
Thinking skills/ Critical-thinking skills Historical inquiry skills Recognize unstated assumptions and bias Investigation: How can looking at the same information
Interpret data from different perspectives pave the way for progress?
Integrating multiple disciplines Evaluate evidence and arguments
Recognize and evaluate propositions
Revise understanding based on new information
and evidence
Consider ideas from multiple perspectives
Research skills/ information literacy skills Research skills. Identify a research process, (plan and questions), The Investigation task
effectively conduct research, assess reliability of
sources and reflect on research process. The formative assessments
Information literacy skills: use critical literacy skills to
analyse and interpret media communications.
Explicit teaching of ATL skills could also be planned through the class discussions and formatives. A few suggestions are as follows:
Self-management (reflection): Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of a research method; structure information appropriately in an oral presentation.
Social skills: Seek out criticism and feedback from others, including teachers and peers, and make informed choices about including it in one’s work.
IB guidelines for ATL:
Teachers will find it useful to refer to MYP: From principles into practice Appendix 1: ATL skills framework, Page 107.
Teachers will find the content in Big History Project / SY 2017-18 / Unit 3 Guide Learning experiences and teaching strategies
The Big History Project / SY 2017-18 / Unit 3 Guide Teacher Material has a detailed list of both learning experiences and teaching
IB guidelines for learning experiences:
Teachers should purposefully choose strategies and learning experiences that are aligned with the unit’s statement of inquiry; help students meet
subject-group objectives; support the development of effective ATL skills; and meaningfully prepare students to achieve high levels of performance in
the unit’s summative assessment.
Teachers should ensure that a range of learning experiences and teaching strategies is:
• embedded in the curriculum
• built upon prior learning
• age-appropriate, thought-provoking and engaging
• based on the differing needs of all students,
• open-ended and involves teaching problem-solving skills.
MYP: From Principles into Practice, page 67.
BHP Guidance for Teachers / IB Guidance for Teachers
IB guidelines for reflection prior to teaching the unit: IB guidelines for reflection prior to teaching the unit: IB guidelines for reflection after teaching the unit:
• Why do we think that the unit or the selection of topics will be • Why do we think that the unit or the selection of topics will be interesting? • What were the learning outcomes of this unit?
interesting? • What do students already know, and what can they do? • How well did the summative assessment task serve to distinguish
• What do students already know, and what can they do? • What have students encountered in this discipline before? achievement levels?
• What have students encountered in this discipline before? • What does experience tell us about what to expect in this unit? • Was the task sufficiently complex to allow students to reach the
• What does experience tell us about what to expect in this unit? highest levels?
• What attributes of the learner profile does this unit offer students opportunities to
• What attributes of the learner profile does this unit offer students develop? • What evidence of learning can we identify?
opportunities to develop? • What potential interdisciplinary connections can we identify? • What artifacts of learning should we document?
• What potential interdisciplinary connections can we identify? • What do we know about students’ preferences and patterns of interaction? • Which teaching strategies were effective? Why?
• What do we know about students’ preferences and patterns of • Are there any possible opportunities for meaningful service learning? • What was surprising?
interaction? • What student-initiated action did we notice?
• What in the unit might be inspiring for community or personal projects?
• Are there any possible opportunities for meaningful service learning? • What will we do differently next time?
• Could we develop authentic opportunities for service learning?
• What in the unit might be inspiring for community or personal • How will we build on our experience to plan the next unit?
• How can we use students’ multilingualism as a resource for learning?
• How effectively did we differentiate learning in this unit?
• Could we develop authentic opportunities for service learning? MYP: From Principles into Practice, page 70.
• What can students carry forward from this unit to the next year/
• How can we use students’ multilingualism as a resource for learning? level of study?
MYP: From Principles into Practice, page 70. • Which subject groups could we work with next time?
• What did we learn from standardizing the assessment?
MYP: From Principles into Practice, page 71.