Spearman Rank Correlation: Group 3
Spearman Rank Correlation: Group 3
Spearman Rank Correlation: Group 3
Rank Correlation
Group 3
The Spearman Correlation
• Spearman’s correlation is designed to measure
the relationship between variables measured on
an ordinal scale of measurement.
1 3
T − ( n − n)
Z =
* 16
1 2
n (n + 1) (n − 1)
(Reject using the appropriate Z critical value)
Test Statistic
• In the case of a large sample:
1 3 1 2
T ~ N (n − n); n (n + 1) (n − 1)
16 36
Decision Rules
A. Two-tailed:
Reject H0 if T≤ Sα/2 or T > S1- α/2 .
Do not reject otherwise.
B. One-tailed - Lower:
Reject H0 if T > S1- α .
Do not reject otherwise.
C. One-tailed- Upper:
Reject H0 if T≤ Sα.
Do not reject otherwise.
Spearman’s Rho
In the case of few ties (less than 5% of the sample):
6∑d i
ρ =1 − i =1
N ( N −1) 2
Where di is the difference in the ranks of each pair
and N is the number of pairs
Spearman’s Rho
If there are numerous ties:
n +1
∑ R( xi ) R( yi ) − n
ρ= i =1
0.5 0.5
n n + 1
n +1
∑ R( xi ) − n ∑ R( yi ) − n
2 2
i =1 2 i =1 2
Spearman’s Rho
Assumes values between -1 and +1
-1 ≤ ρ ≤ 0 ≤ ρ ≤ +1
T = ∑ d i = 20
ρ = 0.8333.
Example 2
A composite rating is given by executives to
each college graduate joining a plastic
manufacturing firm. The executive ratings
represent the future potential of the college
graduate. The graduates then enter an in-plant
training programme and are given another
composite rating. The executive ratings and the
in-plant ratings are as follows:
Graduate Executive rating (X) Training rating (Y)
A 8 4
B 10 4
C 9 4
D 4 3
E 12 6
F 11 9
G 11 9
H 7 6
I 8 6
J 13 9
K 10 5
L 12 9