Motivation Letter
Motivation Letter
Motivation Letter
Since childhood, I have wanted to study abroad because when we leave our comfort zone, our
insight and perspective on the world will increase. Also, we can make relationships with new people who
are very different from our home country. Therefore it takes a strong heart and metal. Based on my
experience and abilities, I want to reach my goal of getting a scholarship abroad to realize these goals,
one of which is getting a scholarship from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech).
My name is Herland Satriawan, and I graduated from the University of Indonesia (Qs ranking =
305), one of the best universities in Indonesia. My bachelor's final project is about vaccine design, which
prevents a pathogen from causing disease into our body. Russia is one of the countries that manufacture
a vaccine for COVID-19 called SPUTNIK V, which Gamaleya produces. Skoltech has so many professors that
can help me to achieve my goal. My primary motivation is to get a master's degree and serve my country
as a lecturer or researcher in the field of chemistry, especially biomedical science. As a lecturer or
researcher, I can do research and write high-quality articles as my parents did. My parent is a lecturer at
Andalas University, and their name is Hairul Abral and Dian Handayani. Chemistry is a natural science and
correlates with Life Science that studies the reactions and phenomena around and inside us, such as
biochemistry. I chose Life Science to develop one of the currently growing factors globally, namely vaccine
or drug design.
Vaccine or drug design is crucial in this pandemic condition to make an accurate and fast vaccine
or drug design. Therefore, I wanted to find the best chemical to make the vaccine last longer and be able
to kill the pathogens that enter the human body. With that, I hope to learn a lot from professors who are
experts in their fields and bring my knowledge to my home country to serve my country in order to
advance my country and nation by becoming a lecturer or researcher who can research and write in
reputable international journals like Q1.
To achieve my goals, a mature study design is required. In 2 years, I will learn one of these fields
from professors who are experts in one of these fields as much as possible. In the 3rd year, I will write
research results to be published in the international journal Q1. To make a quality journal requires
extensive insight. One way is to read journals that have been published in well-known journals, indexed
by Scopus, and have a high influence factor in getting ideas to write quality articles.
After completing my master's program, I will continue my doctorate program abroad if possible.
In the first and second years, I will research more deeply about the same studies that I did in the master's
program. In 3rd year, I will write and publish several papers to be published in leading international
journals Q1. After I finish my doctoral program, I will return to Indonesia to apply the knowledge I gained
during my study as a lecturer or researcher. Furthermore, I will continue to strengthen relations with my
colleagues from other countries. I can also facilitate foreigners who want to study in Indonesia.