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Moment of Inertia Experiment

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Student name: Duong Quang Minh Student’s ID: 20200827

1. Abstract

- The report includes the motion of a rotating disk and a free-fall hanger. The motion was
research to get the data of acceleration to calculate the moment of inertia via two
equations which are conservation of energy and torque. Five different object can replace
the rotating disk to verify the moment of inertia equation

2. Introduction

- Purpose: Calculate the angular velocity, rotational angle, and find the acceleration via
the free-fall motion of the object and the data as well as the program on the computer

- Equipment:

 Stand and rotational axis

 200g balance
 Rotation disk
 Ring
 Bar with two 50g balances
 5g hanger
 String and the pulley
 The camera perpendicular to the plane containing the system

3. Theoretical Background

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

- In rotary motion, the moment of inertia takes the role of inertia, as in the mass of an
object taking the role of inertia in a straight line motion.
- When a rigid body consisting of n particles circulates the axis of rotation with the angular
velocity of ω , the total kinetic energy K is:
1 1
K= ∑ mi r 2i ω2= I ω2
2 2

- I is the moment of inertia: I =∑ mi r 2i

- For continuous mass distribution, the moment of inertia: I =∫ r dm
- If a weight with mass M falls distance h and causes the rotation of a disk during time t
(fig1), the principle of the conservation of energy is:
1 1
Mgh= M v 2+ Iω
2 2
- Assuming that the weight moves with uniform acceleration as expressed by
v=at ,h= a t 2.
2h v
- Then v= and the acceleration of the axis of rotation ω= .
t R

gt2 g
Hence, I =M R 2 ( 2h ) (
−1 =M R2
−1 )
Duong Quang Minh | 20200827
Some moments of inertia
1 2
- The moment of inertia of a dish: I = M L
1 2 2
=> The moment of inertia of a ring: I = M ( R 1 + R 2 )

- Proof:
Surface density: ρ= 2 2
π (R 1 −R 2 )

Then dm= ρπ ( ( r + dr )2−r 2 ) =2 ρπrdr

3 1 4 R1 1 2 2
Inertia: I =∫ 2 ρπ r dr = ρπ r ¿ R 2 = M ( R 2 + R 1 )
2 2
In case of the dish, R1=L, R2=0
- Perpendicular- axis theorem:

Assume object is in 2 dimensional, I z =∑ mr 2=∑ m ( x 2 + y 2 )=∑ m x 2 +∑ m y 2 =I y + I x

I z M R2
Because the dish has rotational symmetry: I y =I x = =
2 4

M R2
Then the moment inertia of dish in the vertical rotation is I =

M L2
-The moment inertia of a bar: I =
Torque, angular acceleration and moment of the inertia relationship:
Torque: τ =Tension∗Spool Radius
Angular acceleration:α =
τ =I × α
Tension force on the hanger: T + mg=ma →T =m ( a−g ) (a , g <0)
- Tension force on the system of the axis: -T

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

4. Method
- The moment of inertia of an axis of rotation:
- Create the set up of pulley system
- Set up analysis program, coordinate system, and camera
- Rotate the disk and roll up the thread where the weight is hanging. If the thread is rolled
up, the hanger of the weight moves upward. Ensure that it does not reach the upper bound
pulley. Do not add another weight to the hanger.
- Start the camera capture and drop the weight after the apparatus is stable.
- End the capture, define the position of the weight in each frame by clicking, or by using
the auto-tracking menu.
- Plot graph, fit the graph with the second-order polynomial by using the fit function menu.
- Measure the radius of the rotational axis with a caliper and measure the mass of the
weight hanger with a balance

- The moment of inertia of a disk for horizontal rotation:

- Set up the analysis program, the coordinate system, and the camera

- Rotate the disk and roll up the thread where the weight is hanging. If the thread is rolled
up, the hanger of the weight moves upward. Ensure that it does not reach the upper bound
pulley. Hang three 100g weights onto the weight hanger.
- Calculate the moment of inertia with the acceleration. In the calculated moment of
inertia, the moment of inertia of the axis of rotation is included. For this reason, it is
necessary to subtract the moment of inertia of step (m) in the first experiment to obtain
the moment of inertia of the rotating disk.
- Measure the mass and radius of the disk

- The moment of inertia of a disk for vertical rotation:

- Similar to the second experiment, change horizontal rotation to vertical rotation.

- The moment of inertia of a ring:

- Create the set up of pulley system
- Set up analysis program, coordinate system, and camera
- Rotate the disk and roll up the thread where the weight is hanging. If the thread is rolled
up, the hanger of the weight moves upward. Ensure that it does not reach the upper bound
pulley. Hang three 100g weights onto the weight hanger.
- Calculate the moment of inertia with the acceleration. In the calculated moment of
inertia, the moment of inertia of the axis of rotation is included. For this reason, it is

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

necessary to subtract the moment of inertia in experiment I and that in experiment II to
obtain the moment of inertia of the rotating disk.
- Measure the mass, the external diameter, and the internal diameter of the ring.

- The moment of inertia of a bar:

- Similar to the second experiment
- Measure the length and mass of the bar.

5. Result
- In the calculation, consider g= -9.8 m/s^2
- Radius of the axis: r = =1.1141 ( cm )=0.01114( m)

a.The moment of inertia of an axis of rotation( Set 1):

- Mass of the hanger: m= 5g= 5 x 10−3 (kg)
- Equation of the motion of the hanger: y=−0.456 t 2 +8.06 t−35.2(m)
d2 y
- Acceleration of the hanger: a= 2 =¿-0.912(m/s^2)
- Tension force: T= m(a-g)=0.04444(N)
- Torque: τ =−T∗r =−4.95∗10−4 ( Nm)
a rad
- Angular acceleration: α = =−81.867( 2 )
r s
- The moment of inertia of the axis:
gt2 g t2
I a=m r 2 ( 2h )
−1 =mr 2
( 1 2
2 ×− a t )
−1 =m r 2
−a(−1 =¿ )
6.0000x 10−5 (kg m2)

Mass of Acceleration Tension Torque Angular Total

the hanger (m/s^2) (N) (Nm) acceleration moment of
(kg) (rad/s^2) inertia
0.005 -0.912 0.04444 -4.95x10−4 -81.867 6x10−6

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

b. The moment of inertia of a disk for horizontal rotation (Set1):
Mass of Acceleration Tension Torque Angular Total MoI of TmoI
the (m/s^2) (N) (Nm) acceleration MoI disk (kgm^2)
hanger (rad/s^2) (kgm^2 (kgm^2
(kg) ) )
0.205 -0.01704 2.0055 -0.02234 -1.5296 0.01460 0.01459 0.01348
(MoI= moment of inertia; TmoI= Theoretical moment of inertia)

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

c.The moment of inertia of a disk for vertical rotation (Set2):
Mass Acceleration Tension Torque Angular Total MoI of TmoI of
of the (m/s^2) (N) (Nm) acceleration MoI the disk the disk
hanger (rad/s^2) (kgm^2 (kgm^2 (kgm^2)
(kg) ) )
0.205 -0.03320 2.0022 -0.02230 -2.9803 0.00748 0.00747 0.00674
(MoI= moment of inertia; TmoI= Theoretical moment of inertia)

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

d.The moment of inertia of a ring (Set1)
Mass Acceleration Tension Torque Angular Total MoI of TmoI of
of the (m/s^2) (N) (Nm) acceleration MoI the ring the ring
hanger (rad/s^2) (kgm^2 (kgm^2) (kgm^2)
(kg) )
0.205 -0.01318 2.0062 -0.02235 -1.1831 0.01889 0.00425 0.00467
(MoI= moment of inertia; TmoI= Theoretical moment of inertia)

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

1 2 2
- Theoritical moment of inertia of the ring: I = M ( r 1 +r 2 )=0.00467 (kgm^2)

e.The moment of inertia of a bar (Set1):

Mass Acceleration Tension Torque Angular Total MoI of TmoI of
of the (m/s^2) (N) (Nm) acceleration MoI the bar+ the
hanger (rad/s^2) (kgm^2 masses bar+masses
(kg) ) (kgm^2 (kgm^2)
0.205 -0.0534 1.9981 -0.02226 -4.7935 0.00464 0.00463 0.00581
(MoI= moment of inertia; TmoI= Theoretical moment of inertia)

-Theoritical moment of inertia of the bar and added masses:

1 2 2
I = M L +2 m add r add
(L=0.4m, r add =0.18 m, M =193 g=0.193 kg , madd =0.05 kg)

6. Discussion

- Why the tension must be perpendicular to the axis

Torque: τ =F × r × sinθ=I ×α.

If the tension is not perpendicular so the torque will be decreased which leading to the
decrease in the angular velocity compare to the perpendicular case because the sinθ is
maximum at θ=90

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

Physically, If the θ is different from 90 the F will be divided into two part (one is
perpendicular to axis and one is not). As a result the magnitude of force that directly create
the Torque will decrease.
So, if the tension is perpendicular to the axis direction, less calculation has to be done.

- Error in measurement values:

The disk(horizontal) The disk (vertical) The ring The bar

8.23% 10.8% -8.99% -20.3%

X ' −X
- %Error = * 100 (%). X: predicted value; X’: measured value.
- The experimental values are not the same as actual counterpart. The smallest error is
8.23%, and the largest one is 20.3%. The negative sign of the error indicates the
measured value is smaller than predicted value and vice versa. There are many factors
affecting the experiment, so this measurement value can be accepted.
Factor that caused the error:

- The friction between rope and the pulley that we ignore

- The error in angle between the axis and tension because of absence of measurement
- The momentum of the pulley
- The different in the gravity acceleration from the 9.81 cm/s2

- Use auto-tracking or track by hand

 Auto-tracking will provide a large amount of data because the position can be recorded in
each frame, and reduce the uncertainty and save time. However data may be biased due
to the algorithm.
 Track by hand: we can choose points which does not in the same path with others. From
this, we can learn about factors affecting the experiment. However, tracking by hand
costs more time than auto-tracking.
 In my opinion, in simple experiment, we can track by hand to reduce the bias level, in
complicated experiment, when we have to obtain a lot of data, auto-tracking is more
-Understand the concept of moment of inertia
In this kind of motion, every formula is has the corresponding one in motion on straight line. It is
the rotational version of motion on straight line.
Corresponding pairs of 2 kinds of motions

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

Velocity: v Angular velocity: ω=¿ v / r
Acceleration: a Angullar acceleration: α =a /r
Mass: m Moment of inertia: I
Force: F=ma Torque: τ =Iα = F*r
Momentum: p=mv Angular momentum: L=Iω= p*r
1 1 2
Kinetic energy: K= m v 2 Kinetic energy: K= I ω
2 2

7. Conclusion
- All the equipment was fully prepared in the physics experiment in video on KLMS
- The theory was explained carefully in lecture note
- The experiment is conducted successfully but still contain some typical errors due to
unavoidable elements. However the measurement values are acceptable.
- There is a great similarity between rotational motion and straight-line motion

8. Reference
- Chapter 10,11 Essential University Physics- Richard Wolfson.
- Theory, exp videos on KLMS.

Duong Quang Minh | 20200827

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