English For Midwifery
English For Midwifery
English For Midwifery
The writer write this book is to help the people who want to improve their skill and
make a better quality in their jobs especially midwife. This textbook will explain and tell us
how to be a professional midwife and of course when she is speaking English language to all
patients that speak English too. This material of the course is following the commonly
vocabulary and expression in the midwife job and step by step explain how to give the best
serve for the patient.
Need of the course material is looking from the all of factor that may happen when
the life of a midwife itself because the things taught later only on the basis of desire itself,
what will be taught depend on the needs of midwife, and other factors also include factors
such as situations, teachers, and learners. The analysis of that desire is immediately made in a
course which will be given to learners.
Hopefully this course will be helpful for them because it can be provide
communicative english language learning activities with a large amount of english usage in
classroom and found quite often in real life as well and it will be used as on of the learning to
learners if sometime he or she go to another country because English is the language that
used at all of the countries for the formal language.
The teacher of the course is a person who can also determine success in a course
other than learners itself because a teacher who determines will be taken where the course is
later and also successful or not the learners in understand that learning well or not, a teacher
can change the teaching according to the desired conditions of origin in the learning process
and the results will be comparable or in other words succees.
B. Key Points in the Following Material Development Targeted
Here are some key points of the material developed , including the role of each aspect :
the textbook, the teacher, and learners.
a. Textbook material/content
The materials are expected to fullfil the students need covering all skills. The
activities in the textbook must be presented in the real life situation.
b. The teachers
The teachers may use the textbook appropriately. As addition, teachers may also
provide audio dialogue and visual the pictures to support the teaching proccess.
c. The learners
As the materials developed in this textbook already covering the skills that students
need, learners are expected to use the textbook and do the practice in various
situation, and do the independent learning outside classroom.
Chapter II
When designing a course, there are some parts of the process that should be
implemented in order to achieve the successfulness of designing the course. According to
Nation and Macalister in their book Language Curriculum Design (2010), there are three
main stages of designing a course material:
1. Environment Analysis
This is the basic stage of designing a course; in here the designer need to
consider about the factors that will influence the success of the course. The factors
that the designer needs to analyze are; the learner, the teacher, and the situation. First
is the learners, the designer need to know who will join this course, what level
English they are, what kind of public speaking they want to learn, and so on.
Then the teachers, the designer needs to know who will teach the learners, are
the teachers have good capability to teach the learners, and the last is the situation, the
designer need to analyze what are the facilities that needed, how that facilities help
the learners learn well when the course is began.
2. Need Analysis.
After analyzing the environment, the designer need to discover what the things
that they need, the designer also need analyze the learners, the teachers, and the
situation, the designer need to analyze again what are the learners might need. There
are three types of need that the designer needs to know, those are, necessities, lacks,
and wants.
First is the necessities, the designer have known what the learners use the
ability for after finishing the course. Then the lacks, the designer need to know what
are the ability that the learners not good at, so the designer must make the course
focusing on want the learners want to achieve, that is speaking skills on public.
3. The Principles
After doing the analysis, the designer also needs to follow some principles that
have been described by Nation and Macalister in their book: Language Curriculum
Design (2010) in order to make the course achieve what the learners want from this
course effectively. An appropriate principle that used for this course will be helping
the designer to design a good course, so that is why the designer needs to analyze
some aspects before designing the course.
B. The Content and Sequencing of the Course Material Designed
This developed course material is focused on language items, asking and giving good
serving, and the corversations that are common in the hospital. Each units in this course
material is about regarding the steps how to giving the best serve to the patients.
Each units of this course is developed providing the context of the learners real life
situation and the conversation that are common in the hospital. The designing process will
not away from the result of the previous steps including the environment analysis, learner’s
need analysis and the principles.
As mentioned in the previous of the course subchapter, there are advantages to have a
set lesson format. First, the lessons are easier to make as each one does not have to be
separately. Second, the course will be easier to monitoring whether it is following the
principle or not. Last, a lesson format makes the lesson easier to learn because the learners
can predict what will they learn/occur and will be familiar with the learning procedures
required by different parts of the lessons.
Format and presentation must take account of the environment in which the course
will be used, the needs of the learners, and princples of teaching and learning.
Monitoring and assessing the learners is the way to help the course designer to see if
the course success or not. Testing is the common way to assess the learners ability,
knowledge and their achievement in study.
The other way is by observasing and monitoring the learners by using a report form,
getting learners to finish their works, and from the development of learner knowledge in each
meeting, this called planned data gathering opportunity.
We should develop our own materials, or whether we need to take a course book and
teach that, or whether we supposed to modify the materials to meet the need of our learners.
Which ever our choice, we concerned with the validity of our choice and hence these
questions along with the criteria for selection, modification, and development of materials
were addressed in this paper.
The writer write this text book is to help the people who wants to improve their skill
and make a better quality in their jobs especially midwife because this textbook will explain
and tell us how to be a professional midwife and of course when midwife is speaking english
language to all of the patients that speak english too. This material of the course is following
the commonly vocabulary and expression in the midwife job and step by step explain how to
To improve the skill of midewifery for make better language of speaking in all aspects of
this jobs with:
Explain introduction.
Explain function and using of Yes or No question.
Explain function and using WH question.
Explain function and using Tag –question.
This book probably can use by the others people not only for midwife. This book
tells, explains, and teaches us how we speak English conversation with normal sense for
particular people.
Unit Situation Objectives Activities
1 Establishing a Completing the first learning To get the purpose of this
relationship activity, students are expected to first learning, you expected
be able to: to study about this concept:
a. Introduction. A. Introducing
b. Explain function and
using yes / no B. Yes/no question.
C. WH-question.
c. Explain function and
using WH question. D. Tag-question.
2 Asking – filling in
medical report After finished activity 2, student a. Asking question.
b. Filling in medical report.
a. To ask a question
for the first
datebase of
b. To fill medical
report patient with
some question.
3 Explaining
Procedures Student expected can: a. Giving instruction.
b. Explain the
gives of
medicine to
Activity 1
Establishing a relationship
1 0 0 Minutes
I. General Learning Objectives : after completing the first learning activity, students
are expected to be able to meet and ask questions correctly.
II. Specific Purpose Learning : completing the first learning activity, students are
expected to be able to
a. Introduction.
b. Explain function and using yes / no question.
c. Explain function and using WH question.
d. Explain function and using Tag-
III. Material
To get the purpose of this first learning, you expected to study about this concept:
a. Introducing yourself.
b. Yes/no question.
c. WH-question.
d. Tag-question.
A. Introducing yourself
I am
Which midwifery academy are you from ? from ......... Midwifery academy
I am
Where are you from ? from .........
Where do you work ? I work in hospital
This conversation is example how midwifery doing introducing with her new friend. After
you introduction with your friend , you expected to introduce your friend to another friend.
Let me introduce my friend to you “her name is ……………, her hobby is ……………….
she is from ……………, she lives in ………………….she has lived there for
Example: greetings
Evening...................(after dark )
When we close the conversation with other person, you cannot leave them directly but you
should close the conversation politely.
Good bye
If you work in hospital, you have to introduce yourself first to your patient.
How to introduce your self to your patient:
If you need anything, please just give me a call, a midwife will help you.
B. Yes / No Question
No, I don‟t
Can you lift your
index finger? Yes, I
No, I can.t
They are down with flu------------ Are they down with flu ?
The disease is communicable --------- Is the disease communicable ?
The children were immunize --------- were the children immunized yesterday ?
There are 6 type of question with WH (Wh – questions). This word question will ask about
man human , thing , events, and so on.
When Who Why
What Where How
When- used to ask about time, date, atau events time. examples:
WHY – used to ask about how something that occurs or the reason why something that
occurs / event.
examples :
The hospital was sued due to the negligence of its
Why was the hospital sued?
We cannot operate on the patient, as we have not received any consent from his
relatives yet.
Why can‟t we operate on he patient?
Ratna left for Surabaya to further her studies in master degree of
Why did Ratna leave for Surabaya ?
HOW – used to ask about kondition, siituation,and want the explanation of something.
Examples :
D. Tag –Questions
Whereas this question terminated with auxiliaries atau the others auxiliaries word
( have, can, must, will, do,does, did, is, am, are, was dan were).
Make one conversation when you meet with your best friend in midwifery academy
Introduction your friend with the other friends of you like that example
Formative Test
Activity 2
Activity 1
Asking – filling in medical report
2*100 menit
I. General learning objective: after finished activity 2, student can make a question
and fill the medical raport patient
III. Material
a. Asking question
b. Filling in medical report
A. Asking question
Midwife : Where is the pain, could you point
at the pain ?
Patient : It’s around here ( pointing at the
lower back)
Midwife : Did you take any medicine for your pain ?
Patient : No, I didn’t
Midwife : Do you know the cause of pain ?
Patient : I don’t know
Midwife : What’s the pain like ?
Patient : It’s sharp
Midwife : How often do you feel the pain ?
Patient ; It’s occasional.
Midwife : Well, thank you Mrs Maria for your information. I will report this to your
obstetrician .
b). Patient expression and the way patient to explain about his problem :
a). The question that have a relation with the pain of patient
d. How does a pain feel to the patient? ( seperti apa nyeri yang dialami
oleh pasien ?
Question :what is the pain like ?
Chief complaint / keluhan utama What’s your problem? / what’s your chief
Menstrual history
1. Age at menarche
When did you get the first time period?
2. Duration
How many days usually it happened ?
3. Last Menstrual period, When did you have your last menstrual period?
4. Dysmenorrhoea
Obstetric history
1. Gravida/ Para How many children do you have? How many times
do you experience of pregnancy?
2. Each pregnancy
a. Date of termination: When was your previous baby born?
b. Weeks gestation: How many weeks was your previous pregnancy?
c. Place of Delivery Where were you deliver your previous baby ?
d. Any Problem During Did you have any problem for your previous
pregnancy, Labour And pregnancy, labour and postpartum period?
postpartum period?
e. Weight of baby birth; How many kilos was your previous baby born?
f. Sex of baby: Is it a boy or a girl?
g. Any complication h. Status of Were there any complications for your previous
infant at birth: baby born?
i. Present status of infant: How is your child now?
Contraceptive history
Present contraceptive method
What type of contraceptive did you use before?
a. Type
Are there any side effects?
b. Side effect
c. Length of time using this How long did you use this method of contraceptive?
Find 1 case in your pactical place and introgation that patient, try to fill
in medical report patient
Activity 3
Explaining Procedure
2*100 menit
I. General Learning Objectives: after finished activity 3 , student expected can give
the instruction and explain about the procedures to the patient.
a. Gives the instruction to patient
b. Explain the procedural gives of medicine to patient
III. Material
a. Giving instruction
b. Explaining medication
Now let’s we know how to give instruction to patient.
A. Giving Instruction
There are ways to give instruction to patient or explaining the procedure to patient
Fine that’s it
Sentence that midwife can use for give intervention or sentence that use to patient before
doing something.
to weight you
to count your pulse
to measure your height
The ways to ask the result of measured
What is my temperature?
Blood pressure
How much do I weight?--> It is normal
It’s 37 0 C
Your temperature is higher than normal
You weigh 67 kilo
You are 156 cm height
It is 130 over 80 mmHg
It is within normal.
B. Explaining Medication
Before giving the medicine to patient midwifery must tells about the procedure of
giving medicine .
Have you taken the medicine ?
Introduction your friend with the other friends of you like that
6. How many ….? In Kalimantan
A. Conclusion
The Content in this book is usually for midwifery work or all the various of
interaction or communication that arise in the real situation in that job. The trainers need to
improve their material in each unit to be able cover the task and situations in hospital or
puskesmas. With knowledge and ability of basic vocabulary, the trainers should be able to
role-play the further situations that commonly occur in the course of their job.
Trainers need to pay attention the pronunciation, intonation, how to order and give
question for the patient when using the expressions from the book. The trainers need to
record themselves during the role-plays, it would help them to hear and improve their
language. As far as possible, the material of this book following the standart international
services in the midwifery job. Trainers may to make changes if it can make batter services to
their patient.
Nation, Macalister. 2010. Language Curriculum Design. Routledge: New York and London.
Astuti, EW. 2015. English in Midwifery Practice. (Diunduh 2018 Jun 3). Tersedia pada: