The Archons Hidden Rulers Through The Ages
The Archons Hidden Rulers Through The Ages
The Archons Hidden Rulers Through The Ages
The Gnostic core belief was a strong dualism: that the world of matter was deadening and
inferior to a remote nonphysical home, to which an interior divine spark in most humans
aspired to return after death. This led them to an absorption with the Jewish creation
myths in Genesis, which they obsessively reinterpreted to formulate allegorical
explanations of how humans ended up trapped in the world of matter. The basic Gnostic
story, which varied in details from teacher to teacher, was this:
In the beginning there was an unknowable, immaterial, and invisible God, sometimes
called the Father of All and sometimes by other names. “He” was neither male nor female,
and was composed of an implicitly finite amount of a living nonphysical substance.
Surrounding this God was a great empty region called the Pleroma (the fullness). Beyond
the Pleroma lay empty space. The God acted to fill the Pleroma through a series of
emanations, a squeezing off of small portions of his/its nonphysical energetic divine
material. In most accounts there are thirty emanations in fifteen complementary pairs,
each getting slightly less of the divine material and therefore being slightly weaker. The
emanations are called Aeons (eternities) and are mostly named personifications in Greek
of abstract ideas. Like the God, they are nonphysical light beings. They are described as
androgynous or bisexual. The Aeons in turn generate large numbers of simpler entities,
sometimes called angels. The first of the great emanations, according to several Gnostic
groups, is named Barbelo. This is a predominately female persona. A common stipulation
is that only Barbelo is able to see or communicate with the invisible Father God. Even the
other nonphysical dwellers in the Pleroma have no contact with this remote entity,
sometimes called the Silent God. Often there is a central trinity of Father, Mother
(Barbelo), and Son. The common outcome of the myth rests on the thirtieth emanation or
Aeon, Sophia. This is both the Greek word for Wisdom and also a woman’s name. Sophia
becomes jealous of the power of the Father of All to create. Without permission of her
consort, the other of her matching pair, she gives birth or otherwise creates an offspring. It
proves to be monstrous, with the head of a lion and the body of a serpent. She names him
Yaldabaoth. He is also called Saklas (in Hebrew, the fool), and Samael (the blind God).
Ashamed of her progeny, Sophia takes Yaldabaoth outside of the Pleroma and hides him
in a cloud. There he matures alone, having no knowledge of his origins. Imbued from
birth with a portion of the divine material he inherited from his mother, Yaldabaoth, now
given the title Demiurge (Greek: craftsman), creates a dozen Archons (Commanders)
[NOTICE: They are NOT anlien parasites], and then, in a mirror image of the great
emanations of the Pleroma, hundreds of lesser angels. Yaldabaoth then creates the cosmos,
understood to mean, not the entire universe as in modern usage, but the known planets.
These were, in the order then understood: Moon, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, and the zodiac of visible stars. According to the new Ptolemaic system of
astronomy, all of the stars were thought to be attached to a single crystal sphere.
Yaldabaoth assigns seven of his Archons to rule over the seven planetary spheres, then
creates the Earth and decides to populate it. He has his angels make Adam, each of 365
angels contributing a single part. But Yaldabaoth and his Archons find that their creature
is lifeless, or at least unable to stand. By this time Sophia has discovered what her
offspring has done and is horrified at the fate of the humans he is in process of creating,
who will be encased in deadening matter as in mobile tombs. In one version she and her
consort come down from the Pleroma and trick Yaldabaoth into breathing life into Adam
and Eve, thereby giving them and their descendants greater spirit power than the
Demiurge is able to retain. In another version Christ or another Illuminator comes to earth
disguised by a magic helmet and imbues the near-lifeless human prototypes with tiny
divine sparks.
Yaldabaoth then creates the Garden of Eden, not on Earth as in Genesis, but at the level of
the stars. He cruelly tells his human captives not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil. In some versions, for example, in The Hypostasis of the Archons among the
Nag Hammadi texts, the serpent is the agent of Sophia, urging Adam and Eve to disobey;
in more Christianized accounts it is the Christ who comes to the garden to warn Adam
and Eve of the Demiurge’s plan to enslave them in deadening matter. As must be clear by
now, Yaldabaoth is known by Jews and Christians as Jehovah, or just as God. The Gnostics
frequently and ironically quote Yaldabaoth declaring that he is a jealous god, claiming in
his ignorance that he is the only God.
Finally, the role of a savior, even in the later documents when this is (mostly) Jesus, is not
to die for people’s sins. Sin has little to do with the Gnostic vision, particularly the peculiar
Christian concept of original sin borne by every human. The savior figures in Gnosticism
try to wake people up from the deadening effect of being encased in matter and prepare
them for the arduous nonmaterial individual flight through the cosmos after death to try
to reach the Pleroma and re-merge their divine spark with the main mass located there. In
the Gnostic cosmos each of the “planets” is ruled by one of the Archons and the spirit
released from matter by death must persuade the Archon to allow it to pass through that
“planet’s” crystalline sphere.
This was the model in which the Earth was a sphere in the center of the universe. The
Earth was thought to be surrounded by nested transparent crystal spheres, the “seven
heavens” of proverb, one for each of the planet-type objects, which included the Sun and
Moon. The eighth sphere, the ogdoad, contained all of the fixed stars. On the other side of
this sphere of the zodiac were imagined various celestial locations, from Plato’s realm of
perfect ideas to the abode of gods, to the Christian heaven, to the Gnostic Pleroma. The
Gnostics, then, sought to remain current with the science of their day. But in the Ptolemaic
system the planets had been promoted from mere moving points of light to the central
points on gigantic crystal spheres far larger than the Earth. Many of the Greeks now
thought of the planets as minor gods. For the Gnostics in particular this posed the problem
of how the escaping spirits were supposed to get through each of the eight transparent
spheres to reach the Pleroma. Hence their concern with inventing verbal formulas and
supposed passwords for the voyaging spirits to declaim to each planetary Archon or its
minions to gain passage.
The Secret Supper
Based on: Walter L. Wakefield and Austin P. Evans
Heresies of the High Middle Ages p.458ff.
The Interrigo Iohannis is Catharian tale about the legendary fall of angels into the
material world. Satan formed a male and female body out of clay. Than he forced two
angels to enter into the bodies. Satan, the dragon, trapped and captured all the angels he
could grab out of heaven as they fell. Remember that bible-stuff about 1/3 of the angels in
heaven being swept down by the dragon's tail? Gnostics say that was us. We are the Fallen
Angels. We were trapped. We've been tricked. And we were mourning over what was
imposed upon us. We had differentiated male and female bodies. Satan commanded us to
perform works of flesh in bodies of clay but we didn't know how. Satan had to find a way
to force us into bodies of clay, so he made us lust each other, to have babies and so to trap
even more angels into bodies. His scheme included the creation of the "paradise" Eden
where he literally dumped lust into our heads psychically and in some cases by sexual
assault. WE are TRAPPED angels. We are soul splinters of archontic oversouls spread
over different time lines and dimensions.
Notice the details: The Devil sexually seduces the angels as a snake. Because there is no
godly wisdom in a coldblooded reptile. And the Archons are prison wardens, not alien
prasites like John Lash claims.
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. The
questions of John, the apostle and evangelist, at a secret supper in the
kingdom of heaven, about the governance of this world, about its ruler, and
about Adam:
I, John, partner in tribulation so that I might be a partner in the kingdom of
God, leaning on the breast of Jesus Christ our Lord at the supper, said to
Him; "Lord, who shall betray Thee?" And the Lord said unto me: "He that
shall have dipped his hand in the dish, into him shall Satan enter. He shall
betray me." I said, "Lord, before Satan fell, in what splendor did he attend
the Father?" He said: "Among the virtues of heaven and at the throne of the
Father invisible; he was regulator of all things and sat with my Father.' He
[Satan] it was who presided over the virtues of the heavens and those who
attended on the Father. His power descended from the heavens even unto
hell, and arose even unto the throne of the Father invisible. He had wardship
of those splendors which were above all the heavens. And he pondered,
wishing to place his throne upon the clouds and to 'be like the Most High.'"
When he had come down to lower air, he descried an angel seated upon the
air, to whom he said, 'Open to me the portals of the air'; these the angels
opened for him. And passing down, he descried an angel who guarded the
waters, to whom he said, `Open to me the portals of the waters'; the angel
opened them to him. And descending further, he found the whole earth
covered with water; walking beneath this, he came upon two fish, lying
upon the waters. These, indeed, were yoked together, and they bore up the whole earth at the
bidding of the Father invisible. And passing down further still, he found great clouds holding
the massed waters of the sea. And descending lower, he found his hell, which is the Gehenna
of fire; but thereafter he was unable to go further down, because of the flame of the fire
which was raging. "Then Satan retraced his path, filling himself with evil plots. He ascended
to the angel who was over the air and to the angel who was over the waters, and unto them
said: 'All things are mine. If you hearken to me, I will place my throne over the clouds and I
will be like the Most High." I will bear the waters up above this firmament and I will gather
the other waters into wide seas." After that there shall not be water upon the face of the
whole earth, and I shall reign with you forever and ever.' Thus he spoke to the angels. He
ascended to the very heavens, even unto the third heaven, subverting the angels of the Father
invisible, and saying to each of them, 'How much dost thou owe thy lord?' The first
answered, 'A hundred barrels of oil.' He said to him, 'Take the bill and sit down and write
fifty.' And he said to another, Now you, how much dost thou owe thy lord?' Who said, 'A
hundred quarters of wheat.' To him he said, 'Take thy bill and sit down quickly and write
eighty.' To the other heavens he ascended with like speech; he ascended even unto the fifth
heaven, seducing the angels of the Father invisible.
"And a voice came from the throne of the Father, saying: 'What dost thou, O thou devoid of
hope, subverting the angels of the Father? Contriver of sin, do quickly what thou hast
planned.' Then the Father bade his angels, 'Take from all the angels who hearkened to him
the garments, the thrones, and the crowns';" and these angels took the vestments, the thrones,
and the crowns from all the angels who hearkened to him." And once again I, John,
questioned the Lord, saying, "When Satan fell, in what place did he dwell?" In answer He
said to me: "Because of his self-exaltation, my Father decreed his transformation,"
withdrawing from him the light of His glory. The face of Satan was like an iron glowing
from the fire, and the whole aspect of his countenance was like that of a man. . . And he had
seven tails with which he drew away the third part of the angels of God." He was cast out
from before the throne of God and from the stewardship of heaven. Falling down from
heaven, Satan could find no peace in this firmament, nor could those who were with him.
And he besought the Father, saying: 'I have sinned. Have patience with me, and I will pay
thee all.' The Lord was moved with pity for him and gave him peace to do what he would
until the seventh day."
"Then Satan took his seat above the firmament and gave command to the angel who was
over the air and the angel who was over the waters, so that they raised two thirds of the
waters high into the air. Of the remaining third they formed wide seas. The division of the
waters was by command of the Father invisible. Again Satan bade the angel who was over
the waters, 'Take a stand upon the two fish.' And the angel raised the earth upward with his
head, and dry land appeared and was. . . . When he took a crown from the angel who was
over the air, from half of it he made himself a throne; and when he took a crown from the
angel who was over the waters, from half he made the light of the moon and from half the
light of day. From precious stones he made fire, and from fire he made all the host of heaven
and the stars, and from them he made angels, his ministering spirits, according to the plan of
the Governor Most High. He also made thunder, rain, hail, and snow, and over these he set
his ministering angels. "He commanded the earth to bring forth all living things —animals,
trees, and herbs. The sea he commanded to bring forth fish; and the air, birds of the heavens.
And he pondered on making man to serve him; he took clay of the earth and made man like
unto himself. And he then bade an angel of the second heaven to enter the body of clay. Of
this body he took a part and made another body in the form of a woman" and bade an angel
of the first heaven to enter into it. And the angels grieved deeply that they thus had a mortal
form imposed upon them and that they now existed in different forms. And Satan bade them
to perform the works of the flesh in their bodies of clay, but they did not know how to
commit sin. The originator of sin accomplished his purpose by his seduction, in this way: He
planted a paradise and set men therein and bade them not to eat of its fruits. The devil
entered Paradise and planted a bed of reeds in the midst of Paradise; of his spittle he made a
serpent and bade him remain in the reeds. Thus the devil concealed the knowledge of his
deceit so that they would not perceive his treachery. He went in to them saying, 'Eat of all the
fruit in Paradise, but of the fruit of good and evi1 eat not.' Thereafter the wicked devil,
entering into the evil serpent, deceived the angel who was in the form of a woman and
poured out upon her head a longing for sin," and Eve's desire was like a glowing oven.
Forthwith, the devil in the form of the serpent came out of the reeds and sated his lust on her
with the serpent's tail. That is why [the offspring] are called not sons of God but sons of the
devil and sons of the serpent, fulfilling the diabolic desires of their father even unto the end
of the world. After this, the devil poured out his longing upon the head of the angel who was
in Adam; and [both angels] were affected by a lust for debauchery, together begetting
children of the devil and of the serpent, until the consummation of the world."
After that I, John, questioned the Lord, saying, "Why do men say that Adam and Eve were
made by God and placed in Paradise to keep His commandments, and that for transgression
of the Father's commandment they were delivered up unto death?" The Lord said unto me:
"Hear, John, most beloved. Men are foolish who speak thus, for my Father did not, in
transgression (in praevaricatione) of His own law, shape bodies of clay, but by the Holy
Spirit made [only] all the virtues of heaven. These, however, for their sins and by their fall
are found possessing bodies of clay and are delivered up to death." And still I, John,
questioned the Lord, saying, "Lord, how did man have spiritual origin in a carnal body?"
And the Lord said to me: "By their fall
spirits of heaven entered the female
body of clay and took on flesh from the
lusts of the flesh and took on [spirit at
the same time]. . . . Spirit is born of
spirit and flesh of flesh; and thus the
reign of Satan ceases not in this
world." And I questioned the Lord,
saying, "For how long will Satan have
dominion in this world over the
essences of men?" And the Lord
replied, "My Father will permit him to
reign seven days, that is, seven ages."
Again I, John, questioned the Lord in this wise, "What will be the nature of this period [of
seven ages]?" And He said to me: "From the time when the devil fell from the glory of the
Father and desired his own glory, he took his seat among the clouds and sent forth his
ministers, a searing fire, and ... in the land from Adam to Enoch. And he sent his minister to
Enoch and translated him above the firmament and displayed to him his divine nature. He
then commanded that he be given quill and ink. Seating himself, Enoch wrote seventy-six"
books; these the devil bade him to take to earth. Enoch took the books and turned them over
to his sons, and he taught them how to observe the form and place of sacrificial rites. This
they did in such wise as to 'shut the kingdom of heaven against men.' …
From here on the following text seems to be corrupted and inserted later. The text so far
appears to be a genuine report of the multi-dimensional structure of our universe and the
intelligent control of the four elements fire-water-air-earth in the process of creation. And
it talks about sexual desire and entity possesion. This are clues of the advanced devine
levels of initiation at the Bogomils and Cathars.
In the beginning there was a rebellion in heaven and 1/3 of the
angels fell into the material world. Our incarnated soul is a splinter
of an angelic oversoul. The term Archon refers to servants of the
Demiurge, the evil "creator god", that stands between the human race
and a transcendent God that c a n only be reached through GNOSIS.
The Archons are characterised as terrible forces of negativity and
illusion. They are cosmic prison warders seeking to keep their human
charges bound to earth. How? The seven Deadly Sins were inserted as
archetypes into the soul when it incarnated on earth for the first time:
Lust/Gluttony/Greed/Sloth/Wrath/Envy/Pride. Or in the words of
Castaneda: „The predators gave us their mind“. Caught up in the illusions
of material existence, man believes he is just a body and he cannot grasp
the truth of his origin. This condition perpetuates spiritual blindness,
leaving human kind in captivity to his prison guards. The Archons are
tyrannical and limiting agencies who rule over humanity and creation in
order to enhance their own self-importance and glory. It is incumbent
upon the knower to realize this and to extricate himself from the grasp
of these powers whenever possible. The existential predicament of
human life lies in the uncomfortable dominance to which these lesser
godlings subject the spirits of human beings, and from which only the
experiential realization of gnosis can extricate them. The king of earth,
the Rex Mundi, resides in the astral city of Shamballah.
„Icke’s claims about the Saturn/Moon Matrix dovetail precisely with my experience — both
personally and as an astrologer — of how the 29.5 day cycle of the Moon keeps us hormonally tied
to tiny repeating cycles and the 29.5 year cycle of Saturn locks us into societal structures beyond
which we cannot see — until we attune to larger orders, beginning with the outer planet cycles of
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and beyond. But to do this is to leap off the cliff of mind-controlled
“rationality” into the mysterious living universe.“ -Ann Kreilkamp
of some 3.7 million miles and going out to 7.4 million. It is so big that it would take a
billion Earth’s to fill it. Some scientists say that Saturn’s rings were created by the debris
from a disintegrated moon; but how would that create a ring 3.7 million miles away from
Saturn that could hold a billion Earth’s? Saturn’s broadcasting system extends throughout
the Solar System, but most of it is not on visible frequencies. Saturn is the “Lord of the
Rings”. And how did JRR Tolkien (and film director Peter Jackson) symbolize the controlling
force in the book and film of that name? As a fiery reptilian eye – the Eye of Sauron.
Saturn is the second biggest “planet” in the Solar System
after Jupiter, and is the sixth “planet” from the Sun. Its
rings and moons make it unique. Saturn is called a “gas
giant” as with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, but it is
habitable by very different entities to humans much closer
to its material center and, as with everything, it exists on
other ranges of frequency. Mainstream science says that
Saturn radiates 2.5 times more energy than it receives
from the Sun, and it generates an unexplainable constantly
– spinning six-sided hexagonal wave pattern at its north
pole which rotates in sync with Saturn’s recorded radio
emissions. A massive constantly-spinning storm system
captured at the South Pole also looks like an eye. Jupiter and Neptune also generate more
heat than they receive. Saturn takes more than 29 Earth Years to complete a journey
around the Sun. The “planet” (“dark sun”) has been known about since prehistoric times
because it can be seen from Earth, but it was only after the development of strong enough
telescopes that the rings were able to be seen. Babylonian astronomers recorded the
movements of Saturn, and it was worshiped by the Romans as the god, Saturn (the Greek
“Cronus” or Kronos).
There is no coincidence whatsoever in Saturn having so many moons. More than 60 have
been discovered so far. They comprise, with the Saturn dwarf, a mini solar system and the
same with Jupiter and it’s at least 63 Moons. Most of Saturn’s moons derive their names
from god Saturn’s brothers and sisters, the Titans and the Titanesses. Small Saturnian
moons discovered more recently have been named after Inuit, Gallic and Norse gods and
goddesses. None of this is by chance, and all are different names for the same deities in
different cultures. Saturn’s biggest moon, Titan, is the second largest in the Solar System
behind the Jupiter moon, Ganymede, and is twice as big as our own moon. Titan, Ganymede
and other major Jupiter moons, Io, Europa (the European Union goddess) and Callisto, are
really planets, though they are known as moons. Titan, Ganymede and others also play a
very active role in the Saturn – Moon Matrix and I am sure we will see the role of Jupiter in
all this eventually. Even mainstream scientists have suggested that some form of life could
exist on Titan and another Saturn “moon”, Enceladus. Saturn is communicating with the
major moons/planets and many not so major ones in our solar system. I suggest that
Earth’s moon was once in that group around Saturn, and at least many of them are the
same in nature. They are computer systems, amplifiers and satellites of the Saturn
broadcasting grid and they go out as necessary to target other worlds. Saturn is not their
only hijacked and converted brown dwarf either. They are experts at this.
Saturn – The All Seeing Eye
Saturn was often symbolized as an eye by the ancients and that is a likely origin of the all-
seeing eye, one of the major symbols of the Reptilian-hybrid bloodline network. I went to
the subway station right next to Ground Zero when I spoke in
New York in 2010. The station has mosaic eyes on the walls all
along the platforms, and a large depiction on the floor of an
eye broadcasting frequencies across the planet. The eye is
almost certainly meant to be Saturn (Satan). The image
perfectly portrays what Saturn is doing. Saturn Hacks into the
waveform information broadcast from the center of the galaxy
via the Sun and broadcasts a fake reality into the Solar System. The Moon amplifies this
and beams it specifically at the Earth. The fantastic synchronicities between Earth, the
Moon and the Sun in size, geometry and position, are all made possible by the Moon.
These synchronicities are connected to how the Sun’s information is hacked by Saturn and
the Moon. The Moon is where it is because it was specifically placed there.
Visible light and the electromagnetic spectrum that science can record is the matrix, the
false reality. And “God” said, “Let there be light.” The speed of light which we are told is the
fastest speed possible (rubbish) is the vibrational “wall” of the matrix. We are not even
living “on” the Earth as it really is. Some of it is “original”, but there are many holographic
implants that change it for our perception. The Matrix broadcasts block humans from
perceiving what we otherwise would be experiencing. The Earth that we can’t see (or feel
too often) is a place of love and harmony – not war, fear and suffering. The predators
dictate our lives and make us into slaves to them by hijacking our sense of reality. The
Saturn-Moon Matrix transformed a once-vibrant, conscious humanity into computer
programs decoding cycles of repetitive perception and behavior. The transmissions of the
Saturn-Moon Matrix are received and re-transmitted by the Earth’s crystal core which has
been tuned to the Matrix frequency range, and the “Hack” connects with us through the
reptilian brain and the receiver-transmitter system that we call DNA.
This brings us back to “junk” DNA and what Professor Sam Chang from the Human
Genome Project said earlier – that the overwhelming majority of human DNA is of “off-
world” origin and the “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely enjoy the ride with hard-working
active genes passed through the generations. He said:
What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code.
First fact is, the complete “program” was positively not written on Earth; that is now a
verified fact. The second fact is that genes, by themselves, are not enough to explain
evolution; there must be something more in “the game”… Sooner or later we have to come
with grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his
extraterrestrial cousin, and that evolution is not what we think it is. Our hypothesis is that a
higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various
planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the
same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can’t know their motives – whether it was a
scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or the long-time
ongoing business of seeding life in the universe.
Professor Chang also said that the “alien” parts of “junk” DNA have “their own veins,
arteries and immune systems that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs”. The DNA
implanted by the “extraterrestrials” is pre-programmed, and one effect of the Saturn-Moon
Matrix is to activate those programs to play out as “spontaneous” human behavior and a
sequence of “time”. The Matrix acts like a laser reading computer software or a DVD. It
brings the pre-programmed information in human DNA onto the “screen” – our decoded
reality. The “software program” is running in every human mind – body computer and it
has been encoded for eons. Remember how Rebecca Cann, Assistant Professor of Genetics at
the University of Hawaii, co-authored a study in the journal, Nature, saying that all modern
humans are descended from a single mother who lived in Africa in about 200,000 B.C.? If
what we call humans originate from a single source the program could easily have been
implanted that would infiltrate every subsequent member of the “species” (software). Only
by becoming Conscious beyond mind – body can we override the program. It has become
so clear to me while writing this book that the extent of human behavior programming is
absolutely fundamental. I understand from people who read papers by molecular
biologist, Francis Crick that he believed that DNA was pre programmed. Crick appears to
have known far more about DNA than was made public, and he believed that it was made of
“extraterrestrial” origin.
So the Matrix illusion is so deep, so ingrained, because it is not only a Matrix field, but a
DNA program. The “Queen Bee” (Saturn-Moon) broadcasts the waveform information
“hack” and humans decode this into a world they think they see, and perceptions and
behaviors they think is “them”. We can be completely controlled by the Matrix and be no
more than human robots responding to data input, or we can open our hearts and minds
and see beyond what others can see. This means opening our minds to consciousness
which is not subject to the manipulation of the Matrix or the DNA program. It operates
outside of “space” and “time” and beyond the vibrational walls of the Matrix. If you look at
all the incredible and endless interconnected manipulations that I will describe in this
book4 – and there are so many more – this clearly could not have been organized by
people sitting around a table deciding their next move. How do they do it? Was there a
computer system spewing out data on what to do and when? But I can see it clearly now.
Those in authority who run and enforce the human Control System are following a
program in the same way as worker ants and bees follow the program broadcast by the
Queen. They are computer terminals on the Matrix Internet with the Saturn-Moon Matrix
triggering their already programmed DNA to respond according to the program. The
bloodlines (Illuminati – Dark cabal – Those appointed to positions of power) are the most
locked-in because they were genetically-created for that purpose, but anyone who is not
truly conscious (most of humanity) will be responding to their DNA Saturn-Moon Matrix
program which drives their thoughts, perceptions and behavior.
Saturn Astrology
The representation of Saturn in astrology fits the bill perfectly. Saturn is the planet (sun)
of death, restriction, authority, control, obedience, poverty, fear and time. It rules the
bones of the body and so you have the skull-and-bones as a major symbol of the Saturn
controlled Illuminati. The Skull and Bones Society is really the Saturn Society. Saturn is the
astrological ruler of institutions, corporations, figures in authority, scientists and old
people. It represents laws, rules, regulations and “tradition” (repeating ritual). Saturn is non-
emotive and represents limitation, austerity, discipline and depression. The term
“Saturnine”, meaning to have a gloomy, taciturn temperament, has an ancient origin
related to the influence of Saturn. What am I describing here? The very world we live in,
and ever more so. I am describing the way that human society has been constructed; the
way secret societies operate with all their rules, rituals and hierarchy; and all the pomp
and ritual surrounding the British Royal Family and their kind. Planet Earth is a Saturnian
society controlled from Saturn via the Moon and the Illuminati hybrid bloodlines. This
makes so much sense of what has happened to the world, and what is happening. Notice
how the traits and influences of the Saturnian are the same as the Draconian – the
Reptilian “hive” mind. The Saturn-Moon Matrix reflects the hive mind of the Reptilians
that control Saturn and the Moon. The Reptilian hive mind has hijacked the human
mind via the Reptilian brain and the Moon Matrix.
Open your mind and you will see what has been purposely hidden from you.
Saturday = Saturn Day
Sunday = Sun Day
Monday = Moon Day
The gnosis of the Fraternitas Saturni (=FS) is a complex set of magical doctrines. These
include a special path of initiation as well as a complete astral or planetary cosmosophy
and a Luciferian element. In many regards the Saturn- Gnosis is in accordance with what
is known of the Ophite and Barbelo Gnostic sects of antiquity. Gnosis is a form of
knowledge concerning the cosmos to which the individual feels called, or "elected," and
which is based not on the belief in certain dogmas but rather on deep personal experience.
Although in ancient times Gnosticism existed in a myriad of often mutually incompatible
sects, there were certain doctrines common to most of them. First, they held that there
existed a godhead beyond all categories as well as a threefold god subsisting in the
fullness of being (pleroma), or light. This divine realm of fullness of being transcends the
place in the world where matter exists; these two realms are separated by a great barrier
(horos or ouroboros). How these realms became separate is a matter of diverse
speculation, however, what is certain among the Gnostics is that our material world was
not created by the god of light, but rather by an entity that resulted from a deficiency in
the pleroma. This deficiency came about either through progressive degeneration as the
outflow of being got further and further from its source, or through a conscious
withdrawal of divine will (thelema) from the outer reaches. By whatever process, lesser
independent entities arose in the graduated levels (called aeons) of the new cosmos. These
entities were called archons. One of these archons is the entity—or demiurge—that created
our world of matter. This entity is identified by some Gnostics with Jehova (YHVH), the
god of the Old Testament. Finally, it was held that man, as a mixed entity consisting of
elements with origins in both the world of light (of God) and the world of darkness (of the
demiurge), could only be redeemed by knowledge (gnosis). This knowledge was a direct
experience of being, not something acquired by learning or even by conclusions reached
by logical methods. The demiurge Jehovah demanded faith (pistis); the "Good God" could
only be reached through gnosis.
Dwellings (= planetary genii of the outer realm), and governor of the revealed world and lord
over life and death, and over the light and darkness. Saturnus is seen as the breaker of cosmic
order and unity—thus he instituted death, causing regeneration and change to come into
being. This Demiurge Saturnus is identified with the number 666. He is the Beast 666,
manifest in the Man (or Men) 666, and in the Living Center of the Sun—Sorath 666.
Besides these general teachings on the nature of the Demiurge Saturnus, the FS has a
special doctrine, particular to it, concerning an entity attached to the planet Saturn and
active on the Earth, called the GOTOS. This is the specific egregore or daimonion of the
Brotherhood, of which the Grand Master 33° is the personal representative. The GOTOS
functions in a way similar to the way the Secret Chiefs worked in the Golden Dawn
system. The belief of this system of lodges having hidden, praeterhuman intelligences at
their esoteric heads is commonly held in the FS. Members would, for example, say that
Baphomet was the lodge daimonion of the Knights Templar. The daimonion GOTOS is
understood as a preexisting entity, but it is also used as the egregore of the lodge. An
egregore is a sort of "group spirit" or thought-form magically created by a community of
people from its collective ideals. The egregore can be seen as a collective hypnotic
suggestion which can be experienced directly, if subjectively, by the participants in rituals
wherein the egregore is invoked. This tends to take on objective reality as the experience of
the egregore becomes an experience that is shared within lodges. GOTOS is defined in the
following terms: "The GOTOS, as a magnetic accumulator in the Saturn-sphere, stores . . .
projected magical powers in the causal sphere through the Chain of Brotherhood."
Astral Gnosis
As the name of the order indicates, the Fraternitas Saturni places a heavy emphasis on
astrological doctrines or astrosophy. The teachings which involve Saturn are derived from
a basically Gnostic cosmology, in which the planet Saturn is identified with the Demiurge
and with the Guardian of the Threshold (Hüter der Schwelle), who comes between the
initiate rising through the planetary spheres and their access to the firmament and the
(false) „light“. As mentioned before, the archetype of Saturn as portrayed in the FS is a
manifold which fits into a complex cosmology. According to FS doctrines, on the seventh
day of creation an angel (= Lucifer-Saturn) emanated from the Absolutum (= the Kabbalistic
ainsoph). This angel was given rulership over the outermost sphere and became the
Guardian of Time and Eternity. This entity stood at the outer limits of the limitless, girding
itself in space and being and all creation. (The Gnostics also sometimes ascribed this
function to Leviathan—the ouroboros—the serpent at the edge of the firmament grasping
its own tail.) This angel, or god, rebelled against the static, established cosmic order and
set into motion the forces of change and evolution, which also imply death and
destruction. This rebellion is referred to in Judeo-Christian mythology as the "War in
Heaven," and the angel or daemon is sometimes identified as (Hebrew) Abadon or (Greek)
Apollyon. Reference to this may be found in Isaiah 14:12-15 and in Revelations 9:1. By
breaking the static cosmic order the Rebel—Lucifer—became the creator of the visible
world. This battle still rages between the polar opposites of the outer Saturnian sphere and
the inner Solar Logos, with the Earth in the middle as the main field of battle.
SaTan, STructure, STatus, STate, conSTriction, conSTruction, STern, SeT, STone, STuck,
STand, resiST, teST, STasis, sySTem, STabilize, eSTablish, eSTate, STandard, cryStalize,
STress, conSTant, STiff, obSTinate, liST, STrain, STrict, STatement, etc… How do you give
additional STructure to our number sySTem? With ST, of course. We measure things againST
the firST (1ST) and the laST. How do you give STructure to countries? With STatutes of
STate. STructure urban geography? With poSTal STreet addresses, How do you SeT
something in memory? STudy it! Give STructure to a process? With STart and Stop.
We even have a part speech built around the ST of SaTurn. Adjectives describe things—
SaTurn defines the outer limit of things. It is the limit of our sensory perceptions. Big,
bigger, biggeST, Hot, hotter, hotteST, Many, more, moST, ect… All adjectives have a
comparative and superlative form. The superlative form is the limit. You cannot get any
colder than the coldeST, ST is SaTurn, It is the limit!"
The Flower of Life is the modern name given to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-
spaced, overlapping circles. They are arranged with a sixfold symmetry. The most common form of
the “Flower of Life” is hexagonal pattern, where the center of each circle is on the circumference of
six surrounding circles of the same diameter – notice the Hexagon on Saturn!
Solomon’s Seal, which is the Star of David was designed to trap things. When Solomon would
seal Jinn in bottles he would put the Star of David on top. Even Metatron’s cube which has hit
the #1 spot in Sacred Geometry is none other than a hex used time and time again to keep souls
which are seeking higher truth passing back and forth between this demented dimension and
Saturn. It is a mental weakening tool as many have already admitted since its main purpose is
only to weaken the cube, it should never be placed in the mind. And - the world grid, which
invisibly encircles the planet, is based on ‘the complete flower of life’ and the hexagon/hexagram.
The diameter of the first circle was calculated by drawing a line from Orkney to Stonehenge
(coincidently the line happens to pass through Rosslyn chapel which is exactly in the middle,
this could be the real ‘rose line’). All of Europe’s ancient sites (stone circles symbolizing the
flower) can be found lying on one of these lines. The grid also links all of these ancient sites
together. Many of the oldest sacred sites lie at the centre of six points. Also - the Flower-Symbol
is charged. If you stare at it long enough, you can see the outline of any desire. In fact, many
secret societies still use this image to pass along messages.
The moon is more than just a pale satellite of interest to poets and astronomers. Its
influence goes beyond merely creating ocean tides or driving biological cycles. More
importantly, the moon exerts a significant influence upon the mechanical, emotional, and
psychological states in man. The werewolf myth and superstition concerning full moon
lunacy are not far from the truth. Certain lunar phases heighten the possibility for
emotionally draining situations and stimulate reactivity and sensitivity in vulnerable
individuals. Personal observation reveals what numerous esoteric sources have explained
at length, namely that we are food for the moon.
Boris Mouravieff
In his epic work Gnosis, Boris Mouravieff formulated an esoteric system for spiritual
evolution founded upon the inner traditions of Eastern Orthodoxy. Though sharing a
common basis with Fourth Way, what Mouravieff detailed is comparatively more
complete, accurate, and systematic. Here is an excerpt from Gnosis summarizing what is
necessary to transcend the lunar influence:
As a cell of organic life on Earth, man plays a part in the development of the Ray of
Creation. The vivification of the Moon, that cosmic foetus, is one aspect of this
development. This requires considerable quantities of energy, which is produced in
particular by the human part of organic life. Illusion, which plays such an important role
in the waking consciousness of man, was introduced into that state so that he would
accept this aspect of the cosmic work, participating in it without rebellion. If we become
conscious of this situation and desire to escape it, we must conceive and create a screen
which will protect us against this devouring influence of the Moon. We must meanwhile
guard against falling into Illusion again by erecting a false screen; the result would be
an aggravated waste of these forces instead of an economy of force. The quantity of
force necessary to genuinely oppose the influence of the Moon is already considerable.
The first imperative, then, is to stop wasting these forces, to turn off the taps which let
the energy escape uselessly: sterile emotions, in particular negative emotions; fantasies
from uncontrolled imagination; uncoordinated mental gymnastics, gossiping and
chattering. We must thus act like a wise minister of finance and carefully economize our
energies, yet without all the time sterilizing either our activity or our intelligence. On
the contrary, we must store and as far as possible augment these forces to build up our
reserves. These are the two main aspects of the first objective we have to attain.
(Mouravieff, Gnosis I, p.168)
Mouravieff also explained that organic life functions as a transmitter station sending
refined energy to the moon to assist its growth. Despite increases in the human population
and thus an increase in quantity of energy transferred, times of peace do not produce
sufficient energy and so catalysts for suffering such as wars and catastrophes arise to
sustain the process.
The Moon’s passive energy arises from solar energy. It reflects this, but not without a
transformation as its own nature. […] Unlike the Earth, the Moon does not have a direct
organic link with the Sun. Being a satellite, it depends directly on its planet, and it is
only through the latter’s mediation that it enters into relation with the Sun. One of its
essential roles is to reflect solar energy onto the Earth’s surface in a form modified by
reflection as described above. This also leads to qualitative and quantitative variations
that depend on its phases. These changes do not prevent continual reverberation, due to
the fact that the Moon always presents the same face to Earth, as the duration of its
rotation around itself and around our planet are both the same. (Mouravieff, Gnosis II,
Although Mouravieff did not elaborate in what manner the lunar influence varies with
phase, it stands to reason that essentially it is a matter of astrological alignment between
earth, sun, and moon. During new and full moons, the moon and sun are respectively in
conjunction and opposition. During quarter moons they are square. Opposition,
conjunction, and square represent alignments that in this particular case aggravate the
mechanical aspects in man. Other times of the month when the moon is trine or sextile
sun, a more harmonious astrological aspect establishes itself. These alignments engender
calmer temperaments with the mechanical influence not trespassing into emotional or
mental territory. That the moon always shows the same face, has an unusually circular
orbit, and is precisely distanced to blot out the sun during total solar eclipses implies an
intentional placement by the “Architect” of the matrix, or perhaps it simply suggests a
collective choice to experience this highly improbable but necessary reality. When asked if
the moon was intentionally placed, the Cassiopaeans responded: This is impossibly complex
because in one way or another, everything is part of a “plan.” Mouravieff and Ouspensky
emphasized that despite the soporific nature of the moon and the urgent necessity for
individuals to overcome its influence, there is still an important cosmological reason for
this arrangement. If nothing else, the moon makes physical life possible by driving the
earth’s rotation.
The Zelator
Another interesting source is The Zelator by Mark Hedsel, an autobiographical account of
his initiatory pathway through various mystery schools. The following excerpt takes place
in the presence of a teacher who gives a lengthy discourse on the moon:
We became fascinated by the nature of the Moon, and with the other female planet,
Venus. It was as though our attention had been drawn to the feminine side of Darkness
and Light, as represented in the purgatorial side of the Moon, and the burning light of
Venus. Our questions led our Master to some fascinating and unexpected observations
about the lunar connections in ancient esoteric lore, and it was not surprising that the
few questions we did put to our Master at that time concerned these planets. ‘Do you
know what the third-day pig is?’ he asked in response to a question I had put to him
about the Moon. Although our Master was looking directly at us, everyone shook their
heads, as though he had directed the question to each of us personally. Perhaps the
question had been rhetorical, for he continued almost immediately. ‘The three-day pig is
a phrase from the ancient Mysteries. Prior to the initiation held during the Greater
Mysteries of the Boedromion at Eleusis, in Greece, there was what the Greeks called the
Halade Mystai. Early in the morning, the candidates for initiation would make their way
to the sea, carrying young pigs, which they would wash and then sacrifice. The usual —
we might even say the exoteric — explanation for this sacrifice is that they considered
the blood of the pig to be especially pure, and much appreciated by the gods of the
Underworld. They buried the killed pigs deep in the Earth, after the blood and
slaughtered bodies had been dedicated to these infernal gods. Because the sacrifice was
held on the third day of the Greater Mystery, such a creature was called the third-day
He raised his eyebrows, and smiled. ‘Now, as with all Mysteries of initiation, the term is
not quite correct — it is meant to hide something. It was not a third-day pig, but a two-
and-a-half-day pig, as the sacrifices always took place in the morning. The fact that the
rites were conducted near the sea should lend a clue to one aspect of this arcane
symbolism, for the two-and-a-half day period is a lunar period. In two and a half days,
the Moon completely traverses one sign of the zodiac: the period, cosmically speaking,
is a 12th part of the month. Now, perhaps, you will begin to see something of the deeper
significance of the third-day pig?’ Perhaps once again the question had been rhetorical.
At all events, there was no sound from the circle.
‘In a sense, the third-day pig is humanity — the liquid sweat of the Earth. Humanity is
in thrall to the Moon — mankind is subject to the two-and-a-half-day rhythm, and to all
other lunar periodicities. In another sense, the third-day pig is the animal of Set, the
reject darker side of Mankind — that lucifuge side, which does not strive towards the
‘This truth is recognized both in the overt symbolism of the pig sacrifice, and in its
deeper arcane implications. The initiation centres have always recognized that mankind
is in thrall to the Moon — that ordinary men and women are sleeping under the
influence of the lunar powers. […] The symbolism of the three-day pig must now be
evident. The creature is a surrogate for a sacrifice which is no sacrifice, as the loss is of
no value in the face of that gained. […] What happens to our higher principle at this
fission of porcine sacrifice is of direct account in the symbolism of the three-day pig.
Just as in a sacrifice involving a burnt offering, where the flames go upwards, and the
carbonized remains go downwards, so the sacrifice of the third-day pig is a fission of
separation. Note this word, fission. One cannot go far in the hermetic studies without
having formed a good idea of what Spiritual fission implies.
‘On one level, then, the pig is symbol of the lower nature, which must be buried — or,
more accurately, placed into the hands of the infernal hordes, to which it rightly
belongs. Meanwhile, the initiated Spirit rises upwards on the scales of perfection. As
you know, only the initiates sacrifice at the Helade Mystai, so we may presume that, at
the symbolical death, it is only the lower part of the “pig” — the body and the blood —
which is rendered unto the lower world. The higher world carries the Spirit to a higher
realm, in the wonder of initiation. You see, the three-day pig is a symbol of this rejected
part, of the dark part pushed downwards after the separation which is the immediate
consequence of initiation.’
‘If you reflect upon it, you will see that it is not a far-fetched symbolism. The pig,
through its association with Set, is a creature of the Moon, and the period in Purgatory is
a “blood sacrifice” in the sense that during that experience the sins of the blood — one
might say the sweat of our blood sins — are washed away. In Purgatory, at great cost to
ourselves, we sacrifice our sins. These entities — our sins — are devoured by the
demons in what might be regarded as a blood-lust. We have clung to our sins throughout
our lifetime, and letting them go is no easy matter: they must be torn away from us.
‘The skull-face of the Moon, glaring down with cratered eyes at the world, is a
perpetual memorial to the inexorable consequences of human sin. It would be possible
to point to vast documentary sources for this belief that the Moon is the cosmic centre
of purgatory — it is indeed encapsulated in very many symbols in Christian doctrine
and symbolism. On what may be the most obvious level, the very idea that demons have
horns is probably a throw-back to the idea of the crescent of the Moon, their natural
homeland: they are, so to speak, branded with the C of the crescent.
‘You were quite right, Mark …’ — much to our chagrin, he turned to us, making public
private conversations we had had with him — ‘… to link the Moon with demonic
assault, and with the dark realm of seances and atavistic clairvoyancy. The demonic
beings love the dark. While it is true that the seance rooms are kept dark to enable
amateur conjurors to perform without detection, it is also true that those Spiritual beings
who work evil through such seances love the dark. They are lucifuges. Just as they
cannot understand the need for light, so they cannot understand human love.
‘The ancients used darkness, not to contact the demons, but to contact the Higher
Beings. One reason why the so-called air-shafts in the Great Pyramid are directed
towards specific stars is to allow these stellar influences to pierce into the darkness
where the initiations took place. ‘The ancients built their stone circles to enable them to
use darkness for specific purposes. They knew that during an eclipse, when the Moon is
thrown into darkness, the effect of the Moon is, to some extent, weakened. At such
times, certain diabolical and evil influences which have been built up in the aura of the
Earth can escape. It is as though a safety valve has been opened in the skies, pouring
into the cosmos down the dark tunnel of the Black Moon, which hangs in the shadow of
the Earth. This Black Moon — the Moon of snake-infested Hecate in the ancient
mythology — is quite different from the Lighted Moon. In some of the ancient centres
this Black Moon was even given a different name.
‘The Lighted Moon is, to some extent, Spiritually warmed by the Sun. One has to be
attuned to cosmic realities to feel the difference between the Dark Moon and the full
Moon. When the Sun is eclipsed by the Dark Moon, then it is not unusual for birds to
drop from the skies in fear. Great wisdom is shown in such fear. You must all try to
experience an eclipse — solar or lunar — to catch a feeling of this cosmic reality. There
is a frisson in the air, quite unlike anything which can be felt under normal
circumstances. The primaeval terror of the Moon among the ancients was not entirely
unrealistic: in those days, there was a different consciousness which allowed men to
perceive cosmic realities that are now hidden from us. You will never understand why
the ancient stone circles were built if you do not familiarize yourself with the Dark
In the meeting prior to his death, our Master fulfilled his promise to speak about the
secrets of the Moon. Normally, he would wait for someone in our midst to ask a
question. This time he began to speak without preamble.
‘In the esoteric literature, you will find many records indicating that the Moon was at
one time part of the Earth. It had to leave the Earth, in order to allow life on Earth to
continue its Spiritual development unimpeded.
‘It is important that anyone on the Path should attempt to form a clear picture of what
this separation was like. Not only was it of considerable evolutionary importance in the
cosmogenesis of the Earth, but it is played, in miniature, in many of our Spiritual
activities. It is the archetypal form of fission. Now, unfortunately, in modern times even
our imaginative faculties have been materialized, and it is difficult for us to form a
picture of what this Moon-loss was really like. It is difficult for us to form clear images
of the fission which lies at the root of all Spiritual activity. It is difficult for modern man
and woman to visualize things in purely Spiritual terms. This is because the picture-
making which lies at the basis of our imaginative faculty longs for mythology, since
mythology is itself an agency of Spirituality.
‘If you cannot imagine in this way at present, you must perforce cling to materialistic
images …’ — he touched the glass of water on the round table in front of him — ‘…
then imagine a glass of water clouded with a pigment. If the glass is left to stand, the
particles will settle to the bottom in a thick dross, leaving the water above clear. This is
much nearer to the Spiritual reality of what happened when the Moon left the Earth,
taking with it certain forms of dross materiality. […]
‘The schema which depicts the planets in extended space pertains only to physical
vision. You must understand this, or there will be no way in which you can approach
some of the greater Mysteries of the cosmos. What appears to be on the outside is more
accurately described as being on the inside: our Earthly vision is extremely limited, for,
under normal circumstances, we see outwards from the central Ego to the cosmic
periphery. However, this is not the cosmic vision. We are so used to this limited vision
that we are not sufficiently tolerant to accept that there can be others — including a
vision from the periphery into the centre.
‘In the case of the Moon, the matter is made more complex by the fact that the physical
matter of the Moon did once form part of what we now call the Earth. Within the
context of the lunar sphere, the two centres did once coincide. A tremendous effort of
meditative power is required to follow these connections, however, and the bald
statement I have made can result in misconceptions.’
‘Why,’ asked Philip, ‘did the Moon have to separate from the Earth?’ ‘It was a cosmic
fission. The Moon represents the harder mineralization of the Earth. In the body of the
Moon is the matter which, had it remained with the Earth, would have weighed down
human development too deeply. Man would not have been able to bear the weight of
those forces in his own body. Just as we know from our own observations of ourselves
that we must slough off darkness to reach into the light, so the planetary bodies must
also involve themselves in a similar fission. Even so, it is true that the weight of the
Moon, albeit removed by half a million miles, still contorts the physical body of the
Earth and its inhabitants through what are usually called ‘gravitational’ effects.
‘Now we must touch upon the connection between the Moon and clairvoyancy. We
must do this because one of our members has — wisely or unwisely — become
involved with mediumistic groups.’
‘It is important that we set out very clearly the dangers inherent in opening the soul to
such activities. It is not for me to forbid such activity. I have no power to forbid, and
would relish no such power. Much as I would wish to protect you, I cannot. The best I
can do is make the dangers clear to you. After that, your beliefs and your conduct
remain your own.’
He look around at our faces, as though to indicate that he had arrived at the most
important point of the evening.
‘And so now we must look at an esoteric truth which touches on the very edge of what
is permissible. What I have to say will be greatly disturbing for many people of modern
times. It will disturb, because it is generally taken for granted that clairvoyancy,
mediumship and spiritualistic activity are somehow linked with Spiritual development,
and consequently of benefit to mankind. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. A vast
amount of our modern so-called “Spiritualist” literature pertains to channelling and
clairvoyancy which is far from beneficial for the development of mankind. Indeed, not
to mince words, I should tell you that it is distinctly harmful.
‘I must now make a statement which will introduce you to a concept which was, until
comparatively recently, one of the deepest secrets of the esoteric Schools: In some
ways, the Moon is the greatest problem of esoteric lore. The Moon is not at all what it
appears to be.
‘At the end of the last century an astounding revelation was made, as a result of dissent
among members of secret Schools. Information, hitherto guarded jealously by the most
enclosed of the inner Orders, was made public. The secrets disclosed pertained to a far
deeper level of knowledge than has hitherto been made exoteric by the Schools — even
in this enlightened age.’
‘Our purpose here is not to document how so deep an esoteric idea was made public —
or even to assess whether it was wise for this idea to be brought out into the open. All
this has been dealt with in the literature — and if any of you wish to follow this up, I
will give you a few titles later.
‘In a nutshell, what was made public during this conflict in the Schools was the truth
that our Moon is a sort of counterweight to another sphere, which remains invisible to
ordinary vision. This counterweighted sphere is called in esoteric circles the Eighth
‘We must be careful with these words, for, in spite of what I have just said, this region is
not itself a sphere, nor is it a moon. Even to locate it behind the physical Moon is not
correct, for in the Spiritual realm spaces and distances are different. The truth is that this
Eighth Sphere does not pertain to anything we are familiar with on the physical plane,
yet we must use words from our own vocabularies whenever we wish to denote its
existence. Were we to use a word which fits most appropriately this Sphere, then we
should really call it a vacuum. Certainly, vacuum is a more appropriate term than
sphere, for the Eighth Sphere sucks things into its own shadowy existence.
‘This Sphere is lower in the scale of being than the Seventh Sphere (which is the Earth).
It acts as a sort of demonic conduit to suck into its maws certain degenerate Spiritual
forms on the Earth. It is a shadow Sphere, controlled by shadow beings. However, the
fact that they are shadow beings should not lead us to demote or underestimate their
capabilities and intelligence. In many respects they are more intelligent than Man, for
they are not limited by the power of love, as is Mankind.
‘The operation of this Eighth Sphere is complex. Its denizens — those shadowy beings
for whom it is home — wish to people their Sphere with humanity, or (more accurately)
with human souls. Towards this end, it has erected what we might call terminals on the
Earth: these terminals are soul-conduits, which will suck into the lower Sphere a certain
form of materialized Spiritual energy that is engendered on the Earth plane. The most
usual circumstances where this materialization or engendering takes place is in seances,
and in other localities wherein human beings attempt to meddle — against the cosmic
law — with the lower Etheric planes.’
Philip was having difficulties with this curious account of the lunar powers, and asked:
‘Are you saying that Spiritualist activity is itself victimized by the Eighth Sphere?’
‘Yes, Philip. Certain Spiritualist activity is coloured by the erroneous belief that the
realm of the dead is accessible to the living. In truth, mediumistic activity cannot
penetrate through into the true realm of the dead: it is therefore dealing only with
shadows. In so doing, it is creating fodder for the nourishment of the Eighth Sphere.
This sucking of certain forms of human soul-matter into the Eighth Sphere is not, by
any means, intended for the benefit of humanity. The aim of the denizens of this world
is to enhance and populate a world which may truly be described as the realm of the
damned. The efforts of these denizens, or demons, is contrary to the evolutionary
development which has been planned for the world. In truth, the human being was not
designed to become a shadow being, captive in a demonic sphere: it was designed to
become a god.
‘It is less than one hundred years since this knowledge of the Eighth Sphere was made
public. At first there was an outcry at this breach in initiate knowledge, but now we can
see that it has proved something of a blessing that the demonic threat has been brought
out into the open. In some ways, it is easier to deal with a visible enemy. Those who
dabble in the supposed communications with the dead, and with that spirit-land which
they fondly imagine lies beyond the veil, have not gone unwarned.
I will leave most of the above for the reader to digest, and discuss only the so-called “Eighth
Sphere.” What is meant by the moon being a counterweight to the Eighth Sphere? Evidently,
the moon is but a physical reflection of something tangible but not material, something
beyond our realm of perception. Based on the clues given in The Zelator we must conclude
that the Eighth Sphere by definition encompasses all the nonphysical aspects of the Matrix
Control System, the service-to-self (STS) hierarchy from top to bottom minus the physical
levels of which we ourselves are part. The Eighth Sphere would therefore include: the lower
astral planes where carnal and demonic thoughtforms dwell, the hyperdimensional realms
inhabited by so-called reptilian beings, the parasitic etheric lattice overlaying the earth
comprising the very tendrils of the Matrix, the soul-pool of which spiritless humans are
incarnate extensions, and the demiurgic creature positioned atop the negative occult hierarchy
sucking into itself all energy gathered from the “tiers” below. This interpretation of the Eighth
Sphere should be self-evident for those familiar with the works of Rudolf Steiner, Carlos
Castaneda, Robert Monroe, Dr. William Baldwin, the Cassiopaean Transcripts, and my articles
on the Matrix. For instance, that spiritless humans have something to do with the moon is
clear from the fact that they, being extensions of less evolved (“second density”) energies
occupying human (“third density”) bodies, are essentially two-and-a-half density beings,
which relates to the two-and-a-half-day pig. Pigs, by the way, are physically incapable of
looking up at the sky which, in addition to the fact that they share many human characteristics
and have genetics strongly suited to house low vibrational frequencies, makes them ideal
symbols for the animal nature in man. That the moon shares an archetypal basis with spiritless
humans is further evidenced by it being a second density planet reflecting light rather than
generating its own, just as spiritless humans are not fully third density and merely reflect back
the soul image of others.
Behind most important events in the last centuries stands one invisible inciter: the self
proclaimed „goddess“ Isais, the first child of goddess Isis and god Set. She is a female
demon who is also known as Ishtar or as Inanna in ancient Sumer. She is associated to
Venus, which has occult significance.
In 1220 Knight's Templar Hubertus Koch was returning from the Crusades and passing
through Mesopotamia. Near the old city of Nineveh in modern Iraq Isais appeared to him.
She ordered him to travel to the Untersberg mountain 6 (=near Berchtesgaden and
Salzburg), to build a base there and await her next apparition. Whether that is true or not,
in 1221 Koch did build his first Commandery at the foot of Ettenberg near Markt
Schellenberg. A second, larger building followed. It is believed that over the next few
years, underground galleries were excavated into various areas of the Untersberg, and in
one of them a temple to Isais was built. A second apparition occurred in 1226. This was
repeated on occasions until 1238. During this period the Templars received the „Isais
Offenbarung", a series of prophesies and information concerning the Holy Grail. The
Templars were also given items from Isais, e.g. a two-headed Baphomet figure. The most
important item is considered to be the
Black Stone;
6 Compare to Wolf, Stan: Gems of Dominion. Mysterious Mount Untersberg Vol.1 and Vol.2
Germany and Austria which came to be known as "Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein"
(=DhvSS) - The Lords of the Black Stone. In Venice the „Ordo Bucintoro“ 7 was founded in
Isais' honor. Thule Temple documents show that in Vril mythology creation is seen as of
the masculine and feminine principles in tandem, hence the iconography of the Baphomet
figure: a two sided male and female cultic artifact. Isais acts as the divine sister of
revelation togehter with Jesus as a divine brother of revelation. They are intermediaries of
the dualistic creator and represented by the Baphomet idol.
Now this is unbelievable but interesting. The Ilu-beam comes through Venus. And Jesus
does have a spiritual connection to Venus! Venus herself is definitely associated to Lucifer.
The word Lucifer8 is taken from the Latin Vulgate,
which translates ילל לה לas lucifer, [Isa 14:12]
meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or,
as an adjective, "light-bringing". The Septuagint
renders ילל לה לin Greek as ἑωσφόρος (heōsphoros),
a name, literally "bringer of dawn", for the morning
star. In the New Testament Jesus is called „The
Morning Star“:
That´s odd, because if anything rises in your heart, than it´s the SUN! I would go for the big
light, not for the tiny little wannabe-sun Venus/Lucifer. Note that the term ‘morning star’ is
used throughout the New Testament and is in reference to Jesus the Christ 9. Keep this in
mind. The Hebrew translation had the word „helel“ in the place of Lucifer, or rather St.
Jerome replaced the word helel with Lucifer. What does helel mean? This word,
transliterated hêlêl or heylel, refers in the apocryphal enochian jewish tradition to rebellious
fallen angels – the Watchers. And even in numerology and Gematria the value of the names
Lucifer and Jesus are the exact same:10 74 and 74 (1) - 222 and 222 (3) - 444 and 444 (6)
And the value of Morning Star is the value of Lucifer and Jesus combined: 148 - 444 - 888
It all makes sense if you look at it from an occult perspective. The light coming through
Venus is the „Ilu-beam“ from the Black Sun in the Crater Constellation. Venus is it´s Light
bearer in our solar system. Thus Lucifer shines this dark, false light. And so does Jesus 11.
The Mandeans – a still existing gnostic sect – called Jesus a false prophet and traitor. For
them John the Baptist was the true prophet of the Christ. The Christ-Logos being of course
invincible spirit and not the person Jesus. True gnostics worshipped the Christ as spirit in
the meaning of 'the Logos' or 'the Paraklet' i.e. the Holy Ghost. Clive Prince and Lynn
Picknett discuss this idea in their books „The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True
Identity of Christ“ and „The Masks of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups about the Life of
Back to Isais and her connection to Templars and
Nazis. The name Vril is the shortening of “VRI-IL”
which means “Like God”. There were diffrent occult
groups with different beliefs. The DHvSS (1912)
worshipped the German mountain goddess Isias and
the black stone (=Schwarze Stein). The Thule Society
(1917) believed in the hollow earth theory and derived
its name from Ultima Thule the ancient capital of
Hyperborea at the top of the world. All societies
merged in the year 1919. Officially the Vril Society was
“The All German Society for Metaphysics”. The Vrils
worshipped a Black Sun (the invisible inner light of the
Godhead) which supposedly gave or generated incredible power and they communicated
with Aryan aliens living in the Aldebaran system through psychic channeling. The
seductive Vril Girls were in effect muses of Isais, looking to reestablish the link to the
„heavenly realm“ of Isais or more likely a demonic underworld located at Aldebaran in
the Taurus system. In the summer of 1922 in a small barn outside of Munich this occult
society received plans for an interdimensional flight machine through channeled
information from Aldebaran by their two mediums Maria Orsic and Sigrun.
Aldebaran, alleged home of this aryan „star gods“, is a giant red star and part of the
Taurus Constellation also known as the “Bull’s Eye” due to its position in the heavens. It is
the “Star of Illumination”, also known as the way of (false) spiritual „enlightenment“
which the Vril mediums so desperately sought. They believed that their long hair acted as
cosmic antennae to receive spirit
communication from the beyond.
The Crater Constellation is supposed to be
the place were the Black Sun (=Ilum) is
located. Its name is latin for cup, and in greek
mythology it is identified with the cup of the
god Apollo, the god of light and the sun! The
origin of the black sun symbol is unknown.
Some say it represents a black hole at the
center of our galaxy. It is also believed to be
the source from which all reality has sprung
i.e. the great void. The Ilu-beam can hit earth
only via the mirror function of Venus. Isais is
still worshipped today.
I would like to comment on the following chart of the secret order d. g. D. i. O. d. T. which
discribes earth (and the whole solar system) as an angel trap. The real divine world is a
lightworld. Our entire soul lives there in harmony with all that is. But there is a dark place
in this lightworld. There was built an attractor by two entities - the order states their
names: Satan and Gabriel – a trap which allures divine souls.
Life in this experience matrices follows the scripts of the angel trap. Essential elements are
the fight of good against evil, demonic seductions and intimidations, conflicts,
experiences of frustation and shortcoming, the search for true love and so on.
But as long as our soul is trapped, whenever Good is victorious, when the demons are
defeated and love comes true, the script is changed: evil prevails and the vicious circle is
beginning all over again. This is a simplified portrayal of what the order d. g. D. i. O. d. T.
wants to tell the angelic earthlings, so they can escape the trap.
To make this very clear: Jesus by the way got caught in the trap and is now part of the trap. But
Christ is the way out. After I came in touch with this information it took me ten years to really
understand it. That much time you should take before you start to argue.
The matrices of experience, like for example earth, are populated by different players: for
one there are the trapped and blasted angel and soul parts on the other hand there are the
agents of Satan and the agents of Gabriel [and of Baphomet]. At this point the clue about
Gabriel again: she is to be considered a female angel of darkness who can be called an
angel of the witches.
The agents of Satan and Gabriel agree to that false play on a soul level. However their
consciousness on the level of the persona is normally so resticted that they can't and don't
want to see and admit to themselves their dark and evil parts. The fragmented souls of
god's angels are overlayed by resonators which stem from the agents of Satan and Gabriel.
Their smashed souls make them defenseless against that overlapping. They don't realize
the false game. The resonators are located in the (subtle) body of the agents of darkness
but can also be found in items or their subtle fields created by them (e.g. technical devices
or buildings etc.) Thats how the divine angels can't escape and the trap remains intact.
There is to find a not uncommon scheme: Relationships and marriages between agents
and humans who carry soul parts of angels. At first the light flows between both auras.
Satan and Gabriel skim the light and allow themsleves an unburdened life in abundance.
Then offsprings are fathered. Thus a linkage of genes develops and it becomes carnal.
Now the divine energy flows on hard-wired conductors to the agents and from there to
the Satan-and-Gabriel-system.
Who can be treated in therapy? Everyone who sets out for the lightworld of god. Not
treated can be those who hinder or prevent this way back. All soul parts of angels who
have recognized the trap, remember the way back and want to start back for home can
receive backing and support. But there can be no help whatsoever for Satan, Gabriel and
their earthly incarnates.
These sins are the root of all other sins. They are the reason why our soul is bound to flesh
through reincarnation. When our souls where captured some 300.000 years ago, these sins
where implanted in our soul to create a deeper longing for physical existence. It is like
Don Juan Matus, the Mexican Yaqui Indian shaman, said to Carlos Castaneda:
“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives.
Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile,
helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it
demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to
you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner! This was an energetic
fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico … They took us over because we are food for them, and
they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken
coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always
available to them.”
„Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the
intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of
his contradictory behaviour. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of
belief, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and
expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and
cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal.”
„In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a
stupendous manoeuvre stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A
horrendous manoeuvre from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind!
Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The
predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any
minute now.”
Since the 16th century the list of demons and their associated sins published by Peter
Binsfeld is the most common one. The Archons of the 7 Deadly Sins are very powerful
Demons. They correspond to 7 planetary principles. These entities radiate astral force-
fields that beam into our chakras.
Pride (vanity, narcissism) — Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes
with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which
all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity, a desire to be more important or attractive to
others, failing to give credit due to others. Dante’s definition was “love of self perverted to
hatred and contempt for one’s neighbor”. Pride was what sparked the Fall of Lucifer from
Heaven. Vanity and narcissism are good examples of these sins and they often lead to the
destruction of the sinner, for instance by the wanton squandering of money and time on
themselves without caring about others. It is associated with the horse, the lion, the
peacock, and the color violet.
The entity Lucifer is not the same as Satan. Lucifer loved himself above anything, and
without ignorance as an excuse. Ranked highest of angels he sat in Heaven next to God. In
an outlandish display of Lucifer’s pride he started a war among Angels. Lucifer led his
angels in a rebellion against Heaven in The First Battle. After that he and his shills were
transformed to demons and got tossed out of the Pleroma (=Heaven) into the physical
universe we now live in. In gnostic terms: without a War in Heaven there would have been
no Big Bang of Creation. God is not the creator. The physical universe is the habitat for
Fallen Angels. We are split-incarnations and belong to an Oversoul (=Aeon) of primarily
Fallen Angels.
Lucifer means „the shining one, the morning star, the light bearer“ and refers to Venus.
The astral Venus acts as a gate for the false light of the Black Sun beaming into our solar
system. Thus Lucifer is a dark „light-bearer“ who leads mankind away from the path of
In ritual Lucifer’s direction is the East - place of the sunrise. He represents the
element Air which is connected to intellect, knowledge and curiosity. In
magical terms, Air is the power of the mind, inspiration, imagination. Air is a
masculine element and governs the magick of the four winds.
MAMMON/ Avaritia
Ralf Maucher identifies Avaritia with the „Arcangel“ Gabriel who is in fact a fallen light
being. She controls humans out of the subconscious as an archetype of „the witch“ in the
personal shadow. This force-field veils deep in the subconscious mind other archetypes
and shadow splinters. Her color is Blue, her synchronicity number is 34. Mythologicly she
is known as Hecate, Circe and Isis. She transmitted the Koran visions to Mohammed.
Saturn is the stronghold of Baphomet in this solar system. Baphomet is the real opponent
of God. His synchronicity-number is 23. The parts of the soul that fall into his clutches –
e.g. through masonic rituals – are lost forever.
Lust (fornication, perversion) — Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Obsessive, unlawful, or unnatural sexual desire, such as porn addiction, child
pornography, rape, sodomy. Lust prevents clarity of thought and rational behavior. In
Buddhism Lust is the clinging to, attachment to, identification with, and passionate desire
for certain things in existence, all of which owe to the form, sensation, perception,
mentality, and consciousness that certain combinations of these things engender within us.
Lust is thus the ultimate cause of general imperfection and the most immediate root cause
of a certain suffering. Lust is symbolized by the cow and the color blue.
For Asmodeus the spellings Asmodai, Asmodee, Osmodeus, and Osmodai have been used. In
the Malleus Maleficarum (1486), Asmodeus was considered the demon of Lust. He has 72
legions of demons under his command. He is one of the Kings of Hell under Lucifer the
emperor. He incites gambling, and is the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court
of Hell. Some authors consider Asmodeus to be a prince of revenge. Nowadays the
epidemic of internet-porn has been established as an easy and effortless form of techno-
magic, where energies can simply be drained off their (male) victims. This demon has
corrupted the greater part of humanity. He rules the internet, Hollywood and the media
generally. The internet alone is dominated by porn which controls 70% of all traffic and
brings in revenue to the tune of about $60 billion per year, 12% of which is in the USA.
About 100,000 websites offer children illegal pornography with child pornography
generating about $3 billion annually. 90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed porn online with
the average age of first exposure being 11 years old. The largest consumer of internet
pornography is in the 12-17 age group. This gives you some idea of how much power
Asmodeus has in the world.
The astral Venus acts as a relais for the false light of the Black Sun coming from the Crater
Constellation into our solar system. The aryan SS-Übermenschen were supposed to be
fueled by the light of the Black Sun.
Wrath (anger, hatred) — Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts
instead for fury. It is the inappropriate (unrighteous) feeling of hatred and anger,
impatience or revenge outside of justice, wishing to do evil or harm to others in self-
righteousness. Wrath is the root of murder and assault. Anger in Buddhism is defined here
as: "being unable to bear the object, or the intention to cause harm to the object." Anger is
seen as aversion with a stronger exaggeration, and is listed as one of the five hindrances,
that hinder progress in meditation and daily life. Wrath is symbolized by the bear and the
color red.
Gluttony (waste, overindulgence) — derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or
swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to
the point of extravagance or waste. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than
that which one requires. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if the excessive desire for
food causes it to be withheld from the needy. It is marked by refusal to share and
unreasonable consumption of more than is necessary, especially food or water.
Energetically gluttony resembles the service-to-self (STS) act of hoarding or despising life-
The name Baʿal Zəvûv ( )בעל זבובis found in 2Kings 1:2-3,6,16. Beelzebub is commonly
described as placed high in Hell's hierarchy, among the three most prominent fallen
cherubim. Rabbinical literature commentary equates Baal Zebub of Ekron as Lord of the
flies. He is said to have originated in the order of the cherubim. According to the sixteenth
century occultist Johannes Wierus, Beelzebub is the chief lieutenant of Lucifer, who is the
emperor of Hell, and presides over the "Order of the Fly." . Beelzebul claims to cause
destruction through tyrants, to inspire men to worship demons, to excite priests to lust, to
cause jealousy and murders, and to bring on war. Down through history, Beelzebub has
been held responsible for many cases of demon possession. The Pharisees disparagingly
accused Jesus of using Beelzebub's demonic powers to heal people (Luke 11:14–26), the
Talmud accuses Jesus of using egyptian magic instead.
In the twentieth century G. I. Gurdjieff used it as the name of the main character in
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson. On the surface it is a narrative of a long voyage on a
spaceship, where Beelzebub, a rebel-angel who becomes an elder statesman, discourses on
his observations of Earth humanity for the edification of his grandson. It's been speculated
that Beelzebub's Tales were a sort of karmic autobiography of Gurdjieff himself. As to the
grandson, this seems to indicate a message sent to the future. The generations born from
1940 onwards would in fact be Gurdjieff's figurative grandchildren, at least in potential.
Envy (jealousy, malice) is an emotion which occurs when a person lacks another's superior
quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it.
It is grieving spite and resentment of material objects, accomplishments, or character traits
of others, or wishing others to fail or come to harm (Schadenfreude). Envy is the root of
theft and self-loathing. Dante defined this as “love of one’s own good perverted to a desire to
deprive other men of theirs”. Narcissists are often envious of others or believe others are
envious of them. A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another
person's ability by using contempt to minimize the other person.
Cayce revealed that our life experience involves our entire solar system. Each planet is a
physical representation of a particular afterlife realm (or dimension). Our universe
(including the Earth) is the third realm in the afterlife hierarchy and represents three-
dimensional life. Because Cayce associated each planet as a physical representation of a
particular afterlife realm, he referred to these afterlife realms using the name of the planet
associated with it. When he uses the name Venus, he is referring to the afterlife realm.
Planet Earth is a physical representation of the third afterlife realm (i.e., our universe).
Planet Mercury is a physical representation associated with the second afterlife realm, also
named Mercury, in the afterlife hierarchy. The afterlife realms are dimensions which souls
can experience when not active in the physical body on Earth. The planets exert an
astrological influence on us. These astrological planetary influences originate from the
afterlife realms that our souls have sojourned before our current Earth experience and in
between Earth lives. The purpose of these astrological influences is to provide certain life
lessons we must learn and for which we are tested on Earth. While on Earth, we are
influenced in strong ways by desires that originate from our bodies. These desires not only
affect our bodies but our soul as well and how we deal with these influences can
determine our level of spiritual development. Through meditation and prayer, one can
unlock the doors to the many dimensions, the many mansions, of God's kingdom. But the
door must first be unlocked here on this Earth realm. There are seven Chakras within the
body that act as spiritual energy centers. They function like a miniature astrological solar
system with our hearts performing the function of the sun - the center of the system.
lowest endocrine gland in our body, the sexual glands, is associated with the lowest
afterlife realm in the hierarchy of spirit realms. The pituitary gland is associated with the
highest afterlife realm in the hierarchy. The afterlife realm we travel to upon death is
determined by the highest endocrine gland within our body that we have spiritually
activated. Activation of the highest spiritual center, the pituitary gland, creates a spiritual
awakening and enlightenment that brings an awareness of our one-ness with God. This is
the spiritual condition that Christians refer to as atonement, or as Cayce would say: at-
Each afterlife realm has a particular astrological function that
influences us physically by the corresponding planets in order to
attain soul growth. Cayce identified the planet Earth as the realm of
testing. Cayce stated that the Earth is the cause and effect dimension.
This means that if a soul has a mental ideal and would like to
physically manifest this ideal for the purpose of education, the soul
can come to the Earth to be tested and apply themselves. The Earth
realm is good for overcoming certain weaknesses and applying
yourself to see that those weaknesses are truly overcome. Here we can
learn for certain whether we have really changed. It is a sort of
laboratory for the other realms of the afterlife associated with our solar system. Only on
Earth is free will completely dominant. In the other afterlife realms, some measure of
control is kept over the soul to see that it learns the proper lessons.
Position of the
Planet in our Position of Planet Realm in the
Endocrine Gland Eastern Chakra
Solar System in Solar System Afterlife
As an example, looking at the chart below will show that the pituitary
gland is associated with spiritual strength through the spiritual
vibration on the scale of la and the violet light spectrum. This
spiritual vibration astrologically connects the pituitary gland to the
planet Jupiter. It also connects Jupiter to its corresponding afterlife
realm - the 7th realm (see the chart above).
Endocrine Spiritual
Vibration Light Spectrum Planet
Gland Influence
The energy of the sexual glands, used wholly on the sexual level and without control, may
bring sexual perversions and unbridled sensuality. If this spiritual center is the highest
center activated during a person's life, at death they may dwell afterlife realm of Saturn.
This realm can be referred to as the realm of earthly woes. It is similar to the purgatory, a
place of cleansing, purification and starting over.
The Saturn afterlife realm is not a pleasant place according to Cayce. This is the realm where
all inadequate flesh goes to be redone. A soul may banishes itself to the Saturn realm to begin
anew. This place is also known as the Great Changer, the great force for starting over.
Sometimes when Cayce would begin a reading for someone, he would identify what the last
afterlife realm that soul experienced before entering the Earth realm. He would not limit
himself to a person's past lives on Earth, but would include their lives in the cosmos as well.
During a reading, Cayce told a person he identified as having previously experienced an
incarnation in the Saturn realm that "God loves those who are willing to start over."
The lyden (or Leydig) gland, located above the sexual glands, is the starting point of the soul's
activity toward higher levels of spiritual consciousness. This endocrine gland can act on the
body to function as a door through which the soul may go on to higher afterlife realms. If this
gland is the highest gland activated during a person's life, at death they will be able to dwell in
the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet Neptune. According to Cayce, this
afterlife realm is referred to as the realm of mysticism, where souls have the ability to have
direct experience with the Creator and perceive the Creator. Neptune gives the urges to seek
the unusual, the mystical, the unseen forces around us. People who come to Earth from this
realm seem peculiar to others and are many times misunderstood. A love of mysteries can
indeed be spiritual, but it can also be "of the sleuth or detective nature."
The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. We are actively aware of this center in times
of stress, when it pours adrenaline into the blood stream to aid us in fighting or fleeing. The
adrenals are also the storehouse of our emotional karma according to Cayce. From these
glands come the negative energy of anger and hatred. If this gland is the highest gland
activated during a person's life, at death they will be able to dwell in the corresponding
afterlife realm associated with the planet Mars. This realm was the place to learn how to
control the warrior-like power, aggressions and urges that each soul has the ability to project.
People who come to Earth from this realm may bring with them anger, impulsiveness, and a
temper. Stubbornness needs to be handled with patience and self-control. Such people may
have an exalted opinion of themselves, but it makes them courageous.
The thymus gland is found behind the heart in the solar plexus area of the chest. Since the
thymus gland is related to the heart, it is associated with love. Love opens all doors. At this
gland, love is awakened, bringing with it consideration, unselfishness, sincerity and honesty. If
this gland is the highest gland activated during a person's life, at death they will be able to
dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet Venus, the realm of love.
Sympathy, the alleviating of hardships, the seeking of love, beauty and song are some
influences that people from that realm possess. Beauty, either natural or man-made, will move
these individuals; furthermore, there is a desire to beautify the home. There is a strong
attraction to the opposite sex.
The thyroid gland, located in the throat, is related to will-power. From the misuse of the will
for selfish and domineering ends, may come the condition known as hyper-thyroidism. When
little effort is made to the will at all, the opposite may occur, an imbalance known as hypo-
thyroidism. It is worthy of note that in some cases where there has been a growth on the
thyroid, a degree of clairvoyance or telepathy has developed. The energy released upon the
thyroid gland opens the door into the psychic realms of consciousness. If this gland is the
highest gland activated during a person's life, at death they will be able to dwell in the
corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet Uranus, the realm of the psyche.
Cayce used the term psyche in the same way as the ancient Greeks used the term meaning the
sense of the soul. Cayce said it was natural for every soul to have a sixth sense. The Uranus
afterlife realm is where the soul develops psychic ability. Uranus is also the realm of extremes.
It gives people who came from there an interest in the occult and psychic phenomena. Such
people have times of smoothness and other times, periods of ecstasy and depression.
The pineal gland is situated a little above the pituitary gland and is the so-called Mind of
Christ gland. [This is DISINFORMATION: the pituitary gland is actually our
true uplink. The pineal gland, the chakra-system, and the snake-kundalini were
artificially implanted. The LOGOS enters through the crown-chakra! See: Boris
Mouravieff – Gnosis Vol.1-3, Laura Knight-Jadczyk: The Wave Series]
When this gland has been truly awakened, one may experience spiritual holy communion. It
is by this gland that the mind of the soul meets the Holy Spirit. This gland, when stimulated
daily through meditation, can bring seer-ship or prophecy [sic !]. If this gland is the highest gland
activated during a person's life, at death they will dwell in the afterlife realm of planet Mercury,
referred to as the realm of the mind. Mercury is associated with high mental abilities. People
who come to Earth from this realm are gifted souls who need to watch out for self-
aggrandizement or their abilities will be merely stumbling stones upon his path. Mercury brings
understanding, specifically the understanding of the other spheres.If the pituitary gland is the
highest gland activated during a person's life, at death they dwell in the afterlife realm of the
planet Jupiter. This realm is referred to as the realm of high mindedness and large
groups. People who come to Earth from this realm may bring with them universality and
ennoblement. They may turn their attention to large groups of people or nations. They often
have grand ideas and notions. As another example, Cayce described his sister Lila's sojourns.
Her soul sojourned in the afterlife realm associated with Jupiter prior to incarnating into the
Earth. But before incarnating she had an experience in the afterlife realm associated with
Mercury which added to her mental ability. Jupiter's influence of high mindedness and large
groups is one of the reasons she later became an executive for the International Red Cross. Large
groups and high ideals often come with incarnations in the Jupiter realm. These influences are
latent within the soul by soul experience, not just because the stars are in a certain position at
the time of birth. The soul actually had experiences in these realms and draws on during their
experience on Earth. During sleep, we also enter into these afterlife realms again according to
The planet Pluto is associated with the afterlife realm of consciousness. This is the final
development of full consciousness. The planet Pluto was discussed by Cayce years before it
was actually discovered! He referred to it as Vulcan and also as Septimus. When Pluto was
discovered, Cayce affirmed that Vulcan or Septimus was the same planet as Pluto. The Pluto
realm brings regeneration and a growth in consciousness and self-centeredness. Pluto
represents spiritual growth and development of the soul.
Planets and solar systems became a temptation to souls. Each solar system had its own course
and its own plan. Souls moved toward them through the activity of a constant stream of mind.
When a soul leaped into the stream (by immersing itself in the system through which the
stream was flowing) it had the force of the current to contend with, and its free will was
hampered. It was very easy, under these circumstances, to drift with the current.
No, I haven’t turned to the dark-side, but rather I am transcending sides. This article is
probably the most important piece I have written to date, and in order to convey the full
message, a bit of back-story is necessary. Hang in there with me, and by the end you will
understand why I will never call myself a “lightworker” again. Planet Earth and much of
our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time, a spell which casts
doubt within our minds about whether or not we are connected with the Infinite Source of
all creation. The spell causes us to feel alone, vulnerable and isolated – cast out from the
Heavenly Realms into a cruel, dog-eat-dog world. This spell is pure fiction, a deception of
the highest order, but it has taken hold deeply on this and other worlds. Intrinsic within
this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and
that we must serve one side of duality or the other. This elegantly simple binary imprint
has become so prominent that we have lost sight of the larger holographic spell that
spawned it. Indeed, we have lost sight of the hologram all together, and come to believe
that it is the sum total of reality. Humans have been conditioned to worship the
holographic deception and the agents that perpetuate it. This hologram has been called
Maya by the Hindus, and the Gnostics referred to it as the Corrupt Demiurge. I find this
term a highly accurate description, and from the point forward I will refer to it as the
corrupt demiurge.
Karmic Transference
If the content of an individual's life, unhealed wounds and unfulfilled desires isn't enough
to convince them that they need to reincarnate, they are presented with an even more
brazen deception. They are shown what they are told is their own past life where they
committed horrible crimes, and they are told that they need to continue incarnating into
adverse conditions in order to "work off" that bad karma. In reality, the life they are shown
is NOT theirs, but rather the actions of some being closely aligned with the liararchy who
made pacts with them to avoid taking energetic responsibility for their actions. Some of
that criminal being's malicious energy is then projected onto the individual who is being
tricked into believing that they were once that horrible criminal. That being then takes on
agreements to "discharge" the "bad karma" that they have (supposedly) earned for
themselves, never realizing that it was all a lie designed to keep them subjugated and
enslaved. This is done to coerce the being's agreement to reincarnate and take
responsibility for crimes that they did not commit, ensuring that the person's next life is
going to be filled with undue hardship. This karmic transference also allows those dark
sorcerers who have aligned with the liararchy to avoid the repercussions of their own
actions. This transference is also used on a large-scale upon the populace of the planet
through forms of mass mind-control and media manipulation. The basic mechanism for
how this is done is through subconscious agreements embedded throughout the media,
corporate logos (sigils), financial contracts, admiralty law and other "matrix institutions."
Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist who claims he takes clients in-between their lives
through hypnosis, writes in his book Journey of Souls, "Some newly dead people see it opening
up next to them right over their bodies, while others say they move high above the Earth before they
enter the tunnel." A subject under hypnosis describes it:"at first it was very bright.. close to the
Earth... now it's a little darker because I have gone into a tunnel... it's a hollow dim vent... and
there is a small circle of light at the other end... I feel a tugging, a gentle pulling... I think I'm
supposed to drift through the tunnel... and I do. It's more gray than dark now, because the bright
circle is expanding in front of me. It's as if... I'm being summoned forward. I leave the circle of and
I'm out of the tunnel. There is a cloudy brightness... a light fog... I'm filtering through it. It's so
still... I am in the place of spirits. Thought! The power of thought all around me. I feel thoughts of
love... companionship... empathy... and it's all combined with... anticipation... as if others... are
waiting for me... I'm not scared. When I was in the tunnel I was more disoriented. I'm aware of
thoughts reaching out to me... of caring... nurturing.... In my mind Earth seems close... and I still
feel connected to Earth... but I know I'm in another space."
Another subject said, "I think something is pulling me to my
proper level of travel and trying to relax me. I'm hearing
sounds... an echo of music... musical tingling... the waves of
musical notes are so beautiful here." Another one saw his dead
Uncle Charlie with "his hand stretched out to me... to comfort
me... to lead me.. further into the light. He is taking me... to
the place I should go.... No! don't go! Uncle Charlie is leaving
me. Why is he going away? he stays in a different place than I
do... he just came to meet me... to bring me here." Another
person described the thoughts. "They are larger black orbs
radiating light towards me.... thought.. I'm starting to
recognize them.... They are sending images into my mind --
thoughts about themselves and... the shapes are changing into people! it's Larry! [her deceased
husband]". "I'm being pulled along by a magnet and I just enjoy the ride....I am riding on a wave, a
beam of light.... I must go with the wave bands of light.... They do it all for you... the ones in
control, I don't really know... I'm being pulled and I'm supposed to go with it."
Another subject mentioned the staging area reminded him of a hub of a great wagon
wheel. Another related, "I am moving along... in a chain of some kind. It's as if I'm weaving
through a series of connecting links... a foggy maze and then it opens up... After a while I see nests
of people -- like hives -- I see them as bunches of moving lights... fireflies." Another soul talked
about cones. "Well the cones do assist us... It's shaped to go around us, you know... It is cylindrical
-- very bright -- it is above and all around us. The cone is wide at the top and small at the bottom,
so it fits over all of us... we can feel all our thoughts being expanded... then drawn up... and
returned back... with more knowledge added." [Dr. Newton: "I wonder if this cone is
brainwashing your original thoughts?"] "We aren't brainwashed!" Later on when
describing the life selection process another client reported, "Some of us have to be given a
push when they think we are ready again... After some more.... indoctrination... Mark realized he
had been wrong about his abilities and finally he went back to Earth." [Dr. Newton:
Indoctrination -- this makes me think of coercion."] "It's not that way at all! Mark was just
discouraged, and needed the confidence to keep trying."
Excerpts from: Michael Newton – Journey of Souls
Dr. N: Are you telling me that a soul may show you one face at the gateway to the spirit
world and another image later in a different situation?
S: That's right.
Dr. N: Explain to me how this pulling process works which will take you to your
S: I am riding on a wave ... a beam of light.
Dr. N: Is this beam electromagnetic, or what?
S: Well ... it's similar to the bands of a radio with someone turning the dial and finding
the right frequency for me.
Dr. N: Are you saying you are being guided by an invisible force without much
voluntary control and that you can't speed things up as you did right after death?
S: Yes. I must go with the wave bands of light... the waves have direction and I'm
flowing with it. It's easy. They do it all for you.
Dr. N: Who does it for you?
S: The ones in control ... I don't really know.
Dr. N: Okay, let's pass on by these clusters which seem to bulge out along a corridor.
Give me an example of what the whole thing looks like to you from a distance.
S: (laughs) A long glow-worm, its sides bulging in and out ... the movement is ...
Dr. N: What do you think is the basic reason for your father remaining in this other
S: (tearfully) He does not belong in my hive.
As I mentioned earlier, after souls arrive back into their soul groups, they are summoned
to appear before a Council of Elders. While the Council is not prosecutorial, they do
engage in direct examination of a soul's activities before returning them to their groups.
It is not unusual for my subjects to have some difficulty providing me with full details
of what transpires at these hearings, and I am sure these blocks are intentional.
These guides have other entities who assist them. From what I can see, every soul
group usually has one or more rather new teachers in training.
Once in a while during a session with a more advanced soul, I hear references to an
even higher level of soul than Level VI. These entities, to whom even the masters
report, are in the darkest purple range of energy. These superior beings must be getting
close to the creator. I am told these shadowy figures are elusive, but highly venerated
beings in the spirit world.
S: (strained) Giles has made me look upon my lives as a chess game with the Earth as
the board. Certain moves bring certain results and there are no easy solutions. I plan,
and then things go wrong during the game in my life. I sometimes think he lays traps
for me to work through on the board.
Dr. N: Do you prosper with this technique of your advanced guide? Has Giles been a
help to your problem-solving during the game of life?
S: (pause) ... More afterward ... here (in the spirit world) ... but, he makes me work so
damn hard on Earth.
S: This sphere is available to all souls because it represents their own physical world. In
my case, it is Earth.
Dr. N: Oh, this must be the physical dimension you told me about?
S: No, the sphere of Earth is only simulated for my use.
Dr. N: Then all souls in the spirit world wouldn't study the same simulated world?
S: No, each of us studies our own geographical planet, where we incarnate. They are
physically real ... temporarily.
Dr. N: And you don't physically live on this simulated world which appears as Earth-
you only use it?
S: Yes, that's right-for training purposes.
Dr. N: Well, who creates the basic elements of your experiments-the primary substances
of physical matter?
S: The maker ... and those creating on a grander scale than me.
Dr. N: Well, in a sense you are creating inanimate objects such as rocks.
S: Hmm... it's more our trying to copy what we see in front of us what we know. (as an
afterthought) I'm getting into plants but I can't do them yet.
Dr. N: And you start small, experimenting until you get better?
S: That's it. We copy things and compare them against the original so we can make
larger models.
Dr. N: And yet, you are the spiritual teacher for all nine?
S: I prefer to call myself a watcher. Three of my company are also watchers.
Dr. N: If the source represents all the spirit world, how does this mental place differ
from physical universes with stars, planets, and living things?
S: Universes are created to live and die for the use of the source. The place of spirits ...
is the source.
Dr. N: Thece, I want you to listen to me carefully. If the source needs to be made
stronger, or more wise, by using a division of its divine energy to create lesser
intelligence which it hopes will magnify-doesn't this suggest it lacks full perfection
S: (pause) The source creates for fulfillment of itself.
Dr. N: That's my point. How can that which is absolute become more absolute unless
something is lacking?
S: (hesitates) That which we see to be ... our source ... is all we can know, and we think
what the creator desires is to express itself through us by ... birthing.
Dr. N: And do you think the source is actually made stronger by our existence as souls?
S: (long pause) I see the creator's perfection ... maintained and enriched... by sharing the
possibility of perfection with us and this is the ultimate extension of itself
Dr. N: So the source starts out by deliberately creating imperfect souls and imperfect
life forms for these souls and watches what happens in order to extend itself?
S: Yes, and we have to have faith in this decision and trust the process of returning to
the origin of life. One has to be starving to appreciate food, to be cold to understand the
blessings of warmth, and to be children to see the value of the parent. The
transformation gives us purpose.
They all see their individual Council of Elders as godly. The Elders are bathed in bright
light and the whole setting has an aura of divinity. A subject put it this way, "when we
are taken into the presence of these superior beings who exist in such a high spiritual
realm, it validates our feelings about the source of creation."
Dr. N: As you integrate with the baby, when does it become receptive to the force of
your identity as a soul?
S: I'm disturbed by your word "force." We never force ourselves when entering an
unborn baby. My tracing is done carefully.
Dr. N: Did it take you many lives to learn to trace a human brain?
S: Uh ... a while ... new souls are assisted with their tracing.
Dr. N: Since you represent pure energy, are you tracing electrical brain connections such
as neurotransmitters, nerve cells, and the like?
S: (pause) Well, something like that ... I disrupt nothing, though while I learn the brain
wave patterns of the baby.
Dr. N: Are you referring to the thought-regulation circuitry of the mind?
S: How this person translates signals. Its capacity. No two children are the same.
Dr. N: Be completely frank with me. Isn't your soul taking over this mind and
subjugating it to your will?
S: You don't understand. It's a melding. There is an ... emptiness before my arrival
which I fill to make the baby whole.
Dr. N: Okay, after you are completely finished with reviewing lives in the Ring, what
happens then?
S: The controllers ... come into my mind to see if I am satisfied with what I have been
Dr. N: Are they always the same entities?
S: I think so ... as far back as I can remember.
I can hide nothing from them, but sometimes I get lost when their thoughts are
transmitted back and forth in the rapid communication between them. When it is more
than I can handle, Veronica translates what they are saying about me, although I have
the feeling she does not tell me everything. Before I return to Earth, they will want to
see me a second time."
Dr. N: Could you be more specific about what your soul actually provides the human
S: We bring a... comprehension of things... a recognition of the truth of what the brain
Dr. N: Are you sure this child doesn't think of you at first as an alien entity in her
S: No, that's why we unify with undeveloped minds. She recognizes me as a friend ... a
twin ... who is going to be part of her. It's as if the baby was waiting for me to come.
Dr. N: Do you think a higher power prepares the baby for you?
S: I don't know, it would seem so.
Dr. N: Is your work at unification completed before birth?
S: Not really, but at birth we have started to complement each other.
In his second book, Destiny of Souls, Dr. Newton reports on a subject who described souls
being in "pods" and another subject claimed to be a sort of nurse in the spirit world who
described souls in "honeycomb cells" being incubated in an "incubator" before being born.
Journey of Souls was my favorite book for years and years and I totally believed everything
I read, but now in light of all the evidence of this theory I am not so sure. Kudos to Dr.
Newton for lifting the veil behind our ordinary lives and he was keen enough to question
whether the testimony he was being given was brainwashing, indoctrination or coercion,
but I am not as willing to accept their testimony especially in light of descriptions such as
souls being clustered together like grapes. Regressionists in the field of ufology have
discovered screen memories that have been implanted in the minds of the alien abductees,
a screen memory that serves as a cover for the real truth hidden beneath the surface layer.
He also talks frequently of a client who took four to five thousand years to overcome the
negative trait of jealousy. This just sounds questionable to me. Surely there must be a
better way.
More excerpts:2
“Dr. N: Do you know of anyone who didn’t want to be reborn again on Earth for any
S: Yes, my friend Mark. He said he had nothing to contribute anymore. He was sick
of life on Earth and didn’t want to go back.
Dr. N: Had he lived many lives?
S: No, not really. But he wasn’t adjusting well in them.
Dr. N: What did the teachers do with him? Was he allowed to stay in the spirit
S: (reflectively) We choose to be reborn when it is decided we are ready. They don’t
force you to do anything. Mark was shown he did benefit others around him.
Dr. N: What happened to Mark?
S: After some more … indoctrination … Mark realized he had been wrong about his
abilities and finally he went back to Earth.
Dr. N: Indoctrination! This makes me think of coercion.”
“Dr. N: In the Ring, can you look at life on planets besides Earth?
S: I can’t because I’m programmed for tracking time on Earth.”
“When I ask my subjects how a loving God could permit suffering, surprisingly there
are few variations in their responses. My cases report our souls are born of a creator
which places a totally peaceful state deliberately out of reach so we will strive harder.
We learn from wrongdoing. The absence of good traits exposes the ultimate flaws in our
“S: It is cylindrical-very bright-it is above and all around us. The cone is small at the
top and wide at the bottom, so it fits over all of us-like getting under a great white
cap-we can float under the cone in order to use it.
S: The top funnels energy down as a waterfall in a spreading circle around all of us
and allows us to really concentrate on our mental sameness as a group.
Dr. N: And what do you feel when you are under the cone?
S: We can feel all our thoughts being expanded … then drawn up … and returned
back … with more knowledge added.
Dr. N: Does this intelligent energy help your unity as a group in terms of more
focused thinking?
S: Yes, it does.
Dr. N: (deliberately confrontational) To be frank with you, Allum, I wonder if this
cone is brainwashing your original thoughts? After all, the arguments and
disagreements between you and the others of your group are what make you
Dr. N: Who operates the cone?
S: Those who watch over us.”
“I have had many cases where a client has been incarnating for up to 30,000 years on
Earth and is still in the lower levels of I and II.”
“Dr. N: Explain to me how this pulling process works which will take you to your
S: I am riding on a wave … a beam of light.
Dr. N: Is this beam electromagnetic, or what?
S: Well … it’s similar to the bands of a radio with someone turning the dial and
finding the right frequency for me.
Dr. N: Are you saying you are being guided by an invisible force without much
voluntary control and that you can’t speed things up as you did right after death?
S: Yes. I must go with the wave bands of light … the waves have direction and I’m
flowing with it. It’s easy. They do it all for you.
Dr. N: Who does it for you?
S: The ones in control … I don’t really know.
Dr. N: Then you are not in control. You don’t have the responsibility of finding your
own destination.”
More prone to further manipulation and still another lifetime filled with even more “lessons to
learn” and “sins to be punished.” There’s no end to the cycle until we consciously break it.
And this is what the knowledge of our power to create our own reality allows us to do. Bad
things may still strike us out of the blue until we fully wake up and reprogram our pre-life
plans for our future. But even disasters do hit, we have the power to get out of our fixes by
using our current choices (intent), visualization, and control of our thoughts to extract
ourselves. In another article, I write about the true story of Dieter, an American navy pilot who
was shot down in Viet Nam and found a way of out a seemingly impenetrable prison camp,
when all his fellow POWS said it was impossible. (This story is told in the excellent movie,
“Rescue Dawn.”) Dieter did the impossible that no one else could do, and lived to tell about it.
Why did he succeed, when all his fellows died? Because he alone had the mindset that insisted
on life, on freedom, on escape. The others were controlled by the hopelessness engendered by
their external circumstances. So we can choose which way we will live in any unfavorable
circumstance: we can get ourselves out of the fix, or let it beat us. When we tackle the job in
front of us, not only can we influence/change any problem, but committing ourselves to such
action cultures the kind of consciousness we’re trying to return to. It makes us heroes. A hero
isn’t a victim. … Pick yourself up and recognize your power, instead of complaining about
how lousy it is, and holding yourself superior to the rest. That kind of attitude feeds right into
their plans for swallowing all consciousness in their massive maw. If they succeed in that, we’ll
experience the implosion of the universe. We can’t afford to remain either depressed or
Felica said:
I have not read Journey of Souls but it sounds like Memories of God and Creation:
Remembering from the Subconscious Mind. It’s all hypnotically retrieved memories of “life
before life.” Same stuff. We enter a heavenly “sphere” (of which there are seven – maybe the
famous seven heavens?) and of course are reprogrammed by our “guides” to re-enter Earth
and suffer again. But we get so blissed out on feeling good for a while in the sphere and
reconnecting with other spirits of people we have loved that we don’t see the trap for what it
is. One time I worked with a Payute shaman who told me LOTS of stuff that you cover here,
Bronte. Some of the reverberations are quite eerie. He was very unusual in the sense that so
many native American/indigenous shamans seem to teach “journeying” in meditation to
connect with the “elders’ (the spirits of deceased relatives who are said to be spiritual guides.)
He saw this as Kindergarten level shamanic journeying and not the real stuff at all. He says the
REAL challenges happen after you get over the novelty of talking with your dead loved ones
and ancestors and start to see where THEY have agreed to become trapped. So instead of
looking at journeying to the motherland, or the ancestral fields where the discarnates happily
reunite, he says we must avoid these places at all costs – especially when we are dying. But too
often the emotional gravity of suddenly feeling all that loving connection with family we
haven’t seen for a while pulls us into their orbit, and then we all get trapped on the wheel
again. He was a little bit Carlos Castaneda in the sense that he taught a vigilant warrior stance
while doing metaphysical work and a much-needed (he thought) distrust of ANY discarnate
being or guide because they all serve the same “masters.” He perceived our ideal destination
after death as being wherever we wanted it to be – “Why limit our journey as spirits when
we’ve been limited for aeons by taking on physical bodies over and over again?” So he saw no
one “end point,” no single “heaven” – just various way stations in the afterlife where we hang
out with loved ones, have a nice reunion, and then wait like sheep to be reincarnated without
ever realizing the con that’s being played on us. The problem would appear to be that the
“guides” are masters at simulating what amounts to a “spiritual orgasm” of joy and bliss
which is very similar to what you describe, Bronte, as happening with certain forms of
meditation. In that state, we no longer perceive questionable beings as negative because we’re
basically drugged out on joy. Tricky stuff.
Dani said:
I have recently begun reading Michael Newton’s second boo – Destiny of Souls. I am now
on the subject or demons or otherwise ‘negative’ entities. According to Newton’s hypnotic
subjects none of these entiities exist and all ‘evil’ is thus a human characteristic and no
one from the spirit world has ever seen any ‘demonic’ forces and say they do not exist.
This i find rather strange given the vast amount of texts from ancient civilisations,
psychics, and every day people throughout the ages.
Here is an excerpt:
“The idea that satanic entities exist as outside forces to confuse and subvert people is a
myth perpetuated by those who seek to control the minds of others for their own ends.”
I have heard and read way too many instances from ‘normal’ everyday people of seeing
entities, such as reptilians, greys etc…. all seeming to have a dark agenda. And there is no
mention of this. The ancient Gnostic texts talk about the Archons in great detail as being
alien mind parasites that seek to deceive us. Castenada also alludes to a very similar thing
in his book The Active Side of Infinity. I’m just not sure about all this pink fluffy cloud
stuff that Newton is harping on about. I agree that humans can be evil enough on their
own, but this world has something else
sucking the life out of it too.
Here’s another excerpt with Dr Newton and
one of his subjects in the trance state;
Dr. N: To bad spirits who interfere with life
forms for the pleasure of doing harm.
S: (abruptly) Who told you this? There are
no evil spirits, only inept ones… and those
who are careless… and indifferent…
Inept is the last thing I would call the dark
forces that do exist… in my opinion. It would
be illogical to think any different in light of all
the teachings, peoples experiences and the
state of the world. I do wonder how Newton
has come to all these fluffy cloud conclusions.
Are his subjects really under hypnosis….
could it be something else?
Cosmic Influence And Your Destiny
Astrology and gnosticism are rooted in the Spirit’s struggle to overcome the illusion of
time as the prison which binds us to a wheel of life and death popularly thought to be
natural, inevitable, and ‘normal’. But is it ? Wasn’t it James Joyce who cried out (through
one of his literary characters) that history was a nightmare from which he was trying to
awaken ? If we are to take a Gnostic approach toward astrology one of the very first things
we must do is to question this notion of TIME. In terms of the mythical and symbolic
language of astrology, that means we must look closely at Saturn-Chronos for ‘he’ is
spoken of as the Lord Of Time. He is the principle of binding, focus, form and time, and
contemporary astrology is still essentially a study of time cycles based upon the number of
days and years required for each of the classical planets (Luna, Sol, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, and Saturn) to complete one full circle around the zodiac of twelve signs (Aries
through Pisces). Of course, contemporary astrologers also study the cycles of the ‘newly
discovered’ planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, but always and everywhere astrologers
are concerned with tracking the passage of TIME !
Now, any decently self-respecting Gnostic must sit up and take notice of this practice
because the very core of Gnosticism is to question appearances. The Gnostic is nothing if
not a person who rebels against the norms, the taken-for-granted ‘facts’ which reduce life
to an experience of sleep-walking through time. The traditional cry of the Gnostic is:
Sleepers, Awake! The Gnostic feels that humankind are caught in the delusions and
snares woven by the Demiurge and his appointed executive bureaucrats known as the
Archons said to be seven or twelve by count. These variously seven or twelve Archons
have traditionally been associated with the seven ancient planets (see above) and/or the
twelve signs of the zodiac. So, from a certain classical Gnostic perspective, astrology is a
study of the bureaucratic games played by the CEOs of the false creator-god, the
Demiurge known as Yaldaboath and often understood to be the Yaweh of the Old
Testament, or the Father of the political Christian’s Jesus Christ. The hourglass and the
sickle are the traditional symbols of the Lord Of Time, the planet Saturn, he who binds
humankind into the reasonable, serious, and linear prison called time. He is the ‘elder’
among the Chief Executive Officers appointed by the Demiurge-Father-God to run his
corporate business of enslaving humankind to the wheel of work, suffering, and weekly
paychecks which keeps his world turning round. Isn’t it the Corporate World which
teaches that money is time and time is money ? And isn’t it astrology which reinforces this
‘time equals money’ myth by teaching that Saturn, Father Time, is the tester, the symbol
for the ‘hard facts of life’, the Author of ‘Reality’ ? When Saturn is active by transit in the
Horoscope of your life contemporary astrologers are the first to caution you that you must
‘bite the bullet’ and buckle down to conformity. What are we to make of the newly arising
‘schools of astrology’ which offer ‘accreditation’ by way of the authority of the established
University system ? What are we to think of astrologers teaching ‘clients’ how to adjust
through contemporary psychology to the status-quo of the increasingly psychotic world ?
To any living Gnostic it is apparent that astrology itself has fallen into the grip of Saturn !
If we view Saturn through the lens of historical gnosticism we can see this Realist, this
Authority Figure of Old Man Time, as the chief warden of the prison earth. Saturn’s
authority is precisely what binds us to the realistic and linear time which begins for each
of us at birth and ends at death. Life, as brooded over by this nasty Archon, is a pre-
determined, cause and effect vale of tears, a medieval Dance Macabre. He determines the
rules, the facts, and the sequence of events as each of us moves from minute to minute
through life. He is the measurer, the statistician, the policeman, the priest, the judge, the
no-nonsense guy smoking the fat cigar or drinking the Perrier water while basking in the
pure groundedness of his astute timing and his ‘common sense’. He says, -‘This is it; this is
what works as time has tested and experience has shown.’ He’s the one who used to write
on the old flat maps of the world: ‘Beyond here there be Dragons’. The Rule Giver, the
jealous bigot of a ‘god’ who gave us his ‘Ten Commandments’, the guy who always
manages to pull the wool over our eyes by claiming to simply be stating the FACTS. Given
the truth of all this, the first thing any Gnostic must do is see through the limiting external
authority of Saturn to the real authority which resides within each of us as individuals. We
have to make up our own rules, define our own terms, and watch out for the rigidity that
often comes from self-complacent certainty. When we remain focused exclusively upon
our own boundaries, when we cease to question even our own authoritativeness, when we
are fixated upon cause and effect as well as linear time we cannot sidestep this Archon
who blinds us to the spark of Spirit within ourselves and thereby isolates us from the
Divine Light. That ‘Light’ is characterized by ease and flow, by joy and laughter, by direct
experience of the plenitude of the Pleroma.
But the tricky Archon who speaks through the mouth of Saturn will always certify
uniformity and statistics because these are the tools of his homogenized Power and
pervasively blinding Authority. Saturn, in astrological parlance, is the symbol of the lowest
common denominator of collectively agreed upon social-cultural reality. Perhaps we
should view him in the alternative shamanic sense. See him as a ‘worthy opponent’ who
does, indeed, test us mercilessly before he will yield his limiting scepter of externally
imposed authoritative rule to our own inner sense of urgent self-remembering. After all,
it’s that very self-remembering which alone can lead us inward past the famous Threshold
(whereupon he is the fabled ‘Dweller’) through the infamous ‘Ring Pass Not’ and out from
forgetful sleep!
Liberation from the thralldom of Saturn does not come without consciously focused hard
work. But this kind of ‘hard work’ is not imposed from without. Instead, it rises up from
within each of us as we hearken to the voice of Spirit within and around ourselves
beckoning us to join the dance of consciousness that is the Divine. It is an invitation to
wholeness and openness, and it does not fear or reject the Archons -nor even Yaldaboath
himself- for they and he alike, together with everything else that exists on whatever level
or ‘plane’ are but part of the Whole which is the Divine. For the Gnostic there is neither
Christian evil nor sin though there is ignorance, inertia, and a very human craving for
some final, ultimate ‘end’ or cessation. One can grow weary, tired, and afraid of the Dance
of Spirit as long as one feels a need to control -in any way- that dance, but as soon as one
learns to let the dance dance itself, one is carried and buoyed up on the pulse of the
rhythm that is the Light of Spirit. Saturn’s great teaching is that there is a Light that
appears as Darkness, a Black Light that is part and parcel of the fullness that is the
Pleroma, the Whole. But that Black Light which often triggers in us fear, inertia, and the
entropy of despair has its roots in the cells of our own bodies which partake of the
seemingly ignorant resistance we find in matter itself.
I am writing about Saturn as an Archon because this year and next (2001-2002) humanity is
collectively experiencing a thrice repeated astrological opposition between the planets
Saturn and Pluto respectively expressing themselves through the zodiacal signs of Gemini
and Sagittarius. We are experiencing a ‘face-off’ or ‘tug-of-war’ taking place between the
Lord Of Time and the Dark Lord Of The Underworld, between Authority and Invisible
Powers, between Saturn and Pluto. Of course, to the scientists among us it’s merely a
neighborhood pool game taking place between billiard balls in our local solar system, but
this is where we live and walk around in our human bodies, so it’s bound to have some
kind of an affect within us both individually and collectively. What might that affect be,
and how might it be related to the dumb Demiurge and his puppet Archons ? Well, it is
said that all the other Gods of Olympus felt a formidable respect for Pluto due to his
‘helmet’ which granted him the gift of invisibility, and his rather absolute control over
Death. So we may suppose that we are witnessing (and participating in) an equally
formidable ‘face off’ between Death and Time. And we may further suppose that this
struggle has about it a certain air of invisible ‘powers’ competing with each other over who
is the true authority in the Saturnian realm of business and government, and who is the
covert dealer in the Plutonian realm of wealth and death. We might look at the situation as
a battle between Archons which may generate so much heat that a little spark of the
Divine could accidentally escape and throw some new Light on the perpetual games
played by the Demiurge and his attendants who ‘cause’ the ‘imprisoned’ plight of humans
and the Earth.
A Gnostic approach to astrology seeks to utilize the language of the stars to get at the
deeper connectedness flowing as a conscious exchange between all aspects of life. The
planet Jupiter is a being, not a chunk of inert matter or a whirling storm of gases. Who
among us cares to recall a ‘past-life’ as a methane molecule on Jupiter ? A Gnostic
approach to astrology would encourage us to do so, would encourage us to directly
experience the synergy which takes place when a human being speaks with a planet.
Conscious speech and thought are important realities, but so are conscious feelings !
Every time we reach a moment of rest or centeredness we are also communing with
Saturn, and he is the metal known as lead -heavy with weight. Saturn, being the principle
of form, likes to hold things in form -whether on the dense physical plane or on the astral
ones. Saturn is the holding power of form, the force of inertia and contraction, and that’s
why I’ve spoken of him as the Chief Executive Officer of Old Yaldaboath himself. Who
benefits by having us cling to the ‘tried and true’ ? Who tells us that a bird in the hand is
worth two in the bush ? Who wants things to remain in the forms they already have ?
Why, Saturn, of course. But in these coming months bridging the years 2001-2002 we must
remember that Saturn is ‘facing-off’ with Pluto and this indicates to any gnostic astrologer
that there are some old forms that will be facing the kind of radical change we call death.
This is why it’s absolutely important, it’s critically urgent that we humans begin to tap into
the faculty of our Spirit known as IMAGINATION.
We are on the ‘Threshold’ of a new kind of ‘time’ and the Guardian of that Threshold is
Saturn, Lord Of Time. The job which we individually and collectively have given him is to
test us, to warn us that time is a linear experience, to tell us to slow down before we walk
right off the line of time and end up dead, crazy, or disoriented in a timeless Void. Time is
the keyword in a warning sentence, and we are the subject of that sentence, and if we rush
to conclusions we will end the sentence. If Saturn is the Threshold then we know what’s
out there: the planets beyond the orbital threshold of Saturn are Uranus, Neptune, and
Pluto. The late Dane Rudhyar, a Gnostic Astrologer of the first order, suggested that we
view these three planets as " Galactic Ambassadors " bearing news intended for us from
solar systems outside our own. Together, they constitute a three-fold message every
Gnostic is glad to hear and that message is AWAKEN! Uranus shocks us into seeing all the
exceptions to Saturn’s laws, authorities, rules, and linear views of Time. Neptune seeks to
ease us after that shock into an imaginative feeling as to what life might be like if our
timeless visions and dreams came true. And Pluto completes the siren lure away from the
centrality of our Sun by saying something along these lines; -Look, you know that until
now your world has revolved exclusively around the Star you know as your Sun, but
every Star in the Galaxy is a Sun, and there are many Galaxies in the Infinite Universe. Just
what do you think this implies ?
All of us shall have to struggle hard, and increasingly harder if we are to overcome the
mountingly adverse impact the 'State' intends to have upon us. Our struggle is with a
deeply hidden Plutonian agenda, with powers and principalities cloaked in religious
costumes and full of the language of righteousness and the battle between 'Good & Evil'.
We are and have been since our birth indoctrinated into a Dogma of fearful dimensions
and fear based realities. I don't know how to fight it, but I must insist upon laughing in its
face, laughing at my own indignation, fear, and paranoia, laughing at fear and paranoia
wherever they pop up because I know I am -like you - a creature of joy. I am happy to be
alive and on this Earth, and I am very happy to have all you fellow Gnostics out there as
my friends. Laughter and Joy
open new dimensions in time
and space, and if you listen
with your rebelliously
insightful Uranian vision,
your invisible Plutonian Ears,
and your imaginative
Neptunian heart, you can
hear the bells ringing.
by Jonathan Zap
“Two things we will make you; smooth between the legs, smooth between
the ears, and what we take from you, will feed the kings of this earth.”
“The Sick Rose,” a poem William Blake wrote about two hundred years ago, begins my
essay Mind Parasites, Energy Parasites and Vampires. Our species is at a critical
evolutionary nexus and one of the most crucial of all tasks that lie before us, maybe even
more crucial than finding alternative energy or doing something about global warming, is
to put the invisible worm under the magnifying glass of attention and understanding. This
invisible worm may be that strange unknown constant that corrupts our eros, that inspires
our astounding violence to our own species and the organic life on this planet, and that
causes many of us to experience this reality as a matrix, a malevolent simulacrum, a “time
out of joint” as Shakespeare’s Hamlet put it. Stephen Dedalus, a James Joyce character,
said, “History is the nightmare from which I am trying to awaken.” John Lasch, an expert
on Gnosticism and world mythologies, who was Art Bell’s guest on March 19, has made a
major contribution to this endeavor. John had the most fascinating things to say about the
Gnostic view of what I usually refer to as “mind parasites.”
He was an unusually articulate guest and I have been studying the website he is associated
with: The Gnostics refer to inorganic beings called Archons and what
they say about these Archons has striking parallels to mind parasite encounters and also
with alien abduction experiences. On the metahistory website John recommends the
attitude which, according to Aristotle, characterizes the mature mind—-the ability to
entertain ideas without accepting them or, in modern parlance, “buying them.” This
attitude is especially crucial in esoteric study/paranormal investigation where there are so
many charlatans and what are even more dangerous—–possessed true believers.(see:
Reality Testing is Politically Incorrect and Carnival 2012—A Psychological Study of the
2012 Phenomenon and the 22 Classic Pitfalls and Blind Spots of Esoteric Research)
In fact, the phenomenon of being a true believer, and being possessed by an ideology,
especially a religious ideology, was recognized by the Gnostics as a sign that the Archons
had inserted their mind and created a mechanical zombie. Unfortunately, though
“mechanical zombie” has a fantastical ring to it, they are all too real and overwhelmingly
numerous in our world. They are what Jung called “mass man” and are to be found
I help out at a non profit, The Women's Assistance Fund, that especially focuses on helping
women who are the victims of extreme Islamic Fundamentalism. (My friend Sean, the
director of this nonprofit has written a brief overview of the situation entitled Jihad
Against the Feminine. The horrors inflicted on women in the name of religious ideology
are so surreal and over the top that to my intuition they scream mind parasite possession.
This type of possession is not confined to Islam, during the Middle Ages Christians
burned five million women as witches. The Gnostics seemed to have anticipated such
horrors. John writes:
In the Gnostic view, human beings “who exist as the type of the Archons” are those who
blindly follow religious ideologies of an insane and inhumane nature, for it is primarily
through religious beliefs that the Archons intrude upon us. Behavior driven by such
beliefs produces pathological personality fixations, resulting in the spiritual zombie.
What the Gnostics have to say is not a curiosity of the ancient world or an obscure
matter for scholars to investigate. They address issues and phenomenon with the most
direct relevance to the core of our reality and the survival of our species. What follows
are some relevant excerpts, but I also recommend delving into the
website. What I have read there so far has impressed me as having an unusual precision
of thought and expression. In reading the following I recommend the attitude of Aristotle,
entertain these possibilities, but don’t buy them. What I take from this material so far are
the cross culturally reinforced parallels, the parallels to contemporary experience (see
the Mind Parasites essay for parallel first hand encounters with mind parasites). Those
parallels mean something, an underlying truth, but we should not be too hasty in deciding
what that underlying truth is, for as the Gnostics themselves point out, so much of our
world has been designed to deceive us. (full article)
Once again, what follows are excerpts from writings posted on They are
no substitute for going to that excellent and extensive site.
Gnosticism is the name historians give to the final phase of a vast tradition of pagan
spirituality that came to be condemned as heresy when Christianity rose to power. Until
the discovery of the Nag Hammadi documents in 1945, almost nothing was known of the
core teachings of Gnosticism. The word Gnostic means simply “one who knows” but
carries the implication of special insight that penetrates to the hidden core of human
experience. Certain Gnostics taught that humans are deviated from their proper course of
evolution by a bizarre species of inorganic beings who inhabit the solar system beyond the
earth, and named this species the Archons. The Greek word archon means “authority,”
and the Archons are sometimes called “the Authorities.” In the Matrix, the Agents are the
authorities who police the simulated world looking for human replicas like Neo who show
signs of waking up to the scam. Horsely explains the Gnostic idea that the Archons try to
impose “a program of mind control, or soul enslavement [in order to] keep mankind
distracted by material problems and concerns, imprisoned by its own fear of death, of
mortality, and ignorant of its true, divine nature.” A Gnostic perspective thus suggests that
the Matrix scenario presents a cyberpunk version of a genuine spiritual dilemma, a true
and daunting challenge that faces humanity, perhaps its ultimate challenge. In their
warnings about deception by the Archons, Gnostics may have foreseen the risks of AI two
thousand years before it emerged. However, the manner in which the Archons operate,
their strategy of simulation, as it were, as described in certain Gnostic texts, does not
involve advanced technological devices but religious ideology. (Horsely does not explore
this point.) According to the Gnostic texts, Archontic deviation of the human species is a
form of mass behaviour modification achieved through blind conformity to certain false
religious beliefs, such as the belief in salvation from a sinful condition by the intervention
of God or God’s only representative. In short, Gnostics rejected the salvationist ideology
common to Judaism and Christanity (and later, after their elimination, Islam). It is known
that Gnostic ideas deeply influenced Philip K. Dick, widely considered as the greatest sci-
fi writer of the twentieth century. Certainly Gnosticism presents theological and
cosmological beliefs as if plotted in a science fiction novel. This characterization of Gnostic
ideas is suggested by scholar Richard Smith in the afterword to The Nag Hammadi
Library in English: “Gnostic motifs have been identified in that most visionary of our
modern literary genres, science fiction… In the science fiction novels of the prolific writer
Philip K. Dick… Gnosticism is consciously employed” (p. 546). In Valis and other works,
Dick developed the idea that humans live in a “two-world hologram,” part of which is
genuinely real and part of which is the deceptive projection of an alien mentality that
distorts our humanity. This schizophrenic model is consistent with the Gnostic mythos.
With the Archons we face an alien invasion in the depths of our own minds. Escape from
the Matrix Treated as a heresy in its time and still considered as such by the Catholic
Church, Gnosticism has been widely misrepresented, even by those who claim to defend
it. In particular, there is enormous disinformation around Gnostic views on the reality and
value of the physical world. Many scholars declare that Gnostics “condemned matter” and
regarded the natural world as evil, purely a product of Archontic deception. Nonetheless,
a few dissenting voices argue that the Gnostics rejected, not the physical world per se, but
our distorted perception of it. This view confirms the uncanny insight of Agent Smith: the
behavior of the human species is inconsistent with sane mammalian activity. Could it be a
distorted perception of nature that makes us act like a plague upon Earth? According to
the contemporary Gnostic revivalist Stephen Hoeller, “Gnostics did not necessarily reject
the actual earth, which they recognized as a screen upon which the Demiurge [chief of the
Archons] projects a deceptive system. To the extent that we find a condemnation of the
world in Gnostic writings, the term used is inevitably kosmos… and never the word ge
(earth), which they regarded as neutral if not outright good” (The Gnostic Jung, p. 15).
Cosmos in ancient Greek did not mean the natural world or the physical universe at large.
It meant “system,” recalling the use of that word in computer terminology: “operating
system.” It is perhaps a ripe coincidence that the Coptic word for simulation found in
Gnostic texts is hal, recalling HAL the rebellious computer in Kubrick and Clarke’s 2001!
Much could be said about the Gnostic elements in the Matrix, but one point is central. The
deception of the Archons described in Gnostic writings is precisely what is manifested in
the “neural-interactive simulation we call the Matrix” (the words of Morpheus). But if this
is the case, how come the simulation that threatens to absorb humanity is technological
rather than ideological, as the Gnostics believed it to be? The answer may be that the
technological takeover of our species has actually been prepared long in advance by
ideological deviations in our religious belief-systems, especially those religious beliefs that
determine our response to the natural world. This implies a deep intrusion into the
psychic territory of humanity, but it is totally consistent with the Gnostic argument that
erroneous religious ideology is a kind of virus insinuated in the human mind by an alien
intelligence, a non-human species comparable to the Machines in the Matrix. (full article)
The Alien Force—- If Kundalini is a biological force, as is widely attested in the writings of
Western investigators such as Lee Sanella and Arnold Mindell, the other kind of serpent
power may be distinctly anti-biological. The Archons are said to envy humanity, for a
number of reasons, but primarily because we live in the body of their Mother!! According
to Gnostic creation myth, the Archons are a species of inorganic beings produced
anomalously by the impact of the Aeon Sophia upon atomic matter, before the Sophia
herself became transformed into the Earth. They are called Archons, from archai, “prior,
from the beginning,” because they arose before the Earth and the solar system were
evolved, but they did not emerge directly from the Pleroma, as humanity did. (On the
emanation of Atu Kadmon, the Anthropos template, see The Promise of a Lonely Planet,
part three, and the Gaia Mythos, Episode 10.) In their attempt to intrude upon humanity,
which has been ongoing for millennia, the Archons use a lot of bluff and bravado. They
affect our minds to get us to believe they can do far more than they can actually do, but in
so believing, we unwittingly surrender our power to them — the result is, they get their
way with us, because we have betrayed our own capacities. Hence the Archons claim to
rule over humanity, and even pretend to have been our creators, as is recounted in the
Sumerian cunieform record of the Annunaki, accepted as true by Zecharia Sitchin and
many other sincere investigators. The Dead Sea Scrolls, dicsovered in 1947 at the very
moment the Nag Hammadi texts were initially recognized to be rare Gnostic materials,
contain explicit accounts of direct threats posed by reptilians. For instance, the Testament
of Amram: I saw Watchers in my vision, the dream-vision. Two of them were fighting over
me, saying… and holding a great contest over me. I asked them, “Who are you, that you
are thus empowered over me?” They answered me, “We have been empowered and rule
over mankind.” And they said to me, “Which one of us [will have you]?” And I lifted my
eyes, and looked at one of them directly. His appearance was dreadfully frightening, and
his skin was multicolored, darkly glittering scales. (4Q542) (Note: The “Watchers” are
consistently identified with the Annunaki in modern ET/Alien speculation.) As I have
explained elsewhere in this site, a Gnostic sect called the Archontics was stationed on the
Dead Sea south of Qumran. Gifted with powers of paranormal perception, such as remote
viewing, Gnostic seers who had met and repelled Archons observed the persisting
presence of reptilians among the Dead Sea cult of the Zaddikim. The First Apocalypse of
James (NHL V, 3), which contains descriptions of face-to-face encounters with the reptilian
aliens, warns that “Jerusalem is a dwelling place of many Archons.” But the Gnostic
teacher adds,a crucial insight, typical of the highly nuanced knowledge of the Mystery
School adepts, “These powers are not armed against you specifically, but they are armed
against each other.” (Passage 27) This line not only corroborates contemporary scenarios
that describe conflict between the aliens who are among us, it also indicates that their
powers are more engaged in battling each other than in overcoming us. Nevertheless, they
have overcome us, in certain ways. Due to their subtle tactic of intimidation via false
beliefs, the Archons can get us to surrender our power. To betray ourselves to them in the
deepest way, in a terminal act of self-effacement, we would have to give up our bodies and
surrender the hidden powers within our bodies. Gnostic initiatory practices were directed
toward strengthening our embodiment by the arousal of Kundalini, which grounds us in
the Earth. Kundalini means the small (“ini”) Kundala, “serpentine or spiralling power.”
The big Kundala is the serpent power of the Earth itself, the swirling Erotic currents of
Gaia. She, the Earth Mother, is the supreme ambient force that holds DNA configured in
its spiralling chains of nucleic acid. When Kundalini is awakened in sacred sexual rites or
otherwise, it grounds the human body consciously into the planetary body. This is the
ultimate aim of Kundalini yoga: not escape from the body, not deification of the
participants, but grounding into Gaia, the Godhead of Nature. In the nymphion, Gnostics
bathed in ecstatic luminosity which they considered to radiate from the Godhead, the
Pleroma of Aeons, via the Aeon Sophia who is embodied in the Earth. The absorption of
these emanations effectuates sexual healing and repair the split or rupture between the
sexes (“gender rift”) that arose on the cosmological level when Sophia fell, shearing the
Antrhopos template. The cosmos is healed through what has been most deeply wounded,
human sexuality.
A Gnostic Catechism
( see full article )
Encounters with Aliens in a Mystery School Text Here and there the Coptic Gnostic
materials contain passages that describe encounters with the ET-like beings, sometimes
with explicit advice about how to handle these entities. What beliefs are implied in such
testimony? And what are we to believe about such testimony? I will attempt to address
both these questions in this brief topical essay. Occult Instruction For a first-hand look at
the testimony, let’s consider a passage from The First Apocalypse of James (NHC V, 3), a
revelation dialogue in which an unnamed teacher (the “Lord” or “Master”) confers secret
knowledge upon a Gnostic named James: The Master said: James, behold, I shall reveal to
you the path of your redemption. Whenever you are siezed and you undergo death-pangs
(mortal fear), a multitude of Archons may turn on you, thinking they can capture you.
And in particular, three of them will sieze you, those who pose as toll collectors. Not only
do they demand toll, but they take away souls by theft. Now, when you come under their
power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: “Who are you, and where are you
from?” You are then to say to him, “I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source.”
He will then say to you, “What sort of child are you, and to what Source do you belong?”
You are to say to him, “I am from the pre-existent Source, and I am the offspring of the
Source.” Then he will say to you, “Why were you sent out from the Source?” Then you are
to say to him, “I came from the Pre-existent One so that I might behold those of my kind
and those who are alien.” And he will say to you, “What are these alien beings?” You are
to say to him: “They are not entirely alien, for they are from the Fallen Sophia (Achamoth),
the female divinity who produced them when she brought the human race down from the
Source, the realm of the Pre-Existent One. So they are not entirely alien, but they are our
kin. They are indeed so because she who is their matrix, Sophia Achamoth, is from the
Source. At the same time they are alien because Sophia did not combine with her like in
the Source (her divine male counterpart), when she produced them.” When he also says to
you, “Where will you go now?” You are to say to him, “To the place when I came, the
Source, there shall I return.” And if you respond in this manner, you will escape their
attacks. (NHC V, 3. 33 – 34: 1- 25. Translation from NHLE 1990, pp. 265-6 and Kurt Rudolf,
Gnosis, p. 174-5.) Considerable information is packed into this exchange. The resemblance
to contemporary reports of close encounters is undeniable: the Archons induce a state of
mortal panic, they often appear in threes, they perform abductions (“take away souls by
theft”). These details accord closely with contemporary ET/UFO lore. But in a striking
departure from the current literature, the Gnostic teacher gives explicit instructions on
how to face the alien entities. The vast amount of material on the ET-UFO phenomenon
available today does not present a book, or barely even a paragraph, on defence against
alien intrusion. Gnostic writings not only describe such encounters, they prescibe
defensive action. The Master offers cogent counsel for keeping the Archons in their place.
Gnosis is a remembering of our origins. The student is instructed to remember the cosmic
birthright of humankind, and to affirm its direct link to the Pleroma, the Source.
Specifically, the student is taught to recall and repeat the key episode in Gnostic
mythology, the fall of the Aeon Sophia, to effectuate a defence against the Archons. By
doing so, the student demonstrates initiated knowledge of the origin and identity of the
beings s/he is facing. The mere knowledge of cosmic matters disempowers the Archons.
The Coptic materials become increasingly relevant as we realize they do not merely
present pedantic or recondite commentaries on a dead religion, but vital insights on the
timeless spiritual dilemmas of humanity, insights as valid today as they were 2000 years
ago. Describing the find at Nag Hammadi, Tobias Churton writes, “Had Mohammed Ali
not broken open the jar, we would not be able to hear these things. In the truest sense of
the word, these things are dynamite. One might have imagined headlines throughout the
world…” (The Gnostics, p. 12) But there were no such headlines, even in the tabloids. It
took many years before the codexes were translated and still, even today, no scholar will
allow that these rare Coptic codices contain reliable accounts of encounters with ET-like
entities. ET/Archon Navigator Ideological Virus In another passage of The First
Apocalypse of James, the Master refers to those people “who exist as the type of the
Archons.” (30:20) Gnostics were not only alert to the intrusion of the Archons, they were
also acutely aware of the possibility of humans becoming totally “Archontized.” This
threat appears to have emerged in a particularly alarming way in that era to which Philip
K. Dick often refers: the first century of the Common Era, when the Incarnation of Christ is
said to have occured, according to Christian belief. Both the time and the place where
Archontic molding of human character set in strongly are specified in the Nag Hammadi
texts. In his Gnostic view of the human condition, PKD assumed that the spiritual life of
humanity was arrested at that moment. It is as if the behavior of those “who exist as the
type of Archons” locked into place in that era, and came to dominate all subsequent
centuries—lasting until the moment, so PKD believed, that the Nag Hammadi texts were
discovered. In a close parallel to Philip K. Dick’s vision of “the Empire,” Wilhelm Reich
saw the rise of a similar syndrome which he characterized as “the mechanico-mystical”
complex. (See The Mass Psychology of Fascism, in extenso.) Its signature is “authoritarian
ideology,” identical with fascism. Significantly, archon was the common term for
“governer,” or “authority” in Roman times. In some translations of the Coptic texts,
archon (in plural, archontoi) is rendered as “the authorities.” Reich’s analysis of what I
propose to call the mystico-fascist complex focusses on National Socialism, the Nazi
movement, which he experienced first-hand, but The Mass Psychology of Fascism contains
ample referenes to Catholicism and the Holy Roman Empire, the millennial ancestor of the
mystico-fascist program For more comments on this subject viewed in a contemporary
vein, see Armageddon Politics. In allusion to the fascist ideology of the “authorities”,
Philip K. Dick wrote: “The Empire is the institution, the codification, of derangement; it is
insane and imposes its insanity on us by violence, since its nature is a violent one.” (Valis,
p. 235, citing entry 41 from “The Exegesis.”) This is purely a Gnostic insight, compatible
with passages in the NHC and deeply resonant with Reich’s views on the
massenpsychosen of Roman Christianity. (It might be argued that the Nazis were not
Christians, but in fact Hitler imagined himself as a Grail Knight, modelled after Wagners’s
Parsifal, and the saviour complex of Judaeo-Christian belief is wholly transposed into Nazi
racial ideology—hence the “Aryan Christ” identified by C. G. Jung.) Reich warned that
since the breakdown of the pre-Christian ethos of earth-oriented Paganism, “the biological
core of humanity has been without social representation.” (Ibid., p. xii). This is a
staggering observation, to say the least. The “authorities” exhibit the behavior of spiritual
zombies, people who exemplify a baffling mix of mystical and militaristic fixations. (What
I have called behavioral cloning is widely evident in both militaristic and mystical
behavior, such as we see today in neocon religious realpolitik, although it is also embodied
in the mass conformity of global consumerism and the rites of technophilia.) According to
Reich, these fixations, focussed on the master fixation on a transcendent God beyond the
Earth, arise from the repression and displacement of somatic sensations, especially sexual-
genital feelings. Philip K. Dick agreed with Reich in observing that the mystico-fascist
ideology grows like armor around people who adopt these fixations, either through
violent imposition or psychological intimidation (“conversion”). It operates like a virus,
“imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes it enemies.” (Valis, p. 235) The
ideology of the authorities can infect even those who resist it. Hence it turns humanity
against itself. But it would appear that some Gnostics were immune to infection—not by
accident, but due to their deliberate practice of orgiastic sexual techniques to produce
immunity, and due, in equal measure, to their explicit teachings on the Archons and how
to resist them, as seen in the above passage from The First Apocalypse of James. Gnostic
observers on the ground when Christianity arose saw salvationist ideology exactly the
way Philip K. Dick did: as a virus. An ideological virus, to be precise. Pagan intellectuals
of the day even used that very term for the fanaticism of the converts. Gnostics saw the
tyranny of belief, of metaphysical fantasies that underwrite militaristic agendas, in the rise
of early Christianity. We can only imagine what they would see today in the political
religiosity of the American right. Defending Humanity What are we to make, then, of
Gnostic beliefs about the Archons? It might be said that Gnostics believed that only by
confronting what is insane and inhumane in ourselves, can we truly define what is human.
In essence, to define humanity is to defend it against distortion. Gnostics believed that the
capacity for distortion of humanitas is inherent in our minds, but is not in itself potentially
deviant. Since we are endowed with nous, a dose of divine intelligence, we are able to
detect and correct distorted thinking, what the Tibetan Buddhists call krol’pa, “thoughts
that lead astray,” mental fixations that turn us away from humanitas, our true identity.
However, they also believed there is an alien spin that can add a truly deviant element to
our thinking. The effect of the Archons is not to make us err, but to make us, largely
through dullness and distraction, disregard our errors, so that they extrapolate beyond the
scale of correction. The Archons cast a ‘trance” over Adam… They put him into a sleepy
state, but it was his perception they dulled… They make our hearts heavy that we may not
pay attention and may not see. So we lose the reflection of the Divine Light within us.. .
[Thus the Arcons acted on humanity] with a view to deceive. When the life-spirit increases
and the illuminating power of the body strengthens the soul, no one can lead you astray
into the lessening of your humanity. But those on whom the counterfiet spirit preys are
alienated from humanity and deviated… The despicable spirit gains strength by leading
us astray. The Archons burden the soul, attracting us to works of evil, and pull us down
into oblivion, making us forget who we are. (The Apocryphon of John, II, 22: 14-10,
through 27-20.) The catechism on alien encounters in The First Apocalypse of James is not
exceptional. A great deal of Gnostic teaching was dedicated to the theory of error I have
just summarized. In a practical sense, Gnostic teachers in the Mystery Schools instructed
the neophytes in how to face the Archons both as alien intruders, comparable to the Greys
and Reptilians of contemporary lore, and as tendencies in their minds. The detection of
Archontic intrusion in both these modes of experience seems to be unique to the finely
nuanced noetic science of the Mysteries. In the Gnostic view, human beings “who exist as
the type of the Archons” are those who blindly follow religious ideologies of an insane
and inhumane nature, for it is primarily through religious beliefs that the Archons intrude
upon us. Behavior driven by such beliefs produces pathological personality fixations,
resulting in the spiritual zombie. All scholars agree that some Gnostics condemned equally
the Jewish origins of the Christian salvationist program, and the Pauline-Johannine
program itself. Doing so, they did not spread a hate message against anyone. Rather, they
attempted to expose what they perceived to be the hateful and deceiving message
disguised in the Judeo-Christian ideology of salvation. At the source of this message, they
detected the subliminal intrusion of the Archons into the human mind. Hence the
preponderance (more than half, by my estimate) of politically and theologically incorrect
passages in the Coptic materials. Whether or not Gnostics were delusional about the
Archons is a private judgement call. But a fair and open-minded reading of the Coptic
texts will not yield much evidence for derangement on their part. The seers who exposed
derangement were not deranged. They were sober and methodical in describing what they
knew, and extremely conscientious in prescribing action to face the perceived threat. They
believed that they really had identified that most baffling of all enigmas: the root cause of
inhumanity in human nature. What are we to believe about all this today? There is an
issue of credibility here, of course—that is to say, we may consider the source of Gnostic
teachings apart from their content. But Gnosis is by definition a matter of knowing and not
of believing. It is about enlightenment, not faith. To give Gnostics credit for actually
knowing what they claimed to know it only the first step. Beyond that, we must confirm
what they knew by our own resources, our own faculties. This is the perennial challenge
of Gnosis, the living, ever-renewing cognition of the human spirit. Knowledge of that
which is alive can alone banish terror.
See the Mind Parasite Category of this site for much more. Alex Grey and the Mind Parasites
includes a comparison between Alex’s painting Demons and Deities Drinking from the Milky Pool
and a Gnostic text.
ET Abductee Interviewed by Alfred Webre
About Predatory Hyperdimensional Beings16
In this interview an anonymous 33 year old male “abductee” reveals what his experience has
been of ET intrusion by the dark alien forces, and milab themes. In his experiences he admits to
being subjected to many virtual reality scenarios and punishing behaviors by the ETs who are
oftentimes masquerading in other guises. Alfred and he discuss the hyperdimensional nature
of these entities rather than extraterrestrial. The abductee cites John Lash material regarding the
nature of the “Archons” and how these entities who have plagued he and his family for
decades use fear and punishment tactics to carry out their agenda on humans so they “stay in
line” and cooperate in a disempowered, fearful state of being. Sometimes the beings take you
physically and other times it may be only a kind of energetic abduction, but the abductee stated
numerous health and medical issues as a result of his abductions in addition to the “taunting
and harassment” which is very similar to the “targeted individuals” reports. The abductee
relates that the negative hyperdimensional entities will tailor make the experiences for that
particular personality using whatever tactics that help instill fear and a belief system that
ensures our belief in their powerful nature. He says they will target specific types of people,
especially those with alot of intelligence, light and out of the box thinkers and those with
heightened perception, so as to “knock them down”. He stated they they trim or “clip the light”
from the people who are believed to be a threat to these controlling entities. They often give
prophetic and apocalyptic messages and warnings and threats. The abductee repeated several
times how these entities are similar if not identical to the Archons of the Nag Hammadi Library
Gnostic material. These beings are also described in the early Carlos Castenada books and
referred to as “inorganic” beings. In such books as “The Fire Within, The Eagles Gift and The Art
of Dreaming, Castenada gives several accounts of having encountered inorganic beings and
their realms in the “dreaming state of the 2nd attention”. These beings can have insidious and
deceptive means to pull you into their realms, and in some bizarre cases can even pull your
entire physical body into their realms in a full on physical abduction. This is reminiscent of
some alien abduction capabilities, where they can do complete physical abductions in and out
of time, as well as astral or energy body/consciousness abductions. More often than not, the
abductee will not have full recall of the experience. From a shamanic perspective, this lack of
memory may be due to a lack of energy and concentration. So this was one main reason why
shamans developed energy and awareness cultivating practices so as to be more effective seers
and not fall into the traps of these inorganic predatory beings. Seers can learn how to perceive
the distinct differences in the energetic signatures of organic versus inorganic beings.
In The Alien Apocalypse interview with Corvo he refers to these beings as EME’s or Extra
Materialized Entities. They operate in a distinct and predictable pattern that usually revolve
around these themes:
• Nowadays it is manifested in the form of our “friends ET” and/or “celestial entities” like
the “Holy Virgin Mary” that release ideologically consistent messages.
• The behavior of these entities, the number of contacts and paranormal phenomena are
inconsistent with extraterrestrial hypothesis.
• The existence of a multi-dimensional universe is theorized by physics with the theory or
• The messages of these beings relate to a series of “coming” disasters, such as “The
Event”, meteors, three days of darkness, global wars, etc.
• The mythical stories of those disasters are consistent with the narrative of the “hybrids”
as the next-generation of humankind.
• After which there will be the coming of a “millennial kingdom”.
• The beings act like vampires. The interest of these EME’s is to establish a feeding field.
• Human organizations in our history have tried to fight and/or establish a “devilish pact”
with them.
Now, contrast this with John Lash’s description of the archontic mind parasite weaponry tactics
of the predatory beings. In essence the Archons want to cause us to destroy our paradise. They
reach us in three main ways:
• The reach us through remote viewing.
• They work in teams with a hive mentality.
• They are mind parasites and they intrude in our mind telepathically – telepathic
They can project from outside the Earth’s atmosphere to inside the Earth’s atmosphere virtual
reality scenarios that are so real that human beings usually mistake them for real events –
certainly some of these “religious miracle events” like sightings of the Virgin Mary, etc. In the
Nag Hammadi this was noted by the word Hal. Note: in 2001 a Space Odyssey, the name of the
computer was HAL. ET abductions are perhaps another example.
• The third weapon is – “religion”
• Infiltrate and try and control humanity through religion.
The gnostics in the Nag Hammadi specifically designated what John Lash calls “the religion of
salvationism of Judeo-Christianity – Abrahamic religion.” (aka The Palestinian Redeemer
This form of religion contains four main elements :
1. Exclusive creation of the world by a paternal father “god” – no female power involved.
(Note, the “world” (meaning our Earth) wasn’t created at all – it was a metamorphosis of the
divine Sophia, Herself. We as humanity are emanations of divine design, (through the Aeonic
coupling of Sophia and “Thelete”, not “creations”.)
2. “He” has chosen to be represented by certain people on Earth and selected them and
separated them from all others (special “agents” of “god” – “chosen ones”)
3. “He” is going to send his “messiah” to help the “chosen people” implement his final
program for humanity.
4. “He” plans an apocalyptic judgment day for everyone including those who follow his plan
and obey his orders and those who don’t.
As one can see, the “Father God” tactics of the Demiurge/Archontic mind set is one of a
controlling and punishing way, if you don’t obey you will be punished and bad things will
happen to you if you don’t believe, have blind faith, follow their program of salvation, etc.
One of the things that a client discussed with me recently (he also contributed to the above
summarized material noted about John Lash’s Archon weaponry tactics) is how it feels after
one has removed themselves from the arhontic mind parasite mode of perception and self-
belief. Let’s say, you’ve had an alien encounter or even telepathic messages from beings who
claim to be ETs or some form of interdimensional being or “star gods”. They may arrange
numerous dreams, communications, visions, predictions, prophecies and meaningful
synchroncities in your life. They seem to set you up to feel special or chosen to be their
ambassador, channel or “spiritual leader” or even inculcate a messiah complex in you. They
can do this by providing astounding synchronicities in your life in ways that make you feel
chosen, or zealous about a particular belief system that has the above themes of Corvo’s
summary: Some kind of apocalyptic scenario, warning the people, spreading the message of a
new spiritual teaching or “god/religion” that has all the ear marks of an off planet ET who
wants all kinds of worship, attention and energy directed towards them for us to believe
blindly and give our power away to. They usually ignore or marginalize anything to do with
the living planet Gaia-Sophia/Divine Feminine Wisdom as an Aeonic being who we can
interact and connect with to remember our own origins. Instead, they goad you in feeling like
you are some kind of chosen person or people who have special connections with star gods or
benevolent ET races. They work by alot of telepathy and downplay the heart centered
interactive connection with the Earth and with each other. They do this in a way that evades
our understanding of all of us as equally important. If you don’t comply to their belief construct
they may turn on you with endless guilt trips, in equitable gender relatoinships, hierarchy
systems of those who are always better than someone else with some elite who are in control
through bloodline associations with special genetics, etc. One of the tactics of the archons and
disruptors, or people hosted by these hyperdimensional mind parasite beings, is to feed off of
your life force, emotions and to destroy and attack the “purity of the soul”. They have
predictable ways of either shaming you outright to make you feel bad about yourself (or public
humiliation) or they put you up on a pedestal, only to “crash you down” later to feed off the
“let down” they just staged upon you. If you don’t comply to their impossible expectations of
human perfection they make you an outcast in their social systems. Of course it’s a no brainer
that these entities are incapable of empathy and compassion, and so the hallmark of an
archontically parasited and hosted person is a kind of psychopathic personality pattern. This is
elaborated on at length in my book, “The Dark Side of Cupid”. The only reason I bring this up
again is because I’ve had discussions with people who have run into these disruptors on
internet forum lists and other groups, and they often hide behind “spiritual masks”. When you
are connected to the Organic Light and wisdom of the living Sophia/Gaia, one’s reactions and
perceptions change into a more open, joyful, egalitarian and wonderstruck beingness
concerning the nature of our own connection with the Earth and each other in our true memory
of divine origin. Life becomes a wonderment of magical expression of our own divine
imaginative co-creation and interactivity with the wisdom of the living planet we live on. We
no longer become addicted to being an information junkie on a sole rational mind level, and
instead intuit through a combination of intellectual understanding and intuitive knowing or
Gnosis by ones rememberance and interaction with the living wisdom that gave us life.
Aliens, Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians:
The Enigma of Extraterrestrial Parasites
The Topic of Topics
Maybe we’ve been wrong to look at these ancient creation myths with disdain as naïve
stories that are mostly symbolic, if not mere fairy tales. Maybe we should re-examine
ancient mythology and the oral shamanic traditions, considering them as testimony of
concrete facts. Certain scenarios (for instance, the Gnostic texts of Nag Hammadi) present
a vivid description of alien manipulation. At Karmapolis during our researches, we have
often been confounded by this possibility of parasitism and predation, called “the topic of
topics” by Castaneda’s teacher, don Juan — a characterization shared by John Lash. We
find ourselve torn between pure and simple rejection of this hypothesis and the desire to
know more, for this topic resonates to something profound in human experience,
something that runs as deep as where we live and how we live. Let’s recall what
Castaneda says in his last book, The Active Side of Infinity, where the sorcerer don Juan tells
him about such parasites and warns him against the kind of reactions people will typically
have when we raise the possibility that our souls are manipulated by malevolent entities:
They’ll laugh and make fun of you, and the more aggressive ones will beat the shit out of
you. And not so much because they don’t believe it. Down in the depths of every human
being, there’s an ancestral, visceral knowledge about the predators’ existence. (p. 221-222)
Demonic Entities
The first time one hears about the existence of these predatory beings, we go into
ontological shock, and we may face a bottomless anguish. Then we may react with total
rejection, disdain, ridicule, as the cynical part of our mind tells us that we have been
stupid to have scared ourselves with such idiotic things that came from the head of a
sorcerer who was nuts, and whose existence has not even been proven. Later, one realizes
that predation is a recurrent theme, discussed in other research by other authors. There are
the Gnostic texts, of course. There is also first-hand testimony, personal accounts of living
witnesses. And shamanic traditions in different parts of the world speak of this same
phenomenon in their own way. Perhaps the Muslim mystics who exposed the behavior of
Djinns and “demonic” entities of various kinds, such as the succubi and incubi of the
Middle Ages, are identical to “the flyers,” as don Juan calls them. There is also the
interview that we did with Nigel Kerner, that explains our violent, predatory, small, avid
and calculating spirit as a legacy that goes back to Cro-Magnon, when the “first genetic
interceptions” occurred, according to Kerner. But we will return to this matter later on.
The existence of parasites is found in very ancient religious texts, and in research, books,
and contemporary studies, but all this information is not considered in the mainstream
media, to say the least. As we didn’t know how to look at the problem in a serious and
legitimate way, we had the chance to meet John Lash, writer, researcher. and creator of the, a site sponsored by the Marion Institute in the USA. A tireless, erudite
student of Gnostic materials, John had the brilliant idea of drawings parallel between
Gnostic knowledge and shamanic traditions. For him, the Gnostics were authentic mystics
close to what should have been the original mysticism of Christianity, before it fell into the
hands of the disciples and Catholic Church. Gnostics were in reality true shamans from
the Middle East who may be compared in some respects to the Brazilian ayahuasceros, the
Bitwi African ibogaine shamans, and surviving Siberian shamans. For a long time, John
has had a strong intuition about regarding the parasites reported by Castaneda in terms of
the alien predators described in Gnostic texts. These predators, called Archons or
Archontes, are clever demonic entities who consume dying worlds. Gnostic myths say that
they arose by an error, and emerged like locusts from chaos and darkness of elementary
matter. In taking the parallel proposed by John Lash a little further, we can include with
the flyers of Castaneda and the Archontes of the Gnostics other repitlian entities, either
etheric in nature, or more substantial, in some manner of flesh and blood — creatures such
as those described in the abundant literature of abductions, as well as in the testimony of
satanic abuse and multiple personality disorder (MPD). Thus we decided to combine our
resources with to work out at some length this extended hypothesis and
explore how the human mind might be infected and manipulated by a mysterious force
that reveals to us how we are cursed, but also reveals to us our strength to overcome the
curse. This topic concerns us all!
DNA as an Implant
Let’s return to the link between DNA and consciousness. Scientists have tried for many
years to establish how DNA could be influenced by emotional states and consciousness,
and, vice versa, how DNA can influence us. Eric Kandel, who won the Nobel Prize in 2000,
discovered that genetic differences between individuals are due to society and mental
conditioning, as well as to parental genes. Japanese scientist Masuro Emoto has conducted
experiments with water in crystalline form that show how ice crystals are affected by
sound. He also conducted a series of experiments that show how the formation of water
crystals is determined by certain words of a positive and negative connotation. With
positive words, the structures generated in water are regular, harmonious and esthetic in
form. With negative words, they assume jagged, irregular forms. Recall that DNA is an
aperiodic crystal that reacts to waves and other electromagnetic phenomena. We may
assume there is an influence of a vibratory kind between DNA and its environment.
Recent work by Russian biologist Piotr Garjajev and some Russian linguistic experts
suggests the same thing, and, more specifically, this research may show that junk DNA,
rather than being a discard, is “a computer hologram that works with laser-type
radiations.” In short, DNA is an extraordinary generator of perceptions, an instrument of
virtual reality.
David Icke, a well-known investigator of the “reptilian agenda”, has proposed a much-
discussed idea concerning the link between DNA, emotion and consciousness. In fact,
human consciousness manifests mainly through the medium of emotions. These fall
roughly into typical categories: love, hate, fear, anger, desire, etc. With plenty of nuances,
of course. It can be said that these emotions encapsulate our consciousness, they channel
our means of expression into narrow bands. Icke reckons that DNA is actually responsible
for the reduction of consciousness to the point where our emotional activity has nothing to
do with our real consciousness. A great many spiritual disciplines (for instance, Buddhist
meditation) address this situation. Pure consciousness has nothing to do with our
emotional states, on the contrary, our emotions imprison us — so Icke would argue. By
accepting the link between DNA and emotional and mental activities, we may begin to
imagine DNA as a complex program that directs the life process (regulating our
metabolism, for instance), but impedes our consciousness from complete manifestation.
Nigel Kerner says something similar when he treats both DNA and the entire human body
(brain and skeleton) as a sort of antenna structure. It is through this antenna that our
consciousness manifests, but in a deformed and diminished manner. Our consciousness,
Kerner says, is inspired by the Prime Being, the perfect state from which we issue. But this
antenna suffers interference by parasitical entities, and so our consciousness is altered and
manipulated in ways that make us suffer. One can well see a vicious circle operating here:
the more our emotions operate in a chaotic and painful manner, the more they influence
our DNA, and the more our DNA reduces and conditions our perception in a really
negative way. Our level of awareness depends on DNA which interprets reality for us
(with and through the brain), rather than showing us things as they really are. In his most
recent book, Icke says that what we believe to be real is an illusion. He refers to “a voice in
the head” that recalls what Castaneda says of the flyers: they think in our place, they make
us react and condition our capacity to feel “reality.” Of course, the link between DNA and
consciousness is extremely speculative and just barely subject to scientific study, though it
represents a fascinating path. If DNA is considered as a form of mind, a snakelike entity
according to the Indians of Jeremy Narby, it may also be regarded as a positive parasite
(carrier of the life functions) or a negative one (conditioner of consciousness). As such, it
may be compared to accounts of the activity of the flyers and the Gnostic Archon,
although these are never considered to have a positive effect.
By Way of Conclusion
Flyers, Archons and the Grey ETs all have a decisive influence, alienating and invasive, on
the operations of human consciousness. They dissimulate and assume diverse disguises.
The phenomenon of shapeshifting has been carefully studied by Marie-Therese de Brosses,
a French journalist who specializes in alien abductions, a writer, and tenacious investigator
of anomalies. She reports an Australian case in which the abductee is told by a Grey: “We
appear in the form you expect to see.” She has also reported the case of women who find
their husbands, boyfriends, or even movie stars, in a flying saucer. After the sexual act and
the extraction of tissue or ova, they realize that the husband, boyfriend, or actor is in
reality an extraterrestrial. Marie Therese de Brosses reckons that this kind of ET
phenomenon is very close to the manifestation of diabolic and angelic entities (elves, trolls,
djinns, fairies, succubi, etc) in folk lore of the past. For her, “the parallel we can trace
between ET apparitions, the Archons of the Gnostics and the flyers of Castaneda, is totally
valid.” The theories of de Brosses align closely to similar work by Jacques Vallee, John Keel
and Jean Sider, whose theories indicate that the ET phenomenon may be “like the
manifestation of events orchestrated by a protean intelligence that exists around the earth
and attempts to torment us.” It is certainly not by mere chance that the last pages of de
Brosses’ book are dedicated to the common elements in extraterrestrial abductions and
shamanic experience, attested around the world. And likewise, it is not mere chance that
John Lash dwells on the link between Castenda and the Gnostics, whom he regards as
accomplished shamans.. Of course, nothing indicates that all the manifestations of human
contact with extreterrestrial entities is parasitical and negative. But it would serve us well
to understand those cases that are. Whatever the case, parasitism and predation resemble
a kind of psychological warfare of which the aims are not known, but which deserves to be
taken very seriously, without making a mental illness out of it. It is probable that the flyers,
Archons, Greys, fairies, djinns and other demonic-type entities are all part of the same
taxonomy, the same array of mysterious forces able to interfere with us and yet, somehow,
transcend the normal dimensions in which we live.
Interview with Maarit, a Scandinavian MILAB18
memories installed by draconian entities involved seeing beatific, New Agey, dolphin
scenes upon awakening from an abduction experience. Beneath this screen memory was
an abduction in an underground base. She admitted to having previously promoted
popular “benevolent ET experiences” on a Scandinavian radio talk show before becoming
lucid to the reality of the deceptive, mind controlling nature of her abductions. Now, she is
fighting back, regaining her lucidity and spiritual resilience. She wants us to know
humans can fight back for their awareness and freedom. Awareness is the key to
1. Tell me a bit about how you discovered you had ET experiences, and your initial
beliefs about alien/abduction and contact? What shifted your beliefs about the true
nature of ETs and your experiences, any particular incidents which “broke the
programming” of what the more popular UFO groups and researchers were promoting?
Before we start, I would like to thank Eve Lorgen for her work, which bravely goes to the dark side
of this alien phenomena. I contacted her while I was frustrated and tired. Her open heart and
integrity as a researcher and therapist made a huge impact on me. I consider our intensive
correspondence as a major turning point in my life. She offered her presence for a total stranger, not
so many willing to do these days. In the UFO-field there are not so many researchers who are
willing to step out of the comfort zone of contactee oriented happy UFO-scenarios. Only by
realizing the alien manipulative agenda we can achieve autonomy for our consciousnesses as a
human race.
First of all, I consider myself to be an abductee–being unwillingly used by aliens and
military for several purposes. Because I have been manipulated, drugged and mind
controlled by humans and aliens, I do not use the term contactee. In my experiences there
is no reciprocal nuance to be observed as in cases of alleged contactee people. I do not
consider myself to be special or chosen in any way. I don’t have any channeled information
to offer. All I can offer is question after question. When I refer to term shadow
government/people, I mean globally operating companies related to medical warfare
operatives as well as factions of military / intelligent groups. Which ones, I don’t know for
I can divide my alien encounters in two different parts. One part of this alien encounter
began before I was even born. I have conscious memories of that time when I was in
another, subtle form of existence and forced unwillingly to manifest in this three-
dimensional universe as we humans observe it now. I consider the essence of my spiritual
being to be alien, per se. I remember how I was shown different parental alternatives to
choose from. The connecting link between these human couples was some sort of DNA-
structure. My consciousness moved into my infant human body just before labor and I was
fully aware of these memories even when I was a baby. After a while the normal
neurological adjusting begun and I saw myself as a “normal” child with heightened
psychic abilities. The second part of my “human” experience with alien encounters began
in childhood at 4 years old, and I knew I was not alone. When I woke up, there was blood
on my pillow and I knew “somebody” stuck something in to my nose. I constantly saw
scary dreams and woke up in terror. These things happened during the time when I was 4-
7 years old. But as funny as it sounds, during the childhood I do not have any clear
memories of these beings that were terrorizing me or how they look liked. But when I saw
a picture of a UFO, I knew “they” were the ones. Another wave of consciously
remembered encounters happened, as usual, during my teens. Even as a child I was
fascinated by astronomy, nuclear physics, philosophical principles related to existence and
ontology. I was more and more “humanized” as whole. I wanted to find the solution, the
ultimate matrix for meta-consciousness and all that I could find at that time was the New-
Age movement and the shallow answers it had to offer.
Even when I was fairly aware of being abducted at that time (16 -30 years old) that these
encounters were not benevolent, I was mentally forced to interpret my experiences as
such. The New-Age way to look these alien encounters during 80′s and 90′s was so full of
subjective reasoning and pressure. Mostly because here in Scandinavia some the UFO-
researchers are highly contactee oriented. And the material these “certain” new age-
minded UFO-researchers produced was directly linked to their publishing business.
In Scandinavia we were not given proper options in which we could judge the characters
of the alien encounters by ourselves. I was once even on the local radio telling (when I was still
into the New Age perspective) about these lovely space brothers, which are here to lift our
vibrations, because I did not want to be shut out from the community of friends I was related to
during that period of time. At that time I was just one piece of this manipulative machinery,
which was planned to misdirect people by giving them highly calculated answers to solve
their nocturnal horrifying problems. And I did my job, but not with smiling face.
As I got older, the abductions began to be physically more real. I could remember things,
which did not suit the concept of contactee based rhetoric. My ovum was harvested on
regular basis and I saw constant marks like sudden bruises, straight cuts, triangular
rashes, scoop marks, burned like areas in my ankles, needle marks on my forehead and
nose with the upper layer of dermis removed on my body after these episodes. I could not
lie to myself anymore about the nature of these encounters. They were malevolent,
controlling and they affected my consciousness and memories in a suppressive manner.
Not once was I given a straight answer by the abductors for the alien agenda.
At that time I found myself being alone. Suddenly after that conscious realization, of
questioning the aliens motives as not being “good”, was when I was isolated mentally and socially
via certain episodes in my life. I was carrying a secret no one publicly would respond to in
the UFO-field here in Scandinavia. So I felt I was living a private hell in front of many
ignorant eyes.
The shift from New-Age beliefs to more an objective state of mind was subtle but very
solid and inevitable concerning my realization of the true nature of these alien abductions.
The milab involvement however, began when I was pregnant 5 years ago, in 2005-6. At
that time I had no knowledge of this milab scenario at all. I did not know what was going
on because the UFO-researchers in Scandinavia neglect this subject and there is no open
discussion about this military involvement at all in my country. We have only one New
Age magazine, which promotes tarot-readers and lighthearted contactees and their
supporters in UFO-community. I just wondered about this sudden appearance of military
and medical personnel during my abductions. The focal point of consciously realizing my
milab connection was the precipitating incident, which “coincidentally” delayed my
Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis 2 years ago. My diagnosis was not given in proper ways,
because my qauda equina operation was initially delayed and there was a professional
error made by a local doctor. The surgery left me with an untreated infection, which
created a permanent inflammatory problem with the central nervous system. The
unbelievable doctor’s behavior caused a huge amount of mental stress and a short episode
of dissociation, which affected the way my brains functioned. This actually caused me to
remember things I should not have. I became conscious in a way the shadow government
would not want me to be. In hindsight, I realize many of these major events and turning
points of my life are produced and controlled by aliens. And this is the most important
factor I’m going to pinpoint out later.
2. Why do you believe or have you been told by the aliens or military “handlers”, why
they are using you in their experiments? Are you a hybrid or genetically modified by
The aliens have used me because I live in a genetically modified body. My physical
existence offers an opportunity for the aliens to make genetic surveillance in a
multigenerational way. When I say genetically modified, it is my understanding that this means
an alteration of DNA so that the nervous system modified with alien DNA–and energetic body as
well— can sustain the alien consciousness because only this kind of consciousness can make a
hybrid body functional, per se. This is actually part of the soul recycling technology. When I
say I am a hybrid I understand myself—my consciousness is something you refer to as
draconian. I was obligated before birth to move into an altered body to fulfill my task. To
perform that transition I had to choose the human parents too as long as the mother was a
blood type RH negative factor. This immunological trait is a common feature among these
so called, Draconians and their reproduction. But having an Rh-negative blood type
doesn’t mean you are a hybrid, it’s just a necessary condition to carry on the biological
technology. The genetic modification is very tied to CNS functions and immunological
moderation. This alien genetic factor includes modification of consciousness aka vibrational
aspects of soul/consciousness matrix as well. The soul matrix is a vibration like electricity
in that it can be observed as tones of frequencies. The question of genetic alteration is not
purely physical, as we understand. It includes vibrational factors as well. My
understanding of draconian DNA is that it is basically inorganic, unlike the human DNA.
The draconian body-DNA function needs radiation to sustain consciousness like humans
need air to breathe. The draconian DNA structure is not a spiral alpha helix but a denser
form of some inorganic and energetic matter, which could be described as a quadrangle.
With this quadrangle the structures of energetic tones are organized to serve bodily
functions. I believe this is why there have been procedures done to human DNA—
balancing the functions and partitions of inorganic and organic matter within DNA. The
fundamental building blocks for life are not quite what we have been told, apparently.
So, true hybrids have alien consciousness in an altered body via a genetic CNS
modification. CNS modification is partly needed to handle the frequencies of alien
consciousness with the energetic body. The alteration of CNS-genetics is done outside the
womb during the impregnation by technology, which can hold and change the soul matrix
via magnetic field. The modified embryo is then implanted inside the womb of the Rh
negative female. The different kind of alien soul matrix revives the function of the hybrid
body and altered CNS function. (All hybrids are psychic). So you may understand why the
real hybrids are keeping the secret and silence. The various produced beings, through
hybrid bodies, are altered outside the womb during the embryonic stage for other things
as well, such as functioning in a different kind of environment, and they have higher
tolerance for radiation as well. The radiation itself is not poison to some ET races at all . (EL-This
was shared with me BEFORE the Japanese nuclear incident on 3/11/011 at Fukishima)
I have been used as an incubator for alien hybrid embryos. The Rh-negative factor is the
key here. Many women abductees used in this way have the Rh- factor in their blood. The
Rh- factor prevents the possible autoimmune reaction during the early stages of alien
“Normal” females are also producing human embryos for aliens. These embryos are partly
grown and used as a biological protein source for Reptiods. Abducted humans—abductees
—do not need genetic alteration of they are used for other biotechnological uses and
consumption—for Reptiods. So frankly put, as food. These reptile beings are able to grow
large amounts of biologically “alive” tissue. This tissue can be cloned to make
manufactured grey beings as well. This kind of tissue cannot be cloned forever without
degeneration. That’s why the aliens are abducting so many humans. All of us have to
satisfy the need of food for a large alien civilization. It’s so simple. We are not on the top of
the food chain. This is something we just have admit to ourselves.
Many abductees tell us about the baby presentations made by the aliens. The whole thing
—in my opinion– is just meant to do some psychological bonding to prevent resistance of
human beings. Nothing more. The babies presented, as more mature babies are probably
human-alien hybrids made to use as servants later on.
My son is being abducted as well. He is genetically modified too. His birth was a miracle.
We had to use ICSI-method (in vitro fertilization) in order to have a vibrant embryo to be
placed. During my pregnancy in alien encounters, I was introduced to my son two times.
The body was small, his skin pale. He had huge blue eyes and only a small amount of hair.
When he came to see me with this “Nordic” looking figure, his consciousness was
maintained in a classic hybrid-like body. And just like mine, his awareness joined the
genetically altered human body during my delivery. He has described that kind of
memory to me. We have an ultra strong connection, and we communicate also by using
pure feelings. Military want all the “cookies” I can give them–my genetics, my psychic
abilities, and there is medical research being done that offers benefits for both involved
parties and their co-operation as well. And they have plugged my son in to their
operations as well. This was the main reason I decided to share my story: to tell people to
wake up and fight for their freedom. We have to understand that there are multiple
participants with multiple agendas related to abductions/milab activity. And more and
more, I believe, the two—medical shadow groups and military are linking together. It
seems to me that human participants have to work for these alien beings in ever deeper
levels than was previously imagined. This is one reason why I believe there is not going to
be an open disclosure about the true nature of the alien encounters. Some human factions
are too deep into this mess. The disclosure would risk the economical/scientific benefits
and power these groups have gained via alien connection and cooperation. When a human
is abducted for a first time, s/he is being implanted. The military has the needed
technology to track the signals emitted by the implants of these new abductees. The
implants insert themselves within the central nervous system, when the connection is
made; there is a signal, which the military can pick up. So, all the alien abducted people
are possible milab victims—hence—ReAbs, if they posses something that can be beneficial
to the military. No one is safe and the MK ultra days are not over. The military/shadow
government has the identities of every single abductee in this world.
3. What kinds of medical issues have you experienced that you believe to be due to
abductions? Have you been mind controlled by them, how?
Aliens have done several physical procedures. They have taken bone marrow from my
neck and hip with a long needle. They have collected ovum. They have put an implant in
to my nostril. They have collected tissue samples from my arm and knee.
Psychologically they have erased my memories and installed fake ones. They have used
what felt like electrical vibrations straight in to my frontal lobe to do mind control. One
morning I found a puncture mark in the middle my forehead, after having strong feelings
to not look in the mirror (suggestions by them to not look into the mirror), and when I saw
the mark, I remembered how they put some kind of electric vibration into my brains
somehow through that needle and I was told not to remember and not to talk. And then
they forced me to look at images of the dolphins again from a screen-like device. I see the
dolphins every time when my subconscious is trying to bring something to the surface.
They have caused pure emotional horror and enjoyed the ride. (EL—I have nothing
against dolphins and friendly higher intelligent species, it’s just their image is being
projected in screen memories to pacify our minds into complicity.)
I have an autoimmune inflammation in my CNS, because the inflammation of peripheral
nerves went straight to the CNS (following a surgery). The diagnosis is G 37.9, and still
waiting to be confirmed as MS, the primary progressive form. The whole episode—with
the delay of the operation and the inflammation going straight to the CNS—was, I believe,
alien orchestrated and my body is now being used as a guinea big for medical
pharmaceutical research done by some faction of the military/shadow government.
Because my body is altered, I have degeneration in my pelvic and cervical area as well.
I have had a neuropsychological evaluation twice. I’m suffering from memory problems
and visual-spatial problems as well. The findings refer to an organic nature of impairment.
I cannot work because of my physical and neuropsychological condition. Some of these
changes can be explained via MS, and some because of the mind control and the methods
aliens and military use. There is no cure for this. I have been recommended for
neuropsychological rehabilitation.
I have been told by Draconians that my body is genetically altered. My blood pressure is
quite low and my average body temperature is somewhere between 35-35.5 degrees of
Celsius. (37C = 98.6F, so it’s between 95.0- 96.8 F) My psychic abilities are far higher than
average. I sense human emotions and thought forms as soon as I see a person. This is
something I would like to get rid of, because it wears me out. I prefer solitude and
vibrationally developed, disciplined emotions like gratitude etc. Unfortunately there are
not so many people possessing these features. I believe I have also been used to test
draconian weaponry modified for human military use because of my psychic abilities and
vibrations. Some weapons can only be activated through psychic influence.
4. Have you recognized any of the locations you have seen in your milab/abduction
experiences such as DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) or medical facilities?
Have you recognized any human personnel you have seen in your “regular life”
I have been in a DUMB several times that I can consciously remember. One place believe–
merely my own speculation–is located somewhere in Canada or in the northern part of
USA. The speculation is based only on visual observation of the nature. When I got out
from underground I saw these huge trees I have seen on nature documentaries in my
country. It was a mountain area, in the middle of the forest. And there was a railway
entering in to the DUMB. The entrance was open and there was fence around the yard.
The other place was a nuclear silo, in a place were nuclear weapons were stored. These
places could be one and the same, but somehow I doubt that. I have seen the same medical
personnel who treated me at the University hospital, department of Neurology during the
process of my neurological diagnosis. There is one professor of clinical neuroimmunology
and neurophysiology and one medical doctor of neurology who are using me in their
medical research done for the shadow government. This medical research is dealing the
use of nitro-oxide as a regulator in the immune response of the CNS. Nitro-oxide is under
constant interest in pharmaceutical work. (Not to be confused with dental nitrous oxide)
Applications can be used in cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases and in asthma as well.
There are experiments made to use the asthma medication to relieve the symptoms of MS
flares. So, the connection between my condition, these doctors and milab abduction is to
understand and regulate the immune response in the human nervous system.
I believe I’m under interest because of my genetic differences too. So I’m serving multiple
purposes, which I probably even don’t know about. One factor in my opinion is their
interest in understanding how to connect together different types of neurological tissues
without creating the usual degenerative autoimmune reaction. As one can understand, the
application of this information is huge. One can do the digging by them selves by
Googling nitro-oxide and CNS. It is all there.
The professor I saw in a DUMB is closely connected to a major pharmaceutical company.
The same company is developing a drug for narcolepsy as well and the nitro-oxide is
playing an important role once again. I believe I’m used to test the narcotic influence of
different medicines as well. The medical researcher I’m talking about is doing research on
the neurophysiological aspects of dreams as well.
I also had one very important condition they needed in their study. I did not have plaques
in my brain or spinal cord. These kinds of findings are implications of the primary
progressive form of MS. All the people in my area suffering from this type of illness are
being sent to these specific doctors for evaluation. Surprisingly. In this specific University
hospital there is a highly respected research group doing studies about the nitro-oxide
finding as an indicator of brain atrophy in primary progressive MS. This specific
university hospital and some personnel of this research group have been doing medical
research and evaluation for the military people too. So there is a huge network going on,
not only nationally but globally too. And the unfortunate ones (milabs) are being plugged
Nitro-oxide NO is under constant interest in pharmaceutical work. In 1998 doctors
Furchgott, Ignarro and Murad were given a Nobel Prize for their research work related to
Nitric oxide plays a role in immune response as well and there is constant research being
done on this subject.
The applications for NO are drugs developed and under development for neurological
diseases as well like Frampidrine for walking difficulties and muscle weakness for people
suffering neurological diseases.
Before this accident I was not interested in pharmacology in any level. I only had one
conscious memory of the nurse who came to me when I was sitting on the research table,
in a DUMB probably. She had a needle and she injected some liquid in to my right knee.
“This is nitrixide (that’s what I first remembered)” she said. “You should not make such a
fuss about things.” After that I saw the same medical researcher entering the room. That’s
all I remember. And all I needed to remember to start to do my own checking out. I have
taken photos from my knees after the nitro-oxide shots as well. So, it’s no wonder these
events were manipulated to the point were the delayed operation caused an autoimmune
response in my CNS. I was a good catch. And this is only the tip of the iceberg from the
work of this hidden network. I’m sure of it. But to go deeper in to this could be a story of
it’s own.
5. What kinds of aliens are primarily working on your case? Can you describe their
basic jobs and goals?
Primarily Reptiods, greys and other aliens like mantis-creatures, because they are working
under draconian control. Before I continue, I have to clarify the position of reptiles and
Draconians in order to understand what is going on and by whom. Draconians do not
conduct abductions per se as the interdimensional reptiles are doing, even they are
occasionally seen in the UFO. Dracionians control the reptilian race and their behavior and
the reptiles are servants for the Draconians. Draconians need the hybrid bodies to be used
as containers for consciousness, because only a vibrant soul-matrix can reinforce
manufactured hybrid bodies. There are a lot of species co-working in these scenarios, so
it’s difficult to define what kind of role the different ET creatures are playing from our
point of view. Positive, neutral or negative. When I generally speak about hybrids, I don’t
know whether they are human-reptilian, human-Draconian, or human-some other
race/races. And the other abductees and UFO-researchers don’t know that for sure either.
So pinpointing hybrids only as a reptilian human origin we can do crucial damage for the
hybrid rhetoric as a whole. Reptiods are servants for the draconian race. There are not so
many Draco’s on Earth, physically present. I have seen them only working in this
particular nuclear silo. Reptiods are allowed to use humans as a resource and do their
thing as long as they don’t disobey the draconian administration. By using hybrids,
Draconians can produce workers, biological material etc., (who knows) for their use.
Reptilians do the needed work. They abduct people and hybrids for the use of cloning and
further production. They have advanced technological development to do that and they
are allowed to use humans for their own purposes as well, primarily for nutrition and
entertainment. By entertainment I mean sexual activities with humans. These sexual
behaviors have malevolent, sadomasochistic features.
In other words, there is a vast biological industrial activity going on where humans are
being used as a source for biological and psychological–emotional material. The basic job
for Reptiod-beings is to survive and carry their own cultural-genetic traits. This is
something we have to understand. They do what they do because they are what they are–
highly intelligent beings capable of remarkable things.
We have to step out of the victimized state of mind and get rid of the fear. This is the only
way to get the respect of these creatures and develop a communication of some sort.
Whining and unnecessary complaining are the dead end, then we start to dig our own
psychological and physical grave for sure. Objectivity and courage is needed even to try to
understand a different kind of intelligence and technology. This is something we are not
able to do. The researchers who only feed the fear instead of objectivity are no better than
the New Age people who are proclaiming easy ascension and waiting for spiritual
enlightenment–even while being roasted in the oven.
I believe these Reptiod creatures are the main problems and bullies for humans. And these
Reptiods do shape shift and can take the form of these so-called Nordics as well.
Draconians are far more advanced than humans are capable of even understanding. I have
consciously seen dark brown Draconians with wings and hoofs. They are a highly
technically advanced, warrior-like race with great disciplined actions. Draconians are also
philosophical creatures and can be very fearless if needed. Females are superior to male.
They consider themselves to be more sophisticated than humans. Because they are ranked
quite high in hierarchy of different races, we rarely see them like we see the most highly
ranked bosses in our companies. They mingle with their own-kind of company. I
remember being in a silo barefoot and this male draconian came to me and sent me a
mental thought that he finds the human feet very big and repulsive. I found it funny,
because during that episode I could not even understand where I was. Their goal is to
continue their lives as a race as well. Just like we humans do.
It is odd but very often, in the milab ops scenarios we are not allowed to wear shoes, and
our clothes may be lying in one place, later to be put on, but we never have our shoes. It’s
like we are not allowed to wear them. In my opinion there are couple of reasons why
milabs remember being without their shoes or clothes. One reason is the fact, that some
milabs are involved with research for example, related to radiation and they are being
decontaminated after testing. This can partly explain the memories of showers and locker
rooms. The other reasons why some milabs are not wearing shoes are the satanic rituals
-performed in DUMB – and their participation in these rituals under mind control. Being
without shoes is serving ritual necessities and psychological manipulation as well.
Remember the Nazi concentration camps? Reptiods are divided into interdimensional
beings and some creatures that live under the surface of earth. These creatures live in
caverns and have red eyes and dark brown skin. They eat meat too. Interdimensional
Reptiods can shape shift and are predator-natured.
I have observed a conflict between the Draconians and some Reptiod party/faction. It’s
about power. There was a military faction assisting–willingly or unwillingly—I’m not sure
—and these specific Reptiod groups are trying to overcome the draconian leadership,
because the Draconians are in charge of some nuclear military DUMBS too. If this Reptiod
rebellion is proceeding I’m feeling worried because this would mean the total loss of
control made by Dracionians. Reptiods would be allowed to mess around and even the
shadow government would not be safe. If considering this as a chess game, the situation is
not pleasant from the human point of view. But this is merely my speculation.
I saw the power struggle personally during an abduction. The draconian entity came to
stop the Reptiods and prevented them from using me somehow. This has happened two
times. So I guess I have something to offer to these Draconians and shadow government
and that’s why they keep an eye on me.
The Reptiods have expressed very violent activities towards me and some other abductees
I have seen on the UFO like beating, etc. I believe they are having a hard time trying to
suppress their basic need to kill. And that’s why some abductees are reporting very
disturbing violent abductions and treatment. The degeneration of personality traits and
grappling for power applies to other species as well. By this degeneration I mean the need
to produce unnecessary suffering while enjoying it. There is also an original grey-race, per
se. They are workers for these reptilian entities. And there are a huge amount of
manufactured grey look-alike beings used for physical labor. They are being manufactured
inside a DUMB and some are being transported to other locations.
6. Many milabs and now the popularized “supersoldiers” have described being used as
operatives under mind control physically across the globe and even off world. They
also describe virtual reality experiences, a term popularized by the late Dr. Karla Turner.
Can you tell me if you can tell the difference between a true physical abduction, and
one that is virtual reality?
Yes. But this is only my experience. In my case true physical abductions leave marks.
Something is done to my physical body. Sometimes there can be menstrual irregularities
and abdominal pain, bruises, needle marks, scars etc. The consciousness is totally
controlled during these episodes. I can remember flashes of 1-10 seconds. Then I
remember being shut down. My field of observation is narrowed. I can see sometimes see
clearly tiny areas at one time, like clear small windows of clarity in a limited field of
vision. Sometimes I can feel being moved and pushed even when I’m unable to open my
eyes or when I’m in a dream like state. In physical abductions I get more of a drugged
feeling and less clear memory, and lots of blank spots in-between. Most of the time these
memories-whether physical or virtual reality– are very hard to separate because of the
consciousness control. Nowadays military don’t walk in to your house anymore. Trust me.
They can open a time/space portal and pick you up so that you don’t even notice. The
main objective for these aliens is not to be noticed. They prefer to stay in the shadows,
because otherwise humans could start to do preventative actions to stop the abductions by
strengthening their lucidity, using and developing proper technology for resistance. So we
are not dealing with gods. We are dealing with mortal entities.
In the virtual reality experiences, it is as real as watching a movie or living an everyday
life, with no observable limitations. With lucidity, realizing you are dreaming–you can
wake up from this scenario. In VRE there is always some aspect of “strangeness” involved
if one is able to recognize this. By this I mean for an example, a different kind of phone
you have never seen before, strangers, furniture etc. By recognizing these, you can achieve
lucidity and wake up in your bed. But this is hard, because the VRE is produced in your
brains by using methods like signals and electrical stimulation, which affects your neural
and muscular function as well. This makes the scenario seem even more real. And
physical/mental adjustment is being done under VRE situations. This makes the scenario
seem even more real. And physical/mental adjustment is being done under VRE
situations. By this I mean psychological conditioning on how to act or control oneself
during RV-operations, behavioral modification on how to handle fear, tolerate pain etc.
True physiological modification, implanting is being done either in a DUMB or in a UFO.
Reptiods use VRE for harvesting emotions too. This happens by causing horrifying VRE
experiences for abductees. The military and aliens as well can produce VRE by sending
signals to implants. Military can change these induced brainwaves into images and sounds
on a screen. Aliens don’t need that kind of technology, because they sense these
I have been able to observe the exact moment, when I’m being activated for the use. This
happens when I’m going to sleep. Just when my brainwaves are starting to change for a
sleep mode, I see a flash of bright light in my “minds” eye, even with eyes shut. Usually
the scene “in my eyes” change and I get an impression of an open space in front of my
closed eyes. I can also see from what kind of interior I’m been plugged into. So there is a
radar-like computer network through which abductees can be controlled. There is also
portable equipment that have antenna, which can send the VRE signals too. And some
factions of the perpetrators are using this for their own purposes. I believe the connection
can function in two ways: Once the abductee is able to use heightened psychic capacity
and lucidity, one can attain information from the other party by doing remote viewing. I
have been able to this once and then I saw the warehouse from where the signal was sent.
One has to understand that we are dealing with high technology, which most people don’t
know– even the moderate applications can be seen in a use in everyday life. For example,
one “official” branch of this technology is being introduced to people as different kinds of
computer related appliance for handicapped people. One can do their one research on this
subject if interested.
7. Have you ever been tasked by your milab controllers to do remote viewing? If
so, how is this experience compared to the entrained “VRE” scenarios?
Yes I have. I have been sent to observe some alien creatures (draconian related) several
times. I have also been used for more mundane issues like checking some locks or paper
documents. These were written in English–that I could remember. Remote viewing is
produced either by physical abuse (and splitting of consciousness) or by using the VRE
related technology. Consciousness can be separated and moved by using some sort of
electrical vibration. I can tell the difference between the RV from VRE by observing the
visual scene I’m seeing. In RV my vision is somehow truly controlled. It feels to me, like
I’m watching the environment through a bottle. The vision is somehow twisted and
distorted. I see only the things I’m told to observe. I can do some conscious reasoning
during these episodes as well. Sometimes there can be unwanted reaction and the RV
situation is slipping into a spontaneous out-of-the-body experience. When this happens, I
hear a buzzing sound in my ears and I have problems controlling the movements of my
energy body. I can slip through the walls recklessly until I’m being drawn back to my
body. Also, in RV there is seldom any physical sensations, pain etc., present. Naturally. So
only by lucidity and deep reflection one can discern these different kinds of phenomena.
Very often, remote viewing and virtual reality they are also linked together.
8. What do you think is going on with the hybrid issue as popularized by Dr. David
Jacobs in his alien abduction case histories? Have you seen alien-human hybrids in
your experiences? What do you believe is their real function?
When we are talking about the hybrid-issue, we have to understand that as a human race
we don’t really have the complete picture of this issue. There are not as many genetically
different alien related hybrids on earth as the some researchers are stating. That’s for sure.
To say alien hybrids are all malevolent, suffering from severe personal disorders is as
narrow-minded approach as New Agers have, when saying that alien agenda is good and
hybrids are a way to save humankind. Nonsense.
Based on what I have experienced, true alien hybrids are here to serve the surveillance of
the genetic study made by the alien race. Hybrids are not to meant to infiltrate into human
society to fulfill some hidden purposes of draconians or reptiles. This is something one has
to understand. Hybrids are used just to produce more hybrids for the use of draconians.
Hybrids are used like machines in draconian bioindustry. We have no knowledge why this
alteration is being made. Our social or emotional life per se is not under interest of any
kind. Hybrids of the more alien types I mentioned live their lives in different societies like
other people do. When I speak about hybrids I consider them to be draconian/alien
consciousnesses in an altered human body. But I’m sure that reptoids have their own
breeding program going on which is something draconians consider not suitable
behavior–rebellion. So yes, there are reptilian hybrids–reptilian consciousnesses in human
altered bodies. And then there are genetic mixtures of many other races as well -made by
dracos, which are not connected to human race at all.
According to my understanding and memories we cannot define a hybrid just
by observing the differences of the DNA- structures between hybrids and humans
because some of the changes are energetic in nature as I said before. The major difference
is the heightened psychic ability compared to other human beings. When I say I consider
my self to be alien-hybrid, aka-a genetically modified human with alien soul matrix
consciousness, I know there should be a genealogist to confirm my statement to make this
official proof. It is not even important, to me because I have to live an ordinary every day
life anyway (and of course deal with the constant interference in my life.) I do not see
myself mean or malevolent in any way. Neither is my son. But people who are acting like
judges, I consider to be dangerous. There is no room for hypocrisy.
Humans manipulate, torture, neglect and abuse their kind in similar ways that these
Reptiods are doing to achieve their own agenda. Wake up time. Instead of this, we should
concentrate on real issues, which are the alien manipulation through their hive-like almost
organic influence and the possessions they can take over certain individuals. These things have
nothing to with hybrids per se, like the ones I’ve defined. There can also be observed
people with low vibrations and lack of integrity acting and playing with abductees. This
has nothing to do with hybrids as well and the hybrid issue is something I consider to be
less important in the field of abduction research. Wrong conclusions only create
unnecessary fear.
Only by seeing the overall impact of this alien manipulation we can start to live our own
lives in a more compassionate way. We need to find the true humanity of our own kind
and not be willing to be an amusement for them to give them the vibes—or emotional
reactions that the Reptiods like.
Another thing we have to wake up to understand is that the alien modification with
hybrids (aka- genetically modified human abductees) starts before physical manifestation
such as in vitro before birth or while in the womb and is carried on constantly in hybrid’s
lives. This means one can observe certain patterns in hybrids and abductees.
1. The abductors are creating an environment were the hybrid and/or abductee is
often emotionally and socially isolated either geographically or by parents. This
provides them convenient ground to influence the life patterns of the hybrid and
repress possible interference made by other human beings. Experimental control.
2. They often set up a love affair to mate the hybrid or abductee with a suitable
candidate. Through this selected person, aliens can control the action of a hybrid.
(aka- genetically modified human-abductee) This usually means that true hybrids
are being kept “hidden” by preventing them from having a major position in
modern society. This can be made by disrupting and orchestrating their education,
relationships and health as was done in my case. So as one can understand, there is
no glory to be had in this hybrid issue. There is only suffering if these patterns are
not revealed and worked through, so as to gain personal and social integration of a
hybrid person. (Secrecy and isolation harms us)
Many of these aspects apply to abductees as well and can be produced by the shadow
military government people too.
I have seen so called “hybrids”(the more alien ones only seen or existing on ships, etc.)
during my abductions. They were merely showing me where to go etc. I had no
conversation with them that I could consciously remember. These beings were very short
and gave me an impression of physical density of some sort. In the room I saw one of them
was having modified air pressure given to them. I could imagine one can experience this
by diving deep. I have also seen small horse looking, white creatures. They were kept in
containers. And the hybrids are working to collect liquid from the ligaments of these
creatures. In order to understand the modern hybrid discussion, we need to accept the fact
that most information is given by the abductees who are merely reporting the facts aliens
want and allow them to see and “remember”. And certain researchers are adding water to
the mill by taking these fragment memories to form a theory. This, in my opinion is how
the distortion is made and facts are neglected. We simply don’t know what kind of genetic
experiments are being done and by whom.
9. Have you observed the alien possession of a human situation such as the term
“reptilian hosting” being used?
Yes I have. I did not know the name for this subject until recently. Before going deeper into
this issue I have to tell that Eve Lorgen has gone straight in to the heart of this alien
discussion. Really. She has openly formed a view of alien manipulation, which I find to be
true in my life. After I realized that, I was able to form some kind of synthesis made from
my life. I did not know the idea or concept of ALIEN LOVE BITE until recently, but these
three little words changed my life and showed me the way to self realization and more
awareness to fight for autonomy in my life. Alien hosting does happen.
Regardless of that, I always subconsciously knew this kind of phenomenon was
happening in my life. By hosting I refer to a person who is under direct influence of a
Reptiod being mainly through mind control. Sometimes the reptile’s spirit can enter a
person’s body and cause some changes in the physical appearance of the hosted person as
well. Facial features can change, their voice etc. These changes can be seen and often are
observed even consciously. But mostly they are neglected because the other partner or
persons close to them don’t understand what is going on. I believe many hosted people are
considered to suffer from psychiatric diseases like personality disorders, (Like narcissistic,
sociopath-EL) psychotic behavior even the problems have different etiology than in
normal F-code (DSM) diagnosis. In my opinion the hosting occurs within the orchestrated
It is done if there is a need from the reptiles to cause immediate influence on the
hybrid’s/abductees’ life during certain periods of time like to have the other partner feeling
emotions such as fear and abandonment. Possession occurs when the reptilian being itself
wants to experience directly emotions and physical stimulus through a hybrids/abductees
body. (EL—it can occur with non-abductees too)
The other term closely connected to hosting is the reptilian hive-mind. The term hive-mind
in my understanding is the needed reptilian matrix or created context in hybrid’s lives. By
this I mean that the reptiles are capable of creating a reality matrix like a Nintendo game.
Reality matrix contains certain amount of freedom for abductee or hybrid to make
decisions in their life but nevertheless, the outcome is what the reptiles want it to be. By
using this hive mind manipulation many people can be included in the matrix to act as
wanted for the needed result. The reptilian hive-mind is being activated as a lure like
episode often among multiple needed participants to create the needed situations into
hybrids or abductees lives. This has happened to me many times in my life and during
these situations I felt quite powerless to change the course of the events I could already
know was going to happen. The Hive mind, or created reality matrix, is usually
deactivated once the needed result is gained. For example, marriage–in my case–and the
delayed surgery and so on. (EL-This can extend to sabotaged media efforts to have guests
on to tell their stories, where certain aspects of the alien agenda are never allowed to be
spoken in a large way in the public domain.)
After the deactivation of the “hive mind” the people involved often seem to wake up
somehow. They may feel shame about what they have done and don’t seem to understand
how they could not have seen the results of their behavior. In this way the reptilians can
enjoy the caused misery two times, once with hybrid or abductee and secondly with the
awakened manipulated participants—who, by the way, are non-abductees and ARE VERY
MUCH AFFECTED BY THIS TOO—and are less aware than the abductees themselves are.
I could tell you examples of people who are under hosting or shape shifting reptiles per se
in my opinion, but I’d rather not. If I would start to pinpoint people I would not act any
better than people who infer all the hybrids are one bunch of sociopathic monsters.
Instead I would encourage people to judge others based on their actions, like Jesus was
doing. Actions reveal the color of ones heart. Not the words or appearance.
My husband was under reptilian hosting and hive-mind influence when we met almost 20
years ago. Without going in to specific details the pattern was clearly seen. He was
compulsive, neglectful, aggressive and he constantly created disturbance in my life during
the key points in my life, I considered that were critical for my work. I did lot of work with
confronting him to pull him out of the lure. The lure—being the reptilian hive mind that
was trying to control his behavior and thoughts. And I did a good job. Today I have great
husband and we work as a team. In the early years of our relationship, he was an abductee
too. There were also very intense times of paranormal activity too. I’m quite aware that
aliens and the shadow government people manipulate him on regular basis. By this I
mean that subconsciously he is monitoring my behavior. (aka– a handler as a sleeper agent
—EL) Even while writing this, he is quite restless. He cannot concentrate to anything etc.
But the situation is under control, because I know what is going on. And he has begun to
recognize his own behavior too. I can sense he is worried because he is aware of my
disclosure and the spooky calls and that at the same time he is under the command too.
Not easy part to play for him.
Now I’m being played off the field by the reptiles and the hive-mind synchronized events.
I live in the middle of the forest on a pension disability I cannot move long distances and
my memory is playing tricks on me. They did a great job!
Also at the same time I can sense a relief. I feel something is moving away from my life.
And I begin to see life differently, being more present. The reptilians and shadow
government have changed their tactics. After such a long period of negativity good
“accidents” have started happen. I’m holding my breath. I know these synchronized
events are manipulated as the previous years of my life, but I can handle that by not being
emotionally too attached with these events. Even though I know I cannot ever really be free
from this mess, there is a pause from negative tactics and I have waited for that. So this
whole thing means that “we” are having negotiations of my limited freedom. I’m being
given threats on my life in VRE and at the same time I’m being given candies as well. As
one can understand, the issue of alien manipulated relationships and events are in my opinion,
much more important than an isolated study of abduction experiences. Only by seeing a bigger
alien picture can we understand the overall impact aliens have in our lives. They own us.
They control us. And this happens in ordinary relationships all over the world. (EL—This
is what Barbara Bartholic and myself have believed for years)
10. Have you ever seen or observed the human clones in your experiences?
Yes I have. In a DUMB, I have seen my clone. Somehow it was not properly made. The
tissues looked puffy. This creature could barely walk and it was wobbling. Movements
were very clumsy and the scenario reminded me of the Frankenstein’s story. Somehow I
believe human participants made this clone. In UFO craft I have consciously seen male
clones, lots of them, lying on the tables. I saw this accidentally when a hybrid creature was
showing me the way to somewhere. I think this was not meant for my eyes to observe, but
accidents do happen. I strongly believe that almost 13 years ago, my original body was
killed and used somehow. My consciousness was put in to cloned body. (This happened to
Ted Rice and was elaborated on in the late Dr. Karla Turner’s Masquerade of Angels book–
EL) At that time I felt physically different and looked younger. My friend also told me that
I looked different. But I have no conscious memories of this. Only my instinct. The
procedure was conducted after very sadomasochistic events by the Reptiods and humans,
which I do not want to go into specific detail. But the process of soul recycling (after being
born into a body) begins after abductees are given some sort of liquid to drink. I had to
drink it as well as a couple I had not seen before. What happened to them, I don’t know. I
also experienced being killed (in a ritualized fashion) a second time in the autumn 2010, a
similar procedure and I have conscious memories of that incident.
I was spontaneously awakened in the 2010 “storage in a black box” procedure, where the
pure consciousness, essence of me was temporarily kept. I know these issues are
frightening and sound psychotic. Only a very strong person is able to go deeply in to these
disturbing experiences without being shocked. The denial of these soul-recycling
procedures is natural for humans and I can understand that clearly. I’m telling this,
because the facts and witness testimonies cannot be ignored forever. Behind the surface
there are more things happening than friendly discussions with the space brothers.
I can give you one thought to contemplate: What the term karma is given to people as a
justifier for their memories of previous lives, which they lived because their
consciousnesses had been recycled by the aliens may not be because of the karmic law. In
my opinion we don’t know what is the natural process of consciousness to transform or
move forward. We only know that we have been told to behave or otherwise we could
wake up as pigs. We are being told that we remember past live because of reincarnation,
not because someone has reincarnated us. There is a huge difference here and I believe the
technology for doing this is being kept hidden and it would be very precious for humanity
if they don’t already have it.
Horus-Ra as the Archontic Alien Parasite19
A follow-up interview with Maarit a Scandinavian MILAB-abductee
This article focuses on the parasitic nature of Horus-Ra as an “Archontic” interdimensional
being discovered within the milab and alien abduction experience. The notation as Horus-
Ra was chosen due to the being’s similar appearance to the ancient Egyptian hawk headed
being, as well as taking a snake-like form. A follow up interview with Maarit, a
Scandinavian milab, is featured as the key witness of a most fascinating, bizarre and
disturbing account that involves elements of alien and milab abductions, rituals, genetic
manipulation, mind control and outright spiritual warfare.
Maarit, a Scandinavian MILAB abductee I interviewed back in April 2011
with-maarit-a-scandinavian-milab) reports more recent alien abduction related
experiences that contain elements resembling the Horus-Ra figure known in the ancient
Egyptian religion. (,
Her combined experiences are consistent with the Milab and New World Order occult
themes and in my view, demonstrate the parasitic and archontic behaviors of aliens. The
archontic behaviors are also evident in the human collaborators who serve their
malevolent alien controllers in a clandestine fashion within the military industrial
complex. Aliens as intrusive parasites, is a theme found in the work of Dr.Corrado
Malanga, PhD and in my own findings with alien abductions and milabs. This aspect of
alien interference goes beyond physical abductions and includes the bio-energy system of
the abductee, their spirit, mind and soul.
Ancient Gnostic View of Archons
The aliens as parasites that invade the mind of a human host is also described in the
ancient Gnostic writings of the Nag Hammadi Library
( In this view, the alien forces are called
Archons, inorganic beings who act under the power of the Demiurge, sometimes referred
to as Ialtobaoth in Gnostic lore. Ialdabaoth is known to be a powerful shape shifter; one of
his faces is a lion with a serpentine body. According to Gnostic scholar John Lash, PhD in
his article titled, Alien Dreaming,
“…the lion-serpent image is displayed over and over again in hieroglyphic form on
the walls of the Temple of Horus at Edfu, forty miles south of Nag Hammadi. In the cult of
Hathor celebrated there, the lion-serpent represented the “royal seed” of the pharaohs.”
Figure 1. At right, taken from John Lash’s Alien Dreaming article
Could this “royal seed” of the pharaohs be
alien human hybrids, or individuals who
have been genetically modified by the alien
hybrid breeding program, so popularized
in contemporary UFO abduction research?
Some believe that the royal seed are
descendents of the Annunaki so commonly
discussed in the writings of Zechariah
Sitchin. Some assert that the ancient Annunaki are nothing more than the reptilian lizard
beings so prevalently discussed by conspiracy researchers such as David Icke.
Maarit told me in her previous interview—and in many private conversations– that the
draconian beings rule over the reptilians and many other races colluding in the alien
abduction agenda on this planet. She also admits that there are many alien races who are
like us in their search for divine spiritual truths, and who are also, misled via many
corrupted religious beliefs which ultimately can be traced back to the same Satanic-
Archontic-Parasitic game plan. She admits there are some aliens who are more spiritually
attuned just like there are some humans who are more enlightened than the average mass
consciousness. It is not a black and white picture, but there are some basic truths, which
are being kept secret from the masses. The most guarded secrets behind the aliens, New
World Order agenda and the parasitic Archontic game plan revolves around the
combination of satanic psychic vampirism and high technology. This high technology has
also been referred to as black meta-technology because it combines elements of ritual black
magic, nano technology, mind control; genetic manipulation and alien implant technology.
Truly a soul oppressing combination and in my view, a great threat to humanity. Unless, of
course, we wake up and start taking responsibility for our own freedom.
Mind Controlled Ops and Torture to Comply with the Nefarious New World Order
Maarit believes some of these experiences, especially the ones geared to amplify psychic
abilities, are done so that she can be more adept at remote viewing military operations
during abductions. This she has admitted to, being used to carry out counterintelligence
operations to remote view humans and aliens in various environments. She says,
“They—the controllers—continued to train me with controlling and monitoring rookie
milabs, doing psychic readings about people. To check and monitor their development
and accuracy of their remote viewing sessions. I was organizing groups in a DUMB.
Sending various milabs into the right locations there because they were drugged and
controlled, as most of them are in a trance like state. Other trainings involve searching a
physical location for documents and memorizing them, or how to clean op after an
operation, as no documents are saved.”
She admits that she has been traumatized and tortured like many MK-Ultra abuse
survivors, where different personalities were created. She realizes now that the life of
being raised in an environment of trauma and lack of trust, weakens a person’s sense of
power, so that they are more easily molded into what the alien and military controllers
want—a mind controlled slave with photographic memories and heightened psychic
abilities, for example. Maarit says the NWO controllers, who are humans colluding with
malevolent aliens, keep trying to get her to agree with them, to go willingly as an agent for
their agenda and she refuses each time. When she refused a few years back, was when the
abductors stepped up the medical torture, with her delayed diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
and correspondent degrading health complications.
“This was meant to break me emotionally, so that I would join the Satanic NWO faction
and offer consciously my psychic abilities for their use, but that did not happen. In my
case they asked me to join them in a VRE experience. It’s very hard for people to
understand the level of cultivation they have succeeded with mind control. They
constantly manipulate your subconscious mind and create emotional attachments towards
the handlers and programmers. (EL—Stockholm Syndrome) They also test the liability
and loyalty of people. In my daily consciousness I had made no clear agreement with the
NWO to work for them. But because I was already in the system when I was born, they
used me anyway. They use and manipulate one’s awareness for their own agenda through
black technology after you are plugged into it. This is important. They do not need your
approval to use you in their “mind controlled ops”. But if you have agreed to participate
consciously, the outcome is naturally better. They only require your conscious agreement when
they want a milab to participate in their Satanic rituals. And they consider an answer to be yes
even when it’s done under mind control and hypnotic influence. Sleepers are the ones who
cannot break the amnesiac barriers to bring the memories into daily life. So by telling this I
have put the well being of myself and my family at risk.”
More recently Maarit has been threatened with being given “cancer” by her abductors
because of her outspokenness. This kind of threat has been given to other milabs,
abductees and researchers, I might add, for spilling the beans on the dark side of the alien
abduction agenda. Maarit is still angry about how earlier in her life they took advantage of
her all loving personality to promote New Age ideology, concerning the aliens agenda;
promoting the “aliens as benevolent consciousness raising beings who upgrade your
DNA” spin control so often seen even now in the UFO-New Age community. She even
said that, “Here in my country, the UFO community is still stuck in the Adamski era of
Sketch of Maarit’s Recollection of the Horus-Ra Snake, emblems and Draco DNA
I asked Maarit to draw a sketch of the things she and her son recalled in the Horus-Ra
experiences. I also asked her to draw what she remembered of part of an inorganic DNA
form (draco origin) of genetic manipulation activated by radiation. This has the
appearance of a cube like representation with many smaller cubes representing different
tones or frequencies that get switched on from exposure to radiation frequencies. The
sacral symbol after the Horus-Ra experiences looks like an inverted Fleur De Lis. The
infinity symbol used in the ritual was also used as a symbol on the forehead. The snake
man of Horus-Ra looks similar to the image of the snake like form drawn inside the head
of the man in the ancient Egyptian and Gnostic sketch from John Lash’s “Alien Dreaming
article “ on the web site. It was as if this sketch denoted the parasite of
Horus-Ra within the mind of the man.
Figure 5. Maarit’s Drawing depicting the Horus-Ra entity, snakes, and emblems inserted
into her sacral area during abduction
Maarit’s image is very similar to the sketch below made by other experiencers of the
Horus-Ra entity
Figure 6. Dr. Malanga’s associates drawing of Horus-Ra. (Also on drawings page, pictograph # 11)
We may never know the exact answers we want regarding the true agenda of the interfering
extraterrestrials. All we know is that people are consistently reporting abductions, various kinds of
visitations and interference on many levels. It is clear that some humans on this planet are
colluding with certain species of aliens to oppress and experiment with humanity. We may think
that the physical aspects of abductions are of the only real importance, but if we truly can grasp the
reality of quantum physics, the nature of our own consciousness and potential realization of
divinity, so much more is at stake. We cannot deny the importance of our own spirituality, and the
freedom of our souls.
Alien Hierarchies and the Research of Dr. Corrado Malanga 20
An Interview with Dr. Malanga through Dorica Manu
This article discusses the Alien Hierarchies and Levels of Alien Interference according to
the research of Dr. Corrado Malanga of Italy. This is in the form of an interview with Dr.
Malanga’s English speaking colleague, Dorica Manu. Dr. Corrado Malanga is a veteran
researcher of the alien abduction phenomenon. He is also a scientist, a professor of
Organic Chemistry at the University of Pisa, Italy. Dr. Malanga is known for his
revolutionary views of alien interference, especially the deeper levels of alien interference
suggesting the aliens as transdimensional parasites. Dr.Malanga has authored two books
in Italian. The first, “UFOʼs Inside the Mind” (Bompiante, 2000) revealed how aliens implant
their own memories inside the minds of abductees. This created a controversy and
according to Malanga, after which, “all hell broke loose”. His second book entitled “Aliens
or Demons: The Fight for Eternal Life” (2007) also created a stir, as his theories did not
subscribe to the contemporary abduction literature, which has been neatly circumscribed
to the abductee medical exams, Grey aliens and the hybrid breeding program. Dr.
Malanga also co-authored, B.V.M. Beata Vergine Maria” (Blessed Virgin Mary) Mondadori,
1995, A book about apparitions of the Virgin Mary and how these apparitions/holograms
may be alien in nature. Although his research includes those aspects of the abduction
scenario, his emphasis on the aliensʼ entrapment and hijacking of the human soul as a
“battery”, is what he believes is the most important reason for the aliens interference with
humanity. It is all about our souls.
(EL: Note: The alien love bite scenario and the dark side of Cupid are part and parcel of
an aspect of parasitical alien/entity interference, in my view. The corporeal and incorporeal
entities and various implant technologies can facilitate, catalyze or even forge strong
bonds between people.) A good over view of Dr. Malangaʼs theory regarding alien
interference with humanity can be viewed in the article entitled. ”The Global Picture of
Alien Interferences” (
Although this basic overview was introduced in an earlier article/interview I did
with Maarit (
I wanted to present the basics as a prelude to the content of this article, which
emphasize the deeper levels of alien interference, such as incorporeal alien parasites, the
involvement of the Primordial Man and the higher figures of creation.
Through hypnotic and neurolinguistic methods, Dr.Malanga aimed to help abductees
recover their memories. He discovered after hundreds of regressive hypnosis sessions and
parallel studies of psychology, neuroimaging, myths and quantum physics, that the inner
make-up of a human being (namely the abductee) consists of: the Soul (feminine part), the
spirit (masculine part) and a more intellectual part (the mind). The mind is that part which
is more in touch with and aware of the flow of information to and from the human brain.
These three parts of the human self came out during the hypnotic sessions, with their own
personality, own will and own world view. The first most visible issue in abductees, after
having understood the existence of these three conscious parts, was that an abductee’s
mind, spirit and soul components were not in communication with each other. This
contrasts to non-abductees or those who are not traumatized, parasited or dissociated. In
other words, there exists with the abductee a condition of soul-mind-spirit disconnect,
which enable the aliens to tap into their soul energy, while keeping the abductee unaware
of this soul energy hijacking operation. This in and of itself is complex and involves
carrying out the alien agenda through those parasited.
Dr. Malanga also discovered a lot about the aliens methods, their motives for interfering
with us, and how they parasite themselves within the human mind-spirit. This is similar to
what many shamans and spirit release practitioners such as the late Dr. William Baldwin
call “attached entities”. In yet other traditions, such as the late Father Malachi Martin,
spirit attachment is also known as demonic oppression, partial possession or total
possession, depending on the severity of the case. I concur that the demonic possession
theory is a bit simplistic when viewing alien activities, although its study is quite useful
and should be reviewed by more sincere researchers in the UFO/ET field.
In a nutshell, Dr. Malangaʼs research describes the problem of alien interferences, which
races are responsible for these interferences, and analyzes the many levels of alien
interference. Some levels are obviously physical and others are more internal, such as
affecting the energy body of the person. His work clarifies the interrelationships between
different aliens and between aliens and groups who work for the New World Order
agenda. Most importantly, he describes the techniques used to subjugate the abductee,
used by both aliens and the military humans who are colluding with them to achieve their
own goals. He proposes several levels of interference:
Level 1: Physical surgical operations on the abductee, such as invasive medical
procedures, implants.
Level 2: Alien memories implanted into the brain of the abductee.
This aspect concerns the aliens desire for immortality, by living within and through
us. Malanga reports it as many abductees stated while in regressive hypnosis, “The
aliens live across us and our mind. “(Alien Cicatrix, p. 21-26) Here, many symptoms of
the alien abductees were such that they felt, “not of this world” or recalled other lives as
an alien. Or dual liveʼs as an alien. (EL–being transferred to an alien body and working
with them.) The alien memories Malanga calls, Active Alien Memories or AAM.
These memories comprise also the lifetimes that a particular alien may have been a passive
part of, while being “parked” inside many different “abductee” body/carriers throughout
long spans of time. For example, one abductee may have within him/her an AAM of one
alien (of many thousands of years old) that contains 5 lifetimes (or more) of “abductee
carriers”. If the AAM can be opened via careful regressive hypnosis, these memories may
appear like past lives. This of course calls into question a new or abridged definition of
Level 3: Copying of the Abductee
Two basic types of aliens predominated in the AAMs, the locust/mantis or
serpent/reptilian forms. The reason according to Malanga, is that the human DNA is
compatible to the reptilian DNA and our brain is larger, and able to carry more
information. They designed us this way to use us for their AAM storage. To preserve the
AAMs the aliens cloned each abductee in case of bodily death of the original. Malanga
describes the cloning apparatus (described by abductees Soul components) as both
horizontal and vertical cylinders, arranged in 4 different rooms, within a possibly
subterranean-military/medical environment. It was discovered later that on rare occasions
the “copy” or clone of the abductee was sometimes returned from an abduction
temporarily, but usually the original is returned. This caused odd memory lapses where
the clone had a slightly different back up memory than the original or vice-versa. (Alien
Cicatrix, p. 21-26) EL- Malanga later clarifies his term clone and now uses the term “copy”
to define what the aliens were doing, when copying an abductee/person. A clone Malanga
said, has to be grown up from point zero, a baby and then into an adult. A copy, on the
other hand is something like a Xerox copy, they somehow create a copy that wasn’t
observed to have been “grown up”.
Level 4: Attempts to move the light-dots matrix (SOUL-CONSCIOUSNESS) of the
abductee and constrain it into an alien body
This is after the cloning process whereby abductees described a light within a
vertical metallic cylinder, vibrating extremely fast. This causes the dot matrix
consciousness or “soul matrix” of the person to be ejected out of the body and directed
into the next transparent cylinder. The original body is still in the first cylinder while the
consciousness is put into a new body. Sometimes this was an alien body, but the Soul
vibration can not accept the alien DNA frequency for extended periods of time and usually
reject its containment. The Soul can be put into the cloned body, and then back into the
original. In some testimonies, the person reports being placed and functioning within an
alien body, and carrying out various tasks for their alien handlers.(For example the
Simon Parkes testimony on the AMMACH video interviews,
According to numerous abductee hypnosis testimonies, they (or more accurately
their Soul Component) reported that the Soul consciousness cannot be copied. The
aliens know this and this is why they are using our Souls. Ultimately they want to create
some genetic bridge which will alter their own alien DNA to be compatible with our Souls.
(via various human-alien hybrids) Once they have created a genetic hybrid with DNA that
is compatible with our human Soul frequency, is when the human souls will be
hijacked into complete alien enslavement. (EL–In other words, the aliens, who only have a
mind and spirit component to their being must use our Souls to incarnate into hybrid
bodies, where the will of the Soul is completely repressed or taken over by the aliens will.
This is not good) This, according to Malanga is the bottom line of the alien agenda. The
secret of the Tree of Life is that the humans or human DNA, contains a compatibility with
the frequency of the Soul. Apparently not all humans possess this DNA compatibility with
the Soul. Or to put it another way, Malanga discovered via the abductee Soul component
testimonies, that only 20-25 % of humans are souled, or had this DNA soul compatibility
issue.(Alien Cicatrix, p. 21-26) Another way to perceive this, which the latest discoveries of
Dr. Malanga also confirm – is that the Soul of these people with apparently incompatible
genetics stays behind in another dimensional reality, so that the “connect” aspect will not
function within that life-genetic container. As Malanga would now say, “These soul
entities still remaining on the less dense energetic planes of existence–the so called
“Higher Realms” of Religion and New Age–are afraid to “come down” and have the
experience on the Earth plane”. Therefore what these beings are really doing is inviting us
to come up to where they are–to ascend. (EL- They want company I suppose? And why do
they need us there is my concern. For another understanding of what their level of
existence and dimensional reality really is, I suggest studying the Buddhist 6 Realms of
Existence). The beings from this other higher planes of existence are offering us an eternal
golden jail. These persons with disconnected souls may not express heightened spiritual
understanding and will function within the lower realms of consciousness. Perhaps
psychopaths fit into this category? In a nutshell, most of the aliens conducting the
abduction-related genetic experiments do not have a Soul component in their being, and
their genetics are incompatible with the human Soul frequency. Within the triad of
components, human abductees have mind, spirit and soul. Aliens had mind and spirit or
only mind in SOME races. The various types of aliens, bodiless aliens and other beings
from higher levels of creation will be elaborated on more later.
Level 5: Different kinds of incorporeal aliens made up of light-aka- the LUX light being
or those coming from another dimension-aka—the bi-dimensional parasites such as the
Horus-Ra figure, Six Fingered ones or Growl.
These are the ones who seem to have more control that the other aliens. Two basic types
here, the LUX being from our own 3D universe, and the black shadow beings who come
from a 2D “dark universe”– which is archetypically located behind our universe.These
incorporeal beings take on various body forms (not necessarily physical, however) in
order to interact with us here. These spirit kinds of parasitic beings also had a kind of
“AAM”. They appear to live a long time, but are actually mortal. These beings may have
been believed to be SOME of the immortal gods in mythological cultures. According to
Malanga, these incorporeal beings under the direction of the “Primordial Man” figures,
control the aliens which organize the abductions. Those aliens in turn control the cyborg
Greys. The incorporeal aliens have something similar to spirit but different than a soul.
And there are three kinds of human beings:
1. The Body and Mind
2. The Body, Mind and Spirit
3. The Body, Mind and Soul
4. The Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul
It is postulated that the incorporeal aliens, (light beings and dark shadows) want to host or
possess humans who have Souls, in order to feed off the energy so they can live forever
and to manifest their control over the One Consciousness” the true “God”. The LUX being
is unique in that it is from our 3D universe, but somehow lost its “body form” that enabled
it to retain a Soul aspect. Malanga now affirms that the LUX being is an emanation of the
Lucifer who rebelled against his creator, the white, bright Primordial Man (The good
Father Figure, Adam Kadmon, the wise old man figure), and so itʼs like an orphan and is
envious of the human condition, always seeking human bodies with Souls (and also
without souls) to possess, in order to live, to manipulate, to weave his intrigues, to feel
important…, etc. The black shadows who take on the Horus-Ra figure or Growl
(six fingered types who are tall, blonde, with slit eye pupils) originate from the
“dark universe” where the Soul component cannot experience its bi dimensional form.
Much of this theory is discussed at length in Dr. Malangaʼs Genesis 2 and Genesis 3.
( *LInks or pdf: In Italian: )
Level 6: This concerns the Primordial Man and the hierarchies of beings above the PM
This level concerns how they interact with the abductee who is working on freeing
him/herself, or after they became free of alien abductions, but still not free from other
types of intrusion occurring from higher levels of creation.
These are the questions I posed to Dr. Malanga through Dorica Manu, his
English speaking colleague.
Q: 1. What are the alien hierarchies as you understand them?
A: It looks like the less important ones are classical gray aliens which, at least in 99% of the
cases, seem to be a kind of a biological machine. They are run by other small aliens, but
just a little bit higher (1.50 m) with a much more insectoid looking face and which appear
that they might be sentient beings. So, they might’ve made copies/clones of beings which
were already very servant in character. Every race has different models of “grays” so, we
have descriptions of grays with differences regarding the height, the shape of the skull and
the color of the skin–from deep black to blue and to light brown. Next, the alien which
seem to be less important is the so called “5 fingered blonde”. Above the 5 fingered blonde
are the Mantis (insectoids). Nearby the Mantis, but a little bit under them, are the
Reptilians which are less important, have LESS know-how… they are less developed
beings. Malanga states that there are at least 12 races of aliens, five of which comprise the
main reports in abductions. (EL-Those interfering with humanity with respect to the first
level of alien interference. See article “Levels of Alien Interference, Types of Aliens, Alien
Cicatrix, p.18-21 and 21-26) In Alien Cicatrix, p. 18-21, Malanga reports 6 basic alien types,
although many variations of aliens have been reported. These were: tall greys, black greys,
tall whites, various types of Greys, such as the Ebens or cyborgs, heart shaped Greys, blue
beings that appear like blue-greys. To briefly summarize the general hierarchy of the
aliens from the less powerful to the most are:
The Greys: Yes, the classic alien you see all over: short, 3,94 feet, big
black eyes, three/four long fingers. They are biological machines. Robots.
Slaves. They stink like hell!! They are the ones you remember most
because the are in the front line, in charge to “take you away” and “bring
you back”. Are mentally strong and use telepathic communication.
Have a “magic stick” to deliver painful electric charges on you, in case
you don’t want to follow them. Yes, we use this treatment on dogs (From:
The Oranges
These are mammalian, about 2 meters tall, vertical
pupils, elongated head, and a very suntanned like
complexion. They have 5 fingers and tend to dress in
dark blue overalls, on which has a two interlacing
triangle symbol on the left pectoral. They are described
as both male and female and beautiful, but with a closer
look they are not that beautiful and their hair looks like
it has never been washed! They have a detailed map and
knowledge of human DNA.
Sauriod Creatures
Two main types: The more aggressive one is about 2.8
meters tall, five claw like fingers and feet/toes. One
rostrum shaped nail is on the forearm and foot like a
catʼs extra claw. The skin seems dampish and
translucent, brown-green colored scales that
when carefully examined are softer than expected.The
skin becomes progressively red in the abdomen zone
and on the digital pulps: in these zones it becomes
thinner and a red lymph can be seen flow underneath it
above all when the alien behaves in a kind of angry
The presence of two roundish and little protuberant
horny surfaces characterize the left and the right side of the skull, while in the center there
is a more tender structure under which we see the lymph pulsation; this structure seems a
backbone in relief and runs, clearly, all the length of head, neck, back, and of the big tail.
They use the big stumpy tail as a third support when standing on their two short and
stumpy legs. Fingers and toes are abundantly webbed. The tongue appears to be bifid and
stumpy. The eyes have a sub-eyelid membrane that runs in a diagonal way, from the lower
side to the top and from the nose to the external side. The pupils are vertical and the iris
changes its color in relation to the alien’s mood, from yellow-green to bright red. They
have no external ears and it seems they are able to control the opening and the closing of
their internal ears. Saurians look like dragons or maybe like standing crocodiles, even if
their face (or muzzle?) is rounded like a snakes’ one, with thin lips and nostrils at the end
of the nasal septum, depending on their age, as they grow without limit.They are
amphibian beings; they are always seen together with another species of aliens apparently
subdued to them.
The second type of sauroid being has eyes that are froglike, 2
meters tall, translucent skin, vertical long and slim teeth that look
like whalebones. On their head they have small horny
excrescences. These beings are similar to one another and it’s
difficult to identify particular differences between the two of
them. They dress in a suit similar to a Nazi military uniform of
the last world war. Even if we are unable to tell the male from the
female, the reptilians are maybe
the only onces still able to have
sex. The reptilian AAM’s are the
only ones conserving memories of
reptilian sexual intercourse. Even
in the Bible, the serpent is the one who reveals to Eve (the
human) the sexual life. (EL- Note the drawings are not
necessarily all those described, but various types observed)
Tall, 6 fingered ones (In essence, a Growl shadow inside a cyborg body)
Insectoid Beings and the wrinkled skin, long necked slave beings.
These are similar to the preying mantises, have a green chitinous body and
they walk on their hind legs. They very small beings, with a long neck
that has muscles that flex and rotate the head (the equivalent of
our sternocleidomastoids).Their mouth is small with lips different in
thickness (the upper lip is noticeably smaller then the lower one) and their
eyes are dark and moist. It is believed that they use our female abductees to
reproduce themselves now, although it has been
theorized that before that perhaps, they may have laid
and hatched eggs to reproduce.
They are five-fingered. (EL-In the Simon Parkes case, his mantis
creature is green about 9 ft. tall, and wears a purple robe. In his
testimonies he infers that these creatures are somewhat above the
reptilian beings in hierarchy. (See:
A: It seems that there are 3 types of Mantis from the less social status and height to the
higher social status and height: Brown, Green and White. The White ones may rule over
the reptilians to but I would not say reptilians are their slaves.
Q: 2. What about the Draco, where do they fit in? In Maarit’s case, she perceived the
Draco as being higher in command to the reptilians but the Horus-Ra incorporeal being
used either the snake or chicken/bird body and appeared to have higher authority to all
of these.
A: I’d say the Draco are the same ones Malanga calls Horus-Ra.
Q: 3. Can you tell me which alien beings are more physical and which ones are the
incorporeal beings? What is the difference and what do they do, what do they want?
A: In addition to the physical aliens with bodies are the bodiless beings: The LUX in
primis and the ones derived from the other “dark” Universe. These are the ones which
use, in different manners, 3D bodies in order to operate in this universe. And I am
referring especially to 2 types of beings which are:
• Ra, which inhabits the alien we call Horus
• The Growl, which inhabits the 6 fingered blonde, artificial
body, and is known as the Nordic alien. It wears a long white
robe and also wears a medallion in the form of a 6 point star,
hexagram, (the star of David).
• The LUX being comes from our own
universe as opposed to the other incorporeal
beings. When the LUX attaches to the person
it will so do from from the front. Conversely,
the black shadow beings often attach or are
perceived from behind or in back of us.
LUX Being
Q: 4. Iʼve heard you say that the growl being can be the type of being who “astrally
intrudes” like a 4th dimensional reptilian in certain love bite intrusion experiences.
These have been reported numerous times in my work when the reporting partner in a
“Dark Side of Cupid” love relationship, starts having visits by the entity who is
attached to or possessing their partner. This is a type of astral, sexual energy vampirism.
Can the Growl being shape shift into a lizard-like being and intrude in this manner,
such as activating the kundalini and sexual energy of a person affected by this kind of
love bite relationship?
A: It could be, but itʼs complex. Black shadows connect directly to the mind, altering
perception of the subject. So, it can make you see things which are not what they seem to
be. We cannot say itʼs always the black shadow, and we cannot say it’s always the reptilian.
Also, I think in most cases a shadow entity is involved…People are more likely to
exchange the overshadowing dark entity for a reptilian because there’s alot of literature on
the internet talking mostly about the reptilians. What may be happening during this
traumatic event in some cases is that the presence of a reptilian AAM is also perceived. At
any rate, I think deep regressive hypnosis should be done in order to understand what is
really happening; it may even come out that an abduciton occurs in between…
The Growl 6 fingered being will attach to the spinal cord of the person’s energy body.
The Horus-Ra being or the Ra (dark shadow being in essence) attaches to the coccyx.
Both beings are “black shadows” and are often perceived as overshadowing from
behind. The bi-dimensional black shadow beings interfere with the person’s mind
component. Remember, the AAM can be one of the many alien types such as Mantis,
Reptilian, Orange, Military, etc., any alien being that has a body.
The AAM attaches to the brain component of the person, using the Soul energy to
energize its will within the abductee. The AAM is deposited in the left hemisphere (for
right handed people) and the AAM is deposited in the right hemisphere in left handed
people. The AAM tends to overshadow the spiritual part of the host. It lives, thanks for
the soul of the abductee… This is a diagram of commonly found implant locations on the
human body: Implant Map
Q: 5. Is the 6 fingered one (Growl or Tall Nordic one with 6 fingers, slit iris pupils) as
important as the LUX? Is it more important than the Reptilians?
A: Yes, Growl IS more important than LUX and reptilians, but less important than the
other black Shadows, Horus-Ra.
Q: 6. Who is the Primordial Man”? Is this what you refer to as the “higher hierarchy”?
A: The higher hierarchy in our universe is the hierarchy related to the so called Primordial
Man. The PM, which seems to be – but is not – a giant, a father, the white bearded god. It
gives you the impression to be your father, your defender but in reality wants to be your
master (in the sense of owner or boss ). Beyond this kind of appearance is hidden his real
form which is the form of a fish. A fish-man.
If you pay attention to this polymorphism of the aliens, you notice that the most ancient
beings are the fish, next are the amphibious (but before them, are the insects) and next the
birds, so we have all the characteristics of a space-time evolutionary line of how the things
came into being on earth. Because, first we had the fish from which the amphibious
derived, from then which derived the mammals, then the birds and the snake. While the
insects are somehow different, they too came from oceans/sea/water, from marine algae.
It’s enough to read our myths to understand all that we have just said. All fits
perfectly. Dr.Malanga uses the Kaballah with its various levels of sephiroths to
notate where in the hierarchy these alien and incorporeal beings reside. See image below.
(This is in Italian.)
Conscienza – Supreme One Divine Consciousness
Secondo Creatore – Second Creator from “dark universe”
Primo Creatore – First Creator “Our Light Universe”
Anima Secondo Creatore – Soul of Second Creator
Adam Kadmon (UP) – Primordial Man, Father Figure
Uomo Con Anima -Souled Human
Alieno Corporeo -Corporeal Alien (ones with a body/form)
Alien Incorporeo – Incorporeal or bodliless aliens (black shadow types)
Uomo SENZA anima–Soulless Human
Q: Where is the LUX beings position in this Kaballah?
A: In my opinion it should be between the PM and the corporeal aliens.
Q: 7. How will the PM act towards the abductee, especially after he/she frees themselves
from the physical alien abductions? Does he try new tricks or ways of interfering?
I am interested because the PM came to me in many guises, as a Father, Beloved, drama
director, and even a Christ like figure. I met him in a transcendental experience
following deep prayer and grieving. Also in dreams. He and I were one, we came
from the same being, and I understood that we co-created my/our experiences in
order to realize and experience selfless love. However, after this time period, he
reemerged appearing in different guises, oftentimes with messages or showing
his power in certain situations or offering precognitive visions. Later many of
these prophetic visions did not come to pass, and I realized he had a trickster
side, luring me into believing whatever religious or spiritual deity I worshipped at
the time. Of course after I met you, we released him from me in a FMS module.
A: The PM will attach to the Soul component of the person, which is different than the
other beings who parasite, who generally only have a mind and spirit component. They
attach to mind and/or spirit). The PM will try to keep you coming back lifetime after
lifetime unless you willfully disconnect from him in this cyclic process. So, after
disconnecting from the PM, the abductee may start to experience various modes that the
aliens and even the PM do to try to reconnect and interfere in their lives. (EL- The PM is in
our “light universe” or often referred to as the next highest being under the Creator 1 of
the light universe. To understand these hierarchies, itʼs good to view it as symbolically
represented as the mirror split of the One Divine Consciousness into two “universes” or
two Creators. Then under the creator 1 is the PM. This can be found in Malangaʼs Genesis
1, 2 and 3 article.
(See Genesis 1, Part 1, English)
Genesis 2 & 3 Italian:
He explains how the second “dark universe” has a corresponding Creator, whose soul
stayed behind in the One, so that all beings from the bi-dimensional dark universe do not
have Soul components as we understand them. The dark shadow bi-dimensional beings
come from the second creator “dark universe”. All humans who are abductees have a Soul
component, otherwise they would not be “abductees”.)
A: Maybe psychic attacks, happen during the night after working with someone. Or
being attacked through others. They will try to interfere in your dreams too. Above the PM
and two creators, there is something else. (This is in Genesis 3) When an abductee gets
rid of aliens, and the PM, then this is dangerous from some other entities’ point of view:
The ones above this universe and above the PM. It is THEM, the ultimate eye on top of the
pyramid. According to Jungian symbology of archetypes, the eye with a pupil is a symbol
for the vagina/womb and the unborn baby. A baby which does not want to leave the
commodity and comfort of its dimensions.
That is when other beings may interfere. The military interfere at the level of alien
interferences. At the beginning, years ago, it seemed to Malanga that military intervened
after the aliens left the abductee alone, but that was not true. The military showed up more
often after disconnecting the Growl and LUX (incorporeal beings), only because they had
more leeway and because Malanga had not understood at that time all the implants and
interferences from the higher levels–RA and Primordial Man, who know about and allow
for military intervention.
They may enter into someones life through some higher being, who tells you that you can
ascend now. Or some Ascended Master scheme, playing on your ego, telling you that you
are special, more evolved. They may try to lure you to “Come up to us at this level, bla
bla”. We at first thought it was LUX doing this. Malanga called them “those from higher
dimensions/planes”, like Archangels and Metatron. The ones behind many New Age
Ascension thoughts. They are out of this creation on another level of existence.
Q: -Perhaps these are like the Titans or Gods from the Buddhist 6 Realms of Existence
definition? In this realm, those from the God Realms must eventually come down to
human level in order to evolve.
A: Yes it may be! We can now say we are sure from testimonies of ex-abductees having
had the issues with these ones and having recall and experience the journey backwards.
(EL– In other words those who realize they as humans have already descended down
from higher levels of creation to earth, places where these so called “Gods” are now and
we are on our way back to the Source. The human realm of existence–according to
Buddhist cosmology, is the only realm of the six where we can become free from samsara,
illusion.) We already came down from this level (the alleged higher “Gods” level) to
experience and realize the nature of our soul here as humans: Duality is illusion, freedom
from samsara, etc. Now, these ascended “God” beings tell you that you deserve to come
up to where they are, saying we are at a lower level and to pray, meditate and so forth in
order to ascend, etc. They offer us a place in paradise in the 5th dimension. They are trying
to lure you back in the net, a golden prison. This can happen in dreams or channeled
through someone. They are similar to us in that they have a soul part but are afraid to
come down to our level in order to continue their evolutionary process. They are
collaborating with Horus-Ra in order to keep us stupid here to maintain this reality. They
tend to want to take the ones who are waking up, and then isolate them from others.
Q: 8. The fishbody you’ve mentioned before, is it a 3d body? Is this related to Dagon,
the Fish God or the hats worn by Vatican Popes and Bishops?
A: Yes, absolutely. And yes it’s all about recycled myths. In the case of the Catholic
clergymen even Jesus is associated with the fish symbology. The same archetypal figure is
interpreted differently all around the globe.
Q: 9. How many PMs are there, can there be more than one? Or for that matter how
about the LUX, are there many?
A: The answer is a very difficult one because their number can be an archetypical number,
I mean a symbolic number. When I ask the soul parts*, they always answer in an evasive
way: some of them say 12, some say 13. Just like the tribes of Israel.(Malanga’s answer)
* Soul parts refer to the aspect of being communicated with while the abductee is in the SIMBAD
or FMS session. We separate out the mind, spirit and soul in order to connect directly to the soul
part, which exists beyond time and space, and has the power to eliminate alien interference. In
reality, we exist all as one consciousness, but for the purpose of freeing oneself from alien parasites
we work with each unit separately to find the intrusive parts and get rid of them.
Q: 10. How come 12 or 13 in terms of a number?
A: There’s a story about the 13th tribe of Israel…
Dr. Malanga talks about in the Genesis 3 article, as an example. The soul parts do not have
it clear about this 13th type of PM, so maybe there are not 13 beings but 13 different
species. Or maybe there are 13 PMs indeed, but I don’t know this for sure.
Q: 11. What about Dragon like beings? I’ve spoken to several individuals who had
encounters with dragons. But they are rare. Some malevolent and some allegedly
A: The 13 rare dragons might be related to the PM (fish-man -monster – draco) or to a set
of confused perceptions mixed together. You know that our first perceptions of these
beings are very difficult to grasp and get so distorted.
But the dragon type must be somehow related to reptilians and Ra taking on the form of
the Egyptian Horus figure. Enki and Enlil are the two sons (but also main races) of Anu.
One of these two sons is a reptilian.
Malanga divides these beings (aliens ) into 2 big categories:
1 – The ones originated in our universe (White PM, LUX, Insectoids, reptilians, 5 fingered
blond, grays, beings with a physical component -body ) So the reptilian is a creation/son of the
Primordial Man, the fish. Associating these 2 figures we can obtain the symbolic idea if
there are 13 rare dragons. Interesting that they are 13
2 – The ones from the other (2nd/(mirror/dark-universe–EL) creation (Black PM, beings with
no physical component whatsoever like Ra, the Growl, the blue being) The blue being
attaches to the spirit, while the Ra and Growl being attach particularly to the mind. All of
them will overshadow the human spirit, because of their spirit component.
Q: 12. So the beings from the second creation are the ones primarily responsible for the
incorporeal parasites? They seem nastier, more evil if you will. Are these beings in
charge of the aliens they use to abduct and vampirize off our soul energy? (As well as
farming our genetics)
A: Yes. Incorporeal black shadow beings are from the second creation. The LUX is from
the first creation. All aliens with and without a body are under the control of the
PM(1) figures or the beings above the Primordial Man.
Q: 13. Can humans be parasited by incorporeal beings only and not be actual alien
abductees in the physical sense of being abducted? If so, how does this manifest
differently in terms of comparing them to the symptoms of alien abductions?
A: Yes, it happens. Abductees mostly do not consciously remember abductions. So you
really cannot tell the difference. If there are no implants, microchips, no AAM, then they
are not an abductee. Implants, microchips, AAM and incorporeal parasites affects the way
you think, and one’s perceptions. LUX entities can and do parasite and host soulless
people, or soul disconnected people, in such a way that they manipulate mass public
opinion, thoughts beliefs and religions. The popular opinion (about aliens, spirituality,
etc.) is rarely the truth since the largest majority of people are not soul connected. Not
everyone who possessed is interfered with by LUX. It can come and go.
What can we do? With understanding, and becoming whole again, we will naturally stop
feeding the “shadow” as Jung would say. Stop feeding the aliens and buying into the
illusions they feed us. This is how we get out of this mess.
Q: 14. It appears to me that the most important thing here for people is to realize the
nature of their divine soul consciousness.
A: Yes This consciousness had been split into three components (by the Primoridal Man
who created aliens, which in turn created the human body/containers). The three
components are split into mind, spirit and soul (or anima). But in this split
consciousness experience, we perceive reality as duality, or a virtual reality matrix kind of
EL: It appears that the Gods–including the Primordial Man, aliens, and incorporeal beings–their
job to keep us locked into this “split un-integrated” consciousness, so that they can feed off of our
soul energy while we are unaware or somehow believing it’s “good for us”. And in a life of
abductions by aliens, we are in an enslaved state to continue recycling while they feed off of
our souls. Once we integrate our mind, soul and spirit consciousness, then we also enter a new
kind of battle with these beings who keep trying to “re-access” the abductee into their agenda. This
can happen with physical abductions or be more subtle like in dreams, astrally or through
channelled material that tries to lure us into worshipping them.
Q: Here is it true also– that this issue with aliens, is not only a problem for “abductees,
contactees, experiencers and milabs, but the entire human race?
A: Yes, true. The duality is an illusion. From Malanga’s Genesis 1:
“Gods do not exist as we tend to believe.” These godly figures are merely “handlers” and
• There are no good or bad alien. Aliens are just aliens.
• Everything is already written in myths (Not in manipulated official history)
are conditioned and trained to discount the reality of UFOs, it is relatively easy to
convince some of them to be UFO debunkers, especially if they will be paid for their
debunking efforts. Scientists cannot be expected to think or behave any differently. They
have been indoctrinated and are in need of funding. I have to laugh when skeptics and
debunkers demand scientific proof for UFO sightings and alien abductions. How can
“science,” as controlled as it is today, possibly explain the types of phenomena described
by UFO witnesses and alien abductees? Witnesses have described seeing a beam of light
descend in a telescoping fashion from a UFO down to the ground. UFOs have been seen
to divide into numerous parts and fly off in different directions. Conversely two or more
UFOs have been seen to fly towards one another and merge into one object. UFOs have
been seen to change shape in mid-flight. Abductees and military and scientific “insiders”
have described a paradox wherein the interior of a craft appears to be far larger than the
exterior of a craft. UFOs have been known to be visible in the visual spectrum but
invisible to radar and vice versa. Alien abductees and workers within underground
facilities describe self navigating, luminous orbs of light which despite their brilliance, do
not cast reflective light off of nearby surfaces. Once I was abducted after midnight and
was returned at approximately 10:15PM. In other words I was returned to a point in time
before I was abducted in the first place. “Modern Science” does not have an explanation
for any of these events. Countless scientists have proven themselves to be nothing more
than opportunists who bow and scrape before Corporations, Foundations and the Federal
Government in order to obtain funding for research projects that are trivial in comparison
to the study of UFOs and alien abductions. Debunking scientists have played a key role in
holding back the technical and indeed the spiritual development of the Human Race. As
far as I’m concerned, these debunkers are “War Criminals” no different from the
establishment shills in the corporate media and academic community who promote
perpetual war abroad and crass stupidity and a police state at home. The same goes for the
bought and paid for “psychologists” and “psychiatrists” who work as debunkers against
alien abductees. When you consider how many “mental health professionals” have
actively participated in government mind control programs like the late and unlamented
Dr. Louis Jolyn West, and Dr. Ewen Cameron just to name two, psychologists and
psychiatrists are literally the last people you want to consult regarding traumatic
experiences such as alien abductions and reptilian rapes. So keep all this in mind when
you read P.R.’s account of his experiences with the reptilians and the sadistic hybrids.
During the interview portion of this paper, I am “J.B.” and the eyewitness is “P.R.“ The
stage is set for the mass deployment of these human appearing hybrids.
J.B. - From your perspective, what are these reptilians doing here and what are they
trying to accomplish?
P.R. - The Reptilians view humans as a resource, food, slaves, breeding stock, and their
property. They are here to eventually take complete control of the Earth after a number of
Reptilian engineered natural catastrophes (such as new diseases and weather changes)
and other catastrophes that appear to be man made (such as wars,). Then they plan to turn
the surviving inhabitants into mind controlled slaves that are intended to be used for
various purposes including the ones listed above. Something of equal importance if not
more so is the fact that they are attempting to retard and keep humanity from spiritually
evolving. As a matter of fact they want humanity to spiritually devolve to a point where
we are unable to break free of them.
J.B. - Can you mention some of the ways that the reptilians manipulate humans?
P.R. - They use their very advanced telepathic abilities and their technology to create
manipulated artificial dreamscapes within a sleeping abductee's mind. They also use astral
abduction where the abductee is placed in virtual reality scenarios. Some of these
scenarios are used in combination with their telepathic abilities and mind control
technology to make the abductee resort to self destructive behaviors such as drug abuse or
sexual promiscuity. I guess they can even turn someone into a serial killer. They also use
implants that are designed for the sole purpose of mind control. They use their telepathic
abilities to influence and mind control the abductee. They also have technology to
remotely mind control the abductee. They can also make the abductee experience great
pain. For example severe headaches and abdominal pains. The headaches and abdominal
pains can be so severe that they can incapacitate the abductee. They can cause an abductee
to be chronically ill. They use both physical and psychological torture. They use sleep
deprivation. They also resort to rape.
J.B. - Can you describe the process of energy and consciousness transference from
reptilians into genetically engineered human bodies?
P.R. - I have only seen this process once. I saw what appeared to be a human body lying on
a table. Next to it was a reptilian that was also lying on a table. Above both the Reptilian
and human body was what looked to be electronic devices and machinery. Somehow the
Reptilian’s energy body, astral body, soul (I must say here that I don't think that they
possess true souls) or whatever you want to call it was transferred from the Reptilian into
the human appearing body.
J.B. - Does the above process have anything to do with the sadistic human looking
hybrids that have been described by abductees?
P.R. - The hybrids were present during the procedure but I do not know if they were
involved with the process.
J.B. - Do you believe that some of the human looking hybrids are connected to the
P.R. - Yes, they were created by the reptilians.
J.B. - Can you describe some of the acts of cruelty and sadism perpetrated by both the
reps and the hybrids?
P.R. - They sometimes feed on people's life forces to the point where it is difficult for the
abductee to walk because the feeding process leaves the abductee in a weakened and
lethargic condition. Sometimes they feed on the heart area to the point of causing the heart
to race so fast that it feels as if it is going to burst. They rape abductees. They insert large
needles into the abdomen which is very painful. They beat abductees. One time I
remember the hybrids had me in a paralyzed state. I was conscious but I could not move.
One of the human appearing hybrids produced a butterfly knife and sliced my abdomen
with the knife. Soon thereafter another hybrid produced a hand held device and pointed it
at the wound and the wound completely healed. They can cause the abductee physical
pain 24/7. For example I have severe headaches 24 hours a day. They are so painful that
they sometimes leave me in an incapacitated state. Many times the headaches are
accompanied by severe abdominal pains and nose bleeds. What I just described are just
some of the ways the reptilians and their hybrids torture people.
J.B. - How have the reptilians messed with your sexuality?
P.R. - On many occasions they have raped me. They have even tried to alter my sexual
orientation by using dreamscape manipulation, sexual stimulation devices, mind control
technology, and their telepathic abilities.
J.B - 4) Can you describe the process of energy harvesting and what if any connection (if
there is one) between the energy harvesting from humans and the torture and cruelty
the reptilians and hybrids inflict on people?
P.R. - As I described above they feed on human life force energy. As hard as it may be to
believe they put their hands on the body area they want to feed on, and then siphon off the
energy in a vampiristic fashion. The reptilians and their hybrids directly feed on their
victims because it gives them a bigger rush than consuming energy obtained from
the second method described below. They also force the abductee to experience certain
emotions such as fear. They then directly feed on the abductee. The same thing is true for
sex. They will torture their victims to put the abductee in the desired state. They
will torture, forcibly sexually stimulate, and mind control their victim in order to put the
abductee in the desired state.
They also have chambers in the form of transparent rectangular boxes. The abductee is
placed in the chamber. Then some kind of electronic equipment and machinery are
activated. The abductee's life force is then extracted and transferred into storage
containers. They also extract biological tissues and fluids.
J.B. - Can you describe the times that the reptilians had drained the life force from a
human baby and then consumed the baby?
P.R. - I saw the reptilians feed on a newborn baby. They fed (siphoned its entire life force)
on the baby until it turned a very dark color and shriveled up like a dried up prune. The
baby died. The reptilians then ate the baby's body.
J.B. - Have you perceived any kind of hierarchy amongst the reptilians and the human
hybrids? You described the "exalted ones," "the middle management" and the "Low
level thugs."
P.R. - There is a hierarchy. It is arranged with the leaders at the top. I once heard one of
their leaders referred to as an "exalted one." Then there is the mid-management. It is their
job to direct the lower reptilians and the human appearing hybrids. Then on the bottom of
the ladder are the lower order reptilians and the human appearing hybrids.
J.B. - Can you describe the psychic and paranormal abilities of these hybrids? They
seem to be genetically imbued with sadistic qualities. Can you describe the hybrid that
appeared to you wearing a suit?
P.R. - They have telepathic abilities that enable them to read people's minds and
communicate with each other. They have the ability to leave their physical bodies and
travel about in their parasitic energy bodies. When in that state they can remain invisible
or lower their density to the point where they can materialize and appear just as solid as
you or I. The same is true for their ships materializing and de-materializing.
The one in the suit was not as sadistic as the other human appearing hybrids or the lower
order reptilians who can only be described as psychopaths and sociopaths, although they
can mask those traits (psychopathic and sociopath) in public very well. The one in the
suit was more business like.
J.B. - Please describe how the hybrids have infiltrated society and how they own and
operate businesses and real estate. You've described these hybrids as having infiltrated
into ALL strata of human society. Describe some of the places you have seen these
P.R. - I have seen them in law enforcement, running and working in restaurants, in
libraries, bar and grills, clubs, antique shops, and art galleries. I am sure that you could
find them in every area of human society. The hybrids are psychopaths and sociopaths,
although like I stated earlier they can mask those very disturbing traits extremely well
while operating in public. Some do not demonstrate any emotion at all, and are very
business like. Others are very cruel. Some like to torture the abductee. Still others only
want to feed on the abductee; but then again they all want to feed on humans. It all
depends on the genetic and psychological make up of the reptilians, as it appears they (the
hybrids) are genetically programmed to exhibit specific traits and behaviors. I would like
to state one last thing. It appears that it is very important to the reptilians and their
hybrids to have complete control over the abductee. I mean complete control over all areas
of the abductee's life. Complete control over the abductee is extremely important to them.
J.B. - Describe the “transports” which are used to bring in more hybrids and the
locations these events took place and the manner in which you were brought there.
P.R. - I have seen the types of ships that Adamski and Van Tassel reported observing. I saw
one of these ships land on a small rural island just off the Texas Gulf Coast. The ship
appeared out of thin air and was glowing white. After it landed a group of "new arrivals"
departed from it in an orderly line. The new arrivals appeared to be human, although I
know they were reptilian hybrids. They were loaded into dark colored, dark tinted
passenger vans and then driven off. I don't know why I was brought there. A young man
came to my door in the early morning hours on a summer night in 1994. I could not sleep
that night and had my door open to let in some fresh air since I didn't have any air
conditioning. The young man told me that someone wanted to see me. At that time I didn't
know who or what they were and thought them to be benevolent. We then went outside to
a parked car. The car looked to be a Chevy Caprice. It was dark in color and had dark
tinted windows. There was an antenna on the back of it. It looked like an unmarked police
car. Inside the car was a man dressed in a black suit. He drove me to a bridge which
connected the island I lived on to the island in question. We then drove to a secluded road
until we reached a gate with two men standing on each side of it (the gate). The gate was
raised and we proceeded down a dirt road for about 1/2 mile until we reached the landing
J.B. - Can you describe some of the technology you have observed?
P.R. - I have seen devices that heal wounds. I have seen the sexual stimulation devices that
they forcibly use on male abductees. I have seen an instrument that displays the activity
that occurred in a certain location throughout the day. I have seen a stun gun-like
instrument that is placed to the side of the head of a sleeping abductee that discharges
energy into the abductee’s brain which renders him or her completely unconscious and
immobile. They also have a device that resembles a small black box with a button on the
top of it. It can render an abductee unconscious and paralyzed. They also have a device
that emits some kind of energy field that engulfs the abductee and renders him or her
unconscious and immobile. I have seen the black boxes that are used to store the astral
bodies of abductees. I have seen a device that captures the astral body of an abductee. It
emits a beam of energy that engulfs the abductee; then the abductee’s astral body is drawn
into the device for storage. Finally I have seen devices that erases the memory of
abduction from an abductee's mind.
In closing I would like to emphasize that the reptilians and their allies are capable of
committing many heinous atrocities such as mass rape, murder, mind control, slavery, life
force vampirism, theft of human biological tissues and fluids, genocide, butchery,
mutilation, genetic engineering, cannibalism, and much more.
If someone has only been exposed to the abduction research propagated by the well
known mostly East Coast researchers, it would be easy to dismiss out of hand the
testimony provided by “P.R.” Unfortunately these big name researchers have for all
intents and purposes established parameters which have effectively defined the entire
alien abduction syndrome. We have been led to believe that ALL alien abduction
experiences are nearly identical, and that they follow a predictable sequence. The only
aliens which seem to be described by the abductees who work with these big name East
Coast researchers are the ubiquitous “Greys” or cross-breed variants thereof. If Human-
appearing beings are described it is always assumed they are cross-bred with or are
genetic off-shoots of the Greys. Not only have eyewitness accounts of reptilians been
downplayed and marginalized but accounts of beings that appear perfectly human are
likewise dismissed out of hand. Most “serious” researchers liken any reports of aliens that
appear human to the much maligned “contactee cases” of the 1950s and 1960s. It is my
considered opinion that at least some of those “contactee cases” need to be re-evaluated. It
is not uncommon for people in the Latin American countries, Europe and the former
Soviet Union to describe encounters with beings that appear perfectly human. There were
beings which appeared human in the famous Travis Walton case but that fact is seldom if
ever mentioned in documentaries and was omitted entirely in the movie based on Travis
Walton’s experiences.
Many of the elements that are described by P.R. have been documented on numerous
occasions by Barbara Bartholic, the Dean of Alien Abduction researchers. The energetic
harvesting of abductees, the infliction of pain and suffering upon the abductee and the
transfer of the astral-soul matrix from one body to the next have all been documented by
Barbara Bartholic time and again. The aliens and reptilians in particular seem to have an
abiding interest in what we think of as the Human Soul. P.R. has expressed his belief that
the reptilians (whom he also refers to as “parasites”) don’t possess Souls as we understand
the term. The key elements to P.R.’s testimony can be divided into the following:
1) The Reptilians manipulate and exploit humans in a variety of ways including but not
limited to sexual manipulation, energetic harvesting, infliction of physical and
psychological abuse, mind control, and the collection of genetic material.
2) The reptilians have imbued certain behavioral and physical characteristics into some of
the abductees they are taking.
3) At least some of the Human appearing hybrids have been created or are otherwise
under the control of the reptilians. There seem to be many of these human hybrids and
they have infiltrated all strata of human society.
4) These human appearing hybrids can be extremely cruel and sadistic and frequently
manifest utter contempt for abductees. They have the ability, whether through
metaphysical means, technological or both, to manifest instantly in the home of an
abductee. The hybrids can read minds and download imagery and information into an
abductees mind. (Another abductee named “Karen” has provided much information
about the psychic and metaphysical capabilities of hybrids.)
5) The reptilians and the human hybrids working for the reptilians utilize advanced hand
held technology.
P.R. described a hand held device that somehow records all the activity in a particular
location. The hybrids return to a location such as an abductee’s living room or bedroom.
They activate the device and all the events which transpired at this location will appear on
a small view screen on the hand held device. P.R. witnessed the hybrids utilize this device
on more than one occasion.
P.R. described the small black box that renders abductees immobile or unconscious. This
has been described by numerous abductees during encounters with aliens. Milabs have
also reported military black ops personnel utilizing a similar device to render all the
occupants of a household including pets unconscious. The frequency emissions of this
device can be modulated so as to not affect the milab who is to be kidnapped. One of the
hand held devices which P.R. described to me but didn’t mention in this interview is a
device that can render everyone in a large room completely inert. P.R. described an
incident when he was taken to a restaurant during the lunch hour by one of the hybrids.
There were many patrons in the restaurant. The hybrid pulled out a hand held device and
activated it and everyone in the restaurant was instantly frozen in place, as if Time had
stopped for them. The hybrid also told P.R. that this restaurant was one of a number of
businesses that were owned by them.
This is going to trigger a vociferous response from all the mind controlled muppets out
there but so be it. The reptilian manipulation of human sexuality needs to be addressed.
I've noticed how the flamers screamed about everything except the basic thesis of the
paper i.e. The reptilians routinely manipulate the sexuality of human abductees.
Like David Icke, I've been called a racist, a propagandist --ad nauseum, for exposing the
reality of this reign of terror. The raping reptilian host I mention in the article (not by
name) has visited a friend of mine in the dreamscape recently and threatened her with
"Severe Reprisals." I have audiocassettes secreted in different locations containing a
debriefing of one of the female abductees this reptilian host has propositioned and also
tormented in the dreamscape. In those audiotapes this female abductee mentions this
reptilian host BY NAME as well as the name of his sidekick who had visited her
repeatedly at her home in the high desert of Southern California and tried to enlist her in
videotaped Sadomasochism sessions. If any one of my female abductees friends are ever
violated by this reptilian host again, he risks having me release that audiotape as an
audiofile on the internet.
James Bartley
With the recent mass exposure of paedophilia around the world in the high places of
religions, governments, courts, etc., and on the video testimony of Arizona Wilder, how
can one doubt the reality of reptilian manipulation by hosting or other means to subdue
and molest children, women and men? Montauk victims were also controlled by 'dreams'
and the whole project was based on electronically controlling the astral field and the
orgone energy, based on Wilhelm Reich's research. On the other hand, Alestair Crowley
succeeded in this without the means of 'electronics.' The whole scenario of 'hosting' is the
basis for what the religions call 'demon possession.' Are demons reptilian or not? Violent
and sociopathic behaviors can also be promoted through astral dreamscape manipulation.
Children, teenagers and adults can be shown images of blood and gore in the astral
dreamscape and can even be compelled to participate in violent scenarios in which the
abductee is made to either watch or take part in horrific acts of violence. The reptilians can
use the image of a child's parents whilst they perpetrate acts of physical and sexual abuse
upon the child. (In case the reader is wondering, the descriptions of psychosexual abuse
given by the children has been obtained by parents with a heightened sense of awareness
about the abduction syndrome. The reptilians typically mete out their reprisals upon the
children of abductees who are actively resisting them.) Later I will discuss in more detail
how sexuality can be manipulated to the extent of altering the sexual orientation of certain
Regarding violence as a conditioned response, I know personally an adult male who was
made to kill his wife and children again and again in the astral dreamscape. The killings
would always be done in a gory vicious fashion. His waking hours were no relief either as
"voices in his head" urged him to act on the "fantasies" he'd been having and murder his
entire family. He told me that he could understand how someone could be made to kill
after they had been subjected to this type of treatment for awhile. Violent tendencies
within males can be fostered by this type of manipulation. It is especially useful if the male
is the partner of a female abductee that the reptilians want to keep in a state of physical
and sexual degradation. The reptilians will use Tarzan as their proxy handler. Often times,
if Tarzan is hosted himself or if he is being plied with deviant erotic mental imagery, he
will begin to manifest deviant sexual desires including acting out fantasies of bondage and
discipline upon his hapless girlfriend or wife. Vulgarity, sexual perversion and the need to
control others are hallmarks of the reptilian influence upon human beings. Violent
tendencies can also be promoted within male abductees undergoing the "Alien Love Bite."
Barbara Bartholic and Eve Lorgen have made in depth studies of this form of alien
manipulation. During the latter stages of the Love Bite manipulation, a male abductee can
become enraged at the female he has become obsessed with. The aliens will send images
into the mind of the male abductee of his targeted love bite partner having sexual
intercourse with another man. It is as if a videotape is playing in the mind of the male
abductee which is designed to drive him crazy with rage. Abductees can be made to eat
what appears to be raw meat, bloody "pancakes" or even human body parts such as hands
in the astral dreamscape. Abductees have been known to suffer extreme nausea lasting for
weeks or months after being subjected to this kind of manipulation. I cannot stress enough
the importance of never eating or drinking anything in the astral dreamscape.
The final part of this treatise deals with the most controversial aspect of the reptilian astral
dreamscape manipulation of humans. This is the conditioning of a certain percentage of
humans towards adopting homosexuality as well as Sadomasochism and its related
behaviors as an alternative lifestyle. Pedophilism can even be programmed into the
abductee via this dreamscape manipulation. Here comes the disclaimer and I'd like the
reader to read this part twice so there is no misunderstanding.
I will now describe how this is done. I mentioned earlier how the reptilians are able to
"turn up" the sexual arousal mechanism in humans. This is an absolutely critical point to
understand. Another is the fact that the reptilians and their alien vassals can ensure that an
abductee remain single and celibate for extended periods of time. The reptilians have been
known to alter the olfactory senses of female abductees to such an extent that they will
react negatively and be immediately repulsed by the scent of human male pheromones. By
the same token a male abductee that has had his endocrine system altered can emit
pheromones that will literally repel women. This is not conjecture or speculation. Thus we
have male abductees who can have their libido manipulated at will by the reptilians and
yet be unwittingly forced into extended periods of celibacy. This sets the stage for the
astral dreamscape manipulations which may lead to this person's conscious or
unconscious adoption of AN alternative lifestyle.
A male abductee will find himself in an astral dreamscape environment that is highly
charged with sexual energy. He himself becomes aroused as the reptilians manipulate his
libido. The male abductee will find himself in a bedroom setting. Oftentimes the bed will
be large and circular. There may be one or two beautiful women lying on the end. As he
approaches the women, they begin to assume very seductive postures and positions on the
bed. The male will find himself extremely aroused. He may begin to hear telepathic
suggestions encouraging him to engage in intercourse with one of the women.
Once again the male abductee immediately wakes up. Again, the room and his body are
saturated with this icky tingly energy which seems to ooze out of his own pores. This time
he is concerned because this is the second time this has happened to him. He knows that
something is going on but can't figure out exactly what it is. He is concerned but he also
begins to experience certain feelings and emotions during his waking hours. He may begin
to wonder what it feels like to engage in homosexual activity but quickly dismisses the
thought from his mind. He may have "random" thoughts enter into his mind about the
nature of pain and how it might be transformed into pleasure if a method is developed or
introduced that will bridge the gap between the two. Of course, these are not HIS ideas.
His reptilian "Familiars" are telepathically suggesting this to him. In a synchronistic
fashion he may be exposed to certain types of literature or film which endorses or
seemingly legitimizes in his mind this kind of lifestyle. Soon the male abductee finds
himself in another "dream." He once again finds himself in an erotic dreamscape with one
or more willing partners.The women once again adopt certain positions to facilitate sexual
intercourse.By now, the abductee, because of his previous experiences in the astral
dreamscape which he can now remember, has consciously or unconsciously associated
Heterosexual Intercourse WITH PAIN because of what the reptilians have done to him in
the past each time he attempted heterosexual intercourse. He may be reluctant to engage
in sexual intercourse for fear of the possible consequences and resultant pain that
heterosexual intercourse engenders. This is an absolutely essential point to understand
about all this: The concept of Heterosexual Intercourse has become associated with PAIN
in the mind of the male abductee being thus manipulated. Now the male abductee is
reluctant to engage in heterosexual intercourse. However he is still in a very aroused state
of being. The women are there and he is being telepathically encouraged to engage in
sexual activity with them. So the male abductee arrives at a compromise. Instead of
engaging in coitus with the women he decides to penetrate their orifices with his fingers.
So he penetrates the vagina of one of the women with his fingers and again, he feels
simultaneous pain in his anus! He quickly withdraws his fingers and realizes that the
entity probing him from behind has simultaneously withdrawn its member from his anus.
He soon realizes that he can regulate the rate of penetration and the depth of penetration
into his own anus merely by inserting his fingers in the vagina of the woman. His actions
with the woman seem to synchronize with the anal probing that he is experiencing.
Meanwhile he is receiving telepathic suggestions encouraging him to go along with it. "Go
ahead, you know you really want to do it" or "its just a dream, go ahead, nothing will
happen to you," or "it doesn't hurt that bad, keep doing it, it gets better." He may continue
in this fashion for a short while but then he stops, either out of revulsion or because he has
reached a certain pain threshold. The next time he finds himself in the dreamscape, he
may find himself with women again but during the activity, one or all of the women
"shapeshift" into a hermaphrodite type being i.e. one with both male and female sexual
We haven't even discussed the relationship that crystal methedrine and "crank" have with
the reptilians. Crystal methedrine and crank have a "Sympathetic Resonance" with the
reptilians. Have you ever wondered why many cranksters and speed freaks become
involved in acts of mayhem and sexual violence? Its because prolonged use of these kinds
of amphetamines leads to the user becoming a "Host" for a reptilian entity. The entity
utilizes the host as a vehicle to wreak all kinds of mayhem and sexual violence and
deviance upon society. Indeed crystal meth and crank use is the FAST TRACK TO
BECOMING HOSTED BY A REPTILIAN ENTITY. Forget about occultic rituals and group
meditations at vortex areas. This is the best (or worst) way to become a full on reptilian
host. I have spoken to a mental health professional who told me that many people in the
state hospital where this person worked were speed freaks who confidentially spoke of
"the spirits" that told them to commit their crimes. Many people who use crank have
confessed that their sexual desires became more and more deviant as time went on. They
began to visit the child pornography sites on the internet or began to mentally sexualize
women in a sadomasochistic and bondage and discipline fashion. I will discuss in more
detail below how some abductees can be turned into pedophiles by the reptilians but this
is a good opportunity to discuss how the reptilians and their alien vassals keep people
addicted to certain forms of substance abuse.
Pedophilism is promoted much the same way as mentioned above. A man may find
himself in an erotic dreamscape scenario with a woman. He begins to caress and fondle
the woman. He is in a highly aroused state of being. The woman he is with contrives to
make the man lie on his back and she mounts him while he is in a fully aroused state.
However, the moment the woman mounts him and he penetrates her vagina, the woman
shapeshift into a young child. Sometimes the woman will shapeshift into the man's own
daughter. Other times the man may be kissing and caressing a woman and then the
woman will shapeshift into a young teenage boy. The man will be taken aback by this
sudden change of events and pull back. Meanwhile a voice in his mind will be
encouraging him to continue caressing this young boy. The voice will tell him things like
"Go ahead. Its just a dream. Go ahead, no one will know." The male's erogenous zone is
being manipulated by the reptilians all the while in order to keep him in this highly
aroused state. In the case of a female abductee, she may be having an erotic dream with
her "ideal man" or someone she has a crush on in real life. One thing leads to another and
right before she begins performing fellatio on the dream guy, he shapeshift into a young
boy or in some cases, into her own son. There are numerous variations of this form of
astral dreamscape manipulation. Suffice it to say that it is all meant to encourage that
individual to begin indulging himself or herself in pedophilism.
I found this fascinating insight in the classic book "The Art of War"
by Sun Tzu which was interpreted and translated by General Samuel B. Griffith USMC
"All warfare is based on deception. A skilled general must be master of the complimentary
arts of simulation and dissimulation; while creating shapes to confuse and delude the enemy,
he conceals his true dispositions and ultimate intent. When capable he feigns incapacity;
when near he makes it appear that he is far away; when far away, that he is near. Moving as
intangibly as a ghost in the starlight, he is obscure, inaudible. His primary target is the mind
of the opposing commander; the victorious situation, a product of his creative imagination.
Sun Tzu realized that an indispensable preliminary to battle was to attack the mind of the
General Griffith might as well have been writing about Astral Dreamscape Manipulation
by the Reptilians.All of the methods I've mentioned above have been used again and again
by the reptilians and their alien vassals. Those abductees who haven't developed nausea
or suffered a migraine and have actually finished this treatise now have the information
they need to protect themselves from this form of manipulation and behavior
conditioning. Intelligence, especially operational intelligence, is worthless if it doesn't get
to the people who have the most need for it. History has proven this time and again. The
reptilians come out at night to assault us and manipulate us in the astral dreamscape. To
paraphrase Mao:
"When humans sleep, the reptilians attack. When we are awake, the reptilians retreat"
The tide has turned. More and more spiritual warriors are awakening to the reality of the
reptilian overlordship. Our ability to fight the reptilians on something approaching equal
terms in the astral dreamscape is becoming more evident every night. Myself and the
team I am a part of will continue to provide operational intelligence to the abductees with
a heightened sense of awareness. I can assure the reader that they will not find this kind
of information at a UFO conference unless my colleagues or myself is present. The UFO
Research Community is a reptilian stronghold polluted with hive consciousness muppets
spewing out hive clichés with boring regularity. Our team has decided to bypass the
mainstream UFO community and take this information straight to the people. So beware
all of you dirty reptilian bumboys in the UFO research community and in the astral
dreamscape. We are going to expose you for what you are. The TRUTH to a reptilian-
reptilian hive consciousness muppet is like sunlight to a vampire .
R E F E R E N C E S:
A Classic: Milabs_ A Pandora’s Box: Interview with Lilu:
Michael Relfe of the Mars Defense Project:
Secret Project Superwarrior Gone Rogue: Interview with Jared: reptilians/rogue-
Interview with a Milab Supersoldier Recoverd from Reptilian and military Mind Control:
Interview with White Wolf Von Atzingen:
Interview with Maarit A Scandinavian Milab:
Aliens as Transdimensional Parasites:
Another Relevant Classic by James Bartley and Eve Lorgen:
Unmasking the Disruptors:
Reptilian Military, Training and Command Systems in Milab experience:
Forced Reptilian Baptism Ritual:
James Bartley’s interviews and articles:
Articles From James Bartley’s Website:
The Legacy of Barbara Bartholic:
Angelia Cardwell Milab:
Psychopaths and the Reptilian Agenda:
Here is an interview I just did with Eve Lorgen about her book "The Love Bite - Alien
Interference in Human Love Relationships"
Corinna: Eve, when did you first start to research about the UFO and Alien Topic and
when did you stumble across "love bite cases"?
Eve: All my life I have had interests in “extraterrestrials” in the naÔve hopes they were all
benevolent, here for our spiritual evolvement. After I started reading Bud Hopkins books,
Missing Time, Intruders, etc., in the late 70’s-- was when I realized that some of my own
experiences in life were classic alien abductions. From that time on I sought out as many
books on ET’s, UFO abductions and spirituality. It wasn’t until the mid 1990’s that I
stumbled across the “love bite” syndrome, which was explained to me by veteran
abductions researcher and hypnotherapist, Barbara Bartholic. It was Dr. Karla Turner’s
work who led me to meet Barbara Bartholic. At the time there were several abductees in
my support group going through what they believed to be “orchestrated relationships” by
their alien handlers.
Corinna: What sort of beings do you think Aliens are, where are they from, what do they
mainly want?
Eve: The alien species are varied. There are many reports of different types of aliens, such
as the small Greys, Insectiods,( preying mantis types) tan and brown Grey humanoids,
short black hooded troll types, lizard Reptiods, human Nordic types, tall black Greys, Tall
Whites, large Dragon beings and the cloaked hooded beings with red glowing snake like
eyes—which may bea type of Reptilian species. There are reports of dark “shadow
people”, dark energy “blobs”, balls of light, and all manner of ghostly interdimensional
beings, who may not be aliens at all—or those who abduct us physically. The aliens may
be from different time lines, locations within or outside of our own solar system and
galaxy. Some beings who are considered interdimensional, may be from what shamans
call “the upper world or the lower world”. Reptilians are rumored to be from our own
world, living in subterranean caverns. Other ET’s are believed to be from Sirius, Zeta
Reticuli, Alpha Centauri, etc. But I do not have any facts as to these claims. From the
abduction reports, I believe the Greys ( at least the ones performing genetic, medical and
emotional experiments) and many Reptilians are seeking from us a delicacy that amounts
to human prana and “kundalini sexual energy”. If we look deeply into the energetics and
spiritual aspects of the abduction activities, we can see that there is something deeper
going on. This is what the love bite” dramas led me to hypothesize. Primal creative energy
can be generated from a human emotional and physical body through amplicfication of
the sexual and kundalini energy pathways.
Corinna: What do you think about some UFO researchers opinions, saying this is Not an
Extraterrestrial but an old daimonic (demonic) phenomenon and beneath this is an
unknown control mechanism working for their own concerns?
Eve: I believe there is much truth to this basic assertion. However, it is best to avoid simple
black and white assumptions regarding the complex “alien” presence. From my own
experiences and observations of other alien abductees and genuine spiritual seekers, there
is something true about how “spiritual warfare” plays itself out within the alien abduction
and “interference” syndrome. In the Love Bite book I describe the events which precede
and follow an abductee’s search for the truth of their own experiences. There is blatant and
subtle interference by unseen forces to counteract the awareness process, of challenging
the alien presence and motives. It’s like a game, or as Barbara Bartholic has remarked, “It is
one big Nintendo Game”. If there is one researcher who I’d like to comment on is the
brilliant gnostic scholar John Lash. Mr. Lash has written many books and articles
addressing the ancient Coptic Gnostic beliefs about the “Archons”-- who are described as
an “alien force” who infect the human mind with ideological viruses, which deviate
humanity from our true human potential. This occurs mainly through delusional beliefs
about divinity. This Archontic intrusion manifests through four basic pathways: religious
ideology, mental syntax, the power of suggestion, and direct collusion (abduction). In the
First Apocalypse of James ( A tractate in the Nag Hammadi Library) there are passages
which describe encounters with ET-like beings, sometimes with explicit advice on how to
deal with these entities and “Archontic manipulation”. Ancient Gnostics were not only
well aware of “Archontic intrusion” but of the possibility of humans becoming totally
“Archontized”. This observation parallels the tendency of some contactees and
overzealous religious and UFO cult groups to become heavily influenced by reptilian and
Draconian beings, and even becoming “hosted” by them. To elaborate further, in John
Lash’s, article, “Kundalini and the Alien Force (,
the Archons envy humanity primarily because we live in the body of their Mother—
Sophia. Inherent in our human nature is the power of kundalini, the serpent power.
According to Gnostic myth, the Archons are a species of inorganic beings produced
anomalously by the impact of the Aeon Sophia upon atomic matter, before Sophia herself
became transformed into the Earth. (Gaia mythos). They are called Archons because they
arose before the Earth and the solar system were evolved, but they did not emerge directly
from the Pleroma as humanity did. In a sense, they are our kin, but not like us in our
ability to exhibit basic kindness, goodness, and nous—the creative divine intelligence.
Humanity has the gift of epinoia, which is the faculty of creative imagination as opposed
to mental fantasy and pretending—which the Archons are known to do quite well. For
example, the aliens use of virtual reality in mind control and abductions. In my opinion,
the aliens who orchestrate love obsessions where the emotional drama hits a peak, are
trying to build up the kundalini serpent power within the abductee, and then siphon this
energy for their own usage. In a sense, it appears they are trying to mimic what sacred
sexuality and tantra create; supernatural power and “siddhis”. The ancient Gnostics who
were aware and understood the “Archontic Game Plan” knew that if they could raise and
nurture their own kundalini serpent power through spiritual practice and sacred sexuality,
they could overcome the intrusions of the alien powers. In the Gospel of Philip, (passage
70), it is written that “the alien powers do not see those who are clothed in the perfect
light, and so they are not able to restrain them.” In other words, the initiate of sacred
sexuality is able to overcome the influence of the Archons (read Reptilian and Dracos),
who produce error in our minds and threaten to take over our bodies. John Lash asserts in
his aforementioned article that, “The Archons use a lot of bluff and bravado. They affect
our minds to get us to believe they can do far more than they can actually do, but in so
believing, we unwittingly surrender our power to them. The result being, they get their
way with us, because we have betrayed our own capacities. Hence, the Archons claim to
rule over humanity and even pretend to be our creators.” In contemporary terms, we can
say they are “posers”. And those who are easily manipulated, and “Archontized” are what
I call “muppetized.”
Corinna: Can you give a short description of what you have experienced by yourself?
Eve: A short description is difficult but I will attempt it! My experiences with the
paranormal and interdimensinoal visitations started very early in life even before I started
walking, which was at nine months. One of my earliest memories is of floating above the
ground watching my two older sisters playing in the backyard of our home, getting into
ant poisen. I tried warn them to not get into it, but they could not hear me. Later my
mother told me that my sisters both had to be taken to the hospital to get their stomachs
pumped out because they did eat the ant poisen. When I told my mother I remember
seeing them get into the poisen and trying to warn them, she said, “That’s impossible! You
were only nine months old and couldn’t even walk.” But I do recall, and I was having a
fully conscious out of body experience. The alien visitations started at least by 4 years of
age, and I distinctly recall a missing time experience in my backyard with a friend, while
both our mothers supervised us, as we played on a swing set. A large jet plane flew very
slowly and hovered overhead, and I was excited that I could see this, and was proud of not
being scared of it. (Of course jets do not hover low over ones yard, and it was not a jet) My
friend on the swing set was terrified and hysterically screamed about the big jet hovering
over our yard. I ran to tell my mother about it and she and my friend’s mother were
frozen, and said nothing as if in a complete trance, unmoving. I ended up running off
chasing after my friend who ran away. At the day’s end, I excitedly wanted to tell my
father about the big jet in our yard, but my mother kept interrupting me not to talk, as if
“instructed” not to talk about it. There have been visitations off an on all my adult life as
well, but the intrusions are decreasing as I do more spiritual practices and inner work.
And of course I’ve experienced an “alien love bite—an orchestrated love obsession with
another “abductee”. It was one of the most profound and painful emotional experiences in
my entire life. This is what inspired me to write my book, “The Love Bite: Alien
Interference in Human Love Relationships”.
Corinna: In your intriguing book “The Love Bite” you talk about how aliens interfere with
human love relationships. That is a very scary thought. What are the typical signs for
something like that happening?
Eve: In my book I go into detail about the signs and symptoms of being in a possible alien
orchestrated love relationship. Basically, if you are an abductee with multiple encounter
events in your life and family line, have had UFO sightings, missing time, you experience
a de ja vu of knowing and being with this “partner” before, love at first sight, paranormal
events and synchronicities surrounding the alien chosen partner, vivid dreams of the
partner before meeting, sensations of “astral sex” and bonding with the partner during
dreams, a strong empathic and even telepathic connection with the love partner, a love
obsession to find and be with this mate, at all odds. Then if the love obsession progresses
into a relationship, it may suddenly take a turn with the other partner becoming switched
off, often after an alien visitation or abduction. Oftentimes the feelings are mutual at least
for a time. This may go on for months or years and happen with more than one “alien
chosen” love partner. It’s a high drama emotional roller coaster replete with paranormal
and psychic effects, and can leave the stricken person in exhaustion. One may be guided to
meet and interact with a targeted partner, with the aliens giving you telepathic
instructions and even subliminal suggestions to do things with this person you may not
ordinarily do. During the high drama of the love connection, alien visitations and
paranormal events escalate.
Corinna: Why would it happen at all? Do aliens aim at some sort of overwhelming
emotions-, whether good or bad?
Eve: I think aliens will try to influence humans who can be influenced due to our own lack
of awareness and spiritual empowerment. There is also a genetic factor here, regardless.
Physical abductions are at the most overt end of alien intrusion. There are more subtle
levels of alien intrusion in human affairs, and as one increases their level of awareness and
paranormal perception, we start to see a larger picture, much like the ancient Gnostics
warned us about with the Archons. One must keep in mind when I speak of “aliens” here,
I am only referring to the ones involved in intrusive abductions where our rights are
violated. One of these basic rights is to have our own awareness of their intrusions blocked
by alien mind control. I am not speaking of other types of beings such as benevolent
angels, and interdimensionals and even benevolent ET’s. Basically by their deeds, ye shall
know them, is the rule of thumb. But this is also dependent on ones level of awareness,
and how their own religious beliefs may put them in the way of being a victim of “alien
perpetrators”. In general the “negative aliens” will try to steal from us what they cannot
produce on their own: primal creative love energy via kundalini arousal, and a deep
emotional connection to the divine source. They tend to lack empathy, which drives them
to want to feed off high drama as if it is a drug they desperately need. Beings who are
deeply connected to divine love and intelligence do not need to be vampires of human
prana. Negative beings, and evil sorcerers do however. Benevolent beings will act in
compassionate ways to expand our own awareness process, not shut it down, or try to get
us to worship them as Gods. Based on what I have observed, the aliens—or whoever is
acting behind this image have several reasons for putting two people together:
- Harvesting of energies generated through high emotional drama and sexual
kundalini arousal.
- To disrupt the abductees life when for example, they are on a truth quest to find
out what happened to them, and then they are led on a wild goose chase, emotional
roller coaster in a love bite set up—or break up of an existing relationship. The
disruption motive happens to many researchers and those who are “breaking alien
- For reproductive purposes, so the couple has children that the aliens want.
- In milab cases, a love bite can be used to amplify the kundalini so that the
abductee’s paranormal and psychic abilities are enhanced before being sent off on
“mind controlled ops”.
Corinna: Is love, developed under alien power, not real love?
Eve: This is an excellent question. I think the love is real, genuine when two people realize
they have a very powerful connection, regardless of how they got together. What is
disturbing is how easy it is for the aliens to manipulate us who don’t seem to have the
strength to defend against these machinations. They can switch off one person leaving the
other pining away in unrequited love for years. In the Ted Rice Case, it was revealed that
the aliens created a powerful heart connection between Ted and his partner Jill, by
weaving some of Jill’s heart chakra energies into Ted’s heart center. This process wasn’t
reversed and the result was a strong love connection for Ted to fall in love with Jill. Her
heart was put into his, but not vice versa. In this case, we can see that the alien
maneuverings had to do with our heart energies. I think there is more to this however. In
another love bite case, (unpublished), the abductee was told by her alien handlers that
they will try to match certain persons together based on past life karmic connections, and
these connections can be observed by the aliens as a kind of energy tendril connected
between certain people. So when the aliens match two persons together, they look for
strong past life connections via the energy body. This particular abductee was told that not
all love connections they put together would be successful. So in this case, we can say that
when someone is matched to a targeted partner who they already have a past life karmic
connection, then the love between them—and the connection- is real. The connection has
been “helped along”.
Corinna: Having been “bitten” into a relationship, does that mean, it is 'meant to be' by a
higher force?
Eve: I believe all events in our lives are in some way caused by previous conditions, whether
it’s karmic or present life situations. From a transcendent perspective we can say that all
events in our lives happen for our greater learning and awareness. But this doesn’t mean
that a perpetrator, abuser or unpleasant person in our life is doing what they do to us for
our own “betterment”. They are a perpetrator; a snake is a snake and a wolf is a wolf and an
alien is an alien. They have their own motives for doing what they do, based on where they
are at spiritually. What is important is our own intent and purity of heart to learn higher
wisdom. When we make this spiritual choice, then the larger Universal power aligns with
us to create circumstances to yield greater learning. In my own experiences with aliens, as I
shifted into a more empowered perspective, the victimizations decreased in my life with
respect to aliens and other relationships. The aliens would change their strategy from the
physical abductions to more “dream hackings” where they attempted to ruin my self-
esteem and confidence. Or the aliens would mess with other persons like my family or
friends. If I felt poorly about myself and sense of power, they had a greater stronghold in
my life.
Corinna: Can a relationship like that be a real good one, that’s worth to fight for, no matter
what - OR does it necessarily have to be a bad and dramatic ending one?
Eve: Again, the success of a love relationship depends on the wisdom and inner strength of
each partner, regardless of alien interference. The love is real, and can be used to our
advantage. We can choose to love one another and not allow “alien manipulations” to
stand in the way, if we both are aware of what we are dealing with. The problem is that one
partner is generally more aware then the other. Or one partner is just so unaware and easily
manipulated based on their own weaknesses, that the relationship not worth chasing after.
True love that is powerful, and selfless also knows when the wisest choice is to let go of a
partner who we know would be unhealthy for us. The most powerful love relationships are
those where you can practice sacred sexuality and tantra. (But watch out for the reptilians
and Dracs on your tail! Spritual protection is highly recommended!) There is an interview
on my web site of a love bite experiencer named Kundra. She
discovered through many years of reflection, that she was targeted by a reptilian “host”
black magician because of her ability to transmit shakti energy through tantric means. As a
side note, I have observed that the more spiritually gifted a person is, the more the aliens
target these people, if they can. This is also true of milabs. Milabs are genuine alien
abductees who have military/human (secret government) abductions. These persons are
basically sheep dipped into the deep black ops as agents because of their latent paranormal
abilities, such as telekinesis, remote viewing, telepathic communication abilities, etc. Milabs
are often targeted in love bite relationships, where the “Romeo agent” sent to them acts in
controlling or disruptive ways to keep them silent about their experiences. They are
derailed from a therapeutic healing journey regarding all their trauma and abductions.
Corinna: Don’t most people have trouble in relationships, how can you tell the difference?
Eve: Most people have great difficulty in relationships anyway and when you are an alien
abductee or milab this is compounded significantly. With an abductee, they tend to have
alien watchers who keep them in a lifestyle or relationship that benefits the aliens.
Depending on what the aliens want their chosen ones for will determine how much of a
stronghold they have on the relationship choices. If they want the abductee or milab to
remain in an unaware, state of ignorance and chaos and partial dissociation, then that
abductee will be placed in an unfufilling or even controlling marriage so that they remain
in a perpetual state of disruption. I’ve seen this over and over again. If the aliens/handlers
are benevolent, they wouldn’t create so much havoc to maintain control. I’ve had a few
abductees report that they were matched with a great partner and then gotten married and
had children. These abductees don’t consider themselves victims and prefer to call
themselves contactees or experiencers if their aliens are acting in benevolent ways. These
cases are the exception rather than the rule. What is disturbing is when a former contactee
who promoted their aliens as spiritually uplifting space brothers, starts challenging their
aliens, or they have memories surface which are not what they wanted to believe. This is
when the aliens shift strategies and may start acting in ways to prevent the “experiencers”
true awareness. Again, when I say this I’m only referring to the aliens who are deceitful.
I’ve met many abductees who have had both positive and negative encounters with various
types of beings. I have come to believe that if one has a pure intent to search for the truth,
regardless of what they want to believe, then the Universe responds to this quest with
helpers from various realms. These helpers assist that truth seeker to become more aware
and liberated. And this sometimes causes confrontations with other aliens.
Corinna: The thought, unknown intelligent entities manipulate our feelings, love and
behaviour, suggests, that there isn’t really a free will - at least not for so called
“abductees”. Do you think it is possible, these peoples life is totally under alien mind
control, like they are being taken over, without knowing so?
Eve: I think our freedom depends on our level of awareness and our purity of intent. The
less aware we are, the less control we have when it comes to aliens interfering. I think
aliens are superior when it comes to mind control techniques, and yes, many are under
their “spell”. From my own learning experiences, the more aware I have become, and the
more I’ve challenged the alien mind games, the more power I’ve retained. (or at least I
think so!) The physical alien interactions are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of their
influence over humanity. As we develop our own perceptions into the paranormal, we
start to see much more. It is our own belief systems, which entrap us into giving our
power away. Even if this is true, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have compassion for those
who appear more victimized by the aliens. These kinds of experiences, can happen to
anyone, even the best of us.
Corinna: What’s your advice for all the relevant people, especially those, that suffer from
sudden unrequited love?
Eve: Whether we are abductees or not, we can still have relationships and love affairs gone
“unrequited”. It hurts like hell, but can open our eyes to the illusions, which caused the
suffering in the first place. Of course, it’s much more than illusions, and many of us
abductees were simply born into a family where visitations took place, sometimes for
several generations. We must be willing to look at “what is” as opposed to what we want
to believe. And let it go. I wish it were easier. There is a saying, “Its better to have loved
and lost, than to never have loved at all.” On the bright side, once you’ve experienced an
alien orchestrated love relationship, you can recognize another one and so not allow the
next one to affect you as badly. Our worst enemy isn’t the aliens so much as our fear of
sharing our experiences, and thus remaining isolated or ridiculed and rejected. For me, it
has been worth the effort of coming out in the open and sharing about the love bite. I’ve
met some wonderful people who will remain friends for a lifetime.
Corinna: I find the book - the whole topic - very disturbing, and is not first time I have
heard of it - but I for one am into this topic. How do “Outsiders” react , what did your
family - circle of friends say?
Eve: Well, outsiders who have not had the experience or heard of it will most likely shake
their heads thinking you’re crazy. Luckily, my immediate family was receptive and
supportive of my book. Most often the only people who will believe this are those who
have had the experience or know someone who has. It takes an undistracted focus and
awareness to even perceive what the aliens are doing. Unfortunately the main focus of
Ufology is to look at the physical evidence only, which will never get us to the next level of
where we need to be—to truly deal with the aliens.
The beginnings of Mandaism are unknown but there are clues in Mandæan books and
their rituals and beliefs. Mandæan (Mandayya) means “to have knowledge”, from the
Aramaic word for knowledge, Manda, the same as Gnosis, suggesting Mandaism is a
survival of Gnosticism, and much in Mandæan cosmology seems to hark back to gnostic
ideas. However, it is of interest to us because there is a possibility that the sect really does
derive from John the Baptist, so offers a different view of the foundation of Christianity.
With typical Christian arrogance and lack of scholarship, the Mandæan traditions about
John are described by them as “confused”.
The Mandæans are an interesting sect, quite neglected, is that called by some the Saint
John’s Christians because they regard Jesus as a false messiah but revere John the Baptist.
They call themselves Mandæans and are an old religious sect. The Mandæan tradition
preserves traces of the earliest forms of a pre-Christian gnosis. Importantly, they look back
to a still more ancient tradition which is claimed to be purer and wiser than that of the
Jews. It is that of the Essenes who can be seen to have had a remarkable influence on the
world far exceeding their numbers. The Mandæan tradition’s rejection of the Christian
messianic claim is that Jesus was the Deceiver Messiah, and they say this derives from
John himself. The baptism of Jesus by John is acknowledged,
but given a mystic explanation. Jesus is not shown as
unknowing, answering test questions from John with deep
moral insight. The Mandæan tradition has its origins are
certainly in Jerusalem in Judæa, and suggests John had a deep
knowledge of the inner meaning of the Law. For Mandæans,
Allah (Alaha) is the False God, the True God being Mana, but
the Mandæans seem to be the Sabians, the Baptizers, of the
Though John, like Jesus, was not really a miracle worker, like Jesus he performed healings
—metaphorical ones in bringing apostate Jews back to God—and his own disciples, like
Jesus’s, became convinced he was the Messiah after his death. The fourth century
Clementine Recognitions 1:60 state that John’s disciples claimed that their master had been
greater than Jesus and that John was the true messiah. Rivalry between John’s followers
and those of Jesus was apparent even in the New Testament. Luke 3:15 confirms that John
was thought a messiah:
The people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of
John, whether he were the Christ, or not.
Some Mandaeans believe that John the Baptist was Hibil-Ziwa. ‘Hibil-Ziwa’ was a Savior
who entered the world of darkness and destroyed the evil spirits so that the faithful could
obtain liberation before the end of the world. The following account of John the Baptist
and Jesus from the mouth of Hibil Ziwa:
“In those days a child shall be born who will receive the name of John; he
will be the son of an old man Zacharias, who shall receive this child in his
old age, even at the age of a hundred. His mother Erishbai, advanced in
years, shall conceive him and bring forth her child. When John is a man,
faith shall repose in his heart, he shall come to the Jordan and shall
baptize for forty-two years, before Nebou shall clothe himself with flesh
and come into the world. While John lives in Jerusalem, gaining sway over
Jordan and baptizing, Jesus Christ shall come to him, shall humble
himself, shall receive John's baptism and shall become wise with John's
wisdom. But then shall he corrupt John's sayings, pervert the Baptism of
Jordan, distort the words of truth and preach fraud and malice throughout
the world.”
Mandaean treatise
While Christianity presents John to have baptized Jesus, symbolizing that Jesus is his
Lord, Mandean religion tells about a messenger of light that was sent to Jerusalem in order
to undress the lies of Jesus. Mandaean thought is also that John Baptized Jesus into his
religion. Some of the Mandaeans believe that Judas Thomas was Jesus' twin brother, a
belief that was apparently shared by the early Celtic and Egyptian Christians, but they also
believe that it was this Judas, not Jesus, who was crucified. Because his resemblance to
Jesus was sufficient to fool Pontius Pilate who knew what Jesus looked like and was
legally obliged to witness the Roman punishment of crucifixion. Jesus then posed as
Thomas for the rest of his life to avoid the taint of his failure.
The Mandaeans also believe that it was Jesus, not Thomas, who was the source of the
Gospel of Thomas and that ‘Jesus-Thomas’ continued to preach wherever he could that
was beyond the reach of the Roman-Pauline church, ending up in India, where ungrateful
Hindu priests burned him to death. For more information about Jesus in India visit our
Jesus page of click here to an external link.The early church father Irenaeus wrote around
150 CE that Jesus remained on earth as a teacher for twenty years after his crucifixion. The
Mandaeans tell of the founding of Jerusalem by a powerful female Goddess named Ru Ha
who is viewed by them as evil. They say that Ru Ha worked evil on the Earth through
several chosen men. Her greatest evil however, was realized through one final man. At her
temple in Jerusalem, a young priestess was chosen to bear a special offspring. Her name
was Miriam. We call her Mary. She brought forth the ‘child of Ru Ha’, the ‘Imunel’
(Immanuel) and he called himself, Jesus. He was baptized by John and taught much by
him. He turned from John’s teachings and led the people astray, the Mandaeans claim. Is
there any Biblical evidence supporting this?
Mark 6:17: ‘For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and
bound him in prison for Herodias’ sake, his brother Philip’s wife: for he had
married her. 18: For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to
have thy brother’s wife. 19: Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him,
and would have killed him; but she could not: 20: For Herod feared John,
knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when
he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.’
The above verse is very important. From it, we can see that Herod, counter to what you
were led to believe, knew John was sent to perform a holy mission. He thought John a
good man, and listened to him gladly. We are also told that John opposed Herod’s
marriage to Herodias. John was very close to the King Aretas. His followers would later
settle and remain in Arab lands.
Mark 6:21: ‘And when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his
birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of
Galilee; 22: And when the daughter (no name mentioned) of the said
Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with
him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I
will give it thee. 23: And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of
me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom. 24: And she went
forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head
of John the Baptist. 25: And she came in straightway with haste unto the
king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger
the head of John the Baptist. 26: And the king was exceeding sorry; yet for
his oath’s sake, and for their sakes which sat with him, he would not reject
her. 27: And immediately the king sent an executioner, and commanded
his head to be brought: and he went and beheaded him in the prison, 28:
And brought his head in a charger, and gave it to the damsel: and the
damsel gave it to her mother. 29: And when his (John’s) disciples heard of
it, they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb. 30: And the
apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things,
both what they had done, and what they had taught. 31: And he said unto
them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for
there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to
eat. 32: And they departed into a desert place by ship privately.’
Look at the above verses very carefully. Herod has promised his wife’s daughter anything,
even half his kingdom. She consults with her mother Herodias and they decide for some
unexplained reason to kill John, and remove his influence completely. Now notice that
Herod is very sorry at having to do this. Not only from his affinity for John, but he is also
worried about retaliation from John’s followers, and from King Aretas. Nevertheless, he
carries out her wishes. Now look again at verse 30 above; ‘And the apostles gathered
themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and
what they had taught. These are Jesus’ followers who are now telling him why it was
necessary to kill John. Note that the disciples who took John’s body were John’s disciples,
not Jesus’. The disciples who took John’s body and the apostles who speak to Jesus are two
separate groups. The taking of John’s body was not the actions the apostles were referring
to. It was his execution, and what they had taught was a lesson to all those who would
oppose them, not to interfere with their plans. Of interesting note and rendered in bold
above is that Herodias’ daughter is not mentioned by name. All important people are
named in every other place in the Bible. Why not her? She is certainly an important
person. She was responsible for John’s death. Why did they remove her name? Her name
is Salome.
Mark 15:40 ‘There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was
Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and
Salome; 41 who, also when he was in Galilee, followed and ministered
unto him...’
Mark 16:1 ‘And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the
mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might
come and anoint him.’
The Salome in the above verses, was one of Jesus’ most loved and trusted followers, is the
same Salome we have been talking about. This is one of the main reasons the Sabeans
despise the Christians, they believe that through the machinations of Jesus and his
followers, their true messiah, John The Baptist was killed!!!!
We learn a little about John from the writings of Josephus, a Jewish historian born shortly
after Jesus died. He says:
Now some of the Jews thought that the destruction of Herod's army came
from God, and that very justly, as a punishment of what he did against
John, that was called the Baptist: for Herod slew him, who was a good
man, and commanded the Jews to exercise virtue, both as to
righteousness towards one another, and piety towards God, and so to
come to baptism; for that the washing [with water] would be acceptable
to him, if they made use of it, not in order to the putting away [or the
remission] of some sins [only], but for the purification of the body;
supposing still that the soul was thoroughly purified beforehand by
righteousness. Now when [many] others came in crowds about him, for
they were very greatly moved [or pleased] by hearing his words, Herod,
who feared lest the great influence John had over the people might put it
into his power and inclination to raise a rebellion, (for they seemed ready
to do any thing he should advise,) thought it best, by putting him to
death, to prevent any mischief he might cause, and not bring himself into
difficulties, by sparing a man who might make him repent of it when it
would be too late. Accordingly he was sent a prisoner, out of Herod's
suspicious temper, to Macherus, the castle I before mentioned, and was
there put to death. Now the Jews had an opinion that the destruction of
this army was sent as a punishment upon Herod, and a mark of God's
displeasure to him.
Josephus implies that Herod executed John for political reasons, but as stated above Herod
was sad at having to kill John not only from his affinity for John, but he was also worried
about retaliation from John’s followers, and from King Aretas. We therefore disagree with
Josephus’ statement, though to be sure it lends credibility to the Biblical version.
As evidence his disciples took him at his word, we find this doctrine being put into
practice in the early Christian community. Believing the end of the world to be
approaching, Jesus had told his disciples to get rid of all their possessions (as did the
Millerites under similar delusions, in the 1840's). This they gladly did after Jesus' death.
And the Apostle Paul ordered Christians not to waste time getting married for "considering
the present distress, I think it is better for a man to stay as he is …don't look for a wife. …There is
not much time left … For this world, as it is now, will not last much longer."
These doctrines made sense because they trusted Jesus about the "end of the world" being
imminent. Modern churches aren't so trusting; they've done a 180° on Paul (weddings now
providing big revenue, and they love $$$ more than Paul), as well as a 180° on Jesus'
command to impoverish oneself (teaching just the opposite- be a good Republican & stuff
your pockets as much as you can while screwing the poor).
C.S. Lewis, the popular Christian author, wrote in one of his last books "The World's Last
Night"25, that...
25 Lewis, C.S. - The World's last Night. And Other Essays. p. 97 to 100
In the Ptolemaic system the planets are central points on gigantic crystal spheres, ruled by
minor gods. This posed the problem of how the escaping spirits were supposed to get
through each of the eight transparent spheres to reach the Pleroma. The Christ-Logos
leads you on a safe passage away from the planetary Archons and its minions into safety.
Notice: The diagram of the Ophites places Leviathan at the end of the solar system close to
the heavenly waters. Leviathan is the Ouroboros. He is the final frontier that has to be
crossed in the afterlife on the way to God.
Jakob Boehme: The soul breaks free from the realm of the Demiurge like a phoenix ...
[The all-seeing-eye rules over 4 elements fire/earth/air/water and 4 Deadly Sins wrath/pride/greed/envy]
… into the arms of the Christ-Logos
AEON; These are the emanations from first cause, God. The word not only refers to the
"worlds" of emanation, but to the personalities as well. Sophia, Logos, and the other high
principles are aeons.
ALLOGENES; Means "alien". The existance of spiritual force in the material realm is
"alien" to it. This includes both aeons, such as the Logos, as well as the Gnostic him/her
ANTHROPOS; "Man". This is the cosmic human as well as the philosophical form of the
regular human. More on the Anthropos
ARCHIGENITOR; The "first begetter". A Greek reference to Yaldabaoth.
ARCHON; "Ruler". Refers to the creators and governing forces in the material world. The
Demiurge and his angels.
AUTOGENES; "Self Generated" is a reference to the first Aeon or the guiding light
(Barbelos). More on The Autogenes
BARBELOS; This word has been used in different ways, creating some confusion.
Generally it is the first aeon. It is in the masculine gender but is used to denote Sophia. As
the woman who is "the first male virgin", she has an androgynous connotation.
BYTHOS; the "Void". Its the "primal ground" and the pre-beginning forefather.
CHOIC; "Earthly" same as "hylic".
DEMIURGE; The "Craftsman" or creator of the material world. Usually viewed in a
negative fashion. If nothing else, the material is less than the spirit so that the creator is
lower than the prime source.
EPINOIA; Means "insight"/"wisdom" as it comes from the higher connections of spirit.
Without it one cannot gain Gnosis.
GNOSIS; While the literal translation for this word is "knowledge", it's meaning is closer
to "insight" or, to use a more modern concept, "enlightenment". Rather than purely an
intellectual understanding then, it is a "knowledge of the heart" (which is not meant to
imply mere emotionalism) or wisdom. It is the complete comprehension that comes from
both rational and intuited means. More on Gnosis
HEBDOMAS; The kingdom of the "Seven", referring to the spheres of the planets and thus
the Archons and heimarene.
HEIMARENE; Literally "destiny". Hylics are controlled by the spheres of the stars, which
represent different base drives. Destiny does not apply to the pneumatic, who has broken
past such connections.
Dolan, Richard - UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973
Dolan, Richard - The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 (UFOs and the National Security State, Vol. 2)
Guenther, Bernhard – Piercing the Veil of Reality. UFOs, Aliens and the Question of Contact
Knight-Jadczyk, Laura - High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction
Knight-Jadczyk, Laura - Riding the Wave: The Truth and Lies About 2012 and GlobalTransformation
Knight-Jadczyk, Laura - Soul Hackers: The Hidden Hands Behind the New Age Movement
Knight-Jadczyk, Laura - Stripped to the Bone: The Path to Freedom in the Prison of Life
Knight-Jadczyk, Laura - Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown
Knight-Jadczyk, Laura - Th rough a Glass Darkly: Hidden Masters, Secret Agendas and a Tradition Unveiled
Tapestra, Angelico – The Universal Seduction. Piercing the Veils of Deception. Vol 1 - 3
Jesus, John the Baptist, the Mandaeans, and the real Christ
Lorgen, Eve - The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships
Lorgen, Eve - The Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, the Supernatural and Energy Vampirism