Nuclear Energy: Abstract
Nuclear Energy: Abstract
Nuclear Energy: Abstract
Hanford WA (to produce plutonium), and Los suffer core meltdowns, hydrogen explosions.
Alamos NM (to design and assemble bomb) Radiation release estimated 10-30% of
July 1945- The world's first nuclear weapon Chernobyl. Zero people's health affected by
tested, the Trinity shot, was successful dose, but land was evacuated
Aug 6 & 9, 1945- Atomic bombs Little Boy 2013- Climate guru James Hansen published
and Fat Man dropped on Japanese cities, paper claiming nuclear has saved 1.8 million
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Up to 240,000 lives total (including worst-case estimates
people died. for all accidents) by offsetting air-pollution
Aug 15, 1945- Japan surrendered related deaths
unconditionally, ending WWII. 2013- Voyager I entered interstellar space
1951- EBR-1 reactor was the first to generate after traveling the solar system for 36
electricity in Arco. years. It was powered by a Plutonium-238
1953- Eisenhower gave Atoms for Peace radioisotopic thermal generator
speech, launching civilian program
1954- Obninsk reactor in the Soviet Union 3. ENERGY DENSITY OF VARIOUS FUEL SOURCES
become the first commercial nuclear power The energy density is the energy stored in a unit mass
plant of the substance. The amount of energy released in
1954- USS Nautilus launched, the first nuclear reactions is astounding. The natural uranium
nuclear-powered submarine undergoes nuclear fission and thus attains very high
1957- Shippingport reactor began operation, energy density. Table below shows energy density
first commercial nuclear power of various sources.
1974- French Prime Minister Messmer
launched huge nuclear power program Energy 100W light
in response to oil crisis. In 2004, 75% of Material Density bulb time
France's electricity was nuclear (MJ/kg) (1kg)
1979- Three Mile Island reactor suffered Wood 10 1.2 days
a partial meltdown. Radiation largely
Ethanol 26.8 3.1 days
contained Created by
Coal 32.5 3.8 days
1986- Chernobyl reactor suffered a large
power excursion resulting in the release of Crude oil 41.9 4.8 days
large amounts of radiation. 50+ fire fighters Diesel 45.8 5.3 days
die, up to 4000 civilians estimated to have Natural Uranium
died of early cancer (>99.2% U-235 & 5.7x105 182 years
1986- EBR-II reactor demonstrated that 0.72% U235)
advanced, sodium cooled reactors can Reactor Grade
3.7x106 1,171years
passively shut down without backup systems Uranium (3-4%U-235)
1994- Megatons to Megawatts program Table 1. Energy densities of various energy sources. All
started, turns 20,000 nuclear weapons into numbers assume 100% thermal-to-electrical conversion.
electricity. By 2000, ~10% of US electricity
came from dismantled Russian warheads 4. NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS IN THE WORLD
2004- After decades of electricity generation Just as many conventional thermal power
with no deaths in the US, a Nuclear stations generate electricity by harnessing
Renaissance discussed, with talks of more the thermal energy, nuclear power plant converts
reactor builds to offset carbon emissions the energy released from the nucleus of an atom
2011- Four reactors at Fukushima Daiichi via fission that takes place in a nuclear reactor.
losed backup generators due to tsunami and Major components of a nuclear reactor are Core,
Parashu Ram ... Nuclear ...
working on the technology to increase agricultural Power in Sea: Nuclear Power is particularly suitable
production, improve food availability, reduce for vessels which nead to be at sea for long period
production costs and minimize pollution of food without refuling. These vessels (ships/submarines)
crops. The major ongoing advancement is Sterile have a small nuclear reactor on board, which produces
Insect Technique (SIT) that helps in large-scale food steam to run turbines. These turbines directly drive
irrigation and biological control of pests. the propellers as well as electrical generators.
Today, a large number of nuclear-powered ships and
Human Health:An application of radiotherapy has been submarines are cruising the oceans.
proved highly successful to treat cancer patients. At the
same time a small amount of radioisotope tracer is used Power Generation: The most important use
for diagnostic and research purposes. The radioisotopes of nuclear energy is to generate electricity. The
help in detecting various enzymes, hormones and energy released by the fission in a nuclear reactor is
many other substances present in the human blood. converted and generated into electricity. Besides this
These techniques have also helped in monitoring during the process of decaying, the radioisotopes
the levels of toxic substances in food, air and water. emit lots of energy. This energy is used to control the
heart pacemaker to provides power to the satellites
Sterilization: Gamma emissions are much popular for navigation.
for the sterilization of medical supplies like cotton,
bandages, gloves, syringes, burn dressings, etc. Industry: Nuclear energy is being used in industries
which help to prevent the spread of diseases. for processing and producing various products
Exposing these materials to radiation does not make such as automobile, aircraft, mining, oil refinary,
them radioactive. construction, etc. Nowadays the gamma rays
emitted by the radioisotopes are used to check the
Tracing Pollutants: Radioisotopes are used to trace leakages from the gas and oil pipelines, blockage in
the pollutants present in air. Even in small amount of water pipes. The radioactive source is placed inside
the radioisotope presents in air can be very harmful the pipe and the film outside the welds. This is so
to humans. Hence, the tracing quality helps to detect convenient that it can be used in place of X-ray
the residue easily. This way it ensures a healthy and equipment.
safe environment.
Use in Scientific Research: Researchers in the fields
Determination of Age: The nuclear energy has of science use nuclear radiation and radioisotopes in
also been used by the archaeologists, geologists and their work. Safety and effectiveness of new drugs
anthropologists in determining the age of rocks, are tested with radioisotopes. Radioisotopes are also
insects, and fossils. essential to the biomedical research that seeks causes
and cores for many diseases such as cancer, AIDS,
Power in Space: Nuclear power has been actively etc. Researchers also use radioisotopes in metabolic
used to provide power for the missions in space. studies, genetic engineering and environment
Unmained space craft relay on radioisotope protection.
thermoelectric generator (RTG) for the power they
need for space exploration. RTG use heat from 6. DISADVANTAGES OF NUCLEAR ENERGY
plutonium to generate electricity. They are safe, Nuclear Weapons Threat: Nuclear proliferation
reliable and long lived even in the harse climate of has posed a serious threat to the world peace.
our solar system. The craft uses this electricity to There are some reactors, which produce plutonium.
run the computer and collect the vast area of data This substance can be used to make lethal nuclear
including images that are send back to earth. weapons. It is only due to a huge stock of nuclear
The Himalayan Physics, Vol.5, No.5, Nov 2014
In this accident, no one was hurt and very little nuclear energy is the most viable solution of energy
radiation was released. Nevertheless, the plant had to problems, and is very safe when used properly. Many
be shut down. This caused massive financial loss to countries have used nuclear energy for their economic
the investors. An enormous Tsunami wrecked havoc development. The power of nuclear energy must be
as it badly damaged Fukushima nuclear plant. Four used for the betterment of the world. It depends upon
active plants lost their cooling system and the heat humans to make nuclear energy a boon for allround
melted the cores and caused radiation. The Japanese development of human civilization. Without doubt,
government swung into action and transported all nuclear energy can successfully replace fossil fuels
the people from the area to a safe place. These three in days to come. With the help of modern technology
accidents are very scary and keep many people from and understanding, we will someday be able to use
being comfortable with nuclear power. nuclear energy in everyday life.