Essential Elements For Residential Interiors
Essential Elements For Residential Interiors
Essential Elements For Residential Interiors
Residential Interiors
The dream home of everyone comes to be fruitful when it is
built and furnished in the way they wish.
❖ Space: This element is the basics to plan and design the interior as well as the
measurement is taken and it is used to fit objects according to these values. It
is divided into two categories:
Two dimensional and Three dimensional
The empty space or unwanted space is called ‘negative space’, but some
designers use this space as storage space.
There are methods to create space and utilize it. For example, the bubble
plan and detailed scale plan are two of them.
❖ Lines: There are mainly three types of lines used for interior designing and these
lines are the scale to define and act as required space. The three types of lines
used are Horizontal, vertical and dynamic lines.
This aids to shape the room and each line has its own arrangements like a bed,
chair, windows, wardrobe, staircase, and more.
❖ Forms: The shape and design of each object have a fine design or a definite form.
These objects can be created in a good looking manner by combining certain
elements such as patterns, colors, etc.
❖ Patterns: These days there is a theme in the home that describes a story to others
and this uses the patterns to make it more interesting and specific.
❖ Light: Many people like to decorate their home with lights and it brings a positive
vibe to the home.
Moreover, these light techniques are adjustable to the situation and the types of
lighting trends are:
➢ Task lights
➢ Accent light
➢ Ambient lights
❖ Colors: This essential element brings positive energy to the home and the color
used in the living room will not be the same used in the master bedroom.
Its been seen that some people use white as the common color for the whole
house and the color for the roof will be Red, Grey, or any other color.
❖ Texture: It brings the overall look and refers to the surface of the object. There
mainly two different textures available:
● Visual Texture
● Actual Texture