Effects of Antidepressants On Sleep: Sleep Disorders (P Gehrman, Section Editor)
Effects of Antidepressants On Sleep: Sleep Disorders (P Gehrman, Section Editor)
Effects of Antidepressants On Sleep: Sleep Disorders (P Gehrman, Section Editor)
DOI 10.1007/s11920-017-0816-4
Polysomnographic Sleep Studies in Depression and pleasure in everyday activities. Because it is usually relat-
ed to the substantially increased physical daytime activity, it
The most detailed information on sleep in depression was increases homeostatic sleep need, which improves sleep depth
provided by studies using polysomnography (PSG), that is and duration. However in many patients, difficulties with
considered the gold standard for sleep assessment. Based on sleep persist. The Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to
registration of the three physiological parameters such as the Relieve Depression (STAR*D) study, which included a large
brain (EEG), muscle (EMG) and eye movements (EOG) bio- sample of outpatients with non-psychotic MDD who
electric activity, PSG allows human sleep to be scored into responded without remitting after up to 12 weeks treatment
sleep stages. Subsequently, it is possible to calculate several with citalopram, found that midnocturnal insomnia was the
sleep parameters (Table 1) that express sleep continuity, sleep most commonly observed residual symptom of depression,
depth, and distribution of sleep stages. as it was still present in 79% patients [13].
Graphically, the sleep architecture is displayed with a graph The observations on the high prevalence of subjective in-
that is called hypnogram (Fig. 1). somnia complaints and objective worsening of sleep architec-
Patients with depression show abnormalities of sleep pa- ture in PSG studies in depressed patients are important for the
rameters across all three groups. Disrupted sleep continuity choice of pharmacological treatment. Antidepressant drugs
manifests as prolongation of sleep latency, increased number, substantially differ in their acute effects on sleep. Some of
and duration of awakenings from sleep expressed as increased them alleviate sleep disturbances, but other may disrupt sleep,
wake after sleep onset (WASO) time, decreased sleep efficien- which is related to poor treatment compliance. Persistent in-
cy, and early morning awakenings. Early morning, awakening somnia symptoms may also result in unfavorable clinical out-
together with altered distribution of REM sleep is considered a come, e.g., increased suicide risk [14]. Therefore, it is impor-
biological marker of circadian rhythm disturbances in depres- tant to know what is the preferred pharmacological treatment
sion and is a characteristic biological marker of depression in a depressed patient with clinically relevant insomnia
with melancholic features [9]. Sleep depth is substantially re- symptoms.
duced in depressed patients. Furthermore, the distribution of
deep sleep scored in PSG as sleep stage N3, also called delta
or slow wave sleep (SWS), is altered in depressed patients. In Effects on Antidepressants on Sleep
healthy subjects, the highest delta wave activity in EEG can be
observed in the first sleep cycle, whereas in depressed patients It is well known that some classes of antidepressant drugs may
there is a frequent shift of delta activity from the first to the deteriorate sleep quality mainly due to activation of serotoner-
second sleep cycle. It is expressed in sleep parameters as a gic 5-HT2 receptors and increased noradrenergic and dopami-
reduced delta ratio (ratio between delta wave activity in the nergic neurotransmission (Table 2). Among them, most prom-
first and second sleep cycle). Alterations of REM sleep are the inent are serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
most prominent feature of sleep architecture in depressed sub- (SNRI), norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRI), mono-
jects. They include shortened REM sleep latency, increased amine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI), selective serotonin reup-
REM sleep time (especially in the first sleep cycle that is take inhibitors (SSRI), and activating tricyclic antidepressants
usually very short in healthy subjects), and increased REM (TCA).
sleep density. The recent meta-analysis summarizing the cur- On the contrary, antidepressants with antihistaminergic ac-
rent evidence from studies using PSG about sleep architecture tion, like sedating TCA, mirtazapine, mianserine, or strong
in mental disorders has confirmed that disturbed sleep is a core antagonistic action at serotonergic 5-HT2 receptors, like traz-
symptom of depression. It was found that affective disorders odone and nefazodone quickly improve sleep. Some patients
and major depression were associated with alterations in most show improvement of sleep quality already after the first drug
variables compared to healthy controls [10••]. Although none dose [15], which was specially discussed for mirtazapine as
of the sleep parameters was specific to depression, the high related to the faster onset of antidepressant action [16].
prevalence and severity of sleep abnormalities in depressed In a recent review article on the prevalence of treatment
patients are of a great clinical importance. The complaints of emergent insomnia and somnolence in depressed patients, it
insomnia are present in 60–90% of patients with major depres- was shown that subjective complaints of insomnia or daytime
sion, depending on the episode’s severity. When it comes to somnolence were frequent in patients suffering from depres-
bipolar disorder, insomnia is present during a depressive epi- sion or anxiety disorders treated with SSRI and SNRI [16].
sode in 60% of patients, while 20–30% suffer from prolonged Based on data from the US Food and Drug Administration
sleep (hypersomnia) and increased daytime sleepiness [11, (FDA) study register [16], the average prevalence of
12]. Fortunately, in most patients, sleep disturbances diminish treatment-emergent insomnia in clinical trials with SSRI was
with the improvement of depressive symptoms, especially if 17% as compared to 9% out of patients randomized to the
the clinical improvement is related to the recurrence of interest placebo arm. The average rate of treatment emergent
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2017) 19: 63 Page 3 of 7 63
somnolence in patients being treated with SSRI amounted to 2%) was reported in the study with citalopram. The highest
16% as compared to 8% out of patients receiving placebo. The rate of treatment-emergent insomnia and somnolence was
lowest rate of treatment emergent insomnia complaints (below found in patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive
Fig. 1 Graph (hypnogram) representing changes of sleep stages in the REM sleep, with shortening of REM latency and prolongation of the first
course of night in a depressed patient. Sleep in depression is characterized REM period. Y-axis represents sleep stages: W- wake, R- REM sleep, N1
by disturbances of sleep continuity (prolonged sleep latency, increased – stage 1 NREM sleep, N2 – stage 2 NREM sleep, N3 -stage 3 NREM
number and duration of awakenings from sleep, early morning sleep (slow wave sleep, deep sleep), and X-axis represents time and pages
awakening), reduction of deep (slow wave sleep), and disinhibition of of sleep recording
63 Page 4 of 7 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2017) 19: 63
Drug class Sleep continuity SWS REM latency REM sleep Mechanism of action
related to effect on sleep
TCA tricyclic antidepressants, MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitors, SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SNRI serotonin norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors, NRI norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, ↑ increase, ↓ decrease, 0 no or minimal effect, ? unknown
disorder (OCD) being treated with high-dose fluvoxamine, 31 and usually have little or no effect on REM sleep [3, 6, 7, 17••].
and 27%, respectively [17••]. In clinical trials with SNRI, Although both the sleep-disrupting and sleep-promoting effects
treatment-emergent insomnia was reported on average in of the antidepressants are the strongest only in the first few
13% out of SNRI-treated patients as compared to 7% out of weeks of treatment, in some patients they may persist, aggra-
the placebo arm and treatment-emergent somnolence in 10% vating insomnia complaints or causing daytime somnolence
of SNRI-treated patients in comparison to 5% out of patients [18]. Therefore, for the depressed patients with clinically sig-
receiving placebo. Both treatment-emergent insomnia and nificant insomnia, a treatment with a sedative antidepressant is
somnolence were the most frequent (both equal to 24%) in usually more recommended [19]. It was recently shown that
patients with generalized anxiety disorders treated with such treatment significantly reduces the need to use benzodiaz-
venlafaxine. The lowest rate of treatment emergent insomnia epines in patients with MDD [20•]. Such an approach, combi-
and somnolence (both below 2%) was reported for nation treatment with benzodiazepines and SSRI/SNRI is often
levomilnacipran. On the contrary to the treatment with SSRI necessary to reduce anxiety and insomnia as early as in the first
and SNRI, in clinical studies with sedating antidepressants, week of treatment. However, there is a related risk that the
e.g., mirtazapine and trazodone, the reported prevalence of patient suffering from depression and insomnia will not be able
treatment-emergent insomnia complaints in patients with ma- to stop such treatment after 14–28 days of therapy and will
jor depressive disorder (MDD) was very low (below 2%). develop a dependence [21, 22]. On the other hand, because
However, the rate of treatment-emergent somnolence was the sleep complaints usually improve after a few weeks of ef-
very high, 54% in patients being treated with mirtazapine as fective treatment of depression with SSRI/SNRI, it is important
compared to 18% out of patients in the placebo arm and 46% to consider whether the use of hypnotics is not a better short-
in patients being treated with trazodone as compared to 19% term treatment option for a patient than risking oversedation
out of patients receiving placebo. It is important to note that during treatment with a sedative antidepressant. The sedating
acute effects of antidepressants on sleep are reflected not only effect of those antidepressants is usually an increasing problem
in the patients’ subjective complaints but they can also be dem- in long-term maintenance treatment, frequently resulting in a
onstrated in studies with PSG (Table 2). While SSRI, SNRI, need to reduce the drug dose. It may substantially diminish the
and activating TCA increase REM latency, suppress REM efficacy of the maintenance treatment. The sedative antidepres-
sleep, and may impair sleep continuity, sedating antidepressants sants may also induce a weight gain, what is particularly shown
decrease sleep latency, improve sleep efficiency, increase SWS, for mirtazapine but not for trazodone [23].
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2017) 19: 63 Page 5 of 7 63
Agomelatine should be considered as an alternative ap- Treatment of Insomnia Disorder with Low-Dose
proach to the treatment of depressed patients with marked Antidepressants
insomnia symptoms. Agomelatine is a non-sedative antide-
pressant drug exerting agonistic action at melatonergic M1 Insomnia belongs to the most frequent disorders of the brain
and M2 receptors, and antagonistic action at serotonergic 5- [33]. In industrialized countries, approximately 6% of the
HT2c receptors [24]. Such pharmacodynamic profile is related adults suffer from insomnia as a disorder [34] and as many
to sleep-promoting action without the risk of sedation and as 50% may suffer from transient insomnia symptoms [35•].
weight gain. In comparison to escitalopram, agomelatine is Although insomnia is not regarded as a severe mental disor-
known to improve sleep latency after both short (after 2 weeks) der, it shares many features with depression. In order to offer a
and long (after 24 weeks) treatment. Moreover, both drugs patient an effective treatment of insomnia, there is a need for a
differ significantly in their effect on sleep continuity. In the broader perspective, one that reaches far beyond the prescrip-
second week, agomelatine slightly improves sleep continuity tion of hypnotics. Current treatment guidelines [36••] strongly
(increased total sleep time and sleep efficiency) and recommend the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-I)
escitalopram worsens it [25]. Moreover, treatment with as the initial treatment for chronic insomnia disorder and only
agomelatine is not related to the suppression of REM sleep: short-term use of the sleep-promoting drugs in patients with
it restores cyclical sleep profile, may increase the amount of insufficient response to CBI-I. However, in daily clinical prac-
SWS, and most importantly leads to the improvement of day- tice, the use of pharmacotherapy for insomnia is very com-
time alertness [26]. mon. The most frequently used drugs to treat insomnia aside
Effects on sleep has recently been also reported for a from benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine (eszopiclone/
vortioxetine, with clinical action mediated mainly by selective zopiclone, zaleplon, zolpidem) hypnotics are sedative antide-
blockade of serotonin reuptake and direct modulation of sero- pressants. However, due to the lack of methodologically
tonergic receptors activity (such as 5-HT3, 5-HT7, 5-HT1D, sound randomized clinical trials in insomnia, only one of
and 5-HT1B) [27]. In a study which has compared the effects them, doxepin, is approved by FDA for the treatment of sleep
of vortioxetine and paroxetine to the placebo in a group of 24 maintenance insomnia. Furthermore, recent recommendations
healthy male volunteers, it has been shown that the discourage the use of other drugs from this class than doxepin
vortioxetine dose of 20 and 40 mg similarly to the paroxetine for the insomnia treatment [37••]. In our opinion, sedative
dose of 20 mg suppresses REM sleep by increasing REM antidepressants are a valuable treatment option of insomnia
sleep latency and diminishing duration of REM sleep. Both in a situation in which despite being in CBT-I therapy, the
drugs also decrease total sleep time and increase duration of patient still requires sleep-promoting drugs more than 3–4
sleep stage N1. These negative effects of vortioxetine on sleep times per week. The use of sedative antidepressants should
continuity are significant only for the higher dose [28•]. be also considered when there is a comorbid mood or anxiety
According to the FDA clinical trial register, the rate of disorder because such patients are at increased risk of devel-
treatment-emergent insomnia complaints or somnolence dur- oping hypnotic dependency. Moreover, in many insomnia pa-
ing the therapy with vortioxetine is lower when compared to tients, physiological parameters, e.g., hormone secretion,
SSRI and SNRI drugs [17••]. whole body, and brain metabolic rate, are altered in a similar
The use of antidepressants, also those with sedative fashion to the depressed ones what is called a hyperarousal
properties, may impair sleep due to the induction of sleep [38, 39], supporting the use of sedative antidepressants to treat
disorders or worsening already existing ones. Mianserin such patients. The pros and cons of using sedative antidepres-
and mirtazapine may induce restless legs syndrome in as sants in insomnia patients were discussed extensively in the
many as 28% of patients [29]. Treatment-emergent RLS earlier papers. This is especially true for trazodone that is very
has also been described for SSRI and venlafaxine [30]. often used as a sleep-promoting drug [3, 39–42]. Frequently
SSRI, SNRI, and TCA are known to induce or exacerbate expressed concern with the usage of sedative antidepressants
sleep bruxism and disturb regulation of muscle tone dur- in insomnia is that their side effect profile and interactions
ing REM sleep, causing REM sleep without atonia, which with other drugs may be underrated [40]. Indeed, although
may induce or worsen REM Sleep Behavior Disorder [3, there is evidence for efficacy of sedative antidepressants to
6]. Moreover, although antidepressants are recommended promote sleep, for example for TCA in a form of a recent
for the treatment of post-traumatic sleep disorder, they can meta-analytic study [43•], it is important to remember that
induce nightmares. We observe this side effect most fre- these drugs should be used in insomnia patients only in a very
quently during the treatment with mirtazapine, just as it low dose, e.g., for doxepin as low as 3 to 6 mg or 25–50 mg
was recently reported [31]. Finally, antidepressants induc- for trazodone. Many psychiatrists are astonished that a seda-
ing weight gain are contraindicated in patients with sleep tive antidepressant can promote sleep in such a low dose.
apnea, that is an overlooked but frequent sleep disorder in Firstly, it should be noted that such low doses are appropriate
people suffering from mental illness [32]. only for patients with primary insomnia. In the presence of a
63 Page 6 of 7 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2017) 19: 63
comorbid mood disorder, the antidepressants have to be used Compliance with Ethical Standards
in a recommended therapeutic dose [42]. Secondly, such treat-
Conflict of Interest Aleksandra Wierzbicka, Małgorzata Walęcka, and
ment should be used only when combined with behavioral
Wojciech Jernajczyk declare that they have no conflict of interest.
interventions from CBT-I protocol. When a patient restricts Adam Wichniak received speaker honoraria and congress travel
time in bed and uses stimulus control technique, even low- grants from Angelini, Janssen-Cilag, Lundbeck, Sanofi, and Servier.
dosage pharmacological treatment starts to work. Thirdly, to
be effective in treating sleep-onset insomnia, sedative antide- Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
pressants have to be taken much earlier than hypnotics in
of the authors.
regard to their pharmacokinetics, especially the time they take
to reach the maximum serum concentration (Cmax). It usually Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
means at least 2 hours before sleep (in the case of more rapid Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
drug action the patient should be encouraged to shorten this distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
time). In our opinion, sedative antidepressants are a safe priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
class of drugs when given in low doses. We use them in Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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