Link - MASM TOUR To MASM MTN - Proposal - Report

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Project Untitled 1

Project Untitled 1
LINKPlanner PTP Proposal Report
28 February 2020

center = 06.35191N 002.40037E





Cambium Networks - LINKPlanner
-0.5 0.0 0.5

28 February 2020 1
LINKPlanner version 5.2.3 Proposal Report
Project Untitled 1

Project Summary

Project: Untitled 1

General Information
Customer Name MASM
Company Name MASM
Cell Phone

28 February 2020 2
LINKPlanner version 5.2.3 Proposal Report
Project Untitled 1


Equipment: Cambium Networks PTP670 Integrated
Cambium Networks High Gain Integrated @ 10 m Cambium Networks High Gain Integrated @ 10 m
11 11
Height Above Sea Level (meters)

Height Above Sea Level (meters)

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 Cambium Networks - LINKPlanner 1
0 0
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
Range on path (kilometers)

Performance to MASM TOUR Performance to MASM MTN

Mean IP 226.1 Mbps 226.1 Mbps
IP Availability 100.0000 % for 1.0 Mbps 100.0000 % for 1.0 Mbps

Link Summary
Link Length 0.709 km System Gain 157.28 dB
Band 5.8 GHz System Gain Margin 52.55 dB
Regulation Argentina
(Private) Mean Aggregate Data Rate 452.2 Mbps
Modulation Adaptive Annual Link Availability 100.0000 %
Bandwidth 45 MHz Annual Link Unavailability 0 secs/year
Total Path Loss 104.72 dB Prediction Model ITU-R

28 February 2020 3
LINKPlanner version 5.2.3 Proposal Report
Project Untitled 1

Performance Charts

Performance to MASM TOUR Performance to MASM MTN

99.99999% 99.99999%

99.999% 99.999%

99.9% 99.9%

90.0% 90.0%

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400

Capacity (Mbps) Capacity (Mbps)

High Capacity, assumes there is no load in the other direction

Symmetrical Capacity, assumes a saturated load in the other direction

Climatic Factors, Losses and Standards

dN/dH not exceeded for 1% -232.43 N Gaseous Absorption

of time units/km Loss 0.01 dB
Area roughness 110x110km 30.19 metre Link Type No Profile
Geoclimatic factor 1.50e-04 Excess Path Loss 0.00 dB
Fade Occurrence Factor (P0) 7.50e-07 Atmospheric Gasses ITU-R P.676-7, ITU-R P.835-4
Path inclination 0.00 mr Diffraction Loss ITU-R P.526-14
Value of K Exceeded for
99.99% (ke) 0.40 Propagation ITU-R P.530-12
Excess Path Loss at ke 0.00 dB Rain Rate ITU-R P.837-5
0.01% Rain rate 67.85 mm/hr Refractivity Index ITU-R P.453-9
Free Space Path Loss 104.71 dB

Bill of Materials
Part Number Qty Description
01010419001 4 Coaxial Cable Grounding Kits for 1/4" and 3/8" Cable

C000065L007 2 LPU and Grounding Kit (1 kit per ODU)

C050067H010 2 PTP 670 Integrated 23dBi END with AC+DC Enhanced Supply (ROW - U.S. Line
Kit includes ODU, power supply, mounting bracket and US line cord

EW-E4PT6XX-WW 2 PTP 650/670 Extended Warranty, 4 additional years (per END)

WB3176 1 328 ft (100 m) Reel Outdoor Copper Clad CAT5E (Recommended for PTP)

28 February 2020 4
LINKPlanner version 5.2.3 Proposal Report
Project Untitled 1

Cambium Networks assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information produced by the Cambium LINKPlanner. Reference to
products or services which are not provided by Cambium Networks is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement
nor a recommendation. All information provided by the Cambium LINKPlanner is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or

All product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Cambium Networks. 2020

28 February 2020 5
LINKPlanner version 5.2.3 Proposal Report

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