The Concept of Crime and Punishment in Islam: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

ISSN: 2455-2070
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 4; Issue 5; September 2018; Page No. 27-34

The concept of crime and punishment in Islam

Dr. Meraj Ahmad Meraj
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Islam proposes a society of righteousness and justice. Islam caters to people’s need for peace and serenity and therefore takes
every legal measure to safeguard the society against disruptive elements. The notion of punishments in Islam is not the primary
laws. They are only to the declaratory laws which are always enforced as a condition or sequence an as a vindication of the
primary structure of Islamic society. Criminal behaviour is not tolerated in the Islamic order of society. Islam pursues its social
objectives through reforming the individual in the first place. Shariah law has a role for individual rights, but those individual
rights are exercised within a system that is primarily concerned with human relations. Islam does not disregard the relative
responsibility of the criminal and the role of circumstances in commission of crimes. Islam stands out distinctly among the
religions of the world in that its punishment and retribution laws are applied under exclusive rules and regulations. Islam ensures
proportionality between crime and punishment. Islamic concept of punishment is perfectly justified as Islam not only takes every
possible measure to prevent crimes but also inculcates commendable moral scruples in the criminals. The Islamic Criminal law has
approved many crimes with providing deterrent, reformative, retaliate and other kinds of penalties in order to uphold peace in the
society and reform the criminals. This paper deals with Islamic judicial system and criminal law to find out its significance and
relevance to modern time.

Keywords: islam, crime, punishment, shariah, hudud, qiasa, tazir

Introduction the mind of the criminal that the real judge is God Almighty
Today, the world is witnessing a horrific scenario of crime, Himself from whom he can never conceal his wrongdoings.
violence, killing and a determined attempt to destroy the very Islam’s law comprises a comprehensive outlook on life.
pillars of social order which sustain peace, tolerance, harmony Islamic concept of crime is universal, permanent, unchanging
and human dignity. Society must be protected from the and unanimous among all the scholars and schools of law.
activities of criminals and hoodlums. Social life must be This paper deals with Islamic judicial system and criminal law
peaceful and devoid of insecurity. Islam is the only to find out its significance and relevance to modern time.
philosophical system that tackles the problems directly and
handles the correlation between moral issue and their human Crime and Punishment
repercussion with the least sense of evasion. Islam is not Punishment under law is fundamentally a technique of social
merely a theological system, but also a way of life that control and its employment is justified to the extent that it
contains a number of ethical and moral standards as well as actually protects such social justice as society through law. In
legal norms implemented in life in society and state. Islam the Holy Quran, there are two kinds of injunctions.
develops a strong sense of moral community, where religion is 1. Moral: Moral encompasses all the means of nurture of
an influential social force generating social sanctions and that human personality.
this contributes to a low crime rate. The Quranic knowledge 2. Punitive: Punitive means those laws the violation of
offers first a determined solution of the problems, and then which becomes a social crime and Moral means those laws
discusses their philosophical implications. Criminal which cannot be categorised as a social crime. The Quran
accountability indicates that a person should bear the says: “do not walk arrogantly on the earth [1].” The Quran
consequence of the crime which he commits intentionally with ordains that his non-observance of this injunction is not a
full consciousness of the significance and consequence social crime. On the other hand, there is injunction in
thereof. Islamic criminal law holds accountability only those which it is said: “Do not go near adultery or fornication”
alive persons who are under responsibility. Under the . It is apparent that the non-observance of this injunction
deterrent philosophy, punishment should prevent other people is a social crime. However, the above said division is
from committing criminal acts. The punishment serves as an arbitrary only to understand the question under view,
example to the rest of the society and it puts others on notice otherwise the basis of every Quranic injunctions aims at
that criminal behaviour will not be tolerated and will be correction and importance of the morals and ‘morals’
punished. Islamic concept of punishment is not driven by encompasses all the means of nurture of human
feeling of revenge or fury or malicious grudge. It is rather a personality.
means of purification and moral elevation. Islam instils it into

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

Crime: ‘Hudud’ crimes are considered as the most serious, his messenger. This is clearly stated in the Holy Quran: “The
heinous and grave crimes under the Islamic Penal Law for only reward of those who make war upon Allah and his
which God has enacted deterrent and preventive punishments messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that
to deter others who have similar criminal tendencies and they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on
prevents the wrongdoer from offending again in the future. alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land [7].
These are the offences against public morality termed in Islam 1. Fornication: Fornication means sexual intercourse outside
as ‘huquq Allah, the claim of Allah and the Quran ordains marriage and the punishment in the Quran is 100 lashes.
strict implementation of ‘hadud’ punishment. “Men are strip to the waist women have their clothes
bound tightly and flogging is carried out with a leather
Punishment: Punishments are the means used from time whip. The punishment of flogging is ordered in the Quran.
immemorial by the society to express its denunciation of the The Quran says: “The woman and the man guilty for
wrongdoing in order ensure welfare of the people and peace in fornication flog each of them with a hundred lashes: let not
the society. It is designed to perform one of the most basic compassion move you in their case in a matter prescribed
duties of the state to protect the life, liberty and property of the by Allah [8].
citizens by reducing the commission of offences. 2. Adultery: Adultery means extra-marital sex. The Islam
prescribed its punishment stoning to death for people
Criminal Law in Islamic Perspective: Crime is considered convicted of adultery. Islamic criminal jurisprudence
as a serious moral problem in Islam, and is closely linked to stipulates two conditions that must be met before the
peace and harmony of human life. Criminal actions were judgment is executed. The first is that there must be
divided into four categories: confession by four eye witnesses. It must be a voluntary
1. Crimes against physical life, such as injuring people or confession without any element of duress. The sentence
murdering them. can only be executed if it has been repeated four times at
2. Crimes against property, such as robbery, vandalism, etc. different court sessions. Secondly, it is the duty of the
3. Crimes against descendents, such as adultery. court to establish the fact through examination of all
4. Crimes against human virtues and chastity, such as false confessions that there was actual penetration of the male’s
accusation of unchastely, drinking alcohol or apostasy. penis into the female’s vagina. Islamic law insists that the
four eye witnesses must confirm physical observation of
The Holy Quran, as the paramount source of Islamic Law the actual intercourse directly. Adultery and fornication
having no more than 80 verses dealing with strictly legal from the Islamic perspective are not personal and private
matters, ordains to the effect. The Quran, the epitome of prerogative. It is a serious violation of the normative
Islamic legislation and the divine inspiring of wisdom and the principles of society. It is a dishonor and violent
Sunnah, the tradition of the Prophet are the primary sources of aggression against the family of the woman. Adultery and
Islamic Law. In Islamic law offences have been divided into fornication are called zina. False accusation of charges of
three categories according to complex criteria that combine zina is punishable for the offense of defamation ‘qazaf’.
the gravity of the penalty prescribed, the manner and the Defamation threatens the legitimacy of a woman’s child;
method used in incriminating and punishing, and the nature of the Quran prescribes eighty lashes for a free citizen and
the interest affected by the prohibited act [3]. forty lashes for a slave: The Quran says: “And those who
cast it up on women in wedlock, and bring not four
The Principles of Islamic Law: The Islamic law Shariah witnesses scourge them with eighty stripes [9].
specifies the law of God and provides guidance for the 3. Theft: The crime of theft is explicitly condemned in
directive of life in the best interests of man. Its objectives are Islamic penal system. The act of stealing must be intensive
to show the best way to man and provide him with the ways and deliberate. The thief must be aware that the property
and means to fulfil his needs in the most prosperous and most belongs to someone else. The property must have been
beneficial way. There is nothing in it which tends to waste kept in a secured place which the thief has forcefully
your powers, or to overwhelm your natural needs and desires, broken. The crime of theft is viewed as a shocking
or to kill your moral urges and emotions [4]. The Shariah experience, for someone to violate the sanctity of another
criminal law is basically divided in to three main categories of person’s abode either at night through forcible entry, and
the crimes. These are Hudud, Qiyas, and Tazir. then stealthily abscond with his property. The punishment
for theft is stated in the Quran as follows: “As to the thief,
Hudud: The first category is hudud crimes. These crimes are male or female, cut off his or her hands [9]. Amputation of
penalized by the community and punishable by fixed penalties the hand is based on strict conditions. The value of the
as required in the Qur’an and the Sunnah [5]. Both crime and stolen item must be considered to determine whether it is
punishment are precisely determined with some flexibility for in the public interest to prosecute the case. The minimum
the judge, depending upon the intent of the accused and the value ‘Nisab’ for the stolen good in Islamic criminal law
quality of the evidence. Crimes against God in Islamic penal must be at least a quarter of a dinar or the equivalent. The
system are called hudud. Actually these crimes are violations stolen property must not be ownerless or unclaimed
of “natural law” as interpreted within the specific cultures of property. The property must have been kept in a secured
the Islamic State. Hudud crimes as violations of God’s rights safe keeping ‘hirz’. The idea of ‘hirz’ implies safekeeping
must merit divine displeasure. Declaration of war against an in a place like a residential apartment and safekeeping by
Islamic state is interpreted as making war against Allah and way of physical security over the item.

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4. Drinking of Alcohol: Islam has described the offense of ‘Qatt al-khata’ killing by mistake is a lethal act which
drinking alcohol as “the mother of all vices”. Since mistakenly causes death. Killing by mistake ‘Qatle al-khat’a’
alcoholic intoxication can lead to the commission of other does not form part of qisas and is not punished by a death
offenses. In the Hadith, Ibn Umar quoted the Prophet when penalty. The Quran forbids Muslims from killing another
he said: “Every intoxicant is wine ‘khamr’ and every Muslim, except mistakenly. The Quran states the Islamic
intoxicant is forbidden [10]. Jabir also reported that Prophet viewpoint:”Never should a believer kill a believer, except by
Muhammad said: “If a large amount of anything causes mistake. It is ordained that he should free a believing slave,
intoxication, a small amount of it is prohibited” [11] The and pay compensation to the deceased family, unless they
punishment for alcoholism and public intoxication from remit freely. If the deceased belonged to people at war with
the Hadith is 80 lashes. This punishment was not provided you, and he was a believer, the freeing of a believing slave is
for in the Quran. Aras bin Malik reported that when a enough. If he belonged to people with whom you have a treaty
drunkard was brought before Prophet Muhammad, he of mutual alliance, compensation should be paid to his family,
directed that the man be punished with 40 stripes with two and a believing slave be freed. For those who find this beyond
palm branches [11]. Anas Abu bakar reported that Caliph their means, a fast for two consecutive months is prescribed
Umar, consulted for a consensus on the punishment for . It is a criminal offense for a Muslim to kill a non-Muslim
drinking alcohol and Abdur-Rahman bin Auf said: “The who belonged to a state which has a pact with the Islamic state
mildest punishment for drinking wine is 80 stripes [12]. known as ‘Mu’ahid’. The punishment in this case is death
5. Robbery: (hirabah) The crime of hirabah includes armed penalty. In the case of killing by mistake, the punishment
robbery, forcible entry into houses or business premises ranges from religious expiation such as fasting, alms-giving,
with weapons and harassing innocent people with and making free of slaves and blood money. Homicide by
weapons. According to Islamic criminal law, armed independent cause which may include situations like a
robbery is synonymous with waging war against the collapsed wall or someone falls into a pit. In both cases the
society. The punishment ranges from amputation to owner is strictly liable and must be made to pay a fine.
execution, depending on the charges and evidence before 1. Qisas: The second category consists of qisas and diyya
the court. The Quran says: “The punishment of those who crimes. In Islamic law, the punishment prescribed for
wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive murder and the infliction of injury is named qisas, that is
with might for mischief through the land is execution or inflicting on the culprit an injury exactly equal to the
crucifixion, or cutting of hands and feet from opposite injury he/she inflicted upon his/her victim. The right to
sides, or exile from the land [13]. The Shariah court is at demand retribution or compensation lies with the victim
liberty to determine the ratio decided to suit the crime. If or, in cases of homicide, the victim’s next of kin.
the robber seizes money and kill his victim, the sentence Sometimes, the relationship between this person and the
may be killing and crucifixion. If the robber threatens and offender can prevent retaliation. Qisas and diyya crimes
takes money without killing and assault, the punishment is fall into two categories: homicide and battery. These
amputation of his hand and leg. If he kills his victim crimes are thus treated in Islamic law as private, not
without taking money, he will be executed. If he threatens public, offences. Qisas is crime involving the taking of life
innocent people without murder, the sentence may be or the causing of bodily harm punishable by retaliation or
exile. blood money ‘diya.’ The victim or his relative has the right
6. Murder: (Quesas) Quesas means “equality”. Quesas to forgive or reduce the penalty of the accused person.
crimes include murder, voluntary and involuntary killings, 2. Ta’azir: The third category of crimes in Islamic law is
intentional and unintentional physical injuries. Murder is called ‘ta’azir’ crimes. These crimesare punishable by
considered the most grievous offense in Islamic criminal penalties left to the discretion of the ruler or the judge
law. The Quran says: “do not kill the person God has Qadhi. They are not specified by the Quran or Sunnah;
forbidden to kill except with justification [14]. The Quran any act that infringes private or community interests of the
stated in another place: “take not life which Allah hath public order can be subject to ta’azir. Ta’azir or
made sacred, except by way of justice and law [15]”. discretionary punishment in Islam is broad and is left to
According Islamic law, homicide can be divided in tow the presiding court. Ta’azir literally means prohibition. It
categories: is the duty of public authorities to lay down rules
1. ‘Qatle al-‘amd’: (Intentional killing) penalizing such conduct. These rules must be draw their
2. ‘Qatle al-khat’a’: (Mistaken Killing) inspiration from the Shariah. The example of a ta’azir
crime is the trafficking of persons. It is not defined in the
‘Qate al-‘amd’ that is intentional killing is prohibited because Quran or the Sunnah but it constitutes clear violation of
life is sacred and cannot be taken except through a death the right to personal security, one of the five essentials of
sentence handed down by a Islamic Shariah court of Islam. Ta’azir is used for three types of cases:
competent jurisdiction, in an Islamic State. Ibn Mas’ud
reported that Prophet Muhammad once said: The blood of a Criminal acts which must by their very nature be sanctioned
Muslim who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I by penalties which relate to hudud, for example attempted
am Allah’s messenger may not be lawfully shed but for one of adultery, illicit cohabitation or simple robbery;
the three reasons: a married man who commits fornication; a 1. Criminal acts normally punished by hudud, but where by
life for a life; and one who turns away from his religion, and reason of doubt for procedural reasons or because of the
abandons the community [16].

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situation of the accused the hudud punishment is replaced imprisonment is a disapproved kind punishment in Islamic
by ta’azir; legal system. The purpose of criminal responsibility is to
2. All acts under the provisions of the law, which are not ensure protection the public interest and make peace in the
punished by hudud. society because the commission of offences is harmful to
collective order and system of beliefs as well as to the life,
The Islamic penal system must be understood and interpreted property, honour and feelings of the individual interest. Islam
in the light of the above characteristics of the Shariah’s penal accords complete judicial autonomy to the various sections of
prescriptions. But these characteristics are dependent on the the community in order to protect and preserve their own
choice of applicable sources of law their ranking and personal and religious affairs. It allows every community to
interrelationship and are subject to the rules of interpretation have its own tribunals to judge its civil as well as criminal
most widely recognized as Usul al-fiqh [18]. cases and leaves it to the discretion of the parties to take the
case to their own judicial tribunal or to the Muslim judiciary
Equality before the Islamic law [19]
. Allah had mentioned “If they do come to you, either judge
Islam stress equality and unity, there is an acknowledgement between them, or decline to interfere. If you decline, they
that all people are not born equal. Human equality is important cannot hurt you in the least. If you judge, judge in equity
because it promotes unity and prevents factions within society. between them. The Quran says: “God loves those who judge
Islam follows every aspect of human psychological and social in equity [20].” Islam always prefers pardon than causing
life so as to give full confirmation to the idea of equality. punishment swearing a better return in the hereafter life. The
Equality before the law means equality amongst equals. It pardon can be also by blood money. Islam also realizes
does not provide that what is aimed at is an absolute equality reformation and like the other legal system aims to keep the
of treatment to all persons in disregard in every conceivable. social order stable and widespread and save the community
This principle applies equally to criminal legislation and to its from the threat of various crimes. The wisdom behind the
application. Circumstances of the differences such as age, sex, punishments is either the offender who has been convicted and
education and so on and so forth as may be found amongst faced punishment he will most likely not repeat the crime
people in general. Indeed, the aim of the doctrine of equality again in future or who watched the execution of punishment
before the law is to ensure that invidious distinction or or heard about it, he also avoid himself safe from crime. The
arbitrary discrimination shall not be made by the state between purpose of punishment is to recompense of crime. It means
a citizen and a citizen who belongs to the same group.Thus, that the offender is always given highest chance to defend
crimes and punishment must apply equally. This also extends himself which lastly results in awarding him a perfect, fair and
to criminal proceedings. The principle is not, however, actual sentence [21]. Shariah law focuses on the individual as
deemed to be violated with respect to the individualization of well as the good of the community. The primary objective of
penalties, particularly ta‘azir offences where the theory of Islamic penal system is to protect society from the dangers of
correction and rehabilitation applies. The principle of equality crime.
guarantees that the judge will not abuse his discretionary One of the core objectives of Islamic punishment is its
powers. It is a form of control over the disparity of sentences deterrent capacity. The Shariah has recommended that
and abuse of power. While that principle appears more punishment should be executed publicly because public
procedural in nature, it is also substantive because it precludes display of imposition of sentence possesses a deterrent effect.
legislation which could be unequal in its purposes. Scope and As a sequence of this public demonstration, all those who had
application are subject to those legitimate distinctions made even the slightest inclination towards the commission of crime
pursuant to the legally valid need to preserve Islam. Islam would restrain themselves in the view of the punishment it
provides a system of equality. Discrimination between rich entails. In order to achieve this objective, Shariah has clearly
and poor in awarding punishment is prohibited. In order to commanded that the fixed punishment of Islam should not be
avoid the discrimination Islam provide a legal system which is reduced or mitigate even under pressure of the sentiment of
lacking of imposing any monetary fine or penalty. mercy. This deterrent and exemplary aspect of Islamic
punishment has a psychological impact on all those who have
Purposes of Punishment under Islamic Law criminal inclination and propensities.
The main object of punishment in Islam is to prevent the
commission of crime. For this purpose Islam provides a Islamic Legal System
system of imposing harsh punishment on the criminals. The Quran is designated as the supreme law or the supreme
Islamic law educate the people about the outcome of the constitution of the state. The Quran is the foundation of
punishment and thus prevent and deter them from committing Shariah law, as supplemented and elucidated by the equally
the crimes. The Quran describe the Haduds as exemplary authoritative mandates of the Sunnah. Together, the Quran
punishments from God. It means that these penalties imposed and Sunnah provide clear guidance on the fundamentals of
upon the person are exemplary in nature. They become Islam, such as moral values practical duties and other
examples for those who have criminal mentality. The like- devotional matters. In the area of criminal law, however, the
minded criminals become aware of the fact that committing Quran and Sunnah are generally flexible and proscribe only a
crime is not worthy business. The unique salient features of few specific offenses, known as hudud. As Shariah law
Shariah law shows the significance of Islamic law over the derived from the Quran and the acts of the Prophet by way of
western legal system. One of the unique features of Shariah the Sunnah, Shariah law is intertwined with morality. Shariah
law is that there is no rule for imprisoning the offender. The divides its dictates into five different shades of obligation,

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

obligatory, recommended, reprehensible, permissible and cultures. The dimensions of time, space and cultural diversity
forbidden. As a legal system, however, Shariah law treats add to the complexities of a system whose depth and breadth
religious and moral transgression different from legal are a real intellectual challenge.
transgressions in that only the legal rules of Shariah are
justifiable. The Islamic legal system, known as Shariah law, Justice in Islam
has its foundations in the Quran and in the Sunnah [22], In Justice is the most fundamental of all virtues for ordering
Islamic criminal law the criminal accountability and interpersonal relations and establishing and maintaining a
responsibility rests on three bases, namely. stable society. In fact, Justice is a moral virtue of individual
1. The person commits a forbidden act. character as well as a desirable quality of society. Justice plays
2. The person commits a crime with his free consent. an important role in man’s life and also in the society as a
3. The person who commits an offence is mature and sound whole. It encompasses all the aspects of human life and
and can differentiate between the correct and wrong. enables one to live in peace and harmony with other fellow
beings. Justice is the basis of human life, as it is a source of all
Islamic legal system based on Islamic belief. The ethical and noble traits. It is safe enough to say that justice is the basic
moral principles consist of trust ‘amanah’, justice ‘adalah’. element in organized social life. Justice can be defined as
This legal system consists of constitutional law, civil law, fairness in the treatment to all people assigning rights and
criminal law, and other laws. Islamic legal discourse can be duties, honour and opportunities etc. It demands equal
very flexible and innovative. In the case Islamic legal system, treatment to all. It means placing things in their rightful place.
crime is a violation of the law prescribed the Shariah. It is The concept of justice is fundamental to any ethical system; as
immaterial whether the law is expressly or impliedly revealed such it is also fundamental to Islamic ethics. Justice, as
or formulated under the revealed authority. This is the reason expounded by the Quran, is one of the most fundamental
that in Islamic legal system neither the concept of law nor the virtues in Islam.
concept of crime is variable. The Quran aims at building a better social order and being so
it lays great emphasis on justice because it facilitates the
Islamic Judicial System establishment of social order and also enables peoples to
Judiciary System in Islam is new concept for "crime" and develop their human qualities and high moral order among
"Punishment". It developed new institutions regarding crime themselves and thereby can create a balance in their affairs
and punishment. The holy Quran has good concept of Justice and dealings with their fellow beings to establish justice.
in every sphere of life particularly for common masses like Islam is a religion which lays emphasis on every aspect of
women, poor and so on. It has very liberal rule and very justice and enjoins on man to do all sorts of justice. For every
democratic in nature. The judicial system and punishment of aspect of justice there are several words like, ‘adl’, ‘qist’,
the Islamic state were implemented throughout every period ‘mizan’ etc. used in the Quran [24]. Justice presupposes a
from the time of the Prophet in Madina, when he established number of basic principles such as the presumption of
the first Islamic state. It settled the disputed between the innocence, equality before the law, non-retroactivity of
people, protected the legitimate rights of the society and criminal law, individualization of punishment, and the conduct
ensured that those in authority gave the residents of the state of legal proceedings in a lawful manner. Thus substantive
their dues in accordance with the Shariah of Islam. However, justice and observance of proper procedures constitute the
the strength and authority that the judiciary in Islam offers is dual purpose of Islamic criminal justice. The Qur’an and
not built upon harsh punishments or domination of the people sunna urge people over and over again to be just and to
. Judiciary has been given a supreme and vast power in practise justice. The Quran forbids persecution and threatens
Islam. Independence of judiciary is a vital principle of the to punish anyone who contemplates using it. Reading it, we
Shariah law. The Quran has stressed the importance of “‘Adl” find that the word ‘justice’ and all its derivatives in that sense
in various contexts on various occasions indicating its great are mentioned more than 20 times. The word ‘persecution’
and deep significance in social relationships. The primary and its derivatives are mentioned about 300 times, the word
judicial function of judiciary is to determine disputes, whether ‘aggression’ is mentioned 8 times while the words ‘attack’ and
between private persons or between a private person and a ‘violate’ are mentioned 20 times [25]. The Quran is the source
public authority. Judges must apply the law and are bound to of direction in all facets of life and is believed to be the very
follow Quranic Injunctions. In Islamic State, judiciary is the word of God is key to understanding social justice and human
guardian of the constitution based on the Injunctions of the development in Islam. Sharia law provides the legislation
Quran and Sunnah. Independent judiciary performs its necessary for firmly grounding the principles of social justice.
functions adequately and delivers its judgments in the light of
Islamic law. Independence of judiciary can hardly become Capital Punishment in Islam
reality unless competent judges are appointed in the judiciary. Capital punishment, which takes a person’s life that is found
The role of a judge is very crucial and critical because he has guilty of a capital offence by the courts of law, is considered
the power to award proper punishment to the criminals and to serve the main objectives of punishment. When a criminal
also to decide civil as well as in criminal cases. Islam does not is given a capital punishment, it dissuades not only the
allow any discrimination because of race, color, language, and offender from repeating the crime but also deters others who
religious affiliation or social economic status. The Islamic have criminal tendencies. For people fear of death the most by
Judicial system has evolved during fourteen centuries putting the offender to death, fear is instilled in the minds of
throughout different regions of the world with diverse other criminals, the evil-doer is made an example and warning

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

to all that are like minded with him [26]. The Islamic Law and legitimate ruler or leader ‘Imam’ of the Islamic State.
provides death penalty as a deterrent for only seven serious To oppose a Muslim ruler is a rebellious act provided the
crimes that harm individuals or threaten to destabilize the ruler is righteous and it is a punishable offence under
foundation of society as a means of controlling crime and Islamic administration of justice. The Qur’an enjoins: “O,
protecting society. Islam prescribes capital punishment only who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and
for seven crimes mainly with a view to make the execution of those charged with authority among you. If you differ in
the evil doer as an example and warning to all that are like anything among yourselves, refer it To Allah and His
minded with him and to disable himself to commit the same or Messenger, if you do believe in Allah and the Last Day:
other offences for the second time. According to Islamic Law, That is best, and most suitable for final determination.
capital punishment may be imposed only for two kinds of 2. Apostasy: (Al-Riddah) Apostasy of Islam means the
crimes: rejection of and non-adherence to Islam in favor of any
A. Intentional murder: (Qatle al-‘amd) other religion either in action or words. Before deeds or
B. Spreading mischief in the land: (Fased fil-ard) words can be considered as a sign of apostasy they must be
accompanied by doing away with faith and a precise
(A) Intentional Murder refusal of Islam or showing a clear renunciation of the
Murder is considered as a grave disobedience and religion. The Qur’an declares about the apostate thus: “But
transgression after polytheism. When person commits a those who reject Faith after they accepted it, And then go
murder, he violates three separate rights: on adding To their defiance of faith- Never will their
1. The right of victim and his family; repentance Be accepted; for they Are those who have (of
2. The right of the society to maintain peace, safety and set purpose) gone astray [28].
tranquility; 3. Fleeing from the Battlefield: In the Quran, the word
3. The right of Allah. Jihad as a holy war is used in respect of waging it for the
Islam retains the punishment of death for murder but in some defense or cause of Islam against any aggression of the
cases without depriving anyone of their right an exceptional enemies. If a man goes for jihad and is stationed in the
form of punishment has also been created. This exceptional battlefield, for fighting against the enemies of Islam, it will
form is also based on profound wisdom; It is possible that the then be obligatory for him to stand firm according to the
heirs of the murdered victim may be entirely dependent upon instructions given and continue fighting the enemies. The
the person murdered for their subsistence. In such a situation Qur’an says: “O, you who believe, when you meet a force,
capital punishment cannot fulfil a practical basic need of the be firm [29]. The Quran further says: “O you, who believe,
family’s welfare. Thus, for making provision of claiming when you meet the unbelievers in hostile array, never turn
ransom in lieu of capital punishment, Islam offers a practical your backs to them [30].” Running away from the
choice to the grieved family The Islamic law stresses on the battlefield can endanger the fate of the territory of the
observance of strict equivalence in case of intentional murder. Muslim community and enemies might wipe them out.
The Qur’an speaks of dreadful punishment in another place Therefore, fleeing the battlefield is considered as a grave
for noncompliance of Allah’s prohibition of doing certain acts crime in Islam.
including taking one’s ‘sacred’ life for unjust caus. The Quran 4. Highway Robbery (Al- Hirabah): Highway robbery ‘al-
says: Those who invoke not, With Allah, any other god, Nor hirabah’ is a serious crime committed by an armed person
slay such life as Allah Has sacred, except For just cause, nor or by a group of armed persons who attack innocent
commit Fornication- and any that does This (not only meets travelers or wayfarers on the highway (or any other place)
punishment) (But) the penalty on the Day Of Judgment will be for robbing their property by means of force when the
doubled To him, and he will dwell Therein in ignominy [27]. victims are unable to receive any immediate help from the
relevant authority. The Islamic jurists have explained the
(B) Spreading Mischief in the Land act of hirabah in the following categories:
Sspreading mischief in the land is wide-open to different 1. The robbers who could only kill but could not get away
interpretations, the jurists generally agree to include the with their loot. Still it amounts to robbery.
following crimes in the expression that affect the community 2. If they killed and took away the property, it is robbery.
as a whole and destabilize the society: 3. If they took away property with the use of force
1. Treason, traitors who try to plot the overthrowing of the without killing.
Islamic Government and help the enemy of the Muslim 4. Even if they only frightened by using force without
community; intention to rob, it still amounts to robbery [31].
2. Apostasy, renouncing the religion of Islam ‘riddah’ and 5. Adultery: (Al- Zina) Committed by a Married Man or
turning against it; Woman Islam enjoins purity of sexual life both for men
3. Fleeing the Battlefield in ‘Jihad; and women by strictly prohibiting ‘zina’. The Arabic word
4. Committing highway robbery ‘hirabah; zina applies to both adultery, Islam considers ‘zina’ as a
5. Commission of adultery ‘zina’ by a married man or detestable act which disrupts the very fabric of the family-
woman ‘muhsan’. love, loyalty, senses of belonging, sharing and caring-
6. Homosexuality jeopardizes the conjugal happiness, works as a potent
reason for numerous evil acts like murders, feuds and
1. Rebellion (Al- Baghy): Rebellion is the intentional and crimes against person and property, creates confusion of
forceful overthrow or attempted overthrow of the righteous paternity lineage and spreads various kinds of viral

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

diseases. Hence, Islam regulates the marriage institution, stands for a fixed and unchangeable punishment and hudud is
disciplines the sex behavior, disapproves adultery and plural of the Arabic word hadd) crimes and, as such, as a
prescribes severe punishment for it. The Qur’an expressly mandatory punishment cannot be decreased, altered or
prohibits ‘zina’ specifying reasons: “Nor come to nigh [do remitted by anyone, including the head of the state [38].
not come nearer] to adultery, for it is a shameful (deed),
And an evil opening the road, To other evils [32].” The Conclusion
Qur’an made it clear that those guilty of adultery must be The Islamic jurisprudence embraced almost all forms of
given as punishment one hundred lashes: “The Woman and alternatives to original punishments known in the modern
the man guilty of adultery or fornication flog each of them restorative justice systems. Today, the Islamic justice system
With a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you In could be part of the efforts towards developing common
their case, in a matter Prescribed by Allah, if ye believe In global restorative justice standards. Islamic law of punishment
Allah and the Last Day: And let a party Of the believers is the most consequential as compared to any system of
Witness their punishment [33].” punishments ever enforced inhuman history. Islamic system of
6. Homosexuality: Homosexuality is an unnatural sexual act punishment is neither barbarous nor unenforceable in the
to satisfy one’s sexual desire, which is a heinous crime in present civilized era. Islamic system of punishment is the most
Islam although it is on the increase in the civilized western effective, efficacious and consequential system in the world.
world. The Quran lay down to that effect: “We also sent The psychological level of the efficacy of Islamic punishment
Prophet Lut, He said to His people: Do ye commit is determined by the fact that the element of fear and the
lewdness. Such as no people in creation (ever) committed psychological feeling of insecurity of life. Through the
before you? [34] For ye practice your lasts On Men in complete enforcement of Islamic penal system, the society
preference To women: ye are indeed A people enjoys an ideal peace, prosperity and tranquillity which are
transgressing Beyond Bounds. Of all the creatures in the essential requirement for the individual and collective growth
world, will ye Approach males [35]. And leave those whom of its members. The purpose of Islamic punishment is to
Allah has created for you to your mates? Nay, ye are a establish and preserve clean society, a society based on the
people transgressing all limits [36]. enviable principles of equality and justice. A society based on
the sanctity of human life.
Capital offences in Islamic criminal justice system are called
hudud meaning “restraint” or prohibition. These are offences References
that are specified in the Quran and Sunna. Hudud crimes are 1. The Quran, 17: 37.
often seen as criminal behaviour against Allah, or public 2. The Quran: 17: 32
justice. Islamic courts do not have any discretionary power in 3. S. Nagaty, The Theory of Crime and Criminal
the execution of hudud penalties. Once a prima facie case is Responsibility in Islamic Law: Shari’a 1991, 50
established with evidences, and the conditions for applying the 4. Abul A. Mawdudi, Towards understanding Islam. The
punishments are fulfilled the Islamic court is divested of Islamic Foundation, 1992, p.100
discretionary powers. The capital punishment can only be 5. Mansour, ‘Hudud Crimes’, M. C. Bassiouni, The Islamic
given on the basis of direct and unimpeachable evidence Criminal Justice System,1982, p.195
avoiding conviction only on a single- witness testimony and 6. The Quran: 5:33
reluctance to act upon the evidence of women only bear the 7. The Quran: 24:2
testimony of the unique system of guilt- determination 8. The Quran: 24:4
prescribed by the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The other capital 9. The Quran: 5:38
offences are offences punishable by fixed punishments 10. In Sunan Ibn-I-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants,
‘hudud’ as revealed in the Holy Qur’an and affirmed by the Chapter 30 Hadith no. 3392,
Sunnah or in order to attain peace and security for mankind. 11. Sunan Abi Dawud, hadith no. 3681
Islamic Law does not allow taking away someone’s life on the 12. Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith no, 4616
basis of inadequate and unfitted circumstantial evidence. 13. Sahih Muslim, Hadith no, 4227
Usually two male witnesses or one male and two female 14. The Quran 5:33-34
witnesses are essential except in cases of adultery when four 15. The Quran: 17:33-35
male eye witnesses of high moral character and standing in the 16. The Quran: 6:151
community or deliberate four times confessions by the 17. Sunn Ibn Maza, Hadith No. 3931,
adulterers are required in order to make it more difficult to 18. The Quran: 4:92
prove the offence of zina for inflicting the punishment of 19. Mottahedeh, Roy, Lessons in Islamic Jurisprudence, One
stoning to death [37]. It goes without saying that although Islam world Publications ,2003, p. 1
recognizes only minimum number of capital offences, the 20. William E. Shepard, Sayyid Qutb and Islamic Activism:
standard of proof it requires for the imposition of death A Translation and Critical Analysis of “Social Justice in
penalty. Islam emphasizes on the sacredness and inviolability Islam” E.J. Brill, Netherlands, 1996, p. 33
of human life. The Quran, the epitome of Islamic legislation 21. The Quran: 5:42
and the divine inspiring of wisdom and the Sunnah, the 22. Maruf, A.M, Crime and Punishment under Islamic
tradition of the Prophet are the primary sources of Islamic Jurisprudence: Introspection. The Northern University
Law. prescribe the capital punishment for several hadd (which Journal of Law, 3, 2012, P.20-22

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

23. Mohammad Shabbir, Outlines of Criminal Law and

Justice in Islam (Selangor: International Law Book
Services, 2007) p. 242.
24. Haqqi, A.R.A, Criminal Punishment and Pursuit Justice
in Islamic Law, International Journal of Technical
Research and Applications, 2015, Special Issue 15: 1-10
25. The Quran: 6: 73, 5: 9
26. M. C. Bassiouni, ‘Sources of Islamic Law and the
Protection of Human Rights in the Islamic Criminal
Justice System’, in M. C. Bassiouni (ed.), 1982, pp. 1-19.
See also M. Hamidullah, 1945; Nawaz, 1965, p. 325;
Ahmad, 1956, p. 1.
27. Maruf, A.M, Crime and Punishment under Islamic
Jurisprudence: Introspection. The Northern University
Journal of Law, 3, 2012, P.20-25
28. The Quran: 25: 68-69
29. The Quran: 3: 90
30. The Quran: 8: 45
31. The Quran: 8:15
32. Mohammad Shabbir, Outlines of Criminal Law and
Justice in Islam (Selangor: International Law Book
Services, 2007, p. 248
33. The Quran:17:32
34. The Quran: 24: 2
35. The Quran: 7: 80
36. The Quran: 7: 81
37. The Quran: 26: 166
38. The Quran:17:32
39. Anwarullah, The Criminal Law of Islam, Kuala Lumpur:
A. S. Noordeen, 1997, p. 112


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