Preparation Exam API 510:N°02 Questions

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Ex Vinçotte International Algérie s.p.a.

Preparation exam API 510 :N°02 questions

Section 4 questions

1- Who is responsible to ensure that all of the requirements of API 510 are met?
a) API 510 Inspector
b) jurisdiction
c) manufacturer
d) owner/user

2- Who is responsible to ensure that the Authorized Inspection Agency functions

in accordance with the requirements of API 510?
a) API 510 Inspector
b) jurisdiction
c) owner/user
d) pressure vessel engineer

3- Each owner/user that uses API 510 must:

a) maintain a quality assurance inspection manual
b) employ (direct-hire) at least one pressure equipment engineer
c) maintain an "R" stamp for vessel repairs
d) employ (direct-hire) at least one qualified welder who can make repairs to
pressure vessels

4- Which of the following is not required to be in the owner/user's quality

assurance inspection manual?
a) training requirements for inspection personnel
b) calibration of NDE equipment
c) directions on how to document inspection results
d) establish vacation policy for authorized inspectors

5- Which of the following is not a role for the API 510 inspector?
a) provide the owner/user assurance that all welding meet requirements
b) provide the owner/user assurance that all NDE examinations meet
c) provide the owner/user assurance that all inspections meet requirements
d) provide the owner/user assurance that all pressure testing meet
Ex Vinçotte International Algérie s.p.a.

6- During in-service vessel repairs, all examination results must be accepted by

a) NDE supervisor
b) API 510 inspector
c) pressure vessel engineer
d) repair org

7- Which of the following is a role for the API 510 inspector?

a) provide solutions when welding problems occur
b) train on-site NDE personnel
c) authorize substitution of pre-heat in lieu of PWHT during vessel repairs
d) evaluate and accept NDE results

8- When repairs and alterations are being conducted, which individual or

organization is responsible for quality control?
a) Authorized Inspection Agency
b) Repair org
c) API 510 inspector
d) On-site pressure equipment department

9- When repairs and alterations are being conducted, which individual or

organization is responsible for validating that the materials meet the
requirements of API 510?
a) Authorized Inspection Agency
b) Repair org
c) API 510 inspector
d) On-site pressure equipment department

10- When NDE is performed on in-service vessels, who must maintain a record of
the NDE personnel certification?
a) API 510 inspector
b) employer
c) owner/user
d) repair org

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