Assessment 1

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Name: Md Momtasin Tanvir

Id: 138538
Sub: Data 4900
Date: 14-12-2020
What is creativity and what does it mean to me:........................................................................................3
How it can be developed:............................................................................................................................3
How data and data analytics can enhance creativity and reduce bias in decision-making:.........................3
Where it’s important to identify the problems:..........................................................................................4
Data and data analytics reduce bias in decision making:.............................................................................4
Survey design:.............................................................................................................................................5
My answer regarding these questions:........................................................................................................6
Second persons answer (My brother):........................................................................................................7
My creativity style assessed by me:.............................................................................................................7
My family and friend’s affects on this solution:...........................................................................................7
The framework (formal or informal) which I used:......................................................................................8
Effects of week two’s framework:...............................................................................................................8
Framework for innovation and creativity:...................................................................................................8
What is creativity and what does it mean to me:
Creativity is some tasks which introduce new thoughts in to reality. It’s something different than
the traditional acts but it’s not just new thinking it’s also some acts which bring dreams into
reality. When someone just thinks about new ideas but doesn’t take initiative to make it reality
then he will be called as imaginative but to be creative proper acts are needed.

How it can be developed:

Creativity is not some kinds of skills which people by born get, its lots more than these. Almost
every people are creative but to develop creativity a supportive environment is highly needed.
Applied and deliberate practice is the key to get new ideas. However, proper steps are highly
needed to bring ideas into reality.

How data and data analytics can enhance creativity and reduce bias in
Yes I do believe data and data analytics can enhance creativity and reduce bias in decision
making. According to Mike Perla’s test about the website of an addiction treatment center, data
and data analytics can enhance creativity.

Fig: Creativity through analytics.

Sector where data and data analytics can enhance creativity:

Where it’s important to identify the problems:

To identify problems data and data analytics is important. It’s exempt various chances to show
At the time of idea generation and selection the best from them:

To generate idea creativity works as leading element and to select the best option from them data
and data analytics is important. These enhance the chance of settling up the best option.

Gather information and move towards the solutions:

To gather information data and data analytics help, but to find the best solution creativity is
really effective.

So after considering everything it can be said that data and data analytics has positive direct and
indirect effects on creativity.

Data and data analytics reduce bias in decision making:

There are different kinds of bias which can affect decision making. Some of them are:

 Confirmation bias
 Interpretation bias
 Prediction bias
 Information bias

To identify the bias in any situation data and data analytics is really workable and after
identifying bias it’s really easy to omit it.

Survey design:
Please click one option which matches your personality.

1. When it necessary, I feel comfortable to trace Not at Rarely Sometimes Often Very
problems and after finding problem I like to all often
gather information about the problems.

2. I feel satisfy to look for problems Not at Rarely Sometimes Often Very
all often

3. I like to collect ideas about something and I Not at Rarely Sometimes Often Very
feel comfortable to accomplish solutions. all often

4. I don’t have ability to assess something Yes No

and I can’t make plans.
5. I don’t try to find true problems, when Yes No
problematic situation come, even I am
not confident about problem’s solution,
that’s why I feel afraid to go for actions. .
6. I don’t like to understand the problems Yes No
deeply; even don’t try to find ideas.

7. In challenging situations do you like to Not at Rarely Sometime Often Very

accept challenges and want to fight back till all s often
the end?
8. Do you like to change setup, when the Not at Rarely Sometime Often Very
team can’t meet the expected outcomes and all s often
do you like to change the team setup so
9. Do you like to solve the problems in Not at Rarely Sometime Often Very
traditional ways? all s often
10. Do you think your emotions affect your Not at Rarely Sometime Often Very
creative related works and your creativity all s often
decrease, when you work in different areas,
then your known environment?

My answer regarding these questions:

Question number 1: When problematic situations come Very often I feel comfortable to trace
problems. I feel attractive about problem solving; even some times I take it as my responsibility.
To solve the problems, I often try to gather information.

Question number 2: I feel satisfy sometimes to look for problems. I don’t have aptitude to look
for problems in unnecessary situations, however when I feel it’s really important to look for
problems then I don’t hesitate.

Question number 3: Very often I like to collect ideas from various sources before solving
problems. It gives me a better concept and I also like to implement solution, if I think it will

Question number 4: I feel comfortable to asses something. When I work I like to make a plan
before moving to actions.

Question number 5: I always feel comfortable to find true problem. When problems arise I try to
solve the problems. However when I feel satisfy about the solution I don’t waste time for
thinking. I directly like to apply the solutions.
Question number 6: I like to understand the problems deeply which helps to get some good ideas
about the situation. It’s not easy to solve problem without understanding it properly.

Question number 7: Very often in challenging situations I like to face challenges. I always give
importance to challenging things. However, almost every time I stand towards challenges. I don’t
like to move back from challenges.

Question number 8: When the team doesn’t meet expected outcomes then some time I like to
change setup. But it’s not my habit because I like to wait till their final attempt.

Question number 9: No I don’t like to follow traditional way. Most of the times I like to try
something new.

Question number 10: I think rarely my emotion decrease the creativity. Even, when I work in
unknown environment, it dot affect too much on my creativity.

Second persons answer (My brother):

Question number 1: Most of time according to situation I like to look for problems. However
rarely I like to gather information for problem solving.

Question number 2: I like to look for problems rarely, but when it is extremely needed I don’t

Question number 3: I like to collect idea about some ting rarely, because most of the time I can
solve problem from my own thinking. However I feel comfortable to accomplish something.

Question number 4: Yes I have ability to assess something and I can do plans as well.

Question number 5: Yes I try to find true problems. Almost every time I am confident about
problem’s solutions. However most of the time I feel comfortable to go for an action.

Question number 6: Only when needed then I like to look the problem deeply. No I don’t like to
find ideas from outside.

Question number 7: In challenging situation rarely I like to stay till the end, most of the time I
escape or start new thing. I don’t like challenging situations; I do prefer sample life style.

Question number 8: No I don’t like to change setup. I do this rarely. I like to give then training
for developments. I feel comfortable with an existing team.

Question number 9: Very often I like to solve the problems in traditional ways, because most of
the traditional ways are proven then the new steps.

Question number 10: Very often my emotions affect my creative works. Yes very often my
creativity decrease when I work in an unknown environment.
My creativity style assessed by me:
According to my point of view about myself I will be able to work more effectively on
preparation and evaluation step of creativity. I feel comfortable on finding problems and discover
the solutions. If I consider my creativity style then I have to say, I have cognitive creativity style.
What I have seen, I like to follow individual steps to solve problems and I also like freedom on
my behavior. However that doesn’t mean I dislike other’s opinion. Most of the times I like to
share my opinion with others to improve it and I also like to take the good elements from others.

My family and friend’s affects on this solution:

My family and friends don’t affect my solutions. Till now they have supported to solve the
problems. For example, recently I have worked under CEGIS and when I was working in a
project, I got enough mental support from my family and friends. However I am not robot, like
other human I have emotions too. If something bad happens then may be my creativity will
slightly decrease.

Even in this problem my family and friend supported me greatly. It’s obvious that emotions have
effect on creativity and which type of support people are getting from friends and family that
effect emotions. So effect or affects depends on various situations. However in this problem I got
positive effects, even my brother gave his opinion to solve this problem.

The framework (formal or informal) which I used:

If we consider the given question, it can be seen the structure was given and the job was
declared. So from that point of view it can be said we had to slightly follow formal frame work
but the border of everything was not hardly fixed so from my point of view I have used informal

Effects of week two’s framework:

If I used the framework from week 2, my solution would be different. These frameworks would
give more opportunity to understand the problem deeply and if the problem can be understood
deeply then the solutions will be more accurate. Even these are more structural and proven way
of innovations and creativity related work.

Framework for innovation and creativity:

1) Environmental scanning

2) Hypothesis generation
3) Design thinking for problem solving

Environmental scanning:

Environmental scanning is a way of collecting information about something and makes

connection of these with given objective to solve the problem in a structured way.

In this situation I had to understand more deeply about creativity, problem solving and some
other things.

Hypothesis generation:

In this step data driven works can be considered to understand the pattern which will help to
establish more accurate questioners to gain the given objective. In this situation if I could
understand some more previous research works my questions structure would be more precise.

Design thinking for problem solving

It supports to establish symmetry among the problem related activities and the improvement of
solutions. It helps to make change to get the best outcomes.

In this situation I had to check and develop more structured questioners to get the most accurate
out comes.

So after considering everything it can be said that to justify other’s creativity, problem solving
tendency and other abilities an accurate and properly distributed questioner is highly needed.


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