One World, One Humanity - The International Community
One World, One Humanity - The International Community
One World, One Humanity - The International Community
► Read DOCAT
Read nos. 229-237.
► Do reflect
Genesis 11:1-9 tells the story of the Tower of Babel. After the
flood, one group of people tried to assert their own power and
independence from God by building a massive tower “with its
top in the heavens” (Genesis 11:4). To prevent them from going
any further in their prideful revolt, God confused their
language; if they couldn’t understand one another then they
would no longer be able to collaborate in rebellion.
DO Chat
1. Describe an experience you’ve had of another culture (for
example, studying a language, eating new food,
traveling to a different country, etc.). In what ways
did this experience impact you?
DO Challenge
Learn: Learn to pray the Sign of the Cross in another language.
► Read DOCAT
Read nos. 238-247.
► Do reflect
Major tragedies often inspire widespread exhibitions of global
solidarity. After a terrorist attack or a huge natural disaster,
people all over the world respond with expressions of support
and unity. These displays of solidarity are good and beautiful,
but we are called to something even greater. The Church
reminds us to cultivate this sense of universal brotherhood not
only in the face of disaster but always. St. Paul urged the church
in Galatia not to “grow weary in well-doing” but to take every
opportunity to “do good to all men” (Galatians 6:9-10). The
same admonition holds true for us today: solidarity with our
brothers and sisters around the world should be a daily
consideration. Let’s not wait for some catastrophe to remind us
of our fellowship with the rest of the world.
DO Chat
1. Do you think that one group of people can claim certain
rights while also denying those rights to other groups
of people? Why or why not?
DO Challenge
Give: Pick an international aid organization and donate
something to it (a monetary donation, free publicity by telling
others about it, etc.).
Read and Pray: Choose a news source and read about current
international events. Pick one news story and pray for the
people involved.
► Behind DOCAT
“The Church is the place where humanity must rediscover its
unity and salvation” (CCCM5). Globalization brings with it a
variety of challenges. Not all players on the global stage have
equal roles. There are stronger nations and weaker nations,
wealthy states and poor states, war-torn countries and countries
experiencing a period of peace. These differences in situation
often lead to inequality and injustice.
► Read DOCAT
Read nos. 248-255.
► What Does DOCAT Say?
1. What are the four key points of Catholic social teaching
relating to migrants?
► Do reflect
The Old Testament tells several stories of people welcoming
strangers into their lives who later turn out to be angels.
Abraham plays host to three unknown travelers who announce
the coming birth of Isaac (cf Genesis 18:1-21). Lot welcomes
two strangers, and he and his daughters are saved from the
destruction of Sodom (cf Genesis 19). Gideon, receives a visitor
who then helps him deliver Israel from the oppression of its
enemies (cf Judges 6-7). And Tobias hires a traveling
companion who not only accompanies him on his journey but
leads him to his future wife (cf Tobit 5-9). In each of these
stories, the virtue of hospitality is rewarded with great blessing.
The Letter to the Hebrews urges Christians to imitate these Old
Testament figures when it says, “Do not neglect to show
hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained
angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:2). Whether we are welcoming
family, friends, or strangers from near or far, when we show
hospitality we are blessing others and honoring God—and we
are likely being blessed as well.
(3) Pick one of the stories above and read it. How did that
person receive more than he gave when welcoming a
stranger? Have you ever felt like you received more
than you gave by offering someone hospitality?
DO Chat
1. Have you ever moved? What was positive about the
experience? What was challenging? If you haven’t
moved, what is positive or negative about having
stayed in the same place your whole life?
DO Challenge
Pray: When you get dressed in the morning, check the tag on
each article of clothing to see where it was made. Pray for each
of those countries that day.