BDI Tema11 Danuta Laurentiu

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Tema nr.

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1. Write the syntax to create the grad_candidates table.

CREATE TABLE graduate_candidates

(student_id NUMBER(6) ,
last_name VARCHAR2(20) ,
first_name VARCHAR2(20),
credits NUMBER(3) ,
graduation_date DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);

2. Confirm creation of the table using DESCRIBE.

DESCRIBE graduate_candidates;

3. Create a new table using a subquery. Name the new table your last name -- e.g.,
smith_table. Using a subquery, copy grad_candidates into smith_table.
CREATE TABLE hello_table
AS ( SELECT * FROM graduate_candidates);
4. Insert your personal data into the table created above.

INSERT INTO hello_table (student_id, last_name, first_name, credits, graduation_date)


5. Using the column information for the animals table below, name constraints where applicable
at the table level, otherwise name them at the column level. Define the primary key
(animal_id). The license_tag_number must be unique. The admit_date and vaccination_date
columns cannot contain null values.

animal_id NUMBER(6) - PRIMARY KEY

name VARCHAR2(25)
license_tag_number NUMBER(10)- UNIQUE
admit_date DATE- NOT NULL
adoption_id NUMBER(5),
vaccination_date DATE- NOT NULL

6. Create the animals table. Write the syntax you will use to create the table.


( animal_id NUMBER(6,0) CONSTRAINT anl_anl_id_pk PRIMARY KEY ,
name VARCHAR2(25),
license_tag_number NUMBER(10,0) CONSTRAINT anl_l_tag_num_uk UNIQUE,
admit_date DATE CONSTRAINT anl_adt_dat_nn NOT NULL ENABLE,
adoption_id NUMBER(5,0),
vaccination_date DATE CONSTRAINT anl_vcc_dat_nn NOT NULL ENABLE


7. Enter one row into the table. Execute a SELECT * statement to verify your input. Refer to
the graphic below for input.


101 Spot 35540 10-OCT-04 205 12-OCT_04
INSERT INTO animals (animal_id, name, license_tag_number, admit_date, adoption_id,
VALUES( 101, 'Spot', 35540, TO_DATE('10-Oct-2004', 'DD-Mon-YYYY'), 205,
TO_DATE('12-Oct-2004', 'DD-Mon-YYYY'));
SELECT * FROM animals;
8. Write the syntax to create a foreign key (adoption_id) in the animals table that has a
corresponding primary- key reference in the adoptions table. Show both the column-level and
table-level syntax. Note that because you have not actually created an adoptions table, no
adoption_id primary key exists, so the foreign key cannot be added to the animals table.
MODIFY ( adoption_id NUMBER(5,0) CONSTRAINT anl_adopt_id_fk REFERENCES
adoptions(id) ENABLE );

ALTER TABLE animals ADD CONSTRAINT anl_adopt_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (adoption_id)

REFERENCES adoptions(id) ENABLE;
9. Since the tables are copies of the original tables, the integrity rules are not passed onto the
new tables; only the column datatype definitions remain. You will need to add a PRIMARY
KEY constraint to the copy_d_clients table. Name the primary key copy_d_clients_pk . What
is the syntax you used to create the PRIMARY KEY constraint to the copy_d_clients.table?
CREATE TABLE copy_d_clients
AS ( SELECT * FROM d_clients);
CREATE TABLE copy_d_events
AS ( SELECT * FROM d_events);
ALTER TABLE copy_d_clients
ADD CONSTRAINT copy_d_clt_client_number_pk PRIMARY KEY (client_number);

10. Create a FOREIGN KEY constraint in the copy_d_events table. Name the foreign key
copy_d_events_fk. This key references the copy_d_clients table client_number column.
What is the syntax you used to create the FOREIGN KEY constraint in the copy_d_events
ALTER TABLE copy_d_events
ADD CONSTRAINT copy_d_eve_client_number_fk FOREIGN KEY (client_number)
REFERENCES copy_d_clients (client_number) ENABLE;
11. Use a SELECT statement to verify the constraint names for each of the tables. Note that
the tablenames must be capitalized.

SELECT constraint_name, constraint_type, table_name

FROM user_constraints
WHERE table_name = UPPER('copy_d_events') ;
a. The constraint name for the primary key in the copy_d_clients table is

b. The constraint name for the foreign key in the copy_d_events table is

12. Create an ALTER TABLE query to disable the primary key in the copy_d_clients table.
Then add the values from #6 to the copy_d_events table. Explain your results.

ALTER TABLE copy_d_clients


VALUES(7125,140,'John Bay Fach',TO_DATE('13-Aug-2008','dd-Mon-yyyy'),'Wedding

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