J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5 (10S) 418-424, 2015
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5 (10S) 418-424, 2015
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5 (10S) 418-424, 2015
In Quran, combination of good deed in used in a special expression ad is of a specific importance; so that every
accepted deed is not considered as good, but it is referred to every action which is supported by god and free from
duplicity and narcissism among others. In other words, in Quran, good deed is the external reflection of real faith
and is like a tree which is irrigated by faith to God and it will yield benefits such as being freed from sins, make
human happy and pure life in this world and other one. It must be noted that in some verses of Quran and narrations,
there are various instances of good deed some of which are performing duties, obeying innocents, benefiting parents
and assisting others. On the other hand, factors such as atheism, arrogance and obeying temptations are considered
as barriers of good deeds.
KEYWORDS: good deed, Quran, narrations
Good deed is an action done for the sake of god satisfaction and its did has no materialistic purpose and award
expectation for it and leads to mental development and spiritual revolution in the opposite side.
In religious expression, good deed is an action which introduced as obligatory or recommended. In moral and
mystical definition, it is an action by which mystic can achieve esteem position. Therefore, good deed is a qualified
action which leads to spiritual development, moral growth and approaching god in every aspect. Hence, in Quran,
good deed includes all moral issues, worshipping affairs and all admired actions such as duties, recommended and
all admired actions did for sincerity. This paper is organized as follows: part one discusses good deed from Quran’s
point of view. Part two consequences of good deed are presented and in part 3, its instances in Quran and in part 4,
instances in narrations are provided. Part 5 presents effects of good deed and in part 6 its requirements are discussed.
Finally, in part 7, barriers of good deed are provided.
Shoara, 152
* Corresponding Author: Monagheb. M, MSc, Quran and Narrations Sciences, Robat Karim IA University Lecturer
[email protected]
Monagheb et al.,2015
In this topic, by addressing 8 verses, it is attempted to explain Quran vision about good deed. By studying following
verses, it seems that in Quran, every admired action is not considered as good deed. Instead, it is defined as an action
which is recommended by religious trainings in a specific manner.
1. Those who are faithful and did admired actions; we give no one duties beyond capabilities. They will reside in
heaven permanently and rust of enmity will be removed from their hearts and rivers will flow beneath their
palaces. They say: god is admired who led us to this position and if there was no guidance and benefit of god,
we could not find it. God prophets instructed us to achieving this position. Then, it is announced to them that
this is the award of your god deeds2.
In this verse, after “those who are faithful and did admired actions”, it is said in a parenthetic sentence which is
like a general rule, it is said that “we give no one duties beyond capabilities”. This sentence states that good
deed is accompanied with difficulty and calamities. For this reason, god repulsed duties out of human’s
capability. Moreover, good deeds are those actions which are requested by god for humans and announced by
prophets to humans.
Aforesaid sentence implies that no one must imagine that being classified as faithful and performing good
deeds is not accessible by everyone and except some people;no one is able to achieve it since divine duties are
according to people capabilities and in this way, way is open for everyone including wise and ignorant and all
people are invited to join this group. Of course, everyone is expected based on mental and physical
Another confirmation for this claim is the verse “admiration is for god who led us for this and we were unable
for it and god sent prophets in a right manner:. Term “this” is demonstrative which probably implies to guiding
believers to good deeds and even if it implies to heaven, guidance to it is carried out through performing good
deeds announced by divine instruction to believers. Therefore, it can be understood from this verse that good
deeds are those actions which are made necessary for human by god which is according to their capabilities.
2. “we created human with the best form and then, we returned it to lowest levels, except those who believed in
god and did good deeds who will be awarded endlessly. Then, what is the reason for your refusal of
god?3”From this verse, it seems that since faith and good deeds prevents fall of human to lowest levels, there
remains no reason for refusal of religion. Therefore, good deeds are a set of instructions which are announced
by prophets to mankind. If “al” in “al-ddin” refers to materiality which seems to be so, it is found out that good
deeds are present in all religions and are no exclusive for Islam.
3. “they shout in hell: thou god get us out of fire so that we can perform good deeds. It is said: weren’t you given
life and didn’t warner come for you? So, taste the torment and there is no assistant for you but oppressors”4. In
this verse, a relationship is observed between prophets as god warner and good deeds.
Now that prophets introduced good deeds to you and warned you about its abandonment consequences, why
you didn’t use life and didn’t perform good deeds? Since hell residents are not believers of prophets and their
instructions in life and are not committed to following religious commands, they hope that they can return and
perform good deeds according to instructions of god prophets.
4. In many verses, a relationship is observed between refusal of god verses, faith and good deeds. For instance
“those who rejected our verses and turned against them, doors of sky will not be opened for them and those
who are faithful and did admired actions; we give no one duties beyond capabilities”5.
5. “those who believed and did good deeds, will be happy in a great garden, but those who rejected our verses
and doomsday will be invited for hell torment”6. From this conflict, it is concluded that faithful people which
intended to confirm god verses, showed this confirmation by their actions and act according to the instructions
to which truth they believe.
6. “tell: thou scripture owners, you are on nothing unless you act according to bible an Torah and what is
descended from god to you. Those who believed, Jewish and Christian people who believed in god and
doomsday and did good deeds no fear is for them and they won’t be sad”7.
In this verse, obeying scriptures such as Torah, Bible and Quran is requested when good deed is requested. In
relationship of these parts, it can be inferred that by performing these instructions included in scriptures,
Aeraf, 142
Aeraf, 42, 43
Tin, 4-7
Fater, 37
Aeraf, 40-42
Rome, 15
Maeda, 67, 69
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5(10S)418-424, 2015
obeying scripture will be possible. When someone it gotten by death, he says: thou god return me so that I can
perform whatever I left. This is what they say and limbo is beyond them till the day of doomsday1.
The implication which must be taken into consideration is “whatever I left”. It refers to properties left by dead
people, while in a wider extent, it refers to good deeds. Now, the meaning of the verse will be “thou god,
return me so that I can perform good deeds”2.
In a narration by Imam Sadegh, this verse is attributed to someone who hopes to return to the world so that he
can pay his unpaid zakat3. This verse refers to determination of a certain instance for a general concept. This
concept is the divine duty which is explained in sharia. This meaning is understood by refining the term
“whatever I left”, since its leaving it true when duties are assigned to someone and he refused to do them.
7. “those who corrupted fire is their residence and whenever they tried to get out of it and they are told taste the
torment and it is your residence”4.
Confrontation of good and bad deeds can explain the meaning of good deeds. Since corruption means getting
out of divine duties and responsibilities, and someone who is not committed to sharia is called corrupter5, it
will be evident that good deed performers are those who are committed to sharia. Therefore, good deeds must
be in accordance with sharia instructions which are considered as duty within religion.
8. “and turn your face toward stable religion before a nonreversible day comes classifying people into groups
and someone who is atheist, it will be harmful for him and someone who did good, it will be prepared for
himself”6. It is inferred from this verse that someone who intends to turn face toward religion, must perform
good deeds. Obviously, turning face toward religion is substantiated by good deeds.
In Persian language, good deed is called Nik and Quran put it against abuse and confirmed it by interpreting it
as good deed. For example, in verse 49, Fosselat Surah and verse 15, Jathia Surah, he says: someone who did
good deeds did it for his benefit and someone who did bad, did it for his harm. Not only in these two verses,
good deed is against bad deed, but in Nesa Surah, verses 123-124, Aneam Surah, verse 54 and Jathia, verse 21,
such confrontation is addressed and no doubt remains for someone that good deed is an action which is against
bad one.
In these verses, good and bad deeds are interpreted as “Saleh and Soo”, however, terms “Hasanat and Sayyeat”
are used other verses and says: “good deeds eliminate the consequences of bad ones and this is a reminder for
2. Roots of good deeds
Quran notes in many cases that good deed is accompanies with faith in god and something which is useful for their
faith, thereby introduced roots of the fruitful tree. In introducing roots and origins of good deed, used following
sentences and says:
a. Someone who believes in god and other world and perform good deeds will achieve award and benefit.8
b. Someone who repents, believes and perform good deeds, is hopefully one of prospers.9
c. What word is better than someone’s saying that invites to god and performs good deeds?10
d. Someone who hopes for god visit must perform good deeds.11
e. Atheism is harmful for someone and someone who performs good deeds, will store it for himself.12
In any case, Quran talks about good deed and by irony, addresses belief in god and reminds that good deed is
acceptable only when action tree is irrigated by clear water of belief in god not dirty waters such as narcissism,
duplicity, pretention, gracing and attracting people opinion in certain instances. Only in two verses good deed is
addressed solely individually by faith. He says: someone who is atheist, it will be harmful for him and someone who
did good, it will be prepared for himself.13
Momenoun, 100
Nemoune Commentary, vol. 14, p. 313
Tousi, vol. 4, p. 111
Sejdeh, 20
Mofradat, Ragheb, p. 382
Rome, 43
Hood, 114
Baghara, 62
Ghesas, 67
Fosselat, 33
Kahf, 110
Rome, 44
Fosselat, 46, Jathia, 15
Monagheb et al.,2015
Exclusive attribution of good deed to faith is not for saying that in its acceptance, belief in god is condition, but
the purpose is that good and bad deeds are written for someone’s account and said nothing about roots of good deed
and its origins, and how and in what conditions, good deeds are accepted. However, why good deed is originated
from belief in god without which it is not valuable for god?
In this regard, two implications can be noted.
NOTE 1: the purpose of good deed is to improve spirituality and human soul development and it is achieved when
action is free from any opportunism and selfishness, god love and tendency toward making him satisfied must be
motivation of human so that humanity and sensuality is eliminated and love of absolute perfection occupies the soul
of human and perfection becomes substantiated.
However, if the doer is not free from such motivations, selfishness is addressed and it replaces everything and such
human with such spirit will be worse than devil and will be the origin of every evil and intrigue.
NOTE 2: a good deed which is did in the name of belief in god, not only causes development of soul of the doer,
but it is the reason of the action itself, since someone who does something for god knowing that god is aware from
his internal and external status and man tries for the sake of awards, instead of affection, he attempts to consolidate
the action, while if the only motivation is opportunism and pretention, he will suffice by affection and will go
through until he can achieve materialistic goals and after that, he abandons any type of admired action.
During life, an issue is so tangible and obvious for everyone: every charity institution established by faithful people
will be more strengthened, fruitful and benefiting continuously. In turn, every seemingly good action did by
hypocritical and opportunistic people will turn into destruction and eventually finished up and there is no reason but
the spiritual motivation which is effective in initiation and continuing affairs, while in second type, duplicity and
trade is a weak support whose range will be limited to duplicity in which human power and capacity will be absent
after achieving goal. In summary, every motivation will shape action like itself and represents itself through them.
NOTE 3: race is not important. Undoubtedly, there are differences between men and women in creation and no one
can dispute such differences. However, in Islam’s opinion, these are not the reason for difference in front of god. For
closeness and proximity of people, there is only one criterion; belief in god and good deeds and for clarifying this
fact, Quran clearly rejects any difference and states that: everyone who performs good deeds, we will give him/her
pure life and they will be awarded for best of their actions1.
Hence, acceptance of good deed without any condition and constraint, including age, race, sex and social position
and all the people are the same in this regard.
Everyone who performs good deeds from faithful peopleis among those who enter heaven and they will be benefited
Quran not only explains this fact in these two verses, but also emphasized on it in Nesa Surah, verse 124 and Kahf
Surah, verse 30.
Nahl, 97
Ghafer, 40
Baghara, 177
Almizan, vol. 30, p. 610
Baghara, 82
Monafeghoun, 100
Tobe, 120
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5(10S)418-424, 2015
According to referral of saying prayer and paying zakat with “Al” means generality from which importance
and honor of the instances of good deeds.
In verse “people of Medina and Bedouins must not ignore prophet commands or express something contrary to
his desire so that they suffer from no thirst or hunger and take no step to make atheists angry and perform stealth
against them except that they will be awarded for it and good won’t waste the award of no one”.
In this verse, Jihad and suffering its difficulties are noted as clear instances of good deed.
In various verses such as Ankabut Surah, verse 7 and Ahghaf Surah, verse 15, benefiting parents is noted as
instances of good deed. Moreover, in Nesa, verse 57, trusteeship and obeying god and prophet are expressed among
instances of good deed. Amity of prophet family is another instance which is cited in Shora Surah, verse 23.
Asr, 3
Bahrani, vol. 5, p. 504
Qomi, Commentary, vol. 2, p. 27
Qotb Ravandi, vol. 1, p. 129
Tabarsi, vol. 4, p. 48
Ayyashi, p. 375
Shoara, 83
Baghara, 131
Amali, Commentary, vol. 1, p. 563
Yousef, 101
Bayan-al-Saada, vol. 10, p. 547
Monagheb et al.,2015
oppressors”1, it is found out that reminisce of god and remembering facts will underlie the good deeds as stated
clearly in following verse “except those who believed in god and did good deeds who will be awarded endlessly”2.
3. Repentance
Repentance which means returning to god is one of the most important preparations of faithful people’s
tendency toward good deeds as stated: “except someone who repents, believes and perform good deed so that god
convert his sins into good deeds. God is compassionate and merciful.3” In addition “who repents and does good
deeds, has returned to god”4.
Since doing good deeds is accompanied with difficulty and calamity, success in doing good deed requires
patience in opposing soul. This issue comes from various verses to some of which are implied. “except those who
believed in god and did good deeds who will be awarded endlessly”5.
In addition “knowledgeable people said god award is better for those who believe and did good deeds and no
one can achieve it except patient people.”6
Lawful income
“thou prophet eat from clean gifts and do good deeds”7. This verse clearly shows that lawful income helps
faithful in doing good deeds.
After discussing requirements of good deed, addressing barriers of good deed is important to finalize
discussion, since with confrontation of each of the above issues, their barrier can be understood. Now, we address
some of the most important barriers of doing good deeds.
Barriers of doing good deeds
Obeying temptation
“after them, there were successors which wasted the prayer and followed temptations and they will soon find
the consequence of their confusion, unless they repent and become faithful and do good deeds. They will enter
heaven safely and no oppression will be for them”8.
“Those who believed and did good deeds, they will get their awards completely and will be given from god
benefaction and those who refused accepting right and arrogated, they will experience painful torment and they will
find no assistant against god”9.
“And those who believed and did good deeds, god will enter them to his benefaction. This is the evident
redemption and those who became atheist are told: didn’t you hear divine verses? You arrogated and were bad-
doing people”10.
Worship pagan
“And those who hope visiting God must do good deeds and take no one instead of god for worship.11”
“your properties and children are not something which lead you toward god, except those who believed and did
good deeds. They will have double award for whatever they did. They will be safe in heaven booths”12.
“those who wanted ”world life, said: what if we got whatever was given to Korah since he has a huge amount of
money. Knowledgeable people said: shame on you! God award is better for those who believed and did good
Verses 46 of Kahf Surah and 11 of Hood confirm this fact.
Fater, 37
Shoara, 227
Forghan, 70
Al Emran, 89
Hood, 89
Ghesas, 80
Momenoun, 51
Maryam, 59, 60
Nesa, 173
Jathia, 30
Kahf, 110
Saba, 37
Ghesas, 79, 80
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5(10S)418-424, 2015
Good deed refers to action which is ordered in sharia and is announced by prophets. For this reason, there is a
close relationship between it and faith.
Good deed includes all admired actions which includes personal relaxation and commitment to social rights
and consolidation of the relationship between god and mankind and is described by two behavioral and bodily
Good deed to faith is like trunk and branch to root each of which affects another and existence of which leads
to completion of another and vulnerability of one result in vulnerability of another.
Some of the instances of good deed are introduced some of which are as follows: saying prayer, amity of
prophet family, benefiting parents, recommending right, repentance, patience and lawful income. Barriers of good
deed include following temptation, arrogance, worship pagan and worldliness.
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