Energy: Find Out How Your Business Can Benefit From Our Expertise

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Find out

how your
can benefit
from our
PUM Netherlands senior
experts offers knowledge and
expertise from 40 sectors of
the economy. Our experts have
many years of professional
experience in their field and
share their knowledge on a

voluntary base.

I N D U S T R Y, T R A D E & E N V I R O N M E N T


Modern economies strongly rely on the supply of energy AREAS OF EXPERTISE

from various sources. The availability of energy is often the
prime condition to facilitate (further) development and to DISTRIBUTED ENERGY GENERATION FROM RENEWABLE
improve living conditions. Another driving factor is Global SOURCES
Warming, as many fossil fuels contribute to the emission of • Solar electricity generation and storage, both in off-grid
greenhouse gases. In the coming decades fossil fuels will systems and grid connected systems.
be replaced by renewable energy sources. Particularly in • Thermal solar systems, including hot water systems
tropical regions where solar energy is available in (hotels, hospitals) and solar dryers (food processing).
abundance and therefore attractive, but also hydropower, • Solar driven pumping systems for fresh water and irri-
biomass, geothermal power and wind power can be gation.
applied widely, depending on local circumstances. • Hydropower generation.
• Biomass (combustion, gasification, fermentation) fuels
Particularly in sectors where energy costs take a substantial • Geothermal energy generation.
share in the operating costs it yields to invest in energy savings • Application of wind turbines.
as these may easily result in a reduction of energy consumption To reduce the emission of so called greenhouse gases we see a
of 20%, having impact on the profitability of the operation. In steep increase in the application of renewable sources.
countries where the use of firewood and charcoal is widespread
another incentive for energy saving and the use of sustainable DISTRIBUTION (NETWORKS) & CONVERSION OF ENERGY
energy sources is found: preventing serious deforestation. Not only the generation, but also the distribution needs to be
taken care of in a reliable and safe fashion.
PUM experts have vast knowhow of technologies to generate
and convert energy and on energy efficiency measures, in EFFICIENT USE OF TRADITIONAL ENERGY SOURCES
industry and other commercial enterprises as well as in Fire wood, coal, oil, (liquefied) gas. Where still traditional
consumer applications. They know the latest developments and sources are applied, one should take care that they are handled
share a network in Dutch and European companies active in the in an (energy) efficient way.
energy sector. They are well equipped to transfer their
knowledge and experience in trainings and seminars. Also, the COGENERATION OF HEAT & POWER (CHP-SYS-TEMS)
environmental effects of energy generation/conversion/ Efficiency can be greatly boosted when heat and electricity are
consumption (like air pollution and waste materials) are covered generated in combination.
by PUM’s energy experts.




Huge energy generation is feasible turning animal manure into
biogas (using the residues as fertilizer). In several cases high
volumes of biogas were obtained from poultry waste. Other
applications range from sugar cane bagasse and other crop
waste to be turned into biogas (methane) or biofuel (methanol).


Our experts have executed energy audits resulting in advice
on energy saving measures. A chain of eco-hotels faced fast
growing electricity bills. Following a well-structured checklist
simple energy savings of about 25% could be identified. With SOLAR SYSTEMS IN RURAL AREAS
the application of solar PV and Solar Hot Water and In many rural areas without electricity grid the demand for
improved control of energy functions (airco, lighting, solar generated electricity is growing fast. African companies
cooking, etc.) additional saving of 30 % could be proposed, have been advised how they can support this demand by the
with a return on investments of less than four years. introduction of solar lamps, Solar Home Systems and Solar
Photo: Solar hot water collector for a large hotel. mini grids, creating opportunities for better living conditions
and the emergence of small enterprises making use of
electrically driven tools (battery chargers, computers, and
electromechanical tools). Special attention was given to so
called safety lights that automatically switch on upon the
approach of a person and solar street lights.
Photo: Installing Home Solar Systems in Sierra Leone.


In co-operation with the PUM sectors “Water” and “Agriculture”
we advised the replacement of diesel driven pumps with
(submergible) pumps run on solar electricity. Such pumps avoid
expensive fuel for the diesel pumps and with a water storage
bin allow for controlled irrigation at selected periods. Combined
with a water saving system of drip irrigation and appropriate
fertilisers the harvest was doubled. Environmental benefits are
less noise and air pollution and reduction of CO2 emissions.
Return on investment is as low as about three years.
In various projects companies that conserve fruits and herbs
by drying were advised how they could improve their MINI HYDROPOWER STATIONS
processes by application of solar drying in closed cabinets. A Latin American Company that operates 12 mini hydro systems
This not only improved the quality of the end products (no was advised on their strategy for the future: which stations need
contamination), it also accelerated the drying process and to be replaced when and what are opportunities for future
reduced the spoilage of fruits/herbs. expansion? Now they are refurbishing their wornout stations
Photo: Greenhouse dryer for coffee beans. with the newest turbines, generators and control equipment.

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