AWN Viva Question Bank

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Department of Computer Engineering


AWN Viva Question Bank

1. What is Wireless Network?

2. State the different characteristics of Wireless channel in ad
hoc wireless network.
3. What are the different issues in ad hoc wireless network?
4. State the difference between Indoor and Outdoor models in
Wireless network.
5. State the definition of ad hoc wireless network.
6. State the features of ad hoc wireless network.
7. What are the applications of ad hoc wireless network?
8. What are different designing issues in MAC protocol?
9. What are hidden terminals? State the problem occurred due
to hidden terminal.
10. What are exposed terminals? State the problem occurred
due to exposed terminal.
11. What are different designing goals of MAC protocol in ad
hoc network?
12. What do you mean by sender-initiated protocols? Give
13. What do you mean by receiver-initiated protocols? Give
14. Explain Contention-based protocols with reservation
15. Explain the difference between Synchronous protocols and
Asynchronous protocols.
Department of Computer Engineering

16. Explain Contention-based protocols with scheduling

17. How does MACAW work in contention-based protocol?
18. How does MACA work in contention-based protocol?
19. How does FAMA work in contention-based protocol?
20. How does BTMA work in contention-based protocol?
21. Explain working of MARCH in contention-based protocol?
22. How does D-PRMA protocol operates?
23. How are the channels divided into frames in D-PRMA
24. Which two rules considered in D-PRMA protocol?
25. How does CATA operates?
26. How does DPS operates?
27. Which two protocols does DWOP consists of?
28. Explain the working of DWOP protocol.
29. What do you mean by Directional busy tone?
30. What is power control MAC protocol?
31. What are different challenges considered in routing
32. What are different designing goals of routing protocol in ad
hoc wireless network?
33. On what basis does routing protocol is classified?
34. What is the difference between Proactive routing protocol
and reactive routing protocol?
35. State the advantages and disadvantages of proactive routing
36. In DSDV, how does the routing table is updated?
Department of Computer Engineering

37. What will happen if link break occurs in DSDV and how is
route maintained?
38. In WRP, each node contains which details?
39. What steps are considered if a node detects a link break in
40. What are the different reactive routing protocols?
41. What is the difference between AODV and DSR protocol?
42. How does AODV works?
43. What are different issues in designing a transport layer
protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks?

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