Paracetamol - Infusion: Presentation Dose
Paracetamol - Infusion: Presentation Dose
Paracetamol - Infusion: Presentation Dose
This document should be read in conjunction with this DISCLAIMER
Administration IV Infusion
Administration: Infuse undiluted over 15 minutes.
Optional dilution before use: Diluted to 1mg/mL with Glucose 5% or
Sodium chloride 0.9%. Infuse within 1 hour of preparation.
Monitoring Higher than recommended doses can cause serious liver damage. Check
that no other forms of paracetamol are prescribed (e.g. oral or rectal) and
that the safe maximum total dose of paracetamol is not exceeded for adults
and children.
Take care not to confuse the dose for IV paracetamol in mg and mL. If a
dose is calculated in mg and given in mL, the patient will receive a 10-fold
overdose. Calculate and double check the dose required before each
Clinical Post-Operative Analgesia
Guidelines and Palliative Care
Policies Acute Pain Service
Epidural Analgesia in Labour
Intravenous Medications - Procedure for Reconstitution and Administration