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Vision and Scope Document For Online Examination System: Version 1.0 Approved

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Vision and Scope Document

Online Examination System

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Wanos Guade

Jigjiga University

February 25th,2021
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page ii

Table of Contents
1. Business Requirements...............................................................................................1
1.1. Background...........................................................................................................1
1.2. Business Opportunity...........................................................................................2
1.3. Business Objectives..............................................................................................3
1.4. Success Metrics.....................................................................................................3
1.5. Vision Statement...................................................................................................3
1.6. Business Risks.......................................................................................................4
1.7. Business Assumptions and Dependencies..........................................................5
2. Scope and Limitations..................................................................................................6
2.1. Major Features......................................................................................................6
2.2. Scope of Initial Release.........................................................................................6
2.3. Scope of Subsequent Releases.............................................................................7
2.4. Limitations and Exclusions..................................................................................7
3. Business Context..........................................................................................................7
3.1. Stakeholder Profiles.............................................................................................8
3.2. Project Priorities...................................................................................................9
3.3. Deployment Considerations..............................................................................10

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Wanos Guade March Final draft and review 1.1
02,2021 before submission

ID : R/3418/10 ------- ---------- ---------

Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 1

1. Business Requirements
Jigjiga University Institution of Technology (hereafter referred to
as .JJIT.) is seeking a means of providing
Instant and graphically appealing examination to its students via a
Networked Digital Examination
System. This type of Examination medium is one that most other
world’s most known universities and businesses are now utilizing to
examine their students.
It is the opinion of this system creator that administrators,
instructors and students want the creation of this online
examination system and they thought that it will assist them with
the fastest information about exam date, exam instructions, and
schedule changes and save them from the old exam result checking
systems by provide them with the fastest exam checking feature.
And allows responsible personnel a centralized management
interface accessible via computer, web,
Or PDA device.
Our Jigjiga University Instructor have requested the delivery of a
Vision and Scope document from the Individual students that
purposes the requirements,
Costs, and timeframes involved in the completion of such a project.
The remainder of this document attempts to address these items.
1.1. Background
The first use of online examination System was for the award of a
degree was in November 2009 at the University of Tasmania. ] It was
subsequently adopted for university entrance examinations by the
Tasmanian Qualifications Authority in 2011.In 2016 the online E
system became the subject of a national project in Australian
universities.]Security methods limit access to the online examination
USB flash drive, prevent use of all communication channels, and
require a unique desktop security image photograph for every
sitting. The source code is available under open source GPL.
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 2

licenses.CQUniversity Australia - eExam trial at the School of

Engineering and Technology: A commercial product, Exam Pro
software, was used in a supervised e-exam consisting of short
answer and essay-type questions.

RU exam system: this uses a Linux-based bootable USB exam system

for students' laptops at Reykjavik University.

Secure-Exam-Environment: from Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt

uses Moodle on a Knoppix-flavoured Linux distribution.
Online examination system is a web-based examination system
where examinations are given online. Either through the internet or
intranet using computer system. The main goal of this online
examination system is to effectively evaluate the student thoroughly
through a totally automated system that not only reduce the
required time but also obtain fast and accurate results. The main
objective of our software is to efficiently evaluate the candidate
thoroughly through a fully automated system there is no need of
paper and pen. The user can write exam without going to the exam
center. Also the website will provide a good.
1.2. Business Opportunity
Students and staff of colleges and universities expect their chosen
institutions to provide them with
not only the best education available, but to do so in an environment
that is conducive to learning,
that use the latest technologies and processes available, and to do so
at a cost that is both affordable
and reasonable by general public.
One of high business opportunities are in terms of distance learning
and lock downs like covid -19
People can take their examination where ever they are and
whenever they want .
It is the opinion of Jigjiga University institution of technology
administrators , Instructors and students that the creation of this
online examination system will assist in the attainment of these
goals by providing up-to-date information on classes about the
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 3

examination date, when exam scheduling changes, weather alerts,

and as fast as result checking systems for students.
centralized interface for the online examination system will allow
for the distribution of information in an easy, standardized, and
more affordable manner.
1.3. Business Objectives
The main objective of this online examination System is providing
Jigjiga University Institute of
Technology students to conduct their examination within its all
campuses in a quicker and more cost effective way. Through the use
of latest technologies and at a low cost, the college seeks to promote
itself as a communicative, technologically proficient, and affordable
learning institution.
Another objective of this document is to spell out the technologies,
steps, resources, and costs associated with such a system, and to
provide details on both the timeframes and risk factors involved
with the suggested solution.

1.4. Success Metrics

The success of this Online examination system is determined when
it provides administrators, instructors and students with clear ,
simple , and affordable examination system .and when the school
community eager to use this system with joy ,excitement and fun.
The success measurements of this criteria are:
1. When the system successfully integrated with the hardware
and software.
2. When the system successfully work with the network
configuration of the country and the world.
3. When the administrators, instructors and students are happy
and reliable about what this system offers.
4. When the cost is affordable by students with different financial

1.5. Vision Statement

The vision of this online examination system is to directly address
online examination needs by
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 4

providing innovative and powerful technologies that are easily

accessible, highly configurable, and
that can deliver examination in a visually appealing way to the
largest possible audience.
And finally the main mission of this system is replace the traditional
paper used examination system
With simple and clear paperless examination system.

1.6. Business Risks

In this section of the document, we has attempted to identify
possible risks associated with the Draft, Completion , deployment
,market competition and user acceptance of this online examination
project, rated those risks into the categories of HIGH, MEDIUM, and
LOW, and provided mitigation plans to help reduce the chance of the
risk occurring.

HIGH - Chance of risk occurring is high, level of mitigation must be

critically considered.
MEDIUM - Chance of risk occurring is medium, level of mitigation
should be seriously considered.
LOW - Chance of risk occurring is low, level of mitigation should be
moderately considered.

Risk Severity Mitigation

Draft LOW the system should be
examined deeply
before deployment
User acceptance LOW Provide quality,
informative and affordable
documentation to product
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 5

Implementation MID On-site installation and

quality testing
Web application HIGH Use open-source
might not run on all development packages
web browsers used on most web
Database might may HIGH Develop a database
not run on client s compatible with the clients
servers server
Database might be HIGH Develop a database with
too big client s the least minimal features
Unauthorized users HIGH Include user validation.
Add in user sign in to the
web forms.

1.7. Business Assumptions and Dependencies

 Assumption: The current paper examination form is the basis
of design of the new online examination.
 Dependency: When the online examination system
is in place, the paper form will become a backup
option for examination.
 Assumption: The nature of the online application requires
client/server architecture,
 network hardware and software, server hardware and
software, database software, and development software.
 Dependency: Establishing relations with various
software and hardware vendors will fulfill the
hardware and software requirements of the project.
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 6

 Assumption: The new system will show the exams in real-time

and show exam results, which will allow students to make
examination accordingly.
 Dependency: This should increase students
productivity, hence increasing revenue through
customer satisfaction.
 Assumption: Additional training of staff is foreseen for staff to
handle new protocols, hardware, and software.
 Dependency: Additional training time allowed for

2. Scope and Limitations

The new system will include an online web reservation form,
database to store instructors and student’s data, Web portal, and a
secure network. The organization already has a Web site where
instructors and students can view the services and products offered,
so this project
Involve in the web development, will include online form and
2.1. Major Features
Major features will include:
 A web form to give students a choice about what exams they
should take.
 a web form to let students know their results.
 Web portal for students to manage their data regarding to
exams, results and schedules.
 Fast and secured network for hosting and processing
 Enhanced database to store student’s data.

2.2. Scope of Initial Release

The initial release of the system will include the online reservation
form, database to
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 7

process and store reservation information, and an admin control

panel. Installation, configuration, and configuration and support
documentation will be included with the initial release.
2.3. Scope of Subsequent Releases
As the business grows, future releases will include:
1. Online viewing of reserved exam courses.
2. Online viewing of which instructor took which course.
3. E-mail reminders of upcoming exams and results
4. Online cancelation of already scheduled exams, Allow
rescheduling of reserved exams.

2.4. Limitations and Exclusions

With the initial release students will not be able to cancel,
reschedule or view
reserved exams online. To accomplish that, students must notify the
inventory clerk
by phone, e-mail, or walk-in. In addition, students will have to
remember their reservation schedules and will not be able to see
who has what equipment.

3. Business Context
The major customers for this project are all of the administrators,
instructors and students, and the project should satisfy the
organization’s priorities and stakeholder profiles. The Operation
environment must support an audience through the Web portal
from inside or outside of the office building.
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 8

3.1. Stakeholder Profiles

Stakeholde Major Major

r Value Attitudes Interests Constraints
Inventory Quick access See product Easy to use, Must run on
clerks to data as avenue reliable, low end
for better secure workstation
record s
Executives Increased See product Better, No budget
productivity as avenue more for training
to increase reliable
in examinatio
productivit n system
y for
Students Easy access See product Fast Unable to
to as avenue examinatio cancel
examination to increase n and result reservation
s productivit checking or see where
y method or who has
took the
Project Build system A good A system Unable to
Team that helps working that meets do On-site
students set examinatio students installation
better n system needs and quality
schedule testing .
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 9

3.2. Project Priorities

Dimensio Driver Constraint Degree of

n (state (state limits) Freedom (state
objective) allowable
Schedule Release 1.0 to be Any Database should be
available by unscheduled functional
February 25,2021 issue could
release 1.1 cause delay
available by
march 03,2021
Features -Secure online Database size All high priority
examination features must be
-Database included in release
-Intranet 1.0
Quality System will examination 95% of user
reduce time to will be hard acceptance tests
conduct during Web must pass for
examination server release 1.0
Staff Database Maximum Staffs knowledge
developer team size is 3 covers 90% of
Web Application members requirements need
developer acting as for this project.
Systems tester developers
and testers
Cost 12,000 ETB New software Budget overrun up
needed will to 10% acceptable
increase cost without executive
Vision and Scope for Online Examination System Page 10

3.3. Deployment Considerations

The application will have to be developed for web browsers and
android smartphones as part of the first
release, with corresponding app for android tablets to follow for the
second and third releases. Any
corresponding infrastructure changes must be in place at the time of
the second release.

Business analyst should provide detailed guide for the right

application use before initial

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