Group Counselling

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All communications should be addressed Ref: 20/10/2018

to Ministry of Primary and Secondary

DIRECTOR" Harare Province
P. O. Box CY 1343
Tel: 04-339334/332085/339937 Causeway
Fax: 339518 Zimbabwe

[email protected] 20 October 2018


Group details
Group Description: Parents of learners with intellectual disability at a local school
Composition by sex: 2 Males &5 Females
Age range: 34-60 years
Date of Assessment: 04/10/2018
Referred by: Resource Unit Teacher for learners with Intellectual Disability
Location of Assessment: Resource Unit Classroom
Reason for referral: Life skills, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Education to parents of children
with intellectual disabilities

Referral details: The Resource Unit teacher for learners with intellectual disabilities referred
parents of children with intellectual disabilities to an intern counselling psychologist. The
parents were referred because one of the intellectually disabled learner had undressed one of
the intellectually disabled learner in the absence of the teacher during break time. Other
learners in the class it is reported by the teacher seemed to enjoy the act and whenever he
leaves them they are likely to display sexually inappropriate behaviour. According to the
head this has spiralled out of hand with one of the intellectually disabled learner who has
developing secondary characteristics was reported to have sexually mistreated another female
ECD learner an incident which was witnessed by the Deputy Head at the school. The parents
therefore were referred for counselling and sexuality education concerning their children.

Assessment Methods and Procedure

1. Interview with the Class teacher and the School Admin

2. Knowledge and Attitudes on Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Education Questionnaire

3. Group Discussions with parents


Assessment and Discussion Findings

Knowledge and Attitudes on Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Questionnaire

Parents took a questionnaire on the attitudes and knowledge of sexuality and HIV/AIDS
Questionnaire. Most of the parents indicated that they do require assistance to understand and
impart knowledge and skills related to sexuality and HIV/AIDS. Most indicated that it is the
teachers role to teach their children on such topics whilst they have to guide on morals.


From the discussion with the parents the following themes arose from the discussions such
as; parent’s lack of knowledge related to sexuality and HIV/AIDS, Fear of promoting sexual
indulgence, innocence of their children, sharing the same bedroom with these children,
mental capacity of the learners.



The school is an urban primary educational institution with a total enrolment of 1000
learners. It has an average teacher pupil ratio of 1:48.The school is accommodates learners
with intellectual disabilities from diverse backgrounds. The school has a learning resource
unit that caters for children from the age of six up to thirteen years. Currently the school has 9
learners with intellectual disabilities. Six of the nine learners are in their adolescent stage.
The class comprised of 4 males 5 females. Three learners are aged 7, 8 and 9 respectively.
Suspecting and fearing a cyclic effect of sexual abuse the Head sought the services of an
intern counselling psychologist to guide ,educate and empower parents to prevent and
manage child sexual abuse as well as to inculcate pro social behaviour.

Assessment findings
Explorative interviews were first held with the class teacher, school administration and lastly
with parents. The school administration felt that the intellectually disabled learners were
likely to abuse other learners and therefore should be excluded from school the moment they
begin to display sexual behaviors.
Other parents indicated that each parent had to bear the challenges of his /her sexualized child
and withdraw from school. Some parents blamed those who shared the same bedroom with
these children and who later imitate what they do in the ‘night’. From the discussions they
were mixed feelings from those parents whose children had perpetrated and those who were
considered victims.
After heated debates and verbal exchanges the intern counseling psychologist intervened by
highlighting to the parent that it was also part of sexual exploration and in some instances
lack of sexuality education .The intern went on to provide psychoeducation on the condition
of intellectual disability, its causes, strengths and limitations of individuals with intellectual
disability, how they should be supported both at school and at home.

Counsellor’s conceptualization of the presenting problems

During discussions the intern counseling psychologist affirmed to parents that they are the
best ‘doctors, teachers and psychologists’ of their children thus they have to contribute to the
education and guidance of their children. The counselor conceptualized that the problem as
lying in parents who want to abdicate their duties and responsibilities and those who
considered these children as perpetual children who are innocent.
Thus as parents, they should appreciate that children can learn by modeling. Discomfort and
technical knowhow on sexuality and HIV/AIDS education is the problem and the culture of
silence within parents to discuss issues of sex with learners who are intellectually disabled.
Most of the parents are gainfully employed and they have limited time with their disabled
children who are usually under the care of maids.
Some of the teachers are also hesitant to teach these learners hence their display of sexually
inappropriate behaviors is a result of lack of knowledge.
Perpetuating factors
Factors that perpetuated the parents’ and teachers’ unwillingness to teach these learners on
sexuality education lie in the fear of promoting interest, opening a Pandora’s Box and
negative by both teachers and parents. Some parents are still at denial stage as concerning
their children’s conditions. The individual factors such as reduced understanding, lack of
inhibition, their desire to please and lack of social competence perpetuated the inappropriate
sexual behavior of children with intellectual disabilities. Another factor is the complex nature
of AIDS disease of which both teachers and parents are not comfortable and they are likely to
bring their unfinished business to the children’s door.

Intervention procedures and techniques

An hour session with parents of children with intellectual disability was held. The intern
counselor adopted a not knowing stance to understand the sexuality challenges that was
experienced and witnessed by other parents of children with intellectual disability. How to
provide guidance and respond to the developmental needs of these learners / children.
Parents and teachers shared strategies on how to teach these learners and the intern
counseling psychologist tactfully asserted to both parents and teachers that they are the
experts so that they are proactive and innovative thus contributing to the development of their
children .Parents were provided with literature on sexuality and HIV/AIDS Education
o The school was encouraged to extend its guidance and counselling programme to
learners with intellectual disabilities tailored to their developmental needs
o Parents to constantly monitor their children and consolidate sexuality information
learnt at school and at home
o Those teachers and parents who are uncomfortable to teach should refer to other
helping agencies or colleagues that assist learners with disability on HIV/AIDS issues
o Teachers to engage in continuous development programmes that sharpens their skills
and knowledge
o Parents to be cognizant of their children developmental progress
o Parents and teachers to work together and create social groups to support each other
Assessed by: Munhuwa M. Supervised by: Maisiri H.
Signature: ……………………………… Signature:
Intern Educational Psychologist Registered Educational Psychologist
Harare Metropolitan Province Head Office

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