The minutes summarized the safety meeting held on July 5th, 2021. Key discussion points included implementing standardized weekly reporting formats from HSE representatives at yards starting in May 2021. Conducting mandatory job site audits and revising the yard MIS report format were also discussed. Counting man hours at sites after gate pass processing and addressing technical discrepancies in site HSE MIS reports were additional action items. Sites were to be suspended and notified for high potential observations and incident investigations were to be reported within 12 hours of occurrence going forward.
The minutes summarized the safety meeting held on July 5th, 2021. Key discussion points included implementing standardized weekly reporting formats from HSE representatives at yards starting in May 2021. Conducting mandatory job site audits and revising the yard MIS report format were also discussed. Counting man hours at sites after gate pass processing and addressing technical discrepancies in site HSE MIS reports were additional action items. Sites were to be suspended and notified for high potential observations and incident investigations were to be reported within 12 hours of occurrence going forward.
The minutes summarized the safety meeting held on July 5th, 2021. Key discussion points included implementing standardized weekly reporting formats from HSE representatives at yards starting in May 2021. Conducting mandatory job site audits and revising the yard MIS report format were also discussed. Counting man hours at sites after gate pass processing and addressing technical discrepancies in site HSE MIS reports were additional action items. Sites were to be suspended and notified for high potential observations and incident investigations were to be reported within 12 hours of occurrence going forward.
The minutes summarized the safety meeting held on July 5th, 2021. Key discussion points included implementing standardized weekly reporting formats from HSE representatives at yards starting in May 2021. Conducting mandatory job site audits and revising the yard MIS report format were also discussed. Counting man hours at sites after gate pass processing and addressing technical discrepancies in site HSE MIS reports were additional action items. Sites were to be suspended and notified for high potential observations and incident investigations were to be reported within 12 hours of occurrence going forward.
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Minutes of Safety meeting held on 07/05/21
Minutes taken By : Issac John
Coordinated By : Issac, Ganesh, Vikreshvar Venue : Microsoft Teams Attendees: 1. Issac John 2. Santhosha Kumar 3. Harish Kumar 4. Hussain 5. Ganesh Kumar 6. Vikreshvar Behera 7. Bharat Thakar 8. Harshal Jhumde 9. Ajil Raj K 10. Padmanabha 11. Abhishek 12. Prajwal
Sr No Area of Discussion Action plan Remarks
Weekly Report for activities at yard to be sent by every HSE Report format will be To be implemented 1 representative while reporting shared by Issac John from May 2021 yard Job site audits to be mandatorily Session will be arranged To be implemented 2 conducted at sites as per for documentation by from May 2021 procedure. Issac John Yard MIS Report should be Revised format will be To be implemented 3 maintained. shared by Issac John from May 2021 Should be counted from the mobilization of first To be implemented 4 Man hour calculation at sites person at sites after from May 2021 processing of gate passes. Lot of technical discrepancies in Session will be arranged To be implemented 5 the site HSE MIS reports by Mr Issac John from May 2021 Jobs to be suspended and site-in-charge to be To be implemented 6 High potential observations informed asap for from May 2021 rectification 7 Incident investigation & Site in charge & HSE To be implemented Reporting manager to be notified from May 2021 (telephonically or mail) within 12 hours of the occurrence of incident. Warning letter & penalization To be implemented 8 Violations at site implementation to be from May 2021 started Minimum 25% good Reporting UA/UC/NM/Good To be implemented 9 observations to be observations from May 2021 reported from sites All the guidelines to be followed and the details 10 COVID-19 of infected personnel to - be send along with site HSE report.