Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers: Synthesis, and Study of Effective Structural Parameters

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Iranian Polymer Journal ' Volume 5 Number 4 (29961 IO26-I265196

Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers : Synthesis, and Study of

Effective Structural Parameters

Mehdi Barikani and Mohammad Barmar

Polymer Research Center of Iran, P .O.Box: 141851458, Tehran, I .R .lran

Received : 18 February 1996 ; accepted 12 October 1996


In this study two classes of polyols, a polyether and a polyester, are used
for synthesizing thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers . These elastomers
are prepared by chain extension of polyol/toluene diisocyanate by prepoly-
mer method and a variety of chain extenders, The effect of polyester and
polyether polyols and chain extenders on thermal stability have been invest-
igated by studying their morphology using dynamic mechanical thermal
analysis (DMTA), and thermogravimetrlc analysis (FGA) . The physical and
mechanical properties of prepared polyurethane elastomers are measured.
The obtained results are investigated and discussed.

Key Words: thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer, synthesis, structural parameters, chain extender, morphology

INTRODUCTION segment . The former is related to polyol structure

and the latter is related to the reaction of diiso-
Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (TPUEs) cyanate with hydroxyl groups of chain extender and
are an important group of polyurethane elasto- polyol . Elastomeric behaviour of these polymeric
mers. They are normally prepared by reacting a systems can be attributed to microphase separation
diisocyanate with a .moderate weight macroglycol of the hard segments. The rigid domains reinforce
(2000) and a low molecular weight diol as chain the eastomeric matrix like covalent linkages in
extender [1] . TPUEs have excellent physical and cross-linked elastomers . However ultimate strength
mechanical properties such as high tensile strength, is resulted from hydrogen bonds between hard
good resistance to abrasion, oil, fuels and solvents, segments [4, 5].
low temperature flexibility, heat resistance and Consequently, the effective parameters on
high adhesion to many substrates . These materials the properties of polyurethane elastomers are : soft
with Shore hardness values between 50 A and segmental chemical construction, hard segmental
70 D cover the whole range between rubber and chemical construction and relative size between
plastics [2, 3] . All of these properties cause their the soft segments and the hard segments [6]. The
rate of usage expand increasingly. chemical construction of segments are related to
These materials contain two separate struct- the type of polyols, the diisocyanate and the chain
ural phases : the hard segment and the soft extenders, but the last factor changes with the


Theimoplaaeic Polyurethane flaslomera

Table 1 . Materials used in the synthesis of the polyurethane formulation.

Material Abbreviation Functionality Molecular weight Supplier

Polyester polyol Capa 255 2 2000 Interox

Polyether polyol PTHF 2 2000 BASF
Toluene diisocyanate TDI 2 174 Merck
Ethylene glycol EG 2 62 Merck
1,3-Propane diol PD 2 76 Merck
1,4-Butane dial BD 2 90 Merck
1,6-Hexane diol HD 2 118 Merck
1,10-Decane diol DO 2 174 Merck

choice of different molar ratio of raw materials. 3123 models, respectively.

In this study, the effect of chemical soft seg- ASTM 412 test method was chosen for
ment constructions has been investigated by choos- measuring the tensile properties . The rate for the
ing two types of polyols, a polyester and a poly- test was 200 mm/min . The dumbbell shaped speci-
ether. Also the role of the hard segment chemical mens for tensile tests were prepared in accordance
construction in physical and mechanical properties with ASTM 412 die type C . Also, the test method
of the elastomers has been studied with changing for tear test was based on B .S . 903 : Part A3 (1982).
the chain extenders . The molar ratio of 1 :3 :2 for a
polyol, diisocyanate and a chain extender has been Synthesis
used for all of the elastomers, respectively. All syntheses were carried out by prepolymer
method . The diisocyanate was added to the
previously dried and degassed molten polyol, and
EXPERIMENTAL the reactants were held in a round bottom
polymerization reaction vessel. equipped with a
Materials stirrer and located in an oil bath at 100 °C, and a
The diisocyanate used was toluene diisocyanate steady now of dry nitrogen passing continuously
(TDI) constituting the mixed 2,4: 2,6 isomers in over the mixture forming a gas blanket . The
80120 ratio . Polycaprolactonc (CAPA 225) and reaction mixture was then continuously stirred for
polytetrahydrofuran (PTHF) with a molecular approximately 90 minutes.
weight of 2000 were used, respectively, as a poly- Conversion of the prepolymer into the final
ester and a polyether polyol . Ethylene glycol (EG), PU was carried out by stirring the prepolymer
13-propane diol (PD), 1,4-butane diol (BD), 1,6- vigorously, and then adding a previously predricd
hexane diol (HD) and 1,10-decant diol (DID) were and degassed chain extender. When colour homo-
used as chain extenders. geneity was obtained in the reactant mixture, the
The polyols and chain extenders were dried dispersion of chain extender was considered comp-
each at 80 `C and 40 'C, respectively, and degassed lete and the liquid polymer was cast into a highly
under vaccum at least for 2 h before use. The polished warm aluminium tray, previously coated
materials used in this study are listed in Table 1. with a release agent, to form a homogeneous sheet
of 2-3 mm thickness: The cast polymer in its
Instruments and Test Methods moulding tray was then placed in a hot air circulat-
The instruments used in this study for TG, DMTA, ing oven at 110 ' C and it was cured for at least
tensile, tear and hardness tests were PL-STA, 20—24 h . The cured sample sheets were then stor-
PL-DMTA MK IT, Tensile Instron 6025 and Zwick ed for at least one week at ambient temperature

232 Iranian Pah~ner Animal ? Volume 5 Number 4 (1596]

Rarikxa at . cr al.

Table 2. Comparison of thermal stability of synthesized is related to the polar nature of esteric bonds.
elstamers by polyester and polyether, TDI and various Also in each set of elastomers, the thermal
chain extenders in N 2 atmosphere (molar ratio 1 :3:2). stability of TPUE is increased with the increasing
Type of chain
length of chain extenders. There are two reasons
Thermal stability (C)
for this, one is that, the block ratio, polyol and
diisocyanate are the same in each group, and
palyether polyol polyester polyol
length of chain extender is the only variable
parameter . The degree of polymerization of these
systems is nearly equal, because polymerization
EG 268 .82 269 .96
conditions are constant for all of these elastomers.
PD 303.33 306 .64
With longer chain extender, the longer polymer
BD 312 .33 313 .23
chain is obtained because polymer chain is produc-
HD 315 .44 322 .48
ed from the repetition of polyol, diisocyanate and
DD 317 .25 332 .02
chain extender. Thermal energy distribution in
longer chain is better than shorter chain and
(25 °C) and 40% relative humidity before testing. hence, the thermal stability in the former is better
than the latter.
The second reason is that, the polymer chain
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION with longer chain extender has longer hard
segment. The length of hard segment has an effect
After synthesizing TPUE in laboratory with various on phase separation. Elastomers with higher phase
polyols and chain extenders, the effect of structural separation have superior properties such as
parameters were studied . Thermal stability of thermal stability.
synthesized elastomers was investigated by using The test of DMTA is used for determination
thermal gravimetry (TG) . The rate of heating was of a-transition temperature. The a-transition
10 ° L/min and the test was carried out in an N2 temperature is a good criterion of glass transition
atmosphere . The results of thermal stability are temperature (TO ).
shown in Table 2, and they indicate that polyester Figure I shows the comparison between
based PU elastomers are more stable than tan 6 of two groups of synthesized elastomers.
polyether based PU clastomers. This phenomenon The chain extender for both clastomers is 1,4-
1 .2 butane diol . The glass transition temperature of
polyether based elastomer is 10 °C lower than poly-
1 .0 ester based elastomer . This is due to more flexibi-
lity of etheric band and higher phase separation in
0 .8 comparison with esterie bond.
Table 3 shows a-transition temperature for
c 0.6 polyester based elastomers . There is no significant
change in a-transition temperature.
0.4 Polyester
The tana of clastomers based on polyester
polyol are shown in Figure 2 . In these peaks, the
0 .2
sharpness of slope claims quality of phase separa-
tion [S] . The synthesized PU elastomer with 1,10-
-80 -40 0 40 80 decane dint has the sharpest peak, and consequent-
Figure 1 . Tan 6 for two elastomers based an polyether ly, it has the greatest phase separation.
and polyester polyol with TDI and 1 .4-butane dial (molar The effect of polyester and polyether polyols
ratio 1 3 :2) . on tensile properties is important . Table 3 shows

Iranian 1'nlyrnrr Jrjrrn+ul / V lrontr .1 Vrunthrr •1 i!991l


" rhermnplasnc Polyurethane E.lastemen

Table 3 . a-Transition temperatures for synthesized elasto- Table 4 . Ultimate strength of synthesized elastomers:
mers : CAPA 225/TDI by various chain extenders (molar CAPA 225 and TDl by various extenders (molar ratio 1 :3 :2).
ratio 13 :2)
Type of chain Ultimate strength (N/mm 2)
Type of chain extnder a-Transition extender
temperature ( ` C) PTHF CAPA 225

BG -11 .5 EG 5 .993 8 .281

PD -13.5 PD 3 .544 7 .719

BD -15.0 BD 3 .199 5 .488

HD -15.5 HD 4.853 13 .47

DD -15 .5 DD 3.319 11 .21

that the ultimate tensile strength of polyester elastomers are shown in Table 5 . In both, poly-
based elastomers is higher than polyesher based ether and polyester based urethanes, elongation at
elastomers due to polarity of polyesters and signi- break is increased with increasing chain extenders
ficant amount of hydrogen banding. molecular weight . Obviously the longer the chain
In both groups, elastomers with 1,6-hexane length the longer the hard segment would be.
dial and 1,10-dccane dial have high strength, Thus, during final stage in tensile tests, the chains
respectively . The length of the employed chain slip over each other and the probability of
extender has two opposite effects, with decreasing urethane group to remain adjacent and repack in
length, high density of urethane bonds and hydro- longer intervals is greater, and therefore, the
gen bonds are produced, but they are accompanied elastomers show higher elongation at break.
with weaker phase separations . The tensile The results of hardness test for both groups
properties are resultant of two opposite effects, In are presented in Table 6 . The hardness of poly-
both elastomers, the loss tangent peaks arc with ether based elastomer is slightly higher than
approximately the same sharpness, but the density polyester one . The data obtained show variation
of hydrogen bonds in 1,6-hexane dial is higher than from 57 Shore A to 60 Shore A for polyester based
1,10-dccane dial and hence, the tensile strength of elastomer . Thus it is deduced that the effect of
TPUEs synthesized with 1,6-hexane dial is higher chain extenders molecular weight on the hardness
than 1,10-decane diol. data is not considerable.
Elongation at break or the synthesized Tear test on the synthesized elastomers was
1 .4

1 .2
Table S . Elongation at break of synthesized elastomers:
CAPA 225 and PTHFITDI and different chain extenders
1 .0 - (molar ratio 1 :3 :2).
u 0 .8-
Type of chain Elongation at break (%)
1_ 0 .6 . extender

EG 375 412
'C PD 430 448
-80 -40 0 40 80 BD 501 539
Figure 2 . Comparison of tan r5 for synthesized elastomers HD 506 575
with CAPA 2251TD1 by various chain extenders (molar ratio DD 893 748
1 :3 :2) .

234 Iranian Polymer 7awrnal / Volume 5 Nurnfe 4 (2916)

8ankani M. ci al.

Table 6. Hardness (Shore A) for synthesized elaslomers polyether based elastomer, but the polyethers
with CAPA 225 and PTHFITOI by various chain extenders based urethanes are slightly harder.
(molar ratio 1 :3 :2). DMTA studies for both groups of elastomers
show that an elastomer with larger chain extender
Type of chain Hardness (Shore A)
has a larger hard segment, and a better phase
separation . By increasing the phase separation,
good physical and mechanical properties are
EG 64 .85 60.41
P12 59 .99 58.43
8D 61 .81 59 .43
HD 62 .83 59 .8
DD 60.45 56.64
1. Hager S . I .., McRury T. a, [Gcrkin R . M . and Critchfeld
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PD 10.485 54.920
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BD 15 .390 43 .973
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HD 28 .308 58 .612
28–8.1, and 249–268 . 1982.
OD 5.504 34,86*
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• It should be noted that, since slippage occurred during test carried out S . I .., Polymer, 14, June 1973.

on this sample and no complete tear resulted . thus it should bo treated 9. Mark H . F ., et at .Encyctopedia of Polymer Science and
with caution. Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, pp . 247–280, and
296–298, 1985.
also carried out . The samples were in a strip form 10.Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Technology of
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in the middle. By stretching the sample with testing Kiev, pp. 1–37, 10–14 Oct, 1978.
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hatted. 14. Rubber World, 192 . 1, 62, 1985.


Polyester based TPUFs have higher tensile

strength, tear strength and thermal stability than

Iranian I'r,h•rnta Jrrumat . Volcano 5 Number 4 (194d) 235

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