Journal of Dental Research: Validation of An in Vitro Biofilm Model of Supragingival Plaque
Journal of Dental Research: Validation of An in Vitro Biofilm Model of Supragingival Plaque
Journal of Dental Research: Validation of An in Vitro Biofilm Model of Supragingival Plaque
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B. Guggenheimrl*, E. Giertsen2,
P. Schupbachl, and S. Shapirol Validation of an in vitro Biofilm
lInstitute for Oral Microbiology and General Immunology,
Center for Dentistry, Oral Medicine, and Maxillofacial Model of Supragingival Plaque
Surgery, University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 11, Postfach,
CH-8028 Ziirich 7, Switzerland; and 2Department of
Odontology-Cariology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of
Bergen, Norway; *corresponding author,
J Dent Res 80(1 ):363-370, 2001
The study of biofilm structure and function The existence of micro-organisms as the polyspecies consortium known as
mandates the use of model systems for which a I "dental plaque" has profound implications in the etiology of caries,
host of environmental variables can be rigorously gingivitis, and periodontal diseases. For more than a century, dental plaque
controlled. We describe a model of supragingival has been a major target of chemoprophylaxis (Miller, 1890) and, with regard
plaque containing Actinomyces naeslundii, to periodontal diseases, of chemotherapy (van Winkelhoff and Winkel,
Veillonella dispar, Fusobacterium nucleatum, 1997). In view of the species heterogeneity and structural complexity of
Streptococcus sobrinus, and Streptococcus oralis dental plaque, simplified models reflecting the most salient features of these
wherein cells are cultivated anaerobically in a ecosystems are required to clarify the physicochemical and metabolic
saliva-based medium on hydroxyapatite discs interactions underlying the development and maintenance of this biofilm.
coated with a salivary pellicle, with material and Various multispecies models of dental plaque have been described and
pieces of apparatus common to all microbiology applied to problems of clinical relevance, most notably biofilm permeability
laboratories. After 0.5 hr, 16.5 hrs, 40.5 hrs, and and chemical control of plaque. These systems usually consist either of flow
64.5 hrs, the composition of adherent biofilms was cells (Christersson et al., 1987; Sjollema et al., 1989; Larsen and Fiehn,
analyzed by culture techniques, live/dead 1995) or of chemostats modified to allow for insertion and removal of
fluorescence staining, and confocal laser scanning colonizable surfaces (Herles et al., 1994; Bradshaw et al., 1996; Kinniment
microscopy. Repeated independent trials et al., 1996; Bowden, 1999). While these devices have contributed to our
demonstrated the repeatability of biofilm understanding of microbial adhesion and biofilm formation, their use has
formation after 40.5 hrs and 64.5 hrs. Brief certain drawbacks. They can be cumbersome to construct and/or difficult to
exposures of biofilms to chlorhexidine or maintain over long periods of time. Since clearance of pulsed substances is a
Triclosan produced losses in viability similar to function of flow rate and volume, chemostats operating with low flow rates
those observed in vivo. This biofilm model should and relatively large volumes can have quite long mean residence times,
prove very useful for pre-clinical testing of rendering them impractical for studies of selected compounds with short-
prospective anti-plaque agents at clinically term exposures, as is common in oral hygiene procedures. Moreover,
relevant concentrations. systems with working volumes of more than a few milliliters preclude the
use of media constituted from natural substrates such as saliva.
KEY WORDS: biofilm model, dental plaque To circumvent the aforementioned problems, we have developed a
bacteria, confocal laser scanning microscopy, model of supragingival plaque which is technically simple to prepare,
chlorhexidine, triclosan. maintain, and analyze, and which allows for the short-term exposure of the
biofilm to selected substances. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the
repeatability of this dental plaque model and its applicability for the testing
of antimicrobial compounds.
Figure 1. Representative CLSM images of biofilms at (a) 0.5 hrs, (b) 16.5
hrs, (c) 40.5 hrs, and (d) 64.5 hrs. (a-d) Optodigital horizontal (xy) sections
through biofilms. (b1, cl, d,) Optodigital sagittal (xz) sections. To enhance
resolution, we stretched the sagittal images vertically by a factor of 4. Length
Downloaded from by guest on May 23, 2011 (a) represents 10uses
use only. No other length
pm;without bars in (b-d) represent 100 pm.
J Dent Res 80(1) 2001 An in vitro Dental Plaque Model 367
A 9
-- -
'. 'M
0 4- EdS
co 3-
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 An Vd Fn Ss So tCFU
incubation time (h)
Figure 2a. Average CFUs recovered per species per time point per disc.
0 A. naeslundii; + V. dispar; * F. nucleatum; o, S. sobrinus; A S. oralis. 8-
rj 7-
B 6-
*>D 8-
7- / 0 3-
D: 5- If
An Vd Fn Ss So tCFU
UO 4
Figure 3. Boxplots depicting the effect of a 0.2% (w/v) suspension of
-3 I3 Triclosan (upper Fig.) and an aqueous solution of Triclosan 2-HP-13-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 CyD inclusion complex containing 2.5%c (w/v) of Triclosan (lower
Fig.) on species comprising the biofilm. Hollow rectangles,
incubation time (h) physiological saline controls; grey rectangles, Triclosan-treated. An,
A. naeslundii; Vd, V. dispar; Fn, F. nucleatum; Ss, S. sobrinus; So,
Figure 2b. Comparison of CFUs obtained by summing individual counts S. oralis; tCFU, total CBA CFUs. Each box represents a distribution
of all five biofilm species (o) with total CFUs by plating on non-selective for 3 pairs of independent measurements; horizontal bars within
medium (0) as a function of incubation time. boxes are median values.
There was a clear dose-response effect of CHX toward the tooth surfaces in the absence of high amounts of sucrose.
biofilim (Fig. 4). A reduction in CFUs for each species was However, recovered CFUs for V. dispar of- 104/disc after
apparent at 0.1% (w/v) CHX (1.1 mmol/L), but the range of a 30-minute exposure to the mixed inoculumn were similar
recovered CFUs tended to be broad. Slightly raising the CHX to those found for A. naeslundii and S. oralis, whereas
concentration to 0.12% (w/v) (1.3 mmol/L)
brought about dramatic reductions (- 5 orders Table. G-values Obtained per Population per Time Point
of magnitude) in recovered CFUs, with much
narrower ranges of CFU values. When the Bacteria 40.5 hrs 64.5 hrs
concentration of CHX was increased to 0.2% Gla G2 G3 GI G2 G3
(w/v) (2.2 mmol/L), no viable cells were
recoverable from the discs. A. naeslundii 1.732 3.00 0.0677 1.175 2.26 0.4877
V. dispar 1.519 2.89 0.1634 1.285 2.56 0.3445
DISCUSSION F. nucleatum 1.508 2.16 0.4217 1.165 2.16 0.5296
The bacteria chosen for incorporation into S. sobrinus 1.527 2.91 0.1502 1.280 2.31 0.4586
our biofilm model were five species S. oralis 1.635 2.82 0.1731 1.406 2.39 0.4008
commonly encountered in supragingival Total CBA CFUs 1.503 2.45 0.3531 1.443 2.37 0.3970
plaque. It has been claimed (Marsh and a The larger of the polar values has been listed for each population. For an inter-trial
Martin, 1992) that Veillonella spp. and G,
size n = 6, the critical values of G1, G2, and G3 at the 95% confidence level are 1.822,
mutans streptococci have low adherence to 3.01, and 0.9436, respectively (Burke, 1 998).
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368 Guggenheim et al. J Dent Res 80(1) 2001
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