005 012 Equation
005 012 Equation
005 012 Equation
Mahidzal Dahari1, Nor Azizah Hisam2, Raihana Ramlan3 and Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib4
1, 2, 3, 4
Universiti Techology of Petronas, Bandar Sri Iskandar,
31750 UTP, Tronon, Perak
Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]
Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) is not new in the industry; however, it is becoming an uprising issue owing to the multitude advantages
natural gas posses compared to the conventional fuel. The challenges, on the other hand, are putting in place an NGV refueling
facility and keeping the cost of natural gas operated vehicles competitive with conventional vehicles. One of the identified cause
for the dearly NGV refueling station installation cost is the mass measurement device, Coriolis flow meter, used in each station.
This research is aimed at finding and implementing a cost effective alternative to the Coriolis flow meter. A typical volumetric
flow meter i.e., turbine, orifice and vortex is much lower in price but does not produce measurement in the natural gas trading
unit. To compensate for this, a conversion tool based on an Equation of State (EOS) is developed. In this method, mass flowrate of
natural gas is calculated using the volumetric flowrate measured by volumetric flow meter, whilst temperature and pressure of the
flowing gas are fed into the conversion tool. Based on results, it is found that the developed conversion tool is able to compute the
mass flowrate of natural gas with reasonably average error which is 2.66% compared to the actual measurement using Coriolis
1.0 INTRODUCTION liquid petroleum fuels. Significant advances have been made
Automotive industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the past few years that have highlighted the efficiency and
in the world. In 2005, Daud [1] reported that in Malaysia for the emissions potential of NGV [3-7]. In transportation sector, natural
past ten years, the average vehicle population growth is about gas is becoming more important. NGV has many overwhelming
7% per annum. The fast growing industry enables people to advantages in comparison with traditional means of transportation
travel faster than before and a vehicle has become an essential using gasoline and diesel. It is more environmentally friendly
tool for mankind. However, the increasing number of vehicles [3-5], safer and lower fuel cost compared to gasoline powered
also resulted in severe environmental problems. Emissions vehicle. Nylund and Erkkila [6] reported that NGV was found
from millions of cars and light-duty trucks, almost exclusively to give NOx emission of about 75% less, compared to gasoline
operating on gasoline and diesel fuel, are major contributors to powered vehicle. This is further supported by an emission study
this problem. In addition, heavy-duty trucks and buses using conducted at Argonne National Laboratory [7] that showed
diesel fuel are major sources of particulates (small unburned natural gas with CO2 emissions of 140gm CO2 eq/km, gasoline at
particles of hydrocarbons and sulfur) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) 176gm CO2 eq/km, and diesel at 147gm CO2 eq/km.
emissions in urban areas. Particulates are a special concern To date, there are only 40 NGV refueling stations to cater
because the public is frequently exposed to them and a research for 15,600 NGVs in Malaysia [1]. To encourage public transport
conducted by Bechtold in 1997 [2] suggested that particulates operators to use natural gas, more NGV stations would have to
have cancer-causing potential and it could cause significant be built. Lack of refueling facility is the major obstacles to the
respiratory problems. growth of NGV usage. The problem is not only faced by Malaysia
Alternative vehicle fuels such as natural gas have long been but also other countries in the world. High cost of its metering
proposed as a way to provide significant air quality benefits over system is believed to be one of the main constraints to the growth
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Mahdizal Dahari etc.
of NGV refueling facility. The high cost of the metering system 2.1 Equation of State (EOS)
is mainly due to very expensive flow meter used in the metering An equation of state (EOS) [9] is a formula describing
system that is the Coriolis flow meter. Current technology used the interrelation between various macroscopically measurable
in NGV refueling equipment’s metering system is by using properties of a system. For physical states of matter, equation
Coriolis mass flow meter [8]. This meter uses the Coriolis Effect of state usually relates the thermodynamic variables of pressure,
to measure the amount of mass moving through the element. temperature, volume and number of moles of material. The
The substance to be measured runs through a U-shaped tube as simplest EOS is the ideal gas law, which is given by
shown by Figure 1 which vibrates in a perpendicular direction to
the flow. Fluid forces running through the tube interact with the P V = n R T (1)
vibration, causing it to twist. The greater the angle of the twist,
the greater is the flow based on momentum change that is related where P is pressure, V is volume, n is number of moles, R
to mass. is the universal gas constant and T is temperature. All substances
behave according to this simple equation at sufficiently high
specific volume (low density). This is because, at extremely
low density, the individual molecules are essentially “point
particles”, occupying zero volume and never colliding with one
another [10].
6 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2009)
interaction between the hydrocarbons and the H2O, and on the its structure). In the following section, Table 1 summarizes the
perturbation by hydrocarbon on the H2O-H2O interaction (due to applicability of all models.
From the table, it is shown that EOS is widely used in Peng Robinson was the most accurate equation and had been
hydrocarbon system including natural gas. Radhakrishnan et al. identified to be the EOS that could represent for high-pressure
[17] has conducted a study to compare all the EOS equations natural gas system. Thus, Peng Robinson was selected as EOS
for measuring mass flowrate of natural gas using NGV refueling equation for the conversion purpose whilst the same test rig is
test rig located at Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). By used in this research.
comparing results with Coriolis measurement, it was found that
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2.4 Experimental Procedure mass of natural gas inside the vehicle tank, the volumetric and
Two distinctive methods are used in determining the mass flowrate terms is introduced to substitute the volume of
mass flowrate of natural gas passing through the measurement tank and the mass of natural gas inside the tank and this is shown
device: Dynamic Mass Flowrate Method and Dynamic Density in the following equation;
Flowrate Method. Data such as volumetric flowrate, pressure and RT aa
temperature obtained from the test rig are used together with pre-
⋅ (MW) – –––––––––––––––––––––––
P = ––––––– ⋅ (MW) 2 ⋅ (5)
V V (MW)
––––––– – b ––––––– + 2b –––––––
identified EOS i.e., Peng-Robinson and will be assessed using
both methods in order to identify which method will be most m⋅ m⋅ m⋅
reliable to be used.
Three dynamic experiments were also conducted. The where,
difference between experiments is owed to the pre-determined ⋅
V = volumetric flowrate (m3/min)
experimental conditions such as the initial pressure of storage m⋅ = mass flowrate (kg/min)
tanks and the initial pressure of vehicle or receiver tank to
be refueled. For all experiments, three banks of storage tanks The equation is then arranged into a polynomial form below
containing natural gas at same pressure i.e., 3600 psig are used so that the root of the equation will represent the mass flowrate
to provide the source of gas for refueling the vehicle tank up to of natural gas.
a pressure of 3000 psig. The purpose of using three different
banks is to enable for refueling to take place from one bank (Pb3 + RTb2 – abα)m⋅ 3 – (aα – 3Pb2 – 2RTb)V(MW))m⋅ 2
⋅ ⋅
to another thus avoiding equal deterioration of pressure in + (Pb – RT) (V(MW))2m⋅ – P(V(MW))3 = 0 (6)
all the storage tanks. It is essential to do so in order to ensure
sufficient pressure drive is available from the storage tanks to The next step is the computation of the mass flowrate of
continue refueling the natural gas to the vehicle tank up to the natural gas. Since it is impossible to obtain the mass flowrate
3000 psig requirement. An automatic switching mechanism was by means of manual calculation, the MATLAB software is
installed to control the subsequent switch over from one bank employed and utilising the root function, the mass flowrate of
to another. Dynamic experiment in this project is defined as natural gas could be obtained.
experiment that is conducted continuously, meaning natural gas In the Dynamic Density Flowrate Method, the v variable in
is dispensed continuously into the vehicle tank and experimental the EOS represents the specific volume of natural gas hence the
data are collected for every single second during the refueling. specific gas constant is used rather than the universal gas constant.
Data obtained from each set of experiment is analyzed using Using this approach, the algorithm is arranged in such a way that
the two alternative measurement methods as described earlier it will provide the dynamic density of natural gas flowing through
in the paper. Results of analysis are presented in the following the measurement device and the mass flowrate of natural gas will
section. be the product of the density and the volumetric flowrate given
In the Dynamic Mass Flowrate Method, the density of by the measurement device. The original EOS is manipulated to
natural gas is assumed to be constant and the v variable in the include density term in the equation. The equation below is used
EOS represents the molar volume of natural gas. Using this in introducing the density term;
method, the algorithm will straight away provide the dynamic
mass flowrate of natural gas dispensed using the experimental 1
v = –– (7)
volumetric flowrate, temperature and pressure data. The first step ρ
in Dynamic Mass Density Method is to manipulate the original where,
Peng-Robinson EOS to include mass term in the equation. The v = specific volume (m3/kg)
equations below are used in introducing the mass term; ρ = density of natural gas (kg/m3)
v = ––– (2) Thus, the following equation will be obtained;
n = –––– (3) RT aα
MW ρ = –––– – –––––––––––– (8)
v–b v2 + 2bv – b2
where, The equation is then arranged into a polynomial form
v = molar volume (m3/mol) below so that the root of the equation will represent the density
V = volume of tank (m3) of natural gas.
n = number of mol of natural gas inside the vehicle tank (kmol)
(Pb3 + b2RT – abα) ρ3 + (3Pb2 + 2bRT – aα)ρ2
m = mass of natural gas inside vehicle tank (kg)
+ (Pb – RT)ρ + P = 0 (9)
MW = molecular weight of natural gas (kg/kmol)
The MATLAB program is once again employed to solve
With the substitution, the following equation is obtained;
for the root of the above equation, which represents the density
RT – –––––––––––––––––––– of natural gas. The mass flowrate of natural gas dispensed into
P = ––––––– (4)
V (MW) V (MW) 2 V (MW) vehicle tank is the product of the dynamic density computed
m – b –––––– + 2b –––––– – b2 using the EOS and the volumetric flowrate measured by the
m m
alternative flow meter. For both methods, profiles of calculated
Since the concern is to obtain the mass flowrate instead of mass flowrates using Peng Robinson equation and volumetric
8 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2009)
data are compared with actual mass flowrate directly measured and 3 respectively. Each of the figures represents calculated
by Coriolis flow meter to identify the deviation extent between mass flowrate obtained from both EOS conversions respectively
them. which was also compared with mass flowrate data obtained from
actual Coriolis meter (please refer graph legend). From Figures
3.0 RESULTs AND DISCUSSIONs 2 and 3 again, it was observed that the calculated mass flowrate
Experiment 1 was conducted under automatic sequencing followed the trend of actual Coriolis flowmeter. For experiment
mode with initial storage pressure of 3600 psig for all three banks 1, the average error for Dynamic Mass Flowrate Method and
and refueling was done to a receiver tank with initial storage Dynamic Density Flowrate Method compared to Coriolis were
pressure less than 20 psig. The analysis using the Dynamic Mass 6.755% and 4.973%, respectively. Average error was defined
Flowrate Method and Dynamic Density Flowrate Method had as error of mass flowrate between the developed method and
produced mass flowrate result that was presented in Figures 2 Coriolis measurement starting from initial pressure until receiver
pressure reaches about 3000 psig.
Figure 2: Mass flowrate for experiment 1 using dynamic mass flowrate Figure 3: Mass flowrate for experiment 1 using dynamic density
method flowrate method
Figure 4: Mass flowrate for experiment 2 using dynamic mass flowrate Figure 5: Mass flowrate for experiment 2 using dynamic density
method flowrate method
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Mahdizal Dahari etc.
Experiment 2 was conducted with initial storage pressure of obtained using the EOS conversion measurement followed the
3600 psig for all the 3 banks and receiver’s initial pressure was trend of the Coriolis plot. However, there was still a reasonably
about 1000 psig. The result of mass flowrates obtained using the big deviation from the reference. For experiment 2, the average
Dynamic Mass Flowrate Method and Dynamic Density Flowrate error for Dynamic Mass Flowrate Method and Dynamic Density
Method was shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. From Flowrate Method compared to Coriolis were 5.889% and 0.791%,
Figures 4 and 5 again, it was observed that the mass flowrate respectively.
Figure 6: Mass flowrate for experiment 3 using dynamic mass Figure 7: Mass flowrate for experiment 3 using dynamic density
flowrate method flowrate method
Experiment 3 was conducted with initial storage pressure Even though the natural gas was transferred from only
of 3600 psig for all the 3 banks and receiver’s initial pressure three storage banks, it was clearly observed that there were four
was about 2000 psig. The results obtained using the Dynamic maximum peaks in all graphs. The first peak was the turn out
Mass Flowrate Method and Dynamic Density Flowrate Method of the initialisation of flow as stated in the process description,
was shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. From Figures 6 and while the subsequent three peaks were due to the sudden flow
7 again, it was observed that the mass flowrates obtained using increase of natural gas as a result of switching from one bank
the developed EOS metering system followed the trend of the to another. An error analysis was done to detect which methods
Coriolis plot. For experiment 3, the average error for Dynamic produced minimal error compared to Coriolis. Tables 3 and 4
Mass Flowrate Method and Dynamic Density Flowrate Method show the result of error analysis.
compared to Coriolis were 8.995% and 2.533% respectively.
10 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2009)
From the error analysis, it was found that Dynamic Density was found that Dynamic Density Flowrate Method had produced
Flowrate Method had produced smaller average error compared minimal average error compared to Dynamic Mass Flowrate
to Dynamic Mass Flowrate Method which was 2.766% compared Method. From the results obtained and analysis performed, it was
to 7.213% respectively. found that the average error between Dynamic Density Flowrate
Method and data measured by Coriolis flow meter was about
2.766%. Thus, Dynamic Density Flowrate Method was verified
5.0 CONCLUSIONS as the suitable conversion tool to be used as EOS metering system
In this research, two distinctive methods were presented for converting volumetric to mass flowrate of natural gas. From
to be used as conversion tool in determining the mass flowrate here, it could be said that the research objective to develop an
of natural gas: Dynamic Mass Flowrate Method and Dynamic alternative metering system which offer an efficient and lower
Density Flowrate Method. However, when both methods were cost method for measuring mass flowrate in NGV refueling
compared with actual measurement using Coriolis flowmeter, it measurement has been successfully achieved.
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