Juslin - Emotional Responses To Music
Juslin - Emotional Responses To Music
Juslin - Emotional Responses To Music
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Patrik N. Juslin
Department of Psychology
Uppsala University
Box 1225
SE - 751 42 Uppsala
E-mail: [email protected]
Daniel Västfjäll
Department of Psychology
Göteborg University
Box 500
SE - 405 30 Göteborg
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract (short): Research indicates that people value music primarily because of the
emotions it evokes. Yet, researchers have so far been unable to offer a satisfactory account of
such emotions. We argue that the study of musical emotions has suffered from a neglect of
underlying mechanisms and the common assumption that musical emotions must be based on
a cognitive appraisal. Here, we present a novel theoretical framework featuring six additional
mechanisms through which music listening may induce emotions: (a) Brain stem reflexes, (b)
Evaluative conditioning, (c) Emotional contagion, (d) Visual imagery, (e) Episodic memory,
and (f) Musical expectancy. The framework can guide future research and help to resolve
previous disagreements.
Abstract: Research indicates that people value music primarily because of the emotions it
evokes. Yet, the notion of musical emotions remains controversial, and researchers have so
far been unable to offer a satisfactory account of such emotions. We argue that the study of
musical emotions has suffered from a neglect of underlying mechanisms. Specifically,
researchers have studied musical emotions without regard to how they were evoked, or have
assumed that the emotions must be based on the ‘default’ mechanism for emotion induction, a
cognitive appraisal. Here, we present a novel theoretical framework featuring six additional
mechanisms through which music listening may induce emotions: (a) Brain stem reflexes, (b)
Evaluative conditioning, (c) Emotional contagion, (d) Visual imagery, (e) Episodic memory,
and (f) Musical expectancy. We propose that these mechanisms differ concerning such
characteristics as their information focus, ontogenetic development, key brain regions,
cultural impact, induction speed, degree of volitional influence, modularity, and dependence
on musical structure. By synthesizing theory and findings from different domains, we are able
to provide the first set of hypotheses that can help researchers to distinguish among the
mechanisms. We show that failure to control for the underlying mechanism may lead to
inconsistent or non-interpretable findings. Thus, we argue that the new framework may guide
future research and help to resolve previous disagreements in the field. We conclude that
music evokes emotions through mechanisms that are not unique to music, and that the study
of musical emotions could benefit the emotion field as a whole by providing novel paradigms
for emotion induction.
Key words: Affect, Arousal, Brain, Emotion, Induction, Music, Mechanism, Memory, Theory
1. Introduction
Of all the problems that may confront a music psychologist, none is perhaps more important
than to explain listeners’ reactions to music. Some kind of musical experience is the basis for
every musical activity, regardless of whether it involves composing, performing, or listening
to music. Several studies have suggested that the most common goal of musical experiences
is to influence emotions: people use music to change emotions, to release emotions, to match
their current emotion, to enjoy or comfort themselves, and to relieve stress (e.g., Behne, 1997;
Juslin & Laukka, 2004; Sloboda & O’Neill, 2001; Zillman & Gan, 1997).
Yet, music’s apparent ability to induce strong emotions is a mystery that has fascinated both
experts and laymen at least since ancient Greece (Budd, 1985). “How do sounds, which are,
after all, just sounds, have the power to so deeply move those involved with them?” (Reimer,
2003, p. 73). To explain how music can induce emotions in listeners is all the more important
since music is already used in several applications in society that presume its effectiveness in
inducing emotions, such as film music (Cohen, 2001), marketing (Bruner, 1990), and therapy
(Bunt & Hoskyns, 2002).
However, despite a recent upswing of research on musical emotions (for an extensive review,
see Juslin & Sloboda, 2001), the literature presents a confusing picture with conflicting views
on almost every topic in the field.1 A few examples may suffice to illustrate this point: Becker
(2001) notes that “emotional responses to music do not occur spontaneously, nor ‘naturally’”
(p. 137), yet Peretz (2001) claims that “this is what emotions are: spontaneous responses that
are difficult to disguise” (p. 126). Noy (1993) concludes that “the emotions evoked by music
are not identical with the emotions aroused by everyday, interpersonal activity” (p. 137), but
Peretz (2001) argues that “there is as yet no theoretical or empirical reason for assuming such
specificity” (p. 122). Koelsch (2005) observes that emotions to music may be induced “quite
consistently across subjects” (p. 412), yet Sloboda (1996) regards individual differences as an
“acute problem” (p. 387). Scherer (2003) claims that “music does not induce basic emotions”
(p. 25), but Panksepp and Bernatzky (2002) consider it “remarkable that any medium could so
readily evoke all the basic emotions” (p. 134). Researchers do not even agree about whether
music induces emotions: Sloboda (1992) claims that “there is a general consensus that music
is capable of arousing deep and significant emotions” (p. 33), yet Konečni (2003) writes that
“instrumental music cannot directly induce genuine emotions in listeners” (p. 332).
At the heart of all this controversy, we believe, lies the fact that researchers have not devoted
enough attention to the question of how music induces emotions. Most writers on the subject
acknowledge that this is the most important issue: “Music arouses strong emotional responses
in people, and they want to know why” (Dowling & Harwood, 1986, p. 202). Yet, a search of
the literature reveals that surprisingly few articles make any attempt whatsoever to explain the
psychological mechanisms that underlie listeners’ emotional responses to music. For instance,
a search for peer-reviewed articles (in English) in PsychInfo and RILM Abstracts of the music
literature, using the query music* and emotion* and the time limits 1967-2007, revealed 1.033
and 423 articles respectively, of which a single article in PsychInfo (i.e., Steinbeis, Koelsch &
Sloboda, 2006) and none of the articles in RILM aimed to empirically test a theory about how
music induces emotions; 21 articles in each database (2% and 5%, respectively) mentioned a
mechanism, or the issue of emotion induction more generally, without reporting any relevant
data.2 Although these searches may not have uncovered every relevant article, the point is that
the great majority of studies of musical emotions have not concerned underlying mechanisms.
We use the term ‘psychological mechanism’ broadly in this article to refer to any information
processing that leads to the induction of emotions through listening to music.3 This processing
could be simple or complex. It could be available to consciousness or not. However, what the
mechanisms discussed here have in common is that they become activated by taking music as
their ‘object’. We adhere to the notion that a defining feature of emotions is that they involve
intentional objects: they are ‘about’ something (Frijda, 1999, p. 191). For example, we are sad
about the death of a loved one. What are musical emotions about?
One problem with musical emotions is that the conditions for eliciting emotions appear to be
different from those in everyday life: in the paradigmatic case, an emotion is aroused when an
event is appraised as having the capacity to affect the goals of the perceiver somehow (Carver
& Scheier, 1998). Thus, for example, a reviewer’s criticism of a manuscript may threaten the
author’s goal to get it published. Because music does not seem to have any capacity to further
or block goals, it seems strange that music can induce emotions. Indeed, it has been denied by
some authors that music can induce common ‘everyday emotions’ such as sadness, happiness,
and anger (Kivy, 1990; Konečni, 2003; Scherer, 2003). We suspect that this view rests on the
assumption that such emotions need to reflect a cognitive appraisal. According to Scherer and
Zentner (2001), induction of emotions via music “implies that the emotion process is directly
produced by an appraisal of the musical event” (p. 384; see also Gabriel & Crickmore, 1977,
Stratton & Zalanowski, 1989, 1991, and Waterman, 1996, for further claims about the crucial
role of cognitive appraisal in emotional responses to music).
The main assumption of appraisal theory is that emotions arise, and are distinguished, on the
basis of a person’s subjective evaluation of an event on appraisal dimensions such as novelty,
urgency, goal congruence, coping potential, and norm compatibility (for an excellent review,
see Scherer, 1999). Occasionally, music may lead to the induction of emotions through some
of the same appraisal dimensions. Thus, for example, a person may be trying to sleep at night,
but is prevented from doing so by the disturbing sounds of a neighbor playing loud music on
his or her stereo. In this case, the music becomes an object of the person’s irritation because it
blocks the person’s goal: to fall asleep. Although there is nothing particularly ‘musical’ about
this example, it is clear that music can sometimes induce emotions in listeners in this manner
(Juslin et al., 2006). Such responses can easily be explained by traditional theories of emotion.
However, the problem is that the available evidence indicates that this type of emotions is not
typical of music listening – most emotional reactions to music do not involve implications for
goals in life, which explains why they are regarded as mysterious: “the listener’s sad response
appears to lack the beliefs that typically go with sadness” (Davies, 2001, p. 37).
Because music does not seem to have goal implications, some researchers have assumed that
music cannot induce emotions at all (Konečni, 2003) – or, at least, that it cannot induce basic
emotions related to survival functions (Kivy, 1990; Scherer, 2003).4 Some researchers allow
for the possibility that music may induce “more subtle, music-specific emotions” (Scherer &
Zentner, 2001, p. 381; see also Gurney, 1880; Lippman, 1953; Swanwick, 1985), the precise
nature of which remains to be clarified. This notion is sometimes coupled with the assumption
that musical emotions are induced through some unique (but yet unspecified) process that has
little or nothing in common with the induction mechanisms of ‘ordinary’ emotions. We reject
these views on both theoretical and empirical grounds, and claim that music can induce a wide
range of both basic and complex emotions in listeners via several psychological mechanisms
that emotions to music share with other emotions.
The primary argument of this target article is that research on music and emotion has failed to
become cumulative because music researchers have either neglected underlying psychological
mechanisms or assumed that musical emotions reflect a cognitive appraisal. We argue that it
is important to look beyond appraisal theory and consider alternative but less obvious ways in
which music might induce emotions. While appraisal may be important for many forms of art
(Silvia, 2005), there are other mechanisms that are far more relevant in the case of music. We
claim that if these additional mechanisms are taken into account, there is nothing particularly
strange about results that suggest that music induces all kinds of emotions (Gabrielsson, 2001,
Table 19.2).
The problem is that most researchers seem to have mistakenly assumed that musical emotions
can be studied and described without regard to how they were induced. Most studies have not
controlled for the underlying mechanism, despite their attempts to generalize about the nature
of musical emotions. Unfortunately, as discussed further below, failure to distinguish between
mechanisms may lead to apparently inconsistent findings and unnecessary controversy among
researchers. We believe that the solution to this problem is a more hypothesis-driven approach
that takes the characteristics of each mechanism into account. Such an approach is proposed in
this article.
In the following, we (a) review evidence from different kinds of sources to show that, despite
claims to the contrary, music can induce emotions, (b) present a novel theoretical framework,
featuring six psychological mechanisms and 66 hypotheses, that explains how such emotions
are induced, (c) consider how this framework might guide future research and help to resolve
previous disagreements, and (d) discuss implications for research on emotions in general and
musical emotions in particular.
2. Does music really induce emotions?
Studies of music and emotion have been conducted off and on since psychology’s birth at the
end of the 19th century (Gabrielsson & Juslin, 2003). The majority of studies have focused on
how listeners perceive emotions expressed in the music. Similarly, most theories of music and
emotion have focused on the representational features of music that allow listeners to perceive
emotions (see Clynes, 1977; Cooke, 1959; Langer, 1957). However, perception of emotions is
primarily a sensory or cognitive process that does not necessarily say anything about what the
listener him- or herself is feeling, since perception of emotions may well proceed without any
emotional involvement (Gabrielsson, 2002; Harré, 1997). Hence, induction of emotions must
be studied in its own right.
Although researchers may not agree on a precise definition of emotions, they largely agree on
the characteristics and components of an emotional response (e.g., Izard, 2007). As shown in
Table 1, emotions are typically described as relatively short-lasting although intense affective
reactions to potentially important events or changes in the ‘external’ or ‘internal’ environment
that involve several subcomponents: (a) cognitive appraisal (e.g., you appraise the situation as
Table 1
Feeling The subjective experience of emotion (or mood).
This component is commonly measured via self-
report and reflects any or all of the other emotion
To demonstrate that music can evoke ‘real’ emotions, one should provide evidence that music
produces reactions in all of the above emotion components. Such evidence comes from many
different strands of research and is summarized in Table 2. While each source of evidence is
associated with its own set of problems, the combined evidence is quite compelling. If these
findings do not reflect emotions, as some have argued, what exactly do they reflect? Most of
the evidence was collected in Western societies, though there is evidence from anthropology
and ethology that emotional reactions to music occur in all human societies of the world and
are not simply ‘inventions’ of the Western world (Becker, 2001, 2004; Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1989).
Music appears to induce a wide range of both basic and complex emotions (e.g., Gabrielsson,
2001, Table 19.2; Juslin & Laukka, 2004, Table 4; Sloboda, 1992, Table 1; Wells & Hakanen,
1991, Table 1), something that a theory of musical emotion must be able to account for. There
is also preliminary evidence of ‘synchronization’ of emotion components in response to music
(Lundqvist, Carlsson, Hilmersson, & Juslin, in press).
Most studies of musical emotions have relied merely on self-report, which could be subject to
demand characteristics (i.e., the total sum of cues that convey the researcher’s hypothesis to
the participant and thus may influence the participant’s behavior; Orne, 1962). It is therefore
promising that several studies have reported effects of musically-induced emotions on indirect
measures that should be less sensitive to demand characteristics (see Table 3). These findings,
which suggest that music can be just as effective as other emotion elicitation techniques, offer
further evidence that music induces emotions in listeners. Though these studies are sometimes
referred to as studies of mood induction, we claim that music usually induces emotions rather
than moods,5 because listeners’ reactions focus on an ‘object’ (the music, or more specifically
certain information in the music processed relative to individual and situational factors), they
last only for a limited duration (circa 5-40 minutes; Västfjäll, 2002, p. 192; see also Panksepp
& Bernatsky, 2002), and they involve autonomic responses (Krumhansl, 1997). These aspects
are associated with emotions rather than moods (Table 1; Beedie et al., 2005). However, there
is one emotion component for which evidence is lacking – the cognitive appraisal. This raises
the primary question of how, exactly, musical emotions are induced.
Consider the following example of a listener’s emotional responses during a concert (possible
induction mechanisms are indicated within the parentheses and are further explained below):
“Klaus arrived just in time for the concert on Friday evening … He sat down and the music
began. A sudden, dissonant chord induced a strong feeling of arousal (i.e., brain stem reflex),
causing his heart to beat faster. Then, when the main theme was introduced, he suddenly felt
rather happy – for no apparent reason (i.e., evaluative conditioning). In the following section,
the music turned more quiet … The sad tone of a voice-like cello that played a slow, legato,
falling melody with a trembling vibrato moved him to experience the same sad emotion as the
music expressed (i.e., emotional contagion). He suddenly recognized the melody; it brought
back a nostalgic memory from an event in the past where the same melody had occurred (i.e.,
Table 2
Summary of evidence of emotional reactions to music in terms of various subcomponents
Subjective feeling Listeners report that they experience emotions while listening to music Behne (1997), DeNora (2000),
in experiments, questionnaires, diary studies, and qualitative interviews. Juslin & Laukka (2004), Pike
Positive emotions are more commonly reported than negative emotions (1972), Sloboda & O’Neill (2001)
Psychophysiology Music listening may give rise to physiological reactions similar to those Bartlett (1996), Krumhansl (1997),
shown to other ‘emotional’ stimuli, including changes in heart rate, skin Lundqvist et al. (in press), Nyklíček
temperature, electrodermal response, respiration, and hormone secretion et al. (1997), Vait et al. (1993)
Brain activation Listeners’ responses to music involve regions of the brain that are known Blood & Zatorre (2001), Blood
from previous research to be implicated in emotional responses, including et al. (1999), Brown et al. (2004),
thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, pre-frontal cortex, orbito-frontal cortex, Koelsch et al. (2006), Menon &
midbrain/PAG, insula, and nucleus accumbens Levitin (2005)
Emotional expression Music listening makes people cry, smile, laugh, and furrow their eyebrows, Becker (2004), Frey (1985),
as indicated by self-reports, observations, and electromyographic measures Gabrielsson (2001), Sloboda
of facial muscles (1991), Witvliet & Vrana (2007)
Action tendency Music influences people’s action tendencies such as their tendency to help Fried & Berkowitz (1979), North et
other people, to consume products, or to move – either overtly or covertly al. (2004), Rieber (1965), Harrer &
Harrer (1977)
Emotion regulation Listeners attempt to regulate their own emotional reactions to music, e.g., Becker (2001), Gabrielsson (2001)
with regard to what is deemed ‘appropriate’ responses in a social context
Table 3
Examples of findings from studies that used indirect measures of musically-induced emotions
Measure Description Study
Writing speed Shorter time for writing down Pignatiello et al. (1986)
numbers from 100 to 1
Count time Shorter time to count from 1 to 10 Clark & Teasdale (1985)
Emotion perception More happiness and less sadness Bouhuys et al. (1995)
perceived in facial expressions
Note. Description refers to effects of positive (happy) as compared to negative (sad) emotions.
episodic memory). When the melody was augmented by a predictable harmonic sequence, he
started to fantasize about the music, conjuring up visual images – like a beautiful landscape –
that were shaped by the music’s flowing character (i.e., visual imagery). Next, the musical
structure began to build up towards what he expected to be a resolution of the tension of the
previous notes when suddenly the harmonics changed unexpectedly to another key, causing
his breathing to come to a brief halt (i.e., musical expectancy). He thought, ‘This piece of
music is really a cleverly constructed piece! It actually made me reach my goal to forget my
trouble at work.’ Reaching this goal made him happy (i.e., cognitive appraisal).”
This fictitious, although empirically inspired (Juslin et al. 2006), example gives an idea of the
phenomena that need to be explained by a satisfactory model of musical emotions. One thing
should be apparent from this brief example: there is no single mechanism that can account for
all instances of musically-induced emotion. Yet, although several authors have acknowledged
that there may be more than one mechanism (e.g., Berlyne, 1971; Dowling & Harwood, 1986;
Meyer, 1956; Scherer & Zentner, 2001; Sloboda & Juslin, 2001), there has been no attempt to
develop a complete theoretical framework with a set of hypotheses. In fact, few of the theories
proposed have even been properly tested.
In the following sections, we outline a new theoretical framework featuring six psychological
mechanisms that we hypothesize are involved in the musical induction of emotions: (1) Brain
stem reflexes; (2) Evaluative conditioning; (3) Emotional contagion; (4) Visual imagery; (5)
Episodic memory; and (6) Musical expectancy. We suggest that these mechanisms (along with
cognitive appraisal) can explain most emotions induced by music in everyday life.6 It must be
noted at the outset that, though we consider it necessary to distinguish among the mechanisms
for research purposes (Section 3.2), the mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. Instead, they
should be regarded as complementary ways through which music might induce emotions. Our
framework builds partly on the work of pioneers in the field (Berlyne, 1971; Meyer, 1956), as
well as on more recent ideas (Juslin & Sloboda, 2001). However, by synthesizing theories and
findings from several domains, we are able to provide the first set of hypotheses that may help
researchers to distinguish between the mechanisms. Below, we first describe each mechanism
separately and then present the hypotheses. Because few studies so far have investigated these
mechanisms in regard to music, the description of each mechanism is broad and preliminary.
Brain stem reflex refers to a process whereby an emotion is induced by music because one or
more fundamental acoustical characteristics of the music are taken by the brain stem to signal
a potentially important and urgent event. All other things being equal, sounds that are sudden,
loud, dissonant, or feature fast temporal patterns induce arousal or feelings of unpleasantness
in listeners (e.g., Berlyne, 1971; Burt et al., 1995; Foss et al., 1989; Halpern et al., 1986). Such
responses reflect the impact of auditory sensations – music as sound in the most basic sense.
The perceptual system is constantly scanning the immediate environment in order to discover
potentially important changes or events. Certain sound qualities are indicative of change, such
as sudden or extreme sounds, sounds that change very quickly, or sounds that are the result of
strong force or large size. Sounds that meet certain criteria (e.g., fast, loud, noisy, very low- or
high-frequenced) will therefore produce an increased activation of the central nervous system.
The precise physiological processes underlying such brain stem responses are not completely
understood, although evidence suggests that they occur in close connection with the reticular
formation of the brain stem and the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus, which receive inputs
from the auditory system. The brainstem is an ancient structure of the brain that sub-serves a
number of sensory and motor functions including, but not limited to, auditory perception and
the mediation and control of attention, emotional arousal, heart rate, breathing, and movement
(Joseph, 2000). The reticular system is in a position to quickly induce arousal so that attention
may be selectively directed at sensory stimuli of potential importance. The system exerts its
widespread influences on sensory and motor functions and arousal through neurotransmitters
such as norepinephrine and serotonin. While the system may be activated and inhibited by the
amygdala, hypothalamus, and orbitofrontal cortex, it may also be activated independently of
these structures in a more reflex-like manner (Lipscomb & Hodges, 1996; Tranel, 2000).
Brain stem reflexes to music rely on the early stages of auditory processing. When an auditory
signal reaches the primary auditory cortex, it has already undergone a number of analyses by
such brain structures as the superior olivary complex, the inferior colliculus, and the thalamus
(Koelsch & Siebel, 2005). Accordingly, alarm signals to auditory events that suggest ‘danger’
may be emitted as early as at the level of the inferior colliculus and the thalamus. Brain stem
reflexes are ‘hard-wired’. Thus, for instance, the perceived pleasantness and unpleasantness of
sensory consonance and dissonance reflects how the hearing system divides frequencies into
critical bandwidths: if the frequency separation of two tones is either very small or larger than
the critical bandwidth, the tones will be judged as consonant. If the separation is about 1/4 of
a critical band, the tones will be judged as maximally dissonant (Lipscomb & Hodges, 1996).
Sensory dissonance is suggestive of ‘danger’ in natural environments, because it occurs in the
‘threat’ and ‘warning’ calls of many species of animals (Jürgens, 1992). Dissonance may thus
have been selected by evolution as an unlearned negative reinforcer of behavior (Rolls, 2007).
Brain stem reflexes are quick and automatic, as shown by evidence of rapid and pre-attentive
categorization of subtle timbral differences associated with different emotions (Goydke et al.,
2004), and affective priming effects of consonant and dissonant chords (Sollberger, Reber, &
Eckstein, 2003). Brain stem responses to music may function even prior to birth, as indicated
by findings that playing loud music to fetuses produces heart rate accelerations and increased
motor responses, whereas soft music produces moderate heart rate decelerations and reduced
movement (for a review, see Lecanuet, 1996).
The arousal-inducing properties of music were investigated and theorized by Berlyne (1971).7
According to Berlyne’s theory, listeners will prefer musical stimuli that induce an ‘optimum’
level of physiological arousal. If the ‘arousal potential’ of the music is too high, listeners will
reject the music. Similarly, if the ‘arousal potential’ is too low, listeners will reject the music.
Hence, Berlyne hypothesized that listeners’ preferences are related to arousal (or some aspect
of it, such as speed or loudness) in the form of an inverted U-shaped curve (the Wundt curve).
Berlyne’s (1971) theory has received some empirical support from experimental studies (for a
review, see North & Hargreaves, 1997). In addition, several studies have shown that listeners
use music to regulate their arousal in order to obtain ‘optimal’ arousal (DeNora, 2001; Thayer,
1996). However, what is judged as ‘optimal’ by the listener varies depending on the situation
(North & Hargreaves, 1997) and on personality characteristics of the listener (McNamara &
Ballard, 1999). Thus, it may be difficult to predict arousal responses without taking individual
and contextual factors into consideration. Brain stem reflexes can explain the stimulating and
relaxing effects of music, and how mere sounds may induce pleasantness and unpleasantness.
However, it is unclear how the mechanism could explain the induction of discrete emotions.
3.1.2. Evaluative conditioning
Firstly, EC may occur even if the participant is unaware of the contingency of the two stimuli
(Field & Moore, 2005; Hammerl & Fulcher, 2005), which may not be true for other forms of
classic conditioning (e.g., Lovibond & Shanks, 2002). Indeed, it has been reported that an EC
response can be both established and induce emotions without awareness (Martin et al., 1984;
Öhman & Mineka, 2001). Attention may even hamper effects of EC (De Houwer et al., 2005).
This characteristic of EC has some interesting implications for music experiences: it has been
found that, quite often, pieces of music induce emotions for no apparent reason (e.g., Juslin et
al., 2006). EC offers a possible explanation of this phenomenon. Furthermore, it generates the
prediction that we might react with positive emotions to music that we think is of poor quality
simply because the music has occurred repeatedly in previous pleasant situations. Such effects
could presumably be demonstrated in listening experiments that use established paradigms for
conditioning (Lavond & Steinmetz, 2003), along with indirect measures of emotion (Table 3).
Secondly, EC seems to be more resistant to extinction than other forms of classic conditioning
(LeDoux, 2002). (Extinction refers to the process whereby postacquisition presentations of the
conditioned stimulus, e.g., a specific piece of music, without the unconditioned stimulus, e.g.,
a happy event, leads to a gradual elimination of the previously acquired response; De Houwer
et al., 2001, p. 858). Hence, once a piece of music has been strongly associated with a specific
emotional outcome, this association could be quite persistent. Thirdly, EC seems to depend on
unconscious, unintentional, and effortless processes (De Houwer et al., 2005; LeDoux, 2002),
which involve sub-cortical brain regions such as the amygdala and the cerebellum (Balleine &
Killcross, 2006; Johnsrude et al., 2000; Sacchetti et al., 2005).
musical emotions. Which element of the musical stimulus that best serves as the conditioned
stimulus as well as its degree of generalization and discrimination are issues that remain to be
investigated. The melody (or theme) of the music could be especially effective, though studies
of fear conditioning have shown that even a simple tone can be effective in establishing a fear
association (LeDoux, 2002).
Blair and Shimp (1992) reported that when participants were originally exposed to a piece of
music in an unpleasant situation, they later held a less favorable affective attitude towards a
product presented together with the music than participants who had not been pre-exposed to
same conditioning. Similarly, Razran (1954) found, in a series of experiments, that affective
attitudes (as indexed by ratings and characterizations) towards pieces of music, paintings, and
photographs could be modified by free lunches – at least when participants were unaware of
the aim to condition them. It should be noted that music commonly occurs in situations where
music listening is not the only or the primary activity (see Juslin & Laukka, 2004; Sloboda &
O’Neill, 2001) and where subtle conditioning processes outside awareness could easily occur.
Thus, it seems plausible that EC could account for many of our emotional responses to music
in everyday life.8
This mechanism is related to the vast literature on emotional expression in music. It has been
suggested that expression may be an ‘iconic’ source of emotion (Dowling & Harwood, 1986).
The term ‘iconic’ refers to the fact that the structures of music show formal similarities to the
structures of expressed (Kivy, 1980) or felt (Langer, 1957) emotions. Numerous studies have
shown that listeners are able to perceive discrete emotions in pieces of music (Gabrielsson &
Juslin, 2003), and that even children as young as three or four years may be able to recognize
basic emotions in music (Cunningham & Sterling, 1988). But how exactly does perception of
an emotion in the music lead to induction of the same emotion in the listener?
Lipps (1903) was probably the first to postulate a mechanistic account of empathy, where the
perception of an emotional gesture in another person directly induces the same emotion in the
perceiver without any appraisal process (e.g., Preston & de Waal, 2002). Modern research has
confirmed that people may ‘catch’ the emotions of others when seeing their facial expressions
(Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, 1994) or hearing their vocal expressions (Neumann & Strack,
2000). Previous research on emotional contagion has focused mostly on facial expression. For
example, people exposed to pictures of facial expressions of emotions spontaneously activate
the same face muscles (as shown by electromyography) even when the pictures are processed
outside of awareness. Moreover, they report feeling the same emotions (Dimberg et al., 2000).
It has been argued that emotional contagion facilitates the mother-infant bond (Darwin, 1872),
as well as social interaction in general (Preston & de Waal, 2002). In support, such contagion
seems to create affiliation and liking (e.g., Lakin, Jefferis, Cheng, & Chartrand, 2003), which
is arguably beneficial for social interaction.
Recent research has suggested that the process of emotional contagion may occur through the
mediation of so-called ‘mirror neurons’ discovered in studies of the monkey pre-motor cortex
in the 1990’s (e.g., di Pellegrino et al., 1992). It was found that the mirror neurons discharged
both when the monkey carried out an action and when it observed another individual (monkey
or human) carrying out a similar action (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). These mirror neurons
appeared to be located in the ventral pre-motor regions of the brain, regardless of the type of
stimulus. Direct evidence for the existence of mirror neurons in humans is lacking so far, but
there is a large amount of indirect evidence suggesting that a mirror-neuron system exists also
in humans. For example, several studies have shown that when individuals observe an action
carried out by another individual, the motor cortex may become active in the absence of overt
motor activity (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). De Gelder et al. (2004) reported that observing
fear expressions in body language increased activity in motor areas of the brain, in addition to
those associated with emotion, which is consistent with the notion of a mirror mechanism.
How may emotional contagion be applied to music? Because music often features expressive
acoustical patterns similar to those that occur in emotional speech (for a review, see Juslin &
Laukka, 2003), it has been argued that we get aroused by the voice-like aspects of music via a
process in which a neural mechanism responds quickly and automatically to certain stimulus
features, which leads us to mimic the perceived emotion internally. According to the ‘super-
expressive voice’ theory (e.g., Juslin, 2001), what makes a particular performance of music
on, say, the violin, so expressive is the fact that it sounds a lot like the human voice whereas
at the same time it goes far beyond what the human voice can do in terms of speed, intensity,
and timbre. For example, if human speech is perceived as ‘angry’ when it has fast rate, loud
intensity, and a harsh timbre, a musical instrument might sound extremely ‘angry’ in virtue of
its even higher speed, louder intensity, and harsher timbre. This aspect should render music a
particularly potent source of emotional contagion.
While the notion of emotional contagion admittedly remains speculative in relation to music,
a recent fMRI study by Koelsch, Fritz, Cramon, Müller, and Friederici (2006) indicated that
music listening activated brain areas related to a circuitry serving the formation of pre-motor
representations for vocal sound production (no singing was observed among the participants).
Koelsch et al. concluded that this could reflect a mirror-function mechanism, and the findings
render tentative support to the notion that listeners may mimic the emotional expression of the
music internally. Precursors of emotional contagion via facial and vocal expression have been
observed as early as the first year of development (Soussignan & Schaal, 2005), but remain to
be explored in relation to music. We assume that emotional contagion mainly involves ‘basic’
emotions with distinct nonverbal expressions (Juslin & Laukka, 2003; Laird & Strout, 2007).
Some authors have pointed out that music does not sound very much like vocal expressions,
except in special cases (Davies, 2001). Why, then, should we respond to music as if it were a
vocal expression? One possible explanation is that the expressions are processed by a domain-
specific and autonomous ‘module’ of the brain (Fodor, 1983), which reacts to certain features
in the stimulus. This module does not ‘know’ the difference between a vocal expression and
other acoustic expressions, and will react in the same way (e.g., registering anger) as long as
certain cues (e.g., high speed, loud dynamics, rough timbre) are present in the stimulus. This
modular theory remains to be tested, but some support, in terms of Fodor’s (1983) suggested
characteristics of a module, was summarized by Juslin and Laukka (2003, p. 803). Thus, it is
plausible that listeners’ emotions to music sometimes reflect social, modular responses to the
voice-like and emotion-specific acoustic patterns of the music. 9
Visual imagery is usually defined as an experience that resembles perceptual experience, but
that occurs in the absence of relevant sensory stimuli. The study of visual imagery has an old
but confused status in psychology, marked by much controversy (Kolers, 1983). Much of the
controversy has concerned its ontological status: Does visual imagery involve a distinctively
‘pictorial’ representation of events in mind, or does it reflect a ‘propositional’ representation?
Kosslyn (1980) argued that the images themselves are quasi-pictorial representations, whereas
the generative, long-term structure of imagery is propositional (e.g., similar to a TV set whose
output is a picture, but whose mechanisms for generating this picture are better expressed in
discrete symbols of electronics). The pictorial view is supported by findings that many of the
brain regions that are activated during visual perception are similarly activated when a person
is involved in visual imagery (Farah, 2000; Ganis et al., 2004). In accordance with theories of
symbolic development (Piaget, 1951), one could assume that visual imagery develops during
the pre-school period, when children create increasingly complex symbolic representations of
the external world (Gärdenfors, 2003; for empirical evidence, see Kosslyn et al., 1990).
Mental images have been regarded as ‘internal triggers’ of emotions (e.g., Plutchik, 1984), and
studies have revealed that visual imagery associated with different emotions involves different
imagery contents (e.g., Lyman & Waters, 1989), as well as different patterns of physiological
response (Schwartz, Weinberger, & Singer, 1981). It has been suggested that musical stimuli
are especially effective in stimulating visual imagery (Osborne, 1980; Quittner & Glueckauf,
1983) and a few studies have indicated that imagery can be effective in enhancing emotions to
music (Band, Quilter, & Miller, 2001-2002; see also Västfjäll, 2002, p. 183).
The precise nature of this visual imagery process remains to be determined, but listeners seem
to conceptualize the musical structure through a metaphorical nonverbal mapping between the
music and so-called ‘image-schemata’ grounded in bodily experience (Bonde, 2006; Lakoff &
Johnson, 1980); for example, hearing melodic movement as ‘upward’. We argue that listeners
respond to mental images much in the same way as they would to the corresponding stimuli in
the ‘real’ world – for example, reacting with positive emotions to a beautiful nature scene (see
Figure 2.4. in Bradley & Lang, 2007, for examples of affective responses to various pictures).
Osborne (1989) reported certain recurrent ‘themes’ in visual imagery to music, such as nature
scenes (e.g., sun, sky, ocean) and out-of-body experiences (e.g., floating above the earth), but
these results were probably affected by the particular musical style used (“spacey, synthesized
electronic music with simple structure, some free form, and much repetition”, p. 134). Indeed,
it has been suggested that certain musical characteristics are especially effective in stimulating
vivid imagery, such as repetition, predictability in melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic elements,
and slow tempo (McKinney & Timms, 1995).
A special feature of the imagery mechanism is that the listener is very much able to influence
the emotions induced by the music. Although images might come into the mind unbidden, in
general a listener may conjure-up, manipulate, and dismiss images at will. Larson (1995) has
speculated that music offers a medium for adolescents, in particular, through which they may
conjure-up strong emotional images around which a temporary sense of self can cohere. The
music is like a ‘fantasy ground’ for exploring possible selves during the important process of
resolving a personal identity in late adolescence (see also Becker, 2001; DeNora, 2001).
Visual imagery in relationship to music has been discussed most extensively in the context of
music therapy (Toomey, 1996-1997). Helen Bonny developed a method, Guided Imagery and
Music (GIM), where a ‘traveler’ is invited to ‘share’ his or her images as they are experienced
in real time during a pre-programmed sequence of music (see Bonny & Savary, 1973). Music-
induced imagery may produce a state of deep relaxation, with health benefits such as reduced
cortisol levels (McKinney, Antoni, Kumar, Tims, & McCabe, 1997). However, there seem be
large individual differences with regard to the ability to generate visual images (Marks, 1973).
Visual imagery may occur in connection with episodic memories (discussed below), although
it seems necessary to distinguish the two mechanisms, because a music experience may evoke
emotions when a listener conjures up images of things and events that have never occurred, in
the absence of any episodic memory from a previous event in time. Moreover, visual imagery
is more strongly influenced or shaped by the unfolding structure of the music than is episodic
memory, for which the music mainly serves a retrieval cue. In the words of Meyer (1956), “it
seems probable that…image processes play a role of great importance in the musical affective
experiences of many listeners” (p. 258).
Episodic memory refers to a process whereby an emotion is induced in a listener because the
music evokes a memory of a particular event in the listener’s life. This is sometimes referred
to as the ‘Darling, they are playing our tune’ phenomenon (Davies, 1978).
Research has suggested that music often evokes memories (e.g., Gabrielsson, 2001; Juslin et
al., 2006; Sloboda, 1992). When the memory is evoked, so is also the emotion associated with
the memory (e.g., Baumgartner, 1992). Such emotions can be rather intense, perhaps because
the physiological reaction patterns to the original events are stored in memory along with the
experiential content, as proposed by Lang (1979). Baumgartner (1992) reported evidence that
episodic memories evoked by music tend to involve social relationships (e.g., past or current
romantic partners, time spent with friends).11 However, the memories can involve all kinds of
events, such as vacations, movies, music concerts, a victory in a boxing match, the death of a
grandfather, or childhood memories (Baumgartner, 1992; see further examples in Gabrielsson,
2001, p. 439; Juslin et al., 2006). Indeed, music accompanies most important human activities
from the cradle to the grave (Gregory, 1997), although due to childhood amnesia listeners are
unlikely to recall much from the first years of their life (Reisberg & Heuer, 2004). Children’s
ability to recall and converse about episodic memories develops slowly across the pre-school
years (e.g., Fivush & Sales, 2004; Perner & Ruffman, 1995), and episodic memory is the type
of memory that begins to decline first as a result of aging (e.g., Tulving, 2002). Both kinds of
developmental trends should be observable in listeners’ emotional reactions to music based on
episodic memory.
Episodic memory is one of the induction mechanisms that have commonly been regarded as
less ‘musically relevant’ by music theorists, but recent evidence suggests that it could be one
of the most frequent and subjectively important sources of emotion in music (see Juslin et al.,
2006; Sloboda & O’Neill, 2001). Many listeners actively use music to remind them of valued
past events, which indicates that music can serve an important nostalgic function in everyday
life. The music may help to consolidate a listener’s self identity. Furthermore, a retrospective
memory study by Sloboda (1989) has indicated that strong and positively valenced childhood
memories of musical events may be important in determining which individuals will pursue a
high level of involvement in music later in life.
In previous research, most researchers have regarded both conditioning and episodic memory
as cases of memory-based or ‘associative’ mechanisms (Dowling & Harwood, 1986; Scherer
& Zentner, 2001; Sloboda & Juslin, 2001). However, there are good reasons to view these as
partly separate and independent mechanisms. Although evaluative conditioning is a form of
memory, episodic memory is different in that it always involves a conscious recollection of a
previous event in time that preserves much contextual information. Also, unlike conditioning,
episodic memory appears to be organized in terms of a hierarchical structure with three levels:
life-time periods, general events, and event-specific knowledge (see Conway & Rubin, 1993).
Furthermore, the two kinds of memory have partly different process characteristics and brain
substrates (Section 3.2). Hence, they should be distinguished in research on musical emotions
in order to not yield inconsistent findings.
One important characteristic of episodic memory, more generally, is the common finding that
people tend to recall more memories from their youth and early adulthood (15 to 25 years of
age) than from those periods that precede or follow it. This is referred to as the reminiscence
bump, and may be explained by the fact that many self-defining experiences tend to occur at
this stage of life development (Conway & Holmes, 2005, p. 513). In this context, it should be
noted that music seems to play a very prominent role in adolescents’ lives and, particularly, in
relation to the development of a self-identity (Laiho, 2004). Hence, we would expect episodic
memories associated with music to be particularly emotionally vivid and frequent with regard
to music from young adulthood, as indeed seems to be the case. Schulkind, Hennis, and Rubin
(1999) found that older adults preferred, knew more about, as well as had stronger emotional
responses to music popular during their youth than to music popular later in life. Further, both
younger and older adults were more likely to retrieve a spontaneous autobiographical memory
when they were cued by a song that moved them emotionally. Holbrook and Schindler (1989)
also found that participants showed the greatest liking for music that was popular during their
youth. Hence, one reasonable prediction could be that emotional reactions to music involving
episodic memory more commonly involve events from one’s youth and early adulthood than
from other periods in one’s life. Empirical evidence suggests that nostalgia may be one of the
more common responses to music (Sloboda & O’Neill, 2001).
This psychological mechanism has been most extensively theorized by Meyer (1956), in what
could well be the most cited volume on music and emotion ever. Meyer’s theory was inspired
by Aiken’s (1950; cited in Meyer, 1956, p. 25) ideas regarding musical expectations as well as
by contemporary psychological theories of perception (e.g., the ‘gestalt school’) and emotions
(e.g., Dewey’s conflict theory of emotions). However, Meyer was the first theorist to develop
the notion of musical expectancy in a convincing and thorough manner. It must be noted that
musical expectancy does not refer to any unexpected event that might occur in relationship to
music. A simple form of unexpectedness (e.g., the sudden onset of a loud tone) would instead
be an example of the mechanism called brain stem reflex (see Section 3.1.1). Similarly, more
general surprising features of an event that involves music (e.g., that a concert was better than
the listener had expected) would instead be an example of the mechanism cognitive appraisal.
Musical expectancy refers to those expectancies that involve syntactical relationships between
different parts of the musical structure (Narmour, 1991; Patel, 2003).
Like language, music consists of perceptually discrete elements, organized into hierarchically
structured sequences according to ‘well-formedness’ rules. Thus, it is a common view among
music theorists that most musical styles are, in principle, describable by a grammar (Lerdahl
& Jackendoff, 1983). It is only through the perception of this syntax that the relevant musical
expectations arise. These expectations are based on the listener’s previous experiences of the
same musical style (Carlsen, 1981; Krumhansl et al., 1999). Emotional reactions to music are
induced when the listener’s musical expectations are somehow disrupted, for instance by new
or unprepared harmony (for examples, see Steinbeis et al., 2006).
The musical expectancy mechanism is notable for its strong dependence on learning (Meyer,
1956). Evidence that musical expectancies depend much on cultural learning comes from the
fact that such responses are not shared by young children. For instance, Sloboda (1989) found
that five-year old children were unable to reject gross chordal dissonances as ‘wrong’. By the
age of nine, however, they were overtly laughing at the ‘wrong’ chords and scoring at an adult
level. Another test in the same study focused on the ordering of the chords that could be either
conventional (ending with a cadence) or ‘scrambled’ (ending without resolution). On this test,
children did not achieve adult levels of performance until the age of eleven. Evidence of age
differences have also been reported with regard to sensitivity to tonal hierarchies (Krumhansl
& Keil, 1982) and implied harmony (Trainor & Trehub, 1994). Although the ability to detect
syntactical violations can be observed early (Jentschke et al., 2005), responses due to musical
expectancies also depend on sufficient exposure to the musical style in question.
Meyer discussed emotions in an approach characteristic for his time (i.e., as undifferentiated
arousal; see Duffy, 1941), but he observed that mere arousal through interruption of musical
expectancies has little value. To have any ‘aesthetic meaning’, the arousal or tension must be
followed by a satisfying resolution of the tension. In fact, Meyer (1956) appeared open to the
possibility that this musical play with expectations may lead to the induction of more specific
emotions, such as apprehension/anxiety (p. 27), hope (p. 29), or disappointment (p. 182), but
these ideas have still not been tested. In fact, while highly influential and respected, Meyer’s
theory has not stimulated much research (but see Sloboda, 1991), perhaps because the theory
is difficult to test. For example, a piece of music could produce several different expectations
at different hierarchical levels of the music, and these expectations could also be different for
different listeners. Therefore, it is difficult to understand or predict exactly what the listener is
responding to in a particular situation.
In recent years, however, researchers have developed novel models of expectancy (Hellmuth
Margulis, 2005; see also Huron, 2006), which should make it more feasible to test predictions
experimentally. Neurophysiological methods might be useful in this regard. It has been found
that violations of musical expectancy activate the same brain areas that have been previously
implicated in violations of syntax in language (Koelsch et al., 2002; Maess et al., 2001). Patel
(2003) has therefore suggested that syntactical processing in both language and music share a
common set of processes for syntactical integration (localized in Broca’s area) that operate on
distinct structural representations for music and language. Evidence that expectancy violations
can induce emotions was recently reported by Steinbeis et al. (2006). Thus, it seems likely that
some of our emotions to music reflect the disruption of style-specific expectations.
How may we describe the relationships among the different mechanisms? We propose that it
could be useful to think of the mechanisms as consisting of a number of (more or less) distinct
brain functions that have developed gradually and in a specific order during the evolutionary
process, from sensations (brain stem reflexes) to syntactical processing (musical expectancy)
(Gärdenfors, 2003). We regard the mechanisms as information-processing devices at various
levels of the brain that use various means to track significant aspects of the environment, and
that may produce conflicting outputs (Griffiths, 2004; Teasdale, 1999).12 They all take music
as their ‘object’, treating the music – rightly or wrongly – as featuring significant information
that warrants an emotional response. However, note that the emotion induced is not the result
of an appraisal of the music on several dimensions relative to the listener’s motives, needs, or
goals. Because the mechanisms depend on distinct brain functions with different evolutionary
origins, each mechanism should possess unique characteristics. Hence, Table 4 presents a set
of preliminary hypotheses regarding the characteristics of each mechanism. The mechanisms
are listed in the approximate order in which they can be hypothesized to have appeared during
evolution (Gärdenfors, 2003; see also Joseph, 2000; Reber, 1993; Tulving, 1983).13
The hypotheses can be divided into two subgroups: the first subgroup concerns characteristics
of the psychological mechanism as such. Thus, Survival value of brain function describes the
most important benefit that each brain function brought to those organisms that possessed this
brain function.14 Visual imagery, for example, allowed an organism to ‘simulate’ important
events internally, through self-conjured images in the absence of direct sensory input, which
meant that overt and potentially dangerous action plans could be tested and evaluated before
they were implemented in the external world. Information focus specifies broadly the type of
information that each mechanism is processing. For instance, evaluative conditioning focuses
on covariation between events. Ontogenetic development concerns the approximate time in
human development when respective mechanism might begin to have a noticeable effect on
emotional responses to music. Brain stem reflexes to music could be functional even prior to
birth, whereas responses involving musical expectancy do not develop fully until somewhere
between the ages of 5 and 11. Key brain regions describes those regions of the brain that have
been most consistently associated with each mechanism in imaging studies. Note that musical
emotions can be expected to involve three kinds of brain regions: (1) regions usually involved
when music is perceived, such as the primary auditory cortex; (2) regions usually involved in
the conscious experience of emotions regardless of the precise cause of the emotions (e.g., the
rostral anterior cingulate and the medial prefrontal cortex; e.g., Lane, 2000, pp. 356-358), and
(3) regions involved in emotional information-processing that (partly) differ depending on the
mechanism inducing the emotion. Hence, while musical emotions are likely to involve several
brain regions (Peretz, 2001), the hypotheses in Table 4 focus on the last type of regions (those
that can help researchers to discriminate among mechanisms). For instance, the experience of
conscious recollection of an episodic memory is associated with activation of the brain region
hippocampus. Cultural impact/learning refers to the relative extent to which each mechanism
is influenced differently by music that varies from one culture to another. For example, brain
stem reflexes reflect primarily ‘hard-wired’ responses to simple features that are not affected
much by learning, whereas musical expectancy reflects learned schemata about specific styles
of music that differ from one culture to another and that make listeners from different cultures
react differently to the same piece of music.
Table 4: Hypotheses regarding the characteristics of six psychological mechanisms through which music might induce emotions
Nature of mechanism Characteristic
Survival value of brain function Information focus Ontogenetic development
Mechanism ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Brain stem reflex Focusing attention on potentially Extreme or rapidly changing Prior to birth (Lecanuet, 1996;
important changes or events in the basic acoustic characteristics Shahidullah & Hepper, 1993
close environment (Joseph, 2000) (Berlyne, 1971, p. 69)
Evaluative conditioning Being able to associate objects or Covariation between events Prior to birth (Feijoo, 1981;
events with positive and negative (Reber, 1993) Hepper, 1996; Spelt, 1948)
outcomes (Gärdenfors, 2003)
Emotional contagion Enhancing group cohesion and Emotional motor expression First year (Field et al., 1982;
social interaction, e.g. between (Lipps, 1903) Sagi & Hoffman, 1976; Simner,
mother and infant (Wilson, 1975) 1971)
Visual imagery Permitting internal simulations of Self-conjured visual images Pre-school years (Gärdenfors,
events that substitute for overt and (Kosslyn, 1980) 2003; Kosslyn et al., 1990;
risky actions (Gärdenfors, 2003) Marmor, 1975; Piaget, 1951)
Episodic memory Allowing conscious recollections of Personal events in particular 3-4 years (Fivush & Sales, 2004;
previous events and binding the self places and at particular times Perner & Ruffman, 1995)
to reality (Conway & Holmes, 2005) (Tulving, 2002)
Musical expectancy Facilitating symbolic language with Syntactic information 5-11 years (Krumhansl & Keil,
a complex semantics (Shoenemann, (Patel, 2003) 1982; Trainor & Trehub, 1994;
1999) Sloboda, 1989)
Table 4 (continued)
Nature of mechanism Characteristic
Key brain regions Cultural impact/learning
Mechanism ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Brain stem reflex Reticular formation in the brain stem, the intralaminar nuclei Low (Lipscomb & Hodges, 1996;
of the thalamus, the inferior colliculus (Brandao et al., 1993; Plomp & Levelt, 1965; Zentner &
Kinomura et al., 1996; Martin, 1975) Kagan, 1996)
Evaluative conditioning The lateral nucleus of the amygdala, the interpositus nucleus High (Berlyne, 1971, p. 139;
of the cerebellum (LeDoux, 2002; Fanselow & Poulus, 2005; De Houwer et al., 2005)
Johnsrude et al., 2000; Sacchetti et al., 2005)
Emotional contagion ‘Mirror neurons’ in the pre-motor regions, right inferior frontal Low (Juslin & Laukka, 2003:
regions, the basal ganglia (Adolphs et al., 2002; di Pelligrino et Preston & de Waal, 2002)
al., 1992; Koelsch et al., 2006)
Visual imagery Spatially mapped regions of the occipital cortex, the visual High (Gärdenfors, 2003)
association cortex, and (for image generation) left temporo-
occipital regions (Farah, 2000; Ganis et al., 2004)
Episodic memory The medial temporal lobe, especially the hippocampus, and the High (Conway & Holmes, 2005)
right anterior prefrontal cortex (Fletcher et al., 1998; Nyberg et
al., 1996; Schachter et al., 1996) (memory retrieval)
Musical expectancy The left perisylvian cortex, ‘Broca’s area’, the dorsal region of High (Kuhl, 2000; Carlsen, 1981;
the anterior cingulate cortex (Brown et al., 2000; Maess et al., Meyer, 1956, p. 61; Krumhansl et
2001; Ni et al., 2000; Somerville et al., 2006) al., 1999; Huron, 2006, p. 359)
Table 4 (continued)
Nature of induction process Characteristic
Induced affect Induction speed Degree of volitional influence
Mechanism ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Table 4 (continued)
Nature of induction process Characteristic
Availability to consciousness Modularity Dependence on musical structure
Mechanism ______________________________________________________________________________________________
A second subgroup of characteristics (see Table 4) concerns the precise nature of the emotion
induction process associated with each mechanism. Induced affect specifies which affective
states might be expected to be induced, depending on the mechanism. For example, whereas
emotional contagion might be expected to induce only ‘basic’ emotions, which have more or
less distinct nonverbal expressions of emotion, visual imagery might be expected to induce all
possible human emotions. Induction speed refers to how much time each mechanism requires,
in relation to other mechanisms, for an emotion to occur in a particular situation. For example,
brain stem reflexes can induce emotions very quickly (in less than a second), whereas musical
expectancy can be expected to require more time (at least a number of seconds) because some
of the musical structure has to unfold in order for any musical expectation to occur that can be
confirmed or violated. Degree of volitional influence refers to the extent to which the listener
him- or herself could actively influence the induction process (e.g., through focus of attention,
active recall, self-activation). For instance, reactions that involve evaluative conditioning may
be involuntary and automatic, whereas reactions that involve visual imagery may be strongly
influenced by the way the listener actively chooses to entertain some inner images and themes
rather than others. Availability to consciousness is the extent to which at least some aspects of
the induction process are available to the listener’s consciousness, so that the listener may be
able to explain his or her response. For example, if a piece of music evokes a strong episodic
memory, the listener will have a conscious recollection of a previous event and some inkling
of the reasons (e.g., the appraisal) that made this event evoke the same emotion that is now re-
experienced. Conversely, evaluative conditioning responses to music can be both learned and
aroused outside conscious awareness. Therefore, a listener that experiences a musical emotion
via this mechanism could be completely unable to explain any aspect of the induction process.
Modularity refers to the extent to which the induction process of each mechanism functions as
an independent and information-encapsulated module that may be activated in parallel with
other psychological processes.15 For instance, emotional contagion can be described as highly
modular, because it may be activated independently of other processes, and is not influenced
by the information of other modules (e.g., we respond to the expressive characteristics of the
music as if they came from a human being expressing emotions in the voice even if we know,
at some cognitive level, that the music is not a voice). Dependence on musical structure refers
to the extent to which the induction depends on the precise structure or style of the music that
the listener is hearing. At one extreme, the structure of the music is not important as such – it
simply functions as a ‘retrieval cue’. This is the case for evaluative conditioning and episodic
memory. At the other extreme, the precise pattern of the musical structure strongly determines
the nature of the induced response. This is the case for musical expectancy.
Empirical findings of relevance to the hypotheses shown in Table 4 could come from a broad
range of research domains such as memory, development, emotional expression, evolutionary
psychology, neuropsychology, learning, clinical psychology and psychophysiology, as well as
music psychology and music therapy. A selected number of representative sources that render
theoretical or empirical support to each hypothesis have been included in Table 4. As much as
possible, we have tried to include sources that involve music, although most sources focus on
the mechanism more generally, as explored in fields other than music. Hence, further research
is needed to test most of the hypotheses in regard to music. We acknowledge that some of the
hypotheses are imprecise and mainly descriptive. This reflects the current lack of research on
these issues. However, we argue that even simple predictions in terms of ‘high’ and ‘low’ can
be tested in experiments that contrast one mechanism against another. Such tests could help to
render the hypotheses more specific.
We propose that the testing of the new framework could involve an approach consisting of an
interplay between field studies (diary studies, questionnaires) and experimental studies. Field
studies that allow researchers to study listeners’ emotional reactions to music in their natural
environment could generate hypotheses about possible causal factors and relationships. These
factors and relationships could then be formalized in a preliminary model, which is evaluated
in experiments. These experiments may suggest the need for further knowledge about specific
factors, wherefore further field studies may be needed. By combining the approaches we may
eventually arrive at general principles that can form the basis of a more detailed model of the
induction process, featuring a description of the time-course and the inter-relationships of the
different mechanisms. Field studies are required, because if there are several mechanisms that
can induce musical emotions, and their importance varies depending on the situation, only by
sampling a wide variety of situations can we hope to capture all the mechanisms. On the other
hand, certain mechanisms, such as conditioning, may be difficult to demonstrate other than in
a controlled laboratory setting. Field studies will have to focus on self-reports – although with
the possible addition of ambulatory physiological measures (see Fahrenberg & Myrtek, 1996).
Laboratory studies may involve any combination of the measures shown in Table 2, as well as
indirect measures (Table 3), to maximize the validity of conclusions about induced emotions.
4. Implications
4.1. Resolving previous disagreements
One implication of the new framework is that it can resolve many disagreements in the field.
Specifically, apparent contradictions of different approaches may be reconciled by observing
that they focus on different psychological mechanisms. For example, one recurring theme in
studies of music and emotion concerns the role of the person experiencing the emotion in the
causal process. At one extreme is the case where the emotion is induced ‘automatically’ and
‘involuntarily’ (e.g., Peretz, 2001); at the other extreme is the case where the person uses the
music as a resource in a more active process of emotion construction (see DeNora, 2001; see
also Meyer, 1956, p. 11). These different views can be reconciled by observing that different
mechanisms may be involved in each case: for instance, emotion induction through evaluative
conditioning may really be direct and involuntary, whereas emotion induction through visual
imagery may require active engagement of the listener. Only consideration of the mechanism
involved can resolve this kind of argument.
The framework can also help to explain some previous disagreements about which emotions
music can induce in a listener. Some researchers argue that music can induce basic emotions
(Krumhansl, 1997), while others deny that this is possible (Scherer, 2003). Some researchers
argue that music can induce only ‘broad’ positive and negative emotions (Clark, 1983), while
others argue that music can induce a range of both basic and complex emotions (Gabrielsson,
2001). However, as shown in Table 4, which emotions music can induce could depend on the
precise mechanism involved. For example, emotional contagion may be limited to more basic
emotions, whereas visual imagery may induce all possible emotions. Hence, although certain
emotions (e.g., happiness, calm, sadness, contentment, nostalgia) may be especially common
with regard to music (Juslin et al., 2006), we should be careful not to rule out the induction of
other emotions. Which emotions music can induce depends on the functions of the music in a
particular situation (e.g., using music ‘to relax’, ‘to evoke nostalgic memories’, etc.), and may
thus vary considerably from one context to another. This implies that researchers should avoid
settling prematurely on a particular conceptualization of emotions (e.g., discrete, dimensional,
component, or music-specific) before more data regarding the frequency of different emotions
to music in everyday life have been collected.16
A recurrent issue in research on musical emotions is whether musical emotions are somehow
qualitatively different from other emotions in everyday life. Swanwick (1985), for example,
suggests that “emotions in ‘life’… and emotions we might experience as a result of engaging
with music are not the same” (p. 29) (although he admits that “we are left trying to understand
how ‘feelings’ in music relate to feelings in general”, p. 35). Similarly, Lippman (1953) warns
researchers not to “fall into the easy trap...of assuming that because musical and extra-musical
events both evoke emotions, they must evoke the same emotions…It is no more possible for a
musical composition actually to arouse an instance of…sadness than it is for the stimulus of
such an emotion to arouse the very emotion produced by a musical composition” (p. 563).
In contrast, the present framework implies that music recruits largely the same mechanisms as
other stimuli that induce emotions and that the emotions evoked by music are the same. Some
emotions may be more common than others in response to music, but the same is true of most
other types of stimuli for emotions. For instance, some emotions might be more common than
others in response to animals. Some emotions might be more common than others in response
to sport events. Still, we would not propose a set of qualitatively unique emotions for each of
these types of events. The burden of proof lies, in our view, on those who claim that there are
music-specific emotions. Which are those emotions? What is their nature? So far we have not
seen any evidence for the existence of music-specific emotions. A more parsimonious view is
that there is one set of emotions that can be evoked in different ways and to different degrees
by different stimuli. This view is consistent with findings from several studies suggesting that
music evokes mostly the same emotions as other stimuli (Gabrielsson, 2001; Juslin & Laukka,
2004; Sloboda, 1992; Wells & Hakanen, 1991). What is unique about musical emotions is not
the underlying mechanisms or the emotions they evoke, but rather the fact that music – unlike
most other stimuli for our emotions in everyday life – is often intentionally designed to induce
emotions, using whatever means available (see Davies, 2001, for a similar argument).
Another implication of the framework is that music could induce so-called ‘mixed emotions’,
because different mechanisms might be activated simultaneously at different levels. Thus, for
example, a piece of music could make the listener happy because of the happy expression of
the piece (emotional contagion), but at the same time make the listener sad because the piece
reminds him or her of a sad event in the past (episodic memory). Thus, the end result may be
a bitter-sweet feeling of both happiness and sadness. Instances of mixed emotions have been
commonly reported in the literature (e.g., Gabrielsson, 2001, p. 440), but no explanation has
been offered previously. The current explanation requires that more than one mechanism can
be activated at the same time – which remains to be demonstrated. However, this issue is not
unique for musical emotions: it remains unclear to what extent emotions can generally reflect
the output from many mechanisms simultaneously (Izard, 1993). In any case, the existence of
mixed emotions speaks against using the ‘circumplex model’ (Russell, 1980) to study musical
emotions, since it precludes feeling both sad and happy at the same time (Larsen et al., 2001).
The possible co-activation of different psychological mechanisms – at least those that do not
interfere with each other’s information processing – suggests that an important task for future
research is to examine possible interactions between different mechanisms. The mechanisms
proposed here may seem simple: How can the extremely diverse music experiences reported
by listeners in previous studies be reconciled with the simple theories proposed to account for
these experiences? Part of the answer may be that the richness of our experiences comes from
the complex interactions among these mechanisms, even within a single musical event. What
mechanisms may be activated depends on several factors in the music (e.g., what information
is available in the music?), the listener (e.g., is the listener’s attention focused on the music?),
and the situation (e.g., what are the circumstances of the listening context?). Thus, individual
mechanisms may be expected to correlate with specific musical styles, listener states, listener
activities, and listening situations (Juslin et al., 2006). We see no apriori reason to assume that
the mechanisms cannot be activated in isolation from each other, since they focus on different
types of information and engage partly different brain regions (see Table 4). However, this is
an empirical question to be resolved by further research.
One further implication is that emotions to music should change qualitatively across the life
span, as the relative impact of the different psychological mechanisms changes. Preliminary
evidence that there is a developmental trajectory for emotional responses to music have been
reported (Schmidt, Trainor, & Santesso, 2003; Sloboda, 1989), but more systematic study of
such life-span changes seems warranted (see Table 4, Ontogenetic development). We would
expect that emotional reactions to music proceed in a more or less orderly progression during
the development, where listeners’ reactions first focus on acoustic sensations (i.e., brain stem
reflexes), then on the emotional expression in the music (i.e., emotional contagion), and then
on more stylistic or formal characteristics of the music (i.e., musical expectancy). It should be
noted that Swanwick and Tillman’s model of musical skill development proposes a somewhat
similar developmental trajectory (Swanwick, 2001). In both cases, the trajectory might reflect
a gradual maturation of the child’s cognitive functioning as well as cultural learning. Thus, we
would expect musical emotions to become increasingly multi-faceted during the development,
with increasing occurrence of mixed emotions (see also Larsen et al., in press).
The most important implication of the proposed framework for future research in the field is
that it will not be sufficient to induce and study musical emotions in general. In order for data
to contribute in a cumulative fashion to our knowledge, researchers must try to specify as far
as possible the mechanism involved in each study. Otherwise studies will produce results that
are inconsistent, or that cannot be given a clear interpretation. Lack of control with respect to
mechanisms may also increase individual differences in listeners’ responses, because without
a systematic manipulation of stimuli, different listeners may activate different mechanisms to
the ‘same’ musical stimulus, with resulting differences in response (Table 4). While a neglect
of mechanisms has been the rule rather than the exception, there are areas where this problem
becomes particularly salient. A case in point is provided by the recent series of brain imaging
studies of musical emotions. Numerous brain regions have been implicated in these studies –
including but not limited to thalamus, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, cingulate cortex,
orbito-frontal cortex, midbrain/PAG, insula, Broca’s area, nucleus accumbens, visual cortex,
and supplementary motor areas (Bauer Alfredson et al., 2004; Blood & Zatorre, 2001; Blood
et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2004; Gosselin et al., 2006; Koelsch et al., 2006; Menon & Levitin,
2005). However, different brain regions have been activated in different studies, without any
clear explanation of why these differences should occur.
We would argue that the main problem is that that neuropsychological studies have tended to
simply present ‘emotional music’ to listeners without manipulating, or at least controlling for,
the underlying induction mechanism. 17 This makes it exceedingly difficult to understand what
the obtained neural correlates actually reflect in each study (“It is not possible to disentangle
the different subcomponents of the activation due to limitations of this experimental design”,
Bauer Afredson et al., 2004, p. 165). Given the aim of studying emotional reactions to music,
one would expect the manipulation of musical stimuli to be essential to the task. Yet, stimuli
have been selected non-systematically (e.g., instrumental songs of the rembetika style, joyful
dance tunes, listener-selected music). The fact that different studies have reported activations
of different brain regions does suggest that different mechanisms were involved. But after the
fact, there is no way of knowing. This shows that musical emotions cannot be studied without
regard to how they were induced. On the other hand, if researchers could manipulate separate
induction mechanisms in future listening experiments, they would be better able to explain the
obtained brain activation patterns. Indeed, to the extent that we can obtain systematic relations
among mechanisms and brain regions, we might eventually be able to discriminate among the
mechanisms based on brain measures alone. However, no study published so far has quite the
specificity needed to contribute to that goal.
It is possible that the present framework could have some broader implications as well. Thus,
for instance, the study of musical induction of emotions along the lines suggested here could
benefit the field of emotion as a whole. A serious problem in studying emotions has been the
methodological and ethical difficulties involved in inducing strong emotions in the laboratory.
Many studies in the field of emotion either lack experimental control (when using naturalistic
settings) or achieve only a limited variation in target emotions and limited ecological validity
(when using laboratory settings; see Parrott & Hertel, 1999). Music could evade some of these
problems by offering new paradigms for emotion induction, especially with regard to positive
emotions, which have tended to be neglected in previous research. Musical structure is easy to
manipulate in psychological experiments and is a frequent source of emotion in everyday life.
Thus, studies of music could provide an additional source of evidence concerning emotions.
The unique characteristics of the various induction mechanisms (see Table 4) will be crucial
when researchers design experiments that aim to induce a specific emotion. Specifically, it is
important that the study involves an induction procedure that allows for the induction of that
emotion. Some procedures may limit the kind of emotions that can be induced depending on
the mechanism involved (e.g., Table 4, Induced affect). Some mechanisms require particular
acoustic characteristics in the stimulus (e.g., emotional contagion), others require a prolonged
encoding phase (e.g., conditioning), still others require sufficient listening time in order for a
sufficient amount of structure to unfold (e.g., musical expectancy). Thus, to facilitate studies
of musical emotions, we should try to create standard paradigms and tasks that reliably induce
specific emotions in listeners through each of the mechanisms outlined above. This would be
analogous to the different tasks used to measure distinct memory systems (see Tulving, 1983).
A more systematic and theoretically informed approach to the manipulation of musical stimuli
would be a significant advance compared to the mostly intuitive selection of stimuli in current
studies using music as an emotion elicitation technique (Eich et al., 2007; Västfjäll, 2002).
Possible stimuli and procedures for inducing different kinds of musical emotions can already
be found in the literature, although they need further evaluation and refinement. For instance,
paradigms aimed at activating brain stem reflexes could rely on psycho-acoustic models that
specify quantitative relationships between sound stimuli and auditory perception (Zwicker &
Fastl, 1999). Paradigms aimed at activating the evaluative conditioning mechanism could use
established procedures from studies of conditioning (Lavond & Steinmetz, 2003). Paradigms
aimed at activating the emotional contagion mechanism could create stimuli based on similar
emotion-specific patterns of acoustic cues in speech and music (Juslin & Laukka, 2003, Table
7), perhaps also using timbres that are ‘voice-like’, such as the cello and the violin. Paradigms
aimed at activating the visual imagery mechanism could rely on extensive programs of music
developed especially for the purpose of stimulating imagery to music in therapy (Bruscia &
Grocke, 2002, e.g., Appendices B-L). Paradigms aimed at activating the musical expectancy
mechanism could rely on both stimuli and procedures that have already been used to explore
syntactical processing in music perception (Koelsch et al., 2000). Perhaps, the most difficult
mechanism for musical emotion induction to activate in a controlled way in the laboratory is
episodic memory, because the laboratory situation is not conducive to establishing the strong
personal significance needed to encode an emotional episodic memory.
To fully explore the mechanisms and test the hypotheses in Table 4, we need not only be able
to activate each mechanism. To separate the effects of different mechanisms, we must also be
able to suppress or eliminate particular mechanisms in individual cases. Although space does
not permit a detailed exposition of experimental set-ups in this target article, we propose that
this could be done in two principal ways. Firstly, one could manipulate stimuli in such a way
as to withhold or eliminate information required for a specific mechanism to be activated (the
principle of information impoverishment). Musical structures are easy to manipulate and there
are sophisticated techniques in acoustics that allow researchers to standardize a stimulus with
regard to certain acoustic features, while leaving others intact. Secondly, one could design the
procedure in such a manner that it will prevent the type of information processing required for
a particular mechanism to be activated (the principle of interference). This could be done in a
number of ways. One approach could be to force listeners to allocate the ‘cognitive resources’
needed for a specific mechanism to a task instead; for instance, one could use an experimental
task that recruits attentional resources to such an extent that visual imagery, also dependent on
these resources, will be made impossible. Another possibility could be to use a neurochemical
interference strategy; for example, it has been shown that blocking of a specific class of amino
acid receptors (NMDA) in the lateral amygdala can interfere with the acquisition of evaluative
conditioning (e.g., Miserendino et al., 1990). Yet another form of interference involves the use
of transcranial magnetic stimulation (Pascual-Leone et al., 2002). By disrupting brain activity
at crucial times and locations, one may prevent specific mechanisms from becoming activated
by a musical stimulus.
Another implication concerns the role of cognitive appraisal relative to other mechanisms. A
common characteristic of human behavior is that it is multiply determined (Brunswik, 1956).
This is true also for emotions, although the possibility of multiple induction mechanisms that
interact has been somewhat neglected in previous research (but see Izard, 1993). It is usually
assumed that appraisals account for the lion’s share of emotions in everyday life, but there is
little formal evidence so far to support this notion – primarily because it is difficult to test the
notion using the type of ‘post-hoc’ self-reports of emotions that have dominated in studies of
cognitive appraisal to date (Frijda & Zeelenberg, 2001). A crucial question is to what degree
the additional mechanisms described here play a role in non-musical emotional episodes. The
present framework implies that there is no simple ‘one-to-one’ relationship between cognitive
appraisals and emotions. Instead, there are several mechanisms that – singularly or together –
determine emotional outcomes, according to the precise conditions of the situation. Ellsworth
(1994) acknowledges that musical emotions pose “a real threat to the generality of appraisals
as elicitors of emotion” (p. 195). To the extent that a great deal of our emotional responses in
everyday life involve mechanisms such as conditioning, contagion, and episodic memory, an
approach similar to that advocated in this target article could be fruitful also in understanding
non-musical emotions. Does this mean that what we claim about music, that emotions cannot
be studied without regard to how they were evoked, is true of non-musical emotions as well?
To the extent that the received view is correct, namely that non-musical emotions are mostly
induced through cognitive appraisal (Ellsworth, 1994; Scherer, 1999), the issue of controlling
for the underlying mechanism may not be as important outside the musical domain. However,
this is an empirical question that awaits further research.
5. Concluding Remarks
It could appear that our claim that musical emotions must be investigated with regard to their
underlying mechanisms is uncontroversial, and that all music psychologists would agree. Yet
this is not how research has been conducted, which is ultimately what counts. Studies thus far
have produced data that are collectively confusing and internally inconsistent, mainly because
researchers have been considering only the induced emotions themselves, instead of trying to
manipulate the underlying mechanisms in a systematic manner. We argue that much progress
may be achieved, provided that more rigorous theoretical and methodological approaches are
adopted. Considering the crucial implications that such an endeavor could have for both basic
and applied research in music psychology and psychology in general, this opportunity should
not be missed. For instance, it has been increasingly recognized that music may have positive
effects on physical health and subjective well-being (e.g., Khalfa et al., 2003; Pelletier, 2004).
We suggest that many of these effects are mediated by the emotions that the music induces. A
better understanding of the mechanisms underlying these emotions could therefore be of great
importance for applications, such as music therapy.
Meyer (1956), one of the pioneers in this field, argued that “given no theory as to the relation
of musical stimuli to affective responses, observed behavior can provide little information as
to either the nature of the stimulus, the significance of the response, or the relation between
them” (p. 10). In other words, amassing data on listeners’ emotional reactions to music is not
fruitful, unless one is able to interpret these data in the light of an explanatory theory. In this
target article, we have proposed a theoretical framework and a set of hypotheses that may aid
researchers in exploring the manifold and different mechanisms that relate music to emotions
– all musical emotions are not created equal.18
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‘Musical emotions’ is used here as a short term for ‘emotions that were induced by music’.
Five of the articles occurred in both PsychInfo and RILM, which means that there were 37
non-overlapping articles across the two databases that mentioned a mechanism or discussed
the induction process while reporting other types of findings.
We refrain from calling the information processing ‘cognitive’, because this term could give
the misleading impression that we exclude sub-cortical mechanisms (see also Izard, 1993).
It is noteworthy that these claims were made on rational rather than empirical grounds, and
that the claims appear to be inconsistent with recent findings (see Section 2).
We do not rule out the possibility that music could affect moods as well (e.g., the repeated
occurrence of noisy music in the background in combination with hunger might produce an
irritated mood). However, we argue that the lion’s share of our affective responses to music
are better characterized as emotions, although they are not always intense. Moods are more
related to factors such as hunger, fatigue, weather, and accumulated events over a day (e.g.,
Thayer, 1996).
The present framework focuses on the emotions evoked while listening to music, rather than
the emotions that might be evoked while composing or performing music. The latter activities
are likely to involve a somewhat different set of psychological processes.
Berlyne (1971) did not limit his work to the psychophysical properties (p. 69) considered
here. He also discussed two other processes (i.e., conditioning and syntactic processes) that
are treated separately in this article.
It should be noted that several composers have intentionally used this mechanism in their
compositions (for examples, see Dowling & Harwood, 1986, pp. 204-205).
This could perhaps partly explain the documented tendency of some listeners to use music as
a ‘social companion’ to reduce feelings of loneliness (Juslin & Laukka, 2004).
The focus here is on visual imagery, because we regard it as unlikely that listeners are able
to engage in auditory imagery at the same time as they are listening to music.
One possible explanation may be that emotional events are usually easier to recall than non-
emotional events (Reisberg & Heuer, 2004), and that emotional episodes often involve social
interactions (Johnson-Laird & Oatley, 1992).
However, unlike Griffiths (2004) we refrain from calling the different forms of information
processing ‘emotional appraisal’. We reserve the term ‘appraisal’ for higher-level evaluations
of events in terms of several dimensions relative to goals, needs, and motives of the organism
(Scherer, 1999, p. 637; see also Table 1). Referring to other mechanisms – such as evaluative
conditioning or emotional contagion – as ‘appraisal’ undermines the precision and usefulness
of the term.
A similar set of hypotheses for the mechanism cognitive appraisal does not yet exist, but
could presumably be developed based on one of the available theories (Scherer, 1999).
As noted earlier, some mechanisms of potential importance have been ignored previously,
because they have been regarded as ‘unmusical’ or ‘irrelevant’ by music theorists. However,
as suggested here, all six mechanisms could have their origins outside the musical domain.
The notion ‘information-encapsulated’ refers to the fact that the module is “not having
complete access to a person’s expectations, beliefs, presumptions, or desires” (Coltheart,
1999, p. 119).
However, when studying a specific mechanism in the laboratory, where practical demands
may place limits on the number of emotion labels that can be used, hypotheses about induced
affect (see Table 4) could, if confirmed, be useful in guiding researchers with respect to what
response format to use in a particular experiment.
We claim that the same is true of studies of physiological responses to music (Bartlett,
1996) and studies that use sounds in general to induce emotions (Bradley & Lang, 2000).
This research was supported by the Swedish Research Council through a grant to Patrik N.
Juslin. We are very grateful to Petri Laukka, Lars-Olov Lundqvist, Simon Liljeström, Aaron
Williamon, John Sloboda, Barbara Finlay, and a number of anonymous reviewers for helpful
comments on previous versions of the manuscript. We dedicate this article to the memory of
Leonard Meyer, who passed away on December 30th, 2007.