Time Line of Zecharia Sitchin Revised

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Time Line of Zecharia Sitchin revised

It all started in 2012 with my studies of the Gate of the Sun and the Bennett Monolith in
Tihuanaco in Bolivia. Both objects have “drawings” on their surfaces. I have written a paper
wherein I explain what these “drawings” are telling us. The most important outcome was that
before the biblical flood, Earth turned around our Sun in 260 days! With the help of this
knowles and what the codex Chimalpopoca tells us, I was able to explain the “drawings” on
the Aztec Calendar Stone and the Tizoc stone which are on display at the National
Anthropology Museum in Mexico City.
The Aztec calendar Stone shows us that, during the time the Anunnaki were on Earth, there
were 4 Eras before the biblical flood, and it gives the exact length of these Eras. The sacred
book of the Popul Vuh is also mentioning these 4 Eras and their specific endings in
cataclysms. The Chimalpopoca Codex gives the same length for the 4 Eras as the Aztec
Calendar Stone, and it mentions the exact year of the biblical flood. I have written a paper
about this subject which I will upload on Scribd. Before I upload the paper I must first finish
an Appendix with an eye witness report, written by the Mayas, about the last cataclysm which
happened around 12.500 years ago, and which changed the duration of “our” year from 360
days to 365¼ days.

Now, we start with the year of the biblical flood, which was 25.692 years back from today in
2021, Sitchin tells us that the biblical flood was13.000 years ago.

The Aztec Calendar Stone and the Chimalpopoca Codex are giving us the following time line.
Era Duration in years Start time in years back from 2021
2021 0
Biblical flood 25.692
Era 4 35.152 60.844
Era 3 16.224 77.068
Era 2 18.928 95.996
Era 1 35.152 131.148

As we will see later, the Anunnaki led by Enki landed on Earth 2544 years before the start of
Era 1. So, Enki landed on Earth 133,692 back from today 2021.

Without going further in detail for the moment, we can say that the time line of Sitchin for the
Anunnaki staying on Earth is about 3 times longer than the Aztec codex is telling us. The
question is who is right the Aztecs or Sitchin?
I think the Aztecs are right, here is why!
I always had my doubts about Sitchin´s theory of the elliptical orbit of the 12th Planet called
Nibiru. The Anunnaki came to Earth for collecting gold to protect their atmosphere from
overheating. The elliptical orbit of the 12th Planet Nibiru is mostly in outer space where it is
cold, and they must have been mere undercooled than overheated!
So, what was the real story?
If we look in Sitchin´s book the End of Days to Figure 89, you see at the top left 7 little
circles, I am convinced that these 7 little circles are used as a symbol for the 7 most bright
stars of the Pleiades. You find these 7 little circles (stars) back on many of the Assyrian
(Anunnaki) drawings, see also Figure 86b, 90, 95, and 113 of this same book.
In another depiction (Fig. 73), Sitchin tells us, that Nibiru is shown in company of Earth (the
seventh Planet) and the moon, and the umbilical-cutter symbol for Ninmah.
I think however that the circle with the 7 triangles is not a symbol for Earth but a symbol for
Nibiru as are the 7 small circles, and the umbilical-cutter which stands for birth or born. So,
what they (the Anunnaki) are telling us is that the Anunnaki were born on Nibiru.

I calculated that it is possible to get from Earth to the Pleiades in 1800 years if you are
traveling with 0.23 of the speed of light. I think the Anunnaki were able to reach this the
speed with their spaceships.
My conclusion is that Nibiru is an exoplanet somewhere in the Pleiades, and it takes 1800
years to get to Earth and of course 1800 years to go back to Nibiru. So, the total duration of a
return flight was 2 x 1800 = 3600 years, yes this is equal to 1 Shar!

Now you think that Robert (that is my name) is spinning, if we go aboard of one of their
spaceships bounded for Nibiru, the “lucky” ones are all dead after 100 years, so we will never
get to Nibiru alive. That is through for us Homo Sapiens, but it is another story for the

Here is a “strange” story made up by me.

In the Lost Book of Enki, on page 268, we read that when Anu came to Earth for the second
time, he was surprised to find out that his children Enki, Enlil, and Ninharsag looked older
and had more aged than himself. Enki was wrinkled and Ninharsag, the once beautiful young
lady, had turned in an old bended women.
Now here is my story, say that the second visit of Anu to Earth was 2,000 years after the
biblical flood, then the time Enki and Ninharsag had lived on Earth was 108,000 + 2,000 =
110,000 years. I will explain later the use of 108,000 years.
Enki came as a brilliant young scientist from Nibiru to Earth, if we compare this with our
lifespan we can say Enki was 25 years when he landed on Earth. Now after 110,000 years on
Earth he had aged to, say 65 years. We now can conclude that, when Enki had stayed here on
Earth (which he did not) and he would live the average lifespan of us (Homo Sapience) of 80
years, he would die on Earth after: 110,000 / 40 (65-25) x 55 (80-25) ≈ 150,000 years this is
after he landed on Earth. The conclusion is that Enki would be still alive today! But to know
his total lifespan in earthly years, we must know what the equivalent is in earthly years of
the 25 years when he lived on Nibiru during his youth.
To give an answer on this we must know how old Anu, his father, was when Enki left Nibiru
on his voyage to Earth. His father Anu was, I estimate, and this is debatable,1 Nibiru year ≈
3800 years on Earth, older than Enki . So, Anu was 26 years when Enki left for Earth. When
Anu visited Earth for the second time he became aware that he looked younger than his sons
and daughter, I estimate that Anu was 55 years. We can now calculate the life span of Anu,
living on Nibiru in earthly years: 110,000/29 (55-26) ≈ 3800 x 80 (average lifespan) ≈
304,000 years of Earth.
I know that the orbital speed of Earth now is 52 times higher than the orbital speed of Nibiru.
I do not know what the rotation speed is from Nibiru but both effects must have an enormous
influence on the lifespan for people like the Anunnaki but also on us, Homo Sapience.
If we assume that Enki stayed on Earth for the rest of his live, which he did not, we can
calculate the total lifespan of Enki living part of his life on Nibiru and the rest of his live on
Earth: 25 x 3,800 =95,000 + 150,000 ≈ 245,000 years of Earth.

1. The conclusion is that the Anunnaki could make a return voyage of 3600 years.
If it was a pleasure to stay aboard for 1800 years I doubt it, but they did it because they
wanted to save their planet.

3. If you live on Earth you are aging quicker than on Nibiru.

2. Enki, Enlil, and Ninharsag offered almost 60.000 (earthly) years up from their total life
span for saving their planet Nibiru from overheating.

Now, if it took a spaceship 3600 years for a return flight then you say, what is the difference
with the 12th Planet which had his perigee (most close to Earth) once in the 3600 years?
Here comes the solution, look again at Figure 89, what you see is 4 “boats “ but they are not
boats they are symbols for spaceships, and we see 4 different spaceships!
The Anunnaki had organised a shuttle service between Nibiru and Earth with 4 enormous
spaceships. In the text we find the names of the 4 pilots of these spaceships: Anzu (the pilot
who brought Enki to Earth), Abgal, Nungal, and Alalgar.
Every 900 years a spaceship arrived at Earth and after unloading and loading with gold it was
returning to Nibiru ( 4 x 900= 3600 years).
Sitchin based his time line on command periods (120 in total before the flood), and on the
Shar of 3600 years. For him there was only one possible time to exchange from
commandership and that was when the 12th planet had reached his perigee, the time that it was
most close to Earth. With my theory of the 4 spaceship, every 900 years a spaceship arrived at
Earth and it was possible to change from command ship.
As you know, the change of command ship did not happen every time a spaceship arrived,
some of the commanders stayed on for 10 “Shar’s”(command periods).
The conclusion is that all the dates calculated by Sitchin, which are before the deluge, must be
divided by (3600 / 900) = 4!
Another difference between the time line of Sitchin with the Aztec time line is the difference
of when the biblical flood took place. Sitchin says about 13.000 years back and the Aztecs, in
the Chimalpopoca, are saying 25692 years back from today in 2021. I can understand that
Sitchin estimated that the time for the biblical flood was about 13.000 years. Today it is
commonly accepted by most scholars that there was a cataclysm about this time during the
Younger dryas.
At this moment I am trying to translate the Maya glyphs of, what I think, is an eye witness
report of this cataclysm. For me however, I am sure that the cataclysm of 13.000 years ago
was not the cataclysm of the biblical flood which destroyed (nearly) all living creatures. This
catastrophe of the biblical flood was 25692 back! Yes, the cataclysm of about 13000 years
back killed the Mammoths and the Clovis people and formed a black mat over all North
America but it did not cause a flood running over the whole world.
If you want to know more about this cataclysm of 13,000 years ago, I recommend reading
Graham Hancock´s book “America Before”, Part VII “Apocalypse Then”.
Here is the time line of Sitchin in his book The Twelfth Planet, page 410, recalculated by me.
An example of how I recalculated Sitchin´s year 38,000.
Sitchin´s year 38,000 the harsh climate period
-13,000 biblical flood
25,000 time before flood
: 4 divided by 4
+25,692 new time for the biblical flood
New Time 31,942 years back from today 2021

Years Ago (Sitchin) Years Ago (recalculated)

445,000 The Nefilim, led by Enki, arrive on earth 133,692
430,000 The great ice sheets begin to recede 129,942
415,000 Enki moves inland, establishes Larsa 126,192
400,000 The great interglacial periodically, Enlil arrives 122,442
360,000 The Nefilim establish Bad-Tibira 112,442
300,000 The Anunnaki mutiny, Primitive worker fashioned 97,442
250,000 “Early Homo sapiens” multiply 84,942
200,000 Life on Earth regresses, new glacial period 72,442
100,000 Climate warms again 47,442
77,000 Ubartutu/Lamech assumes the reign in Shuruppak 41,692
75,000 The “accursation of Earth” a new ice age begins 41,192
49,000 The reign of Ziusudra begins 34,692
38,000 The harsh climatic period begins 31,942
13,000 The Deluge sweeps over Earth 25,692

The total time the Anunnaki were on Earth before the biblical flood was:
133,692 – 25,692 = 108.000 years.
The same result we get when we take the total of 120 command periods before the flood and
multiply these with 3600/4 = 900 x 120 = 108,000 years
The 4 Eras of the Aztecs were also before the biblical flood.
The total time of the 4 Eras was.
Era 4 35,152 year
Era 3 16,224 year
Era 2 18,928 year
Era 1 35,152 year
Total 131,148 year

The conclusion is that Enki landed on Earth 133,692 – 131,148 = 2544 year before the end of
Era 0 which is also the starting date of Era 1.

I want to stress that I admire Zecharia Sitchin for all his knowledge of Sumerian, and the
inscriptions in Cuneiform, he was a genius! That I come up with another time line is, as I
already said, because I studied the Inca, Aztec, and Maya stories and there is a big difference
between the two-time lines. Therefore, I reread the stories of Sitchin and came up with the
solution of the 4 space ships and Nibiru as the home planet of the Anunnaki in the Pleiades.



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