Pangantucan National High School
Pangantucan National High School
Pangantucan National High School
1. Based on the map, what resources should you have in order to implement the LDM
adopted by your School/Division?
Our school implement Modular Distance Learning (MDL) so in order to
implement this LDM we need to have printed Self Learning Modules (SLM) to be distributed to
the learners.
2. Do you have the complete resources for the Distance LDM needed in class? If the LRs are
not complete or not available, what steps will you take to make these available? What are
your options to substitute these missing LRs?
The resources were given by the division office in soft copies. The school is now in the
process of reviewing the SLMs provided to us. At the same time, teachers are already utilizing
the LR Portals like LRMDS and DepEd Commons to find useful and effective LRs to
supplement the SLMs if needed.
3. What support will you need to maximize the use of the two DepEd-sanctioned LR Portals?
From whom can you get this support?
Provision of good, stable internet connection. Using the Deped LR we can
easily find and obtain our needed SLM. A support group to ensure the quality and
appropriateness of the LRs should be established. I will get the support from my fellow
educators and the technical support from out ICT coordinator.
4. Based on your evaluation of the materials, are they appropriate to the level and characteristics
of learners? Are there learners who might be disadvantaged by the materials (based on reading
ability, level of learning independence, level of household support, distance)? What
adjustments will you make in terms of the LRs?
Generally, the materials are appropriate to the level and characteristics of the learners as they
are based on the standards or the competencies expected. Only that, there are really learners who
lagged behind that need proper guidance and monitoring. these learners should be checked from time
to time through any means of monitoring such as phone calls, text, online messages if applicable so
LRs might be explained further to these learners.
In your LAC Session, share and discuss your answers from the previous activity. What
support can you provide to your colleagues and what support can you get from them in
terms of LRs? Take note of the insights that you can gather from your colleagues.
After the discussions and exchanging of ideas we come up with the different ideas
regarding LR. Learning Resources and SLM are now ready to our portal given by the national
office for our modular Distant learning so the only help that my colleagues can offer is to print
the SLM for distribution to our learners and maybe supplementary self made -materials
(localized/ contextualized) to ensure learning to take place. As well, We have agreed to provide
immediate technical assistance to each other when we encounter problems in accessing online
portals for LRs. We also came up to a consensus to share updates and useful tools and
knowledge about more sources whether offline or online sources of LRs to suffice the needs for
additional useful LRs.
1. LRMDS Portal. Ensure that you have an LRMDS Portal Account. If you have not
registered yet, follow the LR Portal User Guide to guide you in your registration process.
Alternatively, seek assistance from any of your colleagues or your IT personnel in your
school, district, or division. You may also coordinate with your LAC Leader and/or Coach.
To understand the portal better, you may watch the LR Portal Video Tutorial located in the
resources of this Course.
2. DepEd Commons. Ensure that you have access to DepEd Commons. Refer to
Memorandum on DepEd Commons dated March 17, 2020.
In your next LAC Session, share and discuss your answers to the questions in
Activity 1.
1. Explore how you can help and support each other in using the LR portals. Jot down the
insights and helpful information regarding the use of the LR portals.
We had shared our personal experience in using the learning Portals and after the
session we agreed to use the portal frequently in addressing our needs in terms of resources.
Further, we have agreed to provide immediate technical assistance to each other when we
encounter problems in accessing online portals for LRs. We also came up to a consensus to
share updates and useful tools and knowledge about more sources whether offline or online
sources of LRs to suffice the needs for additional useful LRs.
Study the LR Rapid Assessment Tool. Download an LR from either DepEd Commons or
LRMDS Portal and assess the material using the tool. Answer the following questions:
3. Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be assessed?
Specify which aspect/s.
The contextualization of the LR. It is also vital to know whether the LR is localized
or Contextualized so it will be suitable to the learners and so they can relate it with the real
life situation.
4. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson and
your learners?
Understanding the management of this LR Portals, this gives me the confidence and
motivation to look for the most appropriate learning resources to be given to my learners.
Explore other non-DepEd LR portals/platforms you can find online. Download at least one LR
from each portal. Assess the materials using the same tool and answer the following questions:
1. Based on the Assessment Tool, how does the material from a non-DepEd Portal compare with
the LR from the DepEd Portal?
Deped prescribed LRs are reliable and are aligned in the basic requirement
needed for choosing LR’s. it aims to develop mastery at different levels of learning, while non
deped LR’s are just worksheets that is designed to a specific level only and mostly designed for
advanced learners.
2. Based on the results of the Assessment Tool, what improvements do the materials — both from
DepEd and Non-DepEd portals — still need?
Deped materials before posting to the Deped portal were being examined by the
Deped personnel, it has undergone the tedious process and have passed the standards of the
department as to its relevance and appropriateness, so I think there’s no revisions for that. On
the contrary, non Deped materials of course need to be examined first and must be aligned to
the assessment tool given by Deped. It needs to be validated as to its appropriateness and
3. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson and
your learners?
Because of this exercise and assessment tool I can now choose better Learning
Resources for my subject matter in terms of appropriateness and reliability. It makes me extra
cautious in selecting the LRs I need for my learners.
Choose one of the LR materials that you have developed. Assess this material using the same
tool. Answer the following questions:
1. How does your material compare with the ones that are obtained from the online portals?
The LR materials (activity/ worksheet) for my learners were made based on the
competencies given by the department, so generally, they were aligned in the materials found
in the LR portal. Maybe, it needs some revision to improve so to meet the requirement
prescribed by Deped. It helps me simplify and deliver my lesson easily.
2. What improvements do you still need to make in your developed material?
Need to improve the sources of the activity and needs improvement as to the
contextualization of the activities so the learners can easily relate to the activity. Also I will
consider the culture and gender fair next time.
(Submit a copy of your Outputs to your LAC Leader)
Share and discuss your answers to the questions in Activities 1, 2, and 3 in your next LAC
Session. Jot down insights and information that can be useful to you in choosing the
appropriate LRs.
After the LAC session we had seen a clearer view in making our own LR’s and in
choosing and downloading LR’s in our Deped portal. A member of the group suggested that
we must adapt this tool and use it every time we make our own LR’s.
Submit your LR assessments with your reflection on the exercises to your LAC Leader.
Ensure that you keep a copy for yourself.
This module has enlightened us teachers in creating and choosing the LRs appropriate for our
learners. It taught us how to carefully choose the appropriate LRs to be given to our learners considering
the aspects that were necessary as to its validity and reliability. As teachers, we should be passionate in
learning new ideas, be open to improvements in the educational system and work harmoniously with
colleagues to come up with an excellent output that best benefits our learners.