Pathology CH 21 (Robbins Edition 2017 800-836)

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Bones, Joints, and Soft

Tissue Tumors 21 
Bone  797 Fractures  805 Crystal-Induced Arthritis  823
Basic Structure and Function of Healing of Fractures  805 Joint Tumors and Tumorlike
Bone  797 Osteonecrosis (Avascular Necrosis)  806 Conditions  826
Matrix  797 Osteomyelitis  806 Ganglion and Synovial Cysts  826
Cells  797 Pyogenic Osteomyelitis  806 Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor  826
Development  798 Mycobacterial Osteomyelitis  807 Soft Tissue Tumors  827
Homeostasis and Remodeling  799 Bone Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions  808 Tumors of Adipose Tissue  828
Congenital Disorders of Bone and Bone-Forming Tumors  808 Lipoma  828
Cartilage  799 Cartilage-Forming Tumors  810 Liposarcoma  828
Achondroplasia  800 Tumors of Unknown Origin  812 Fibrous Tumors  828
Thanatophoric Dysplasia  800 Lesions Simulating Primary Neoplasms  814 Nodular Fasciitis  828
Type I Collagen Diseases (Osteogenesis Metastatic Tumors  816 Fibromatoses  828
Imperfecta)  800 Joints  817 Skeletal Muscle Tumors  830
Osteopetrosis  800 Arthritis  817 Rhabdomyosarcoma  830
Metabolic Disorders of Bone  801 Osteoarthritis  817 Smooth Muscle Tumors  830
Osteopenia and Osteoporosis  801 Rheumatoid Arthritis  818 Leiomyoma  830
Rickets and Osteomalacia  802 Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis  821 Leiomyosarcoma  831
Hyperparathyroidism  802 Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies  822 Tumors of Uncertain Origin  831
Paget Disease of Bone (Osteitis Infectious Arthritis  822 Synovial Sarcoma  831
Deformans)  803 Lyme Arthritis  822 Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma  831

collagen with smaller amounts of glycosaminoglycans and
BASIC STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION other proteins. The unique feature of bone matrix, its hard-
OF BONE ness, is imparted by the inorganic moiety hydroxyapatite
(Ca10[PO4]6[OH]2). The bone matrix is synthesized in one of
The functions of bone include mechanical support, trans- two histologic forms, woven or lamellar (Fig. 21.1). Woven
mission of forces generated by muscles, protection of bone is produced rapidly, such as during fetal development
viscera, mineral homeostasis, and providing a niche for the or fracture repair, but the haphazard arrangement of collagen
production of blood cells. The constituents of bone include fibers imparts less structural integrity than the parallel col-
an extracellular matrix and specialized cells responsible for lagen fibers in slowly produced lamellar bone. In an adult,
production and maintenance of the matrix. the presence of woven bone is always abnormal, but it is not
specific for any particular bone disease. A cross section of a
Matrix typical long bone shows a dense outer cortex and a central
medulla composed of bony trabeculae separated by marrow.
Bone matrix is composed of an organic component known
as osteoid (35%) and a mineral component (65%). Embed- Cells
ded within the bone matrix are a variety of bone cells
including osteocytes that lay down bone and osteoclasts Bone contains three major cell types:
that reabsorb bone. These two cells types maintain bone • Osteoblasts, located on the surface of the matrix, synthe-
homeostasis. Osteoid is made up predominantly of type I size, transport and assemble bone matrix and regulate
798 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

Fig. 21.1  Woven bone (A) is more cellular and disorganized than lamellar bone (B).

its mineralization (Fig. 21.2A). They are derived from • Osteocytes, located within the bone, are interconnected
mesenchymal stem cells that are located under the by an intricate network of cytoplasmic processes
periosteum in the developing bone and additionally in through tunnels known as canaliculi. Osteocytes help to
the medullary space later in life. control calcium and phosphate levels, detect mechani-
cal forces, and translate them into biologic activity—a
process called mechanotransduction.
• Osteoclasts, located on the surface of bone, are special-
ized multinucleated macrophages, derived from cir-
culating monocytes, which are responsible for bone
resorption (Fig. 21.2B). By means of cell surface inte-
grins, osteoclasts attach to bone matrix and create a
sealed extracellular trench (resorption pit). The cells
secrete acid and neutral proteases (predominantly
matrix metalloproteases [MMPs]) into the pit, and these
enzymes resorb the bone.

During embryogenesis, long bones develop from a car-
tilage mold by the process of endochondral ossification.
A cartilage mold (anlagen) is synthesized by mesenchy-
A mal precursor cells. At approximately 8 weeks’ gestation,
the central portion of the anlagen is resorbed, creating
the medullary canal. Simultaneously, at midshaft (diaphy-
sis), osteoblasts begin to deposit the cortex beneath the
periosteum producing the primary center of ossification
and growing the bone radially. At each longitudinal
end (epiphysis), endochondral ossification proceeds in a
centrifugal fashion (secondary center of ossification). Eventu-
ally, a plate of the cartilage becomes entrapped between
the two expanding centers of ossification, forming
the physis or growth plate (Fig. 21.3). The chondrocytes
within the growth plate undergo sequential proliferation,
hypertrophy, and apoptosis. In the region of apoptosis
the matrix mineralizes and is invaded by capillaries,
providing the nutrients for osteoblasts, which synthe-
size osteoid. This process produces longitudinal bone
Fig. 21.2  (A) Active osteoblasts synthesizing bone matrix. The surrounding Intramembranous ossification, by contrast, is respon-
spindle cells represent osteoprogenitor cells. (B) Two osteoclasts resorbing sible for the development of flat bones. Bones of the
bone. cranium, for example, are formed by osteoblasts directly
Congenital Disorders of Bone and Cartilage 799

cytokines (e.g., IL-1), and growth factors (e.g., bone mor-

phogenetic factors). The mechanisms are complex, but
parathyroid hormone (PTH), IL-1, and glucocorticoids
promote osteoclast differentiation and bone turnover. In
contrast, BMPs and sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone)
generally block osteoclast differentiation or activity by
2 favoring OPG expression.
Peak bone mass is achieved in early adulthood after
the cessation of skeletal growth. This set point is deter-
mined by many factors, including polymorphisms in
the vitamin D and LRP5/6 receptors, nutrition, and
3 physical activity. Beginning in the fourth decade, resorp-
tion exceeds formation, resulting in a decline in skeletal

5 Congenital abnormalities of the skeleton frequently result
from inherited mutations and first become manifest

Fig. 21.3  Active growth plate with ongoing endochondral ossification. 1,

Reserve zone. 2, Zone of proliferation. 3, Zone of hypertrophy. 4, Zone of OSTEOBLAST
mineralization. 5, Primary spongiosa.

from a fibrous layer of tissue, without cartilage anlagen. RANK
The enlargement of flat bones is achieved by deposition of Osteoprotegerin
new bone on a preexisting surface. (blocks RANK- RANK
RANK ligand (receptor)
Homeostasis and Remodeling
The adult skeleton appears static but is actually con- NFκB
stantly turning over in a tightly regulated process known PRECURSOR
as remodeling. Remodeling takes place at a microscopic
locus known as the bone (or basic) multicellular unit
(BMU), which consists of a unit of coupled osteoblast and
osteoclast activity on the bone surface. Differentiation
The events at the BMU are regulated by cell–cell
interactions and cytokines (Fig. 21.4). An important sig- RANK
naling pathway that controls remodeling involves three OSTEOCLAST
factors: (1) the transmembrane receptor activator of NF-κB
(RANK), which is expressed on osteoclast precursors; (2)
RANK ligand (RANKL), which is expressed on osteoblasts
and marrow stromal cells; and (3) osteoprotegerin (OPG),
a secreted “decoy” receptor made by osteoblasts that can
block RANK interaction with RANKL. RANK signaling
activates the transcription factor NF-κB, which is essen- BONE
tial for the generation and survival of osteoclasts. Other
important pathways include monocyte-colony stimulating
factor (M-CSF), produced by osteoblasts. WNT proteins
produced by various cells bind to the LRP5 and LRP6 Fig. 21.4  Paracrine molecular mechanisms that regulate osteoclast forma-
receptors on osteoblasts and trigger the production of tion and function. Osteoclasts are derived from the same mononuclear cells
OPG. The importance of these pathways is proven by rare that differentiate into macrophages. Osteoblast/stromal cell membrane-
but informative germline mutations in the OPG, RANK, associated RANKL binds to its receptor RANK located on the cell surface
RANKL, and LRP5 genes, which cause severe disturbances of osteoclast precursors. This interaction in the background of macrophage
colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) causes the precursor cells to produce
of bone metabolism (described later). functional osteoclasts. Stromal cells also secrete osteoprotegerin (OPG),
Bone resorption or bone formation can be favored by which acts as a “decoy” receptor for RANKL, preventing it from binding the
tipping the RANK-to-OPG ratio. Systemic factors that affect RANK receptor on osteoclast precursors. Consequently, OPG prevents
this balance include hormones, vitamin D, inflammatory bone resorption by inhibiting osteoclast differentiation.
800 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

during the early stages of bone formation. The spectrum Type I Collagen Diseases  
of developmental disorders of bone is broad, and the clas- (Osteogenesis Imperfecta)
sification system is not standardized. Here we will cat-
egorize the major diseases according to their perceived Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), the most common inher-
pathogenesis. ited disorder of connective tissue, is a phenotypically
Congenital anomalies can result from localized abnor- diverse disorder caused by deficiencies in the synthesis
malities in the migration and condensation of mesen- of type I collagen. OI principally affects bone and other
chyme (dysostosis) or global disorganization of bone and/ tissues rich in type I collagen (joints, eyes, ears, skin, and
or cartilage (dysplasia). Dysostoses result from defects in teeth). It usually results from autosomal dominant muta-
the formation of mesenchymal condensations and their dif- tions in the genes that encode the α1 and α2 chains of type
ferentiation into the cartilage anlage. The most common I collagen. These defects cause misfolding of the mutated
forms include the complete absence of a bone or a digit collagen polypeptides, and they interfere with the proper
(aplasia), extra bones or digits (supernumerary digit), and assembly of wild-type collagen chains (a dominant negative
abnormal fusion of bones (e.g., syndactyly, craniosynostosis). loss of function).
Genetic alterations that affect homeobox genes, cytokines, The fundamental abnormality in OI is too little bone,
and cytokine receptors are especially common among the resulting in extreme skeletal fragility. Other findings
dysostoses. In contrast, dysplasias arise from mutations in include blue sclerae caused by decreased collagen content,
genes that control development or remodeling of the entire making the sclera translucent and allowing partial visu-
skeleton. It is important to note that, as for developmental alization of the underlying choroid; hearing loss related
anomalies in other tissues, the term dysplasia implies abnor- to a sensorineural deficit and impeded conduction due to
mal growth rather than a premalignant lesion as used in abnormalities in the bones of the middle ear; and dental
the context of neoplasia (Chapter 6). imperfections (small, misshapen, and blue-yellow teeth)
More than 350 skeletal dysostoses and dysplasias, most secondary to a deficiency in dentin.
of them extremely rare, have been described. Examples of OI can be separated into multiple clinical subtypes that
diseases with defined genetic abnormalities are discussed vary widely in severity. The type 2 variant is at one end
below. Note that various point mutations in a single gene of the spectrum and is uniformly fatal in utero or during
(e.g., COL2A1) can result in different phenotypes, whereas the perinatal period. In contrast, individuals with the type
mutations in diverse genes (e.g., LRP5, RANKL) can give 1 form have a normal life span despite a susceptibility to
rise to similar clinical phenotypes. fractures, particularly during childhood.

Achondroplasia Osteopetrosis
Achondroplasia, the most common skeletal dysplasia Osteopetrosis, also known as marble bone disease, refers
and a major cause of dwarfism, is an autosomal dominant to a group of rare genetic diseases that are character-
disorder resulting from retarded cartilage growth. The ized by reduced bone resorption and diffuse symmetric
disease is caused by gain-of-function mutations in fibro- skeletal sclerosis resulting from impaired formation or
blast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3). Normally, FGF function of osteoclasts. The term osteopetrosis reflects the
inhibits endochondral growth. FGFR3 mutation results stonelike quality of the bones. However, the bones are
in a constitutively active receptor, thereby exaggerating abnormally brittle and fracture easily, like a piece of chalk.
this effect and suppressing growth. Approximately 90% of Osteopetrosis is classified into variants based on both the
cases stem from new mutations, almost all of which occur mode of inheritance and the severity of clinical findings.
in the paternal allele. Affected individuals have shortened Most of the mutations underlying osteopetrosis interfere
proximal extremities, a trunk of relatively normal length, with the process of acidification of the osteoclast resorp-
and an enlarged head with bulging forehead and con- tion pit, which is required for the dissolution of calcium
spicuous depression of the root of the nose. The skeletal hydroxyapatite within the matrix. These include autoso-
abnormalities are usually not associated with changes in mal recessive mutations in the enzyme carbonic anhydrase
longevity, intelligence, or reproductive status. 2 (CA2), or mutations in the TCIRG1 gene, which encodes
a component of a vacuolar ATPase that helps to main-
Thanatophoric Dysplasia tain acidic pH in osteoclasts, which is essential for break-
ing down bone. Bones involved by osteopetrosis lack a
Thanatophoric dysplasia, the most common lethal form medullary canal, and the ends of long bones are bulbous
of dwarfism, results from diminished proliferation of (Erlenmeyer flask deformity) and misshapen. The neural
chondrocytes and disorganization in the zone of prolif- foramina are small and compress exiting nerves. The
eration. It also is caused by gain-of-function mutations in primary spongiosa, which is normally removed during
FGFR3, albeit ones that are distinct from those that cause growth, persists and fills the medullary cavity, leaving no
achondroplasia. It occurs in about 1 of every 20,000 live room for the hematopoietic marrow.
births. Affected individuals have micromelic shorten- Severe infantile osteopetrosis is autosomal recessive
ing of the limbs, frontal bossing, relative macrocephaly, and is often fatal because of leukopenia, despite exten-
a small chest cavity, and a bell-shaped abdomen. The sive extramedullary hematopoiesis that can lead to promi-
underdeveloped thoracic cavity leads to respiratory insuf- nent hepatosplenomegaly. The mild autosomal dominant
ficiency, and these individuals usually die at birth or soon form may not be detected until adolescence or adulthood,
thereafter. when it is discovered on radiographic studies for repeated
Metabolic Disorders of Bone 801

fractures. These individuals also may have mild cranial Genetic factors
nerve deficits and anemia.
Physical PEAK BONE MASS Nutrition
Abnormalities in a single bone or a localized group of bones are • Decreased serum estrogen • Decreased replicative activity
called dysostoses and arise from defects in the migration and • Increased IL-1, IL-6, of osteoprogenitor cells
TNF levels • Decreased synthetic activity
condensation of mesenchyme. They manifest as absent, super-
• Increased expression of of osteoblasts
numerary, or abnormally fused bones. Global disorganizations RANK, RANKL • Decreased biologic activity of
of bone and/or cartilage are called dysplasias. Developmental • Increased osteoclast activity matrix-bound growth factors
abnormalities can be categorized by the associated genetic defect. • Reduced physical activity
• FGFR3 mutations are responsible for achondroplasia and than-
atophoric dysplasia, both of which manifest as dwarfism.
• Mutations in the genes for type I collagen underlie most types OSTEOPOROSIS
of osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease), character-
ized by defective bone formation and skeletal fragility. Fig. 21.5  Pathophysiology of postmenopausal and senile osteoporosis (see
• Mutations in CA2 and TCIRG1 result in osteopetrosis (in which text).
bones are hard but brittle) and renal tubular acidosis.

• Reduced physical activity. The decreased physical activ-

METABOLIC DISORDERS OF BONE ity that is associated with normal aging contributes to
senile osteoporosis. Mechanical forces stimulate normal
Osteopenia and Osteoporosis bone remodeling as evidenced by bone loss in an immo-
bilized or paralyzed extremity. The type of exercise is
The term osteopenia refers to decreased bone mass, while important, as load magnitude influences bone density
osteoporosis is defined as osteopenia that is severe enough more than the number of load cycles. Thus, resistance
to significantly increase the risk of fracture. Radiographi- exercises such as weight training are more effective
cally, osteoporosis is considered bone mass at least 2.5 stimuli for increasing bone mass than repetitive endur-
standard deviations below mean peak bone mass, whereas ance activities such as bicycling.
osteopenia is 1 to 2.5 standard deviations below the mean. • Genetic factors. Single gene defects (e.g., LRP5 muta-
The disorder may be localized or generalized (involving tions) account for only a small fraction of osteoporosis
the entire skeleton). Although osteoporosis can be second- cases. Polymorphisms in other genes have been linked
ary to endocrine disorders (e.g., hyperthyroidism), gastro- to osteoporosis by genome-wide association studies, in
intestinal disorders (e.g., malnutrition), or drugs (e.g., particular genes in the Wnt signaling pathway.
corticosteroids), most osteoporosis is primary. • Calcium nutritional state. Adolescents (particularly girls)
The most common forms of osteoporosis are the senile tend to have low dietary calcium intake, a factor that
and postmenopausal types. The following discussion restricts peak bone mass. Calcium deficiency, increased
relates largely to these forms of osteoporosis. PTH concentrations, and reduced levels of vitamin
D also may play a role in the development of senile
Pathogenesis osteoporosis.
Peak bone mass is achieved during young adulthood. Its • Hormonal influences. In the decade after menopause,
magnitude is influenced by hereditary factors, especially yearly reductions in bone mass may be as much as 2%
polymorphisms in the genes that influence bone metabo- of cortical bone and 9% of medullary bone. Estrogen
lism (discussed later). Physical activity, muscle strength, deficiency plays the major role in this phenomenon and
diet, and hormonal state also make important contributions. close to 40% of postmenopausal women are affected
After maximal skeletal mass is attained, bone turnover con- by osteoporosis. Decreased estrogen levels after meno-
tinues with a net deficit in bone formation resulting in an pause increase both bone resorption and formation but
average loss of 0.7% of bone mass per year. Although much the latter does not keep up with the former, leading
remains unknown, discoveries in the molecular biology of to high-turnover osteoporosis. The decreased estrogen
bone formation and resorption have provided new insights may increase secretion of inflammatory cytokines by
into the pathogenesis of osteoporosis (Fig. 21.5): monocytes. These cytokines stimulate osteoclast recruit-
• Age-related changes. Osteoblasts from older individuals ment and activity by increasing the levels of RANKL,
have reduced proliferative and biosynthetic potential diminishing the expression of OPG, decreasing osteo-
and reduced response to growth factors compared to clast proliferation, and preventing osteoclast apopto-
osteoblasts in younger individuals. The net result is a sis. Cytokines such as IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1 also have
diminished capacity to make bone. This form of osteo- been implicated in postmenopausal osteoporosis, either
porosis, known as senile osteoporosis, is categorized as a independently or as downstream mediators of estrogen
low-turnover osteoporosis. signaling.
802 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

such as pulmonary embolism and pneumonia, accounting

for 40,000 to 50,000 deaths per year.
Osteoporosis cannot be reliably detected in plain radio-
graphs until 30% to 40% of the bone mass is lost, and
measurement of blood levels of calcium, phosphorus, and
alkaline phosphatase are not diagnostic. Osteoporosis is
thus a difficult condition to screen for in asymptomatic
people. The best estimates of bone loss, aside from biopsy
(which is rarely performed), are specialized radiographic
imaging techniques, such as dual-energy x-ray absorpti-
ometry and quantitative computed tomography, both of
which measure bone density.
Fig. 21.6  Osteoporotic vertebral body (right) shortened by compression The prevention and treatment of senile and postmeno-
fractures compared with a normal vertebral body (left). Note that the osteo- pausal osteoporosis includes exercise, appropriate calcium
porotic vertebra has a characteristic loss of horizontal trabeculae and thick- and vitamin D intake, and pharmacologic agents that
ened vertical trabeculae. decrease resorption (bisphosphonates). Bisphosphonates
reduce osteoclast activity and induce osteoclast apoptosis.
Denosumab, an anti-RANKL antibody that blocks osteo-
clast activation, has shown promise in treating some forms
MORPHOLOGY of postmenopausal osteoporosis. The major challenge in
The hallmark of osteoporosis is histologically normal pharmacotherapy of osteoporosis has been the inability
bone that is decreased in quantity. The entire skeleton is to uncouple bone formation and resorption. Novel agents
affected in postmenopausal and senile osteoporosis, but certain are currently undergoing clinical trials in an attempt to
bones tend to be more severely impacted. In postmenopausal overcome this limitation. Although menopausal hormone
osteoporosis the increase in osteoclast activity affects mainly therapy has been used to prevent fracture, complications,
bones or portions of bones that have increased surface area, particularly deep venous thrombosis and stroke, have
such as the cancellous compartment of vertebral bodies (Fig. prompted the search for more selective estrogen receptor
21.6). The trabecular plates become perforated, thinned, and modulators.
lose their interconnections (Fig. 21.7), leading to progressive
microfractures and eventual vertebral collapse. Rickets and Osteomalacia
Both rickets and osteomalacia are manifestations of
vitamin D deficiency or its abnormal metabolism
Clinical Course (detailed in Chapter 8). Rickets refers to the disorder in
The clinical manifestations of osteoporosis depend on children, in whom it interferes with the deposition of bone
which bones are involved. Vertebral fractures that fre- in the growth plates. Osteomalacia is the adult counterpart,
quently occur in the thoracic and lumbar regions are in which bone formed during remodeling is underminer-
painful, and, when multiple, can cause significant loss of alized, resulting in a predisposition to fractures. The fun-
height and various deformities, including lumbar lordosis damental defect is an impairment of mineralization and a
and kyphoscoliosis. The immobility following fractures of resultant accumulation of unmineralized matrix.
the femoral neck, pelvis, or spine results in complications
Excess production and activity of PTH result in increased
osteoclast activity, bone resorption, and osteopenia.
Although the entire skeleton is affected, the osteope-
nia in some bones (e.g., phalanges) is more conspicuous
radiographically. Isolated hyperparathyroidism peaks in
middle adulthood and slightly earlier if presenting as a
component of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN, types I
and IIA).
As discussed in Chapter 20, PTH plays a central role in
calcium homeostasis through the following effects:
• Osteoclast activation, increasing bone resorption, and
calcium mobilization. PTH mediates the effect indirectly
by increased RANKL expression on osteoblasts.
• Increased resorption of calcium by the renal tubules.
• Increased urinary excretion of phosphates.
Fig. 21.7  In advanced osteoporosis, both the trabecular bone of the medulla • Increased synthesis of active vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2-D, by
(bottom) and the cortical bone (top) are markedly thinned. the kidneys, which in turn enhances calcium absorption
Paget Disease of Bone (Osteitis Deformans) 803

from the gut and mobilizes bone calcium by inducing

RANKL on osteoblasts.

The net result of the actions of PTH is an elevation

in serum calcium, which, under normal circumstances,
inhibits further PTH production. However, excessive or
inappropriate levels of PTH can result from autonomous
parathyroid secretion (primary hyperparathyroidism) or can
occur in the setting of underlying renal disease (second-
ary hyperparathyroidism) (see Chapter 20). PTH is directly
responsible for the bone changes seen in primary hyper-
parathyroidism. Abnormalities stemming from chronic
renal insufficiency that contribute to bone disease in second-
Fig. 21.9  Resected rib, harboring an expansile brown tumor adjacent to the
ary hyperparathyroidism include inadequate 1,25-(OH)2-D
costal cartilage.
synthesis, hyperphosphatemia, metabolic acidosis, and
aluminum deposition in bone (in those undergoing renal
Clinical Course
As bone mass decreases, affected patients are increasingly
MORPHOLOGY susceptible to fractures, bone deformation, and joint prob-
lems. Osteitis fibrosa cystica is now rarely encountered
Symptomatic, untreated primary hyperparathyroidism manifests because hyperparathyroidism is usually diagnosed on
with three interrelated skeletal abnormalities: osteoporosis, routine blood tests and treated at an early stage. Restora-
brown tumors, and osteitis fibrosa cystica. Osteoporosis is tion of PTH levels to normal can completely reverse the
generalized, but is most severe in the phalanges, vertebrae, and bone changes. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is usually
proximal femur. Osteoclasts may tunnel into and dissect centrally not as severe or as prolonged as primary hyperparathy-
along the length of the trabeculae, creating the appearance of roidism, hence the skeletal abnormalities tend to be milder.
railroad tracks and producing what is known as dissecting oste-
itis (Fig. 21.8). The marrow spaces around the affected surfaces
are replaced by fibrovascular tissue. The correlative radiographic
finding is a decrease in bone density. SUMMARY
The bone loss predisposes to microfractures and second-
ary hemorrhages that elicit an influx of macrophages and an METABOLIC DISORDERS OF BONE
ingrowth of reparative fibrous tissue, creating a mass of reactive • Osteopenia and osteoporosis represent histologically
tissue, known as a brown tumor (Fig. 21.9). The brown color is normal bone that is decreased in quantity. In osteoporosis the
the result of the vascularity, hemorrhage, and hemosiderin. These bone loss is sufficiently severe to significantly increase the risk
lesions often undergo cystic degeneration. The combination of of fracture. The disease is very common, with marked mor-
increased bone cell activity, peritrabecular fibrosis, and cystic bidity and mortality from fractures. Multiple factors including
brown tumors is the hallmark of severe hyperparathyroidism and peak bone mass, age, activity, genetics, nutrition, and hormonal
is known as generalized osteitis fibrosa cystica. influences contribute to its pathogenesis.
• Osteomalacia is characterized by bone that is insufficiently
mineralized. In the developing skeleton, the manifestations are
characterized by a condition known as rickets.
• Hyperparathyroidism arises from either autonomous or
compensatory hypersecretion of PTH and can lead to osteo-
porosis, brown tumors, and osteitis fibrosa cystica.
However, in developed countries, where early diagnosis is the
norm, these manifestations are rarely seen.


Paget disease is a condition of increased, but disordered
and structurally unsound, bone. This unique skeletal
disease can be divided into three sequential phases: (1) an
initial osteolytic stage, (2) a mixed osteoclastic–osteoblastic
stage, which ends with a predominance of osteoblastic
Fig. 21.8  Hyperparathyroidism with osteoclasts boring into the center of activity and evolves into (3) a final burned-out quiescent
the trabecula resembling a train track (dissecting osteitis). osteosclerotic stage (Fig. 21.10).
804 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

Osteoclasts NF-κB, which, in turn increases osteoclast activity. Activat-

ing mutations in RANK and inactivating mutations in OPG
account for some cases of juvenile Paget disease. The geo-
graphic distribution is suggestive of some environmental
influence. Of note in this regard, cell culture studies have
shown that infection of osteoclast precursors with viruses
such as measles or other RNA viruses alters vitamin D
sensitivity and IL-6 secretion, both of which can lead to
increased bone resorption.

OSTEOLYTIC PHASE Paget disease shows remarkable histologic variation through-
out time and from site to site. The hallmark, seen in the
Osteoclasts Osteoblasts bone sclerotic phase, is a mosaic pattern of lamellar bone
formation (Fig. 21.11). The jigsaw puzzle–like appearance is produced by
unusually prominent cement lines, which join haphazardly
oriented units of lamellar bone. In the sclerotic phase, the bone
is thickened but lacks structural stability making it vulnerable to
deformation and fracture. The findings during the other phases
are less specific. The initial lytic phase is characterized by numer-
ous large osteoclasts and resorption pits. The osteoclasts may
have 100 or more nuclei. Osteoclasts persist in the mixed phase,
but many of the bone surfaces are also lined by prominent

MIXED PHASE Clinical Course

Paget disease is monostotic in about 15% of cases and polyos-
totic in the remainder. The axial skeleton or proximal femur
is involved in up to 80% of cases. Most cases are asymp-
tomatic and are discovered as an incidental radiographic
finding. Pain localized to the affected bone is a common
symptom. Pain is caused by microfractures or by bone
overgrowth that compresses spinal and cranial nerve roots.
Enlargement of the craniofacial skeleton may produce leon-
tiasis ossea (lion face) and a cranium so heavy that is dif-
ficult for the person to hold the head erect. The weakened
Pagetic bone may lead to invagination of the skull base
(platybasia) and compression of the posterior fossa. Weight
bearing causes anterior bowing of the femurs and tibiae
Fig. 21.10  Diagrammatic representation of Paget disease of bone demon-
strating the three phases in the evolution of the disease.

Paget disease usually begins in late adulthood. An

estimated 1% of the U.S. population older than age 40 is
affected. An intriguing aspect is the striking geographic
variation in the prevalence. Paget disease is relatively
common in whites in England, France, Austria, regions of
Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.
In contrast, the disease is rare in the native populations of
Scandinavia, China, Japan, and Africa.
Current evidence suggests both genetic and environmental
causes of Paget disease. Approximately 50% of familial
Paget disease and 10% of sporadic cases harbor mutations
in the SQSTM1 gene. The mutations increase the activity of Fig. 21.11  Mosaic pattern of lamellar bone pathognomonic of Paget disease.
Fractures 805

and distorts the femoral heads, resulting in the develop-

ment of severe secondary osteoarthritis. Chalk stick–type frac-
tures are another frequent complication and usually occur
in the long bones of the lower extremities. Compression Osteoclast Osteoblast
fractures of the spine result in spinal cord injury and the
development of kyphosis. The diagnosis can frequently be Fibrin cell
made from the radiographic findings. Many affected indi- meshwork
viduals have elevated serum alkaline phosphatase levels
but normal serum calcium and phosphorus. PDGF
A variety of tumor and tumorlike conditions develop Inflammatory TGF-β
in Pagetic bone. Secondary osteosarcoma occurs in cells FGF
less than 1% of all individuals with Paget disease, but differentiation
appears in 5% to 10% of those with severe polyostotic
disease. In the absence of malignant transformation, Paget
disease is usually not a serious or life-threatening disease.
Most affected individuals have mild symptoms that are Resorption Activation
0-1 day
readily suppressed by treatment with calcitonin and Proliferation
bisphosphonates. hematoma 0-2 weeks - Soft callus

A fracture is defined as loss of bone integrity resulting
from mechanical injury and/or diminished bone strength.
Fractures are the most common pathologic conditions
affecting bone. The following qualifiers describe fracture
types and affect treatment: Woven
• Simple: the overlying skin is intact bone Hyaline and
• Compound: the bone communicates with the skin fibrocartilage
• Comminuted: the bone is fragmented ossification
• Displaced: the ends of the bone at the fracture site are
not aligned
• Stress: a slowly developing fracture that follows a
period of increased physical activity in which the bone
is subjected to repetitive loads 2-3 weeks - Bony callus
• Greenstick: extending only partially through the bone,
common in infants when bones are soft
• Pathologic: involving bone weakened by an underlying
disease process, such as a tumor
Lamellar bone
Healing of Fractures
Fracture repair involves regulated expression of a multi-
tude of genes and can be separated into overlapping stages
with particular molecular, biochemical, histologic, and bio-
mechanical features.
Immediately after fracture, rupture of blood vessels
results in a hematoma, which fills the fracture gap and
surrounds the area of bone injury (Fig. 21.12). The clotted
blood provides a fibrin mesh, sealing off the fracture site
and creating a scaffold for the influx of inflammatory cells
and the ingrowth of fibroblasts and new capillaries. Simul- 3 weeks-months - Bony callus
taneously, degranulated platelets and migrating inflam-
Fig. 21.12  The reaction to a fracture begins with an organizing hematoma.
matory cells release PDGF, TGF-β, FGF, and other factors
Within two weeks, the two ends of the bone are bridged by a fibrin mesh-
that activate osteoprogenitor cells in the periosteum, med- work in which osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and chondrocytes differentiate from
ullary cavity, and surrounding soft tissues and stimulate precursors. These cells produce cartilage and bone matrix, which, with ade-
osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity. By the end of the quate immobilization, remodels into normal lamellar bone.
first week, a mass of predominantly uncalcified tissue—
called soft callus or procallus—provides anchorage between
the ends of the fractured bones. After approximately 2
weeks, the soft callus is transformed into a bony callus. The
806 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

activated osteoprogenitor cells deposit woven bone. In some

cases, the activated mesenchymal cells in the soft tissues
and bone surrounding the fracture line also differentiate
into chondrocytes that make fibrocartilage and hyaline car-
tilage. The newly formed cartilage along the fracture line
undergoes endochondral ossification, forming a contigu-
ous network of bone with newly deposited bone trabeculae
in the medulla and beneath the periosteum. In this fashion,
the fractured ends are bridged (Fig. 21.12).
As the callus matures and is subjected to weight-
bearing forces, portions that are not physically stressed
are resorbed. This remodeling reduces the size of the callus
until the shape and outline of the fractured bone are rees-
tablished as lamellar bone. The healing process is complete
with restoration of the medullary cavity.
The sequence of events in the healing of a fracture can
be easily impeded or blocked. Displaced and comminuted
Fig. 21.13  Femoral head with a subchondral, wedge-shaped pale yellow area
fractures frequently result in some deformity. Inadequate of osteonecrosis (arrow). The space between the overlying articular cartilage
immobilization permits movement of the callus and pre- and bone is caused by trabecular compression fractures without repair.
vents its normal maturation, resulting in delayed union or
nonunion. If a nonunion persists, the malformed callus
undergoes cystic degeneration, and the luminal surface
may become lined by synovial-like cells, creating a false Clinical Course
joint or pseudoarthrosis. Infection of the fracture site, espe- The symptoms depend on the location and extent of infarct.
cially common in open fractures, is a serious obstacle to Typically, subchondral infarcts cause pain that is initially
healing. Malnutrition and skeletal dysplasia also hinder associated only with activity but then becomes constant.
fracture healing. Subchondral infarcts often collapse and may lead to severe,
secondary osteoarthritis. Treatment ranges from conserva-
tive measures (limited weight bearing, immobilization) to
Osteonecrosis refers to infarction (ischemic necrosis) of OSTEOMYELITIS
bone and marrow cells. A diverse set of conditions pre-
disposes to bone ischemia, including vascular injury (e.g., Osteomyelitis denotes inflammation of bone and marrow,
trauma, vasculitis), drugs (e.g., corticosteroids), systemic virtually always secondary to infection. Osteomyelitis
disease (sickle cell crisis), and radiation. In about 25% of may be a complication of any systemic infection but fre-
cases, the cause is unknown. The three suspected mecha- quently manifests as a primary solitary focus of disease. All
nisms causing osteonecrosis are mechanical disruption of types of organisms, including viruses, parasites, fungi, and
vessels, thrombotic occlusion, and extravascular compres- bacteria, can produce osteomyelitis, but infections caused
sion. Osteonecrosis has a wide age range but peaks in the by certain pyogenic bacteria and mycobacteria are the most
30s to 50s and accounts for about 10% of hip replacements common.
in the United States.
Pyogenic Osteomyelitis
MORPHOLOGY Pyogenic osteomyelitis is almost always caused by bacteria
and rarely by fungi. Organisms may reach the bone by
Regardless of etiology, medullary infarcts are geographic and
(1) hematogenous spread, (2) extension from a contiguous
involve the trabecular bone and marrow. The cortex is usually
site, and (3) direct implantation after compound fractures
not affected because of its collateral blood flow. In subchondral
or orthopedic procedures. In otherwise healthy children,
infarcts, a triangular or wedge-shaped segment of tissue that has
most osteomyelitis is hematogenous in origin and develops
the subchondral bone plate as its base undergoes necrosis. The
in the long bones. In adults, however, osteomyelitis more
overlying articular cartilage remains viable, as it can access nutri-
often occurs as a complication of open fractures, surgical
ents that are present in synovial fluid. Microscopically, dead bone
procedures, and infections of the feet in diabetics.
is recognized by empty lacunae surrounded by necrotic adipo-
Staphylococcus aureus is responsible for 80% to 90% of
cytes that frequently rupture. In the healing response, osteoclasts
the cases of culture-positive pyogenic osteomyelitis. These
resorb the necrotic trabeculae. Trabeculae that remain act as
organisms express cell wall proteins that bind to bone
scaffolding for the deposition of new bone in a process known
matrix components such as collagen and facilitate adher-
as creeping substitution. In subchondral infarcts, the pace of this
ence to bone. Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas, and Klebsiella are
substitution is too slow to be effective, so there is collapse of
more frequently isolated from individuals with genitouri-
the necrotic bone and distortion, fracture, and even sloughing of
nary tract infections or who are intravenous drug abusers.
the articular cartilage (Fig. 21.13).
Mixed bacterial infections are seen in the setting of direct
Osteomyelitis 807

spread, inoculation of organisms during surgery, or into

open fractures. In the neonatal period, Haemophilus influ-
enzae and group B streptococci are frequent pathogens,
and individuals with sickle cell disease are predisposed to
Salmonella infection. In almost 50% of suspected cases, no
organisms can be isolated.
The osseous vascular circulation, which varies with age,
determines the location of infection in most long bones.
In infants and adults, vascular communication allows
the spread of infection between the metaphysis and the
epiphysis. By contrast, the avascular growth plate in the
child interrupts infection spread between the metaphysis
and epiphysis.

Changes associated with osteomyelitis depend on the stage
(acute, subacute, or chronic) and location of the infection. In the
acute phase, bacteria proliferate and induce a neutrophilic inflam-
Fig. 21.14  Resected femur in a person with draining osteomyelitis. The
matory reaction. Necrosis of bone cells and marrow ensues drainage tract in the subperiosteal shell of viable new bone (involucrum)
within the first 48 hours. The bacteria and inflammation spread shows the inner native necrotic cortex (sequestrum).
longitudinally and radially throughout the Haversian systems to
reach the periosteum. In children, the periosteum is loosely
attached to the cortex. Thus, sizable subperiosteal abscess may
develop when there is delay in diagnosis, extensive bone
form that dissect for long distances along the bone surface.
necrosis, inadequate antibiotic therapy or surgical debride-
Lifting of the periosteum further impairs the blood supply to
ment, or weakened host defenses. The course of chronic
the affected region, contributing to the necrosis. The dead bone
infections may be punctuated by acute flare-ups; these
is known as a sequestrum. Rupture of the periosteum leads to
are usually spontaneous and may occur after years of
a soft tissue abscess, which can channel to the skin, creating a
dormancy. Other complications of chronic osteomyelitis
draining sinus. Sometimes the sequestrum crumbles, releasing
include pathologic fracture, secondary amyloidosis, endo-
fragments that pass through the sinus tract.
carditis, sepsis, and the development of squamous cell
In infants (and uncommonly in adults), epiphyseal infection
carcinoma in the draining sinus tracts and sarcoma in the
may spread through the articular surface or along capsular and
infected bone.
tendoligamentous insertions into a joint, producing septic or
suppurative arthritis, which can cause destruction of the articular
cartilage and permanent disability. Mycobacterial Osteomyelitis
After the first week, chronic inflammatory cells release
Mycobacterial osteomyelitis, historically a problem in
cytokines that stimulate osteoclastic bone resorption, ingrowth
developing countries, has increased in incidence in the
of fibrous tissue, and the deposition of reactive bone at the
developed world because of immigration patterns and
periphery. The newly deposited bone can form a shell of living
immunocompromised patients. Overall, approximately 1%
tissue, known as an involucrum, around the segment of devital-
to 3% of individuals with pulmonary or extrapulmonary
ized infected bone (Fig. 21.14). The histologic findings of chronic
tuberculosis exhibit osseous infection.
osteomyelitis are more protean but typically involve marrow
The organisms are usually blood borne and originate
fibrosis, sequestrum, and an inflammatory infiltrate of lympho-
from a focus of active visceral disease during the initial
cytes and plasma cells.
stages of primary infection. Direct extension (e.g., from a
pulmonary focus into a rib or from tracheobronchial nodes
into adjacent vertebrae) also may occur. The bone infection
Clinical Course may persist for years before being recognized. Typically,
Hematogenous osteomyelitis sometimes manifests as an affected individuals present with localized pain, low-grade
acute systemic illness with malaise, fever, chills, leukocyto- fevers, chills, and weight loss. Infection is usually solitary
sis, and marked throbbing pain over the affected region. In except in immunocompromised individuals. The histologic
other instances the presentation is subtle, with only unex- findings, namely caseous necrosis and granulomas, are
plained fever (most often in infants) or localized pain (most typical of tuberculosis. Mycobacterial osteomyelitis tends to
often in adults). The diagnosis is strongly suggested by be more destructive and resistant to control than pyogenic
the characteristic radiographic findings of a lytic focus of osteomyelitis.
bone destruction surrounded by a zone of sclerosis. Biopsy Tuberculous spondylitis (Pott disease) is a destructive
and bone cultures are required to identify the pathogen in infection of vertebrae. The spine is involved in 40% of
most instances. The combination of antibiotics and surgical cases of mycobacterial osteomyelitis. The infection breaks
drainage is usually curative. through intervertebral discs to affect multiple vertebrae
In 5% to 25% of cases, acute osteomyelitis fails to resolve and extends into the soft tissues. Destruction of discs and
and persists as chronic infection. Chronic infections may vertebrae frequently results in permanent compression
808 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

fractures that produce scoliosis or kyphosis and neurologic greatest frequency within the first three decades of life. In
deficits secondary to spinal cord and nerve compression. older adults, a bone tumor is more likely to be malignant.


LESIONS Tumors in this category all produce unmineralized osteoid
or mineralized woven bone.
The rarity of primary bone tumors and the often-disfiguring
surgery required to treat a bone malignancy make this Osteoid Osteoma and Osteoblastoma
group of disorders especially challenging. About 2400 Osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma are benign bone-
primary bone sarcomas are diagnosed annually in the producing tumors that have similar histologic features
United States. Therapy aims to optimize survival while but differ clinically and radiographically. Osteoid osteo-
maintaining the function of affected body parts. The pre- mas are, by definition, less than 2 cm in diameter, and
dilection of specific types of tumors for certain age groups are most common in young men. About 50% of cases
and particular anatomic sites provides important diagnos- involve the femur or tibia, wherein they typically arise in
tic clues. For example, osteosarcoma peaks during ado- the cortex. Usually, there is a thick rim of reactive cortical
lescence and most frequently involves the knee, whereas bone that may be the only clue radiographically. Despite
chondrosarcoma affects older adults and involves the their small size, they present with severe nocturnal pain
pelvis and proximal extremities. that is relieved by aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-
Bone tumors may present in a number of ways. The inflammatory agents. The pain is probably caused by pros-
more common benign lesions are often asymptomatic taglandin E2 produced by osteoblasts. Osteoblastoma is
incidental findings. Many tumors, however, produce pain larger than 2 cm and involves the posterior components
or a slow-growing mass. In some circumstances the first of the vertebrae (laminae and pedicles) more frequently.
hint of a tumor’s presence is a pathologic fracture. Radio- The pain is unresponsive to aspirin, and the tumor usually
graphic imaging studies have an important role in diag- does not induce a marked bony reaction. Osteoid osteoma
nosing these lesions. In addition to providing the exact is frequently treated by radiofrequency ablation, whereas
location and extent of the tumor, imaging studies can osteoblastoma is usually curetted or excised. Malignant
detect features that narrow the diagnostic possibilities. transformation is rare.
In almost all instances biopsy is necessary for definitive
When possible, bone tumors are classified according to
the normal cell or matrix they produce. Lesions that do not Osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma are round-to-oval masses
have normal tissue counterparts are grouped according to of hemorrhagic gritty tan tissue. They are well circumscribed
their clinicopathologic features (Table 21.1). Benign tumors and composed of randomly interconnecting delicate trabeculae
greatly outnumber their malignant counterparts and occur with

Table 21.1  Classification of Selected Primary Bone Tumors

Category Behavior Tumor Type Locations Age (yr) Morphology
Cartilage forming Benign Osteochondroma Metaphysis of long 10–30 Bony excrescence with cartilage cap
— — Chondroma Small bones of hands 30–50 Circumscribed hyaline cartilage nodule
and feet in medulla
— Malignant Chondrosarcoma Pelvis, shoulder 40–60 Extends from medulla through cortex
(conventional) into soft tissue, chondrocytes with
increased cellularity and atypia
Bone forming Benign Osteoid osteoma Metaphysis of long 10–20 Cortical, interlacing microtrabeculae
bones of woven bone
— — Osteoblastoma Vertebral column 10–20 Posterior elements of vertebra,
histology similar to osteoid
— Malignant Osteosarcoma Metaphysis of distal 10–20 Extends from medulla to lift
femur, proximal tibia periosteum, malignant cells
producing woven bone
Unknown origin Benign Giant cell tumor Epiphysis of long 20–40 Destroys medulla and cortex, sheets
bones of osteoclasts
— — Aneurysmal bone Proximal tibia, distal 10–20 Vertebral body, hemorrhagic spaces
cyst femur, vertebra separated by cellular, fibrous septae
— Malignant Ewing sarcoma Diaphysis of long 10–20 Sheets of primitive small round cells
Adapted from Unni KK, Inwards CY: Dahlin’s Bone Tumors, ed 6. Philadelphia, 2010, Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins; by permission of Mayo Foundation.
Bone Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions 809

of woven bone that are prominently rimmed by a single layer of

osteoblasts (Fig. 21.15). The stroma surrounding the neoplastic
bone consists of loose connective tissue that contains many
dilated and congested capillaries. The relatively small size, well-
defined margins, and benign cytologic features of the neoplastic
osteoblasts help distinguish these tumors from osteosarcoma.
Osteoid osteomas elicit the formation of a large amount of
reactive bone, which encircles the lesion.

Osteosarcoma is a malignant tumor that produces osteoid
matrix or mineralized bone. Excluding hematopoietic
tumors (myeloma and lymphoma), osteosarcoma is the most
common primary malignant tumor of bone. Osteosarcoma
has a bimodal age distribution; 75% of osteosarcomas occur
in persons younger than 20 years of age. The smaller second
peak occurs in older adults, who frequently suffer from con-
ditions known to predispose to osteosarcoma, such as Paget
disease, bone infarcts, and previous radiation. These are
referred to as secondary osteosarcomas. Overall, men are
more commonly affected than women (1.6:1). The most
common sites in adolescents are the metaphyseal regions of
the distal femur and proximal tibia.
Osteosarcomas present as painful, progressively enlarg-
ing masses. Sometimes a pathologic fracture is the first
indication. Radiographs usually show a large, destructive,
mixed lytic and sclerotic mass with infiltrative margins Fig. 21.16  Distal femoral osteosarcoma with prominent bone formation
extending into the soft tissues. The periosteum, which has been lifted, has
(Fig. 21.16). The tumor frequently breaks through the cortex
laid down a triangular shell of reactive bone known as a Codman triangle
and lifts the periosteum, resulting in reactive subperiosteal (arrow).
bone formation. The triangular shadow between the cortex
and raised ends of periosteum, known radiographically as increased risk of osteosarcoma, and somatic RB muta-
Codman triangle, is indicative of an aggressive tumor, but tions are present in up to 70% of sporadic osteosarcomas.
is not pathognomonic of osteosarcoma. • TP53 is a gene whose product functions as the guard-
ian of genomic integrity by promoting DNA repair and
Pathogenesis apoptosis of irreversibly damaged cells. Patients with
Approximately 70% of osteosarcomas have acquired Li-Fraumeni syndrome, who have germline TP53 gene
genetic abnormalities such as complex structural and mutations, have a greatly elevated incidence of osteo-
numerical chromosomal aberrations. Molecular studies sarcoma, and abnormalities that interfere with p53 func-
have shown that these tumors usually have mutations in tion are common in sporadic tumors.
well-known tumor suppressors and oncogenes: • CDKN2A is inactivated in many osteosarcomas. This
• RB is a critical negative regulator of the cell cycle. gene encodes two tumor suppressors, p16 (a negative
Patients with germline mutations in RB have a 1000-fold regulator of cyclin-dependent kinases) and p14 (which
augments p53 function).
• MDM2 and CDK4, which are cell cycle regulators that
inhibit p53 and RB function, respectively, are overex-
pressed in many low-grade osteosarcomas.

It also is noteworthy that osteosarcomas peak in inci-

dence around the time of the adolescent growth spurt and
occur most frequently in the region of the growth plate in
bones with the fastest growth. The increased proliferation
at these sites may predispose to osteosarcoma development.

Osteosarcomas are bulky tumors that are gritty, gray-white,
and often contain areas of hemorrhage and cystic degeneration 
(Fig. 21.17). The tumors frequently destroy the surrounding cor-
Fig. 21.15  Osteoid osteoma composed of haphazardly interconnecting tra- tices and produce soft tissue masses. They spread extensively 
beculae of woven bone that are rimmed by prominent osteoblasts. The in the medullary canal, infiltrating and replacing the marrow.
intertrabecular spaces are filled by vascularized loose connective tissue.
810 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

and (3) chemotherapy. The amount of chemotherapy-

induced necrosis found at surgical resection is an impor-
tant prognostic finding. These aggressive neoplasms spread
hematogenously to the lungs. Although the prognosis has
improved substantially since the advent of chemotherapy,
with 5-year survival rates reaching 60% to 70% in patients
without detectible metastases at initial diagnosis, the
outcome for patients with metastases, recurrent disease,
or secondary osteosarcoma is still poor.

Cartilage-Forming Tumors
These tumors are characterized by the formation of hyaline
cartilage. Benign cartilaginous tumors are much more
common than malignant ones.

Osteochondroma, known clinically as exostosis, is a
benign cartilage-capped tumor that is attached to the
underlying skeleton by a bony stalk. About 85% are
Fig. 21.17  Osteosarcoma of the proximal tibia. The tan-white tumor fills solitary. The remainder are seen as part of the multiple
most of the medullary cavity of the metaphysis and proximal diaphysis. It has hereditary exostoses syndrome (see later). Solitary osteochon-
infiltrated through the cortex, lifted the periosteum, and formed soft tissue dromas are usually first diagnosed in late adolescence and
masses on both sides of the bone. early adulthood, but multiple osteochondromas become
apparent during childhood. Men are affected three times
more often than women. Osteochondromas develop in
Infrequently they penetrate the epiphyseal plate or enter the bones of endochondral origin and arise from the metaphy-
joint. sis near the growth plate of long tubular bones, especially
The formation of osteoid matrix or mineralized bone near the knee (Fig. 21.19). They present as slow-growing
by malignant tumor cells is diagnostic of osteosarcoma masses, which can be painful if they impinge on a nerve
(Fig. 21.18).The neoplastic bone usually has a fine, lacelike config- or if the stalk is fractured. In many cases they are detected
uration but also may be deposited in broad sheets or as primitive incidentally. In multiple hereditary exostoses, the under-
trabeculae. The tumor cells vary in size and shape (pleomorphic) lying bones may be bowed and shortened, reflecting an
and frequently have large hyperchromatic nuclei. Bizarre tumor associated disturbance in epiphyseal growth.
giant cells, vascular invasion, and necrosis are common. Mitotic
activity is high, including abnormal forms (e.g., tripolar mitoses). Pathogenesis
Hereditary exostoses are associated with germline loss-of-
function mutations in either the EXT1 or the EXT2 gene
and subsequent loss of the remaining wild-type allele in
Clinical Course chondrocytes of the growth plate. Reduced expression of
Osteosarcoma is treated with a multimodality approach EXT1 or EXT2 also has been observed in sporadic osteo-
that consists of (1) neoadjuvant chemotherapy, (2) surgery, chondromas. These genes encode enzymes that synthe-
size heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans. The reduced or
abnormal glycosaminoglycans may prevent normal diffu-
sion of Hedgehog factors, which are local regulators of
cartilage growth, thereby disrupting chondrocyte differ-
entiation and skeletal development.

Osteochondromas are sessile or pedunculated, and they range in
size from 1 to 20 cm. The cap is composed of benign hyaline car-
tilage (Fig. 21.20) and is covered peripherally by perichondrium.
The cartilage has the appearance of a disorganized growth plate
and undergoes endochondral ossification, with the newly made
bone forming the inner portion of the head and stalk.The cortex
of the stalk merges with the cortex of the host bone resulting
Fig. 21.18  Fine, lacelike pattern of neoplastic bone produced by anaplastic in continuity between the medulla of the osteochondroma and
malignant tumor cells in an osteosarcoma. Note the abnormal mitotic figure the host bone.
Bone Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions 811




Fig. 21.19  The development of an osteochondroma, beginning with an outgrowth from the epiphyseal cartilage.

Fig. 21.20  Osteochondroma. (A) Radiograph of an osteochondroma arising from the distal femur (arrow). (B) The cartilage cap has the histologic appearance
of disorganized growth plate–like cartilage.

Clinical Course
Osteochondromas usually stop growing at the time of
growth plate closure. Symptomatic tumors are cured by
simple excision. Rarely in sporadic cases, but more com-
monly in those with multiple hereditary exostosis (5%–
20%), osteochondromas progress to chondrosarcoma.

Chondromas are benign tumors of hyaline cartilage that
usually occur in bones of endochondral origin. They arise
within the medullary cavity (enchondroma) or on the cor-
tical surface (juxtacortical chondroma). Enchondromas are
usually diagnosed in individuals 20 to 50 years of age.
Typically, they appear as solitary metaphyseal lesions of
the tubular bones of the hands and feet. The radiographic
features consist of a circumscribed lucency with central
irregular calcifications, a sclerotic rim, and an intact cortex
(Fig. 21.21). Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome are disor-
ders characterized by multiple enchondromas (enchondro-
matosis). Maffucci syndrome also is associated with other
rare tumors.
Most enchondromas of large bones are asymptom-
atic and are detected incidentally. Occasionally, they are Fig. 21.21  Enchondroma of the proximal phalanx. The radiolucent nodule
painful and cause pathologic fracture. The tumors in of cartilage with central calcification thins but does not penetrate the cortex.
812 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

enchondromatosis may be numerous and large, produc- mesenchymal types. Approximately 90% of chondrosarco-
ing severe deformities, especially of the digits. mas are of the conventional type. Chondrosarcoma is about
half as common as osteosarcoma. Individuals with conven-
Pathogenesis tional chondrosarcoma are usually in their 40s or older.
Heterozygous gain of function mutations in the IDH1 and These tumors affect men twice as frequently as women.
IDH2 genes, coding for the enzymes isocitrate dehydroge- The clear cell and especially the mesenchymal variants
nases, have been identified in the chondrocytes of syndromic occur in children and young adults. Chondrosarcomas
and solitary enchondromas. Patients with enchondroma commonly arise in the axial skeleton, especially the pelvis,
syndromes are mosaics, harboring IDH mutations in only shoulder, and ribs. Unlike benign enchondroma, the distal
a subset of otherwise normal cells throughout their bodies. extremities are rarely involved. On imaging, the calcified
The mutations confer a new enzymatic activity on the IDH cartilage appears as foci of flocculent densities that may
proteins that leads to the synthesis of 2-hydroxyglutarate. As destroy the cortex and form a soft tissue mass. About 15%
discussed in Chapter 6, this so-called “oncometabolite” inter- of conventional chondrosarcomas are secondary, arising
feres with regulation of DNA methylation and is also impli- from a preexisting enchondroma or osteochondroma.
cated in certain glial tumors and a subset of acute myeloid
leukemias. Pathogenesis
Although chondrosarcomas are genetically heterogeneous,
a few reproducible abnormalities have been identified.
Chondrosarcomas arising in multiple osteochondroma
Enchondromas are usually smaller than 3 cm and are gray- syndrome exhibit mutations in the EXT genes, and both
blue and translucent. They are composed of well-circumscribed chondromatosis-related and sporadic chondrosarcomas
nodules of hyaline cartilage containing benign chondrocytes (Fig. may have IDH1 and IDH2 mutations. Mutation of the col-
21.22).The peripheral portion of the nodules may undergo endo- lagen COL2A1 gene and silencing of the CDKN2A tumor
chondral ossification, and the center can calcify and infarct. Syn-
dromic enchondromas are sometimes more cellular with more
atypia than sporadic enchondromas. MORPHOLOGY
Conventional chondrosarcomas are large bulky tumors
Clinical Course composed of nodules of glistening gray-white, translucent carti-
lage, along with gelatinous or myxoid areas (Fig. 21.23A). Spotty
The growth potential of chondromas is limited. Treatment
calcifications are typically present, and central necrosis may
depends on the clinical situation and usually includes
create cystic spaces. The tumor spreads through the cortex
observation or curettage. Solitary chondromas rarely
into surrounding muscle or fat. Histologically, the cartilage infil-
undergo sarcomatous transformation, but those associated
trates the marrow space and entraps normal bony trabeculae
with enchondromatosis do so more frequently. Individu-
(Fig. 21.23B). The tumors vary in cellularity, cytologic atypia, and
als with Maffucci syndrome also are at risk of developing
mitotic activity and are assigned a grade from 1 to 3. Grade 1
other neoplasms, including brain gliomas.
tumors have relatively low cellularity, and the chondrocytes have
Chondrosarcoma plump vesicular nuclei with small nucleoli. By contrast, grade 3
chondrosarcomas are characterized by high cellularity, extreme
Chondrosarcomas are malignant tumors that produce
pleomorphism with bizarre tumor giant cells, and mitoses.
cartilage. They are subclassified into conventional (hya­
line cartilage–producing), dedifferentiated, clear cell, and

suppressor gene by DNA methylation are also relatively

common in sporadic tumors.
Clinical Course
Chondrosarcomas usually present as painful, progres-
sively enlarging masses. Tumor grade predicts outcome,
which ranges from 80% 5-year survival for Grade 1 tumors
to 43% for Grade 3 tumors. Grade 1 chondrosarcomas
rarely metastasize, whereas 70% of grade 3 tumors spread
hematogenously, especially to the lungs. The treatment of
conventional chondrosarcoma is wide surgical excision.
The mesenchymal and dedifferentiated tumors are also
excised and are additionally treated with chemotherapy
because of their more aggressive clinical course.

Tumors of Unknown Origin

Ewing Sarcoma
Fig. 21.22  Enchondroma composed of a nodule of hyaline cartilage encased Ewing sarcoma is a malignant tumor composed of primi-
by a thin layer of reactive bone. tive round cells with varying degrees of neuroectodermal
Bone Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions 813

Fig. 21.23  Chondrosarcoma. (A) Nodules of hyaline and myxoid cartilage permeating throughout the medullary cavity, growing through the cortex, and
forming a relatively well-circumscribed soft tissue mass. (B) Conventional chondrosarcoma entraps native lamellar bone as a confluent mass of cartilage.

differentiation and a characteristic molecular signature slightly larger and more cohesive than lymphocytes (Fig. 21.24).
(see later). Entities previously classified as primitive neu- They have scant cytoplasm, which may appear clear because it
roectodermal tumor (PNET) and Askin tumor have been is rich in glycogen. Homer-Wright rosettes (round groupings of
unified into the single category of Ewing sarcoma. cells with a central fibrillary core) may be present and indicate
Ewing sarcoma accounts for approximately 10% of a greater degree of neuroectodermal differentiation. The tumor
primary malignant bone tumors and follows osteosarcoma cells do not produce bone or cartilage.
as the second most common bone sarcoma in children.
Of all bone sarcomas, Ewing sarcomas have the young-
est average age at presentation (80% are younger than 20
years). Boys are affected slightly more frequently than Clinical Course
girls, and there is a predilection for Caucasians. The tumors Ewing sarcomas are aggressive malignancies treated with
usually arise in the diaphysis of long tubular bones but neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgical excision
20% are extraskeletal. They present as painful enlarging with or without radiation. With chemotherapy, 5-year
masses, and the affected site is frequently tender, warm, survival of 75% and long-term cure in 50% of patients is
and swollen. Plain radiographs show a destructive lytic possible.
tumor with permeative margins that extends into the sur-
rounding soft tissues. The characteristic periosteal reaction Giant Cell Tumor
produces layers of reactive bone deposited in an onion-skin Giant cell tumor is so named because multinucleated
fashion. osteoclast-type giant cells dominate the histology. It is a
locally aggressive neoplasm that almost exclusively affects
Pathogenesis adults. Giant cell tumors arise in the epiphyses of long
The vast majority (85%) of Ewing sarcomas contain a bal- bones, most commonly the distal femur and proximal tibia.
anced (11;22) (q24;q12) translocation generating in-frame The typical location of these tumors near joints frequently
fusion of the EWSR1 gene on chromosome 22 to the FLI1
gene on chromosome 11. Variant translocations fuse
EWSR1 to other members of the ETS transcription factor
family. How EWS fusion proteins contribute to transfor-
mation remains unsettled; effects on transcription, RNA
splicing, and the cell cycle machinery have all been pro-
posed. Similarly, the cell of origin still remains to be iden-
tified; the leading candidates are mesenchymal stem cells
and primitive neuroectodermal cells.

Arising in the medullary cavity, Ewing sarcoma usually invades
the cortex, periosteum, and soft tissue. The tumor is soft, tan-
white, and frequently contains areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.
It is one of the small, round blue cell tumors found in children
(Chapter 7). Like other tumors in this group, Ewing sarcoma
is composed of sheets of uniform small, round cells that are Fig. 21.24  Ewing sarcoma composed of sheets of small round cells with
small amounts of clear cytoplasm.
814 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

causes arthritis-like symptoms. Occasionally, they present

with pathologic fractures.
Experimental evidence suggests that the neoplastic cells of
the giant cell tumor are osteoblast precursors, which repre-
sent only a minority of the cells in the tumor. The neoplas-
tic cells express high levels of RANKL, which promotes
the proliferation and differentiation of normal osteoclast
precursors into osteoclasts. The osteoclasts in turn cause
localized but highly destructive resorption of bone.

Giant cell tumors often destroy the overlying cortex, producing
a bulging soft tissue mass delineated by a thin shell of reactive
bone (Fig. 21.25). Grossly, they are red-brown masses that fre-
quently undergo cystic degeneration. Microscopically, the tumor Fig. 21.26  Giant cell tumor illustrating an abundance of multinucleated giant
conspicuously lacks bone or cartilage, consisting of numerous cells with background mononuclear stromal cells.
osteoclast-type giant cells with 100 or more nuclei with uniform,
oval mononuclear tumor cells in between (Fig. 21.26).
no sex predilection. It most frequently develops in the
metaphysis of long bones and the posterior elements of
vertebral bodies. Pain and swelling are common.
Clinical Course Radiographically, ABC is usually an eccentric, expans-
Giant cell tumors are typically treated with curettage, but ile, lytic, metaphyseal lesion with well-defined margins
40% to 60% recur locally. Up to 4% of tumors metastasize to (Fig. 21.27A). Computed tomography and magnetic reso-
the lungs, but these sometimes spontaneously regress and nance imaging may demonstrate internal septa and char-
they are seldom fatal. The RANKL inhibitor, Denosumab, acteristic fluid-fluid levels (Fig. 21.27B).
has shown promise in treating giant cell tumor.
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst The spindle-shaped cells of primary ABC frequently dem-
Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign tumor charac- onstrate rearrangements of chromosome 17p13 resulting
terized by multiloculated blood-filled cystic spaces. ABC in fusion of the coding region of USP6 to the regulatory
generally occurs during the first 2 decades of life and has elements of genes that are highly expressed in osteo-
blasts, leading to USP6 overexpression. USP6 encodes
an enzyme that removes ubiquitin residues from pro-
teins (a deubiquitinase). It is proposed that increased
USP6 expression enhances the activity of the transcrip-
tion factor NF-κB. Increased NF-κB activity may upregu-
late matrix metalloproteases, leading to cystic resorption
of bone.

Aneurysmal bone cyst consists of multiple blood-filled cystic
spaces separated by thin, tan-white septae (Fig. 21.28).The septae
are composed of plump uniform fibroblasts, multinucleated
osteoclast-like giant cells, and reactive woven bone, but they are
not covered by endothelium.

Clinical Course
The treatment of ABC is surgical. Curettage is effective
with low risk of recurrence.

Lesions Simulating Primary Neoplasms

Fig. 21.25  Radiographically, giant cell tumor of the proximal fibula is pre-
Nonossifying Fibroma
dominantly lytic, expansile with destruction of the cortex. A pathologic Nonossifying fibroma (NOF) is a benign, likely reac-
fracture is also present. tive, mesenchymal proliferation that may be present in
Bone Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions 815

Fig. 21.27  (A) Coronal computed axial tomography scan showing eccentric aneurysmal bone cyst of tibia. The soft tissue component is delineated by a thin
rim of reactive subperiosteal bone. (B) Axial magnetic resonance image demonstrating characteristic fluid-fluid levels (arrow).

as many as 50% of children and young adults aged 2–25 Fibrous Dysplasia
years. It is synonymous with fibrous cortical defect or Fibrous dysplasia is a benign tumor that has been likened
metaphyseal fibrous defect if localized to the cortex or to a localized developmental arrest of bone constituents.
medulla, respectively. The vast majority arises eccentri- The lesions arise during skeletal development, and they
cally in the metaphysis of the distal femur and proximal appear in several distinctive but sometimes overlapping
tibia. Plain radiographs show a sharply demarcated oval clinical patterns:
radiolucency with the long axis parallel to the cortex (Fig. • Monostotic: involvement of a single bone
21.29). The findings are sufficiently specific on plain radi- • Polyostotic: involvement of multiple bones
ography that biopsy is rarely necessary. NOFs form gray
to yellow-brown cellular lesions containing fibroblasts and
macrophages. The cytologically bland fibroblasts are fre-
quently arranged in a storiform (pinwheel) pattern, and
the macrophages may take the form of clustered cells with
foamy cytoplasm or multinucleated giant cells (Fig. 21.30).
Hemosiderin is commonly present. Most small NOFs
undergo spontaneous resolution within several years.

Fig. 21.28  Aneurysmal bone cyst with blood-filled cystic space surrounded
by a fibrous wall containing proliferating fibroblasts, reactive woven bone, Fig. 21.29  Nonossifying fibroma of the distal tibia metaphysis producing an
and osteoclast-type giant cells. eccentric lobulated radiolucency surrounded by a sclerotic margin.
816 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia may continue to cause

problems into adulthood. If it involves the limb girdles,
it can cause crippling deformities and fractures. The
McCune-Albright syndrome usually presents with preco-
cious sexual development, most often in girls. The skel-
etal manifestations are managed as for other polyostotic
fibrous dysplasia, whereas the endocrinopathies are
treated medically.

Metastatic Tumors
Metastatic tumors greatly outnumber primary bone
cancers. The pathways of tumor spread to bone include (1)
direct extension, (2) lymphatic or hematogenous dissemi-
nation, and (3) intraspinal seeding (via the Batson plexus of
Fig. 21.30  Storiform pattern created by benign spindle cells with scattered veins). Any cancer can spread to bone, but in adults more
osteoclast-type giant cells characteristic of a fibrous cortical defect. than 75% of skeletal metastases originate from cancers of
the prostate, breast, kidney, and lung. In children, metas-
tases to bone originate from neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor,
and rhabdomyosarcoma.
Skeletal metastases are typically multifocal and involve
• Mazabraud syndrome: fibrous dysplasia and soft tissue the axial skeleton, especially the vertebral column. The
myxoma radiographic appearance of metastases may be purely lytic
• McCune-Albright syndrome: polyostotic fibrous dys- (bone destroying), purely blastic (bone forming), or mixed.
plasia, café-au-lait skin pigmentations, and endocrine Bidirectional interactions between metastatic cancer cells
abnormalities, especially precocious puberty and native bone cells account for the changes that mani-
fest in the bone matrix. Tumor cells secrete substances
Pathogenesis such as prostaglandins, cytokines, and PTH-like peptide
All of the aforementioned variants result from a somatic that upregulate RANKL on osteoblasts and stromal cells
gain-of-function mutation in GNAS1, the gene that is also thereby stimulating osteoclast activity. At the same time,
mutated in pituitary adenomas (Chapter 20). The muta- tumor cell growth is supported by the release of matrix-
tions produce a constitutively active Gs-protein that pro- bound growth factors (e.g., TGF-β, IGF-1, and FGF) as bone
motes cellular proliferation by increasing cellular levels is resorbed. Tumor cells secreting WNT proteins that stim-
of cAMP. The phenotype depends on the stage of embryo- ulate osteoblastic bone formation may produce sclerotic
genesis when the mutation is acquired and on the fate metastases.
of the cell harboring the mutation. A mutation during The presence of bone metastases carries a poor progno-
early embryogenesis produces the McCune-Albright syn- sis. Therapeutic options include systemic chemotherapy,
drome, whereas a mutation during or after formation of the radiation, and bisphosphonates. Surgery may be necessary
skeleton in an osteoblast precursor results in monostotic to stabilize pathologic fractures.
fibrous dysplasia. The skeletal manifestations arise from
a cAMP–mediated interruption of normal osteoblast

The lesions of fibrous dysplasia are well circumscribed, intra-
medullary, and vary greatly in size. Larger lesions expand and
distort the bone. The lesional tissue is composed of curvilinear
trabeculae of woven bone surrounded by a moderately cellular
fibroblastic proliferation. The trabeculae lack prominent osteo-
blastic rimming (Fig. 21.31). Cystic degeneration, hemorrhage,
and foamy macrophages are other common findings.

Clinical Course
Monostotic fibrous dysplasia often stops enlarging at
the time of growth plate closure. The lesion is frequently
asymptomatic and is usually discovered incidentally, but it Fig. 21.31  Fibrous dysplasia composed of curvilinear trabeculae of woven
may cause pain, fracture, and discrepancies in limb length. bone that lack conspicuous osteoblastic rimming and arise in a background
Symptomatic lesions are cured by curettage. of fibrous tissue.
Arthritis 817

SUMMARY is an aggressive tumor of malignant osteoblasts, predominantly

occurring in adolescents.
• Cartilage forming: Osteochondroma is an exostosis with
Primary bone tumors are classified according to the cell a cartilage cap. Sporadic and syndromic forms arise from
of origin or the matrix that they produce. The remainder mutations in the EXT genes. Chondromas are benign tumors
is grouped according to clinicopathologic features. Most primary producing hyaline cartilage, usually arising in the digits. Chon-
bone tumors are benign. Metastases, especially from lung, pros- drosarcomas are malignant tumors of chondroid cells that
tate, kidneys, and breast, are far more common than primary involve the axial skeleton in adults.
bone neoplasms. • Ewing sarcomas are aggressive, malignant, small round cell
Major categories of primary bone tumors include tumors most often associated with t(11;22).
• Bone forming: Osteoblastoma and osteoid osteoma consist • Fibrous dysplasia is an example of a disorder caused by
of benign osteoblasts that synthesize osteoid. Osteosarcoma gain-of-function mutations that occur during development.

Joints allow movement while providing mechanical sta- results in structural and functional failure of synovial
bility. They are classified as solid (nonsynovial) and cavi- joints. It is the most common disease of joints. Although
tated (synovial). The solid joints, also known as synarthroses, the term osteoarthritis implies an inflammatory disease, it
provide structural integrity and allow only minimal move- is considered an intrinsic disorder of cartilage in which
ment. They lack a joint space and are grouped according chondrocytes respond to biochemical and mechanical
to the type of connective tissue (fibrous tissue or cartilage) stresses resulting in the breakdown of the matrix and
that bridges the ends of the bones. Fibrous synarthroses failure of its repair. Nevertheless there is little doubt that
include the cranial sutures and the bonds between roots inflammatory mediators (described later) whose release
of teeth and the jawbones. Cartilaginous synarthroses (syn- is triggered by joint injury perpetuate and worsen the
chondroses) are represented by the symphyses between damage.
the sternum and the ribs and between bones of the pelvis. In most instances OA appears insidiously, without
Synovial joints, in contrast, have a joint space that allows apparent initiating cause, as an aging phenomenon (idio-
for a wide range of motion. Synovial membranes enclose pathic or primary osteoarthritis). In these cases the disease
these joints. The membranes are lined by type A synovio- is usually oligoarticular (affects few joints). In about 5%
cytes that are specialized macrophages with phagocytic of cases, OA appears in younger individuals with some
activity and type B synoviocytes that are similar to fibro- predisposing condition, such as joint deformity, a previous
blasts and synthesize hyaluronic acid and various proteins. joint injury, or an underlying systemic disease that places
The synovial lining lacks a basement membrane, which joints at risk. In these settings the disease is called secondary
allows for efficient exchange of nutrients, wastes, and osteoarthritis. The prevalence of OA increases exponentially
gases between blood and synovial fluid. Synovial fluid is beyond the age of 50, and about 40% of people older than
a plasma filtrate containing hyaluronic acid produced by 70 are affected.
synovial cells that acts as a viscous lubricant and provides
nutrition for the articular cartilage. Pathogenesis
Hyaline cartilage is a unique connective tissue ideally The lesions of OA stem from degeneration of the articu-
suited to serve as an elastic shock absorber and wear- lar cartilage and its disordered repair. Articular cartilage
resistant surface. It lacks a blood supply, lymphatic drain- serves as a low-friction surface that transmits loads to the
age, and innervation. Hyaline cartilage is composed of underlying bone. Cartilage resists compression through the
water (70%), type II collagen (10%), proteoglycans (8%), viscoelastic properties of the extracellular matrix (princi-
and chondrocytes. The collagen resists tensile stresses and pally type II collagen, proteoglycans, and water) secreted
transmits vertical loads. The water and proteoglycans resist by chondrocytes. Repeated biomechanical stress contrib-
compression and limit friction. The chondrocytes synthe- utes to development of OA, but genetic factors, including
size the matrix as well as enzymatically digest it. Chondro- genes encoding components of the matrix and signaling
cytes secrete degradative enzymes in inactive forms and molecules, also play a role. These factors are thought to
enrich the matrix with enzyme inhibitors. predispose to chondrocyte injury, which in turn leads to
alteration of the extracellular matrix (Fig. 21.32). Although
chondrocytes proliferate and continuously synthesize and
ARTHRITIS secrete proteoglycans, degradation ultimately exceeds
synthesis, and the composition of proteoglycans changes
Osteoarthritis as the disease progresses. Meanwhile, MMPs secreted by
chondrocytes degrade the type II collagen network. Cyto-
Osteoarthritis (OA), also called degenerative joint kines and diffusible factors from chondrocytes and syno-
disease, is characterized by degeneration of cartilage that vial cells, particularly TGF-β (which induces MMPs), TNF,
818 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

prostaglandins, and nitric oxide, have been implicated in

manifests as a granular soft articular surface. Eventually, full-
OA (Fig. 21.32). Chronic, low-level inflammation contrib-
thickness portions of the cartilage are sloughed. The dislodged
utes to the progression of the disease. Ultimately, chon-
pieces of cartilage and subchondral bone tumble into the joint,
drocyte loss and a severely degraded matrix mark the late
forming loose bodies (joint mice). The exposed subchondral
stage of the disease.
bone plate becomes the new articular surface, and friction with
Clinical Course the opposing surface burnishes the exposed bone, giving it the
appearance of polished ivory (bone eburnation) (Fig. 21.33). Small
fractures through the articulating bone are common, and the
MORPHOLOGY fracture gaps allow synovial fluid to be forced into the subchon-
dral regions in a one-way, ball valve–like mechanism forming
In the early stages of OA, chondrocytes proliferate, forming fibrous-walled cysts. Outgrowths (osteophytes) develop at the
clusters. Concurrently, the water content of the matrix increases margins of the articular surface and are capped by fibrocartilage
and the concentration of proteoglycans decreases. The normally and hyaline cartilage that gradually ossify. The synovium is usually
horizontally arranged collagen type II fibers are cleaved, yield- only mildly congested and fibrotic, and it may have scattered
ing fissures and clefts at the articular surface (Fig. 21.33). This chronic inflammatory cells.

Biomechanical Primary OA usually presents in patients they are in their
Synovium 50s. If a young person has significant manifestations of OA,
a search for some underlying cause should be made. Char-
acteristic symptoms include joint pain that worsens with
use, morning stiffness, crepitus, and limitation of range
Chondrocytes of movement. Impingement on spinal foramina by osteo-
phytes results in cervical and lumbar nerve root compres-
sion and radicular pain, muscle spasms, muscle atrophy,
and neurologic deficits. The joints commonly involved
include the hips (Fig. 21.34), knees, lower lumbar and cer-
vical vertebrae, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
of the fingers, first carpometacarpal joints, and first tarso-
metatarsal joints. Heberden nodes, prominent osteophytes at
2. EARLY OSTEOARTHRITIS the distal interphalangeal joints, are common in women (but
not in men). With time, joint deformity can occur, but unlike
TGF-β rheumatoid arthritis (discussed next), joint fusion does not
take place (Fig. 21.35). The level of disease severity detected
radiographically, however, does not correlate well with
IL-8 pain and disability. There are still no satisfactory means of
BMP MMPs Aggrecanases preventing primary OA, and there are no effective methods
Chondrocyte of halting its progression. Therapy includes management
proliferation Degrade
collagen proteoglycans of pain, NSAIDs to reduce inflammation, intra-articular
corticosteroids, activity modification, and, for severe cases,

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory
3. LATE OSTEOARTHRITIS disorder of autoimmune origin that principally attacks
the joints, producing a nonsuppurative proliferative
Chondrocyte and inflammatory synovitis. RA often progresses to the
Apoptosis destruction of the articular cartilage and, in some cases
ankylosis (adhesion) of the joints. Extraarticular lesions
may occur in the skin, heart, blood vessels, and lungs. The
Subchondral prevalence in the United States is approximately 1%, and
bone changes it is three times more common in women than in men. The
peak incidence is in the third through fifth decades of life.
Fig. 21.32  Schematic view of osteoarthritis (OA). OA is thought to be initi- Pathogenesis
ated by chondrocyte injury (1) in a genetically predisposed patient leading
to changes in the extracellular matrix. (2) Although chondrocytes may pro-
As in other autoimmune diseases, genetic predisposition
liferate and attempt to repair damaged matrix, continued degradation and environmental factors contribute to the development,
exceeds repair in early OA. (3) Late OA is evidenced by loss of both matrix progression, and chronicity of the disease. The pathologic
and chondrocytes with subchondral bone damage. changes are mediated by antibodies against self-antigens
Arthritis 819

Fig. 21.33  Osteoarthritis. (A) Histologic demonstration of the characteristic fibrillation of the articular cartilage. (B) Eburnated articular surface exposing
subchondral bone (1), subchondral cyst (2), and residual articular cartilage (3).

and inflammation caused by cytokines, predominantly • RANKL expressed on activated T cells stimulates osteo-
secreted by CD4+ T cells (Fig. 21.36). clasts and bone resorption.
CD4+ T helper (TH) cells may initiate the autoimmune • TNF and IL-1 from macrophages stimulate resident
response in RA by reacting with an arthritogen, perhaps synovial cells to secrete proteases that destroy hyaline
microbial or a chemically modified self-antigen. The T cartilage.
cells produce cytokines that stimulate other inflammatory
cells to effect tissue injury: Of these, TNF has been most firmly implicated in the
• IFN-γ from TH1 cells activates macrophages and syno- pathogenesis of RA, and TNF antagonists have proved to
vial cells. be effective therapies for the disease (see later).
• IL-17 from TH17 cells recruits neutrophils and monocytes. The synovium of RA contains germinal centers with
secondary follicles and abundant plasma cells that
produce antibodies, some of which may be against self-
antigens. Many of the serum autoantibodies detected in
patients are specific for citrullinated peptides in which argi-
nine residues are posttranslationally converted to citrulline.
In RA, complexes of antibodies with citrullinated fibrino-
gen, type II collagen, α-enolase, and vimentin deposit in
the joints. Evidence suggests that the anti-citrullinated
protein antibodies (ACPA) in combination with a T cell
response to the citrullinated proteins contribute to disease
chronicity. Approximately 30% of RA patients do not have
ACPA in the blood. About 80% of patients have serum
IgM or IgA autoantibodies that bind to the Fc portions
of their own IgG. These autoantibodies are called rheu-
matoid factor and may also deposit in joints as immune
complexes, although they are not uniformly present in all
patients with RA and can be found in patients without the
It is estimated that 50% of the risk of developing RA is
related to inherited genetic susceptibility. The HLA class
II locus is associated with ACPA-positive RA. Evidence
suggests that an epitope on a citrullinated protein, vincu-
lin, mimics an epitope on many microbes and is the target
of CD4+ T cells when presented by predisposing HLA-DQ
alleles. A second gene linked to RA, PTPN22, encodes a
protein tyrosine phosphatase that is postulated to inhibit
T cell activation. Numerous other genetic associations have
been reported.
Fig. 21.34  Severe osteoarthritis of the hip. The joint space is narrowed, and Many candidate environmental factors whose antigens
there is subchondral sclerosis with scattered oval radiolucent cysts and promote autoimmunity have been postulated. At least
peripheral osteophyte lipping (arrows). 70% of RA patients have ACPA in their blood, which may
820 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors



Bony Subchondral Fibrous

spur sclerosis Pannus ankylosis
No ankylosis
Thinned and
fibrillated Bony
cartilage ankylosis

Fig. 21.35  Comparison of the morphologic features of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

be produced during inflammation. Insults such as infection

Susceptibility genes Environmental factors
(HLA, other) (e.g., infection, smoking) (including periodontitis) and smoking may promote citrul-
lination of self-proteins, creating new epitopes that trigger
autoimmune reactions.
The inflammation localizes to the joint, recruiting
Failure of tolerance, Enzymatic modification
unregulated lymphocyte (e.g., citrullination) of
macrophages and triggering activation and/or prolifera-
activation self protein tion of synovial cells, chondrocytes, and fibroblasts. The
production of proteolytic enzymes and cytokines contrib-
utes to the destruction of cartilage and, through increased
osteoclast activity, bone (Fig. 21.36).
T and B cell responses to self antigens
(including antigens in joint tissues)

TH17 TH1
RA typically manifests as symmetric arthritis principally affect-
cell cell Antibodies
ing the small joints of the hands and feet. Grossly, the synovium
becomes edematous, thickened, and hyperplastic, transforming
its smooth contour to one covered by delicate and bulbous villi
Lymphocytes, antibodies and immune complexes enter joint (Fig. 21.37A–B). The characteristic histologic features include (1)
synovial cell hyperplasia and proliferation; (2) dense inflam-
matory infiltrates of CD4+ helper T cells, B cells, plasma
Release of Fibroblasts
proteases and Chondrocytes Proliferation cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages (Fig. 21.37C); (3) increased
cytokines Synovial cells vascularity resulting from angiogenesis; (4) neutrophils and aggre-
gates of organizing fibrin on the synovial and joint surfaces; (5)
Activation osteoclastic activity in underlying bone, allowing the synovium to
penetrate into the bone, causing periarticular erosions and sub-
chondral cysts. Together, the aforementioned changes produce
Pannus formation a pannus: a mass of edematous synovium, inflammatory cells,
Destruction of bone granulation tissue, and fibroblasts that grows over the articular
and cartilage cartilage and causes its erosion. In advanced untreated cases the
pannus can bridge the bones to form a fibrous ankylosis, which
Fig. 21.36  Major processes involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid may later ossify as a bony ankylosis (Fig. 21.35).
Rheumatoid nodules are an infrequent manifestation of
RA and typically occur in subcutaneous tissue including the
forearm, elbows, occiput, and lumbosacral area. Microscopically,
they resemble necrotizing granulomas (Fig. 21.38). Rarely, RA can
involve the lungs (rheumatoid nodules, interstitial lung disease).
Arthritis 821


membrane Macrophage


Neutrophil cell

Fig. 21.37  Rheumatoid arthritis. (A) Schematic view of the joint lesion. (B) Low magnification shows marked synovial hypertrophy with formation of villi.
(C) At higher magnification, subsynovial tissue containing a dense lymphoid aggregate. (A, Modified from Feldmann M: Development of anti-TNF therapy for rheu-
matoid arthritis. Nat Rev Immunol 2:364, 2002.)

Clinical Course has progressive joint enlargement and decreased range of

RA can be distinguished from other forms of polyarticu- motion pursuing a chronic waxing and waning course.
lar inflammatory arthritis by the presence of ACPA and In a minority of patients, especially those lacking RF and
by characteristic radiographic findings. In about half of ACPA, the disease may stabilize or even regress.
patients, RA begins slowly and insidiously with malaise, Inflammation in the tendons, ligaments, and occasion-
fatigue, and generalized musculoskeletal pain. After ally the adjacent skeletal muscle frequently accompanies
several weeks to months, the joints become involved. The the arthritis and produces the characteristic ulnar devia-
pattern of joint involvement is generally symmetrical and tion of the fingers and flexion-hyperextension of the fingers
the hands and feet, wrists, ankles, elbows, and knees are (swan-neck deformity, boutonnière deformity). Radio-
most commonly affected. The metacarpophalangeal and graphic hallmarks are joint effusions and juxtaarticular
proximal interphalangeal joints are frequently involved (in osteopenia with erosions and narrowing of the joint space
contrast to OA, see earlier). and loss of articular cartilage (Fig. 21.39).
Involved joints are swollen, warm, and painful. In The treatment for RA consists of corticosteroids, other
contrast to OA, the joints are stiff when patient rises in immunosuppressants such as methotrexate, and, most
the morning or following inactivity. The typical patient notably, TNF antagonists. However, anti-TNF agents are
not curative, and patients must be maintained on TNF
antagonists to avoid disease flares. Long term treatment
with TNF antagonists carries with it increased risk of infec-
tions with organisms such as M. tuberculosis.

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogeneous group
of disorders of unknown cause that present with arthritis
before age 16 and persist for at least 6 weeks. In con-
trast to RA, in JIA: (1) oligoarthritis is more common,
(2) systemic disease is more frequent, (3) large joints are
affected more often than small joints, (4) rheumatoid
nodules and rheumatoid factor are usually absent, and
(5) anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) seropositivity is common.
The pathogenesis is unknown but similar to adult RA;
risk factors include HLA and PTPN22 variants. Also,
like adult RA, damage in JIA appears to be caused by
TH1 and TH17 cells and cytokines produced by these and
other inflammatory cells. Treatment is similar to adult
RA with some success in using an IL-6 receptor anti-
Fig. 21.38  Rheumatoid nodule composed of central necrosis rimmed by body in the systemic form. Long-term prognosis of JIA is
palisaded histiocytes. very variable. Although many affected individuals have
822 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

Reactive arthritis is defined by a triad of arthritis, non-

gonococcal urethritis or cervicitis, and conjunctivitis. Most
affected individuals are men in their 20s or 30s, and more
than 80% are HLA-B27 positive. The disease is probably
caused by an autoimmune reaction initiated by previous
infection of the genitourinary system (Chlamydia) or the
gastrointestinal tract (Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia, Campy-
lobacter). Within several weeks of urethritis or diarrhea,
patients experience low back pain. The ankles, knees, and
feet are affected most often, frequently in an asymmetric
pattern. Patients with severe chronic disease have involve-
ment of the spine that is indistinguishable from ankylosing

Infectious Arthritis
Joints can become infected from hematogenous dissemi-
nation, direct inoculation through the skin, or from con-
tiguous spread from a soft tissue abscess or osteomyelitis.
Infectious arthritis is potentially serious, because it can
cause rapid, permanent joint destruction.

Suppurative Arthritis
Bacterial infections that cause acute suppurative arthritis
usually enter the joints from distant sites by hematog-
enous spread. In neonates, however, contiguous spread
from underlying epiphyseal osteomyelitis may occur. H.
Fig. 21.39  Rheumatoid arthritis of the hand. Characteristic features include influenza arthritis predominates in children younger than
diffuse osteopenia, marked loss of the joint spaces of the carpal, metacarpal,
2 years of age, S. aureus is the main agent in older children
phalangeal, and interphalangeal joints, periarticular bony erosions, and ulnar
drift of the fingers. and adults, and gonococcus is prevalent during late ado-
lescence and young adulthood. Individuals with sickle cell
disease are prone to infection with Salmonella. These joint
chronic disease, only about 10% develop serious functional infections affect the sexes equally except for gonococcal
disability. arthritis, which is seen mainly in sexually active women.
Individuals with deficiencies of complement components
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies (C5, C6, C7, or C9) are susceptible to disseminated gono-
coccal infections and hence arthritis.
The spondyloarthropathies are a heterogeneous group of The classic presentation is the sudden development of
disorders that share the following features: an acutely painful, warm, and swollen joint that has a
• Absence of rheumatoid factor restricted range of motion. Systemic findings of fever, leu-
• Pathologic changes in the ligamentous attachments kocytosis, and elevated sedimentation rate are common. In
rather than synovium 90% of nongonococcal cases, the infection involves only a
• Involvement of sacroiliac joints, with or without other single joint, most commonly the knee, followed in decreas-
joints ing frequency by the hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and ster-
• Association with HLA-B27 noclavicular joints. The axial joints are more often involved
• Bony proliferation leading to ankylosis (fusion of joints) in drug users. Joint aspiration is diagnostic if it yields puru-
lent fluid in which the causative agent can be identified. As
The manifestations are immune mediated and are trig- mentioned earlier, cartilage has limited repair potential, so
gered by a T cell response presumably directed against prompt recognition and effective anti-microbial therapy is
an undefined antigen, possibly infectious, that may cross- vital to prevent permanent joint destruction.
react with antigens expressed on cells of the musculoskel-
etal system. Lyme Arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis, the prototypical spondyloar-
thritis, causes destruction of articular cartilage and bony Lyme arthritis is the leading arthropod-borne disease in
ankylosis, especially of the sacroiliac joints. The disease the United States, predominantly affecting New England
becomes symptomatic in the second and third decades of and mid-Atlantic states, but the geo­graphic range and inci-
life as lower back pain and spinal immobility. Involvement dence are increasing. It is caused by infection with the
of peripheral joints, such as the hips, knees, and shoulders, spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by deer
occurs in at least one-third of affected individuals. Approx- ticks of the Ixodes ricinus complex. In its classic form, Lyme
imately 90% of patients are HLA-B27 positive, but how the disease progressively involves multiple organ systems
B27 allele contributes to the disease is not known. An anti- through three clinical phases (Fig. 21.40). The initial infec-
IL-17 antibody has shown some efficacy in this disease. tion of the skin, or early localized stage, is followed by an
Arthritis 823

Spirochetemia Stages
Bacteria detectable
in blood

IgM Late immune response
Early immune

Erythema Late musculoskeletal disease Late neurological disease
migrans rash Post-treatment Lyme
Early-phase disease disease syndrome

Cranial nerve palsy

Signs and


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Months after infection
Fig. 21.40  Lyme disease progresses through three clinically recognizable phases: early localized, early disseminated, and late persistent. Although initial mani-
festations result directly from spirochete infection, later signs and symptoms are likely immune-mediated. (Figure modified from Dr. Charles Chiu, University of
California San Francisco, San Francisco, California. Used with permission.)

early disseminated stage involving skin, cranial nerves, heart, pyrophosphate dehydrate (pseudogout), and basic calcium
and meninges. If left untreated, arthritis, especially of the phosphate. Exogenous crystals, such as silicone, polyethyl-
knee, occurs weeks to months after infection. ene, and methyl methacrylate used in prosthetic joints, and
Currently, arthritis occurs in less than 10% of cases the debris that accumulates with their erosion, may result
because most patients are cured at an earlier stage. in local arthritis. Crystals produce disease by triggering an
However, if left untreated approximately 60% to 80% of inflammatory reaction that destroys cartilage.
individuals develop a migratory arthritis (Lyme arthritis)
lasting for weeks to months. Spirochetes can only be identi- Gout
fied in about 25% of joints with arthritis, but the diagnosis Gout is marked by transient attacks of acute arthritis
can be confirmed by serologic testing for anti-Borrelia anti- initiated by urate crystals deposited within and around
bodies. Treatment of Lyme disease consists of antibiot- joints. Whether gout is primary or secondary to some other
ics with activity against Borrelia. Cure rates of 90% have underlying disease, the common feature is excessive uric
been achieved with standard regi­mens. A vaccine is under acid in tissues and body fluids. In the primary form (90%
development. However, a chronic arthritis that is antibiotic of cases), gout is the major manifestation of the disease and
refractory can develop in the late disseminated stage. In many the cause is usually unknown.
of these patients, Borrelia cannot be detected in the joint
fluid even by PCR. It has been proposed that cellular (espe- Pathogenesis
cially TH1) and humoral responses to Borrelia outer surface Hyperuricemia (plasma urate level above 6.8 mg/dL) is
protein A may initiate this late, autoimmune, arthritis. The necessary, but not sufficient, for the development of gout.
chronic manifestations, in addition to joint pain, can include Uric acid metabolism can be summarized as follows:
nonspecific symptoms (fatigue, cognitive complaints), • Synthesis. Uric acid is the end product of purine catabo-
known collectively as posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome lism. Increased synthesis typically reflects some abnor-
(PTLDS). mality in purine production. The synthesis of purine
Infected synovium exhibits a chronic synovitis marked nucleotides, in turn, involves two interlinked pathways.
by synoviocyte hyperplasia, fibrin deposition, mononu- In the de novo pathway, purine nucleotides are syn-
clear cell infiltrates (especially CD4+ T cells), and onion- thesized from nonpurine precursors, and in salvage
skin thickening of arterial walls. The morphology in severe pathways they are synthesized from free purine bases
cases can closely resemble that of RA. obtained through the diet or the catabolism of purine
Crystal-Induced Arthritis • Excretion. Uric acid is filtered from the circulation by
the glomerulus and virtually completely resorbed by
Articular crystal deposits are associated with a variety of the proximal tubule of the kidney. A small fraction
joint disorders. Endogenous crystals shown to be patho- of the resorbed uric acid is secreted by the distal nephron
genic include monosodium urate (MSU) (gout), calcium and excreted in the urine.
824 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

In primary gout, elevated uric acid most commonly neutrophils and macrophages in the joint. These cells, in
results from reduced excretion, the basis of which is turn, release other cytokines, free radicals, proteases, and
unknown in most patients. A small minority of primary arachidonic acid metabolites. The ingested crystals also
gout is caused by uric acid overproduction as a result of damage the membranes of phagolysosomes, leading to
identifiable enzymatic defects. For example, partial defi- leakage of these mediators. Activation of complement by
ciency of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transfer- the alternative pathway may contribute to more leukocyte
ase (HGPRT) interrupts the salvage pathway, so purine recruitment. The result is an acute arthritis, which typically
metabolites cannot be salvaged and are, instead, degraded remits spontaneously in days to weeks. Repeated attacks
into uric acid. Complete absence of HGPRT also results in of acute arthritis lead eventually to the formation of tophi,
hyperuricemia, but significant neurologic manifestations of aggregates of urate crystals and inflammatory tissue, in
this condition (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) dominate the clinical the inflamed synovial membranes and periarticular tissue.
picture so it is classified as secondary gout. Secondary gout Severe damage to the cartilage develops and the function
can also be caused by increased production (rapid cell lysis of the joints is compromised.
during chemotherapy for leukemia, so-called tumor lysis Only about 10% of patients with hyperuricemia develop
syndrome) or decreased excretion (chronic renal disease). clinical gout. Other factors contribute symptomatic gout:
The inflammation in gout is triggered by precipita- • Age of the individual and duration of the hyperuri-
tion of urate crystals in the joints, stimulating the pro- cemia. Gout usually appears after 20 to 30 years of
duction of cytokines that recruit leukocytes (Fig. 21.41). hyperuricemia.
Macrophages and neutrophils phagocytose the crystals, • Genetic predisposition. In addition to the well-defined
which activates a cytosolic sensor, the inflammasome X-linked abnormalities of HGPRT, polymorphisms in
(Chapter 5). The inflammasome activates caspase-1, genes involved with urate or ion transport and possibly
which is involved in the production of active IL-1β. IL-1 inflammation are also associated with gout.
is proinflammatory, and promotes accumulation of more • Alcohol consumption.
• Obesity.
• Drugs (e.g., thiazides) that reduce excretion of urate.
Precipitation of urate
crystals in joints The distinctive morphologic changes in gout are (1) acute arthri-
tis, (2) chronic tophaceous arthritis, (3) tophi in various sites, and
Activation of
(4) gouty nephropathy.
Acute arthritis is characterized by a dense inflammatory
infiltrate that permeates the synovium and synovial fluid. Urate
crystals are frequently found in the cytoplasm of the neutrophils
Release of LTB4,
Phagocytosis by and are arranged in small clusters in the synovium. They are long,
free radicals slender, and needle-shaped, and are negatively birefringent. The
synovium is edematous and congested, and it also contains scat-
Activation of Neutrophil tered lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages.
inflammasome chemotaxis Chronic tophaceous arthritis evolves from the repetitive
Release of IL-1β precipitation of urate crystals during acute attacks. The crystals
encrust the articular surface and form visible chalky deposits in
Secretion of the synovium (Fig. 21.42A). The synovium becomes hyperplastic,
chemokines and fibrotic, and thickened by inflammatory cells and forms a pannus
other cytokines Phagocytosis that destroys the underlying cartilage.
of crystals by Tophi in the articular cartilage, ligaments, tendons,
Cartilage and bursae are pathognomonic of gout. They are formed
Release by large aggregations of urate crystals surrounded by an intense
of crystals foreign body giant cell reaction (Fig. 21.42B–C).
Gouty nephropathy refers to the renal complications
caused by urate crystals or tophi in the renal medullary inter-
Lysis of stitium or tubules. Complications include uric acid nephrolithiasis
neutrophils and pyelonephritis.

Release of Tissue injury and

Release of Clinical Course
proteases lysosomal
enzymes Gout is associated with male sex, obesity, metabolic syn-
drome, excess alchohol intake, renal failure, and age greater
Fig. 21.41  Pathogenesis of acute gouty arthritis. Urate crystals are phago- than 30 years. Four clinical stages are recognized:
cytosed by macrophages and stimulate the production of various inflamma-
tory mediators that elicit the inflammation characteristic of gout. Note that
• Asymptomatic hyperuricemia appears around puberty in
IL-1, one of the major pro-inflammatory cytokines, in turn stimulates the men and after menopause in women.
production of chemokines and other cytokines from a variety of tissue cells. • Acute arthritis presents after several years as sudden
LTB4, Leukotriene B4; IL-1β, interleukin 1β. onset excruciating joint pain, localized hyperemia, and
Arthritis 825

warmth. Most first attacks are monoarticular; 50% occur • Chronic tophaceous gout develops on average about 12
in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Untreated, acute years after the initial acute attack. At this stage, radio-
gouty arthritis may last for hours to weeks, but gradu- graphs show characteristic juxtaarticular bone and loss
ally there is complete resolution. of the joint space.
• Asymptomatic intercritical period: Resolution of the acute
arthritis leads to a symptom-free interval. In the absence Treatment of gout aims at lifestyle modification and
of appropriate therapy, the attacks recur at decreasing medication to reduce symptoms (e.g., NSAIDs) and lower
intervals and frequently become polyarticular. urate levels (e.g., xanthine oxidase inhibitor).
Calcium Pyrophosphate Crystal Deposition Disease
Calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition disease (CPPD),
also known as pseudogout, usually occurs in individuals more
than 50 years old and becomes more common with increas-
ing age. The genders and races are equally affected. CPPD is
divided into sporadic (idiopathic), hereditary, and second-
ary types. The autosomal dominant variant is caused by
germline mutations in the pyrophosphate transport channel
resulting in crystal deposition and arthritis relatively early
in life. Various disorders, including previous joint damage,
hyperparathyroidism, hemochromatosis, and diabetes, pre-
dispose to the secondary form. Studies suggest that articular
cartilage proteoglycans, which normally inhibit mineraliza-
A tion, are degraded, allowing crystallization around chon-
drocytes. As in gout, inflammation is caused by activation
of the inflammasome in macrophages.

The crystals first develop in the articular cartilage, menisci, and
intervertebral discs, and as the deposits enlarge they may rupture
and seed the joint. The crystals form chalky, white friable depos-
its, which are seen histologically in hematoxylin- and eosin-
stained preparations as oval blue-purple aggregates (Fig. 21.43A).
Individual crystals are rhomboid, 0.5 to 5 µm in greatest dimen-
sion (Fig. 21.43B), and are positively birefringent. Inflammation is
usually milder than in gout.

Clinical Course
B CPPD is frequently asymptomatic. However, it may
produce acute, subacute, or chronic arthritis that can be
confused clinically with OA or RA. The joint involve-
ment may last from several days to weeks and may be
monoarticular or polyarticular; the knees, followed by the
wrists, elbows, shoulders, and ankles, are most commonly
affected. Ultimately, approximately 50% of affected indi-
viduals experience significant joint damage. Therapy is
supportive. There is no known treatment that prevents or
slows crystal formation.

• Osteoarthritis (OA, degenerative joint disease), the most
common disease of joints, is a degenerative process of articular
C cartilage in which matrix breakdown exceeds synthesis. Inflam-
mation is minimal and typically secondary. Local production of
Fig. 21.42  Gout. (A) Amputated great toe with white tophi involving the inflammatory cytokines may contribute to the progression of
joint and soft tissues. (B) Gouty tophus—an aggregate of dissolved urate joint degeneration.
crystals is surrounded by reactive fibroblasts, mononuclear inflammatory • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune
cells, and giant cells. (C) Urate crystals are needle shaped and negatively inflammatory disease that affects mainly small joints, but can
birefringent under polarized light.
826 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

be systemic. RA is caused by a cellular and humoral immune JOINT TUMORS AND TUMORLIKE
response against self-antigens, particularly citrullinated pro-
teins. TNF plays a central role and antagonists against TNF are
of clinical benefit.
Reactive tumorlike lesions, such as ganglions, synovial
• Seronegative spondyloarthropathies are a heterogeneous
cysts, and osteochondral loose bodies, commonly involve
group of likely autoimmune arthritides that preferentially
joints and tendon sheaths. They usually result from trauma
involve the sacroiliac and vertebral joints and are associated
or degenerative processes and are much more common
with HLA-B27.
than neoplasms. Primary neoplasms are rare, usually
• Suppurative arthritis describes direct infection of a joint
benign, and tend to recapitulate the cells and tissue types
space by bacterial organisms.
(synovial membrane, fat, blood vessels, fibrous tissue, and
• Lyme disease is a systemic infection by Borrelia burgdorferi,
cartilage) native to joints and related structures. Synovial
which manifests, in part, as an infectious arthritis, possibly with
sarcoma, although once thought to be related to or derived
an autoimmune component in chronic stages.
from the tissues of the joint, is now recognized as a sarcoma
• Gout and pseudogout result from inflammatory responses
of uncertain origin and is discussed later with soft tissue
triggered by precipitation of urate or calcium pyrophosphate,

Ganglion and Synovial Cysts

A ganglion is a small (1–1.5 cm) cyst that is almost always
located near a joint capsule or tendon sheath. A common
location is around the joints of the wrist, where it appears
as a firm, fluctuant, pea-sized translucent nodule. It arises
as a result of cystic or myxoid degeneration of connective
tissue; hence the cyst wall lacks a cell lining. The lesion
may be multilocular and enlarges through coalescence of
adjacent areas of myxoid change. The fluid that fills the
cyst is similar to synovial fluid; however, there is no com-
munication with the joint space. Despite the name, the
lesion is unrelated to ganglia of the nervous system.
Herniation of synovium through a joint capsule or
massive enlargement of a bursa may produce a synovial
cyst. A well-recognized example is the synovial cyst that
forms in the popliteal space in the setting of RA or OA
(Baker cyst). The synovial lining may be hyperplastic and
A contain inflammatory cells and fibrin.

Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor

Tenosynovial giant cell tumor is the term for a benign neo-
plasm that develops in the synovial lining of joints, tendon
sheaths, and bursae. Clinical variants of tenosynovial giant
cell tumor include the diffuse type (previously known as
pigmented villonodular synovitis), and the localized type.
Whereas the diffuse form tends to involve large joints, the
localized type usually occurs as a discrete nodule attached
to a tendon sheath, commonly in the hand.
Diffuse and localized types of this tumor both harbor
a reciprocal somatic chromosomal translocation, t(1;2)
(p13;q37), resulting in fusion of the type VI collagen α-3
promoter to the M-CSF gene. Consequently, the tumor
cells overexpress M-CSF, which, through autocrine and
Fig. 21.43  Pseudogout. (A) Deposits are present in cartilage and consist of paracrine effects, stimulates proliferation of macrophages
amorphous basophilic material. (B) Smear preparation of calcium pyrophos- in a manner similar to giant cell tumor of bone (described
phate crystals. previously).
Joint Tumors and Tumorlike Conditions 827

Fig. 21.44  Tenosynovial giant cell tumor, diffuse type. (A) Excised synovium with fronds and nodules typical of pigmented villonodular synovitis. (B) Sheets
of proliferating cells in tenosynovial giant cell tumor bulging the synovial lining.

MORPHOLOGY Clinical Course

Diffuse tenosynovial giant cell tumor presents in the knee
In diffuse tumors the normally smooth joint synovium is con­ in 80% of cases. Affected individuals typically complain of
verted into a tangled mat by red-brown folds, fingerlike projec- pain, locking, and recurrent swelling similar to monoar-
tions, and nodules (Fig. 21.44A). In contrast, localized (nodular) ticular arthritis. Sometimes, a palpable mass is appreciated.
tumors are well circumscribed.The neoplastic cells, which account The localized variant manifests as a solitary, slow-growing,
for only a minority of the cells in the mass, are polygonal, moder- painless mass that frequently involves the hand. Both types
ately sized, and resemble synoviocytes (Fig. 21.44B). Both diffuse are amenable to surgical excision, but recurrence is more
and localized variants are heavily infiltrated by macrophages common in the diffuse form. Clinical trials are investi-
containing hemosiderin and foamy lipid, or are multinucleated. gating antagonists of the M-CSF signaling pathway for
patients with unresectable disease.

Soft Tissue Tumors

By convention, soft tissue refers to non-epithelial tissue Unlike tumors such as colorectal carcinomas that usually
excluding the skeleton, joints, central nervous system, arise from recognized precursor lesions, the origin of sar-
hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues Although nonneo- comas is unknown. The best guess is that the tumors arise
plastic conditions can involve soft tissue, they are seldom from pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells, which acquire
confined to this compartment, so the area of soft tissue somatic “driver” mutations. Despite heterogeneous mech-
pathology is restricted to neoplasms. anisms of tumorigenesis among sarcomas, some general-
With the exception of skeletal muscle neoplasms, benign izations can be made based on their genomic complexity:
soft tissue tumors outnumber their malignant counter- • Simple karyotype (15%–20% of sarcomas): Like many
parts, the sarcomas, by 100-fold. In the United States, the leukemias and lymphomas, sarcomas are often euploid
incidence of soft tissue sarcomas is approximately 12,000 tumors with a single or limited number of chromosomal
per year, which is less than 1% of all cancers. Sarcomas, changes that occur early in tumorigenesis and are spe-
however, cause 2% of all cancer mortality, reflecting their cific enough to serve as diagnostic markers. Tumors
aggressive behavior. Most soft tissue tumors arise in the with these features most commonly arise in younger
extremities, especially the thigh. Approximately 15% arise patients and tend to have a monomorphic appearance
in children but the incidence increases with age. microscopically. Examples include Ewing sarcoma,
described earlier, and synovial sarcoma. In some cases,
Pathogenesis the oncogenic effect of these rearrangements is reason-
Most sarcomas are sporadic and have no known predis- ably well understood. In others, the mechanisms are
posing cause. A small minority of soft tissue neoplasms unknown. Oncogenic tumor-specific fusion proteins
are associated with germline mutations in tumor sup- represent potential molecular targets for therapy.
pressor genes (neurofibromatosis 1, Gardner syndrome, • Complex karyotype (80%–85% of sarcomas): These tumors
Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Osler-Weber Rendu syndrome). A are usually aneuploid or polyploid and demonstrate
few tumors can be linked to known environmental expo- multiple chromosomal gains and losses, a feature
sures such as radiation, burns, or toxins. that suggests underlying genomic instability. Examples
828 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

include leiomyosarcoma and undifferentiated pleomor-

phic sarcoma. Such tumors are more common in adults Clinical Course
and tend to be microscopically pleomorphic. All types of liposarcoma recur locally and often repeat-
edly unless adequately excised. The well-differentiated
Classification of soft tissue tumors continues to evolve variant is relatively indolent, the myxoid/round cell type
as new molecular genetic abnormalities are identified. is intermediate in its malignant behavior, whereas the
Clinically, soft tissue tumors range from benign, self- pleomorphic variant usually is aggressive and frequently
limited lesions that require minimal treatment to inter- metastasizes.
mediate grade, locally aggressive tumors with minimal
metastatic risk to highly aggressive malignancies with sig-
nificant metastatic risk and mortality. All highly aggres- FIBROUS TUMORS
sive malignancies are classified as sarcomas but this term is
less consistently used among the locally aggressive, rarely Nodular Fasciitis
metastasizing category. Pathologic classification integrates
morphology (e.g., muscle differentiation), immunohisto- Nodular fasciitis is a self-limited fibroblastic and myo-
chemistry, and molecular diagnostics. In addition to accu- fibroblastic proliferation that typically occurs the upper
rate diagnosis, grade (degree of differentiation) and stage extremities of young adults. A history of trauma is present
(size and depth) are important prognostic indicators. in approximately 25% to 50% of cases, and the tumors
With this as a primer, we will consider representative grow rapidly during a period of several weeks or months.
or especially illustrative soft tissue tumors. Whereas nodular fasciitis was historically considered a
purely reactive lesion, identification of a t(17;22) translo-
cation producing a MYH9-USP6 fusion gene indicates that
TUMORS OF ADIPOSE TISSUE it is a clonal, yet self-limited, proliferation. It is hypoth-
esized that the proliferating cells lack some key hallmark
Lipoma of cancer, perhaps the ability to avoid senescence. Intrigu-
ingly, ABC (discussed earlier), another tumor that sits in a
Lipoma, a benign tumor of fat, is the most common gray zone between reactive and neoplastic proliferations,
soft tissue tumor in adults. The conventional lipoma is also contains a USP6 fusion gene. Nodular fasciitis can
the most common subtype, from which rare variants are spontaneously regress and, if excised, rarely recurs. Malig-
distinguished according to characteristic morphologic nant transformation is virtually nonexistent.
and/or genetic features. Conventional lipoma is a well-
encapsulated mass of mature adipo­cytes. It usually arises
in the subcutis of the proximal extremities and trunk, most MORPHOLOGY
frequently during middle adulthood. Infrequently, lipomas
are large, intramuscular, and poorly circumscribed. Most Nodular fasciitis arises in the deep dermis, subcutis, fascia, or
lipomas are usually cured by simple excision. muscle. Grossly the lesion is less than 5 cm, circumscribed, or
slightly infiltrative. It is highly cellular containing plump, immature-
Liposarcoma appearing fibroblasts and myofibroblasts arranged in a pattern
reminiscent of cultured fibroblasts (Fig. 21.46). A gradient of
Liposarcomas are malignant tumors of adipose tissue. maturation (zonation) from cellular, loose, and myxoid to orga-
Liposarcoma is one of the most common sarcomas of adult- nized and fibrous is typical. The cells vary in size and shape
hood. It occurs mainly in people in their 50s to 60s in the (spindle to stellate) and have conspicuous nucleoli; mitotic figures
deep soft tissues and retroperitoneum. are abundant. Lymphocytes and extravasated red blood cells are
common but neutrophils are unusual.

Liposarcomas are divided into three subtypes:
• Well-differentiated liposarcoma contains adipocytes with scat- Superficial Fibromatosis
tered atypical spindle cells (Fig. 21.45A). The tumors harbor
Superficial fibromatosis is an infiltrative proliferation that
amplification of chromosome region 12q13-q15, which includes
can cause local deformity but has an innocuous clinical
the gene for MDM2. You will recall MDM2 encodes a potent
course. All forms of superficial fibromatosis affect males
inhibitor of p53.
more frequently than females. They are characterized by
• Myxoid liposarcoma contains abundant basophilic extracellular
nodular or poorly defined broad fascicles of fibroblasts in
matrix, arborizing capillaries, and primitive cells at various stages
long, sweeping fascicles, surrounded by abundant dense
of adipocyte differentiation reminiscent of fetal fat (Fig. 21.45B).
collagen. Several clinical subtypes have been identified:
The t(12;16) translocation characterizes myxoid liposarcoma.
• Palmar (Dupuytren contracture). Irregular or nodular
The resultant fusion gene arrests adipose differentiation.
thickening of the palmar fascia either unilaterally or
• Pleomorphic liposarcoma consists of sheets of anaplastic cells,
bizarre nuclei, and variable amounts of immature adipocytes
• Plantar. Common in young patients, unilateral and
(lipoblasts). These tumors have complex karyotypes.
without contractures.
Fibrous Tumors 829

Fig. 21.45  Liposarcoma. (A) The well-differentiated subtype consists of mature adipocytes and scattered spindle cells with hyperchromatic nuclei. (B) Myxoid
liposarcoma with abundant ground substance and a rich capillary network in which there are scattered immature adipocytes and more primitive round-to-
stellate cells.

• Penile (Peyronie disease). Palpable induration or mass on syndrome, Chapter 16) who have germline APC mutations
the dorsolateral aspect of the penis. are predisposed to deep fibromatosis.

In about 20% to 25% of cases, the palmar and plantar

fibromatoses stabilize and do not progress, in some
instances resolving spontaneously. Some recur after exci- MORPHOLOGY
sion, particularly the plantar variant. Fibromatoses are gray-white, firm, poorly demarcated masses
varying from 1 to 15  cm in greatest diameter. They are rubbery
Deep Fibromatosis and tough, and have marked infiltration of surrounding muscle,
Deep fibromatoses, also called desmoid tumors, are large, nerve and fat. Cytologically bland fibroblasts arranged in broad
infiltrative masses that frequently recur but do not metas- sweeping fascicles amid dense collagen are the characteris-
tasize. They most frequently occur in the teenage years tic histologic pattern (Fig. 21.47). The histology resembles a 
to 30s, predominantly in women. Abdominal fibromatosis scar.
generally arises in the musculoaponeurotic structures of
the anterior abdominal wall but tumors can arise in the
limb girdles or the mesentery. Deep fibromatoses contain
mutations in the CTNNB1 (β-catenin) or APC genes, leading Because of the extensively infiltrative nature, complete
to increased Wnt signaling. Most tumors are sporadic, but excision is often difficult. Recent efforts have concen-
individuals with familial adenomatous polyposis (Gardner trated on medical therapy and radiation as alternatives
to surgery.

Fig. 21.46  Nodular fasciitis with plump, randomly oriented spindle cells
surrounded by myxoid stroma. Note the mitotic activity (arrowheads). Fig. 21.47  Deep fibromatosis infiltrating between skeletal muscle cells.
830 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors


Skeletal muscle neoplasms, in contrast to tumors of other
lineages, are almost all malignant. The benign rhabdomy-
oma is more frequent in individuals with tuberous sclerosis.

Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumor
with skeletal muscle differentiation. Three main subtypes
are recognized: alveolar (20%), embryonal (60%), and pleomor-
phic (20%). Rhabdomyosarcoma (alveolar and embryonal)
is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of childhood and
adolescence, usually appearing before age 20. Pleomorphic
rhabdomyosarcoma is seen predominantly in adults. The
pediatric forms often arise in the sinuses, head and neck,
and genitourinary tract, locations that do not normally
contain much skeletal muscle, underscoring the notion that
sarcomas do not arise from mature, terminally differenti-
ated mesenchymal cells. The embryonal and pleomorphic
subtypes are genetically heterogeneous.
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma frequently contains
fusions of the FOXO1 gene to either the PAX3 or the PAX7
gene, rearrangements marked by the presence of (2;13)
or (1;13) translocations, respectively. PAX3 is a transcrip-
tion factor that initiates skeletal muscle differentiation, and
it appears that the chimeric PAX3-FOXO1 fusion protein
interferes with differentiation, a mechanism similar to
many of the transcription factor fusion proteins that are
found in acute leukemias.
Fig. 21.48  Rhabdomyosarcoma. (A) Embryonal subtype composed of malig-
MORPHOLOGY nant cells ranging from primitive and round to densely eosinophilic with
skeletal muscle differentiation. (B) Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma with numer-
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma presents as a soft gray infil- ous spaces lined by discohesive, uniform round tumor cells.
trative mass. The tumor cells mimic skeletal muscle at various
stages of differentiation and consist of sheets of both primitive
round and spindled cells (Fig. 21.48A). Rhabdomyoblasts with
straplike cytoplasm and visible cross-striations may be present.
Sarcoma botryoides is a variant of embryonal rhabdomyosar-
coma that develops in the walls of hollow viscera such as the
urinary bladder and vagina.
In alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, a network of fibrous Leiomyoma
septae divide the cells into clusters or aggregates, creating a Leiomyoma, a benign tumor of smooth muscle, is most
crude resemblance to pulmonary alveoli. The tumor cells are common in the uterus but can arise in any soft tissue site.
uniformly round with little cytoplasm and they are only minimally Uterine leiomyomas (Chapter 19) are common and may
cohesive (Fig. 21.48B). cause a variety of symptoms including infertility and men-
Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma is characterized by orrhagia. Leiomyomas also may arise from the erector
numerous large, sometimes multinucleated, bizarre eosinophilic pili muscles (pilar leiomyomas) in the skin and rarely in
tumor cells that can resemble other pleomorphic sarcomas. the deep somatic soft tissues or gastrointestinal tract. A
Immunohistochemical identification of muscle specific proteins germline loss-of-function mutation in the fumarate hydra-
such as myogenin is usually necessary to confirm rhabdomyo- tase (FH) gene located on chromosome 1q42.3 leads to
blastic differentiation. multiple cutaneous leiomyomas, uterine leiomyomas,
and renal cell carcinoma. FH is an enzyme of the Krebs
cycle, and this association constitutes another intriguing
Rhabdomyosarcomas are aggressive neoplasms that are example of the link between metabolic abnormalities and
usually treated with surgery and chemotherapy, with or neoplasia.
without radiation therapy. The botryoid variant of embry- Soft tissue leiomyomas are usually 1 to 2 cm in size and
onal rhabdomyosarcoma has the best prognosis, whereas are composed of fascicles of densely eosinophilic spindle
the pleomorphic subtype is often fatal. cells that tend to intersect each other at right angles. The
Tumors of Uncertain Origin 831

tumor cells have blunt-ended, elongated nuclei and show

minimal atypia and few mitotic figures. Solitary lesions are
cured with surgery.

Soft tissue leiomyosarcoma accounts for 10% to 20% of soft
tissue sarcomas. They occur in adults and affect women
more frequently than men. Most develop in the deep soft
tissues of the extremities and retroperitoneum or arise
from the great vessels. Leiomyosarcomas have complex
genotypes that stem from acquired defects that lead to
profound genomic instability.

Leiomyosarcomas present as painless firm masses. Retroperi-
Fig. 21.49  Synovial sarcoma showing the classic biphasic spindle cell and
toneal tumors may be large and bulky and cause abdominal glandlike histologic appearance.
symptoms. They consist of eosinophilic spindle cells with
blunt-ended, hyperchromatic nuclei arranged in interweaving
fascicles. They express smooth muscle proteins (actin, desmin,
caldesmon), which can be detected by immunohistochemistry.
Unlike leiomyomas, mitotic activity and necrosis are common MORPHOLOGY
in leiomyosarcoma.
Synovial sarcomas are microscopically monophasic or biphasic.
Monophasic synovial sarcoma consists of uniform spindle cells
with scant cytoplasm and dense chromatin growing in short,
Clinical Course tightly packed fascicles. The biphasic type contains glandlike
structures composed of cuboidal to columnar epithelioid cells
Treatment depends on tumor size, location, and grade. in addition to the aforementioned spindle cell component (Fig.
Superficial leiomyosarcomas are usually small and have a 21.49). Immunohistochemistry is helpful in identifying these
good prognosis, whereas those of the retroperitoneum are tumors, since the tumor cells, especially in the biphasic type, are
difficult to control and cause death by both local extension positive for epithelial antigens (e.g., keratins), differentiating them
and metastatic spread, especially to the lungs. from many other sarcomas.


Although many soft tissue tumors can be assigned to rec- Synovial sarcomas are treated aggressively with limb-
ognizable histologic types, a large proportion of tumors sparing surgery and frequently chemotherapy. The 5-year
do not recapitulate any known mesenchymal lineage. This survival varies from 25% to 62%, related to stage and
group includes examples with simple or complex karyo- patient age. Common sites of metastases are the lung and,
types; one of each type is described here. unusual for sarcomas, regional lymph nodes.

Synovial Sarcoma Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma

Synovial sarcoma was so-named because the first described Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS) includes malig-
cases arose in the soft tissues near the knee joint and a nant mesenchymal tumors with high-grade, pleomorphic
morphologic relationship to synovium was postulated. cells that cannot be classified into another category by
However, this name is a misnomer, as these tumors can a combination of histomorphology, immunophenotype,
present in locations that lack synovium and their morpho- ultrastructure, and genetics. Most arise in the deep soft
logic features are inconsistent with an origin from synovi- tissues of the extremity, especially the thigh of middle-
ocytes. Synovial sarcomas account for approximately 10% aged or older adults. The diagnosis of malignant fibrous
of all soft tissue sarcomas. Most occur in people in their histiocytoma (MFH), sometimes used interchangeably with
20s to 40s. Patients usually present with a deep-seated UPS, has fallen out of use because (1) the category included
mass that has been present for several years. Most synovial both undifferentiated tumors and others that could
sarcomas show a characteristic chromosomal translocation be reclassified with immunohistochemistry and genetics,
t(x;18)(p11;q11) producing fusion genes composed of por- and (2) no consensus exists for the morphologic defini-
tions of the SS18 gene and one of three SSX genes that tion of fibrohistiocytic lineage. Most tumors are aneuploid
encode chimeric transcription factors that derail cell cycle with multiple structural and numerical chromosomal
control. changes.
832 C H A P T E R 21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

We thank Dr. Andrew Rosenberg for his outstanding con-
tribution to previous editions of this chapter.

Basic Structure and Biology of Bone
Kogianni G, Noble BS: The biology of osteocytes, Curr Osteoporos Rep
5:81–86, 2007. [Good review of the cellular basis of bone remodeling.]
Olsen BR, Reginato AM, Wang W: Bone development, Annu Rev Cell
Dev Biol 16:191–220, 2000. [Update on the molecular and genetic basis
of vertebrate skeletal development.]
Zaidi M: Skeletal remodeling in health and disease, Nat Med 13:791–
801, 2007. [Excellent review of the genetics and pathophysiology of skeletal
Fig. 21.50  Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma showing anaplastic spin- Skeletal Dysplasias
dled to polygonal cells. Askmyr MK, Fasth A, Richter J: Towards a better understanding and
new therapeutics of osteopetrosis, Br J Haematol 140:597–609, 2008.
[Nice summary of treatment options for osteoporosis including gene
MORPHOLOGY therapy.]
UPSs are usually large, grey-white fleshy masses that can grow Krakow D, Rimoin DL: The skeletal dysplasias, Genet Med 12:327–341,
2010. [Comprehensive summary of the dysplasias with very useful
quite large (10–20 cm) depending on the anatomic compart-
summary table.]
ment. Necrosis and hemorrhage are common. Microscopically,
Van Dijk FS, Pals G, Van Rijn RR, et al: Classification of Osteogenesis
they are some of the most pleomorphic malignancies encoun- Imperfecta revisited, Eur J Med Genet 53:1–5, 2010. [An overview of
tered. UPSs consist of sheets of large, anaplastic, spindled to the current classification of osteogenesis imperfecta based on clinical and
polygonal cells with hyperchromatic irregular, sometimes bizarre molecular findings.]
nuclei (Fig. 21.50). Mitotic figures, including atypical nonsymmet-
ric forms, are abundant as is necrosis. By definition, tumor cells
Mosekilde L: Mechanisms of age-related bone loss, Novartis Found
lack differentiation along recognized lineages or characteristic Symp 235:150–166, discussion 66–71, 2001. [Nice review of relationship
genetic defects. between remodeling and osteoporosis.]
Styrkarsdottir U, Halldorsson BV, Gretarsdottir S, et al: Multiple
genetic loci for bone mineral density and fractures, N Engl J Med
UPSs are aggressive malignancies that are treated with 358:2355–2365, 2008. [Seminal paper elucidating the molecular pathways
surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiation. The that underly osteoporosis.]
prognosis is generally poor, with metastases arising in 30% Weitzmann MN, Pacifici R: Estrogen deficiency and bone loss: an
to 50% of cases. inflammatory tale, J Clin Invest 116:1186–1194, 2006. [Excellent review
of current understanding of the relationship between estrogen and
SUMMARY Silva BC, Bilezikian JP: Parathyroid hormone: anabolic and catabolic
SOFT TISSUE TUMORS actions on the skeleton, Curr Opin Pharmacol 22:41–50, 2015. [Nice
summary of effects of parathyroid hormone on calcium and bone
• The category of soft tissue neoplasia describes tumors that metabolism.]
arise from non-epithelial tissues, excluding the skeleton, joints,
central nervous system, and hematopoietic and lymphoid Paget Disease
Roodman GD, Windle JJ: Paget disease of bone, J Clin Invest 115:200–
tissues. A sarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumor.
208, 2005. [Concise, nicely illustrated, summary of clinicopathologic
• Although all soft tissue tumors probably arise from pluripotent
manifestation of Paget disease.]
mesenchymal stem cells, rather than mature cells, they can be Singer FR: The etiology of Paget’s Disease of bone: viral and genetic
classified as interactions, Cell Metab 13:5–6, 2011. [Very good review about the viral
• Tumors that recapitulate a mature mesenchymal tissue (e.g., and genetic pathways in Paget disease.]
fat). These can be further subdivided into benign and malig-
nant forms.
Seamon J, Keller T, et al: The pathogenesis of nontraumatic osteone-
• Tumors composed of cells for which there is no normal crosis, Arthritis 601763, 2012. [Summarizes recent developments regard-
counterpart (e.g., synovial sarcoma, UPS). ing pathophysiology of femoral head osteonecrosis.]
• Sarcomas with simple karyotypes demonstrate reproducible,
chromosomal, and molecular abnormalities that contribute to Osteosarcoma
Klein MJ, Siegal GP: Osteosarcoma: anatomic and histologic variants,
pathogenesis and are sufficiently specific to have diagnostic use.
Am J Clin Pathol 125:555–581, 2006. [Most recent update on classifica-
• Most adult sarcomas have complex karyotypes, tend to be tion of osteosarcoma.]
pleomorphic, and are genetically heterogeneous with a poor Wagner ER, Luther G, Zhu G, et al: Defective osteogenic differentia-
prognosis. tion in the development of osteosarcoma, Sarcoma 2011:325238,
Suggested Readings 833

2011. [Discusses molecular relationship between normal osteoblast devel- genome-wide association studies that have lead to candidate genes predis-
opment the pathogenesis of osteosarcoma.] posing to osteoarthritis.]
Chondrogenic Tumors Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bovee JV, Hogendoorn PC, Wunder JS, et al: Cartilage tumours and Deane KD, El-Gabalawy H: Pathogenesis and prevention of rheumatic
bone development: molecular pathology and possible therapeutic disease: focus on preclinical RA and SLE, Nat Rev Rheumatol 10:212–
targets, Nat Rev Cancer 10:481–488, 2010. [A good review of the known 228, 2014. [Recent, nicely illustrated, update on pathogenesis of RA and
genetic abnormalities in these tumors] SLE.]
Pansuriya TC, van Eijk R, d’Adamo P, et al: Somatic mosaic IDH1 and Scott DL, Wolfe F, Huizinga TW: Rheumatoid arthritis, Lancet
IDH2 mutations are associated with enchondroma and spindle cell 376:1094–1108, 2011. [Review of pathogenesis and treatment of the
hemangioma in Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome, Nat Genet disease.]
43:1256–1261, 2011. [Seminal article identifying IDH mutations in inher- van Heemst J, Jansen DT, et al: Crossreactivity to vinculin and
ited cartilage tumors.] microbes provides a molecular basis for HLA-based protection
Wuyts W, Van Hul W: Molecular basis of multiple exostoses: muta- against rheumatoid arthritis, Nat Commun 6:6681, 2015. [Describes
tions in the EXT1 and EXT2 genes, Hum Mutat 15:220–227, 2000. the relationship between autoimmunity, HLA alleles and microbes.]
[Discussion of genetic basis of multiple osteochondroma syndrome.]
Lyme Disease
Ewing Sarcoma Iliopoulou BP, Huber BT: Infectious arthritis and immune dysregula-
Erkizan HV, Uversky VN, Toretsky JA: Oncogenic partnerships: EWS- tion: lessons from Lyme disease, Curr Opin Rheumatol 22:451–455,
FLI1 protein interactions initiate key pathways of Ewing’s sarcoma, 2010. [Recent overview of immune mechanisms underlying Lyme
Clin Cancer Res 16:4077–4083, 2010. [Excellent summary of molecular arthritis]
effects of the EWS-FLI1 fusion protein found in Ewing sarcoma.] Marques A: Chronic Lyme disease: a review, Infect Dis Clin North Am
22:341–360, 2008. [In-depth review of Lyme disease.]
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone
Robinson D, Einhorn TA: Giant cell tumor of bone: a unique paradigm Gout and Pseudogout
of stromal-hematopoietic cellular interactions, J Cell Biochem 55:300– Rosenthal AK: Update in calcium deposition diseases, Curr Opin Rheu-
303, 1994. [Nice discussion of molecular mechanisms underlying giant matol 19:158–162, 2007. [Recent, succint, review of crystal-induced
cell tumor and insight gained regarding normal bone remodeling.] arthritis.]
VanItallie TB: Gout: epitome of painful arthritis, Metabolism 59(Suppl
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst 1):S32–S36, 2010. [Excellent summary of the recent developments in the
Oliveira AM, Chou MM: The TRE17/USP6 oncogene: a riddle
molecular and cellular biology underlying gout.]
wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, Front Biosci (Schol Ed)
4:321–334, 2012. [Excellent review of the USP6 clonal genetic rearrange- Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor
ment in various self-limited mesenchymal tumors.] Moller E, Mandahl N, Mertens F, et al: Molecular identification of
COL6A3-CSF1 fusion transcripts in tenosynovial giant cell tumors,
Fibrous Dysplasia Genes Chromosomes Cancer 47:21–25, 2008. [Seminal article identifying
Riminucci M, Robey PG, Saggio I, et al: Skeletal progenitors and the
clonal chromosomal rearrangement in tenosynovial giant cell tumor.]
GNAS gene: fibrous dysplasia of bone read through stem cells, J
Mol Endocrinol 45:355–364, 2010. [Excellent discussion of how a muta- Soft Tissue Sarcomas
tion can affect skeletal progenitor cells and cause clinical expression of Antonescu CR, Dal Cin P: Promiscuous genes involved in recurrent
fibrous dysplasia.] chromosomal translocations in soft tissue tumours, Pathology
46:105–112, 2014. [Excellent review of specificity (or lack thereof) of
Osteoarthritis genetic defects in soft tissue tumors.]
Goldring MB, Goldring SR: Articular cartilage and subchondral bone
Fletcher CD, Gustafson P, Rydholm A, et al: Clinicopathologic
in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, Ann N Y Acad Sci 1192:230–237,
re-evaluation of 100 malignant fibrous histiocytomas: prognostic
2010. [A succint and thoughtful presentation of the role of articular struc-
relevance of subclassification, J Clin Oncol 19:3045–3050, 2001.
tures in the development of osteoarthritis.]
[Seminal article reassessing the diagnosis of malignant fibrous histiocy-
Valdes AM, Spector TD: Genetic epidemiology of hip and knee osteo-
toma (MFH) allowing more specific classification.]
arthritis, Nat Rev Rheumatol 7:23–32, 2011. [Useful review of

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