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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (DepEd)

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Mabini St. Brgy. Jugaban, Carigara, Leyte
School ID: 313307
Name of student: ________________________________ Date: ___________________
Grade Level/Section: ___________________ Score: __________________



General Objective: (MELC) Write a short poem applying the various elements and literary devices
exploring innovative techniques. (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-cf-10)
Learning Objectives: A. Identify the various images in the poem; and
B. Use elements of poetry in analyzing a poem

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Refer to series of lines grouped together and separated by a space from other stanzas.
a. Stanza b. Ode c. Elegy d. sonnet

2. A lyric poem consisting of 14 lines and, in the English version, is usually written in iambic
a. Stanza b. Ode c. Elegy d. sonnet

3. It is written with a purpose to “mourn the dead”.

a. Stanza b. Ode c. Elegy d. sonnet

4. It is a lyric poem that praises an individual, an idea or an event.

a. Stanza b. Ode c. Elegy d. sonnet

Instructions: Brainstorm on how the poem can be interpreted literally and figuratively using the TWIST


Whenever Richard Cory went down town,

We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,

And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich – yes, richer than a king –

And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,

And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.

T.W.I.S.T. A Poetry Analysis Strategy

The Acronym T.W.I.S.T. Stands for:
T = Title
W = What’s it all about
I = Imagery
S = Style/Structure
T = Theme

T.W.I.S.T. Answers the following…

1. How do great writers create a tone that a reader can feel through their work?
2. What are the elements of a poem, and how can we learn to analyze its meaning?
3. How do literary elements affect a reader's understanding of a work of literature?
T = Title
1. Read the title and stop.
2. Predict what the poem will be about.
3. Consider specific word choices (diction) and their connotations, associations or emotional impact.
W – What’s it all about?
1. Paraphrase each stanza of the poem.
2. Don’t interpret it, just tell it in your own words.
I = Imagery
3. Look for any imagery (description that makes it so real you can imagine it with any of your five senses)
4. Look for symbolism, metaphors, similes, personification, irony, understatement, allusions, alliteration,
onomatopoeia, assonance
A poem will probably not have all of these elements, but do check for them all. They will help you
understand the poem.
S = Style/Structure
5. The author’s use of poetic devices such as rhythm (write out the meter pattern) , rhyme scheme,
6. Look for punctuation used, stanza division, changes in stanza or line length, layout of poem, or
capitalized words.
7. Look for the tone and the tone shift, poet’s attitude towards the subject, etc.
8. Discuss how these elements relate to the meaning of the poem.
T = Theme
9. Look at the title again from an interpretive level. Do you see anything new?
10. What is the subject of the poem? Then determine what the poet is saying about each of the subjects.
11. What is the author’s insight about life?


Instructions: Read the poem below, then, identify the various elements used in describing its local setting.

(from the book Moon Over Magarao)
Luis Cabalquinto

After a supper of mountain rice

And wood-roasted river crab
I sit on a long bench outside
The old house, looking at a river.

Alone, myself, again away

From that other self in the city
On this piece of ancestor land,
My pulses slowed, I am at peace.

I have no wish but this place –

To remain here in a stopped time
With stars moving on that water
And in the sky of a brightness

Answering: I want nothing else

But this stillness feeling me
From a pure darkness over the land
That smells ever freshly of trees.

The night and I are quiet now

But for small laughter from a neighbor,
The quick sweep of a winged creature
And a warm dog, snuggled by my feet.

Follow Up: Use elements of poetry in analyzing a poem.

Poem Analysis
T -Title. What does it mean to you? Make some predictions

W (What’s it all about? Paraphrase/summarize the entire poem)

I (Imagery - identify as many examples of sensory details and figurative language you can find)

S (Structure/Style - find the rhyme scheme/rhyme, discuss stanza/line length, tone, tone shift)

T (Theme - What is the subject of the poem? NOW, tell me what the poet is saying about the subject? Is
there a life lesson for all of us?


Directions: Analyze the poem below then write your answer in the blank sheet below.


Ayon sa alamat, lason ng pana ni Pagtuga,

Ang lumikha sa bulkan-libingan ito
Ng dalagang namatay sa isang Digmaan.

Ngayon, ano ang tutubo sa paanan ng Mayon

Gayong nagiging malawak na itong sementeryo
Ng abo, ng tao. Manganganak na kaya ito?

Tinitigan ko ang nakangangang bulkan-binalot

Ng ulap at ng sariling usok ang Tuktok, gatas sa labi.
Baka sakali, magpakita, nang may silbi ang kamera.

Sa ilang retrato na ibinebenta ng mga bata sa Cagsawa

Lusaw na tae ang nagliliyab na lava, Dumadaloy pababa.
Matandang nag nganganga ayon Naman sa isang makata

Sa isang lumang postcard na nakita Ko sa Antigo Merkado----

Kapag sa malayo, isa siyang Magandang sikyung nakatanod,
Handa sa pagkapkap, naghihintay sa Iyong pagpasok.

Poem Analysis sheet

Title of Poem: _________________________________________________________________________
Written by: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date written: __________________________________________________________________________
Additional information found on Poet: _______________________________________________________
Words/line that “caught” your eye: __________________________________________________________
Theme of poem: _______________________________________________________________________
Poetic Devices found in poem: ____________________________________________________________
Metaphor ____________________________________________________________________________
Simile _____________________________________________________________________________
Imagery ______________________________________________________________________________
Other (please identify) ___________________________________________________________________
How it connects to you/your life:


General Objective: (MELC) Write a short poem applying the various elements and literary devices exploring
innovative techniques. (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-cf-10)
Learning Objective: a. Familiarize oneself with the different forms of poetry through reading literary texts; and
b. Apply one’s knowledge through writing poem based on specific form.

Activities: Picture Cues

What can you say about the pictures? What are the words that you can associate out of the pictures?
Directions: Read the poem below.

“Children Who Travail This Life So Hard”

By Eureka C. Bianzon

I find myself searching for peace from heaven

Praying for those starved and abandoned children
I cried hard convincing myself
to understand
Why the world seems so unfair
on innocent hands
Why they need to experience things
With pain
Striving their life with so much
Hardiness to gain
They’ve lost everything even their parents
Who left them in the middle of predicament
Now I am bemoaning about the feeling that I’ve ever felt
Something that broke my heart
As I recollect
From the story of children who
travail this life so hard
Struggling for hope, for peace of their dreadful hearts
May this bewildered world be kind to them
May they find the fair life that they
Keep on searching
May they experience the happiness
They deserved
And be secluded from all the dire things that they absorbed….

Guide Questions:
1. Who is the speaker? Is the person male or female?
2. Does the voice speak in first person (I, me, my, mine)?

3. Are there concrete images or pictures that the poet wants readers to see?
4. Is the poet deliberately concealing information from the readers?
5. Does the poem stress cultural details, such as the behavior, dress, or speech
habits of a particular group or a historical period or event?

ACTIVITY: Creating Picture
Choose a picture from the images under the explore part. Write a poem that compose of 2 stanzas and
each stanza must compose of 4 lines. Please be guided with the rubrics below.


Rubrics in grading the poem

Indicator Rating (1-5)

The poem written is based on the form assigned.

The content of the poem is clear.

It is in proper form with correct grammar, spelling, and proper


The essay captures the interest of the reader.


Name of Teacher Contact Number

MARIAN TIMTIMAN-DACOYCOY 09951495817/09123097440

REFLECTION (STUDENTS): _____________________________________________________________


REFLECTION (TEACHER): ______________________________________________________________



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