Questions For Examination - 2021

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1. Myth and mythodology – sources, characteristics, mythos and logos, totem and
taboo. Contemporary myths. Name and describe at least one.
2. Greek natural philosophy – themes and philosophers: teachings about the origin;
teaching about movement aporijas). Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Democritus, Zeno.
Question of movement ans tillness.
3. Sophism – principles of philosophy; elentics; role of the movement in the history of
philosophy. Sophists and Socrates.
4. Socrates teaching about dialogue: irony, maeutics. Socrates trial – accusation,
defence speech and its significance; Socrates death. Name at lest 1 example of the
Socratic dialogue in the contemporary society.
5. Plato objective idealism – Plato teaching about ideas; Plato Academy; knowing as
recollecting; Plato on the abilities of soul. What is the new aspect Plato brings in
6. Plato’s teaching of state. The grounding principles. The spheres to be regulated.
Why is not possible to apply these principles in the real life? What would be the
7. Aristotle’s theoretical philosophy: Aristotles role in philosophy; diference from
Socrates and Plato, Liceum, teaching about soul; teaching about causes,teleology;
8. Aristotle’s teaching of art – mimesis, catharsis and techne. What is the significance
of this teaching in the spere of contemporary art?
9. Aristotle’s Ethics as practical teaching. Characterize his approach. Significance of his
teaching in contemporary business ethics. Is there any connection? How his teaching
could be applied?
10. Late antiquity – thinkers and themes: Epicurus, stoicisms, scepticism; ethics; crisis
pfilosophy (what crisis?); Epicurus Garden; Plotinus and neoplatonism. How does
this crisis philosophy look in the light of the contemporary crisis – corona virus case?
11. Early medieval philosophy. Augustinus and his significance. Subjectivity.
“Confessions” by Augustinus as philosophical autobiography, his teaching about
memory and time.
12. Renaissance humanism – principles (individualism, rationalism, conception of man);
renaissance natural philosophy, pantheism (Copernicus, Galileo, Bruno); literature
and arts.
13. Renaissance social philosophy: T. Campanella’s “The city of the sun” – utopian state,
regulations, the role of individual; N. Machiavelli “Prince” – political theory. What
aspects should be regulated in the ideal state?
14. Empiricism and rationalism: F. Bacon, J. Locke, R. Descartes. Main principles and
oppositions. Compare teachings at lest in 4 points, give examples.
15. F. Bacon’s teaching about idols and its significance. Name examples of idols in the
contemporary science.
16. I. Kant’s transcendental idealism: teaching of the thing itself; critiques; apriori and
aposteriori knowledge; Kant’s ethics – categorical imperative.
17. G. W. F. Hegel’s objective idealism: system, Spirit; dialectics, triadic development;
stages of pirit development; teaching about state.
18. F. W. Nietzsche: revolution in philosophy; main idejas – nihilism, reevaluation of all
idejas, will to power, overman, eternal return, ethics.
19. Existentialism of the 20th century – philosophers and themes. A. Camus, J.P. Sartre,
Ortegea y Gasset, M. Buber: marginalism, stranger, absurd, predicament of
individual, teaching of dialogue (I-it; I-thou relationship).
20. Phychoanalysis of S. Freud: role in philosophy; structure of psyche; unconscious,
complex of Oedipus; sexuality and sublimation; Freud and arts.
21. C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology: diference from S. Freud, principle of
individualisation, collective unconscious, archetypes and their role in culture.
22. Hermeneutics – philosophy of interpretation. H.G. Gadamer. Understanding,
empathy, rules of interpretation.
23. Semiotics – teaching about signs and symbols. Saussure on signidies and
signifier; C. S. Pierce on semiotic triangle, classification of signs; semiotics of culture
(R. Barthes, U. Eco)

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