Online Coach Certification Program: MARCH 2020

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The key takeaways are that Brooke Castillo wants to create the highest quality life coach training program. She discusses her vision to make it the 'Yale of coaching schools' with small class sizes and highly qualified students and instructors.

Brooke Castillo's vision is to create the highest end, most prestigious coaching school that teaches students how to coach themselves, clients, and build a business. She wants to provide an 'Ivy League' level education for life coaching.

The requirements for the Coach Certification Program are to have a positive attitude, be willing to work hard, admit fears, be committed to clients, work non-competitively, actively participate in courses, and represent the industry ethically.

M A R C H 2 0 2 0


About The Life
Coach School
Our Coaching
Your Training

Life Coach
& Overeating

The Lifetime
Benefit of
Active Coach
in the Coaching

12 Coach
13 The
The Applied
Coaching Track

Logistics of
the Program
Education has always been sacred to Brooke B RO O K E
Castillo, co-founder of The Life Coach School. R EC E N T LY SA I D
She has loved school and learning from the T H I S A BO U T T H E
beginning of her life. SC H O O L :

Brooke went to a very small, private elementary school “Coaching schools are a
for eight years called Hillbrook, in Los Gatos, CA. It dime a dozen. You can go
was there that Brooke, in classes of 8-10 students, got the to a one day event and be
attention and direction she needed to become a lifelong certified as a life coach.
student. She went on to study at a private high school, You can go to a huge
Presentation, and then finally graduate from Santa Clara
school and never even
University, a small liberal arts school in California.
demonstrate your ability
When Brooke decided to open a school with her husband, to coach and get certified
Chris Castillo, she knew exactly what she wanted to at the end of it. You can
create. She wanted to create the Yale of life coach schools. go to schools where the
instructors have never
practiced in the field or
She wanted a small classroom size with
even coached one client.
engaged and motivated students who have The options are endless.
taken the time to qualify for such an amazing I didn’t want to have any
education and ultimately profession. part in that. I wanted to
create the highest end,
most prestigious, and best
As The School has grown in size and prestige, education in the coaching
she has always kept her purpose of creating an industry. That is exactly
“Ivy League” coaching school. what I have done.”

PAG E 1 | M A RC H 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E COAC H T R A I N I N G
Tuition for a year at Yale is close to $60,000. By the time
they have an undergraduate degree, students will have paid
$240,000 for their education. At that point, students will
enter the workforce with no guarantees.

When you are finished here, you will have a double certification
as a life and weight coach and you will learn how to have a
business, or how to more deeply apply coaching, so that you can
immediately produce income upon graduation.

The life coaching industry is one of the fastest growing

industries in the world. The opportunities for highly skilled
coaches are endless. Brooke’s dream to create a school that
teaches coaches how to coach themselves, their clients, and
even build a business if they desire, is coming true at the best
time for coaches everywhere.

This year, the goal is to build an amazing class of

students who are committed to not only learning
at the highest level, but also investing in their
growth to create the best version of themselves
and a career of service.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part

of, we encourage you to join us.

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All of our tools are designed to
support causal coaching. This means
that we focus on finding the cause
of our client’s issues, rather than
simply treating the symptoms. trigger
For example, physical pain (symptom) can
be treated with medication indefinitely. But
if you find the cause of the physical pain produce
(broken bone) and treat it, the need for the
medication is eliminated.
The same is true with emotional generate

pain. We don’t teach our clients
how to manage their pain. We teach
them how to reduce and eliminate it
by finding the cause.

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Your coach training will be a six month at your fingertips for any problem.
journey where you will learn the tools Six times during the six months, you will join
of life coaching, apply them to yourself your instructor on a practicum call where you
and real clients, and then be given will coach live with your instructor and get real
feedback by your instructor to master. time feedback on how to refine your skills and
become even more adept at each of the skills we
Knowledge is not enough when it comes to are teaching you.
coaching. You can’t just understand things
intellectually, you must be able to apply them to
yourself and your clients. We assure you can do By the end of the six month
this by small group classes and supervision. program you will have a level of
Master Coach Instructor, Brooke Castillo, will confidence and knowledge that no
teach you with passion the tools she’s created to
change her own life and the lives of thousands of other school provides.
her clients. Brooke teaches tools that she uses in
her coaching practice. There is no fluff. All of your curriculum materials are hard copy and
online. We send you two full boxes of materials for
Everything you learn will be
you to study and practice with, as you learn how
immediately applicable to your own life to become the best coach you can be.
and the lives of your clients.
Everything we teach is through Zoom
Brooke teaches classes by video and demonstrates conferencing. You simply need a good internet
the tools using volunteers and real life examples. connection and the free downloadable app from
The classes are available in both audio and video to participate.
formats. You may want to watch them several
times to ingrain the knowledge. The program is set up perfectly even for “busy”
people. You can complete everything flexibly
You will be assigned to a small group with a within your unique schedule, as long as you can
dedicated instructor who will be available to make it to the live hour long small group call
you once a week on a live application call. Once weekly. We recommend allotting about five hours
you have learned from Brooke, you will get to a week to complete your requirements, although
practice with worksheets and real clients to see the you are welcome to spend more, as there is plenty
effectiveness of the Model and the tools you have to apply and study.

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Mastery of the Model—How to Coach Yourself
The Model (CTFAR) can literally solve any problem. It is the foundation of the
coaching you’ll do with your clients and on yourself. Be warned, once you learn
this you can never go back to not knowing it, and your life will never be the same.
Throughout the program you will be introduced to the Model, see it in action,
and then use it in your own life to rock your world. Then, hang on tight. You will
take what you learned to the next level with additional opportunities to apply the
Model in situations you never dreamed were so simple to work through. We’ll go
deep into why the Model is the way to approach any problem you or your clients
might have and the freedom that comes from functioning from a clean place.

Emotional Childhood/Adulthood
As children, we often look to other people to determine how we’re going to feel.
Now that you are an adult, your feelings are entirely your responsibility. This
tool uncovers why this is such good news. With responsibility comes control and
power, and once you realize how to take that power back, and how to help your
clients do the same, you can feel any way you want to feel. Regardless of anyone
around you.

The Manual
If you or your clients want to take your relationships from good to amazing,
the Manual is a tool you’ll want to really understand. The Manual is the
unspoken, unwritten expectations we hold for other people and how we use
those expectations to create meaning that is often completely untrue. When
you recognize this pattern and release the people in your life from the Manual
you have for them, you are free to love unconditionally, which can change your
relationships in ways you never imagined.

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Outcome and Goal Cultivation
Once your clients begin to understand the power of their minds, they will
want your help putting it to work to create an awesome life. This work is
beyond fun. You will gain tools during the program to help them do this
in ways they have never been taught before. First, you’ll help them create
a goal, then align their thinking, and then take massive action to create
evidence to prove it. Use this to reach your big goals and to help your clients
do the same.

Belief System Navigation

Your clients will come to you with thoughts they have believed for a very
long time. Thoughts which seem innocent but are actually very poisonous,
such as “I don’t know” and “it’s hard.” Through this program you will learn
to show them how quickly they can adopt a new belief system that serves
and empowers them. When people change their belief systems, they begin to
change their entire world.

Past/Future Focus Techniques

Sometimes people have a hard time letting go of the past. Their story about
what happened before becomes a part of their identity and what they often
don’t realize is that constantly focusing on their past is preventing them
from fully participating in the present. You’ll learn how to help your clients
shift their focus to a healthy place where they can learn to love themselves,
their situations, and create their future from a clean place.

Unconditional Love
Of all the emotions in the world, love is our favorite one. Your clients may
not realize this, but they can choose to feel love at any time and towards any
person they want. This course will outline what we mean and how to feel
more love immediately.

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As part of your life coach training, you will
also get training in two major areas of focus,
overdrinking and overeating.
Brooke has spent over a decade updating and refining Overdesire
these trainings to make sure they are best in class for
anyone who wants to work with their clients on losing Overhunger
weight or cutting back on their drinking. The role of hormones

The curriculum covers the foundational The role of neurotransmitters

reasons why we “buffer,” which is the Managing urges
term that Brooke uses to describe Feeling emotions
avoiding emotions.
Planning for success with the
Although you might not want to focus on these specific prefrontal cortex
areas, your knowledge here can be applied to any type Protocol creation and
of compulsive activity your client presents with having. choosing fuel

Brooke currently uses these tools to manage her own Intermittent fasting
weight and be free from drinking. She also coaches Managing setbacks
her clients frequently using these concepts. Their
effectiveness is evident in the hundreds of testimonials Increasing commitments
we get every year of sustained weight loss and freedom Gaining control and discipline
from overdesire.
Understanding substances’
You will learn how to apply these exact same effects on the body
tools to yourself and to your clients for similar Issues that come with massive
success. weight loss

Issues that accompany

reduction in social drinking

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At The Life Coach School, certification is earned. It is not a formality,
but rather something you earn after paying attention in class,
practicing the tools, and applying them to real clients in effective ways.

Brooke feels very strongly that it is an honor and privilege to coach people who need
help. She will only certify coaches who are doing the work on themselves, have learned
to hold the space, and who are coaching from a place of service and love.

She also wants to make sure our coaches are ready to take the massive action that is
required to become an entrepreneur and/or a practicing coach. It’s with this intention
that she created the process for certification.

First, every student needs to take a monthly quiz and turn in

regular models and coaching.
The quizzes are “open book” and cover the basic concepts that all coaches must know
and understand to coach themselves and others. You will also take an exam at the end
of the six months before you are certified. Most of our coaches tell us that the exam is
easy if you show up and pay attention during class.

Second, you will practice live with your instructor and submit
recorded samples of you coaching clients.
You will begin coaching your peers, and you can even start marketing to and coaching
clients within your specific niche for feedback if you prefer. Once your audio coaching
samples are approved, you will be ready for the final step of certification.

Third, you will create a video of yourself teaching a tool or

concept taught by the School.
This is a required step, but this video does not have to be used commercially. You will
use it for the class and to go through the process of learning how to do it. It is tough
for most of us to be seen on camera, which is why it’s built into the certification
process. Once you are certified, you will get access and start enjoying all the Certified
Alumni Benefits...

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As an active LCS coach, you are offered an unparalleled benefit. Our coaches are
always thrilled with the ongoing content and opportunities we give them. Here’s
what you get. Our deepest desire is that you will take full advantage of all of it.

1 . C E RT I F I E D A LU M N I S I T E
A website for our Certified Coaches where we share regular updates, education,
and recordings. We keep everything current and awesome. Access is granted
upon certification. Make sure you bookmark it and save your credentials.

2. M O N T H LY C A L L S
Live life and business coaching calls exclusively for our alumni. Try to attend
Our deepest
each call live. Put them on your calendar. Show up, pay attention, take notes,
and practice your own coaching.
desire is that
3. S E L F COAC H I N G SC H O L A R S you will
You receive a monthly membership to Self Coaching Scholars (a $297 value)
when you enroll in the certification program. Your free membership continues take full
until one year after the certification program begins. So, the sooner you sign up,
the longer your included membership will be. Make a schedule to attend calls advantage of
and do the workbooks cover to cover. People have elevated their lives with this
program alone–make sure you don’t lose sight of its value. all of it.
In person teaching and coaching events. Attend. That is all we can say. Every
year they just get better. You want to come and be with friends while learning
the latest and greatest from The Life Coach School.

Communication platform for all certified coaches. Access is provided upon
certification. Go there and give. You can get as well, but the true benefit is in the
giving to your fellow coaches. The conversations there can change the way you
coach and the way you show up. Brooke is there to answer questions and give

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Our goal with the Active Alumni Coach group is to keep a small and very
engaged group. We want entrepreneurs or employees who are actively
coaching. We want coaches to be voracious, motivated, and generous. It is not
a place to dabble, but a place to make a contribution.
We understand the number of coaches who will be all in will be limited and that is okay. We have
created qualifications to make sure that no one is just passengering. We also understand that there
are many exceptions and we will consider all of them for someone who is motivated to maintain
active status.

Everyone is playing in the game. We understand that coaches often need to take a break and go to
the bench or locker room. No worries at all. You can come back to active status at any point for
the rest of time as long as you are a certified coach with us.


Attend six of the twelve monthly

1. Be active in your practice, making a minimum of
Certified Alumni Calls $10k annually. (Applied after you have fully completed
your first year as a student at The Life Coach School.)
Pass an annual exam that covers This includes being active on your site, and creating
current teachings from the new content at the minimum monthly.
podcast, Friday Coach Like, and
2. Be employed using your coaching skills for at least 20
the Certified Alumni Calls hours per week.

And one of the three options 3. Be a volunteer coach or coach offering service for
free. Volunteer hours need to total 10 hours per week
to the right:
within any organization, including your own.

PAG E 1 0 | M A RC H 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E COAC H T R A I N I N G
It is important that all potential students understand that
there is no regulation or governing accreditation in the
coaching industry.
In other words, there is no government body or other neutral (nonprofit) trained at
authority accrediting this industry. There are, however, several private
institutions attempting to regulate their style of coaching with a standard The Life
for the select group of coaches/schools who choose their guidelines
and/or pay the required fees associated. We recommend all coaches Coach
understand and choose the type of education they want to receive and the
type of coaching they want to do over any type of certificate. School are
At The Life Coach School, we did not and will not apply
trained to
for certification through the International Coaching help their
Federation (ICF) or any other organization claiming
authority over regulating the industry, because our clients
methodologies are quite different from theirs.
The ICF is focused on the core competencies of the “coaching the why of
relationship,” “taking action,” “holding the client accountable for their
stated action in their coaching plan,” and “confrontation when client does what they
not take agreed upon action.”

Coaches trained at The Life Coach School are trained to help their clients
do, not just
understand the why of what they do, not just the how. We teach that
when our clients understand their actions at a cognitive level, they do not
the how.
require an external source for “accountability.” Our clients will ultimately
hire you because you are ethical, knowledgeable, and can solve their
problem. Find the school that will best serve you in attaining that.

PAG E 1 1 | M A RC H 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E COAC H T R A I N I N G
We now offer two tracks for additional training and focus
that run for six additional months after certification,
included in your tuition. After you are certified, you will
begin the track that best fits your goals.

You can choose the Entrepreneur Track to learn how to be a successful

entrepreneur in our current online world through our step by step
process. Alternatively, you may choose the Applied Coaching Track
because you are more interested in deepening your skills as a coach and
have a desire to work for a small business or corporation, rather than
starting your own business.

The best news is that no matter which track you choose, you still get access
to the content from the other track to review and apply as desired. You
will get the video modules, track PDFs or a workbook, and lessons for both
tracks to keep for study later, or to apply and learn as you go through now.

Our goal is to make sure you don’t miss anything and you gain everything.

The decision you make will only be a decision on where you want to
prioritize your focus. You will choose a track based on where you want to
get live feedback, regular live practice, and application now. You will still
have the content from the other course. All the content is updated each
year, and you will get access to all updated materials.

PAG E 1 2 | M A RC H 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E COAC H T R A I N I N G
You want to choose this track if you are
committed to having your own profitable
coaching business. This track takes you I F YO U C H O OS E
through the process of starting up your THE ENTREPRENEUR
business and building and testing a T R AC K YO U W I L L
marketing plan. FO L LOW I N G :
This track is demanding in the sense that there is a 1. Entrepreneur Workbook
lot of trial and error. Starting a business requires an and Curriculum
entirely new skillset, but offers the best opportunity
for success. Remember that many people go to 2. Entrepreneur and Business
college for four years to learn the content we are Training Videos
teaching you in less than one.
3. Live Business Coaching

You will be learning and practicing 4. Business Lab Calls
both your coaching skills and your
5. Slack Support and Feedback
business skills at the same time if you
on Marketing Materials
choose this track.
6. Advice on Landing Page,
Freebie Design, Website,
It will test you to manage your mind, your time, and and Facebook Ads
your emotions, but it is one of the most rewarding
7. Mastermind Group Calls
choices when the initial work is completed.
We recommend you choose this option if you
8. Personal Coach for 6-Weeks
are ready to get to work and you know you (optional)
will follow through on your commitment to
fail your way to success. It’s an uncomfortable
journey that pays beautifully when you arrive.

PAG E 1 3 | M A RC H 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E COAC H T R A I N I N G
You want to choose this track if you just
want to coach all day every day, without
necessarily becoming an entrepreneur. This I F YO U C H O OS E T H E
is your best choice if you want to focus on A P P L I E D COAC H I N G
honing your coaching skills, mastering the
School’s coaching tools, and getting ongoing FO L LOW I N G :
feedback on how to be a better coach.
1. Applied Coaching Workbook
Coaches who choose this track will be prepared with and Curriculum
all of our tools to go into any organization as an
employee/contracted coach. In Applied Coaching, you 2. How to Be an Exceptional
will coach your face off and develop teaching skills Employee Training
that position you as a confident and engaging expert 3. Coach the Coach Calls led by
in this field. You will get ongoing feedback on your a Master Coach Instructor
coaching, your use of the tools, and your ability to
teach the concepts properly. 4. Teach the Coach Calls led by
a Master Coach Instructor
This is a great track for you if you want 5. Program Coaching Practice
to get better and better at coaching and with Peers/Clients
teaching. 6. Live Coaching and Teaching
Practice with Feedback
The curriculum is specifically designed to deepen
your coaching and teaching skills. You will be given 7. Mastermind Group
opportunities to make mistakes and stumble in real Facilitating
coaching and teaching situations where the client 8. Instruction and Practice on
needs help applying one of the School tools. We know Delivering Video Trainings,
that there is no better way to learn than by doing— Webinars, Podcasts, and
being willing to fail, learn, grow, and develop—that’s Value Emails
9. Slack Support and Feedback
You will come out of this training with a on Coaching and Teaching
level of mastery that you won’t get in any
other organization.

PAG E 1 4 | M A RC H 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E COAC H T R A I N I N G
The training is 100% delivered to you in
the comfort of your own home.
The only thing you need is a good internet connection and MARCH 23RD.
a computer/phone. Brooke teaches all classes by video along
with your weekly hour-long class with your small group
taught by a coach instructor. These classes with your coach
Within one week of
instructor are where you apply all of the concepts and tools the class end date,
you learn in your class taught by Brooke, and where you will
meet your practicum hour requirements for certification. you will be required
to have all of your
You will get what we call the Welcome Box.
work complete in
This box will get you started on the tools so you will have a
nice overview before class begins. Shortly before class you order to certify. You
will receive your curriculum materials in hard copy and you
will receive your
will also get access to the website where all the materials
and class recordings will be stored. official Certification
Before class begins you will be matched with prior to the
your instructor based on your availability. beginning of your
Your instructor will give you clear instructions and answer Entrepreneur or
any questions you might still have. Your first week will be
a welcome call with your group and instructor before class
Applied Coaching
officially begins to make sure your tech is working well and Track.
you are familiar with the Zoom calls.

Brooke’s classes will always be available.

You are required to watch Brooke’s classes before your
application class with your instructor.

PAG E 1 5 | M A RC H 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E COAC H T R A I N I N G
It is very important your instructor gets a chance to hear you
coach and give you feedback so you can be officially reviewed
and certified at the end of the training. Your instructor will go
over what to do if you can’t make a call live, but you won’t want
to miss it if you can help it, which is why we work with you to
find the best group for you.

You will always have direct contact with your instructor as well
as our customer service team.

It’s our honor to share in your life coach journey.

We are here for you during your entire training and beyond.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you have or if
you want to talk to someone about the training on the phone.

The best way to contact us is through

[email protected].

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Some things in life we put money into and
never see a return on our investment, meaning
we never make any of that money back. Our
education is not one of those things. Every
single book you buy, class you take, or degree It is our
you get, is an investment in your mind, your
skill set, and your future.
intention that
It is our intention that your investment provides you with
your investment
a career that will have the potential to make you much
more than that for many years to come. You, of course,
provides you
will have to do the work to make that happen, but we do with a career
believe it is absolutely possible.
that will have
We have seen students quadruple their the potential to
investment in a short time. It is completely up
to you. make you much
more than that
Most of us pay much more tuition and spend much more
time in college in the hopes of getting a skill set and a for many years
career that will carry us through our lives. But often, we
need to reset and make a change, and go back to school in to come.
order to live the life we are meant to live. We can’t think
of a better way to spend your time or money than on
creating a career that will help you serve your purpose.

The tuition for the Coach Certification Program,

Certification, Applied Coaching or Entrepreneur
Track, and Lifetime Alumni Benefits is $3,000 USD
per month for six months, with payments made
every 30 days beginning upon enrollment.

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Before you enroll, make sure you fit the following criteria:

1 You work to have a positive attitude.

2 You are willing to work hard and take massive action.

3 You are willing to admit that you are nervous and afraid sometimes
and get the coaching you need to get through it.

4 You are committed to your clients and holding the space for their
suffering and their dreams.

5 You are willing to work with others in a non-competitive


6 You will actively participate in the course and with your instructors
to get the most from the experience.

7 You will represent our industry with high regard for our mission and
with the highest standard of ethics and practices.

8 You will do your best to return your investment of time and

tuition to create a powerful, profitable, and healing business as a
contribution to your life and others.

Upon enrollment you will get confirmation through email

and we will send you your Welcome Box in the mail. If you
have any questions about anything, we are here to serve
you. Just, simply email [email protected].


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