Puma R To L 2020 Master 3 Publish
Puma R To L 2020 Master 3 Publish
Puma R To L 2020 Master 3 Publish
EBIT post exceptionals EURm 440.20 337.20 246.20 128.80 97.20 Earnings + Interest, Tax
EBITDA post exceptionals EURm 688.70 419.70 318.30 189.30 138.30 Earnings + Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortisation
GP margin % (pre-exceptionals) 48.82% 48.39% 47.25% 45.67% 45.47% GP / Revenue %
Op P margin % post exceptionals 7.54% 6.90% 5.53% 3.09% 2.35% Op P / Revenue %
EBIT margin % 8.00% 7.25% 5.95% 3.55% 2.87% EBIT / Revenue %
Net profit margin % 5.62% 4.94% 4.06% 2.44% 1.82% PAT / Revenue %
Pyramid of Ratios
GP% of sales 48.82% 48.39% 47.25% 45.67% 45.47% GP / Revenue %
Minus OpExp % of sales inc exceptionals and other income -40.82% -41.14% -41.30% -42.12% -42.60% (OpEx + Exceptionals + Other income or expense)/ Revenue %
EBIT margin % post exceptionals 8.00% 7.25% 5.95% 3.55% 2.87% Check to Op P / Revenue % above
Sales per Store EURm 6.45 6.07 5.88 5.46 5.42 Revenue / no of stores
Stores per EURm Capital Employed 0.3025 0.3807 0.3911 0.3550 0.3591 No of stores / Cap Emp
Asset Turnover (Asset Utilisation) 195.15% 231.04% 230.12% 193.92% 194.64% (Revenue / No of Stores) x (No of Stores / Cap Emp)
Asset Turnover ratio (AT) based on Capital Employed 195.15% 231.04% 230.12% 193.92% 194.64% Revenue / Capital Employed
EBIT % 8.00% 7.25% 5.95% 3.55% 2.87% EBIT / Revenue % as above
EBIT x AT = ROCE 15.61% 16.76% 13.70% 6.89% 5.59% (EBIT / Revenue) x (Revenue / Cap Emp) %
Employee statistics
Sales per employee EURk 412.21 381.26 363.15 325.91 308.28 Revenue / No employees
Change % 8.12% 4.99% 11.43% 5.72%
Employment cost per employee EURk 47.54 45.42 48.21 44.31 44.03 Aggregate employer costs / no of employees
Change % 4.65% -5.79% 8.80% 0.64%
Contribution per employee EURk 364.68 335.83 314.94 281.60 264.25 Sales per employee - employment cost per employee
Investing Activities
Financing Activities
Finance charges : EBITDA 3.28% 5.72% 4.71% 5.23% 8.82% Net finance charge / EBITDA
Market Measures
No of Shares 149,520,000 14,947,000 14,940,000 14,940,000 14,940,000
Share price EUR 68.35 413.00 363.00 248.20 198.60
Earnings per share EPS EUR 2.07 15.36 11.24 5.92 4.13 Earnings / number of shares
P/E Ratio 33.07 26.89 32.30 41.95 48.09 Price per share / earnings per share
Economic Profit:
Entity EP
Profit before interest (EBIT) 440.20 337.20 246.20 128.80
Less tax at headline rate -114.48 -90.01 -67.41 -33.04
Profit before interest & after tax (NOPAT) 325.72 247.19 178.79 95.76
Total Capital = Equity + Net Debt PRIOR YEAR 2,392.00 1,894.40 1,889.20 1,915.60 Inclusive of IFRS16 Adj
Capital Charge % post tax 5.50% 5.50% 5.50% 5.50%
Capital charge value 131.56 104.19 103.91 105.36
Equity EP
Profit after interest & after tax 309.00 229.60 167.90 88.40 Earnings
Current assets
Inventories 1,110.20 915.10 778.50 718.90 657.00
Trade and other receivables 611.70 553.70 503.70 499.20 483.10
Other current assets 164.70 149.10 120.90 106.50 129.10
Cash and short term investments 518.10 463.70 415.00 326.70 338.80
Other investments 76.60 111.20 66.70 114.10 76.80
2,481.30 2,192.80 1,884.80 1,765.40 1,684.80
Current liabilities
Trade payables (843.70) (705.30) (646.10) (580.60) (519.70)
Interest bearing loans and borrowings (215.50) (77.70) (123.90) (95.30) (129.90)
Current Tax (88.90) (68.00) (54.70) (41.40) (49.70)
Other current liabilities (410.80) (344.20) (231.80) (177.60) (180.70)
(1,558.90) (1,195.20) (1,056.50) (894.90) (880.00) Calc
Net Current assets / liabilities 922.40 997.60 828.30 870.50 804.80 Calc
Non-current liabilities
Interest bearing loans and borrowings (764.30) (180.70) (31.00) (16.20) (7.20)
Other payables (4.40) (6.20) (7.80) (7.30) (2.20)
Defined benefit pension scheme (34.10) (28.90) (29.70) (31.60) (23.80) 2019 T.45 Page 229 for Asset / liability split (small)
Deferred tax (53.00) (47.70) (37.60) (63.10) (64.20)
Long term provisions (43.20) (26.30) (34.60) (29.80) (23.50)
(899.00) (289.80) (140.70) (148.00) (120.90) Calc
Net assets 1,920.40 1,722.10 1,656.60 1,722.20 1,619.40 Calc
Working Capital
As is:
Liquidity / Current Ratio 159.17% 183.47% 178.40% 197.27% 191.45% Current assets / current liabilities
Quick / Acid Test Ratio 87.95% 106.90% 104.71% 116.94% 116.80% Current assets - inventory / current liabilities
Inventory days (DIO) 143.91 139.23 130.26 133.18 129.82 Inventory / COS x 365
Trade receivables days (DSO) 40.58 43.48 42.63 45.21 52.06 Trade receivables / Revenue x 365
Trade payables days (DPO) 109.37 107.31 86.95 95.44 102.69 Trade payables / COS x 365
Cash conversion cycle (CCC) days 75.12 75.40 85.94 82.94 79.19 DIO + DSO - DPO
Investing Activities
Gearing / Leverage - D/E 24.04% -11.92% -15.70% -12.50% -12.46% Net Debt / Equity
Gearing / Leverage - D/(D+E) 19.38% -13.54% -18.63% -14.28% -14.23% Net Debt / (Net Debt + Equity)
Net debt : EBITDA 67.04% -48.92% -81.72% -113.68% -145.84% Net debt / EBITDA
Cash from operations : total debt 56.01% 107.62% 153.58% 127.00% -20.42% Cash from operations / total debt
Market Measures
No shares 149,520,000 14,947,000 14,940,000 14,940,000 14,940,000 T01, T02 YOY Comparison - share split 2017/2018
Y/E share price approx EUR 68.35 413.00 363.00 248.20 198.60
Market Capitalisation EUR'm 10,219.69 6,173.11 5,423.22 3,708.11 2,967.08
Divi EURm 70.90 242.50 24.60 26.80 49.50
Divi paid per share EUR 0.47 16.22 1.65 1.79 3.31
Enterprise Value:
Value of Net Debt EURm 461.70 (205.30) (260.10) (215.20) (201.70)
Market Capitalisation EURm 10,219.69 6,173.11 5,423.22 3,708.11 2,967.08
EV 10,681.39 5,967.81 5,163.12 3,492.91 2,765.38
Add back Depreciation / Amortisation, impairment, loss on 248.50 82.50 72.10 60.50 41.10 504.70 100.94
Deduct release of government grants 0.00 0.00
Add back share-based payment expenses 0.00 0.00
Add back Finance expense (net) 33.10 8.40 8.40 3.80 4.20 57.90 11.58
Add back Tax expense 0.00 0.00
Working Capital
(Increase) / Decrease in Inventory (188.80) (122.80) (117.20) (57.70) (92.20) (578.70) (115.74)
(Increase) / Decrease in Receivables (69.80) (61.20) (92.80) (16.80) (8.80) (249.40) (49.88)
(Decrease) / Increase in Payables 214.10 146.00 159.40 74.20 (24.10) 569.60 113.92
(Decrease) / Increase in Other Liabilities 0.00 0.00
Additional pension contributions
Tax Received / (Paid) (111.80) (82.90) (42.60) (41.00) (38.40) (316.70) (63.34)
Net cash from operations 548.80 278.10 237.90 141.60 (28.00) 1,178.40 235.68 100%
Investing Activities:
Net (Purchase) / Sale of Fixed Assets (222.10) (128.70) (112.00) (82.80) (55.20) (600.80) (120.16) -51%
(Purchase) of Intangibles 0.00 0.00 0%
Other non current assets (purchased) (1.10) 19.90 (7.30) (13.70) (2.20) (0.44) 0%
Interest & dividends received 4.50 3.50 2.80 9.80 7.20 27.80 5.56 2%
Net cash from Investing activities (218.70) (105.30) (109.20) (80.30) (61.70) (575.20) (115.04)
Financing activities
Shares issued / (redeemend) 0.00 0.00 0%
Debt / leases issued / (repaid) (158.30) 126.80 1.10 (34.30) 78.30 13.60 1%
Interest paid on borrowings / leases (43.60) (12.60) (11.60) (11.60) (9.10) (88.50) -8%
Dividends paid (70.90) (242.50) (24.60) (26.80) (49.50) (414.30) (82.86) -35%
FX Differences / other (3.00) 4.20 (5.30) (0.70) 7.30 2.50 0%
Net from financing: (275.80) (124.10) (40.40) (73.40) 27.00 (486.70) (82.86)
Net cash flow in year 54.30 48.70 88.30 (12.10) (62.70) 116.50 -10%
Total cash at start of year 463.70 415.00 326.7 338.8 401.50 401.5 -100%
Total cash at end of year 518.00 463.70 415.00 326.70 338.80 518.00
Cash at end of year per BS 518.10 463.70 415.00 326.70 338.80 518.10
Operating activities:
Cash from Operations : EBITDA 79.7% 66.3% 74.7% 74.8% -20.2% Cash from Operations / EBITDA
Investing activities:
Capex : Depreciation & Amortisation 89.4% 156.0% 155.3% 136.9% 134.3% -Net capex / depreciation & amortisation
Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) 326.70 149.40 125.90 58.80 -83.20 Net cash from ops - net capex
FCFF : EBITDA 47.4% 35.6% 39.6% 31.1% -60.2% FCFF / EBITDA
Financing Activities
Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) for completeness 124.80 263.60 115.40 12.90 -14.00 FCFF - debt repaid - interest paid
Total (<1.8 high risk, 1.8 - 2.99 medium, 3 or more low 4.8693897210999 5.31855718963 5.56848802 4.73413273 4.33267015
Total (<1.1 high risk, 1.1 - 2.6 medium, 2.61 or more low) 4.1200127905754 5.48939165501 5.72567356 5.87648946 5.75662603
Puma SE - Gordon Growth Valuations
Ke / CAPM %
Rf -0.34% Bloomberg.com 8 Apr 21 (10 year Bunds)
Beta 0.60 Reuters.com 8 Apr 21
Rm 6.62% Market-Risk-Premia.com 8 Apr 21
Rm - Rf 6.96%
Ke 3.84%
Current share price € 90.84 Reuters.com 8 Apr 21
Market Cap EURm 13,582.40
MVd 979.80
Kd 2.31%
MVc (518.10)
Kc 0.00%
Tax rate 26.01%
remia.com 8 Apr 21