To Conduct A Story Share-And-Capture Session, Follow The Steps Below
To Conduct A Story Share-And-Capture Session, Follow The Steps Below
To Conduct A Story Share-And-Capture Session, Follow The Steps Below
02: One by one, each team member shares the observations they made in the field in the
form of stories.
03: As each team member shares their stories, the rest of the team will note down
interesting insights, headlines or quotes based on the story. Insights, headlines and
quotes should be written on Post-its.
04: By the end of the sharing session, you will have a wall or board filled with Post-it
notes. This helps your team understand what is going on with your users, and can
kick-start an ideation or space saturate group session.
Creative Commons BY-SA license: You are free to edit and redistribute this template, even for commercial use, as long as you give credit to the Interaction Design Foundation.
Also, if you remix, transform, or build upon this template, you must distribute it under the same CC BY-SA license.
Learn More About How to Use
This Template?
Methods of using this template are taught in our online course Design Thinking: The
Beginner’s Guide. Make full use of this template and learn more about design thinking
by signing up for it today.
Through Design Thinking: The Beginner’s Guide, you will deep dive into the five phases
of this paradigm-shifting approach to problem-solving—empathize, define, ideate,
prototype and test. By receiving detailed guidance on problem-solving activities ranging
from ideation techniques—such as brainstorming and using analogies—to ways of
gathering feedback from your prototypes, you’ll be able to download the other templates
involved and effectively use them in your work.
Get ready to unpack, explore and master design thinking—using it to set yourself apart
and unlock the next stage of your professional life.
Creative Commons BY-SA license: You are free to edit and redistribute this template, even for commercial use, as long as you give credit to the Interaction Design Foundation.
Also, if you remix, transform, or build upon this template, you must distribute it under the same CC BY-SA license.
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Creative Commons BY-SA license: You are free to edit and redistribute this template, even for commercial use, as long as you give credit to the Interaction Design Foundation.
Also, if you remix, transform, or build upon this template, you must distribute it under the same CC BY-SA license.