3 Chapters
3 Chapters
3 Chapters
1.0 Introduction
This Chapter consists of background of the study, followed by, Problem statements,
purpose of the study, Objectives of study, Research Questions, Scope of the study,
Significance of the study and Organizational project.
The online objective exam system is an online test system that allows users to take
online tests and automatically generates results based on answers marked by users.
The system is to be used for various online tests conducted by schools colleges and
other institutions. The system is an online application that can be used to take tests
online and get instant results. The system is designed currently for 8 subjects. It also
consists of an admin module. The admin module leads to admin dashboard which is
accessible through admin login. The admin dashboard allows admin to add new
questions into system along with 4 options and 1 right answer. The admin may also set
the time in minutes for every subject and number of questions. So now whenever user
resisters he may then login using registered username password. The user is now
allowed to give a test from any 8 subjects as desired. On choosing a subject the test
starts and user may now tick desired answers within the time limit. After the time ends
the system goes to the result page and shows users score to him.
The second problem is difficult for students to answer quiz from any location.
Quiz give an impact in coursework. Sometime some students have their own reason
cannot take quiz on time.
In reality, lecturers and students were really important and they play a big role in
setup the quiz. Besides, lecturers can test their students’ knowledge by grading. Here,
the reasons to develop a web-based quiz system.
1.3 Objectives
Online examination is becoming more popular in this digital century. But what are the
objectives of online examination system? The objectives of online examination will be
explained in this article
a. Easy to Use
b. Powerful
1.3.2 Specific objectives
The objectives of this project have been defined as we can know whether the goals of
the system have been achieved. There are the following objectives that determine the
success of this system:
b) To implement a system that enables the student to answer a quiz from any
c) To test the system whether it can help the lecturers in conducting a quiz.
The project charter, in the form of a problem statement and project goals, explains
why the company should undertake the project. It also identifies involved
stakeholders, any known risks and limitations, potential benefits, basic budget and
timeline information and the scope of the project. Other content usually includes
project assumptions, success criteria, project approval requirements, details about the
project team and a place for sponsors to sign off on the project.
1.5 Research question
a. Who uses an online examination system?
b. What is online examination?
c. How online examination systems work?
d. What are the benefits of an online examination system?
The scope of the system basically means everything that will be covered in the
project and who involves in it. It defines clearly the extent of content that will be
covered by the whole system. The scope of the study has to be defined at a
The scope of the system start in 1/12/2021 and it will end if Allah says 1/6/2021
1.8 Project Organization
This thesis consists of five chapters.
Chapter one: discuss on introduction of this project. this chapter has several parts such
as Introduction, Background, Problem statements, Research Questions, purpose of the
study, Objectives of study, Scope of the study, Significance of the study and
Organizational project.
Chapter two: is literature review and related work that will explain Introduction,
Concepts opinions, previous work / existing system Gap and Chapter summary.
Chapter three: requirement analysis we will be discuss the proposed approach and
entire draft of the project that taken in the development of this project such as:
chapter four: system design, this chapter briefly will be discusses how the system
design that include: Introduction, design goal, Database design, Entity relationship
diagram, Data dictionary, Table design, Form design, Report design and Chapter
2.0 Introduction
This chapter briefly we was discussed a body of text that aims to review the critical
points of the current system including: Introduction, Concepts opinions , Previous work
/ existing system ,Gap and Chapter summary
This paper is about using evidence from previous authors; literature reviews. This has
already been done, for example by WEBSTER and WATSON (2002) in the journal MISQ
and LATOUR (1987) in "Science in Action," but the former used the root metaphor of
the previous literature being objective facts (truthful sign posts) towards empirics while
LATOUR used the root metaphor of references ganging up on the reader to persuade.
This paper will provide a middle road on the same topic using the root metaphor of the
courtroom. Revealing and justifying alternative root metaphors is central to interpretive
research. Therefore, presentation of these different interpretations of the same topic
(literature reviews) provides a unique opportunity to appreciate "seeking
interpretations" as a research methodology. Readers are advised to read these two
other interpretations as well as this paper, noting how a different root metaphor can
lead to very different appreciation of a situation. Therefore, and more specifically, this
paper will argue for social inquiry researchers to adopt the root metaphor of considering
literature reviews to be the calling upon expert witnesses to provide supporting or
counter evidence justifying their paper's conclusion. It will present and demonstrate the
courtroom as a root metaphor.
2.2 Previous Work/Existing System
The evolution of languages and software architectures provides a strong motivation to
migrate/transform existing software systems. Thus, more attention is paid to the
transformation aspects in model-driven engineering (MDE) along with the growing
importance of modeling in software development. However, a major concern in MDE is
how to ensure the quality of the model transformation mechanisms. Most of existing
work in model transformation has relied on defining languages to express
transformation rules. The main goal of existing transformation approaches is to provide
rules generating target models, from source models, without errors. However, other
important objective is how to minimize the complexity of transformation rules (e.g., the
number of rules and number of matching in the same rule) while maximizing the quality
of target models. In fact, reducing rule complexity and improving target model quality
are important to (1) make rules and target models easy to understand and evolve, (2)
find transformation errors easily, and (3) generate optimal target models. In this
chapter, we consider the transformation mechanism as a multiobjective problem where
the goal is to find the best rules maximizing target model quality and minimizing rule
complexity. Our approach starts by randomly generating a set of rules, executing them
to generate some target models. Of course, only solutions ensuring full correctness are
considered during the optimization process. Then, the quality of the proposed solution
(rules) is evaluated by (1) calculating the number of rules and matching metamodels in
each rule and (2) assessing the quality of generated target models using a set of quality
metrics. To this end, we use the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) to
automatically generate the best transformation rules satisfying the two conflicting
criteria. We report the results of our validation using three different transformation
mechanisms. The best solutions provided well-designed target models with a minimal
set of rules.
2.3 Gap Analysis And Direction
A gap analysis is process that compares actual performance or results with what was expected
or desired. The method provides a way to identify suboptimal or missing strategies, structures,
capabilities, processes, practices, technologies or skills, and then recommends steps that will
help the company meet its goals.
By comparing the current state with the target state, companies, business units, or
teams can determine what they need to work on to make their performance or results
better and get on the right path quicker. Companies can also use the gap analysis
process to elevate individual or team performance, and look at attributes such as task
competency, performance level, and productivity. Other names for the process include
need-gap analysis, needs analysis, and needs assessment.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter we was identify requirement analysis needs for implementation new
system, also the software development tools which we was help to address the
problems will be identified.
C. Unorganized
3.2.2 The limitations of the current system
The system may be faced some of Limitations include :-
A. Lack of internet.
B. Lack of Security.
C. Insufficient Time.
D. Lack of finance.
E. Data corrupting when you making the system project.
C .Internet: We studied, searched much effective helpful code that made easier for us
to code this project.
A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any process or system.
It uses defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus short text labels, to
show data inputs, outputs, storage points and the routes between each destination
3.3.2 DFD
A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any process or system.
It uses defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus short text labels, to
show data inputs, outputs, storage points and the routes between each destination
Figure3: level1 Course registration system
Figure 4: level3 Department
3.3.3 UML
UML, short for Unified Modeling Language, is a standardized modeling language
consisting of an integrated set of diagrams, developed to help system and software
developers for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of
software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non
Get the most powerful, professional diagram software on the market. Use Lucidchart to
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A. Difficult To Manage
In the current system it is difficult to control it, because of the hugeness of the number
of Students and employees.
To process certain information about students and employees require more time and
C. Un Organized Data
3.5 Feasibility Study
The feasibility study of any system is mainly intended to study and analyze the
proposed system and to decide whether the system under consideration will be viable
or not after implementation. That is it determines the usability of the project after
deployment. To come to result a set of query is answered keeping the efficiency of the
software and its impact on the domain for which it was developed. It main emphasis is
on the following three questions elucidated below as:
What are the user’s requirements and how does a candidate system meet them?
What resources are available for the proposed systems? Is it worth solving the
What is the likely impact of the proposed system on the organization? I.e. how does the
proposed system fit with in the organization?
Thus since the feasibility study may lead to commitment of large resources, it becomes
necessary that it should be conducted competently and no fundamental errors of
judgment are made. Different types of feasibility study and the way we performed on
our project “On Line Examination” .
A. Technical Feasibility.
B. Operational Feasibility.
C. Schedule Feasibility.
D. Economically feasibility.
E. Feasibility report
3.5.1 Technical feasibility
In technical feasibility, we study all technical issues regarding the proposed system. It is
mainly concerned with the specifications of the equipments and the software, which
successfully satisfies the end-user’s requirement. The technical needs of the system
may vary accordingly but include:
3.5.4 Economically feasibility
In order to develop this system, the following development cost should be available at
the beginning of any work as shown below