Resume CH 7 - 0098 - 0326
Resume CH 7 - 0098 - 0326
Resume CH 7 - 0098 - 0326
Use the implications of capital market theory to estimate security risk premiums
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
A model that relates the required rate of return on a security to its systematic risk as
measured by beta
The formula : E ( r M )−r f = Á σ M
Where rM is an expected return of the market and rf is a risk-free rate.
And from (rM – rf) we got a market risk premium
A represents the degree of risk aversion of the average investor.
σM is the standard deviation of the return on the market portfolio
Market Portfolio (M)
Each security is held in proportion to its total market value.
Why all investors would hold a risky market
Higher systematic risk = higher expected return
So, investors would hold a risky market because it will lead the investors to achieve the
high expected return
- The investors are price takers that will buy and sell securities at competitive prices.
When investors sell or buy the securities they don’t incur
Transaction costs and taxes
Can rate or borrow at the risk-free rate
- All investors are alike (investors have homogenous expectation)
Use same inputs (expectation about risk and return should be similar)
Efficient Frontier and CML
The straight line is called the capital market line. And the point that touches the capital
market line is the tangent portfolio or the market portfolio.
Passive strategy is efficient
Passive strategy is a powerful alternative to an active strategy
Mutual fund theorem, all investors desire same portfolio of risky assets, can be satisfied
by single mutual fund composed of that portfolio.
There are two question:
- If passive strategy is costless and efficient, why follow active strategy?
Some investors follow the active strategy because this strategy can bring them to the
maximum return even though investors must actively analyze any developments in
information that can lead to decision making errors that have a direct impact on the
returns to be obtained.
- If no one does security analysis, what brings about efficiency of market portfolio?
The risk premium of the market
- Demand drives prices, lowers expected rate of return/risk premiums
- But when risk premiums fall, investors will move to risk-free asset
- The equilibrium risk premium of the market portfolio is proportional both to the risk
of the market and to the degree of risk aversion of the average investor
Expected return on individual securities
Expected return (mean return)–beta relationship, Implication of CAPM that security
risk premiums (expected excess returns) will be proportional to beta.
If the mean–beta relationship holds for any individual asset, it must hold for any
combination of assets. The beta of a portfolio is simply the weighted average of the betas
of the stocks in the portfolio, using as weights the portfolio proportion
The security market line
- Graphical representation of the expected return–beta relationship of the CAPM
- Graphs individual asset risk premiums as function of asset risk
Application of the CAPM
- One place the CAPM may be used is in the investment management industry.
Suppose the SML is taken as a benchmark to assess the fair expected return on a risky
asset. Then an analyst calculates the return she actually expects
- The CAPM is also useful in capital budgeting decision where the SML provides
(required return demanded) “hurdle rate” (cutoff internal rate of return (IRR) for
internal projects
The CAPM has two limitations: It relies on the theoretical market portfolio, which
includes all assets (such as real estate, foreign stocks, etc.), and it applies to expected as opposed
to actual returns. To implement the CAPM, cast it in the form of an index model and use
realized, not expected, returns. The CAPM predicts relationships among expected returns.
However, all we can observe are realized (historical) holding period returns, which in a particular
holding period seldom, if ever, match initial expectations.
1. The Index Model, Realized Returns, and the Mean-Beta Equation
To move from a model cast in expectations to a realized-return framework, start with the
single-index regression equation in realized excess returns:
r it −r ft =α i + β i ( r Mt −r fr ) +e it
r it = holding-period return (HPR) on asset i in period t.
α i & β i = intercept and slope of the security characteristic line that relates asset i’s realized
excess return to the realized excess return of the index.
r Mt = index portfolio is proxying for the market.
r fr = excess return
e it = firm-specific effects during holding period t.
R M 1 & R M 2 = excess returns on portfolios that represent the two systematic factors.
This implies that we can form well-diversified factor portfolios, which is a well-
diversified portfolio constructed to have a beta of 1 on one factor and a beta of zero on any other