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An embedded system involves computing, but not as its main purpose. Fuzzy logic has a
wide range of applications in such systems. The common thread that links all these
applications is that an expert can, at least in principle, perform the task required.
However, the mathematical model is too complicated to be of practical use, and therefore
a linguistic model becomes advantageous. In some cases where mathematical model do
exist and lead to satisfactory results, fuzzy logic may still be used either to improve or
simplify the process or compare with bench mark. There are numerous embedded
applications of fuzzy logic such as fuzzy control, fuzzy signal processing, and fuzzy
image processing.

2. Fuzzy logic control of washing machine


Washing machines are a common feature today in the Indian household. The most
important utility a customer can derive from a washing machine is that he saves the effort
he/she had to put in brushing, agitating and washing the cloth. Most of the people
wouldn’t have noticed (but can reason out very well) that different type of cloth need
different amount of washing time which depends directly on the type of dirt, amount of
dirt, cloth quality etc. The washing machines that are used today (the one not using fuzzy
logic control) serves all the purpose of washing, but which cloth needs what amount of
agitation time is a business which has not been dealt with properly. In most of the cases
either the user is compelled to give all the cloth same agitation or is provided with a
restricted amount of control. The thing is that the washing machines used are not as
automatic as they should be and can be. This paper aims at presenting the idea of
controlling the washing time using fuzzy logic control. The paper describes the procedure
that can be used to get a suitable washing time for different cloths. The process is based
entirely on the principle of taking non-precise inputs from the sensors, subjecting them to
fuzzy arithmetic and obtaining a crisp value of the washing time. It is quite clear from the
paper itself that this method can be used in practice to further automate the washing

E&C Dept. 1 VVCE, Mysore


machines. Never the less, this method, though with much larger number of input
parameters and further complex situations, is being used by the giants like LG and

Problem Definition
When one uses a washing machine, the person generally select the length of wash
time based on the amount of clothes he/she wish to wash and the type and degree of dirt
cloths have. To automate this process, we use sensors to detect these parameters (i.e.
volume of clothes, degree and type of dirt). The wash time is then determined from this
data. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to formulate a precise mathematical relationship
between volume of clothes and dirt and the length of wash time required. Consequently,
this problem has remained unsolved until very recently. Conventionally, people simply
set wash times by hand and from personal trial and error experience. Washing machines
were not as automatic as they could be. The sensor system provides external input signals
into the machine from which decisions can be made. It is the controller's responsibility to
make the decisions and to signal the outside world by some form of output. Because the
input/output relationship is not clear, the design of a washing machine controller has not
in the past lent itself to traditional methods of control design. We address this design
problem using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic has been used because a fuzzy logic controlled
washing machine controller gives the correct wash time even though a precise model of
the input/output relationship is not available.

Details about the Problem

The problem in this paper has been simplified by using only two variables. The
two inputs are:
1. Degree of dirt
2. Type of dirt
Figure 1 shows the basic approach to the problem. The fuzzy controller takes two
inputs (as stated for simplification), processes the information and outputs a wash time.
How to get these two inputs can be left to the sensors (optical, electrical or any type). The
working of the sensors is not a matter of concern in this paper. We assume that we have

E&C Dept. 2 VVCE, Mysore


these inputs at our hand. Anyway the two stated points need a bit of introduction which
follows. The degree of dirt is determined by the transparency of the wash water. The
dirtier the clothes, less transparent the water being analyzed by the sensors is. On the
other hand, type of dirt is determined by the time of saturation, the time it takes to reach
saturation. Saturation is a point, at which there is no more appreciable change in the color
of the water. Degree of dirt determines how much dirty a cloth is. Whereas type of dirt
determines the quality of dirt. Greasy cloths, for example, take longer for water
transparency to reach transparency because grease is less soluble in water than other
forms of dirt. Thus a fairly straight forward sensor system can provide us the necessary
input for our fuzzy controller.

Basic structure of a Fuzzy Logic Control

The main building units of an FLC are a fuzzification unit, a fuzzy logic
reasoning unit, a knowledge base, and a defuzzification unit. Defuzzification is the
process of converting inferred fuzzy control actions into a crisp control action.

A fuzzy knowledge base has a rule base that maps a fuzzy input variable, e, into a fuzzy
output, u. This can be expressed by linguistic statements.

The fuzzy knowledge base also has a database defining the variables. A fuzzy
variable is defined by a fuzzy set, which in turn is defined by a membership function.

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Fuzzy reasoning is used to infer the output contributed from each rule. The fuzzy
outputs reached from each rule are aggregated and defuzzified to generate a crisp output.
The essence of a fuzzy logic controller is thus based on a linguistic model (rule
base and the defined membership function) as opposed to a mathematical model, as in the
case with a PID controller. Fuzzy logic controller is used to reduce the development time
or to improve the performance of an existing PID controller. In the case of highly
complex systems, fuzzy logic could be the only solution.

In the case of an FLC system it is assumed that:
 A solution exists.
 The input and the output variables can be observed and measured.
 An adequate solution is acceptable.
 A linguistic model can be created based on the knowledge of an human expert.

In order to model the system linguistically, one needs to:

 Identify the input and output variables of the process to be controlled. For
example: speed, temperature, humidity, etc.
 Define subsets that cover the universe of disclosure of each variable and assign a
linguist label to each one. For example, the linguistic variable may be defined as
three fuzzy subsets: slow, medium, and fast.
 Form a rule base by assigning relationship between inputs and output.
 Determine a fuzzification method.
 Determine a defuzzification method to generate a crisp output from the fuzzy
outputs generated from the rule base.

For a given input, several IF/THEN rules could be launched at the same time.
Each rule would have a different strength, because a given input may belong to more than

E&C Dept. 4 VVCE, Mysore


one fuzzy set, but with different membership values. For example, an input temperature
of 80 ˚C may belong to the fuzzy subset very_high with µ=0.8 and to the fuzzy subset
medium with µ=0.3. Thus, when this temperature occurs two, rules will fire:
IF very_high THEN action-1
IF medium THEN action-2
If action-1 is defined by fuzzy set f1 and action-2 is defined by fuzzy set f2, then
the two sets are aggregated leading to the fuzzy set f.
In general, the output of the fuzzy reasoning would involve more than two fuzzy
Numerous defuzzification methods have been suggested in the literature; however,
sometimes different authors name the same method differently. No method has proved to
be more advantageous than the others. The selection of which method to use depends
primarily on the computational complexity involved, applicability to all situations
considered, and plausibility of the results from an engineering point of view.
Defuzzification methods include the following:

Centroid method
This method is also known as the center of mass, or center of gravity method. It is
probably the most commonly used defuzzification method.

Center of largest area

This method is applicable when the output consists of at least two convex fuzzy
subsets which do not overlap. The results are biased towards a side of one membership

First maxima
This method is applicable when the output is peaked. The smallest value of the
domain with maximum membership is selected.

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Weighted average method

This method is applicable for symmetrical output membership functions. Each
membership function is weighted by its maximum membership value.
For example:

Other commonly used methods are

• Center of sums
• Mean-max membership
• Max membership


E&C Dept. 6 VVCE, Mysore


Details about the set applied

Before the details of the fuzzy controller are dealt with, the range of possible
values for the input and output variables are determined. These (in language of Fuzzy Set
theory) are the membership functions used to map the real world measurement values to
the fuzzy values, so that the operations can be applied on them. Figure 2 shows the labels
of input and output variables and their associated membership functions. Values of the
input variables degree_of_dirt and type_of_dirt are normalized range -1 to 100) over the
domain of optical sensor. The decision which the fuzzy controller makes is derived from

E&C Dept. 7 VVCE, Mysore


the rules which are stored in the database. These are stored in a set of rules. Basically the
rules are if-then statements that are intuitive and easy to understand, since they are
nothing but common English statements. Rules used in this paper are derived from
common sense, data taken from typical home use, and experimentation in a controlled
environment. The sets of rules used here to derive the output are:

1. If dirtness_of_clothes is Large and type_of_dirt is Greasy then wash_time is VeryLong;

2. If dirtness_of_clothes is Medium and type_of_dirt is Greasy then wash_time is Long;

3. If dirtness_of_clothes is Small and type_of_dirt is Greasy then wash_time is Long;

4. If dirtness_of_clothes is Large and type_of_dirt is Medium then wash_time is Long;

5. If dirtness_of_clothes is Medium and type_of_dirt is Medium then wash_time is Medium;

6. If dirtness_of_clothes is Small and type_of_dirt is Medium then wash_time is Medium;

7. If dirtness_of_clothes is Large and type_of_dirt is NotGreasy then wash_time is Medium;

8. If dirtness_of_clothes is Medium and type_of_dirt is NotGreasy then wash_time is Short;

9. If dirtness_of_clothes is Small and type_of_dirt is NotGreasy then wash_time is VeryShort

These rules have been shown as membership functions in figure 3

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Figure 3a Membership function for dirtness_of_clothes

Figure 3b Membership Function of type_of_dirt

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Figure 3 Labels and membership functions for output variable wash_time

The rules too have been defined in imprecise sense and hence they too are not
crisp but fuzzy values. The two input parameters after being read from the sensors are
fuzzified as per the membership function of the respective variables. These in additions
with the membership function curve are utilized to come to a solution (using some
criteria). At last the crisp value of the wash_time is obtained as an answer.

Results and discussion

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The sensors sense the input values and using the above model the inputs are
fuzzified and then by using simple if-else rules and other simple fuzzy set operations the
output fuzzy function is obtained and using the criteria the output value for wash time is
obtained. Figure 4 shows the response surface of the input output relations as determined
by FIU. FIU stands for Fuzzy Interface Unit. This is the fundamental unit in which the
application interface FIDE encodes controller information.

The results (the above plot) shows the way the machine will response in different
conditions. For example, if we take type_of_dirt and dirtiness value both to be 100, the
wash_time which the model output is equivalent to 60 minutes. This is quite convincing
and appropriate.
Other Fuzzy Logic Applications
1. Digital Fuzzy Processor

E&C Dept. 11 VVCE, Mysore


• Omron was the first to launch a controller employing fuzzy logic for improved
control and tuning
• Production of the world's fastest digital fuzzy processor (DFP) in 1990.
• Reasoning speed of 10 MFLIPS (1 Million Fuzzy Logic Inferences per second)

2. Traffic Signal Control

• Input Variables for Fuzzy Logic Traffic Signal Controller

Maximum Queue Length (in metres): the distance in metres from the stop-
line over which vehicles have queued
Average Occupancy Rate (%): percentage of time that the detection area
was occupied by one or more vehicles.
• Output Variable for the Controller
Weight [0, 100]: the degree of green traffic signal requirement
• Improvement
(Up to) 25% in average travel time

3. Bio-Health Informatics
• Intelligent Detection of abnormal neonatal cerebral heomodynamics.
• Cancer prognosis.
• Gene identification and gene network modelling.

4. Gene identification and gene network modelling

E&C Dept. 12 VVCE, Mysore


By the use of fuzzy logic control we have been able to obtain a wash time for
different type of dirt and different degree of dirt. The conventional method required the
human interruption to decide upon what should be the wash time for different cloths. In
other words this situation analysis ability has been incorporated in the machine which
makes the machine much more automatic and represents the decision taking power of the
new arrangement. Though the analysis in this paper has been very crude, but this clearly
depicts the advantage of adding the fuzzy logic controller in the conventional washing

Future Directions

E&C Dept. 13 VVCE, Mysore


A more fully automatic washing machine is straightforward to design using fuzzy

logic technology. Moreover, the design process mimics human intuition, which adds to
the ease of development and future maintenance. Although this particular example
controls only the wash time of a washing machine, the design process can be extended
without undue complications to other control variables such as water level and spin
speed. The formulation and implementation of membership functions and rules is similar
to that shown for wash time.


Fuzzy logic is a powerful problem-solving methodology with a myriad of

application in embedded control and information processing. Fuzzy provides a
remarkable simple way to draw definite conclusions from vague, ambiguous or imprecise
information. In a sense, fuzzy logic resembles human decision making with its ability to
work from approximate data and find precise solutions. Fuzzy Logic has been gaining
increasing acceptance during the past few years. There are over two thousand
commercially available products using Fuzzy Logic, ranging from washing machines to
high speed trains. Several manufacturers in the automotive industry are using fuzzy
technology to improve quality and reduce development time. In aerospace, fuzzy enables
very complex real time problems to be tackled using a simple approach. In consumer
electronics, fuzzy improves time to market and helps reduce costs. In manufacturing ,
fuzzy is proven to be invaluable in increasing equipment efficiency and diagnosing
malfunctions. Thus we can see that fuzzy plays an important role in the present world in
various fields.


 Fuzzy Logic For Embedded Systems Application.

E&C Dept. 14 VVCE, Mysore


 Ahamd M. Ibrahim
 Fuzzynet technical case studies
 Technical manual of washing machines, Samsung electronics
 Fuzzy Systems for Control Applications.
Applications of Fuzzy Logic

E&C Dept. 15 VVCE, Mysore

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